Practice report presentation example. Presentation of "internship" by students of the accounting department. Industries developed by FGUP "Bashmak"


Churkin Denis The practice was given the task of acquiring practical experience within the framework of PM.01. Performing assembly, installation and dismantling of devices, blocks and devices various types

radio-electronic engineering specialty 210414. The report reflects the skills and practical experience acquired during the internship, as well as the general and professional competencies acquired.



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The goal of the practice is to consolidate and improve the professional skills acquired during the training process, to develop general and professional competencies, to master modern production processes, to adapt to the specific conditions of the organization’s activities. The goal is to gain practical experience within the framework of PM.01. Performing assembly, installation and dismantling of devices, blocks and devices of various types of radio-electronic equipment, namely experience in performing the technological process of assembly, installation and dismantling of devices, blocks and devices of radio-electronic equipment in accordance with technical documentation Objects of professional activity: components and functional blocks of radio-electronic equipment products ; electrical and radio materials and components; technological processes for assembly, installation and adjustment of radio-electronic products; control and measuring equipment; equipment for assembly and installation work; technical documentation; primary labor collectives. Types of work: study of regulatory, design and technological documentation; preparation for operation of equipment, tools, devices. installation of radio systems, devices and units in accordance with technical documentation; testing the operability of electrical and radio elements, monitoring the insulation resistance and conductors; checking assembly and installation using measuring instruments and devices; dismantling of individual components and units of radio-electronic equipment (RET) with replacement and installation of parts and components;

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY "SAFETY TECHNOLOGY - ACHINSK" DIRECTOR Panteleev Igor Leonidovich Electrical installation work Valid from 10/26/2009 Characteristics of the enterprise's activities Installation, repair and maintenance of security systems; Installation and commissioning of equipment and systems fire safety; Repair and maintenance of fire protection equipment and systems; Installation and commissioning of systems: security video surveillance, access control; Supply of equipment for installation of security and fire alarm systems; Installation, repair and maintenance of fire warning and evacuation systems

Organizational structure enterprises Safety and fire safety requirements

Integrated security system Security and fire alarm system is a specific set of technical means that are combined into unified system and serve for timely notification of fire or unauthorized entry.

Technical equipment and equipment for installation and dismantling and assembly of devices, blocks and devices of the fire alarm system as one of the types of radio-electronic equipment

Preparatory work carried out outside the facility a) acquisition of equipment, products and materials in accordance with the working documentation; b) assembling tools, fixtures and fittings, based on the scope of work, their volume, as well as the specifics of work at the site, for example: c) assembly of complex equipment that, for technical or technological reasons, is impossible or impractical to assemble directly on site; d) installation of software that, for technical or technological reasons, is impossible or impractical to install directly on site; e) (before) packaging and labeling of equipment in accordance with customer requirements; f) delivery to the site of installation work and placement of equipment, cable products, consumables, tools, fixtures, equipment and measuring instruments.

Basic measuring instruments, tools and devices Measuring tools: - steel tape measure at least 10 m long or laser range finder; - laser level or hydraulic level; - caliper; - megohmmeter for voltage. Mechanical tools: - core; - hammer; - pliers; - hacksaw for metal; - a set of drills and drills, including concrete drills; - a screwdriver with a set of replaceable bits; - set of wrenches; - large side cutters; - small side cutters. Electric tools: - hammer drill; - cordless screwdriver; - angle grinder; - flashlight; - soldering iron; - construction hair dryer; - hot glue gun. Inventory and special tools: - stepladder with a height of at least 3 m; - an electrical extension cord with a length of at least 20 m with a number of sockets of at least two; - a set of tools for installing an optical cable.

Installation work: installation of the linear part of systems (cable ducts, cable lines); installation of central equipment (reception and control devices, automated workstations); installation of peripheral equipment (detectors, television cameras).

Installation of the linear part of the systems; preparation of holes, grooves, niches and nests in foundations, walls, partitions, ceilings and coatings necessary for laying cable routes (construction work); installation of supporting structures and suspensions, installation of embedded elements (installation of cable ducts); installation of cable lines; control of cable line parameters.

Installation of central and peripheral equipment

Commissioning works, autonomous adjustment of the system; comprehensive setup of the system. At the stage of autonomous adjustment of systems, perform: checking the completed equipment installation for compliance with the requirements of the working documentation; checking the correct passage of signals; calculation and adjustment of equipment parameters in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and working documentation; adjustment of equipment settings during its operation. At the complex setup stage, perform: clarification of the system characteristics, adjustment of the values ​​of equipment settings parameters, taking into account their mutual influence during operation; checking the operation of the system “under load” and determining its suitability to ensure the operation of equipment with performance corresponding to the working documentation; checking interaction with associated engineering systems. My colleagues

PRESENTATION FOR THE REPORT ON PRODUCTION PRACTICE The presentation was prepared by: Student gr. R – 311 Roslyakova Kristina

GOALS OF PRODUCTION PRACTICE: 1 Formation of a holistic view of the work performed by the oil and gas production operator and clarification of its place in the organizational structure of the enterprise. 2 Collecting the necessary information to complete the course work.

1 Consolidation of theoretical knowledge and acquisition of deeper practical skills, work experience in the specialty and work profile at an existing enterprise or organization. OBJECTIVES OF PRODUCTION PRACTICE: 2 Familiarization with the enterprise, its history, types of activities, organizational - economic structure, management system and planning system, company strategies; 3. Execution of the production practice report

The history of the creation of such a reliable and stable supplier of energy resources dates back to 1989, when the USSR Ministry of Gas Industry was transformed into the State Gas Concern Gazprom. On this moment According to the size of the organization, OAO Gazprom belongs to the class of “large” business. In the world ranking of oil and gas companies, Gazprom ranks first in production natural gas. In terms of oil production and refining volumes, Gazprom is one of the five largest Russian oil companies and one of the twenty world leaders in the oil business.

The company carries out the following main types economic activity: 1) Gas exploration and production; 2) Gas transportation; 3) Gas sales; 4) Oil and gas condensate production; 5) Refining of oil, gas condensate and other hydrocarbons and sale of processed products. Other types of financial and economic activities: construction, production of electrical and thermal energy, and asset management.

Gazprom Dobycha Shelf LLC 1 Founded in 2008 as part of the program for the development of the Arctic and Far Eastern seas. 2 A feature of the operation project is the complete absence of surface structures. 3 It is planned that the gas produced at the field will go through the main pipeline "Sakhalin - Khabarovsk - Vladivostok", 4 Condensate through the condensate pipeline will be sent to the existing oil pipeline "Sakhalin Energy". 5 Construction of the facility took record time - only three years. 6 The first gas launch was carried out in October 2013. 7 In the current 2014, it is planned to drill another production well. 8 The planned launch of the Kirinsky gas condensate field is set for the second quarter of this year. 9 Shared Resources of gas from the Sakhalin-3 project are estimated at about 1.1 trillion cubic meters. m. 10 In general, the project is designed for 25 - 30 years.

WELL WELL EQUIPMENT Subsea Christmas Tree Tree with Anti-Trawling Protective Structure Manifold Tee Terminal Device Monoethylene Glycol (MEG) Pipeline Hose Cable Gas Pipeline

Christmas tree fittings 1 – orienting core, 2 – fountain tree, 3 – hydraulic valves, 4 – wellhead, 5 – guide structures

TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESS OF GAS PREPARATION MPC Valve unit Slug catcher block Gas preparation shop Compressor station for gas stabilization and gas treatment unit

JOB RESPONSIBILITIES OF AN OIL AND GAS PRODUCTION OPERATOR An oil and gas production operator of the 4th category must be able to: 1. Lead technological process for all methods of oil, gas, gas condensate production, gas injection and extraction and ensure uninterrupted operation of wells, installations 2. Integrated gas treatment, group metering installations, pumping and compressor stations, underground gas storage stations and other oilfield equipment and installations 3. Participate in work on the development of wells, bringing them to a given mode, pressure testing of pipelines, technological equipment under the guidance of a more highly qualified operator. 4. Install, dismantle, maintain and repair land-based fishing equipment, installations, mechanisms and communications. 5. Conduct preventive work against hydrate formations, deposits of paraffin, resins, salts and calculation of reagents for carrying out these works. 6. Measure the values ​​of various technological parameters using instrumentation. 7. Receive and transmit well operating parameters, monitor the operation of automation and telemechanics equipment. 8. Participate in well exploration work

An oil and gas production operator of the 4th category must know: 1. Basic data about the oil and gas field, the regime of deposits. 2. Physico-chemical properties of oil, gas and condensate. 3. Technological regime for well servicing. 4. Design and principle of operation of complex gas treatment installations, group metering installations, systems for collecting and transporting oil, gas, condensate, gas injection and extraction, maintenance of instrumentation, equipment, automation and telemechanics. 5. Technical specifications and rules for the operation of land-based production equipment, installations, pipelines and instruments. 6. General concepts on methods for intensifying oil and gas production, well testing, development of oil and gas fields, underground and major repairs wells 7. Fundamentals of equipment and technology for drilling and developing oil and gas wells. 8. Rules for the operation of field electrical equipment and work on electrical installations. 9. General qualification characteristics for grades 3-7.

CONCLUSION: acquaintance with the technology of gas and gas condensate production at the Kirinskoye gas condensate field; study of the principle diagram of a complex gas treatment installation; monitoring the work of managing installations at the field from the central control panel, participating in the maintenance of the fuel and pulse gas treatment plant, the condensate preparation shop, the monoethylene glycol and methanol pumping station, the monoethylene glycol regeneration shop, and the condensate storage tank farm. As well as participation in maintaining technological regimes, filling out logs, studying technological schemes of the enterprise.

Jewish Education Committee Autonomous Region OGPOBU "Agricultural College"

The work was done by students

accounting department

3 courses, groups B-31:

Omelchenko Daria Yurievna

Fintisova Daria Vladimirovna

Chugunova Kristina Valerievna

Dedyu Inga Ivanovna

Goals and objectives of industrial practice


  • collection and preparation of information for subsequent processing and execution of a report on the chosen field and assigned qualifications;
  • deepening theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired in the field accounting in working with automated accounting programs in a computer environment.


  • development of professional thinking;
  • acquisition of skills and abilities in the preparation and processing of accounting documentation for all sections of accounting;
  • developing skills in working with the regulatory framework for accounting and processing accounting data on professional computers;
  • collecting materials for writing a report on practice;
  • checking the professional readiness of a future specialist for independent work as an accountant;
  • studying the structure of accounting, the distribution of responsibilities between accounting employees and the form of accounting accepted at the enterprise.

Purpose of the enterprise

Main view The company's activities include research and development in the field of natural and technical sciences.

Additional types enterprises are:

  • Growing grains and leguminous crops;
  • Growing potatoes, table root and tuber crops with a high content of starch or inulin;
  • Cattle breeding.

Industries developed by FSUE "Bashmak":

  • Agriculture, hunting and provision of services in these areas;
  • Research and development.

Characteristics of the enterprise

FSUE "Bashmak" was founded in 1956 and is a production and research institution of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

The company is engaged in the production of elite seeds and breeding of Hereford breed livestock to meet the needs of agricultural producers in the region.

The production services of the enterprise are:

1 tractor-field brigade (which includes 2 units - soybean and grain - 8 people and forage - 6 people); - link for part-time processing of grain products - 5 people; - maintenance team beef cattle– 8 people; - car garage – 5 people; - repair shops – 5 people.


The company has 2 current accounts - in OJSC Sberbank of Russia and OJSC Rosselkhozbank.

In accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for conducting cash transactions with banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia on the territory of the Russian Federation dated October 12, 2014 No. 373-P approved by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and based on the calculation of the cash balance limit, the cash limit of the FSUE “Bashmak” is 10,000 rubles .


Remuneration in crop production

Payment for labor in crop production for tractor-transport work is made for standard shifts worked or time-based according to accounting sheets. Tractor drivers, depending on the assigned qualifications, are paid a monthly premium for their class in addition to piecework earnings: 1st class - 20%, 2nd class - 10%.

For continuous work experience, tractor drivers are paid a bonus as a percentage of their basic earnings:

Continuous work experience in this farm

From 2 to 5 years

Size allowances

From 5 to 10 years

From 10 to 15 years

Over 15 years


Remuneration of workers in road transport and repair shops

Remuneration for road transport workers can be paid either piecework or time-based. Truck drivers are paid according to piecework system per tons of transported cargo. With time-based work, drivers of vehicles transporting people, cars and buses are paid.

Bonuses are established for high-quality completion of work on time and ahead of schedule.

Accrual and payment of bonuses are made subject to the availability of funds for payment.


Wages in livestock farming

Livestock breeders are paid for products and for servicing animals at rates for the resulting growth, offspring and for caring for the animals. For the purpose of material incentives for workers, a bonus is given for weight gain, offspring, and care in the amount of 30% of the salary.

At the end of the year, payments in the amount of 500 rubles are made to livestock workers for the safety of livestock. per head of cattle, but not more than 2 average monthly wages.


Remuneration of executives, specialists and employees

Remuneration for executives, specialists and employees is made according to salaries established on the basis of the 18-bit wage scale of employees and the tariff and qualification characteristics of managers, specialists and employees of agricultural enterprises.

Bonuses are given for exceeding the average level of production and comparable prices for the three previous years.


This organization is engaged in agricultural activities, namely growing grains and legumes, potatoes, table root and tuber crops. Part of the grown products is included in finished products, then for sale, and the other part is included in seeds, and therefore in reserves for further planting and cultivation.

Fixed assets

Fixed assets of the organization and depreciation of fixed assets are accounted for in the following accounts and subaccounts:

Finished products

Finished products in FSUE "Bashmak" are accounted for on account 43 "Finished products", such as: soybeans, corn for silage, grains and legumes, potatoes, large meat cattle etc. The Debit of account 43 takes into account the receipts from accounts 20.1 “Crop production”, 20.2 “Livestock”, and the Credit 43 account records the disposal.

Finished products are sold to suppliers externally, as well as on account wages in kind.

Economic indicators

The net loss of FSUE "Bashmak" of the Russian Agricultural Academy for 2013 according to RAS amounted to 4.87 million rubles. against a profit of 14.79 million rubles. a year earlier. This follows from the company's report. The company's sales decreased by 13.63% to 12.22 million rubles.

The net loss of FSUE "BASHMAK" for 2014 increased 1.89 times to 9.21 million rubles. from 4.87 million rubles. for the same period of the previous year. The company's sales volume decreased by 19.12% to 9.89 million rubles. The cost of production for the reporting period amounted to 31.20 million rubles. The pre-tax loss of the FSUE "BASHMAK" company for 2014 decreased by 1.89 times to 9.21 million rubles. from 4.87 million rubles. for the same period of the previous year.

Financial indicators of the enterprise

One of the main indicators characterizing activity is trade turnover. All trade and economic activities of "Bashmak" Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, a federal state unitary enterprise, is analyzed through financial and economic indicators. Main financial indicators of economic activity of "Bashmak" of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, federal state unitary enterprise, for 2011 - 2014.

Revenue (thousand rubles)

Net profit (thousand rubles)

Main financial indicators

Revenue and profit by year


We are 3rd year students of the accounting department who underwent practical training at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Bashmak”. During my accounting internship I became convinced of its feasibility.

FSUE "Bashmak" is one of the largest agricultural enterprises. The work of the accounting apparatus on the farm is organized at a sufficient level, accounting is carried out in accordance with Laws, regulations, and instructions. Accounting at FSUE "Bashmak" is carried out using a journal-order form of accounting.

According to the internship assignments, some documents were not available at the enterprise, because they are located in the main office in Khabarovsk. Organizational activities the enterprise operates normally and all data and applications in our reports fully correspond to the actual accounting and financial records at this enterprise.

Now in many educational institutions of the country, teachers and scientific supervisors of practice have introduced a new requirement, in which a mandatory aspect of writing a report on practice is the presentation made for it. There are a huge variety of programs in which it can be done, but the most common is Microsoft PowerPoint, since this program is immediately available on the computer when installing the operating system. But making a good presentation is not easy, and if you doubt your abilities or are sorely short of time, there is no shame in that - you can order it on our website, and we will complete it in no time as soon as possible, high quality and at a reasonable price.

But if you are still going to do it yourself, then we suggest you detailed instructions, based on which you can prepare your presentation.

Presentation of the practice report - more details

  • Slide No. 1

    It must contain certain information, which includes the name educational institution, the name of the department where you study, your last name and initials, the name of your practice, the initials of your supervisor of the practice, the city and year in which you completed your internship.

  • Slide No. 2

    Indicate the enterprise or company in which you completed your internship, as well as who was your supervisor at the enterprise.

  • Slide No. 3

    The goals and tasks that you had before completing the internship are indicated here.

  • Slide No. 4

    In this slide you need to indicate the results that you achieved after completing your internship at this enterprise, and here you need to indicate the points at which your work was assessed by the curator of your internship.

The following slides show how best to do it

As is customary in coursework and theses, in the report and presentation about the practice, you also need to indicate the relevance of your practice and the work that you have done at the enterprise. Also review literature and documents regarding your practice to support it with theory and suggest solutions and prognosis further activities and work of the enterprise. Provide an outline of your report in the presentation.

Design of the last slide

Here the student provides the findings and conclusions he came to after completing the internship. This is the most difficult part of writing a practice report. At this final stage, you need to systematize and summarize all the data that you processed while writing the report. Here you need to apply all the analytical talents that you have and make every effort to ensure that the conclusions are succinct and fully reveal the essence of the report. And again, if you think that you are not savvy enough to analyze the work yourself, we invite you to provide this work to us and the authors who already have experience in writing such works and preparing such presentations will do this as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Tips for writing the conclusion and final slide of a presentation

In this part, the student must show what he understood and what knowledge he received after completing the internship and shows how he can analyze the information provided to him, both regarding the enterprise and regarding his work. And therefore you need to be guided by some rules regarding its writing:

  • Review what was in the main part of your report and then make short and succinct conclusions on the tasks assigned to you, show whether you have achieved the goals.
  • Provide the methods you used to analyze your work.
  • Tell us what you learned during your internship.
  • Don’t forget to tell us about the difficulties you encountered during your internship.
  • Point out positive aspects during practice.

Remember that the presentation of the internship report must be both beautiful and time-consuming in order to interest your supervisor and the committee. But, if you cannot cope with the task on your own, contact us, we will be happy to help you!

History of origin "Lebedinsky Mining and Processing Plant" was founded in 1967 "Lebedinsky Mining and Processing Plant" was founded in 1967 Open Joint Stock Company "Lebedinsky Mining and Processing Plant" Open Joint Stock Company "Lebedinsky Mining and Processing Plant" was created by transforming a state enterprise into a joint stock company open type in accordance with the Presidential Decree Russian Federation“On organizational measures for the transformation of state-owned enterprises, voluntary associations of state-owned enterprises into joint-stock companies” dated July 1, 1992.

Open Joint Stock Company "Lebedinsky Mining and Processing Plant" is the largest enterprise in Russia for the extraction and enrichment of ferruginous quartzites and the production of high-quality raw materials for ferrous metallurgy and, according to mining industry experts, the most promising enterprise in the iron ore industry in the central region of Russia.

In terms of the scale of reserves, concentration, quality and technological characteristics, the raw material base is unique. The balance ore reserves of the Lebedinskoye deposit amount to more than 6 billion tons, which guarantees a supply of high-quality raw materials and, therefore, a long-term development prospect for more than 250 years. The plant is twice listed in the Guinness Book of Records: as an enterprise developing a unique iron ore deposit and as having the world's largest quarry for the extraction of non-combustible minerals.

The company carries out the following types activities: mining and enrichment of iron ore; mining and beneficiation of iron ores; production of products based on integrated use mineral raw materials; production of products, as well as carrying out work and provision of production services technical purposes; production of consumer goods, provision of services to the population; carrying out training (retraining) and advanced training of personnel to ensure the economic activities of the Company; other types of activities not prohibited by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, including those not provided for by the Charter.

Composition of workers: Name of types economic activity Number of employees 20072008 Total, including by type of activity: Iron ore mining open method Publishing newspapers88 Activities of hotels and restaurants48- Provision of social services Activities in the field of radio broadcasting and television99 Number of employees by type of activity for the years.

Organizational structure of the commercial directorate: Commercial Director Head of the Sales Support Department Sales Department Commercial Department Export-Import Operations Department Deputy Commercial Director for Shipping Logistics Department Railway Transport Department Deputy Commercial Director for Purchasing Head of the Purchasing Department Deputy. Head of the procurement department Technological materials department Mining equipment and casting department Equipment department Imported components department Spare parts department Planning department Production preparation shop

Organization and technology of foreign economic operations Based on data obtained as a result of marketing operations, the enterprise identifies potential buyers and sends them Commercial offer. In order for a potential buyer to have greater confidence in the products presented, he is provided with samples and negotiations are held. Based on the data obtained as a result of marketing operations, the company identifies potential buyers and sends them a commercial offer. In order for a potential buyer to have greater confidence in the products presented, he is provided with samples and negotiations are held.

Features of drawing up foreign trade contracts A foreign trade contract is executed in two languages. It reflects: Subject of the contract Price and total amount of the contract Terms of payment Terms and conditions of delivery Packaging, labeling, shipment and shipping documents Guarantees Acceptance of goods and filing claims SanctionsArbitrationForce majeure General terms Legal addresses and bank details of the parties

Goods transported abroad must be accompanied by shipping documents: Waybills Customs declarations Certificates of quality Certificates of origin Bill of lading (a shipping document containing the terms of the contract for the carriage of goods by sea. It is a security that gives its holder the right to dispose of the cargo) Navigator's receipt (a ship's document confirming the acceptance of the cargo by transportation. It is the basis for issuing a bill of lading. Reflects the fact of transfer of responsibility for the cargo from the sender to the ship (carrier).

Methods for preparing customs declarations When exporting products, it is necessary to prepare a customs declaration. So the enterprise does not have qualified specialists who must undergo special training and have qualification certificate, in 2005, an agreement was signed with the trade broker LLC Scientific and Production Enterprise Contact.

In order to simplify the procedure, the electronic declaration method was introduced. The mechanism of this innovation is quite simple. The plant employee brings the documents to the customs clearance specialist, after which he prepares a customs declaration in special program. The electronic form contains the following information: name of the product, its direction and quantity, recipient, contract number and amendments to it, delivery terms and price of the product. After calculating customs duties, the customs declaration is ready. The accuracy of the information specified in the finished customs declaration (CDT) is confirmed electronically digital signature. It allows customs officers to identify the sender and eliminates the possibility of changes being made by unauthorized persons. The mechanism of this innovation is quite simple. The plant employee brings the documents to the customs clearance specialist, after which he prepares the customs declaration in a special program. The electronic form contains the following information: name of the product, its direction and quantity, recipient, contract number and amendments to it, delivery terms and price of the product. After calculating customs duties, the customs declaration is ready. The accuracy of the information specified in the finished customs declaration (CDT) is confirmed by an electronic digital signature. It allows customs officers to identify the sender and eliminates the possibility of changes being made by unauthorized persons.

When the declaration is certified, a package of documents is sent via digital communication channels to the server of the central customs administration, where each declarant is allocated a special segment for storing information. Next, the declaration is sent to the customs inspector. When the declaration is certified, a package of documents is sent via digital communication channels to the server of the central customs administration, where each declarant is allocated a special segment for storing information. Next, the declaration is sent to the customs inspector. The customs inspector will see the declaration within a couple of minutes after sending and within three hours must make a decision on whether to release the goods or refuse. After this, the customs declaration is returned to the customs broker. The customs inspector will see the declaration within a couple of minutes after sending and within three hours must make a decision on whether to release the goods or refuse. After this, the customs declaration is returned to the customs broker.

Main consumers of products Consumers of JSC LebGOK products are both CIS countries (Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Latvia) and a large number of foreign countries. These include: Finland, Germany, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Norway, Austria, Turkey, Thailand, Italy, Spain, USA, Thailand, Italy, Spain, USA, as well as the Netherlands, Korea, Iran, as well as the Netherlands, Korea, Iran, India, China, Greece, England, Iceland, Indonesia, Iceland, Indonesia, France, Japan, Yugoslavia. France, Japan, Yugoslavia. But preference in sales But preference in sales of products is still given to domestic partners.

The company trades directly only with metallurgical enterprises in Belarus and Ukraine. Export of goods to other countries occurs through trading company Ferrous Metal Company. The company trades directly only with metallurgical enterprises in Belarus and Ukraine. Export of goods to other countries occurs through the trading company Ferrous Metal Company.

Consumers of iron ore briquettes are enterprises from importing countries: Ukraine (25%) Ukraine (25%) the Netherlands (14%) Turkey (11%) Korea (7%) China (7%) As well as: Iran, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Spain, Moldova, Great Britain, Italy, Austria, Thailand, Belgium, Sweden, Japan, Indonesia, Greece, Taiwan, Poland, the Republic of Belarus. And also: Iran, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Spain, Moldova, Great Britain, Italy, Austria, Thailand, Belgium, Sweden, Japan, Indonesia, Greece, Taiwan, Poland, the Republic of Belarus.

The systematic supply of products allowed the Company to consolidate its position in the fundamentally new markets of the Eastern and Western Europe, South-East Asia without losing traditional sales markets. Systematic delivery of products allowed the Company to consolidate its position in fundamentally new markets of Eastern and Western Europe, Southeast Asia without losing traditional sales markets.

Liquidity assessment The current liquidity ratio shows how many rubles of the Company's current assets are per 1 ruble of current liabilities. At the end of the reporting period, the coefficient value was 0.22. The current liquidity ratio shows how many rubles of the Company's current assets are per 1 ruble of current liabilities. At the end of the reporting period, the coefficient value was 0.22. The quick (quick) liquidity ratio is calculated for a narrower range of current assets; the least liquid part of them – inventories – is excluded from the calculation. For 2008 the indicator decreased by 0.53 and amounted to 0.16. The quick (quick) liquidity ratio is calculated for a narrower range of current assets; the least liquid part of them – inventories – is excluded from the calculation. For 2008 the indicator decreased by 0.53 and amounted to 0.16. The absolute liquidity ratio is the most stringent criterion of the enterprise's liquidity; it shows what part of short-term borrowed obligations can be repaid immediately, i.e. due to Money and short-term financial investments. For the reporting year, the indicator was 0.01. The absolute liquidity ratio is the most stringent criterion of the enterprise's liquidity; it shows what part of short-term borrowed obligations can be repaid immediately, i.e. through cash and short-term financial investments. For the reporting year, the indicator was 0.01. The decline in liquidity indicators in 2008 was affected by a significant increase in short-term liabilities, which occurred due to the inclusion of part of long-term loans payable in the current period.

Assessment of financial stability Financial stability is characterized by the ratio of own and borrowed funds. The financial dependence ratio increased from 1.52 to 4.47. This indicates a significant number of loan obligations at the Plant, which increases the risk of cash shortages. The financial dependence ratio increased from 1.52 to 4.47. This indicates a significant number of loan obligations at the Plant, which increases the risk of cash shortages. The financial stability coefficient (characterizing the share of own and long-term borrowed funds in the balance sheet currency) decreased in 2008 by 0.22 to 0.74. The financial stability coefficient (characterizing the share of own and long-term borrowed funds in the balance sheet currency) decreased in 2008 by 0.22 to 0.74.

Indicators of the level of profitability Profitability of production activities (recoupment of costs) determines how much profit the Company has from each ruble spent on the production and sale of products, work, and services. The profitability of production activities (recoupment of costs) determines how much profit the Company makes from each ruble spent on the production and sale of products, works, and services. The return on sales indicator is determined by dividing the profit from sales by the amount of revenue received from the sale of goods, products, works, and services. The return on sales indicator is determined by dividing the profit from sales by the amount of revenue received from the sale of goods, products, works, and services. These indicators of the level of profitability for 2008 are characterized by the following values: These indicators of the level of profitability for 2008 are characterized by the following values: Name of indicators of the level of profitability Values ​​of indicators Changes in the status of indicators Profitability of production activities (recoupment of costs) 1.5041.5620.058 Return on sales0 ,6010,610,009

Capital productivity Capital productivity is a coefficient showing how much proceeds from the sale are per unit cost of fixed assets. Capital productivity is a coefficient showing how much proceeds from the sale are per unit cost of fixed assets. In 2008, capital productivity increased by 0.013 points and amounted to 3.765. Height this indicator is a consequence of the excess growth rate of sales proceeds (1.44 times) over the growth rate of the average cost of fixed assets (1.43 times). In 2008, capital productivity increased by 0.013 points and amounted to 3.765. The growth of this indicator is a consequence of the excess growth rate of sales revenue (1.44 times) over the growth rate of the average cost of fixed assets (1.43 times)

Capital intensity Capital intensity is an indicator inverse to capital productivity. A change in capital intensity shows an increase or decrease in the value of fixed assets by 1 ruble finished products, works, services. Capital intensity is an indicator inverse to capital productivity. A change in capital intensity shows an increase or decrease in the cost of fixed assets per 1 ruble of finished products, works, and services. If the maximum capital intensity indicator is less than one, there is an increase in the efficiency of use of fixed assets and an increase in the utilization rate of production capacity. If the maximum capital intensity indicator is less than one, there is an increase in the efficiency of use of fixed assets and an increase in the utilization rate of production capacity. In 2008, the capital intensity of fixed assets is 0.266. In 2008, the capital intensity of fixed assets is 0.266.

Development prospects of Lebedinsky GOK OJSC for 2009 The main tasks facing Lebedinsky GOK OJSC for 2009 are aimed at ensuring stable operation of the enterprise in the face of changing demand for iron ore raw materials. The main tasks facing Lebedinsky GOK OJSC for 2009 are aimed at ensuring stable operation of the enterprise in the face of changing demand for iron ore raw materials. In the field of sales policy In the field of sales policy 1. Maintaining partnerships with regular buyers of iron ore products. 2. Development of new sales markets. In the field of commercial activities and financial management In the field of commercial activities and financial management 1. Increasing sales revenue, profitability and increasing the financial stability of the enterprise. 2. Maintaining an optimal level of receivables and accounts payable. 3. Increasing the efficiency of investment projects.

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