Description of Helen and Anatol Kuragin. Characteristics of Helen Kuragina in Leo Tolstoy's novel “War and Peace. General idea of ​​the Kuragin family

Helen Kuragina is the daughter of Prince Vasily, a socialite, a typical representative of the secular salons of her time. Helen is very beautiful, but her beauty is only external. At all receptions and balls, she looked dazzling, and everyone admired her, but when they got to know better, they realized that her inner world was very empty. She was like a beautiful doll, whose purpose is to lead a monotonous, cheerful life.

The prince marries her off to the suddenly rich Pierre Bezukhov; in marriage, she does not become either a mother or a good housewife. After the wedding, he starts a love affair with Dolokhov, Pierre challenges him to a duel, but after that no one condemns Helene and only Pierre is considered guilty. Bezukhov understands that he has married a soulless and selfish woman and wants to leave, but she sets him a condition: his freedom changes to her comfortable existence. Helen receives from him a power of attorney to manage the estates, which makes up most of his fortune and continues to lead a riotous life and change lovers, although in the world no one condemns her, but on the contrary only praises and loves her.

Helen played a big role in the fate of Natasha Rostova, because just out of boredom and her whim, she introduced Natasha to Anatol and pushed her to cheat on her groom, ruining the life of a young, trusting girl.

Helene wanted to get married again so badly that she betrayed her faith and became a Catholic, just for the sake of ending her marriage to Pierre. At that moment, she had two suitors at once, and she was completely confused: Pierre did not answer the letter in which she asked for a divorce, was going to marry an old man, but spent time with the young prince, and was afraid that everything would open up. Ultimately, in 1812, Helen dies, the cause of death was called an attack of chest sore throat, but there were rumors that she simply committed suicide by taking a large dose of medication.

Leo Tolstoy was a real connoisseur of the Russian soul, and like no one else, he knew how to emphasize this with details imperceptible to the ordinary eye of the layman. For example, Helen Kuragina, married to Bezukhov, is one of the most famous secular lionesses of the capital.

The writer managed to describe this lady, literally etching everything Russian out of her. This can be seen even from the "French" address to her, although she is a Russian noblewoman, whose name sounds like Elena Vasilievna Kuragina. Throughout all the episodes where Helen is assigned the role, only her negative sides are shown.

Having first appeared in the salon of Anna Pavlovna Scherer, she makes, however, as always a sensation - everyone looks at her as a very expensive and valuable product. Describing her white marble shoulders, posture, invariable indifferent smile, Tolstoy emphasizes that there is nothing inside this external beauty. Helen herself is used to being a good painting that needs an expensive frame.

A kind of deal took place between her and Anna Pavlovna. For the Scherer salon, Helen is an excellent bait, where you can freely "spin" idle chatter, and thereby give solidity to society. And for Helen, Anna Pavlovna's living room is an excellent place for choosing a suitable groom. Raised by people like her, in an atmosphere of lies and depravity, Helen does not know that it is possible to live differently. She is genuinely perplexed when Pierre, having become her husband, compared her to "real evil." It's normal for Helen to have a life where everyone smiles fakely at each other, thinks one thing and says another. She deliberately marries Pierre, selling her beauty for a fortune. Moreover, she considers it correct and wise. Even her father approved of her!

Helene treats Pierre's love as a silly joke. This is even natural - she herself does not believe in her, she has never loved, her environment consists entirely of the same people “frozen” in their appearance. In this regard, one scene is very indicative - when she devotes Natasha Rostova to the fact that Anatoly Kuragin, Helen's brother, is fascinated by her. Moreover, Countess Bezukhova does this with such shamelessness and indifference that Natasha feels naked under Helen's frank looks and smiles.

For Helen herself, such hobbies do not seem vicious, they are ordinary and primitive, like all her smiles. This is also evidenced by the way she used Pierre, making it a condition for parting to use all of his estates. And this despite the fact that almost the whole world knew about the existence of the countess's lover!

However, Helen's death is not enviable. To emphasize the dullness and narrowness of her thinking, the emptiness and baseness of the soul of this socialite, Tolstoy deliberately "erased" the cause of her death, pointing only to the fact that "they say the countess had an illness due to the inconvenience of being married to two at the same time."

The works of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy tirelessly reiterate about the social significance of women as the embodiment of something exceptionally great and wholesome. And the world famous epic novel "War and Peace" is a vivid proof of this. The natural expression of women is manifested in their ability to take care of the home, preserving the family idyll, caring for children and, of course, the duties of a spouse.

In the work "War and Peace", based on such positive images as Natasha Rostova and Princess Marya, the author tried to show the ladies, unusual for the secular society of that time. Both of these heroines, having devoted their entire lives to creating and strengthening family relations, on the eve of 1812 felt a strong spiritual contact with their own families until the end of hostilities.

Characteristics of the heroine

("Helene" from "War and Peace", artist Konstantin Rudakov, 1947)

The positive images of heroines of noble origin are gaining more and more importance against the background of the psychologically immoral depth of the essence of Kuraghina Helen.

L.N. Tolstoy painted a portrait of her, not sparing a variety of gloomy colors for the most distinct display of all the unattractive sides of Helene's image. Despite the fact that the first impression about Helen makes you think of her as a wise, educated woman, because she looks very tactful and restrained, in the future, the opinion about her changes dramatically. And besides, one involuntarily gets the impression that no one knows a lot about the rules of etiquette in a secular society as she knows them. However, this is just a skillfully thrown dust in the eyes - a lie and pretense, since Helen's soul is ugly. How insanely beautiful she is on the outside, exactly as much ugly on the inside: selfish and callous, mercantile and vain. The secular lioness takes Peer as her husband solely for selfish motives, because after his father died, Bezukhov becomes the owner of a huge fortune and, as a result, the most desired groom.

(Irina Skobtseva as Helen Kuragina in Sergei Bondarchuk's film "War and Peace", USSR 1967)

Helen Kuragina can easily be called a typical representative of the class of high society salon to which she belonged. Manners and behavior as a whole were driven by her position, rooted in the ranks of the nobility, among whom the role of women is simple and is determined only by play, where they are beautiful dolls, obliged to marry extremely profitably. But the desires of women do not imply the rules of this game. All they have to do is attend social events and shine there.

The author of the novel writes that not always a pleasant appearance hides spiritual depth and genuine nobility behind it. Helen Kuragina's description is made up of sinister features, as if a delightful face and an ideal figure are doomed to sin. Her psychological portrait personifies a predator who captures her prey, but also finds her own justification for this.

The image of the heroine in the work

(Vija Artmane as Helen, production of "War and Peace" on the stage of the State Art Theater. J. Rainis, 1960)

Helene's father, who hastily married his daughter to Pierre Bezukhov, who had recently acquired unprecedented wealth, thereby predetermined Helen not only the fate of a terrible mistress, but not a fulfilled motherhood. Helen Bezukhova does not stop exchanging her life for empty secular receptions, such an alignment is most acceptable for her.

The impression that the reader has at the beginning of the novel about the behavior and actions of this heroine is delight and admiration for her boundless beauty. She is admired by Pierre, admiring her youth from afar, and Andrei Bolkonsky himself, and all those who were in her environment. The beauty of Princess Helene so skillfully concealed heartlessness, hopelessness and stupidity. “Marble shoulders” gave her silhouette the outlines of a magnificent statue, as if she were the work of the most talented architect. However, it is not for nothing that Lev Nikolaevich hides the eyes of a secular lioness from the reader, since they are not able to reflect any emotions and feelings. During the chapters in which Helen was involved, she was not observed such emotional manifestations and reactions as fear, joy, regret, sympathy, sadness and anguish. In love with herself, Helen first of all thinks about her own benefit and personal welfare. This is how she is perceived in her father's house, where no one also knows the concepts of conscience and decency. Pierre, irrevocably disappointed in his wife, insists: where she and her family are, there is evil and debauchery. Moreover, he extends such an accusation to all representatives of the secular world.

Already on the first pages of the novel, the author tells about a brilliant beauty - Helen Kuragina, who can easily conquer any man. She knows how to present herself, is spontaneous and charming to the displeasure of envious people and gossips. This woman had a zest and subtle charm.

Her attraction to those around her was not only beauty. Helene was a cheerful person. A smile on the lips transforms any person and disposes to himself, as well as friendliness, feigned participation and ostentatious sincerity.

To move in high society, you need to be able to keep yourself. The exclusivity of manners and upbringing, allow her to fly to the very top, where she peacefully allowed herself to be admired. She mastered the unshakable rules of high society inside and out, and skillfully used her skills. The delight, which was experienced exclusively by all men in her society, was obtained by painstaking work and a carefully thought out plan.

Sociable, and at the same time reserved. Friendly and neutral. Maybe she was not a woman of deep mind and high knowledge, but she skillfully created the illusion of this. Her speeches are thought out and harmonious. Sometimes she speaks directly, but in riddles. Vanity and self-interest are her main drawbacks. She, like most, strives for wealth, high status and independence. She didn't really care what wife she would become. The priority was only profit and calculation. It was this circumstance that had a detrimental effect on her relationship and marriage with Pierre Bezukhov.

I think that Pierre knew that Helene did not love him, but for a number of reasons he pretends that they are the perfect happy couple. And it can be understood. Few people did not want to have such a beauty - a wife that all Petersburg dreams of.

If you criticize the image of Helen as a whole, then it is worth saying that she did not want to be: neither a wife nor a mother. She was only interested in the benefits, position in society and universal recognition.

Elena Kuragina is a bright and negative character in the great novel. By the way, at that time there were many such persons. On the other hand, is it worth blaming a woman for striving for a pedestal? “That's why she is a woman,” any man will tell you.

Option 2

The image of Helen Kuragina in the novel by Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy stands out against the background of other heroes. Indeed, there are heroes in the novel, whose images are somewhat similar: Prince Andrei and Count Bezukhov, Natasha and Sonya, and others. Helen Kuragina is not similar to anyone, she is a unique hero.

At the very beginning, we see Helen as a frequenter of salons, it seems that she knows almost all of Petersburg. She loves to be in the spotlight, loves to surround herself with noble men and twirl them around as she pleases. She can afford it: she is beautiful and available, but only for those men who can be of some use to her, from whom she can get something. Men get drunk with Helen, they are ready to do anything in order to get her.

Intoxicated by the heroine and naive young Count Pierre Bezukhov. Without thinking twice, he takes her as his wife. For Helen, this marriage was a very profitable marriage: the newly-made count is young and stupid, but rich, he has a name, and he is completely fascinated by the fatal beauty. Managing such a hubby is a very easy task for Kuragina. Marriage does not change the habits of Countess Bezukhova at all: she also visits salons, arranges dinner parties, etc. We can say that Helen does all this on an even larger scale - now she is rich. Resolutely does not want to become a mother. Over time, the newly-made countess begins, as they say, to go too far - to flirt and not only with other men, to make fun of Pierre, who was already teased by representatives of the secular society of St. Petersburg, considering him a cuckold.

As a result, even such a patient and modest person as Count Bezukhov breaks down and leaves Helen. Further attempts at reconciliation lead nowhere, and the marriage ceases to exist. Pierre goes his own way, and Helene continues to play her games. But she doesn’t have to play for long. The divorce was mutual, on the part of Helen the main reason was the desire to marry another person. The death of Kuragina does not allow this to come true. LN Tolstoy did not explain to the reader what exactly the heroine died of. But, knowing Helen's riotous life, as well as a number of descriptions in the book, we can say that it was either syphilis or abortion, which looks more plausible, since Pierre Bezukhov has no traces of syphilis in the novel. Helene was not ready for motherhood - this is not her. Helen Kuragina ended her journey not the way she wanted. She saw herself forever young, surrounded by high society.

Helen Kuragina is the brightest and most diverse minor heroine of the novel "War and Peace". She didn't do anything wrong, she was just drugged that her beauty could give her everything. As a result, Helen could not stop in time, everything ended sadly.

Essay on the theme of the Image of Helen Kuragina

The epic novel by Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy "War and Peace" is famous not only for its interesting storyline, a detailed description of the life of society both in peacetime and during the war, but also for the detailed images of the heroes of the work. While reading the novel, there is a feeling of personal acquaintance with the characters, their images look so realistic and vivid. However, I would like to pay special attention to Helen Kuragina, an unusually amusing figure and very interesting for analysis.

Countess Kuragina attracts attention from the first minutes of her acquaintance. She is very beautiful, knows her worth and loves to be in the spotlight. In a secular society, Helen is perceived as a very intelligent and cultured woman who knows how to present herself correctly, but in fact she is, of course, a negative character.

In my opinion, the main and all-consuming interest of the Countess is material well-being. Her own, her chosen ones, her entourage - it is not so important whose, the main thing is the result. Status and wealth are an integral part of her life, therefore, in choosing a spouse, Pierre Bezukhov, Helen was guided by the same mercantile interests. For the heroine, spiritual closeness, sincere feelings or kinship of souls are not so important - the fundamental issue for her is life in luxury and splendor. Among other things, it is impossible to say that she is smart - of course, Helen Kuragina is cunning and calculating, but she cannot be called a really smart woman.

I believe that in the image of Helen Kuragina, Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy sought to unite all the most banal human passions - greed, the desire to possess, without giving anything in return, a propensity for pragmatism and cynicism that transcends all the boundaries of what is permitted. And, of course, the writer shows readers how much it is possible to be mistaken if you evaluate a person solely on the cover or on the basis of the impression he makes on the people around him. To understand exactly what a person really is, a few nice conversations in the salon of Anna Pavlovna Sherer are not enough. In order to really get to know a person, time is needed, and it is over time that readers become convinced that Helen Kuragina is a cynical, rather evil and very calculating person who, in the name of wealth, is capable of doing a lot.

Essay with quotes

The world famous work of Russian literature is the epic novel War and Peace, written by Leo Tolstoy in 1863. In this work, the author pays special attention not only to the theme of family happiness, the role of a person in war, but also to female characters, which include Natasha Rostova, Marie Bolkonskaya. They captivate the reader with their individuality, fragility and spiritual strength. The striking opposite of these girls is Princess Kuragina.

Helen Kuragina is "a tall, beautiful lady, with a huge braid and very bare white, full shoulders and neck." She is like an antique statue, distinguished by grace and grace. Helen's appearance, ideal facial features attract the admiring glances of others, however, the true face of this girl is revealed in her actions. To characterize Helen Tolstoy uses the words of Napoleon, in which the emperor draws a parallel between her and the beautiful animal. She is not capable of sincere feelings, love and friendship are alien to her: “Elena Vasilievna, who never loved anything except her body ...” Even in her relationship with Bezukhov, Helen remained a cold and calculating girl, ready to sacrifice family happiness for the sake of material wealth and For her, there are no moral laws and principles, the proof is her close relationship with Fedor Dolokhov, Pierre's best friend

Kuragina's behavior (in Bezukhova's marriage) is quite explainable by the origins of upbringing. The daughter of Vasily Sergeevich Kuragin, "a secular man who succeeded in the world and made a habit of this success", was brought up by a selfish, vain person, ready to do anything to maintain a brilliant reputation in society. she was still Bezukhov's wife.<…>They did not talk about the same, whether it is good or bad to marry a living husband. "

As a result, Kuragina's life is cut short, just as meaningless as her whole egoistic existence. She was never able to understand the meaning of existence, to feel the warmth of the human heart, ultimately being left alone.

Thus, in the image of Elena Vasilievna Kuragina, L. Tolstoy shows the spiritless beginning of women who were conquered by the fashionable trend of that time. He ridicules her as a bright representative of the high society, incapable of sincerity, sacrifice, proving that appearance is really deceiving, therefore, a person should be judged by his spiritual qualities and actions.

Option 5

The work of Tolstoy "War and Peace" reflects many human problems, conflicts, and everyday trifles, which in one way or another were reflected in the images of the characters of the work themselves. Tolstoy always tried to convey exactly what society experienced while writing the work, in order to highlight the problems that everyone tries not to talk about. What he did well, since his works often became world bestsellers, then, accordingly, they reached a larger number of readers, which helped the author's idea. One of the most interesting images is the image of Helen Kuragina.

Helen Kuragina is an outwardly pleased pleasant woman who, with her beautiful appearance, attracts people to herself, thereby rubbing their confidence in them, like some other characters in the work. Under its external beauty and attractiveness, there is a disgusting nature, for which there is nothing more important than its material component, along with position in society. This characterizes her as a person, because she is ready to go to any tricks and tricks in order to get what she wants, which Tolstoy is trying to emphasize.

By nature, Helen is a pretty pretty woman who tries not to create conflicts and live calmly, without swearing. She is quite smart, wise, and reserved, which allows her to manipulate the people around her with such ease. One of her main goals is to fully provide herself with material support and support, with which she can live her entire life without paying attention to the problems surrounding her, since she will be protected. And in achieving this goal, she is ready to make any sacrifices, both personal and human, which makes her not a very pleasant person a priori. She also with great success hid her flaws, which only she knew about, that she was able to get into the trust of a huge number of people who adored this girl in one way or another, because her beautiful appearance, which attracted people to her, became something- something like a beacon for ships, which attracts to itself with a saving light.

I believe that the author tried to show all the duplicity of women of the aristocracy of that time, using the image of Helen, since she perfectly fits the description of a two-faced, greedy, and cunning girl who is ready to do anything, even to deceive the people closest to her, or even to deceive the hopes of another person in order to get what you want.

Also, it should be noted that the opinion expressed in this work is exclusively subjective, and therefore does not claim to be objective.

Sample 6

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy became famous for his great work "War and Peace". In this work, the author expressed absolutely the whole essence of that time, and the characters of people who changed under the influence of the ongoing actions. Thanks to the action taking place at that time, this work is practically based on real events, and all the characters have their own specific style.

One of such characters in this work of the author is Countess Kuragina. This personality is an outstanding person among all the characters of Lev Nikolaevich. The name was Countess Helene, the name originates from French origins, which passed into Russian vocabulary. Despite the fact that the heroine stands out against the background of all the characters in a negative background, she has a high status in society. By virtue of her behavior, she is able to present herself to people, from a very high point of communication. Thanks to her ardent disposition, she, regardless of the gossip and reasoning that is going on behind her back, can enchant any man. It is these features that the author attributed to his heroine, in order to indicate the difference between the cells of the population. In this greedy person, envy of money, love of high status in society, but not the sincere feelings that should be in a real woman are stored. In her reasoning, she clearly makes it clear that the relationship with Bezukhov is nothing more than a love of money and fame.

Her attractive appearance, beautiful face oval, long braid, expressive waist, is able to attract the attention of any man. This was the birth of her cunning. It was the woman’s cunningness that led her to a high status in society. In her cunning, the thought arises, to have an affair on the side, because her chosen one does not satisfy her desires. As a result, an affair with Fedor Dolokhov develops behind Bezukhov's back. This lady, not capable of love, but capable of overshadowing the eyes of any man, and everyone who has a high status in society gets into these networks.

The origins of this behavior come from her father, who was raised as an egoist, and was just as heartless towards others in order to indicate his high status in society. The author ironically points out the actions of these characters and tries to convey to ordinary people what people who are attached to money can be like.

But no matter how cunning the princess is, in the end she is left alone. Lev Nikolaevich very vividly expressed the events that happened to her at that moment. By this he made it clear that the appearance of any lady can be deceiving. Having met loneliness, the woman did not understand spiritual closeness, greed darkened her eyes, and against the background of these events, any reader realizes what deception and true love mean.

Composition 7

Many great writers of the 19th century in their work dealt with issues of morality of society, embodying them in the image of an ideal girl.

Leo Tolstoy saw his ideal of a woman in the image of a wife, mother, keeper of the family hearth. In his novel War and Peace, he endowed Natasha Rostova and Princess Marya with these qualities, who dedicated their lives to their families.

But Tolstoy does not limit himself to describing only positive female images. As if in opposition to them, the writer paints a bright, spectacular appearance of Helen Kuragina, combining both external beauty and internal, moral ugliness.

The beauty of Elena Kuragina conquers the whole high-society Petersburg. And it is not surprising - the graceful structure of the body, marble skin, bewitching smile could rarely leave anyone indifferent. The girl constantly controls the expression on her face so as not to be caught off guard.

Helen, brought up from childhood with the idea that her main goal is to get married successfully, surrounds herself with as many fans of different ages as possible.

Thanks to her brilliant manners, the ability to present herself properly, Helen successfully creates the impression of an outstanding, intelligent personality in those around her.

Pierre Bezukhov also falls into this trap, who, thanks to the wealth that has appeared, has become a tasty morsel for the Kuragin family. Sincere and kind Pierre, struck by the beauty of Elena Vasilievna, at first does not notice her spiritual emptiness. Taking advantage of Bezukhov's naivety and simplicity, Kuragin coolly and cynically marries him to himself.

However, after the wedding, it becomes obvious that there is nothing in common between the spouses. Pierre, realizing that he has married a soulless, immoral creature, cannot look at his wife without disgust. Having learned about Helene's connection with Dorokhov, Pierre is forced to challenge him to a duel. But even in such a situation, the selfish Helen is concerned only with the opinion of the world about her.

Even a break with her husband, who is ready to give her a significant part of his fortune, just to get rid of her, does not cause repentance in her. It is more important for her to stay with money, while maintaining her position in high society. Cynicism, self-interest, prudence - these are the main character traits of Helen Kuragina, helping her to achieve her own goal.

Left alone, Helen approaches at the same time with two contenders for her hand, trying to keep in touch with both of them through intrigue and lies. Having no principles, Elena Vasilievna is going to change her faith in order to remarry. But sudden death destroys all her plans.

The image of Elena Kuragina was the personification of a high society society, which collected many vices and judged a person by his financial condition and appearance.

Describing Helene's external beauty, Tolstoy opposes her with internal emptiness, vanity, unprincipledness, thereby showing that appearance is often deceiving. After all, it was not for nothing that many fell in love with Helen, but no one really did. Because it is impossible to love a beautiful, but cold marble statue without soul and warmth.

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The problem of family relationships is one of the key topics of interest to L.N. Tolstoy. Is it possible to achieve happiness in family life and how to do it - this becomes literally the central problem of many of Tolstoy's works. War and Peace is no exception. Descriptions of aristocratic families make it possible not only to recreate the picture of a typical high society, but also to learn about the relationships and principles of interaction between people of different temperaments and life positions.

Family composition, position in society

The Kuragin family is one of the most influential families in aristocratic circles. This is due to several aspects. First of all, it should be noted that this position of the family was created by more than one generation. Significant influence was achieved thanks to the efforts of Prince Vasily, who had a prestigious position and influential acquaintances in the government elite.

The next generation paid little attention to maintaining the status of the family - they only used the achievements of their ancestors.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy.

At the time of the story, the Kuragin family consists of Prince Vasily Sergeevich, Princess Alina and their three children: Ippolit, Anatole and Elena.

Vasily Sergeevich Kuragin and Alina Kuragina

Vasily Sergeevich Kuragin is the head of the Kuragin family. At the beginning of the novel, he is over 50 years old. He reached significant heights in his service. Prince Vasily was an important official, he even personally knew the empress. In addition, among his acquaintances were other officials from the top of the government apparatus. He maintains such an acquaintance not out of common interests, but for the sake of self-interest - such significant connections will serve an excellent service and help solve important issues.

Prince Vasily knows how to use the disposition of people, he has a talent for persuasion. In addition, he knows how to rub into trust. Unfortunately, this trend only works with strangers.

In relation to his family members, his talent makes significant mistakes, and from time to time his children completely get out of parental control.

Prince Vasily is married. Princess Alina - his wife - is practically not described by Tolstoy. It is known about her that she is a fat and not quite attractive woman. They had three children in their marriage. The appearance of her daughter Elena becomes the envy of Princess Alina. This feeling is so strong that it does not allow a woman to live fully.

Ippolit Vasilievich Kuragin

The age of this son of Princess Alina and Prince Vasily is not specified. It is known that he is serving in the embassy as a secretary. Unlike other children, Hippolytus is not distinguished by beauty and attractiveness. He has a calm temperament. The young man is reserved and courteous.

Hippolyt's mental abilities are poor - he is a rather stupid person, but at the same time he has a talent for learning foreign languages ​​- Hippolyt is fluent in English and French.

Anatol Vasilievich Kuragin

Unlike the calm Hippolytus, Anatole in the literal sense of the word became a headache for Prince Vasily. The youngest son of the Kuragin is a lover of a luxurious and free life - drunken brawls, constant festivities, losing at cards - all this gave Vasily Sergeevich a lot of trouble.

The exact age of Anatol in the novel is also not precisely indicated - his only age marker is “a young man”. Anatole is not married. Yes, given his demeanor and addiction to revelry and debauchery, this is not surprising.

Anatol Kuragin is used to playing with people's feelings. So, for example, on a whim, he upsets the engagement of Natasha Rostova and Andrei Bolkonsky. The young man does not feel guilty or uncomfortable. The thought that he not only created trouble with his actions to the girl, but also inflicted psychological trauma on her, does not even visit him.

His matchmaking to Marie Bolkonskaya is also not distinguished by tact. Marie was far from being a beauty, marriage with her was an extremely profitable party in material terms for the Kuragin, however, Anatole's free-spirited behavior and his interest in servants became the reason for the refusal.

Prince Vasily tried to give his children a good education. Anatole studied abroad (most likely in France), but it was all to no avail - to teach something to a person who did not want to learn became an overwhelming task.

Anatole was spending his life - he was not interested in the opportunity to make a fortune, nor in military service, nor in civilian service. The only thing that caused him satisfaction was drinking and the company of women.

The outcome of Anatole's life path is highly uncertain. We learn the latest news about him in the hospital, where Prince Andrei Bolkonsky ended up after being wounded. It was there that he met his sworn enemy, but Anatole's position was extremely pitiful - after the amputation of his leg, he could not come to his senses. Presumably, Anatole suffered death.

Elena Vasilievna Kuragina

No less colorful character of the family is the daughter of Prince Vasily and Princess Alina - Elena. The beautiful Elena had a delightful appearance. A slender stature, regular facial features, a proportional body structure have always attracted men of different ages and aroused a feeling of envy in women.

Mentally, like all the children of the Kuragin, Elena did not differ, or rather differed in his absence, but unlike her brothers, the girl was perfectly able to create the illusion of his presence. A certain facial expression, a pensive look, helped to convince others that she was a girl of an extraordinary mind.

Elena is very greedy for money - for the sake of wealth she marries Pierre Bezukhov, while ruining her life and his. The suspicious Pierre could not stop his wife's depraved behavior and, as a result, became the cause of ridicule and ridicule from others. Elena knew how to put herself in a relationship with her husband - he believed her in spite of all rumors and even after an anonymous letter about Elena's love affairs did not want to believe in her betrayal.

Elena's numerous lovers are not the only dark spot in her biography. At one time there were rumors that Elena and Anatole were in love, and although there is no evidence of their love affair in the novel, numerous hints make it clear that, most likely, the matter did not end with platonic love alone.

Elena always appreciated in people only external attractiveness, so it is not surprising that over time, her dislike for the obese and not distinguished by beauty Pierre began to weigh on her.

The only option a woman sees is divorce, but her religion does not allow it. For this purpose, Elena becomes a Catholic, but she did not have time to fulfill her intention - the girl suddenly dies. The exact cause of her death is not known, it is assumed that Elena died as a result of bleeding after an unsuccessful attempt to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy.

Thus, the Kuragin family is not distinguished by high morality or nobility. Almost all members of the family were seized with a thirst for money, attachment to debauchery. Kuragins did not differ in their humane attitude towards others, and most of all in people they valued external beauty and attractiveness.

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