Elena Kuletskaya and her husband Stanislav Romanovsky. Model Lena Kuletskaya: biography, career, personal life. Beginning of a modeling career


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Biography of Elena Kuletskaya Elena Kuletskaya

born in the summer of 1982 in Kharkov. Her father was a military man, so the family moved often.

In 1998, when the family ended up in Moscow, Elena entered the law faculty of the Moscow Institute of Economics and Law. Soon she began to combine her studies with part-time work at promotional exhibitions, and also often performed at shows. Elena managed to graduate from the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University with honors, but in absentia: when she was a sophomore, she was invited to take part in a casting for a famous modeling agency in Paris, where Elena stayed for several years. “I even swear at French

. I say something like “putan brothel.” This is such a common curse word. It sounds much more elegant in French! And I don’t swear in Russian.”

The creative path of Elena Kuletskaya While in Paris, Elena began collaborating with many famous French modeling agencies, including Group Model Management, IMG Models - Paris, Fotogen Model Agency and Louisa Models. In addition, she became the face of a famous English jewelry brand made of gold and diamonds. RAFF

, and also took part in advertising campaigns for the brands Rolex, Nina Richi, Etam, Helena Rubinstein, Mary Kay, etc.

Elena's father was distrustful of the modeling business, which his daughter became interested in, but soon he himself became a co-owner of the Mademoiselle modeling agency. Biography of Elena Kuletskaya In Russia

became famous after the release of a video advertising Orbit chewing gum. And soon after that, in 2010, her TV career began as a presenter. Elena appeared on the channel for the first time MTV as the host of the program Trendy

Biography of Elena Kuletskaya. She also joined the jury of the show “Cinderella 2.0,” which helps ordinary girls turn into princesses with the help of stylists, fitness trainers and psychologists. participated in the project “Dancing with the Stars”, where her stage partner was Russian actor.

Evgeniy Pazenko

At the end of May 2014 on the channel “ Home"The show has started « Perfect couple ", hosted by Elena Kuletskaya. Program for exemplary couples who have only one problem - wardrobe. And the Kuletskaya model and her team take on the solution to this problem. Around the same time, Elena was invited as a co-host to the project"Beauty Embassy".

In 2017 on the channel " Home"Elena's new show premiered"Diary of a happy mother."

Gradually, the work of a presenter on TV became for Elena the main thing, which truly captivates and pleases her. Time modeling career becomes a thing of the past.

“I am aware that the peak of my modeling career is already behind me. Now I won’t break out like before to go to Paris, New York or Tokyo for a few months. Surprisingly, I now have a lot of job offers - probably the photographers managed to miss me during my pregnancy, so, in fact, I came out of maternity leave a month and a half after Nika was born. It’s just that instead of fashion, work on television came into my life.”

Personal life of Elena Kuletskaya

The model began to appear in gossip columns thanks to an affair with a popular singer Dima Bilan. The musician even promised to marry his beloved if he took first place in the Eurovision Song Contest. The finale of the show took place in 2008, but the wedding never took place. Summer 2011 Dima Bilan admitted that their affair with Elena Kuletskaya- this is just a PR stunt. Nevertheless, Elena Kuletskaya continued to claim that she and Bilan had a close relationship.

“There was never any contract or amount discussed. This is a real relationship, it’s just that Dima and I are public people. We decided not to hide, so we went to premieres and parties together. Now, if we hid our personal life, then questions would also arise: why? And it turned out that we were always accused of allegedly promoting ourselves. Our story did not develop: it turned out that we both burned out.”

After breaking up with Dima Bilan, Elena Kuletskaya began dating a Frenchman, whose name she initially hid. At the same time, she appeared in public with famous artists. For example, for a magazine cover GQ she starred with Mickey Rourke.

In April 2014, it became known that Elena was marrying a director of photography Stanislav Romanovsky. As Elena Kuletskaya herself reported on her Instagram blog, the celebration will take place in Paris. It turns out that the couple had been dating for several years, and in November 2013 Stanislav proposed to his beloved.

May 15, 2016 at the Lapino Clinical Hospital Elena Kuletskaya gave birth to a daughter. The girl's name was Nobody. The fact that Kuletskaya became a mother became known from her Instagram, where happy Elena wrote: “At 39.6 weeks, on May 15, 2016, our daughter Nika Stanislavovna Romanovskaya, 55 cm tall and weighing 3850, appeared in K.G. Lapino.”

Elena often shoots for magazines in a duet with her daughter, for whom fans predict a modeling future, like her mother.

One of the most famous Russian supermodels and popular TV star is Elena Kuletskaya. The biography of the celebrity, despite her still quite young age, is replete with many bright events.

She was born in 1982 in the Ukrainian city of Kharkov. In 1988, Elena’s family moved to Moscow - her father was a military serviceman at that time. WITH early childhood the girl dreamed of visiting Paris. In 2001, a scout friend invited nineteen-year-old Elena to the city of her girlish dreams. Having gathered her courage and persuaded her parents, Lena leaves for the capital of France, where she begins to gradually and persistently occupy her niche in the modeling business.

Career in advertising

Today, Elena’s rapidly soaring career can be the envy of any world star. The girl was chosen as the face of the famous English jewelry brand RAFF. The model also works with brands such as Rolex, Mary Kay, Helena Rubinstein, Graff. Photos of her are often used by these companies for advertising purposes. Elena can be seen in Orbit advertisements that often appear on TV screens. Russian advertising agencies They also willingly cooperate with the model.

Model business

She does not neglect the modeling business either. Constantly receiving offers from the most famous agencies in the world do not allow her to “relax”. The ratings of the Trendy MTV program are rising thanks to Elena’s fans. The organizers of this project did not doubt the choice of the presenter for a second. And apparently, they were right.

TV star

In the TV show “Cinderella 2.0” she helps girls dramatically. Together with a team consisting of a psychologist, stylist, and fitness trainers, Lena turns “Cinderellas” into real princesses, thereby making their dream come true to go on stage and take part in a real photo shoot. In other shows, Elena Kuletskaya appears as a participant. The most popular of them is “Dancing with the Stars,” participation in which brought both Lena and her large army of fans great pleasure.

Fashion model

Kuletskaya's photographs periodically appear on the covers of glossy world-famous magazines. Domestic Maxim and “OK!” More than once they published photos of Elena and her companion, Dima Bilan.

Sometimes Elena Kuletskaya acts famous actors. One of these photographs with Mickey Rourke caused a lot of misunderstandings and rumors about the romantic relationship of the two celebrities.

Online publications published photographs taken in Greenland, where Elena went as a special agent Trendy from MTV. In these photos, a model in luxurious white furs, sky-high stilettos and sparkling jewelry stands on an iceberg. According to Kuletskaya herself, filming was quite scary, because the ice could turn over at any moment.

Style standard

The model maintains her ideal figure (90-59-88 with a height of 177 cm and a weight of 56 kg), as Elena Kuletskaya herself says, with a special diet. She only uses plant foods and juices. The girl puts almost all her time and energy into work. The fast pace of life helps her always be on her toes.

Many domestic and foreign printed publications They believe that Kuletskaya is the standard of style. Often on the pages of magazines you can see discussions of her fashionable clothes, glamorous bags, shoes, elegant gold jewelry, which Elena simply adores.

Love triangle

Dima Bilan and Elena Kuletskaya met 8 years ago at the Paris airport. We had to meet rarely, finding free minutes. Elena even starred in one of Bilan’s videos. After 2 years, all Russian print media were full of news that Dima promised to get married if he won Eurovision 2008. A year after the victory, Dima bought a house, according to him, investing all his fortune in furnishing the love nest. He gave his bride a stunningly beautiful diamond ring worth 40 thousand euros. The wedding was planned for September. And everyone was sure that it would take place. But then rumors spread in the capital’s social circle about their separation.

It all started with photographs posted in the Western press. In them, the spectacular blonde is pictured together with actor Mickey Rourke. Below the images were comments in which Kuletskaya was presented as new girlfriend Mickey.

Nevertheless, Elena came to the wedding of Plushenko and Rudkovskaya arm in arm with Dima. It seemed that the couple was still together. However, soon after solemn ceremony the top model went to America. And there she was again noticed by the ubiquitous paparazzi in the company of Rourke. In an interview with a correspondent " Komsomolskaya Pravda"Elena explained that she and Mickey had known each other for six months. They live in neighboring apartments and are just friends. In addition, Bilan knew about this acquaintance and had nothing against their meetings. While the girl was giving an interview, the voice of the culprit of the scandal was suddenly heard, who allegedly happened to be visiting the Russian model quite by accident. From his remark it became clear that American star“has designs” on Kuletskaya, although he is aware that she has a fiancé in Moscow. And not just any one, but a Russian pop star.

Obviously, taking the current events to heart, Bilan publicly announced the cancellation of the wedding. The couple soon separated. Their romance lasted 4 years and left only the most pleasant memories for both.

New novel

The other day, Stanislav Romanovsky, a famous director of photography for video projects, proposed marriage to the beauty. The happy bride told the subscribers of her microblog on Instagram about this. A photograph was also published there in which a young couple is sitting at a festively decorated table in an incredibly romantic and sweet atmosphere. Stanislav holds Elena’s hands and probably utters that very cherished phrase... From the commentary it becomes clear what answer was given - “Yes!”

Fans were delighted, sincerely happy for Elena. And they were pleasantly surprised that the model shared such good news with them. After all formerly Elena resisted the dissemination of information, protecting her personal life from strangers.

Perhaps the most anticipated news is that Elena Kuletskaya got married, loyal fans will be able to hear in the near future. In the meantime, all that remains is to wish the loving couple happiness and harmony in their relationship.

Photo: Anton Zemlyanoy. Style: Lusine Avetisyan. Makeup and hair: Prive7. Producer: Oksana Shabanova. We would like to thank Lotte Hotel Moscow for their assistance in organizing the shooting. We carried out this shooting at the beginning of May, and already on the 15th, on Family Day, Lena Kuletskaya and Stas Romanovsky became the parents of the beautiful Nika! PEOPLETALK congratulates the family on the new addition and publishes an interview with the happy mother. We met at the airport six years ago and went on a business trip together to celebrate the boutique’s birthday Kira Plastinina V Los Angeles. A luxurious blonde with very light eyes, in which you can definitely disappear, slipped in front of me on passport control. I, like many, knew about her from magazines - about her affair with Dima Bilan(34) and Mickey Rourcom(63) Only a lazy person didn’t write, but it seemed to me that all this was just a successful PR or a contract, as is customary with stars... We became friends on the trip and have supported him all these years warm relations, we rejoice when we meet and discuss last news. It’s incredibly easy to be with Lena; you’ll never hear rude words or unkind comments addressed to anyone from her. After communicating with her, there is always a sweet aftertaste. When Lena finally became a mother, we had more more topics for conversation: Lena shared thoughts about motherhood, changes in life, her beloved husband and plans for the future with PEOPLETALK.

My childhood was endless moving. Many people think that my father is an oligarch and it was he who promoted me in my career. But I have an ordinary Soviet family: my father is a military man, a lieutenant colonel, an employee of a research institute, and my mother is a nurse. And we were happy! It seems to me that modern children are not so carefree, although they have more opportunities than we had. In general, it is difficult to say where all this talk about the oligarch comes from. Probably, in our country they simply don’t like the so-called self-made people, especially women. If a person appears in gossip columns, travels, achieves success, criticism and negativity are immediately directed at him. In fact, this is how they justify the laziness of others. Dad was transferred to Moscow , when I was six. This is where I went to school. We had a dorm room in Moscow region but we lived in Moscow , rented an apartment. Sometimes we moved every six months, so I changed seven schools. Friends also changed accordingly, and I did not become attached to the place and people. This helped me a lot in the modeling business; I easily adapt to new conditions. My behavior was not always exemplary; I, as a rule, joined the company of leaders.

But everything was fine with my studies; I graduated from school with one B. Everything related to the exact sciences came naturally. Dress, ESVE, maisonesve.com; earrings, Treasure store; shoes, Next

Our dad is strict, he could punish, he demanded achievements. In the summer I studied English while my friends were running outside. He always said: “You’ll thank me later.” And when I first went abroad alone, I really remembered my dad and mentally said thank you. If I had a more trusting relationship with my parents, perhaps I could have avoided some mistakes. I remember how at the age of 14 I pierced my belly button. Everything became inflamed, and only then did I go to my parents. One day I came home like a huge snowball - my friends and I were riding the roller coaster. I was wearing a fur coat from faux fur and with a huge combed forelock. This was considered wildly fashionable at the time. As a result, dad took me by that very forelock and went straight to the bathroom! I was always like a boy; femininity, tenderness and sophistication were not enough. Of course, I didn’t dream of becoming a model. When the first glossy magazines appeared, my favorite was Cosmopolitan, I bought it every month and put it in a pile next to the bed. I was interested in themes of relationships and sex, not clothes and cosmetics. We never discussed these issues with our parents. In general, the boys at school didn’t particularly look after me; I wasn’t the queen of the class. I had short hair, and when it grew, I braided it - not very romantic. She wore robes and was not a “girl” at all.

In high school, boyfriends appeared, but there were no queues. I didn’t wear makeup until I was 15 and didn’t lose weight like all the girls. After school, my dad and I decided that I needed to become a lawyer. By the way, dad studied all the “promising” professions. I didn't resist. Already closer to the age of 16, in my first year at the institute, I spent a lot of time with classmates who actively used cosmetics and were beauties. I learned a lot from watching them, I even started wearing skirts., Jacket ESVE, maisonesve.com ; earrings, Treasure store; b spruce, EMIVI, emivi.com

At one of the parties I met a photographer who advised me to try myself as a model. When I came to the agency, they offered me training. There was no money to pay for modeling school, but I didn’t ask my parents for help. And my mother noticed how upset I was and gave me funds for this school. I started learning, using cosmetics, and walking in heels correctly. In principle, this knowledge was not useful to me, since such staged moments have little in common with the realities of the modeling business. I worked as a hostess at exhibitions and presentations. In general, I earned my first money when I was 12 years old and gave it to my mother. In the studio it was necessary to collect as many lightning bolts as possible from huge amount unnecessary things. And they did not prohibit child labor. Mom, of course, returned this money to me, then I spent it on"Snickers" And ". Later, while working as a hostess, I began to receive offers to “go out to dinner.” Of course, I didn’t understand what kind of dinner it was. My parents won't let me go! And what kind of work is this – coming to eat, why don’t they pay for it? In general, these “dinners” took place in some very hot places and at a very late time, I didn’t get to any of them. From time to time, scouts from other countries came to the agency. So, one day I passed a casting for a French modeling agency. As I remember now, I was wearing a short, tight-fitting blue dress, which I later wore to Paris. After the casting, I was asked to sign a blank sheet of paper, but as a lawyer, I refused. However, everything worked out well: the agency agreed to first draw up the documents and only then get my signature. Then the actress came to the casting with me Anna Gorshkova(32), she was still underage and could fly to France only with parental permission. Her mother agreed, but only on the condition that she would personally accompany her daughter; it would be safer for my parents as well. The agency invited us for three months, initially paying all our expenses. For me it was something simply incredible - for the first time a vacation abroad and immediately Paris! In addition, dad was pleased: it was not in vain that we moved to Moscow. At night I dreamed that little green men were walking around Paris, and upside down, too, my brain was so excited. The first thing we saw when we arrived at the Champs-Elysees was people dressed, as it seemed to us, completely tastelessly! Wrinkled linen pants, no heels... And here we are - girls in short dresses with heels! It took me time to get rid of Soviet stereotypes and understand that naturalness, loose hair, no makeup is beautiful.

At first, when I started going to castings, the reviews from photographers were not the best. Yes, they said that the girl was beautiful, but cold as The Snow Queen At first, when I started going to castings, the reviews from photographers were not the best. Yes, they said that the girl was beautiful, but cold as, we are simply afraid of her. And at the casting you need to relax, be sociable, and not uptight.

Dress, ESVE, maisonesve.com; earrings, Treasure store Modeling didn't disappoint me because I didn't have much expectations. My first serious purchases were Gucci belts and D&G T-shirts. But I quickly moved away from logomania and began to value quality rather than glitter and brands. By the age of 25, I bought an apartment in Paris. Among the models I am now in close contact with when I came there to work. Of course, the semi-bohemian crowd is more active in Among the models I am now in close contact with, than in Paris, but I knew almost no one there. However, after posting on Facebook that I was in New York, literally three hours later I found all the models I knew. We went to clubs where Leonardo DiCaprio (41), Gerard Butler (46) and Mickey Rourke (63) often appeared. By that time, I already treated stars of this level without much obsequiousness. My first party was Elton John's annual charity ball ('69), to which he invited 220 people. Mr. Graff invited me to it, we were just doing a week-long shoot for Graff in London. And I felt that this was no longer just filming. I represent the brand: I’m wearing a necklace, rings, earrings. This was my first time out, everything was great! Stars I had only seen on TV asked how I was doing! Mickey Rourke and I lived next door in New York and hung out together. He started courting my friend. She didn't reciprocate, but she didn't reject him either. In short, I turned out to be a “vest”, I had to listen to his reasoning about why she was so cold, he asked me to write to her and immediately asked what she answered. One day we both found ourselves in GQ London and went out together. Before this, Mickey had already been spotted with a Russian model

Nastya MakarenkoESVE, maisonesve.com ; earrings, Treasure store; b . And so, we were photographed together - of course, the press declared me his girlfriend. But we didn’t meet, there was no relationship. Of course, many believe that an affair with a Hollywood actor is an undeniable plus in a career. But I don't, not when he's three times your age. And even if we really had a relationship, most likely I would try to hide it.

Shirt, Graviteight; b Many people ask me about my relationship with Dima Bilan (34). We remained friends as best we could. with exes and continue to communicate. Separated means separated. We can send each other an SMS once or twice a year. I will say right away that there was no contract. Was this story part of PR - yes, because any appearance in the world and attracting attention to one’s person is PR-public relations, public relations. It’s just that our relationship organically faded away, there wasn’t even any specific point. When I started dating my future husband, Dima and I were no longer interested in each other’s personal lives, although because of my work on TV I had already spent a lot of time in Moscow. We met Stas during the filming of the “Shopaholics” program on the MTV channel, where I was the host and he was the director of photography. He very competently began to show signs of attention, and I was not very spoiled by them, since European men are quite restrained in their advances. Stas, with his attention, warm, sweet messages and daily wishes for good morning and Have a good day He was very attuned to himself. I was used to being independent, and it was difficult for me to adapt to a serious relationship with an eye on my partner. Nowadays, every person is so self-sufficient and independent that we all lack a healthy dose of dependence and neediness.

I didn’t immediately understand that I loved Stas, that I wanted to marry him. As a rule, people base their behavior in relationships on the basis of previous experiences. And my previous relationship (with an American) was quite uncertain. Yes, we lived together, but each was on his own. Stas re-educated me. I have always been looking for a man stronger than myself. And I found it. He is calm, delicate, and with his masculine, competent behavior he calmed me down.. Exactly a year later we found out that we would become parents. Stas always wanted to become a dad, and when I realized that I was pregnant, he was incredibly happy. In the morning I woke him up and put a pillow next to him, on which there were two ribbons symbolizing positive test for pregnancy. Stas was afraid to rejoice ahead of time, so as not to be disappointed if something bad suddenly happened. But my entire pregnancy was easy - I had no toxicosis, swelling or heaviness. Up to last day I stayed active, worked, walked a lot, attended events and did my usual things. Only closer to the due date did I start to worry a little about the likelihood of a cesarean section - the ultrasound showed a large baby. But everything went naturally! Throughout the entire birth, Stas was by my side, worried and encouraged me. And it is an incredible happiness that we were able to share the moment of the birth of our baby. We became a real family on Sunday, May 15, on Family Day - very symbolic. Our “baby” was born with an almost model height for newborns, 55 cm, “tall”, just like her dad. Dad named his daughter Nick. Nika Stanislavovna Romanovskaya. It seems to me that in my family I am more of a bully than my husband. Jumping with a parachute, diving 30 meters, flying a tank or an airplane - that's about me. Although, most likely, with the advent of maternal instinct, adventurous adventures will become taboo for me. In the matter of raising children, I would rather support them, become an accomplice, than punish them. The balance is important so that you can teach something to your children, but at the same time so that difficult situation they weren't afraid to contact you. I think that it is still impossible to say what kind of mother I will be. It seems to me that I will be strict where necessary and soft where possible. Let's see. Where do I see myself in 10 years? I would like to respond with a template Instagram status – “happy wife and mother.” But be sure to be socially and business active. I have planned a career on TV, and in 10 years I hope to host a program on Channel One. I love working on television, our love for the camera is mutual, and the crazy 20-hour shooting schedule is easy for me. In addition, I plan to develop own business- I must finally apply my legal and economic Education. On

Photo: Anton Zemlyanoy. Style: Lusine Avetisyan. Makeup and hair: Prive7. Producer: Oksana Shabanova. We would like to thank Lotte Hotel Moscow for their assistance in organizing the shooting.

Elena Kuletskaya - model, TV presenter, actress and just beautiful girl, which conquered not only the CIS, but also Europe. She has multiple shootings for various fashion houses, popular fashion shows and filming in many television projects. At 35 years old, Elena has achieved a lot and is not going to stop there, setting new goals for herself.


The future model Elena Kuletskaya was born in the Ukrainian city of Kharkov in 1982. Since childhood, Elena was accustomed to constant travel due to the fact that her father was a military man, and the family did not stay in one place for long. The girl had no attachment to any particular place or people other than her family, which served as a significant advantage for her future work as a model. Elena tolerated the move quite easily and was not sad about it for a long time, realizing that it was necessary.

In 1998, the Kuletsky family was able to move to Moscow and settle there for a long time. Elena always wanted to get higher education, therefore, thanks to her diligence and thirst for knowledge, she managed to enter the Moscow State University. In her first year, studying seemed very difficult to her, but after a year she got used to the rhythm of student life and decided to find a part-time job. The choice fell on the modeling field. This did not surprise anyone, because the girl had a model appearance, and many predicted a modeling career for her. Therefore, Elena began taking professional photographs and putting together a portfolio for herself. Photographers did not refuse to photograph the girl, seeing her interesting type, so her modeling career began easily for Kuletskaya.

Beginning of a modeling career

Elena's father, being a military and strict man, did not approve of his daughter's choice to pursue a modeling career. He was distrustful of this work, but was not categorically against it, believing that his daughter could handle it. Thus, Elena began to appear at various promotional exhibitions. Thanks to her ideal external appearance, the best agencies in Moscow quickly drew attention to the aspiring model and began inviting Kuletskaya to take part in shows.

Invitations from abroad were not long in coming. Kuletskaya’s photographs captivated more than one fashion house in Paris, and the girl went to work in France. This became a turning point in her life. Elena Kuletskaya seriously thought about moving to the fashionable capital, but she could not give up her incomplete higher education. Therefore, despite being extremely busy, the girl received a diploma in law with honors and only then moved to France. The parents let the girl go, realizing that she had become independent, despite the fact that she was only a little over twenty years old.

Top Model

After moving to France, the girl had a very busy schedule. It was necessary to work a lot, constantly act in catalogs and covers, and participate in fashion shows. Elena Kuletskaya took photos almost every day, so she quickly built up a large and diverse portfolio that fell into the hands of famous fashion houses and fashion designers.

This allowed her to participate in advertising campaigns for such large companies as Rolex and Nina Ricci. And then I finally managed to become the face of a jewelry company that was located in the UK. The girl traveled around Europe with great pleasure and devoted all her time to work. Thus, the name of the Ukrainian-Russian supermodel soon became famous, and model Elena Kuletskaya attracted attention not only in Europe, but also at home.

Shape Options

Elena Kuletskaya's height is standard for models. It amounts to 178 sentiments. This allows her not only to act for catalogs and advertising campaigns, but also take an active part in shows.

The model's figure parameters fit perfectly into generally accepted beauty standards. They are 90-59-88. Designers and fashion designers, seeing such parameters, immediately pay attention to the girl and invite her to their shows. After all, it is much easier to adapt any image to such a figure, because it has long been standard for models.

Elena Kuletskaya and Dima Bilan

Kuletskaya's name first appeared on the front pages of newspapers after she was noticed with a popular Russian singer. Then Dima Bilan was at the peak of his popularity and his every step in his free time was under the close attention of the paparazzi. The model and singer spent a lot of free time together, and then Elena starred in Bilan’s music video called “I Remember You.”

In 2008, Dmitry represented Russia at the popular European Eurovision contest. In his numerous interviews, he often spoke about his serious intentions regarding Elena and even said that if he won, he would marry the girl. But after winning, Elena did not receive an offer, and three years later the couple announced their breakup.

Later, Bilan said that their relationship was not real, but for the sake of mutual PR, but Elena herself never confirmed the words ex-lover.

Personal life

After a public relationship with Bilan, which was followed by the whole country, Elena Kuletskaya began to carefully hide her personal life. But despite this, she appeared in public several times with popular personalities. A couple of times the girl was credited with having an affair with Hollywood celebrities, but famous model did not confirm these rumors. But she didn’t deny it either.

In 2014, it became known that the model married Stas Romanovsky. It turned out that Elena met him a couple of years ago on the set, and since then they began a serious relationship. The couple managed to hide their relationship very for a long time, despite the close attention of the press to Elena and her private life.

Working on television

After marriage, Kuletskaya seriously took up her career as a TV presenter, relegating her modeling career to the background. Many channels wanted to sign a contract with her, but Elena was more based on her preferences and her modeling experience. So she began hosting the Trendy and Shopaholics programs. Extensive experience helped the girl quickly become one of the best presenters in the country. And every girl and woman in the country wanted to get advice from the popular model! Therefore, all the shows with her participation are popular and interesting.

Elena Kuletskaya exhibits stories in her social network constantly telling his subscribers about his future projects. Thus, the girl is not just a guest presenter, but also a full-fledged face of the projects in which she takes part. And she's seriously thinking about launching her own travel show. There is no doubt that the show will be successful, because Kuletskaya has extensive experience in this regard. And she herself does not live in one place. The girl has an apartment in Paris and a house in Panama, but Elena works exclusively in Russia.

Family life

Despite the fact that the girl received another higher education at the Sorbonne, worked on TV and took part in shows, she managed to realize herself in family life. A strong marriage with Romanovsky is an example to follow. And in 2016 it became known that Elena was pregnant.

Now Elena Kuletskaya puts her daughter and husband first, but does not forget about her favorite job. She can be seen in gossip columns or on television as a presenter. She constantly gives interviews, participates in filming and successfully combines things that are important to her. The girl continues to work, improve herself, travel and does not forget about her family.

Elena Kuletskaya, top model and host of the “My Wedding is Better” program on the Domashny channel, and director of photography Stanislav Romanovsky celebrated their wedding for the second time. The now legal spouses organized a gala dinner in Moscow for those who really wanted to congratulate them, but were unable to come to the wedding ceremony in France

Photo: Dmitry Abaza

The newlyweds decided to celebrate the holiday at the luxurious La Panorama restaurant. 120 guests confirmed their presence, but, as it turned out, it is much easier to gather friends in one place somewhere abroad than in a restaurant in the capital. Nevertheless, that evening singer Alexandra Savelyeva and her husband, actor Kirill Safonov, raised glasses of champagne to the future of the newlyweds; society ladies Anastasia Grebenkina and Ekaterina Odintsova; actress Anastasia Makeeva and her husband, composer Gleb Matveychuk; actress Tatyana Kotova and artist Daniil Fedorov; designers Yulia Dalakyan and Dasha Gauzer and, of course, family friend designer Igor Gulyaev. By the way, it was his dress that Elena wore that evening. “It’s very difficult to choose an outfit with Igor, because when you come to his boutique, you realize that you like everything! We didn’t make any special sketch, but when Igor found out that we were planning such a dinner, he said: “You will only wear my dress! You trust me, right?” Of course, I tried to ask what the outfit would be like, but Igor was adamant,” Lena laughs. “By the way, no model had tried on this dress before me, so Igor saw it for the first time only on me and was delighted!” Indeed, in this elegant dress made of silver fabric, with a neckline and a full skirt decorated with a black bow at the waist, Lena looked great.

Designer Igor Gulyaev was one of the first to congratulate the newlyweds

Stanislav and Elena with Ekaterina Odintsova (PR Trend)

Designer Dasha Gauser

When all the guests were assembled, the newlyweds entered the hall to loud applause, and the celebration began. Cameraman Andrei Kushnirov and ArtFilms studio, who filmed the wedding in France, prepared a surprise for the couple - a video with a love story and footage from the wedding - and showed it on the big screen all evening. Another musical gift was presented by Anastasia Makeeva and Gleb Matveychuk: after congratulating Stas and Lena on joining the club of legal spouses, they performed several songs about love. “Everything turned out like a fairy tale, which I never dreamed of!” - Lena admitted. Stylists from the Dessange beauty salon, on 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya, worked on the looks of some guests. Showman Alexander Belov was in charge of the entertainment that evening. Until late at night, he held all kinds of competitions and quizzes. In preparation for this holiday, the newlyweds decided that no one should be left without a gift, and for each correct answer the winners were awarded prizes, including jewelry and cosmetic sets from Guerlain. For example, one of the participants in the “Guess the Melody” competition became the owner of a trip to the Maldives. By the way, this is where they will spend their Honeymoon and Stanislav and Lena.

Actor Kirill Safonov and lead singer of the Factory group Alexandra Savelyeva

The manager of the Gourmet Alliance group of companies, Alexander Kozhin, came with a huge bouquet of roses

Stanislav and Elena with TV presenter Aurora and her husband Alexei Treiman

Well, at the end, as expected, a delicious 10-kilogram chocolate cake, decorated with berries, fruits and candles.

Oddly enough, Lena, who is the host of the “My Wedding is Better” program and who has already celebrated her marriage twice, never dreamed of a wedding. “I had no idea what an ideal celebration should be,” Lena recalls. “Therefore, I can give advice to all girls: even if there is no prince on a white horse on the horizon, take a closer look at the style of the dress!”

The hall of the La Panorama restaurant was decorated with stylish floral arrangements, as well as bouquets of roses, chrysanthemums and carnations. All this splendor was created by the floral studio Bloom Room. Against the backdrop of fresh flowers, the photographs turned out especially impressive. And when lit candles were placed on the tables, the room became even more comfortable

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