Elena Stebeneva and her new husband. Alexander Serov: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Do Elena and Alexander Serov have children together?

Recently National artist RF Alexander Serov spoke in the studio of Dmitry Shepelev’s “Actually” program about his marriage with his ex-wife. The 63-year-old singer has been married to a master of sports in acrobatic gymnastics for almost two decades Elena Stebeneva.

The singer admitted that he cheated on his wife, but the family broke up for other reasons: “I never offended my wife just like that. Of course, she showed some mistakes with age, but I mixed the situation, I didn’t want to do what other men did.”

After the program is released ex-wife Alexandra Serova decided to tell the magazine “Caravan of Stories Collection” the real reason her decisions about divorce. As Elena explained, she decided to break up with the artist not at all because of differences in views or a new romance of one of the spouses.

Serov's ex-wife - Elena Serova (Stebeneva)

Elena Serova admitted that the breakup occurred after an episode of domestic violence: “Sasha raised his hand to me and beat me. My whole face was blue, my nose was broken. I wanted to call the police, but he hushed up the scandal - he sent me to Germany, paid for me plastic surgery.

The natural question is why didn’t I sue him? I didn’t want the case to become public and it would affect my daughter.”

The artist’s ex-wife recalls: “I didn’t have the strength to survive this. And I said: “I’m divorcing you. All!" This procedure was long. Although he shouted like mad: “Give me your passport! I’ll go and divorce you myself!” — I understood that I would have to do it myself. He won't go anywhere."

“Sasha can sometimes express himself: he is a hot-tempered and emotional person. But kind. Many times he selflessly helped people. I made repairs for my neighbors in the dacha at my own expense. Therefore, it is wrong to be offended by him or accuse him of greed.”

According to Elena, close friends more than once asked her why they divorced Serov: “I always answered this question with silence - I didn’t want to wash dirty linen in public and injure my beloved daughter. And now I’ll say: “To survive! So as not to end up in a mental hospital, not to die...”

Elena Serova

Photo: Persona Stars @alex_serov54 @mishel_serova @elenaavores

Alexander Serov - famous Soviet and Russian pop singer, People's Artist Russian Federation. For many years, the hits “Do you love me”, “Madonna”, “I love you to tears” and “Starfall” remain among the most performed compositions at most vocal competitions.

Alexander was born in the Ukrainian village of Kovalevka, located in the Nikolaev region. Father Nikolai Serov was the head of a motor depot, and mother was the head of a workshop at a perfumery and glass factory. When Sasha was still very young, his father left the family. Mom had to move to earn money in regional center Nikolaev, so the burden of raising a son fell on the grandmother’s shoulders.

Already in adolescence Serov truly fell in love with music and realized that he wanted to connect his life with this type of art. It all started with the song “Delilah,” which the boy once heard on the radio. Since then, Jones and Alexander have also become examples of pop performance.

At school, the boy performed in the student orchestra, in which he played the viola. Known fact is that Serov independently mastered the piano and even made money playing it in restaurants and cafes. After school, Alexander entered a music school, where he graduated in clarinet.

Having served three years in navy, the young man began to build musical career. At first, Alexander performed in Krasnodar as part of the vocal and instrumental ensemble “Iva”, then there were such groups as “Singing Cabins” and “Cheremosh”. And only in the early 80s did solo singing career, which brought success to the artist.


The first time the broad masses heard the voice of Alexander Serov was in 1981. It was the song “Cruise”, performed in a duet with and became a big hit. This was followed by another duet with “Long-Distance Conversation” and the first solo composition “Echo of First Love”.

Serov’s best songs of the early 80s made up the first album “World for Lovers”. The singer’s popularity was gaining momentum, and after the appearance of the video clips “Madonna” and “Do You Love Me,” Alexander’s demand turned out to be phenomenal. The video “Do you love me” became the first Russian video in which a celebrity starred. It was .

In the late 80s, Alexander Serov began to tour abroad. The artist visited Germany, Hungary, Israel, and Canada. In the USA, the singer gathered a full house in Atlantic City. The artist performed solo and in duets with Cliff Richard.

The second disc, “I’m Crying,” which included the hits “Wedding Music,” “You’re in My Heart,” and “I’ve Been in Love with You for a Long Time,” was a huge success. It was a stellar period creative biography Alexandra Serova. Together with the composer, the author of the singer’s significant hits, he became a laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize.

At the same time, the detective film “Souvenir for the Prosecutor” was released with the participation of the artist, where Serov played a musician. The singer appeared on the same screen along with the stars of Soviet cinema -,.

The following albums, “Nostalgia for You” and “Suzanna,” gave listeners such famous compositions as “I Love You to Tears” and “Starfall.” Then there was a long pause in the sound recordings due to a misunderstanding between Alexander Serov and the regular songwriter, composer Igor Krutoy.

In the early 2000s, the long-awaited new album “My Goddess” was released, followed by “Endless Love” and “Confession”. In 2012, the disc “Fairytale Versailles” was presented, which included the tracks “I Don’t Believe”, “Rainy Evening”, “Bird”. Latest studio album famous singer Today the disc “Love will return to you”, which was released in 2013, is considered.

Personal life

Singer Alexander Serov has always enjoyed great popularity among the opposite sex. And ardent fans attributed romances to the artist a huge amount actresses and singers. The audience was sure that Alexander Serov and Irina Alferova were having an affair, since the artists believably played their feelings in the video for the song “Do you love me.” The Lenkom star did not immediately agree to filming, believing that such work did not correspond to the status of a dramatic actress, but Serov managed to persuade Irina.

The singer was married only once. Alexander's wife was the athlete Elena Stebeneva, master of sports in acrobatic gymnastics. The future spouses met during the filming of Serov’s video, for which a girl with acrobatic skills was needed. Before the wedding, the young people dated for a long time.

In this union, the couple had a daughter, who was named Michelle, an unusual name for Russians, in honor of the French actress and the American. Apart from the only daughter, there were no more children in the family. Later, Serov’s daughter became a student at MGIMO and took academic vocal lessons from.

After 19 years life together Serov and Stebeneva broke up. As Elena said, the couple simply outgrew this relationship. After the divorce, Alexander Serov never established his personal life, despite the fact that the singer’s name was associated with several young performers, for example, Elizaveta Semichastnaya. Alexander Serov himself admitted in an interview that in last years completely alone.

In 2011, journalist Nadezhda Tiler, who had been living in Germany for a long time, officially announced that in the early 90s she gave birth to a daughter, Christine, from a relationship with Alexander Serov. The woman demanded that the singer recognize her daughter and pay compensation of 100 million rubles. But the artist refused to recognize the girl. When ex-wife Elena Stebneva’s mother Kristin proposed to bring her daughter to Russia so she could talk to her father, the journalist refused.

Alexander Serov now

Alexander Serov is not a media personality. The singer does not participate in concerts that are broadcast on television, and does not film videos. But the audience loves the artist. Alexander Serov regularly goes on tour with concert programs and is pleased with the way the audience greets him.

In 2017, the artist appeared in the program “The Stars Aligned,” where he talked about his private life and the reasons for divorce.

In January 2018, Nadezhda Tiler made a second attempt to meet with Alexander Serov. The artist agreed, and ex-lovers appeared before the audience on the air of the program “Actually” from . The program featured the results of a DNA test, which showed that the singer is biological father Christine. On the TV show, the daughter managed to meet her father. The whole country watched the first minutes of communication between the relatives.

In February 2018, Alexander Serov again became a guest of Lera Kudryavtseva, this time in the “Secret for a Million” program. Viewers found out that the 90s star has another one illegitimate daughter Alisa, who was born from the singer’s fleeting relationship with her mother, poetess Valentina Arishina. The artist described in detail his acquaintance with the mother of the girl, who was only 19 years old at that time. Arishina did not claim to be Serov’s official lover and even showed her daughter only in a photo when the girl was already 10 years old. Alice became a photographer and now lives in the USA with her husband.

In February 2018, another frank confession– this time Serov’s ex-wife Elena in the studio of the TV presenter’s “The Fate of a Man” TV show. The woman admitted that she made the decision to divorce because of her husband’s infidelity and big scandal with beating. A week later, commenting on the statements of his ex-wife in the same program, the artist noted that Elena treated her daughter poorly and eventually began to drink.

Previously, the artist noted that before the birth of Michelle, the Serovs had already become parents, but the first child, also a girl, was born without hands, and on the third day she died of cardiac arrest.


  • 1984 - “A World for Lovers”
  • 1988 - “Madonna”
  • 1991 - “I’m crying”
  • 1993 - “Suzanne”
  • 1997 - “Nostalgia for You”
  • 2002 - “My Goddess”
  • 2007 - “Endless Love”
  • 2008 - “Confession”
  • 2011 - “Fabulous Versailles”
  • 2013 - “Love will return to you”

Despite the fact that Alexander Serov’s marriage broke up eight years ago, he is still sorting things out with his ex-wife, attracting the attention of the general public not only to his person, but also to the biography of Elena Stebeneva. IN Lately the singer was a frequent guest on various talk shows, where he presented her in the most unflattering way. However, Stebeneva did not stand aside, revealing to the public her view of family relationships With ex-husband.

Despite the fact that their serious conflict continues for a long time, now the artist’s ex-wife intends to establish good relations with him because of their common 24-year-old daughter, whose wedding will soon take place.

Dating and marriage to Serov

Elena was born in 1974, at the same time her twin sister Olga was born. Despite the fact that the girls were very similar, they were distinguished by the fact that Olya had a small scar in the shape of a cross on her forehead. The parents also had another child growing up. The family lived poorly and fit into a small two-room apartment. Soon a misfortune happened: her father died at the age of 38, and her mother had to raise three children alone. In her childhood, Lena was fond of acrobatic gymnastics, winning the title of Master of Sports in this field. After graduating from school, the girl left professional sports, but she didn’t know what to do next. After some time, the sisters got a job in a sports dance group, the leader of which was in close contact with show business stars.

And soon her fateful acquaintance with Serov took place. One day, the singer asked the director of their group to find girls to film his video. Stebeneva was not his fan, but decided to accept the offer, starring in a romantic video where she had to play love with the handsome man. At that time, 18-year-old Stebeneva was in a serious relationship with an adult man. The lovers were already planning to live as one family, planning to get married soon. However, this did not happen, as there were changes in her life. It was impossible not to fall in love with Alexander, and, despite the large age difference between them, the girl plunged headlong into a new relationship.

She began to accompany the singer on tour, trying to surround her beloved with care and feed him home-cooked food. Over time, Elena chose stage costumes for him, and then became his personal administrator. In those years, she did not think about officially legitimizing this relationship, but she did not intend to be another mistress. For a long time, fans of the star performer could not come to terms with the fact that he had a lover, which is why some of them even tried to threaten the girl.

In the photo Elena Stebeneva in her youth with her ex-husband Alexander Serov and daughter

Soon Alexander asked her to marry him, and in 1993 they had a long-awaited child - daughter Michelle, who received her name in honor of the singer’s favorite actress, Michelle Pfeiffer. Due to the new father’s touring schedule, all worries about the baby fell on his young wife. Now Serov went on tour without Stebneva, which is why she began to suspect him of cheating.

Divorce and scandals

Elena tried more than once to talk about his mistresses, but nothing changed. The couple began to quarrel more, as the husband wanted her to unquestioningly fulfill the role of wife and mother. Over time, the woman realized that she needed to change her personal life and also pursue a career. Having found the required amount, she took design courses and found a job. Stebneva tried to break up with her husband, but that time their separation did not last long. It turned out that the singer had an illegitimate daughter, whom Nadezhda Tiler, a journalist from Krasnodar, once gave birth to.

The woman demanded a high amount of alimony from him, which caused the indignation of the spouses. For the duration of this story, they forgot their quarrels and united again, building a large country house during this time. However, infidelity and quarrels began to recur, and in 2011 Stebneva filed for divorce. According to her confession, the idol of millions beat her in the presence of his mistress. But the woman did not write a statement to the police, and besides, her husband paid for her plastic surgery in Germany.

Only a few years after the divorce, Alexander Serov decided to tell the general public why his ex-wife left him. Now the artist has become a frequent guest on various talk shows, where all the details of his personal life are condemned. In one of the television episodes, viewers learned that the first child born into the family of a stage star was disabled. When the girl was born, she was diagnosed with heart problems and also did not have a pen. The couple decided to abandon the baby, and a few days later she died. According to Serov himself, this was not his child, but he did not discuss this with his wife and did not blame her for this.

New relationships

After the divorce, the daughter remained to live with Elena’s ex-husband, since it was more convenient for her to get to school from him. After graduating from the institute, the girl decided to follow in the footsteps of her star father: she successfully entered the Gnessin Academy of Music, intending to become a professional singer. Stebneva lived alone for some time in country house and all this time I took the strongest drugs to calm down and not be nervous. Soon a doctor appeared on her way, who not only cured her, but also helped her find peace and confidence in her abilities.

Elena was able to meet new love, and her chosen one was a man named Maxim. According to her, it was thanks to him that she felt loved and happy woman. With her second husband, she built a family in which there is happiness and understanding. However, Serov himself could not understand that his ex-wife exchanged him for this man, since with him she lived in abundance and did not need anything. In turn, Stebneva assured that for her money does not play a big role, since the most important thing is warm relations with a loved one with whom you just want to have a heart-to-heart talk.

Fame did not come to Elena at her own request. Thanks to her marriage to pop star Alexander Serov and the subsequent series of family scandals, Lena began to be recognized on the street. However, the girl tried with all her might to move in sports direction, avoiding the fate of her person being publicly visible. She even achieved some success in her endeavor, receiving the title of Master of Sports in gymnastics.

Even before the press turned their attention to Elena, the girl had a quiet life. One day she and her twin sister found themselves at a Serov concert, where they had the honor of meeting the star. Alexander invited the sisters to star in his video, after which Elena and Sasha began an affair. This happened in 1992. The same year, the couple in love got married. At that time, Elena was 18 years old, and she was happier than ever.

In 1993, Alexander was overjoyed because Elena gave him a daughter, who was named Michelle. However, for a young mother, the birth of her daughter turned out to be a fatal event for her career. The girl gave up sports, at Alexander’s request, although she could and really wanted to continue doing acrobatic gymnastics.

It is worth noting that Serov is 18 years older than Lena. For a very long time he did not decide on married life. And only Elena was able to become his wife. She won his heart once and for all. Their marriage lasted more than 19 years. After which the couple divorced, and Serov no longer sought serious relationships with girls.

Under the camera's sights

After the dissolution of the union between ex-spouses in 2011, details began to leak to the press family life Elena and Alexandra. They began to invite the girl to various television shows, interviewed her and tried in every possible way to find out the reason for the divorce. Elena accused her daughter's father of regular infidelity. At the same time, she used as an example the incident of Alexander’s harassment of her sister.

In response to Lena's statements, Alexander did not deny that the divorce was her initiative. However, according to him, Elena began to drink and turned into an uncontrollable jealous person. She managed to sue for more than half of the star's fortune, but their daughter decided to live with her father. Soon, in an interview, Elena will state that Serov bought his daughter by giving her a car.

After numerous scandals, Elena Stebneva could not withstand the pressure of the masses and retired from all social networks. However, we still managed to find out about the condition of her hand and heart. The girl met a young man and even revealed his identity to Serov, but things had not yet come to marriage.

Today I watched “Malakhov’s Live Broadcast” dated April 2, 2018 about Serov’s alleged daughter and I can confidently say, quoting the words of Elena, who abandoned her child, that they are both monsters! And she! And Serov! I personally never liked Serov’s voice! I always changed the channel if he was singing! And it’s very strange to me that girls and women were in love with him! I personally would not only fall in love, but I would never want to be next to the blue one. I live on subtle energies! He lives on rough energies and his voice is also on rough vibrations! Personally, his voice annoys me! Moreover, his voice is very sharp and rude, cutting my heart in subtle ways! That's why I can't stand his voice! He is not from my world! He is from another world, rougher, harsher and crueler! And his whole life - direct proof this fact! A harsh, rude, uncouth lout! How can you love such a coarse energy person! He has no tenderness or affection! Yes, as a man he is nothing in my opinion! You can see from his eyes that he has little humanity and compassion for people! You can see in his eyes that he has a lot of harshness and cruelty in his soul! Not enough humanity! I never loved his voice, much less this man! How can you even love him! In my opinion, he is not worthy of love at all! His whole life has shown that he is a MONSTER! Cruel, inhuman! For me he was always NOBODY! I can't stand his songs and his voice! The vibrations of his voice are cutting, killing, destroying! I’m amazed how anyone could admire this rough-vibrating voice!
I can only understand one thing: those who liked him are like that too! They live on the same rough and inhuman energies! Or they simply reached out to him through Karma! Although, such energies only attract! That’s why I personally don’t feel sorry for anyone there! Neither his women, nor himself! Not his children! The apple never falls far from the tree! They all look alike there, like twin brothers! And his wife ex Elena I lost my mind - God punished me! I was tormented by my conscience for abandoning my child! Now her conscience is gnawing at her! And from that moment all hell began for her! From the moment of her betrayal to her child! And it serves her right! Personally, I have no sympathy for her! Her honor is too tarnished... She bullied the child - the child has no brush... Then she refused... And who is to blame? That he was born sick? Isn't it you, Elena? They did business and went into the bushes! And Karma has caught up with you! And now she will torment you! And as you wanted, Elena! Total shame! Universal contempt for both! Nonentities! Both! And Serov! And Elena!
Now they get everything back!
Elena, don't play the show!
All your feelings are dictated only by self-pity! You have always loved only yourself! Your peace! All your falsehood is visible to me! You are lying, Elena! You are insincere... And I can see this too... You are maddened by the shame that lies ahead! This came as a shock to you... and not the abandonment of your daughter! I think that this madness may push you to commit suicide... Because you cannot withstand the torment of your conscience! They will finish you off... And this, I think, will be fair according to fate... We have to pay for everything! For betrayal - doubly...
Nadezhda Doroshuk 2.04.18 21:46

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