What can you do with a cigarette butt? Fortune telling on cigarettes for love. Fortune telling - love spell using a cigarette from a new pack

A love spell on a cigarette is rarely taken seriously.

Although the tobacco product does not have the same mystery and mystique as most magical accessories, it is very effective in “amorous” matters.

Rituals with a cigarette can be as follows:

  1. Friendly love spell on a guy or girl;
  2. Love spell on a man or woman you like.

Tobacco is used in many ancient rituals; in combination with other magical products, its power increases significantly.

Important Notes:

  1. All love rituals are performed only on the waxing moon;
  2. No one should know about a love spell on a cigarette, not even your closest friends, otherwise it will lose its power;
  3. Be clearly aware of the consequences of rituals - the person will be attached to you. It’s not so easy to get rid of it, so think about it - tomorrow you’ll get tired of it, you won’t get rid of it without a lapel. Prepare the lapel right away, just in case;
  4. During the ritual, no one should disturb you;
  5. Rituals are carried out only after sunset, exclusively in your home (in no case at a party);
  6. During rituals, white or red candles can be used as a symbol of love and harmony. Just light them nearby and perform the ritual.

Some of the most effective ways attract the attention of the person for whom you feel serious sympathy:

You will need a needle and a cigarette. Prick your finger with the blood that appears, using the needle as a pen, write the name of your loved one on the tobacco product. Try not to puncture the cigarette. All this time, be sure to imagine the man or woman you want to tie. Light a cigarette, carefully discard the ashes into a handkerchief or thick paper napkin. Sentence

“My soul is with yours as this ash is with ashes”

After the ritual is completed, put out the cigarette, throw away the filter, and tie the handkerchief with the ashes tightly and hide it in a secluded place. Remember, your love will last as long as the ashes are intact. If you lose the package or the ashes scatter, you will be separated from your lover. Periodically, the ritual must be performed again.

You will need a copper or silver tray (a small one is fine). At midnight, place a tray on the bed, on top - a photo of your loved one and a cigarette, as well as a silk scarf. Above these accessories, smoke another cigarette, on which you first write the name of your loved one. Crush the ashes onto a handkerchief, think about a loved one during the ceremony. Sentence

“Smoke will cloud your mind, love will flare up, bind you with silk, cover it with copper.”

The second cigarette should be given to your lover. And if he doesn’t smoke, then wrap the remaining tobacco product in a silk scarf along with the ashes and store it in a secluded place.

Any river, river or pond will do. Take with you a photograph of the person you want to tie to you, smoke a cigarette, constantly thinking about your loved one and throwing out the ashes in left hand. As soon as the cigarette butt burns out, shake the remaining ashes into your hand, then scatter them over the water with the words:

“You (lover’s name) will not leave me, you will not collect all the ashes”

Love spells on tobacco products usually work very quickly. After a maximum of 1-2 days, you should expect some news from the object of your adoration. Be careful, each of the rituals can be performed no more than 3 times on the new moon. The following rituals can be done only after a year, to maintain interest on the part of your beloved or lover.

Friendly love spells on a cigarette - strengthening relationships

Sometimes strong friendships are destroyed for vague and completely incomprehensible reasons. To avoid this, return good friend and restore relationships, you can use a special love spell on a cigarette, which will attract attention and remove all negativity and resentment.

You will need a cigarette, salt and sugar. Shake out all the tobacco onto a piece of paper or a handkerchief. Mix the ingredients. After this, pour the resulting mixture back into the cigarette (into the paper). It is important that no one has held a tobacco product in their hands before, just take it out of the pack and immediately begin the ritual. Light a cigarette while saying:

“Friendship will flare up again, like this fire. Sugar and salt will strengthen, friendship will be renewed again. Let it be so".

The cigarette should be smoked completely, the ashes should be shaken into the palm of your hand, and then crushed on the street with the words:

“As the ashes are scattered, so will the grudge be erased.”

After completing the ritual, a day later, call a friend or go to visit your friend. Talk to him. You will immediately see that there are no more resentments and sorrows, the person will be completely disposed towards you. Just be sure to perform the ritual after 18:00 on the waxing moon. If you do the ritual on the waning moon, you will only aggravate the situation, and it is unlikely to be corrected.

Few people take such a love spell seriously, because a cigarette is devoid of any mystery, unlike most magical objects - such as mirrors, simple candles, a magic ball, and so on. You can meet different reviews about who made a love spell on a cigarette- most people write that it is effective. But if you read my story to the end, you may come to two conclusions. When I was preparing for the event, I found out that, as it turned out, our ancestors used tobacco in many ancient rituals. So, I won't delay.

What prompted me to perform the ritual

People go to great lengths for the sake of love; they resort to various magic and love spells. I myself fell into these networks - I fell in love with my colleague. The whole story began about a year ago, when I arrived at a new place of work. I immediately liked my colleague, he was so cheerful and witty. Later I found out that he is married. Therefore, she sat quietly and suffered for him, she did not want to be a homewrecker, especially since he had a child.

A few months later, having become a little friends with him, I found out that the situation in his family was not very good and he was leaving his wife. And then I realized: this is just my chance. He didn’t pay much attention to me, we chatted casually about work topics and sometimes joked, also about work topics. Over time, I realized that I could no longer live without him, but the situation was not moving anywhere. I have always been skeptical about any magical influences, because I thought that it was complete nonsense and that it only works on the words of particularly impressionable people. But I just lost my head from love and decided to cast a love spell.

Choosing a Ritual

Initially, I couldn’t decide exactly how I wanted to influence the lives around me. I found a lot of different love spells, among them was love and love spell on a cigarette with blood, which I chose after reading many stories of people who did it his. It can give instant results, so I chose the usual ritual for a cigarette without any special tricks, since I smoke myself, and my chosen one also smokes. Having studied all the methods, including with blood, and combinations with specific objects, etc., I chose the one that seemed to me to be the most accessible to me. I also simply didn’t know where he lived. I was prepared for the fact that this would not work, since we did not even have any romance in the beginning. But I made up my mind.

How I performed a love spell

It was Friday evening and a suitable growing ( moon calendar you can look it up on the Internet, it is on most sites, even with weather like Gismeteo). I was alone in the apartment, in complete silence, without music or other sounds. I also read about important point so that there are no so-called “Looped Areas” on the body of the person performing the ritual. That is, you need to get rid of all rings on your hands, feet, bracelets and even hair bands and jeans belts!

I took out a cigarette, wrote my chosen one’s name and surname on it and lit it. I held the cigarette in right hand, and threw the ashes into her left hand. You had to put out the cigarette butt on the ashes that were in your hand, the pain can be tolerated (it doesn’t hurt if you do everything right). Then, with the ashes in my hand, I went out into the street, moving away from the house, and threw it away with the words:

« Until you collect everything, you will not leave me!»

Apparently, I was so worried that my hands were sweaty, and the ashes didn’t fly away the first time, I had to repeat the words and try to throw everything away again. It worked the second time. Then you had to quickly walk towards the house, without looking back and without talking to anyone. So I did. Although, while I was walking, someone tried to talk to me unknown man. This seemed like a strange coincidence to me. I sat on pins and needles all weekend, afraid and reproaching myself for the stupid thing I did.

I began to have doubts, I again read reviews on the Internet that this is a very dangerous love spell. And also, if the magician’s feelings are not sincere, then he will have to pay for it all his life. And by the way, I didn’t even think about any way to protect myself from the consequences. I was already beginning to doubt whether I loved my colleague so much that I did this.

What did I get from magic?

When I came to work on Monday, he was not there. Colleagues reported that he was sick, had a cold and was working from home that day. My fears intensified, I began to blame myself that suddenly everything happened because of me. But on Wednesday he came as if nothing had happened, greeted me and that was it. Nothing happened. After that, I finally calmed down, thinking that all this was complete nonsense.

A week later, when I came to work on another Monday, I was surprised to find that on my desk there was an Alyonka chocolate bar and modest flowers in a vase. I didn’t understand what it meant, I thought it wasn’t for me. By the way, that day was my birthday, but no one knew about it, I didn’t tell anyone. At lunch he came up to me and congratulated me: “Hello, honey, happy birthday!” - I was so taken aback. Of course, he admitted that the flowers and the gift were from him... and his colleagues. In our office, romances and personal relationships at work are strictly prohibited, and on Friday he already invited me to go to a restaurant in the evening to celebrate my holiday.

I still don’t understand how he knew about the birthday! We started dating. I actually believed that love spell on cigarette works! Later I learn from him that on Monday (after my ceremony) he was not actually sick, but was transporting things from his wife to new apartment, there was a lot to do. And that he actually liked me too, but we were friends and he didn’t know how to change this situation in the right direction. But it was on that day, as he said, that he felt that it was impossible to postpone, motivated by the fact that there is only one life and there really isn’t that much time. And I decided.

I couldn’t quite believe my luck and the fact that it worked! Now we have been dating for almost a year, I moved to another job because of the regulations in our office (you can’t have personal relationships within the walls of the building and it was unbearable, I was crazy with happiness, and so was he. It’s funny to say, we kissed on the sly from others!), and they offered me a better position and a higher salary.

We have an excellent relationship, and I am sure that the ritual I performed changed our destinies. After all, before that he had not paid any attention to me, but after the magic began to affect my beloved, he immediately took the first steps to meet me.

I don’t know whether I should recommend this particular ritual to other girls, because smoking is very harmful. But since I have not tried other methods, more dangerous and serious, I cannot advise anything else. By the way, I gave up this bad habit of smoking (I haven’t smoked for three months) because I want to have children in the foreseeable future. From whom? Of course, from your beloved man! I also want to note that I haven’t noticed any on myself.

As people write in their reviews, for those who are not sure about the choice of a man, but a love spell has already been cast, you can do it by trying to remove the influence in this way. You know how it happens, a romance begins, and as time passes you realize that this is not your person, etc. If your feelings have passed, and the performer of the ritual has become disillusioned with the object of his passion, the love spell with a smoking cigarette can be reversed. After all, if this unnatural attachment is not removed, it can make your life unbearable.

What is meant by the term “unnatural attachment”? Many men who were bewitched felt that they were doing something they did not want, as if someone was controlling their will. It's kind of scary. I haven’t noticed any of these in my man and I hope this really isn’t the case.

Draw your own conclusions, but I hope that I will turn to magic more than once. Despite the apparent danger, for me it is quite harmless and simple.

A love spell on a cigarette is considered an effective magical method to make a guy like you and win his affection. However, despite its simplicity and ease of execution, this ritual has certain nuances. You will learn about them in this article.

If a person has not encountered unrequited love, then most likely he did not really suffer.
The pain and despair that can come when you are not loved or do not want to spend your life only with you can become very serious life problem. And solving this problem on your own can be quite difficult.

In some cases, turning to magic is the only way to be with a man. A wide range of magical rituals that are performed both at home and on the street allows you to choose the spell that is right for you.

Love spell on a cigarette - features of the ritual

A love spell on a cigarette is considered a fairly easy magical ritual that does not carry any serious consequences. At the same time, this ritual is highly effective. Tobacco in combination with fire has the strongest energetic properties, which ancient shamans already knew about. And the shape of the tobacco product symbolizes the love sphere.

Therefore, mixing the energy of these objects can give colossal results. Now we will look at several types of magical rituals using a cigarette, which will allow us to finally decide on the choice of the desired ritual.

Love spell on a cigarette for love

This method is simple and easy to use. And of those who did it, the majority of the girls were satisfied with the results, which is considered the main factor in the popularity of the ritual. To perform a love spell on a cigarette, you only need a cigarette. You need to write your lover's name on it.

This can be done either with a pencil or pen. It is better not to use felt-tip pens, markers and gel pens. The name is written in full. Now you need to smoke a cigarette, while collecting the ashes in your free hand.

When it is finished smoking, at the moment of throwing out the ashes, the conspiracy is read:

“Until you collect all the ashes, you won’t leave me!”

For a love spell on a cigarette to work, you need to think about the young man while you smoke it, imagining you together. Even if the guy didn’t do anything to be together with you or didn’t imagine such an idea, there will definitely be an effect. Within a few days, maximum a week, your lover can either call or arrange a meeting.

In magic, as in matters of the heart, there is absolutely no need for haste. Be patient, because if a man has strong will, he may begin to resist the effect of the conspiracy. In this case, it may take a little longer.

If you already had a relationship with a man, but you broke up or he left for someone else, then you can try a love spell on a cigarette with blood. Since this ritual involves the use of blood, its effect is enhanced, as well as possible consequences. This ritual is not suitable for attracting the attention of a guy you don’t know well.

A love spell on a cigarette with blood is a very serious undertaking, which if someone did it, it was only with the firm confidence that the person being bewitched was “your” person.

For this ritual you will need a new pack of tobacco products. The first cigarette is taken from it. It says on it full name beloved by your blood. Usually, ring finger pierced with a needle and this condition is met. When the blood dries, you can light it and, collecting the ashes in your other hand, finish smoking to the end.

A love spell on a cigarette involves constant thoughts about your beloved while performing the ritual. When the ashes are collected in your hand, pour them into a clean envelope or small bag. Some people use cellophane, while others make their own fabric bag.

When pouring the ashes you need to say the following conspiracy:

“Just as this ashes are only with me, so we are together with you!”

The ashes are put away in a secluded place at home, and the love spell on the cigarette begins to work within a few days. Just remember that a love spell on a cigarette with blood must be done, understanding all the responsibility. If you then stop liking the man or your feelings go away, you will have to roll back the ritual. Therefore, if someone did this conspiracy, then only with full confidence that you are suitable for each other.

Using this ritual assumes that you are close to a man or living in the same apartment with him. A love spell on a cigarette is done late at night, completely alone. First, the man’s full name is written with a pencil or pen. Then the tobacco product is smoked and the ashes are collected.

For the love spell to work, you need to read the plot on the collected ashes:

“Just as these ashes are in my hands, so the heart of God’s servant (name) is in my power.
So that he gets bored and sad without me and does nothing.

After this, the charmed ashes need to be added a little at a time to the beloved’s food. A love spell on a cigarette will start working in a week. The effectiveness of the ritual can be noticed by the increased attention from the man and his desire to perform free time with you. A love spell on a cigarette will help ignite extinguished feelings and return fire and passion to a relationship.

Love spell on a cigarette with candles

This love spell on a cigarette will help you please young man and make him like you. Even if you are very new to each other, this ritual can be done. It will require three church candles and a cigarette.

The lover's name and date of birth are written on the tobacco product. A love spell on a cigarette is done at midnight. The candles are lit and you need to think about the guy for fifteen minutes. Thoughts should only be positive. Then the tobacco product is set on fire from one of the candles and completely smoked. Ashes gather on white Blank sheet paper.

After this, the ashes must be thrown out the window with the words:

“Fly ashes around the world, find the servant of God (name), make him sad and bring him to me.

After the ceremony, do not talk to anyone and go to bed. A love spell can take effect within a few days. Show a little initiative, say hello, smile at the guy you like and see the result.

A love spell on a cigarette is considered strong and effective method magical influence. If a person did it, following all the instructions, and approached the ritual responsibly, then the result will not be long in coming.

If you know a young man casually and want to please him, then use a love spell on a cigarette in its usual version. This will allow you to become more attractive to a man.

If your relationship did not end according to mutual desire, then you can use a love spell on a cigarette with blood. This ritual will help bring your lover back. Remember, when you perform magical rites and rituals, faith in the result is very important and positive emotions. Only this way and no other way!

Love spell on a cigarette: 3 reasons to do it + 4 ways to perform the ritual + what to do to make it stop working.

Exactly what you have been waiting for so long has happened - love has finally come to your home! And suddenly all the metaphors about butterflies in the stomach, the earth disappearing from under one’s feet and the fire of passion became clear!

But here’s the problem: you fall in love, and the guy you’re crazy about doesn’t reciprocate your feelings.

You shouldn’t go to see grandmother-witches somewhere in a distant Siberian village, because in most cases you can help yourself. And one of the ways of such self-help is a love spell on a cigarette.

But first, let's give some compelling reasons to do this today.

3 reasons to cast a love spell on a guy on a cigarette: you definitely need it!

  1. Since ancient times, fire and smoke have been used in all kinds of magical rituals, especially love ones.
    They are the symbols of passion, love and carnal desire in esotericism. Therefore, a cigarette is simply an ideal object to
  2. Reviews of girls who tried a love spell on a cigarette say that it really works!

    Here, for example, is what Ksenia from Kyiv says on a thematic forum:

    “I fell in love, girls, I have no strength. I was already crying my eyes out, lost 10 kg, and the guy didn’t even look in my direction. I had to take a desperate step - to carry out a ritual with cigarettes and blood.

    It was, of course, creepy, but 2 weeks after the love spell he wrote to me with an offer to drink coffee together. Day after day - and now we have been together for 3 years. True, I will never, ever tell him why he paid attention to me.

    And Alina from Moscow told her story:

    “I would never take up a love spell on a cigarette if I didn’t need to save my family. The fact is that my husband became interested in another woman. And we have 15 years of marriage and two children behind us.

    So after I bewitched, my husband stopped cheating on me and everything returned to normal.”

  3. Finally, such a love spell is quite simple to perform and does not require much effort and time.
    In addition, you don’t have to go specifically to a magician to cast a spell and spend your money and time on it.

Have you decided? Then we will suggest not one, but several options for carrying out the ritual - choose the one you like best.

Love spell on cigarette No. 1. "Blood and Cigarettes"

Let's start, perhaps, with heavy artillery - the most powerful, according to esotericists, love spell on a cigarette:

  • open a new pack of expensive cigarettes and pull out the first one you come across;
  • Use a toothpick or a needle to prick the ring finger on your left hand;
  • Write the name of the guy you like on a cigarette in blood. Please be careful - you only need a couple of drops of the precious liquid;
  • smoke a cigarette, carefully collecting the ash in your palm;
  • No matter how scary it is, you will have to put out the cigarette butt on that same palm. There will be pain, of course, but it will be quite bearable. You want to bewitch your loved one? So be patient!
  • Shake the ash onto a clean sheet of paper, roll it up, saying a small spell to bewitch:
  • Just as these ashes are only with me, so we will be together with you!

  • Ash in paper should be stored in a secluded place, because if you throw it away or lose it, the love spell will no longer work
  • As soon as the burn wound begins to heal, the guy’s love spell on the cigarette will begin to work.

IMPORTANT! To cast a love spell on a guy is a love spell, but do not forget about important things: the needle with which you will prick your finger must first be disinfected in alcohol or another antiseptic, and do not forget to treat the wound on the palm from a cigarette butt with anti-burn ointment, for example, Panthenol.

Love spell on cigarette No. 2. "Dreams and Cigarettes"

To use this method on a cigarette, do the following:
  • clearly indicate the name of the guy you like on the cigarette. What (pen, colored felt-tip pen, pencil, etc.) and what color is not important;
  • slowly, smoke it to the end, holding it with your right hand and collecting the ashes in your left. In this case, you need to completely focus on the guy: imagine how you hug, kiss, laugh together, and what not - and have sex. It's just you, him and your happy relationship;
  • When you finish smoking, collect the ashes in a clean red handkerchief, saying the following spell:
  • Like ashes and ashes, so are you and me!

IMPORTANT! As in the case of the previous method of bewitching a guy for a cigarette, the ashes need to be stored in a secret place, because if they are lost, your loved one will leave you.

In addition, the more focused and colorful you are when you dream about a guy while you smoke, the more powerful the love spell will be.

Love spell on cigarette No. 3. "Flowers and Cigarettes"

There is a way to charm a guy into a cigarette for girls who don’t smoke themselves:
  • quietly pick up the cigarette butt that the guy you like threw away. Yes, ladies, sometimes happiness in your personal life requires you to forget about disgust for a while. The main thing is that you don’t have to finish smoking it;
  • then, as soon as you are alone, burn the cigarette butt on a plate white(there should be no patterns on it);
  • pour the ashes into a pot of soil for indoor flowers;
  • put anything in it flowering plant. As the flower grows and gains strength, your love spell on a cigarette will grow stronger.

IMPORTANT! Take good care of the flowerpot, because if the plant withers, rots or falls from the windowsill, the guy’s affection for you will disappear.

Because of this, you should also not plant flowers that are too difficult to care for: even ordinary geraniums or violets are quite suitable for a love spell.

Love spell on cigarette No. 4. "Photos and cigarettes."

To do this, you need to prepare in advance:
  • his photograph. It must be clear, no older than six months, and the eyes must be clearly visible;
  • a pack of cigarettes. You need to buy the ones that the guy usually smokes;
  • a red cloth napkin, a tray (necessarily made of metal), a red candle and a needle. All these things need to be purchased specifically for the ceremony. They must be new.

Before the ceremony, take a shower or bath, put on a fresh (washed) nightgown and lock yourself in your bedroom

Place a tray on the bed, a napkin on it, and a photo of the guy on top.

Then, use a needle to draw the man’s name and yours on the red candle, set it on fire and place it near the photo.
Next, you need to press the pack of cigarettes to your chest and say the following spell:

Smoke, smoke for both of us.
It's not smoke that billows, but love that flows.
Flows into our hearts
Your (name) and mine (name)
Become our matchmaker, smoke,
Become a matchmaker for the two of us.

Now you should put a pack of cigarettes on the photo and look at the candle flame for about thirty minutes, dreaming of happy love relationships with a bewitched guy.

After half an hour, put out the candle and hide all the items. All that's left to do is smoke a charmed pack of cigarettes with your loved one. Then the love spell will begin to work.

A valid and harmless love spell on a cigarette,

look and apply:

To bewitch a guy for a cigarette - you bewitched him, but what if you no longer need it? or Working on bugs...

Anything can happen in life: it seemed that you had met your ideal and would live with it, this ideal, happily ever after. But suddenly you realized that the guy is not your destiny or he showed himself not with the best side. And the love spell on the cigarette has already been made! What should I do?

In this case, you need to neutralize the effect of the magical ritual.

In order for a love spell on a cigarette to stop working, you will have to work a little:

    First you need to prepare the charmed salt.

    To do this, just say three times over it:

    I bewitched, I opened. I'm letting you go, I'm unraveling the threads

  • Then you need to bake any pancakes for the guy for three days in a row at dawn with the addition of the charmed salt. Naturally he must try them;
  • after three days, go to church: stay at the entire service until the end, light candles, ask God for forgiveness for your sins, for making a mistake this time in choosing your loved one. Order a sorokaust (special health service) for the two of you.

If everything is done accurately, and your prayer was sincere, then the person will leave you with a light heart.

As you can see, it is quite difficult to remove the effect of a love spell on a cigarette.

Therefore, before starting magic ritual, ask yourself, do you really need a guy enough to ask for help? higher powers? Maybe you should first try to charm him with a smile, a kind heart and a cheerful disposition?

The peculiarity of a love spell on a cigarette is that with the help of tobacco you can effectively cast a love spell on your beloved man or girl. The love spell on a cigarette will begin to take effect from the moment it was performed. That is, after a few moments he will begin to attack the consciousness of the bewitched.

Indian shamans often resorted to love spells on cigarettes with blood. They also used fire in their rituals with cigarettes, which, in their opinion, helped to achieve the best result and bewitch their loved one with the highest possible probability.

The first signs that a person has been bewitched

Love spell is one of the most powerful love spells on cigarettes. With its help, you can not only bewitch a man, but also bring upon him various consequences of your actions.

After some time, the person who was bewitched will face various mental and physical disorders.

By bewitching a guy on cigarettes, you can observe various consequences. Among them are:

  • change of temperament to melancholic;
  • increased irritability;
  • lethargy.

Although outwardly love will be shown on the part of the bewitched person, inside he will feel lost and make decisions without realizing their ultimate goal.

Effective love spell using a cigarette

A love spell on a cigarette is one of the most common rituals at all times. With its help, you can influence people, win them over, and even return former love. It will also help you do unreciprocated love mutual. Let's consider the most effective love spells.

Friendly love spell using a cigarette

Such a love spell cannot cause love, but it can be used to renew old friendly relations with a person.

It is necessary to perform such a ritual only on Friday evening on a waxing moon or on a full moon.

A love spell is made using tobacco. To do this, you first need to remove it from the cigarette. Then you need to mix tobacco with a pinch of sugar and salt. After this, you need to put it back into the cigarette.

It is very important to make sure that no one can touch the cigarette either before or after the ritual.

The love spell will begin to work if you follow all the following instructions exactly. You need to light a cigarette and say:

“Our friendship will flare up like a cigarette from this fire. Sugar and salt will make our friendship strong and strong.”

Smoke it all out. And collect the remaining ashes in your palm and, rubbing them, say:

“The insult will be erased along with the ashes.”

If everything is done correctly, then a strong friendship will arise between people. In the event that there was little desire to carry out the ritual, then the consequences of such a ritual are inevitable. This applies to both men and women.

Love spell

You can even make a love spell on a cigarette for love. The peculiarity of this ritual is that it can be performed at any time convenient for a person. The best time to bewitch a person is on Friday evening.

The only condition for such a ritual for love is complete silence in the room. Even the person performing the ceremony must remain silent.

Write on the cigarette the first and last name of the man you want to bewitch. They must be written clearly, not abbreviated. For example, if your beloved is Vanya, then on the cigarette we write his full name - Ivan. You need to write the name that was given to him at the time of baptism.

After this, light a cigarette and smoke it completely. Hold the cigar in your right hand only. And in your left hand, shake off all the ashes from it.

When you perform a ritual of this kind, think only about your loved one, otherwise everything you have planned will not be fulfilled. After the cigarette is smoked, go outside, preferably to an intersection, or to a field. But all this can be done near an ordinary road, but not near your home. Scatter the ashes and say the following words:

“Until you collect everything, you won’t leave me!”

Then scatter the ashes around you and immediately leave this place. Go straight home without looking back. It is also not allowed to talk to anyone while walking down the street or to visit someone. When you get home, wash your hands with cold running water.

It should be remembered that if there are burns from ash on your hand, then love magic It will begin to act only from the moment the wounds heal.

Love spell for non-smoking women

If you don’t smoke, this does not mean that you have to smoke a cigarette to perform rituals, or avoid such love spells. You can also make a love spell on a cigarette butt left by a man.

Pick up the cigarette butt that your lover threw away. Bring it home and place it in a dark place for 3 days. Thus, the cigarette butt will absorb the energy of your home and you as well.

After 3 days, place it on a white saucer and burn it on it. Let it burn to the ground. After that, take the flower pot. It’s very good if it’s a pot from the flower that your loved one gave you. In other cases, you need to purchase a red pot. Pour the ashes into the bottom. And sprinkle everything on top with earth.

You need to plant a flower in such a pot. When it starts to grow, then the magic will work.

The flower will represent your relationship. That is, if a flower grows and blooms well, this will mean that your relationship is developing well and is not in danger. If he begins to wither for no reason, then do not try to save him. This will mean that there are problems in the relationship that can lead to their breakup.

This ritual is too strong. For this reason, it cannot be recommended for people far from magic.

To carry it out, you need to take a cigarette and write your name and the name of your lover on it. After that, light it and smoke it, holding the cigarette in your right hand. Throw ashes into your left hand.

After it has been smoked, hold the ashes in your hands and hold for a few minutes.

You need to prepare the knife in advance. Use it to slightly cut the palm of your left hand; you should hold the ashes in your right hand. Place a few drops of blood on a saucer and mix with the ashes, saying:

“My blood is your love, It will be as strong as mine.”

After this, go to your lover’s house and quietly scatter the ashes near the threshold or not far from it. The love spell will begin to work in a few days.

How to neutralize the consequences of the ritual

Such magic begins to act very quickly, regardless of the distance at which the person who performed the ceremony and his beloved are located.

The result of such magical rituals is that the person on whom it was performed will begin to experience a strong desire to be close to the one who performed the ritual.

If you feel that a love spell was cast on you on a cigarette, then you can protect yourself from its effects.

The best way to neutralize it is to contact a specialist in this field, that is, a magician. But if this opportunity is not provided, then you need to resort to the use of special actions and conspiracies.

One of these is the following. At midnight during the full moon, go to the nearest lake. The river will not help in this case. Strip naked and say the words:

“Water cleanses me and protects me from love spells. My body is cleansed, the love spell is washed out of me. As soon as I bathe in clean water, freedom will return to me again.”

After this, take a full bath in the water.

There is another way to neutralize a love spell on a cigarette. It can already be carried out by the woman herself, who has previously bewitched a man. As soon as it begins to get light, she must cook pancakes for him. You need to add a little charmed salt to them. When speaking to her, simply say the following words over her:

“I bewitched, I turned away. I’m letting you go, I’m unraveling the threads.”

Afterwards, offer your lover something to eat. You need to repeat the neutralization ritual 3 days in a row. Then go to church and spend the entire service there. Order magpie for yourself and your lover. Afterwards, light a candle in the church and ask for forgiveness for all your sins. If the request is from a pure soul, then it will definitely be heard.

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