Heroes of our country presentation. Hero of the Russian Federation is a state award of the Russian Federation, the highest title awarded for services to the state and people related. Star of the Hero of Russia


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Slide captions: This date is dedicated to an outstanding event during the reign of Empress Catherine II, who in 1769 established the Order of St. George the Victorious. In 2007, at the initiative of the country's President Vladimir Putin, a change was made to the federal law Russian Federation

“On the days of military glory and memorable dates of Russia,” according to which December 9 was established as the day of remembrance of Heroes of the Fatherland. Hero of the Russian Federation - state award

Russian Federation - a title awarded for services to the state and people associated with the accomplishment of a heroic feat. The Hero of the Russian Federation is awarded a sign of special distinction - the Gold Star medal.

The first person awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation was the head of the Lipetsk center for combat training and retraining of flight personnel, Aviation Major General Sulambek Susarkulovich Oskanov. He was awarded the high title by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 384 of April 11, 1992 (posthumously). While performing a flight mission on a MiG-29 aircraft on February 7, 1992, a technical failure occurred, and General Oskanov, at the cost of his life, prevented the plane from falling on a populated area. The widow of S. S. Oskanov was awarded the Gold Star medal No. 2, because the Russian leadership decided that Hero of Russia No. 1 should have been alive. The Gold Star medal No. 1 was awarded to pilot-cosmonaut Sergei Konstantinovich Krikalev for completing a long space flight on orbital station

"World". The title of Hero of the Russian Federation was awarded to him by decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the same day (April 11, 1992), but by a later decree (No. 387). According to available data, total number

Among those awarded the title are cosmonauts, military personnel, and participants in the Great Patriotic War and other military operations, test pilots, athletes, intelligence officers, scientists and many others.

Sergei Aleksandrovich Solnechnikov (August 19, 1980, Potsdam - March 28, 2012, Amur region) - Russian officer, Major of the Signal Corps, who at the cost of his life saved the soldiers subordinate to him in the explosion of a military grenade. Hero of the Russian Federation (2012).

On March 28, 2012, during a training exercise, soldiers undergoing military service on call, - 19-year-old private Maxim Zhuravlev unsuccessfully threw an RGD-5 grenade from a standing position. The ammunition hit the edge of the front parapet enclosing the firing position, ricocheted and flew into the kill zone of his colleagues. The major instantly realized what had happened, pushed the confused soldier away and covered the grenade with himself. An hour and a half later, the major died on the operating table from injuries incompatible with life.

On April 2, 2012, S. A. Solnechnikov was buried with military honors at city cemetery No. 2 in the city of Volzhsky, Volgograd region, where his parents and Native sister. On April 3, 2012, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Major Solnechnikov S.A. for heroism, courage and dedication shown during the execution military duty, awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously).

On April 2, 2012, the Duma of Blagoveshchensk decided to name one of the streets of the new quarter of the city after Sergei Solnechnikov. On April 24, 2012, a memorial stele to Major Sergei Solnechnikov was unveiled in Belogorsk. On May 7, 2012, a slab with a star was installed on the Walk of Fame in Belogorsk in memory of the Hero of Russia, Major Sergei Solnechnikov.

Major Sergei Solnechnikov accomplished his feat exactly ten years after the same feat of Hero of Russia Sergeant S. A. Burnaev. March 28, 2002 during a special operation in the city of Argun Chechen Republic Sergei Burnaev covered a grenade thrown by the militants with his body and died in the same way, protecting his comrades.

Andrey Alekseevich Turkin (October 21, 1975, Orsk, USSR - September 3, 2004, Beslan, North Ossetia- Alania, Russia) - officer of Directorate “B” (“Vympel”) of the Center special purpose Federal service Security of the Russian Federation, lieutenant who died during the release of hostages during the terrorist attack in Beslan. Posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

Together with the Vympel group, Turkin arrived in the city of Beslan in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, where on September 1, 2004, a group of 32 terrorists captured over a thousand children and adults in school building No. 1.

After explosions occurred on the third day in the gym where most of the hostages were kept, causing a partial collapse of the roof and walls of the gym, the surviving people began to scatter. Andrei's assault group received orders to storm the building, as the militants opened fierce fire on the hostages. Even at the beginning of the assault, Turkin was wounded when, as part of his unit, under heavy fire from militants, he burst into the school building, but did not leave the battle.

Covering the rescue of the hostages with fire, Lieutenant Turkin personally destroyed one terrorist in the dining room, where the militants had driven many of the hostages who survived the explosions in the gym. When another bandit threw a grenade into a crowd of people, Andrei Turkin covered them with his body, at the cost own life saving the hostages.

We shouted not to shoot, that there were hostages here. Then the Alpha men knocked out the grate and jumped into the dining room. A militant named Ibrahim jumped up from behind the stove and threw a grenade shouting “Allah, Akbar.” There was an explosion and my leg was crushed by a shrapnel. The Alpha man jumped on us and covered us with himself. Then they started saving us. I didn't see what I had blood is flowing from my leg, tried to get up and felt that my leg had collapsed under me. I fell, but still continued to crawl. Then they pulled me out. (Nadezhda Badoeva, hostage rescued by Andrei Turkin.)

For the courage and heroism shown during the performance of a special task, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 6, 2004, Lieutenant Andrei Alekseevich Turkin was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (medal No. 830).

He was buried at the Nikolo-Arkhangelskoye cemetery in Moscow. In the Hero’s homeland in the city of Orsk, in the Heroes’ Square on the Walk of Fame, a bust of the Hero of Russia was installed. The name of the Hero of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant Andrei Turkin, was assigned to the Orskaya cadet class cadet school No. 53. B Krasnodar region, in the village of Dinskaya, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1 bears his name. There is also a memorial plaque installed in front of the school entrance. In the city of Krasnodar, on the building of the Academy of Marketing and Social Information Technologies (IMSIT), where Andrei Turkin studied, a memorial plaque was installed in memory of the hero’s feat.

Heroes are not born, heroes become in times of trial. They write poems about exploits. They create songs about fame. “Heroes never die, Heroes live in our memory!”

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Presentation on the topic: Heroes of Russia

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Dima Popko from the regional center Belyaevka Orenburg region was preparing to hold entrance exams to the pedagogical university. He wanted to become a life safety teacher. Did he know, when choosing this specialty, that he would soon have to put into practice the knowledge gained in the lessons? And that he, together with his classmate Almat Tanabergekov, will pass this deadly exam with excellent marks... October 1, 2008, a big change. “Almat and I heard some kind of hum,” recalls Dima. “The floor shook, and then the side where our girls had just stood was covered in gray dust. Five of them died. But Dima and Almat didn’t know this then... They saw 20 guys from 7 “A” who were crowding in horror at the threshold. Dima and Almat, without hesitation, led them to the fire exit and without panic led everyone out into the street. For several months, the mothers, fathers, grandfathers, and uncles of the rescued children approached the boys every day.

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That Monday, second-grader Zhenya Arnold from the village of Klyuchi, in Samara region, I didn’t go to school - my mother didn’t let me. She went somewhere on business and left her at home for the eldest. In her care there are five children, small or small. One of the guys went into another room and started playing with matches. The wooden barracks burst into flames. You could run alone into the street for help. But you’ll abandon it like a frightened child. She grabbed the sick Kristinka (who weighs 13 kg, by the way) in her arms, urged the others on with a shout and led her out of the fire. Just not everyone. Neighbor Anya turned back in a panic, Zhenya was in the smoke and didn’t notice. Neither the adults nor the firefighters were able to get the baby out. It took three hours to extinguish the fire and the house burned to the ground. “It was very scary,” the girl honestly admitted to the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

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The lives of thousands of our fellow citizens are not saved by firefighters or police officers. They are saved by the caring of ordinary, seemingly unremarkable people. But it is they who are the first to be there in moments of danger and, fearlessly rushing to help, think about themselves and rewards last.

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Turkin Andrey Alekseevich21. 10. 1975 - 3. September 2004 Hero of Russia, officer of Directorate "B" ("Vympel") of the Special Purpose Center of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, lieutenant. As part of the Vympel group and other special forces of the FSB of the Russian Federation, he arrived in the city of Beslan in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, where on September 1, 2004, a terrorist group of 32 militants captured over a thousand children and adults in the building of school No. 1. On the third day of this barbaric During the protest, explosions occurred at the school, causing a fire and the collapse of part of the walls. The exhausted hostages, the overwhelming majority of them children, began to run away through the holes in the walls. The terrorists immediately opened automatic and machine-gun fire on those escaping. Special forces units received orders to rescue hostages at any cost and destroy terrorists.

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Turkin Andrey Alekseevich21. 10. 1975 - 3. September 2004 Hero of Russia Andrei Turkin, as part of his unit, burst into the school building under heavy fire from militants. At the same time, he was wounded, but did not leave the battle. While covering the rescue of the hostages with fire, he personally destroyed one terrorist. When another bandit threw a grenade at the hostages, the officer rushed at it and covered it with his body. Killed in an explosion. The last steps of Lieutenant Andrei Turkin saved the lives of dozens of Ossetian and Russian children. For the courage and heroism shown during the performance of a special task, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 6, 2004, Lieutenant Andrei Alekseevich Turkin was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously). Name of the Hero of the Russian Federation Lieutenant Andrei Turkin was assigned to the cadet class of Orsk Cadet School No. 53.

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Heroes of the country Participants in repelling the militant invasion of the Republic of Dagestan, second Chechen war- 314 people; Participants in the First Chechen War - 176 people; Participants in the Great Patriotic War - 105 people; Test pilots - 85 people; Persons who distinguished themselves in operations against terrorists in the regions North Caucasus- 34 people; Military sailors, submariners and naval equipment testers - 32 people; Cosmonauts - 30 people; Participants in the October 1993 events in Moscow - 25 people; Participants in military operations in South Ossetia in 2008 - 23 people; Participants in hostilities in Tajikistan in the 1990s - 18 people; Rescuers and people who saved the lives of other people in natural and man-made disasters - 20 people;

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Heroes of the country Weapons designers and special equipment- 15 people; Persons who distinguished themselves in operations against terrorists outside the North Caucasus - 12 people; Employees of the intelligence services of the USSR and the Russian Federation - 11 people; Testers of parachute, space and other special equipment - 10 people; Participants Afghan war- 6 people; Workers Agriculture- 5 people; Athletes and travelers - 4 people; Liquidators Chernobyl disaster- 4 people; Participants in the operation to evacuate Russian citizens from Kabul in 1992 - 3 people; Participants peacekeeping operations- 3 people; Arctic explorers - 3 people; Pilots civil aviation, who escaped from Taliban captivity in 1996 - 2 people.

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CHILDREN ARE HEROES OF RUSSIA Are there role models in our lives today, people we want to be like? It was not easy for us, 5th grade students, to answer this question. Arnold Schwarzenegger? Bruce Willis? Jackie Chan? But these are all “alien” heroes. And not heroes at all, but actors who create images of “super heroes” on the screen. In life they are ordinary people . And it is not even known how each of them would behave in an extreme situation. Therefore, today it is very important to know that your peers live next to you, who will come to your aid at any moment. Today we will tell true stories about child heroes of our time. Hero of our time ZHENYA TABAKOV Most

  • By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 20, 2009. For the courage and dedication shown in the performance of civic duty, Evgeniy Evgenievich Tabakov was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.
Hero of our time ZHENYA TABAKOV ...School No. 83 of the Noginsk district of the Moscow region, where the boy studied, was named in his honor. The school management decided to include his name in the list of students forever. In the lobby educational institution A memorial plaque was unveiled in memory of the boy. The desk in the office where Zhenya studied was named after him. The right to sit behind it is given to the best student in the class.

On September 1, 2013, a monument to Zhenya Tabakov was unveiled in the school yard. A boy driving a kite away from a dove. Vladimirova Lyubov Thirteen-year-old Lyuba is the eldest child in

large family

from Petropavlovka. She helped her mother in everything and was often left alone with her brothers and sisters. That day, her mother left for Voronezh, while Lyuba remained on the farm herself. At night, the girl woke up from the smell of burning, ran out into the corridor, and saw that it was already engulfed in flames. The exit was cut off and the fire was approaching the room where the children were sleeping. Lyuba broke the glass with a stool and placed her sisters at the window so that they could breathe while she rescued her younger brother. Then they all went out together

Fresh air

. They rushed to their mother's friend to call the firefighters.

Firefighters arrived quickly, but, unfortunately, the house was completely burned out. However, the house is nothing compared to what Lyuba saved Hero of our time DANIL SADIKOV, a 12-year-old teenager, a resident of the city of Naberezhnye Chelny, died while saving a 9-year-old schoolboy. The tragedy occurred on May 5, 2012 on Entuziastov Boulevard. At about two o'clock in the afternoon, 9-year-old Andrei Churbanov decided to get

A grandmother and her eight-year-old grandson were drowning - apparently they had not calculated their strength. Without hesitation, the guys rushed to help. Vasily saved his grandmother, Alexander saved his grandson.

The village of Yurino is small - only about seven thousand inhabitants. So by evening, almost everyone knew about the saviors... Well, the President found out recently... And he signed the corresponding Decree.

Almost three years after heroic act Schoolchildren from Mari-El were awarded medals “For saving the dead.” Awards for young heroes, among other awarded residents of Privolzhsky federal district, in the Presidential Hall of the Nizhny Novgorod Fair on March 12, was presented by the Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Volga Federal District Mikhail Babich.

In the summer of 2011, seventh graders high school village of Yurino, in Mari El, Vasily Zhirkov and Alexander Maltsev, as always, went for a swim at the local canal. Before they could approach the shore, they heard cries for help.

Zhirkov Vasily and Maltsev Alexander

Sergey Krivov 11 years old

In winter, the Amur River, near the village of Elabuga, is the center of events. Men are engaged ice fishing, children play snowballs and skate. So 11-year-old Sergei and Zhenya decided to go ice skating. No one thought that harmless fun would almost turn into tragedy. Zhenya fell into the water. Sergei saved his friend by pulling him out of the water. The village learned about what had happened only when Zhenya did not come to class, and the boy’s class teacher called his mother. The mother said that her son was saved by Seryozha Krivov.

At home, the young hero, however, received a thrashing instead of praise. The boys' parents were very worried about their children, because the ice on the Amur had not yet risen.

Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are going to present Sergei with an award for his courage. Moreover, last spring he also pulled out another of his classmates and also Zhenya from the icy water.

Stas Slynko 12 years old

A night fire in their house in the village of Starominskaya happened in April of this year. The student's mother was on a business trip. Stanislav and his younger sister Irina were under the supervision of their aunt and her husband. He grabbed her, wrapped her in a blanket, opened the window and knocked. He threw his sister down and jumped out himself. Auntie jumped in next. Professional rescuers say that the child, once on fire, acted with extreme precision and courage. Stanislav Slynko was awarded the medal “For Courage in a Fire.”

The boy was the first to wake up from the sound of burning furniture and the smell of smoke. He shouted "We're on fire!" and ran to the nursery where my 5-year-old sister was sleeping

Alexander Petchenko

12 year old boy from Kaliningrad region saved my mother from a burning car.

A student of school No. 1 in the city of Svetly, Kaliningrad region, Sasha Petchenko was traveling with his mother to the village of Grachevka. While driving, the car's tire burst, the car lost control and crashed into a tree on the side of the road. The engine caught fire and started a fire.

During the accident, Sasha's mother, who was driving, had her fingers broken. She was in shock; the entire cabin was in smoke. The child was not taken aback, unfastened his seat belt, helped his mother get out of the car through the window, and only after that he left the burning car.

The sixth-grader was awarded the badge of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia “Participant in the Elimination of Consequences of an Emergency” and a diploma of honor from the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Kaliningrad Region.

Ekaterina Michurova Amir Nurgaliev

First-grader Katya Michurova pulled her classmate out of an ice hole.

Residents of the Kirovsky village Katya Michurova and Amir Nurgaliev were skating on ice near their house. Suddenly, Amir slipped and fell into the water. Katya was not taken aback and immediately extended her hand to the boy.

“At first I was scared. “I wanted to give the branch, but it froze to the ice and I couldn’t tear it off,” the girl said. “Then I grabbed Amir by the sleeve of his jacket, but the ice broke off and I couldn’t hold him. I tried again to pull him out of the icy water, but again I failed. And only the third time, when I grabbed his hand, I pulled Amir onto the ice. We were very cold and quickly ran home.".

At home, Katya did not tell her parents anything about saving Amir. Katya’s mother learned about her daughter’s feat from the boy’s grateful parents.

When asked whether the heroine was afraid for her life, she sincerely answered: "Yes. I just thought that if Amir drowned, his mother would cry a lot, and I would lose a friend.".

These children are real heroes!

Naturally, these are just a small part of the names of selfless children who are ready to come to the rescue at the cost of their lives.

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Who are the heroes?

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Dmitry Donskoy

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The most famous heroes of the Second World War.

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Marat Kazei
Zina Portnova
Lenya Golikov

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Pioneers - war heroes
Borya Tsarikov
Valya Kotik
Gena Voronov

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Mass heroism of the defenders of the Motherland during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945

History does not know a more large-scale, fierce, destructive and bloody confrontation than the struggle of our people with the fascist aggressors. In the war of 1941-1945. The fate of not only our Fatherland, but also many other peoples and countries - essentially all of humanity - was being decided. Therefore, the feat of our compatriots who defeated fascism and won Great Victory.

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Eternal memory to our heroes...

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There have been heroes in Russia at all times. They still exist today. And this is the surest guarantee of the indestructibility of our Fatherland, its spiritual strength and future revival. As long as the Russian soldier is alive - a faithful son and defender of his Fatherland - Russia will also be alive - Russian soldier and now remains a true patriot, a worthy heir of the Russian army.

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Heroism in peacetime.

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Heroes of peacetime.

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The most famous heroes of peacetime.

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The most famous heroes of peacetime.

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Fierce battles took place on the outskirts of Leningrad. Soviet troops tried to hold back the powerful onslaught of the enemy, stubbornly defending every line. While in ambush, the heavy tank of Senior Lieutenant Z. Kolobanov destroyed a German tank column. Skillfully and bravely acting mechanics-drivers N. Nikiforov, N. Rodnikov, gun commander A. Usov, radio operator-machine gunner P. Kiselnikov were able to knock out 22 enemy tanks. Covering the retreat of his comrades, Marine Sergeant V. Veresov blew himself up and the Germans surrounding him with the last grenade. Leningraders showed courage, heroism, and self-sacrifice. Near Vyborg, the only one left alive, the twice wounded gunner, Sergeant V. Nikolaev, fired. He did not leave the position until the enemy retreated. Private V. Merkelov, having swam across the river, burst into a trench of the taken aback fascists, destroyed several Nazis and ensured the passage of the battalion. Sniper Private F. Smolyachkov destroyed 125 enemies in three months

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Near the village of Strokovo, 7 sappers, led by junior lieutenant P. Firstov, held back attacks from 20 enemy tanks and a battalion of infantry all day. Soon the whole country learned about the feat of 28 Panfilov heroes, who at the cost of their lives stopped 50 German tanks at the Dubosekovo junction. Near Klin, Sergeant V. Vasilkovsky covered the pillbox embrasure with his chest; at Volokolamsk his feat was repeated by Senior Sergeant S. Kulikov. In the Naro-Fominsk area, soldiers of the 33rd Army of General M. Efremov fought to the death. In these battles, the soldiers of the 1st battalion of the 1287th rifle regiment of the 110th covered themselves with unfading glory. rifle division, headed by the battalion commissar N. Zaitsev. For almost two days, being surrounded in the area of ​​the brick factory, they repelled the furious attacks of the enemy. Machine gunner I. Urban destroyed about 40 Nazis in just one battle. Private J. Paderin, the father of six children, without hesitation, covered with his body the enemy’s firing point, which threatened to disrupt the regiment’s attack.

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Snipers V. Zaitsev, A. Chekhov, V. Medvedev destroyed the fascists with well-aimed shots (each had more than 200 of them, and sniper A. Sashar - 299). Taisiya Patanina drove her tank, in one battle she knocked out 3 enemy tanks, destroyed 2 guns, a bunker and more than 80 Nazis. Here sailor Mikhail Panikakha, engulfed in flames, rushed at an enemy tank. It was impossible to defeat such people. In the battle near Prokhorovka, the tank crew consisting of Guard Lieutenant V. Shalandin, Guard Sergeants V. Kustov, P. Zelenin, V. Lekomtsev, having knocked out several enemy tanks, rammed the “tiger” with their burning vehicle. Tankers junior lieutenant N. Berezhnoy and sergeant N. Shvets destroyed four heavy tank enemy. Anti-aircraft gunner Sergeant Kalinin shot down 3 German planes. Remaining the only one alive from the gun crew, Sergeant Ts. Raskovinsky shot 9 tanks and 3 vehicles with infantry. Until the last shell, the last artilleryman of the battery, gunner Skomorokhov, held his position, never retreating from the enemy. Under enemy fire, A. Egorov restored communications seven times. Private I. Vdovytchenko threw himself under the tank with a grenade. The immortal exploits of the heroes of the fiery Kursk Bulge are inscribed in golden letters in national history.

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On January 29, 1942, in one of the battles in the Novgorod region, machine guns hit three enemy bunkers at once. Closest to the bunkers were Sergeant I. Gerasimenko, privates A. Krasilov and L. Cheremnov, who understood that the enemy would only need a few minutes to destroy the platoon. Without saying a word, they rushed to the embrasures of the bunkers. The machine guns fell silent and the platoon continued its advance. During the Great Patriotic War, 8 similar group feats were accomplished. The feat of Alexander Matrosov, who closed the embrasure of an enemy bunker with his body on February 23, 1943, was repeated by more than 400 soldiers. And the first to accomplish such a feat was A. Pankratov, junior political instructor tank company August 24, 1941 in the battle for locality Spas-Nereditsa near Novgorod. Already on the first day of the Great Patriotic War, 20 of our pilots carried out air ramming attacks against German aircraft that had invaded air space countries. Among them were senior lieutenant I. Ivanov, junior lieutenant L. Butelin, lieutenant P. Ryabtsev, lieutenant S. Gudimov and others. The most famous feat of the bomber crew led by Captain N. Gastello. On June 26, 1941, this crew sent its burning plane into a column of enemy tanks, vehicles and gas tanks. The crew was killed, but the enemy suffered heavy losses. On November 28, 1973, Captain Gennady Eliseev rammed an unmarked intruder aircraft close to the MiG-21 interceptor fighter southern border over the Caucasus. There, on July 18, 1981, Captain Valentin Kulyapin shot down an unmarked military aircraft with an air ram.

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