What natural phenomena are observed in winter. Winter. Winter months. Winter phenomena of nature. Winter signs about the weather. Autumn phenomena of nature

"How Snow Forms" - Let's explore the properties of snow and ice. The first snowflakes in the air are spinning, Fall to the ground, but not stale. The snow is white. In the warmth, snow and ice melt. The ice is transparent. Pooh flies - Dazzles in the eyes, And if you catch it - It is cold. Snowflakes form high in the sky, in the clouds. For what? Not precious stone, but glitters.

"Inanimate nature in winter" - Inanimate nature in winter. Winter months... Snowfall. Winter phenomena in inanimate nature. Rime. Thaw. December January February. 2. January - "jelly". Changes in inanimate nature in our region. 1. December is "wind-winter". Characteristics of winter. 1. Thaw 2. Ice 3. Snowfall 4. Blizzard 5. Rime. 3. February - "snow".

"In the winter in the forest" - Beautiful and sad winter forest... Let flocks flock to you from all corners like home, Flocks on the porch. Kinglet. Tit. Yes, and changed his coat. There is a lot of snow in the forest! Zhelna. The nuthatch is found in mixed flocks of tits, woodpeckers, and red beetles. Jay. Indeed, in a white fur coat, the fox will not immediately notice the bunny. Feed the birds in winter!

"Wild animals in winter" - In winter, wolves live in packs. Characters... - Today we have not talked about another beautiful animal, the bear. - There are also hares, hares. - Schoolchildren should be, first of all, ecologically cultured people. Target. The hunt opens at a certain time and in certain places. - Here they told how the squirrel is protected from enemies.

"Snow winter" - Today is a day from the sun, the frost spreads on the branches, Winter has come. Outside the window in a white field - Dusk, wind, snow ... Our river, as if in a fairy tale, Frost paved over night, On fluffy branches With a snowy border Brush blossomed White fringed. It's white, it's white. Looking at each other, Sleeping in the snow at home.

"The world around us in winter" - Winter Games... What winter fun do you know? Form in children cognitive interest to the surrounding world, native nature. Signs of winter. What signs of winter do you know? Authors: Educators MDOU " Kindergarten Vostochny settlement "Bannova I.The. What seasons do you know? Objective of the project. Guess the time of year. Educational questions.

There are 13 presentations in total

We have collected for you interesting materials about winter, which both schoolchildren may need when writing stories and reports about this time of year, and teachers primary grades to familiarize students with the topic "Winter. Winter months. Winter natural phenomena. Winter signs about the weather. ", in this case, the story can be presented as a presentation. It will turn out to be a wonderful lesson or extracurricular activity.

What is winter?

When the last multi-colored leaves finish crumbling and envelop the earth with their variegated carpet, and gray raindrops give way to chilly cold and the first sparkling snowflakes, winter comes into its own. She reigns for three whole months: a timid frosty December, snowy and festive January and, of course, February, famous for its harsh cold weather. In winter, nature sleeps sweetly, wrapped in a blanket of snow and soothed by the discordant, but melodic melodic tune of the blizzard. However, this exciting time of the year declares itself not only with a lush cap of snow-white snowdrifts and transparent icicles hanging from the roofs of houses, but also with a temperature that does not rise above zero degrees Celsius, and makes you wrap yourself up in warm clothes chilly.

Changes in nature in winter


December, which marks the arrival of winter, unlike the mild autumn November, very rarely spoils nature with its thaws. He carefully and gradually prepares for the onset of cold and frost, lowering the temperature column on the thermometer and wrapping everything around with a warm snow blanket. Thanks to this care, many small animals and plants can survive the coming cold weather, because it is warmer under the snow than outside. Sparkling snowdrifts often reach 30 cm and no longer surrender to the mercy of timid sunlight. The lower the air temperature, the harder the snow and the louder its melodic crunch becomes.

Gradually, the day begins to lose ground, and the cold December nights are getting longer. Short frosts are already beginning to show their harsh character and a thin crust of ice fetters the movement of winding rivers. Sometimes December pampers with small thaws and a pleasant rise in temperature, but it can remind of itself with sharp frosts, and the arctic winds gradually bring more and more cold and freshness.

In the northern hemisphere, the night of December 22 is the longest of the year, and the day of December 22 is the shortest of the year. In a day winter solstice On December 22, the sun rises to its lowest height above the horizon for the entire year.

With the onset of December, a lot of folk signs about the weather are connected. Here is some of them:

  • If the sky is cloudy in December and the clouds are hanging low, then it is worth waiting for next year big harvest.
  • If thunder often thunders this month, then in January there will be very severe frosts.
  • The absence of rain means that spring and summer will also be dry.
  • A lot of snow, frost and frozen ground mark a good harvest in the fall.
  • If bullfinches arrived this month, then winter will be frosty.

In Russia, at the beginning of December, they already began to break through toboggan tracks and arranged triplets. From December 9 in evening time it was worth keeping closer to the houses, as the wolves began to approach closer to the village.

However, December marks not only the beginning of winter, but also an impatient anticipation of the New Year. This holiday, celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1, is one of the most wonderful days, because it symbolizes not only the beginning of the new year, but also the time of finding new hopes and aspirations, faith in positive changes and magical events. Each person becomes a child on this holiday and looks forward to the onset of a bewitching fairy tale and the realization of all dreams. The scent of pine needles and the unique taste of tangerines awaken warm memories and make the heart beat faster in anticipation of miracles.


In January, winter comes into its own right. She serenely reigns in nature and continues her snowy and frosty procession. Epiphany cold and unique snow crystals create a magical winter's tale from intricate patterns on the windows, sing about her, spinning in the whirlpool of a blizzard, and boldly look into the cloudless blue sky... A bitter frost makes itself felt with puffs of steam from the mouth and a pleasant tingling of the cheeks and nose. All this magic maintains the temperature already established within -10-30 degrees Celsius. The days are gradually getting longer, and the impenetrable darkness of frosty nights is gradually losing ground. However, the piercing light of the bright sun does not have time to warm the earth, so the stubborn cold claims its rights even stronger and makes the air piercingly frosty. Thanks to this, you can admire at night clear sky and the sparkling diamonds of the stars. The wind is not as strong as in December and does not flutter the trees dressed in snow, but only lovingly strokes their tops.

January is famous not only for its mesmerizing beauty, but also for the onset of important event in the life of Christians - the Nativity of Christ. This bright holiday, celebrated on January 7, is solemnly celebrated by all believers, and their congratulations to each other merge together to the ringing of bells.

The days from 7 to 19 January are called Christmastide. They are illuminated with the light of the Nativity of Christ and are perfect for various games, fortune-telling and carols. Most often, fortune-telling was performed on the night of January 13-14. Young girls wanted to know who would be their betrothed, and married women tried to find out what the weather will be like in summer and whether it is worth waiting for a big harvest. Christmastide was also a period of noisy weddings. In Russia, these days, sleigh rides and all kinds of snow fun were organized.

According to folk signs about the weather:

  • if the south wind blows on January 21, then the summer will be rainy, and if on the 23rd there will be frost on the haystacks, then the summer will be cool and rainy.


With the onset of February, the thick gray sky, which continues to wrap the sleeping ground with a soft cap of snow, gradually becomes a little kinder and allows bright sunlight to often peep through the dense clouds. Winter still reminds of itself with a discordant melody of a blizzard and a merry carousel of snowflakes swirled by a blizzard, but the anticipation of spring is gradually beginning to revive everything around. The cheeks, pink from the prickly frost, gradually begin to warm up with the timid warmth of the sun. The snow is covered with a thin crust and begins to give up on the sly, anticipating the approach of spring. The days are getting longer, and the clear sky is increasingly pleasing to the eye with its unique blue.

V southern regions Buds appear on the willows of Russia - the first harbingers of spring, and thawed patches, like messengers, carry the news of its approach. The frosty wind pleasantly pricks the face with small snowflakes, and the chilly frost alternates with the long-awaited thaws. However, mesmerizing blizzards and stubborn cold weather will not soon surrender to the grace of the beautiful spring.

There are a lot of folk signs about the weather associated with February.

  • If the weather is very cold and frosty this month, then the summer will be hot.
  • Little snow in February threatens a bad harvest.
  • If thunder is thundering, then it is worth waiting for strong winds.
  • A rainy February speaks of the same spring and summer.
  • Bright stars predict frost, and dim ones predict a thaw.
  • If the frosts in February are very strong, then the winter will be short.

Signs of winter coming

One of the first signs of winter is the appearance of dense, low overhanging clouds... They, like a fur blanket, envelop the sky and do not allow the sun's rays to break through their veil and delight the earth with their warmth, and the sun is low and already warms up not so much. Such clouds are very different from summer, light and cirrus. The winter sky does not please with its colors, but it compensates for this in abundance with sparkling snowflakes, neatly, like sparkling silver, covering everything around.

Thick blanket of snow is also an important sign of winter. Only at this time of the year, fluffy snowflakes do not melt under the timid rays of the sun, but, gradually increasing, create a reliable snow cover.

Winter is also famous for its frosts. Gradually it gets colder. The thin needles of the first frosty winds begin to tingle on the cheeks and nose and force them to wrap themselves up in winter clothes more tightly. The warm jacket is complemented by its permanent companions - a hat and mittens.

Plants and animals are also actively preparing for the onset of winter. Trees and shrubs in anticipation of cold weather and cloudy days shed their leaves... However, this will not last long and in the spring the first small leaves will appear on the branches. Only coniferous trees do not want to part with their green needles and continue to delight them even in winter.

There is little food to eat in winter, so some animals hibernate and those that remain awake grow fluffy and thick fur. The hare, for example, turns white, while the hedgehog and the bear hibernate.

Birds also find it difficult to endure the cold and lack of abundant food, so many of them fly away to warmer climes , and the rest adapt to different types stern.

Natural phenomena in winter

At this time of the year there are such interesting and unusual phenomena nature as:

  • Blizzard
  • Ice
  • Icicles
  • Frost patterns

A blizzard occurs with the first gusts of wind and, boldly picking up the snow cover, carries him into a mysterious winter dance. This is a very harsh natural phenomenon, which is better not to be encountered on the way. Blizzard boldly disposes of the snowy landscape and disposes of fluffy snowdrifts at will. Most often this happens in the middle of winter, when frost and cold reign supreme.

Ice, like a sweet winter dream, fetters water bodies and covers with a thin crust of ice not only the continuous flow of rivers, but all roads. This happens if, after rain or sleet, the temperature column drops below zero. Ice on rivers impedes navigation, but provides ample room for all kinds of winter fun such as: sledding, ice skating or skiing.

Icicles are another interesting phenomenon of winter. They, like ice daggers, falling into the ground and scattering into hundreds of sparkling fragments. Icicles form when snow begins to melt on rooftops or other flat objects, and the resulting water freezes at night in low temperatures.

Frosty patterns, like hoarfrost, are an incredible lace creation for winter. Their whimsical drawing and mesmerizing beauty leave a lot of room for imagination and immerse in snowy tale... This becomes possible due to the formation of ice crystals that settle on the irregularities of the glass. They overlap and create pictures of incredible beauty.

Winter is not only a beautiful time of the year, but also a very unusual one. She like big riddle, which has yet to be solved. For example:

  • snow is a real work of art and no two snowflakes are alike in the world.
  • Snowflakes are 95% air, which is why they sink so slowly to the ground.
  • In Antarctica, you can find purple, pink or red snow.
  • V different countries and parts of the world ice has different temperatures... For example, the coldest ice is found in Antarctic glaciers and reaches -60 degrees Celsius, and the warmest (0 degrees) - on the peaks of the Scandinavian mountains and the Alps.
  • More than half of the inhabitants of the Earth have never seen real snow at all.
  • On February 18, 1979, snow was recorded in the Sahara Desert, and this is one of the hottest places on the planet.
  • Enjoy the warmest winter in Northern Sudan. There, at this time of the year, the temperature rarely drops below +40 degrees.
  • One of the coldest and most uninhabitable places is Antarctica. In winter, the average air temperature there is -70 degrees. And at Vostok station, which is located in Antarctica, a temperature of -89.2 degrees was recorded.

Winter is a wonderful and fabulous time of the year, when, despite the short day and frosty air, life does not freeze, but is filled with new light and sound. A snow-white blanket of snow and snowflakes sparkling in the sun, unique patterns on glass and an ice crust that fetters rivers and lakes are endlessly pleasing to the eye. The prickly frost, lovingly fluttering the cheeks, reminds of how many games there are fresh air conceals this time of year and makes you freeze in anticipation of the New Year holidays.

What are natural phenomena? What are they? You will find answers to these questions in this article. The material can be useful both for preparing the world around for the lesson, and for general development.

Everything that surrounds us and is not created human hands is nature.

All changes in nature are called natural phenomena or natural phenomena. The rotation of the Earth, its movement in orbit, the change of day and night, the change of seasons are examples of natural phenomena.

The seasons are also called seasons. Therefore, natural phenomena associated with the change of seasons are called seasonal phenomena.

As you know, nature can be inanimate and alive.

Inanimate nature includes: the sun, stars, celestial bodies, air, water, clouds, stones, minerals, soil, precipitation, mountains.

Living nature includes plants (trees), mushrooms, animals (animals, fish, birds, insects), microbes, bacteria, and humans.

In this article, we will look at winter, spring, summer and autumn natural phenomena in living and inanimate nature.

Winter phenomena of nature

Examples of winter phenomena in inanimate nature Examples of winter phenomena in wildlife
  • Snow is a kind of winter atmospheric precipitation in the form of crystals or flakes.
  • Snowfall - Heavy snowfall in winter.
  • Blizzard is a strong blowing snowstorm that occurs mainly in flat, treeless areas.
  • Blizzard is a snow storm with a strong wind.
  • A snowstorm is a winter phenomenon in inanimate nature, when strong wind raises a cloud of dry snow, and reduces visibility at low temperatures.
  • Buran is a blizzard in the steppe area, in open places.
  • Blizzard - the transfer by the wind of previously fallen and (or) falling snow.
  • Ice formation of a thin layer of ice on the surface of the earth as a result of a cold snap after a thaw or rain.
  • Ice - the formation of a layer of ice on the surface of the earth, trees, wires and other objects that form after freezing rain drops, drizzle;
  • Icicles - icing with a liquid drain in the form of a cone pointed downwards.
  • Frosty patterns are, in fact, frost that forms on the ground and on tree branches, on windows.
  • Freezing up is a natural phenomenon when a continuous ice cover is established on rivers, lakes and other bodies of water;
  • Clouds are a collection of water droplets and ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere, visible to the naked eye in the sky.
  • Ice - as a natural phenomenon - is the process of transition of water into a solid state.
  • Frost is a phenomenon when the temperature drops below 0 degrees Celsius.
  • Rime is a snow-white fluffy bloom that grows on tree branches, wires in calm frosty weather, mainly in fog, appearing with the first sharp cold snaps.
  • Thaw - Warm winter weather with melting snow and ice.
  • Bear hibernation is a period of slowing down of life processes and metabolism in homeothermic animals during periods of inaccessible food.
  • Hedgehogs hibernation - due to lack of nutrition in winter, hedgehogs hibernate.
  • The change in color of a hare from gray to white is a mechanism by which hares adapt to changing environments.
  • The squirrel's color change from red to bluish gray is the mechanism by which squirrels adapt to changing environments.
  • Bullfinches, tits arrive
  • People dressed in winter clothes

Spring phenomena of nature

The names of spring phenomena in inanimate nature The names of spring phenomena in wildlife
  • Ice drift - the movement of ice along the current during melting rivers.
  • Snow melting is a natural phenomenon when the snow begins to melt.
  • Thawed patches are a phenomenon of early spring, when areas that have thawed from snow appear, most often around trees.
  • High water is an annually repeating phase of the river's water regime with a characteristic rise in the water level.
  • Thermal winds are common name for winds associated with the temperature difference that occurs between a cold spring night and a relatively warm sunny day.
  • The first thunderstorm - atmospheric phenomenon when electrical discharges - lightning, accompanied by thunder - appear between the cloud and the earth's surface.
  • Snow melting
  • The murmur of streams
  • Drops - drops from roofs, from trees of melting snow, as well as these drops themselves.
  • Flowering of early flowering plants (bushes, trees, flowers)
  • The appearance of insects
  • Arrival of migratory birds
  • Sap flow in plants - that is, the movement of water and minerals dissolved in it from the root system to the aboveground part.
  • Dissolving buds
  • The emergence of a flower from a bud
  • Foliage appearance
  • Birdsong
  • The birth of baby animals
  • Bears and hedgehogs wake up after hibernation
  • Molting in animals - changing a winter coat to thorns

Summer natural phenomena

Summer phenomena nature in inanimate nature Summer natural phenomena in wildlife
  • Thunderstorm is an atmospheric phenomenon when electrical discharges - lightning, accompanied by thunder - appear between the cloud and the earth's surface.
  • Lightning is a giant electrical spark discharge in the atmosphere that can usually occur during a thunderstorm, manifested by a bright flash of light and accompanying thunder.
  • Zarnitsa - instant flashes of light on the horizon in a distant thunderstorm. This phenomenon is observed, as a rule, at night. Thunder peals are not heard due to the range, but lightning flashes are visible, the light of which is reflected from cumulonimbus clouds (mainly their tops). The phenomenon was popularly timed to the end of summer, the beginning of the harvest, and is sometimes called bakeries.
  • Thunder is a sound phenomenon in the atmosphere that accompanies a lightning strike.
  • Hail is a type of rainfall, consisting of pieces of ice.
  • Rainbow is one of the most beautiful natural phenomena resulting from refraction sunlight in water droplets suspended in the air.
  • Downpour - heavy (torrential) rain.
  • Heat is a state of the atmosphere characterized by hot air heated by the sun's rays.
  • Dew is small droplets of moisture that settle on plants or soil when the morning coolness sets in.
  • Summer warm rains
  • The grass turns green
  • Flowers bloom
  • Mushrooms and berries grow in the forest

Autumn phenomena of nature

Autumn phenomena in inanimate nature Autumn phenomena in wildlife
  • Wind is a stream of air moving parallel to the earth's surface.
  • Fog is a cloud “descending” to the surface of the earth.
  • Rain is one of the types of atmospheric precipitation that falls from clouds in the form of liquid droplets, the diameter of which varies from 0.5 to 5-7 mm.
  • Slush is liquid mud that forms from rain and sleet in wet weather.
  • Hoarfrost is a thin layer of ice that covers the surface of the earth and other objects on it at sub-zero temperatures.
  • Freezing - mild frost in the range of 1 to 3 degrees Celsius.
  • Autumn drift of ice - the movement of ice on rivers and lakes under the influence of a current or wind at the beginning of freezing of water bodies.
  • Falling leaves - the process of falling leaves from trees.
  • Flight of birds to the south

Unusual natural phenomena

What natural phenomena still exist? In addition to the seasonal natural phenomena described above, there are several more that are not associated with some season of the year.

  • Flood is called a short-term sudden rise in the water level in the river. This sharp rise may be due to heavy rainfall, melting a large number snow, the discharge of an impressive volume of water from the reservoir, the descent of glaciers.
  • northern Lights- the glow of the upper layers of the atmospheres of planets with a magnetosphere, due to their interaction with charged particles of the solar wind.
  • Ball lightning- a rare natural phenomenon that looks like a luminous formation floating in the air.
  • Mirageoptical phenomenon in the atmosphere: refraction of light streams at the border between layers of air that are sharply different in density and temperature.
  • « Falling star»- an atmospheric phenomenon that occurs when meteoric bodies hit the Earth's atmosphere
  • Hurricane- extremely fast and strong, often of great destructive force and considerable duration of air movement
  • Tornado- an ascending vortex from extremely rapidly rotating air in the form of a funnel of enormous destructive force, in which moisture, sand and other suspended matter are present.
  • Ebb and flow- these are changes in water level sea ​​elements and the World Ocean.
  • Tsunami- long and high waves generated by powerful impact the entire water column in the ocean or other body of water.
  • Earthquake- are tremors and vibrations of the earth's surface. The most dangerous of them arise due to tectonic displacements and ruptures in earth crust or the top of the Earth's mantle
  • Tornadoatmospheric vortex arising in a cumulonimbus (thunderstorm) cloud and spreading down, often to the very surface of the earth, in the form of a cloud sleeve or trunk tens and hundreds of meters in diameter
  • Eruption- the process of ejection by a volcano on earth surface red-hot debris, ash, outpouring of magma, which, pouring out onto the surface, becomes lava.
  • Floods- flooding of the territory of the earth with water, which is a natural disaster.

Everything that surrounds us and that is not created by human hands is called nature. All changes that we can observe in the surrounding world are natural phenomena. Consider what natural phenomena are depending on the season.

Phenomena of wildlife

As you know, nature is alive and inanimate. Let's get acquainted with examples of wildlife phenomena.

All living things that inhabit our planet - man, animals, birds, insects, fish, all types of plants, bacteria and various microbes - belong to the world of wildlife.

In winter, nature seems to fall asleep, and all living things are prepared for this state:

  • Trees and bushes shed their foliage ... This is because it is very cold in winter and little light, and ordinary leaves in such conditions they cannot grow. But coniferous trees have leaves in the form of thin needles, which are not afraid of any frosts. They fall off gradually, and new needles grow in their place.
  • In winter in conditions wildlife very little feed ... For this reason, some animals - bears, hedgehogs, chipmunks, badgers - hibernate to survive the stormy winter times. They dig warm, cozy burrows for themselves, and sleep there until the arrival of spring. Those animals that continue active life in winter acquire a thick coat that prevents them from freezing.

Rice. 1. Bear in a den

  • With the onset of the first cold weather, many birds go to warmer regions. to spend the winter there with great comfort. Only those species of birds that have learned to eat various feeds remain in their homeland.

In winter, even those birds that live in the city have a very hard time. There are almost no insects, berries and grains too. To help feathered friends wait for the gentle spring sun, you can make feeders and feed them in the cold season.

In spring, nature awakens, and plants are the first to react: buds bloom on the trees, new leaves appear, young green grass springs up.

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Rice. 2. Spring forest

The animals are very happy with the long-awaited warmth. Now you can leave your dens and burrows, and return to active life. In the spring, animals and birds have offspring, and their worries are added.

In summer and early autumn, nature pleases warm weather, an abundance of fruits, vegetables, berries. Animals raise their babies, teach them to get food for themselves, to defend themselves from enemies. In autumn, many animals make their own reserves for the winter, preparing for the coming cold weather.

Phenomena of inanimate nature

Inanimate nature includes all celestial bodies, water, air, soil, minerals, stones.

In winter, the natural phenomena are very harsh. It's good when the snow is soft and the world around you turns into a winter fairy tale. It is much worse when a fierce blizzard, blizzard or blizzard reigns on the street.

In the steppe, open area, a storm is terrible in its power - a strong blizzard, because of which it is difficult to see something even close. Once in the center of the blizzard, many travelers lost their bearings in space and froze.

Rice. 3. Snow blizzard

In the spring, nature throws off its snow chains:

  • Ice drift begins on rivers - melting and movement of ice along the current.
  • The snow melts, the first thawed patches appear - small areas of thawed snow.
  • Warm winds begin to blow, winter precipitation changes to rain and spring showers.
  • Daylight hours are getting longer and the night is getting shorter.

All summer apparitions inanimate nature are directly related to warming. Dry, sultry weather is set, with variable atmospheric precipitation... Rains can start suddenly, with thunder and lightning. But within half an hour after a heavy downpour, the sun will shine brightly in the sky again.

And only in summer you can admire such a wonderful natural phenomenon as a rainbow!

With the onset of autumn, daylight hours again shorten, the air temperature drops, and there are often long rains. In the morning, with the first frost, the thinnest layer of ice - frost may appear on the surface of the earth and objects.

What have we learned?

In grade 2, the world around him studies such interesting topic as "Natural Phenomena". We learned that nature can be alive and inanimate, and its phenomena largely depend on the time of year.

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In nature and weather, changes are constantly taking place, now it snows, then it rains, then the sun bakes, then there are clouds. All these are called natural phenomena or natural phenomena. Phenomena of nature are changes that occur in nature independently of the will of man. Many natural phenomena are associated with the change of seasons (seasons), therefore they are called seasonal. For each season, and we have 4 of them - this is spring, summer, autumn, winter, their natural and weather conditions... It is customary to divide nature into living (these are animals and plants) and inanimate. Therefore, phenomena are also divided into phenomena of living nature and phenomena of inanimate nature. Of course, these phenomena overlap, but some of them are especially characteristic of a particular season.

Spring phenomena of nature

In the spring, after a long winter, the sun warms up more and more, an ice drift begins on the river, thawed patches appear on the ground, buds swell, the first green grass grows. The day is getting longer and the night is shorter. It is getting warmer. Migratory birds begin their journey to those lands where they will raise their chicks.

What natural phenomena happen in spring?

Snow melting. As more heat comes from the Sun, the snow begins to melt. The air around is filled with the murmur of streams, which can provoke the onset of floods - a clear spring sign.

Thawed patches. They appear wherever the snow cover was thinner and where more sun fell on it. It is the appearance of thawed patches that suggests that winter has surrendered its rights, and spring has begun. The first greens quickly make their way through the thawed patches; on them you can find the first spring flowers - snowdrops. Snow will lie in crevices and depressions for a long time, but on the hills and in the fields it melts quickly, substituting the islets of land under the warm sun.

Frost. It was warm and suddenly froze - frost appears on the branches and wires. These are frozen crystals of moisture.

Ice drift. It gets warmer in spring, the ice crust on rivers and lakes begins to crack, and the ice gradually melts. Moreover, the water in the reservoirs is getting more, it carries away the ice floes downstream - this is an ice drift.

High water. Streams of melted snow flow from everywhere to the rivers, they fill the reservoirs, the water comes out of the banks.

Thermal winds. The sun gradually warms up the earth, and at night it begins to give off this heat, winds are formed. While they are still weak and unstable, but the warmer it gets around, the more the air masses move. Such winds are called thermal, they are characteristic of the spring season.

Rain. The first spring rain is cold, but not as cold as snow 🙂

Storm. At the end of May, the first thunderstorm may thunder. Not so strong yet, but bright. Thunderstorms are discharges of electricity in the atmosphere. A thunderstorm often occurs when warm air is displaced and lifted by cold fronts.

Grad. This is the falling out of a cloud of ice balls. The hail can range in size from a tiny pea to a chicken egg, and it can even pierce through the glass of a car!

These are all examples of phenomena of inanimate nature.

Blooming is a spring phenomenon of living nature. The first buds appear on trees in late April - early May. The grass has already pierced its green stalks, and the trees are preparing to put on their green outfits. The leaves will bloom quickly and suddenly and the first flowers are about to bloom, substituting their centers for the awakened insects. Summer is coming soon.

Read more about spring, spring natural phenomena and weather signs >>

Summer natural phenomena

In summer, the grass turns green, flowers bloom, leaves turn green on the trees, you can swim in the river. The sun warms up well, it can be very hot. In summer, the longest day and the most short night a year. Berries and fruits ripen, the harvest ripens.

In summer, there are natural phenomena such as:

Rain. While in the air, water vapor is supercooled, forming clouds consisting of millions of small ice crystals. Low temperature in the air, below zero degrees, leads to the growth of crystals and to the heaviness of the frozen drops, which melt in the lower part of the cloud and fall in the form of raindrops on the surface of the earth. In summer, the rain is usually warm and helps to water the forests and fields. Often summer rain is accompanied by a thunderstorm. If it rains and the sun is shining at the same time, they say that it is "Mushroom Rain". Such rain happens when the cloud is small and does not cover the sun.

Heat. In summer, the sun's rays fall on the Earth more steeply and more intensely heat its surface. And at night, the surface of the earth gives off heat to the atmosphere. Therefore, in summer it is hot during the day, and sometimes even at night.

Rainbow. Occurs in humid atmospheres, often after rain or thunderstorms. A rainbow is an optical phenomenon of nature, for the observer it appears in the form of a multi-colored arc. When the sun's rays are refracted in water droplets, an optical distortion occurs, consisting in the deflection different colors, White color is broken down into a spectrum of colors in the form of a multi-colored rainbow.

Flowering begins in spring and lasts all summer.

Autumn phenomena of nature

In the fall, you no longer run on the street in a T-shirt and shorts. It gets colder, the foliage turns yellow, falls off, flies away migratory birds, insects disappear from sight.

Autumn is characterized by the following natural phenomena:

Leaf fall. As they go through their year-round cycle, plants and trees shed their leaves in the fall, exposing bark and branches, preparing for hibernation... Why does the tree get rid of the leaves? So that the snow that falls does not break the branches. Even before the leaves of the trees dry, turn yellow or turn red, and, gradually, the wind throws the leaves to the ground, forming a leaf fall. This is an autumn phenomenon of living nature.

Fogs. The earth and water are still warming up during the day, but in the evening it gets colder and fog appears. When the air humidity is high, for example after rain or damp, cool time years, the cooled air turns into small droplets of water hovering above the ground - this is the fog.

Dew. These are water droplets from the air that fell on the grass and leaves in the morning. During the night, the air cools down, water vapor that is in the air comes into contact with the surface of the earth, grass, tree leaves and settles in the form of water droplets. On cold nights, dew drops freeze, causing it to turn to frost.

Shower. This is heavy, "pouring" rain.

Wind. This is the movement of air currents. The wind is especially cold in autumn and winter.

As in spring, there is frost in autumn. This means there is a light frost outside - frost.

Fog, dew, downpour, wind, frost, frost are autumn phenomena of inanimate nature.

Winter phenomena of nature

Snow falls in winter, it gets cold. Rivers and lakes are frozen in ice. In winter, the longest nights and the most short days, it gets dark early. The sun barely warms.

Thus, the phenomena of inanimate nature characteristic of winter:

Snowfall is the fall of snow.

Blizzard. It is snowfall with wind. It is dangerous to be outside in a blizzard, it increases the risk of hypothermia. A severe blizzard can even knock you off your feet.

Freezing is the formation of a crust of ice on the surface of the water. The ice will last all winter until spring, until the snow melts and the spring ice drift.

Another natural phenomenon - clouds - happens at any time of the year. Clouds are droplets of water gathered in the atmosphere. Water evaporating on the ground turns into steam, then, together with warm air currents, rises above the ground. So water is transported over long distances, the water cycle in nature is ensured.

More about winter and winter natural phenomena >>

Unusual natural phenomena

There are also very rare, unusual natural phenomena, such as the northern lights, ball lightning, tornadoes and even fish rain. One way or another, such examples of the manifestation of inanimate natural forces cause both surprise and, at times, anxiety, because many of them can harm a person.

Now you know a lot about natural phenomena and can accurately find those characteristic of a particular season 🙂

Materials prepared for a lesson on the subject The world in grade 2, the Perspective and School of Russia programs (Pleshakov), but will be useful to any primary school teacher, and parents of preschoolers and junior schoolchildren in home teaching.

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