Life of a woman at 45 years old. Get short haircuts. Be sexually active

home Proper care of the female body ( appearance

, health) after 45 years With age, not only lifestyle, clothing style and eating habits should change, but also ways of maintaining health and appearance. After all, a woman’s body at 20 and 50 years old has two big differences : everyone functions differently internal organs

, and, accordingly, the appearance changes: the condition of the skin, hair, nails. To counter negative trends, you need to organize care for your own body in accordance with your age - whoever does not do this will sharply reduce the time of their active life and accelerate the process of external aging.

Hair care after 45 years. During this period of life, due to metabolic disorders, nervous stress, overwork, unbalanced nutrition (in particular, mineral deficiency), the hair follicle and the hair body itself are destroyed, the hair becomes thinner along its entire length. The sebaceous glands atrophy, melanin synthesis decreases - hair loses its color and turns grey. The structure of the hair changes. Hair quickly absorbs smoke and dust from the air, which also contributes to the deterioration of its appearance and health. Another important one negative factor

, which worsens the condition of hair at this age is a decrease in the body’s production of the hormone estrogen.

There are several options (ideally used in combination) to improve the condition of a woman’s hair and body after 45 years.

1. Use directly products containing the hormone estrogen. But such therapy can only be carried out under the guidance of a doctor.

2. After 45 years, you need to use special shampoos and conditioners.

4. Cleanse blood vessels (eliminate atherosclerosis). With age, due to atherosclerosis, capillary blood circulation is disrupted (the scalp is one of the first to suffer from this), as a result, the hair roots receive a minimum of nutrients and atrophy. Clean blood vessels are the key to normal blood circulation and adequate nutrition of the hair roots. This can be achieved if you give up these foods: any canned products, sweets, flour products and excessively fatty foods.

5. Actively use antioxidants, both in food and in external hair care products. First of all, you need to pay attention to vitamins E, C and A, as well as the element selenium.

6. Conduct courses of massage or self-massage of the head with aromatic oils. Thanks to this: the nutrition of the hair follicle improves, the cells of the hair shaft are restored, the elasticity of the hair increases, dandruff is eliminated and dead cells of the upper layer of skin are exfoliated.

Women's health after 45 years.

There are several general factors that influence a woman's health in the second half of her life. Let's look at them, and then develop a set of activities that will improve health at this age.

1. Stress, emotional and psychological fatigue. By the age of 45, many events happen in the life of every woman, and not all of them leave a positive imprint on the mind. To save yourself from stress, it can be useful to put aside a frightening horoscope or dream book, look at life more simply, and also quarrel less with your family.

2. Probably no woman over 45 can boast of absolute health. Stress, poor nutrition, and poor environment contribute to the development of at least one, and most often several, chronic diseases.

3. The work of the endocrine glands changes, and as a result, the hormonal background in the woman’s body changes and, as a result, the work of all internal organs.

In order not to be an outside observer of the processes occurring in the body after 45 years, women must observe a number of general rules and recommendations. These tips should naturally be supplemented and adjusted by the recommendations of your personal physician.

1. Nutrition. Both men and women need vitamins and minerals at any age, but women over 45 need to pay attention to this.

Regular intake of vitamin A into the body. The easiest way to do this is with the help of the following foods: dates, green pea, soybeans, pumpkin, cabbage, dried apricots, tomatoes, prunes, spinach, veal liver and cod liver.

B vitamins are also needed, for this we eat: wholemeal bread, yeast, peas, fish, nuts, liver.

The easiest way to get vitamin C is from: cabbage, onions, beets, citrus fruits, currants.

Vitamin E - from cold-pressed sunflower oil, soybean oil, walnuts.

To get calcium we eat: dairy products, buckwheat, seaweed, parsley, beets, carrots.

There is enough phosphorus in cheeses, cottage cheese, eggs.

We get iron from plums, nuts, black bread, and meat products.

There is enough potassium in potatoes, porcini mushrooms, grapes, peaches, and dried apricots.

To get magnesium we eat: brown bread, cocoa, nuts, seeds, seafood.

In addition, in the diet of a woman after 45 years, you need to pay attention to this.

Reduce the amount of sugar you consume.

If you eat chocolate, then only natural, black chocolate.

Do not eat foods containing a lot of fat.

If you prefer to eat fried food, cook it in a Teflon-coated frying pan.

It is best to avoid cakes and other factory-made baked goods altogether.

2. Adequate sleep for 6-8 hours after the age of 45 is especially important for a woman; both appearance and health depend on it.

3. Usually, by the age of 45, every woman gains at least a little excess weight. If this weight is 3-5 kilograms Furthermore, that was at the age of 30, and at the same time it is stable, there is no need to worry and try to get rid of these kilograms. If you already have more than 10 extra kilos, then you need to pay attention to this and take steps to optimize your weight.

4. Psychological condition. Most women by the age of 45 achieve what they aspired to at 20-25 years old - they already have a family, children, position in society, and so on. In order not to fall for the bait of a “midlife crisis,” you need to find and set yourself new goals and horizons for self-realization, in some life sphere or creativity. If this is done on time, then the emptiness in life is filled, which for many women leads to depression and even depression.

5. Once a year you need to be examined by a mammologist - a specialist who monitors the condition of the mammary glands.

6. Visit a gynecologist at least once a year.

7. There are several diseases that women over 45 suffer from many times more often than others. It is imperative to prevent these diseases.

Osteoporosis – thinning, thinning bone tissue.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic, systemic disease of connective tissue with predominant damage to peripheral joints.

Gallstone disease is the formation of stones in gallbladder or large bile ducts.

Cholecystitis is inflammation of the gallbladder.

Increased levels of lipids (cholesterol) in the blood.


Features of skin care after 45 years.

The skin obeys the general laws of physiology and ages along with the body; these factors “help” it with this.

1. Poor nutrition.

2. Improper care.

3. Hormonal changes in the body and deterioration in the functioning of internal organs.

4. Deterioration of the immune system.

For these reasons, metabolism in the skin is disturbed and slows down, blood supply and, accordingly, nutrition deteriorate, subcutaneous fat tissue becomes thinner, the elasticity of elastic fibers decreases, the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands is disrupted - at the age of 45, the sebaceous glands secrete 3 times less sebum than in youth.

These negative trends can be partially countered with the help of these measures.

1. Cleanse your skin with a mild cleanser morning and evening.

2. Be sure to use nourishing creams - night and day.

3. Get enough sleep on a low pillow.

4. Regularly perform exercises for the muscles of the neck and face.

5. Conduct a course of cosmetic massage 2-3 times a year.

6. If possible, perform self-massage daily.

7. Regularly use masks based on algae or therapeutic mud.

8. Be sure to use protective cream daily.

9. With the help of a cosmetologist, choose a skin care program for yourself in a beauty salon.

And we must remember that beauty before 25 is a gift, after 25 it’s already work, and after 45 it’s hard work.

© Alexander Kuznetsov

Men “accumulate” everything within themselves – they are taught to be courageous from childhood. And in every generation, even without military action, by the age of 40, there are much fewer men than women. Therefore, if possible, take care of your men and monitor not only your health, but also the well-being of your loved ones.

And ours women Health and beauty after 40-45 depend only on us. After 30, the process of estrogen synthesis begins to slow down, and after 40-45, the premenstrual period begins, the symptoms of which, with regular menstruation, are increased fatigue and irritability, frequent headaches, the appearance of facial wrinkles, and decreased skin elasticity.

By the age of 50-55, the production of female sex hormones stops, menstruation becomes scanty and irregular, until it stops completely. Menopause begins mainly after 50, but there are cases of early menopause - at 43-48 years. As a rule, this is due to endocrine diseases, metabolic disorders, genetic predisposition or severe nervous shock.

Estrogens regulate not only the menstrual cycle, but also the activity of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, the condition of the genitourinary organs, bone density, and are responsible for the elasticity of the skin, the strength of the nails and the beauty, thickness and shine of hair.

Therefore, if you are approaching 50+, try to minimize exposure to internal and external factors affecting the aging process of the body. Go through a comprehensive examination and determine the state of the body’s most important vital systems: take a blood test, do a cardiogram, take hormone tests to check the functions of the thyroid gland, determine the density of skin tissue with a special test - this is important for the prevention and timely treatment of osteoporosis.

There is a theory of aging that draws an interconnected parallel between the condition of the skin and bones, since they contain the same substance - collagen.

It is collagen, like elastin fibers, that helps maintain skin elasticity, a tightened oval of the face, smoothing out traces of facial wrinkles in youth. a short time. With age, collagen synthesis slows down, wrinkles become deeper, and bones become brittle. The oval of the face loses its outline, the skin loses its elasticity, and a minor injury can lead to a fracture. Stooping and pain appear in cervical spine, problems with the spine may appear and arthritis may begin to develop.

Symptoms of menopause and how you can help yourself.

At the physiological level, this is the cessation of menstruation. The consequences are hormonal changes in the body, changes in metabolic rate, often weight gain, increased irritability and fatigue, frequent mood swings, possible depression, increased blood pressure, dizziness, night sweats and hot flashes.

When your face suddenly becomes hot and your face turns red, sweat appears, the feeling of some kind of abnormal pain is not only unpleasant, it can drive you crazy. Such symptoms make it clear to others about your true age. Perhaps, hot flashes during menopause are more difficult to bear than anything else, because they can begin suddenly, during the day, and more than once.

At the age of 45-48, starting to take hormonal medications without urgent need is not only premature, but also dangerous. An alternative solution is non-hormonal drugs and cosmetics with phytoestrogens.

At one time, biological additives, due to numerous counterfeits, have not proven themselves in the best possible way. But technology is improving and Modern non-hormonal drugs will help maintain health and youth after 45.

When, at the age of 42, I started having problems with the thyroid gland and a nodule appeared, they helped me to completely recover within 4 months using Endocrinol drugs from the Evalar range: tablets and ointment. Therefore, when a friend began menopause at 51, I advised her to purchase the Qi-Klim Alanine complex and Qi-Klim vitamins for women 45+.

Qi-Klim Alanine contains the acid beta-alanine, a vitamin-like substance synthesized in the body. But with age, it is produced less and less. An effective remedy to combat hot flashes, as the amino acid regulates body surface temperature.

The vitamin complex can be used simultaneously. The composition includes everything, as well as extracts of black cohosh and motherwort. Taking 1 tablet per day will provide a comfortable state, reduce irritability, ensure normal sleep and prevent osteoporosis. Official website of the company:

From vitamin complexes You can also recommend Complivit, a balanced non-hormonal drug that provides support to the female body after 45 years. Black cohosh extract and vitamins A, E and C will help get rid of painful hot flashes, maintain the normal condition of the vaginal mucosa, and allow you to lead a normal sex life.

Complivit contains substances that regulate the process, and this helps to cope with excess weight. Motherwort extract, magnesium and B vitamins help the nervous system - your emotions will be under control.

Another non-hormonal drug that can help is Lady’s formula Menopause Strengthened formula. Additionally, this non-hormonal dietary supplement not only eliminates the symptoms of menopause, but also helps maintain sexual desire and controls skin condition. The composition includes vitamins, microelements and phytoestrogens.

In order to control your emotions during the day and cope with insomnia at night, you can use the Lady’s formula Menopause Day-Night complex. The daily formula includes green tea and ginseng extract, cohosh, which provide the body with the necessary energy and control the symptoms of menopause. Night formula containing extracts of hop cones, passionflower and valerian root, normalizes sleep and reduces night sweats. Detailed information you can find it on the website

A natural drug for regulating well-being during menopause, providing support to the skeletal system and skin, is Klimadinon. It will help normalize the heartbeat, reduce the frequency and intensity of hot flashes and attacks of irritability, and mood swings. You can read more on the website

Natural phytoestrogens.

In the premenstrual period and after 50, they will help improve your condition and well-being, control hormonal levels infusions medicinal herbs containing phytohormones: hop cones and valerian root, which, like motherwort alcohol tincture, have a calming effect.

An infusion of oregano and mint not only normalizes mood swings, but also helps cope with night hot flashes. Infusions of meadow clover, beans, which help regulate blood sugar levels, sage, and white cinquefoil, which is indispensable for the normal function of the thyroid gland, will help.

Infusions are prepared according to general rules: a tablespoon of chopped herbs or roots is steamed into 0.5 liters. boiling water, leave for 40-50 minutes, filter. Take a quarter glass after meals.

Regular dynamic training sessions: gymnastics, Pilates and yoga allow Madonna, at 54 years old, to remain a star and maintain popularity.

Without creating your own individual menu, including a variety of healthy foods, which contain the necessary natural vitamins and microelements, but without extra calories, it will be difficult to maintain the health of the body, beauty and stable weight after 45. Not only from the outside, with anti-aging creams and masks, you can keep the skin elastic, but you need daily nutrition from the inside - this.

An example of how seriously nutrition affects women’s health after 45-50 is a special diet developed by a personal nutritionist for Sharon Stone. At 54, she looks great. The diet that normalizes the condition during menopause includes fish dishes, vegetable and fruit salads, and juices. Vegetable oils are preferred among fats, olive oil is a must. The menu should include dairy and fermented milk products, low-fat cottage cheese and mild cheeses. Semi-finished products, chips and all fast food products are excluded, butter, alcohol, processed foods, fried foods.

Holy Barry's diet also excludes sugar and refined foods, carbonated sweet drinks, and foods high in

I like these diets, except that you cannot include butter and your favorite treats in the menu: chocolate, marmalade, marshmallows and cakes. If you allow yourself all this, but in reasonable quantities, then it will not harm your figure, but the elasticity of your skin, clear mind and excellent memory, positive mood will be ensured.

45 years is a special period in the life of every woman. At this stage between youth and old age, the female body undergoes many changes in all organs and systems.

Expert advice on women’s health after 45 years will help them enter a new age phase easily and without problems.

Mature ladies often encounter unpleasant consequences, affecting both the functioning of organs and appearance.

Women's problems at 45

After 45 years, changes in the female reproductive system undoubtedly dominate. They usually concern a decrease in estrogen production in the ovaries. Along with fading reproductive function a woman at this age also faces problems such as depression, insomnia, sagging skin and excess weight. Nature has programmed the female body in such a way that at the age of 45-55 the ovaries gradually cease to function, causing the first signs of menopause. At first, a woman loses her ability to conceive, and then, as the production of sex hormones decreases, menstruation also disappears. At the same time, a woman’s health after 45 years can also be affected.

Menopause is the most horrible dream the majority of female representatives who have reached adulthood. Due to a lack of estrogen, women may experience unpleasant symptoms such as night sweats, sleep disturbances and depression, irritability and mood swings. In 90% of cases, the discomfort associated with menopause stops without any treatment after 1-2 years. If the course of menopause is determined to be severe, a gynecologist may prescribe hormone replacement therapy. In addition to menopause, mature women are at risk of developing various diseases:

  • Myocardial infarction and stroke;
  • Osteoporosis;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • Atherosclerosis.

Advice from a specialist about a woman’s health after 45 years of age in such cases will not be superfluous. In order to avoid disorders and disruptions in the functioning of certain organs associated with age-related changes, ladies should regularly undergo special diagnostics, which gives full information about a person’s health status, taking into account his genetic predisposition, lifestyle and risk factors. It is also equally important to maintain your own health, guided by the following recommendations on nutrition:

  • Make sure you get a regular supply of vitamin A into your body. It is contained in large quantities in pumpkin, dates, cabbage, green peas, tomatoes and cod liver;
  • Provide yourself with B vitamins by regularly eating peas and nuts, fish and liver;
  • Include foods rich in vitamin E in your daily diet: cold-pressed vegetable oils, walnuts;
  • Avoid calcium and phosphorus deficiency, sources of which are dairy products, buckwheat, eggs and seaweed;
  • Reduce your consumption of sugar and confectionery;
  • Avoid sweet and flour products;
  • Eat chocolate, but only bitter and without additives;
  • Sleep at least 6-8 hours a day.

Hair care after 45

Due to metabolic disorders, hormonal fluctuations and poor nutrition, hair is gradually destroyed not only in the follicle area, but also along its entire length. The sebaceous glands atrophy, the pigmentation of the hair is disrupted and its structure changes. All this together gives the hair an unkempt and dull appearance. Expert advice will help women improve their hair condition after 45 years:

  • Enrich your diet with foods containing phytoestrogens. These include dates, pomegranate, flaxseed oil and broccoli, nuts and seeds, seafood and fresh herbs;
  • Cleanse blood vessels from excess cholesterol. This can be achieved by giving up fatty foods, canned food, sweets and flour;
  • Regularly use antioxidants not only in nutrition, but also in external hair care;
  • Several times a week, massage your head using essential oils, suitable for your hair type.

Skin care at 45

Skin, like a woman’s health after 45 years, requires special and careful care. Poor nutrition, decreased immune function and hormonal changes literally affect woman's face. After 45 years, the epidermis secretes several times less sebum, and the fibers lose their former elasticity and firmness. You can counter these negative changes using the following methods.

Sooner or later in the life of every representative of the fair sex, menopause occurs. The symptoms of menopause in women after 45 years are varied, all of them cause a lot of inconvenience. However, there are various drugs that significantly alleviate the condition.

Why is women's “autumn” coming?

Nature is such that upon reaching a certain age reproductive system undergoes changes: the level of menstruation decreases, and the functionality of the ovaries fades away. Since all organs in the body are interconnected, menopause affects their functioning too (take, for example, the cardiovascular, endocrine, and nervous systems). Changes also occur in the musculoskeletal system - bone tissue becomes significantly thinner, and the risk of fractures increases. Many people are interested in the question: “At what age should we expect menopause?” As a rule, the functionality of the ovaries fades away around the age of 45. But cases of both (36-40 years) and quite late (after 52 years) are not uncommon.

Factors that influence the onset of menopause

First of all, it is worth noting that the time of menopause (more precisely, its onset) is not affected by factors such as age at first menstruation, number of children, or sexual activity. However, there are a number of points, the presence of which can speed up the process of the onset of women's “autumn”. The hereditary factor has a very significant influence. If a mother or grandmother experiences menopause ahead of schedule, then, most likely, the daughter will also face similar situation. Speed ​​up or earlier) may be bad social conditions, the presence of certain diseases. Uncured infectious diseases genital tract increase the chances of menopause. The psychological factor is also important. Constant stress can take away several years of a woman's youth.

Early onset of menopause. Causes and consequences

If symptoms of menopause appear in women after 45 years, this is considered a physiological norm. However, menopause can occur before age 40. This situation is a reason to immediately contact a specialist. The following possible causes of early menopause are: X chromosome defect, Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome, and other genetic disorders. Problems with the thyroid gland, excess weight, chemotherapy often influence the decline of ovarian functionality. This situation is quite dangerous for health. A woman after menopause, which occurs at an early age, runs the risk of acquiring hormonal diseases and metabolic disorders. The risk of developing cancer is also high. And, of course, you cannot avoid rapid skin aging, the appearance of age spots, and weight gain.

Stages of menopause

The period during which the functionality of the ovaries gradually fades away (up to their complete cessation) is called premenopause. It can last for several years (up to 10). Typically at this time menstrual bleeding can be either abundant or rather meager. In addition, the cycle is irregular. Due to fluctuations in estrogen levels, chest discomfort may occur. After a year has passed since the last menstruation, we can talk about the onset of menopause. The next stage is postmenopause (until the end of life). During this period, the production of sex hormones completely stops, the skin and mammary glands change.

The main symptoms of menopause in women after 45 years. Hot flashes, sweating

Almost every woman during menopause experiences hot flashes. This is the name given to a sudden sensation of heat in the chest and head. At the same time, increased sweating occurs. The tide lasts up to 1 minute. This is the most common symptom that characterizes menopause. Reviews from women say that during hot flashes, weakness occurs, thoughts slow down, and consciousness seems to become clouded. The frequency of such manifestations varies from person to person. Some women experience hot flashes quite rarely, while others suffer more - they experience hot flashes up to 60 times a day. This symptom can also affect sleep. As a result, in the morning the woman looks tired, not rested, and she is irritated. Negative influence have tides and not cardiovascular system. The cause of this symptom is the reaction of the pituitary gland to a decrease in the amount of estrogen. The production of luteinizing hormone increases, which causes a sharp increase in body temperature. Hot flashes are almost always accompanied by increased sweating. Moreover, it can reach such proportions that you simply need to change your clothes. Drops of sweat just run down your face. At night, this condition may not stop, but only intensify.

Headache, lack of air as symptoms of menopause

Along with hot flashes, symptoms of menopause in women after 45 years, such as headaches, are also observed. These unpleasant phenomena have an explanation. So, headache can be a consequence of both tension in the muscles of the neck and head, and the result of an unstable psychological and emotional state. There are also sudden attacks (pain in the temples, forehead). They are similar to the symptoms of migraine. Headaches are often caused by some medications. Many women complain of dizziness and lack of air. Sometimes this condition is accompanied by ringing in the ears, nausea and even vomiting.

Blood pressure surges, muscle spasms

Often accompanied by increased blood pressure. At the same time, the head begins to hurt, the heart rhythm is disturbed, and tachycardia appears. If the pressure exceeds 200 mmHg. Art., you should immediately seek help. Ignoring the problem can result in a hypertensive crisis and even myocardial infarction. Another symptom of menopause is numbness of the limbs, fingers, muscle and joint pain. Against the background of hormonal changes, diseases such as osteoporosis and osteoarthritis can develop. Muscle tone weakens, ligaments lose elasticity. These factors provoke the development of back pain. Many women say that during menopause they constantly feel a lump in their throat. This symptom is especially annoying at night. However, such sensations pass on their own within a year. It would be a good idea to consult an endocrinologist to rule out problems with the thyroid gland.

How does menopause affect a woman’s emotional state?

Many people note the fact that during menopause excessive anxiety appears. Your mood fluctuates, your memory deteriorates, and it’s difficult to concentrate. In addition to all this, significant changes occur in the body. All this can not only worsen mental condition, and also provoke the development of depression. The woman feels that she is losing her former attractiveness and is haunted by thoughts of serious illness. Insomnia, hot flashes, and pain are extremely negative impact on the body. However, you need to know that modern medicine offers various remedies for menopause. They not only alleviate symptoms, but also allow you to return to your normal routine.

Herbal remedies for menopause

To gently reduce the symptoms of menopause, non-hormonal agents based on herbal components are used, for example, biologically active supplement for food ESTROVEL® capsules are a complex of phytoestrogens, vitamins and microelements, the components of which act on the main manifestations of menopause. ESTROVEL® contains vitamin K1 and boron, which help reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Experts recommend the following herbs for menopause: hawthorn, sage, rowan, clover. Decoctions and all kinds of tinctures are prepared from them. Sage helps well with increased secretion of sweat glands. In addition, this plant strengthens nervous system. Dry herbs are steamed with boiling water and drunk like regular tea. The duration of the course is two weeks, then you should take a break. Another remedy for profuse sweating is hyssop infusion. Judging by the reviews, cope with hot flashes and high blood pressure Hawthorn will help. It is taken both as a tincture and as a medicinal tea. It also contains other herbs (collections from some plants are effective for menopause): motherwort, chamomile, cudweed. To strengthen sleep, it is recommended to drink a drink made from thyme and lemon balm. In pharmacies you can also purchase special homeopathic preparations that contain extracts from medicinal plants. One of these means is Inoclim. It is based on soy extract. The drug helps to cope with both hot flashes and emotional instability.

The drug "Remens": effect on the woman's body

For disorders menstrual cycle, some diseases of the reproductive system and during menopause, specialists often prescribe Remens. This drug can be in the form of drops or tablets. The main components are cohosh, sanguinaria, pilocarpus. It also contains snake venom, a secretion from the cuttlefish gland. The drug "Remens" (the price of drops is about 650 rubles) has a complex effect. It stabilizes emotional condition, helps reduce hot flashes, reduces the manifestations of hyperhidrosis. In addition, after taking it, metabolic processes improve and fat mass does not increase. Another positive property of the drug is the restoration of microcirculation in the pelvic organs. Remens tablets (their price is not so high - from 200 rubles) also have an anti-inflammatory effect on ovarian tissue. The duration of such therapy for menopause is approximately six months. As a rule, the drug is well tolerated and has no special contraindications. The only caveat is individual sensitivity to its components.

Hormone therapy

Today, a special technique has been developed that allows a woman to endure menopause much easier. So-called hormone replacement therapy can protect against cardiovascular diseases, reduce irritability, nervousness, improve sleep. Hormones help preserve bone tissue, and the number of fractures with this therapy is significantly reduced. Another undoubted advantage is preserving the youth of the skin and improving the condition of the mucous membranes. Hormones during menopause ("Klimara", "Divina", "Klimen") can continue menstruation for some time. In America and Europe, such treatment is more common than here. Modern drugs have a reduced content of sex hormones (can be low-dose or micro-dose), they practically do not contribute to excess weight gain. However, such therapy also has contraindications. These include diabetes, the presence of malignant neoplasms, liver disease, kidney disease, endometriosis. And what side effects Can hormones cause this? During menopause, women already suffer from unpleasant phenomena. The therapy is designed to eliminate symptoms, but, according to experts, hormonal medicines sometimes they not only fail to have the desired effect, but also aggravate the situation: cause headaches, swelling, and provoke problems with the digestive tract. Therefore, the choice of a particular drug must be approached with full responsibility. And of course, purchase the product only after consultation with a specialist.

First of all, you should remember that menopause is an inevitable condition, so it is best to know in advance those moments that will help alleviate the condition. Experts recommend reviewing your menu. It would be a good idea to limit your consumption of spicy, salty foods and minimize the amount of coffee and alcohol you drink. It is necessary to pay attention to foods rich in calcium and magnesium. These microelements are found in dairy products, fish, and spinach. Herbal infusions can also significantly affect your well-being. Women are recommended to do feasible physical activity and fitness classes. They can not only lift your mood, but also help you maintain your previous shape and avoid excess fat deposits. It is known that during menopause the risk of developing various diseases increases, so visits to specialists should be regular. Particular attention should be paid to the pelvic organs and mammary glands. Good mood, healthy sleep- main factors providing harmonious life a woman in such difficult period. If you can’t cope with approaching depression on your own, you need to ask your doctor to select medications that have calming properties.

Ideal weight:

  • for women 150-155 cm tall, the ideal weight is 55.9-57.6 kg;
  • for women 155-160 cm tall, the ideal weight is 59-64.5 kg;
  • for women 160-165 cm tall, the ideal weight is 64.6-65.8 kg;
  • for women with a height of 165-170 cm, the ideal weight is from 71.4-74.8 kg;
  • for women 170-175 cm tall, the ideal weight is 75-79.4 kg;
  • for women 175-180 cm tall, the ideal weight is 78-81.6 kg;
  • for women 180-185 cm tall, the ideal weight is 82.9-87.4 kg;
  • for women 185-190 cm tall, the ideal weight is 92-95.6 kg.


  • in a calm state, a woman’s pulse should be from 60 to 85 beats per minute;
  • during physical activity The pulse can vary from 120 to 170 beats per minute.

Remember: pulse is the impulse of blood in the vessels during the contraction of the heart, producing vibrations of the walls blood vessels; Pulse rate is measured by the number of pulse beats per minute.

The norm is:

Remember: Use a stopwatch to measure your heart rate. It is better to feel the arterial pulse on the wrist, near the base thumb. It is better to try to feel the pulse with four fingers, the fifth finger should be used as a support. Place your fingers on your wrist, press the area with your fingers so as to feel the pulse on the radial artery. Calculate your heart rate for one minute. The pulse can be measured with three fingers on the neck or on the wrist. Measure your pulse for 6 seconds, multiply the number of beats by 10. You can also measure your pulse for ten seconds and multiply the result by six.

2. Eat right

It is especially important for you to eat right. This means that there is a need to choose products that have low glycemic index. In general, low-glycemic foods can have a beneficial effect on health, prevent an increase in cholesterol in the blood, and support blood vessels.
Try to eat more fish. A fish diet will inhibit the formation of hunger hormones, which are activated in the body at your age.
Flaxseed oil is indicated for you. The healthy fat of this remedy will improve thyroid function.
In a situation where, even if you follow a diet, you gain weight, you cannot get rid of the feeling of cold, and mood swings become frequent, it makes sense to visit a doctor to check the functioning of your thyroid gland.
Choose a balanced diet. Women of this age have a higher risk of developing not only osteoporosis, but also heart disease. Proper diet will help prevent cancer, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular diseases. Remember that products that contain a large number of salt and animal fat contribute increased consumption calcium.
It is important to include enough carbohydrates, vegetables, less fat, and more calcium in your diet.

Yours daily norm calories equal to – 2000:

  • breakfast – 600 calories,
  • lunch – 700 calories,
  • dinner – 600 calories,
  • snacks between meals - 100 calories.

Avoid alcohol and caffeine. Try to drink decaffeinated tea and coffee. Excess caffeine causes the kidneys to remove calcium from the body, which contributes to thinning bones in women your age.
Try to eat 4-5 times a day, preferably at the same time.
Drink at least two liters of water per day.

Determine your daily calorie intake, taking into account your weight, age, your physical activity, growth.

To determine the daily calorie intake for women using a special formula, you need to perform the following steps:

  • the first step is to multiply height (in centimeters) by 1.8;
  • second action - weight (in kilograms) multiplied by 9.6;
  • third action - age multiplied by 4.7;
  • fourth action - 655 plus the result of the first action plus the result of the second action minus the result of the third action;
  • the result obtained can be perceived as your individual metabolic level (IML);
  • multiply your individual metabolic level by your activity coefficient, this is the daily calorie intake shown to you.

3. Don't forget about physical activity

Regular exercise is recommended for you. You can choose, for example, brisk walking. It will improve health, help fight fatigue, increase vitality.
Exercise can slow down gradually increasing weakness. Regular exercise will help fight osteoporosis, a process of bone loss that affects many women in menopause.
Bone tissue will be stronger as a result of exercise, regardless of age.

Remember: Strength exercises are useful for you, but they should be aimed at strengthening bone tissue, but swimming is not one of these exercises.

4. Be sure to get enough sleep

Your sleep should be complete. You need to sleep at least six hours. This is the minimum needed for overnight restoration of skin cells. When the cells don't have time to regenerate, you wake up with a rumpled face and clearly defined wrinkles.
Try to watch the position in which you sleep. If you prefer to press your chin to your chest while sleeping, this will cause unsightly folds on your neck and a double (third) chin.

Remember: the habit of sleeping on one side all the time will do a disservice: more wrinkles will form on this side of the face, and the nasolabial fold will become more noticeable. It is better to lie on your back with your chin raised.

5. Remember about prevention

Hormone therapy is indicated for you. Doctors may recommend that you take hormones to replace the loss of estrogen that occurs during menopause. Hormonal therapy eliminates or reduces the intensity of hot flashes and vaginal pain.
You should not use hormone therapy if you have been diagnosed with breast or uterine cancer; blood clots in lower limbs, ovarian cancer, blood clots in the lungs, pelvis, if you suffer from high blood pressure, diabetes, gallbladder inflammation or gallstones; uterine fibroids.

Remember: Effective hormonal therapy will help prevent heart disease and help prevent osteoporosis, but you should discuss absolutely all indications and contraindications (the doctor will definitely explain all the advantages and disadvantages) of hormonal therapy with your doctor.

6. Visit your mammologist and gynecologist regularly

You are advised to consult a mammologist every 6 months.
Be sure to undergo an ultrasound examination and perform breast palpation yourself.
Examine your mammary glands yourself once a month.
Visit your gynecologist once a year.

Remember: Breast cancer shows age dependence. In women over 55 years of age, cancer is more common than in younger women; there is no need to self-medicate.

7. Visit your dentist regularly

Twice a day (in the morning after breakfast and at night), thoroughly clean your gums, teeth, and tongue for three minutes. After meals, use a toothpick, mouthwash, dental floss(for hard to reach places).
Once every six months, try to undergo a preventive examination with a dentist.
It is important to brush your teeth after every meal, no matter how small. If you don't have a brush and toothpaste at hand, use a toothpick (dental floss).
Be sure to have your teeth professionally cleaned once every six months. Using specialized equipment and materials, your dentist will help remove deposits from your teeth.
You need to be careful when choosing a toothbrush and toothpaste. Choose toothpaste depending on your needs and financial capabilities.
If you have sensitive teeth that react to the taste of food, temperature changes, you will need special pastes containing potassium nitrate and strontium chloride. This will reduce tooth sensitivity.
To combat tartar, use pastes with triclosan, zinc citrate, and pyrophosphates. These elements can protect the oral cavity from bacteria. Toothbrush choose one with soft bristles, this will avoid injury to the gums and enamel. Do not forget that every three months the brush needs to be replaced with a new one.

Remember: toothpaste for everyday use should contain fluoride. This element will protect your teeth from the influence of harmful microbes and strengthen the enamel.

8. Control your emotional state

Most likely, you rarely experience attacks of rage; rather, a prolonged state of melancholy is more typical for you.
Don’t isolate yourself, try to define a certain social circle that is pleasant to you.

Remember: At this age, stress is contraindicated for you, which can provoke pressure surges, which is why at your age you should strictly monitor your emotions and maintain positive thinking as much as possible.

9. Be sexually active

Age is not a reason to forget about sex. You may experience a decrease in sexual desire, but it may also happen that your sex life during and after menopause remains virtually unchanged.
The only downside may be a decrease in the level of vaginal moisture. But this problem can be easily solved with the help of lubricants.
Give love more time. Hormonal changes in the body that are caused by menopause often cause the vaginal mucosa to produce less mucus and become thinner. As a result, sexual intercourse can be quite painful.
Take these circumstances into account, remember the lack of lubrication and take longer to prepare for sexual intercourse.
It won’t be a big sin if you find other ways to sexually satisfy your partner other than sexual intercourse itself.
Try using special ointments or creams. As a last resort, you can use ordinary vegetable oil or a cold, odorless moisturizer.
The pharmacy may recommend an ointment that closely resembles natural lubricant.

Remember: You should not use Vaseline as an artificial lubricant; it is too greasy and sticky for that.

10. Take care of your skin and hair

It is very important for you to take proper care of your skin and hair. Hormonal changes are occurring in your body. The skin gradually becomes dehydrated, loses its elasticity, and its ability to produce collagen decreases. The contours of the face have become more blurred, the skin has become flabby. Wrinkles around the lips and nose are more clearly defined, normal skin pigmentation is disrupted, and the complexion has become somewhat uneven. So you need special care products.
Try to apply a rich moisturizer to your face twice in the morning and evening.
Use a firming serum with a high content of retinol, a cream that has a lifting effect.
Products containing wheat germ oil or vitamin C help whiten the skin.
Make an anti-wrinkle mask. This mask will help you against spots on your face and wrinkles. Mix one protein with two teaspoons of honey and apply the mask for twenty-five minutes. Rinse off the mixture warm water.
Dissolve one tablespoon wheat flour fresh green strong tea to the consistency of thick sour cream. Add one yolk, mix everything and apply to your face for twenty minutes. Wash off the mask with boiled warm water and apply nourishing cream to the skin.
Makeup requirements. At your age, makeup is necessary to highlight your assets. Apply the concealer to the area under the eyes so as not to cover the entire face with foundation. It is better to use this product as needed.

Remember: Don’t forget about your eyebrows, give them a clear line, point them slightly upward. You can disguise the lack of eyebrow hairs using eye shadow and a pencil.

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