Big encyclopedia of oil and gas. Staff motivation: the most effective methods and ways to stimulate employees

Today society is at the very top of its development. Humanity has a certain baggage of knowledge and skills that has been obtained over the course of many centuries, as well as certain goals that should be striven for. In the 21st century, people have become a single biological organism working solely in their own interests. Through its actions, this complex biological "monster" creates a bunch of additional systems: social, technogenic, geopolitical, informational, etc. However, there is no way in our world without difficulties. A sharp evolution made humanity and every single person believe in their omnipotence. We consider ourselves enlightened in all matters, forgetting that knowledge is given only in the process of constant self-improvement. Thus, humanity is unwilling to go further. In the process of combating such “unwillingness”, people invented a very useful intangible thing - an incentive.

Stimulus and stimulation is...?

Such concepts as incentive and stimulation are related in their essence. They have a lot of definitions and interpretations, but this does not change the main tasks of incentives. This intangible object was created in order to interest a person on the path of his further progress. It has long been proven that people work better when they have an interest in this work. Here one should understand the fact that the incentive itself is intangible, but the form in which it will be expressed can be any. For example, the production of something will be much faster if the workers know that they will be rewarded for speed. There is an incentive here as an additional context, expressed in the form of additional earnings.

So, we understand the concept. Based on the facts obtained, we can say that stimulation is a process of direct influence on a person, a kind of pushing him towards something. But the term can be used not only to explain the influence exclusively on a person. The stimulation process can take place in the economy, politics, medicine and other industries. When per person will not always be the case.

Sales promotion

Consider one very good example, which proves the fact that with the help of incentives it is possible to influence not only a person. Take the economic sector, namely the sales sector.

Any production is based on the ultimate goal - the sale of its goods. It happens that this process is difficult to turn, so they resort to radical methods. Sales promotion is a series of special marketing activities, the purpose of which is to sell a product. They are used at all stages of preparation, creation and sale of goods to speed up the whole process. In other words, sales promotion is not an impact on a person, but on a process.

Types of sales promotion

Marketing science has developed so much in our time that many of the systems created by it have a number of their own types. From one science stands out a large number of required disciplines. Thus, it is possible to distinguish characteristic species sales promotion, for example:

Providing samples of new products is absolutely free.

Promotions and drawings.

Deals with sales companies.

Gifts and other incentives.

Such an extensive list of species makes sales promotion quite independent industry, which cannot be included in general classification non-material and material incentives.

How else do incentives affect a person?

All of them can be divided into two main groups: tangible and intangible. At the same time, we take as a basis only those that directly affect a person and his consciousness. It was previously pointed out that stimulation is a process whose goal is the final idea in a person's head. It will allow him to move on and conquer new horizons of his development.

But ideas never arise on their own. They need to be created through motivation. It is easy to guess that material incentives are a product of using material incentives to create an idea, motivation in a person’s head. In addition, this term has a more detailed definition. The essence of the process is based on the desire of a person to receive as much profit as possible and high pay for his work. The stimulation itself is produced by using the forms and methods of the material form. Everything lies precisely in the financial - first of all - the interest of people. Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that material incentives are an influence on a person by influencing his natural interest in personal profit with forms and methods.

It should be noted that the process presented above is a complex system. However, there is such a thing as economic incentives. It is broader and uses completely different resources in the process of influencing a person.

What does economic incentives include?

Before talking about economic incentives and their components, it should be understood that incentives can be used by almost anyone. In this case, the purpose of such use is not important. The main thing is that the end result lives up to your expectations. As mentioned earlier, material incentives are not a key set of forms and methods of influence. The thing is that material incentives are the constituent elements of the economic system, so they will be included in the array of methods and forms of influence, which is called economic incentives. similar view impact is on a completely different level. Economic Methods allow you to predict and program the behavior of buyers and manufacturers so that their actions are carried out desired way. This effect is achieved through the use of material incentives, or incentives, as they are called.

Economic incentives are possible, and they are used quite often, but at the government level. It can also be used by huge corporations whose budget can withstand all sorts of manipulations, losses and drastic changes.

As for the states, they use the method of economic incentives to organize labor in the country. This is due to one simple formula: the higher the level of employment, the higher the wealth of the population, and, consequently, the demand for manufactured goods will be in the state.

Why is it used and how does it affect production?

Many years ago, people noticed that production only moves if the workers are interested in the positive results of their work. did not go in vain. And with the advent of the new millennium, almost all companies began to stimulate labor. It is a process that includes many aspects. All of them help to influence employees or workers so that they perform their functions as productively as possible.


This process can be used through non-monetary and material incentives, although the latter are most commonly used. Work motivation is an important internal type. The future of a company or enterprise will depend on the success of its implementation. There is a small list of funds that help to stimulate employees, namely:



Convenient work schedule.

Good-natured attitude of the authorities.

Non-material types of incentives

The main core that regulates the use of all non-material incentives is social incentives. This concept is the most complex and dynamic. In the process of studying it, scientists have not come to a common opinion according to the intangible nature of this process. The thing is that social stimulation is aimed at relationships between people. The essence of the theory is that it "works" on the basis of deep trust. All previous types of stimulation directed their effect on each person individually. In this sense, social stimulation wins in many respects, as it is based on the psychological connection between people.


So, in the article, various forms of the stimulation process were considered, as well as material ones and which are used in this case. With the help of incentives and stimulation, you can influence a person, thereby causing him motivation, which helps to move on and conquer new horizons.

Ways to motivate staff is an important tool for every manager, because human resources are the basis of business efficiency. The success of any business depends on the experience and qualifications of employees. The latest technology and equipment, quality raw materials and detailed descriptions of all production processes, if used incorrectly and inefficiently, will not bring the desired economic effect.

Therefore, the methods of motivating employees take the leading place among the main tasks of modern management. An interested, active and motivated employee is a guarantee of high productivity and a guarantee of the quality of work of any enterprise or organization.

Employee motivation is one of the most difficult tasks in personnel management. This is especially true for organizations where it is difficult or even impossible to evaluate the performance of each individual employee. The simplest circuit"carrot and stick" has long been outdated and needs to be revised from the point of view of individual approach. And the task of the leader is to find the right combination for the team.

The general list of ways to motivate staff is as follows.
1. Direct financial incentives in the form of bonuses.
2. Systems of penalties.
3. Paid sick leave and vacation pay.
4. Salary increase.
5. Payment of compensation for years of service.
6. Career growth.
7. Creating a sense of belonging (issuing certificates and thanks, engaging in meetings).
8. Introduction of career status symbols.
9. Access to training, including courses, trainings, retraining, the opportunity to get a second higher education, scientific degree.
10. Delivery of valuable personalized gifts for anniversaries, memorable dates, for personal contribution to the success of the enterprise.
11. Organization of recreation for members of the team (selection of tour packages, payment of part of the cost of the tour).
12. Organization of corporate rest.
13. Health insurance at the expense of the company, paid medical examinations.
14. Conducting competitions among employees.
15. Provision of service housing for living.

All of the above methods in personnel management are divided into tangible and intangible to simplify and systematize.

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Results, achieved by people in the process of work, depend not only on the knowledge, skills and abilities of these people. Effective activity is possible only if employees have the appropriate motivation, i.e., the desire to work. Positive motivation activates a person's abilities, releases his potential, negative motivation inhibits the manifestation of abilities, hinders the achievement of activity goals.

The effectiveness of management to a very large extent depends on how successfully the motivation process is carried out.

Incentives act as levers of influence or carriers of "irritation" that cause the action of certain motives. Incentives can be individual items, the actions of other people, promises, carriers of obligations and opportunities, offered to a person in compensation for his actions or what he would like to receive as a result of certain actions. A person reacts to many stimuli not necessarily consciously. To individual stimuli, his reaction may even be beyond conscious control.

response to specific stimuli is not the same various people. Therefore, stimuli by themselves have no absolute meaning or meaning if people do not respond to them. For example, in the conditions of the collapse of the monetary system, when it is practically impossible to buy anything for money, wage and banknotes in general lose their role as incentives and can be used in a very limited way in managing people.

The process of using various incentives to motivate people is called process m stimulation. Stimulation takes many forms. In management practice, one of its most common forms is financial incentives. The role of this stimulation process is exceptionally great.

However, it is very important to take into account the situation in which material incentives are carried out and try to choose exaggerations of its capabilities, since a person has a very complex and ambiguous system of needs, interests, priorities and goals.

Stimulation is fundamentally different from motivation. The essence of this difference is that stimulation is one of the means by which motivation can be carried out. At the same time, the higher the level of development of relations in the organization, the less often incentives are used as a means of managing people. This is due to the fact that upbringing and training, as one of the methods of motivating people, leads to the fact that the members of the organization themselves show an interested participation in the affairs of the organization, taking the necessary actions without waiting, or without receiving the appropriate stimulating effect at all.

The essence of the concepts of “labor motive” and “labor incentive” is identical. In one case we are talking about an employee seeking to obtain benefits through labor activity (motive), in the other - about a management body that has a set of benefits necessary for an employee and provides them to him under the condition of effective labor activity (incentive). Therefore, it can be said that labor stimulation is a way of rewarding an employee for participating in production, based on a comparison of labor efficiency and technology requirements.

In this way, stimulation of labor is a way to control the behavior of social systems of various hierarchical levels, is one of the methods of motivating the labor behavior of management objects.

Labor motivation is the process of stimulating an individual performer or a group of people to work, aimed at achieving the goals of the organization, to productive performance decisions taken or scheduled work.

This definition shows the close relationship between the managerial and individual psychological content of motivation, based on the fact that the management of a social system and a person, in contrast to management technical systems, contains, as a necessary element, the coordination of the chains of the object and the subject of control. Its result will be the labor behavior of the object of management and, ultimately, a certain result of labor activity.

In this way, the essence of stimulating employees is as follows:

This is the stimulation of high labor indicators of an employee;

This is the formation of a certain line of labor behavior of the employee, aimed at the prosperity of the organization;

This is the motivation of the employee to the fullest use of his physical and mental potential in the process of carrying out the duties assigned to him.

1.2 Forms of stimulation of labor activity.

Forms of stimulation of labor activity are usually divided into material and non-material aspects.

Material aspect:

The task of the manager, in the case of the use of material incentives, is to develop a bonus payment scheme for performance, a system piecework payment or labor agreements. This task is by no means easy, since the situation in each firm is unique and, therefore, the bonus system must be unique for each case. It also depends on the specialization of the staff. Thus, it is completely inefficient to introduce a piecework bonus system to production workers in firms with a dynamic production process, oriented mainly to work on order.

Not all methods of economic incentives can have a motivational effect on employees, however, there are several basic provisions on bonuses that do not affect the specifics of the company and are universal.

The manager should be guided by them when introducing methods of economic motivation:

Bonuses should not be too general and widespread, otherwise they will be perceived simply as part of the normal salary under normal circumstances;

The bonus must be related to the employee's personal contribution to production, whether it is individual or group work;

There must be some acceptable method to measure this increase in performance;

Employees should feel that the bonus is dependent on additional, not normative, effort;

Additional efforts of employees stimulated by the bonus should cover the costs of paying these bonuses.

As already noted, the methods of economic incentives should depend not only on the specifics of the firm as a whole, but also vary depending on the specialization of employees.

Intangible Incentives:

Unfortunately, in modern Russian conditions, incentives in work, which form the employee's feeling of internal (non-material) reward, have been largely lost. Studies show that the vast majority of employees prioritize the material factor, and only a small number of them (mostly managers) speak of the need to enjoy work and feel important.

Important role in the long-term incentives for employees to long-term, effective work at the enterprise, social benefits that enterprises provide to their employees play. Social benefits can be either guaranteed by the state or voluntarily provided by the enterprise to its employees.

State-guaranteed social benefits are mandatory for enterprises of all forms of ownership and therefore do not play a stimulating role, but the role of social guarantees and social protection for able-bodied members of society who have a job. Such benefits include annual paid leave, paid sick leave, etc. These benefits are mandatory.

But the company can provide its employees with benefits that are not provided for by law. This is done to attract new employees to the enterprise, reduce staff turnover, stimulate efficient and high-quality work. In addition, employers, providing employees with social benefits, pursue such goals as reducing trade union activity, preventing strikes, attracting and retaining qualified personnel at the enterprise.

Social benefits are a special form of employee participation in the economic success of the enterprise. In the modern economy, the condition for the success of a firm is not only profit maximization, but also social Security employee, development of his personality.

In this regard, a number of functions of social benefits voluntarily provided by the enterprise to its employees can be distinguished:

Aligning the goals and needs of employees with the goals of the enterprise;

Development of a special psychology among employees when they identify themselves with their enterprise;

Increasing productivity, efficiency and quality of work and the readiness of employees to work effectively for the benefit of the enterprise;

Social protection employees at a higher level than required by law;

Creation of a positive microclimate in the labor collective of the enterprise;

Creation of a positive image of the enterprise among its employees and public opinion.

Benefits provided by enterprises to their employees can be divided into four types:

Social benefits in monetary terms;

Providing employees with an additional old-age pension;

Granting employees the right to use institutions social sphere enterprises;

Social assistance to families and organization of leisure activities for employees and their families.

Social benefits in monetary terms carry a principle similar to cash reward. Such benefits may include the right to purchase shares of the enterprise for employees at a reduced price. Thus, the goal of involving an employee in joint ownership of the enterprise is achieved, which forms a sense of ownership among employees, a careful attitude to the property of the enterprise. The forms of participation of an employee in the capital of an enterprise can be different. These include free shares, ordinary shares discounted by a certain percentage of the market price of shares, and preferred shares without the right to vote at a general meeting of shareholders.

In this way, one of the goals of stimulating employees should be the return of interest in work, the education of involvement in common cause in a collective. These tasks are solved with the help of intangible elements of the labor incentive system. It can also be concluded that using various forms and methods of stimulation allows the management of the enterprise to form an effective motivation of personnel for effective activity, which, in turn, will contribute not only to the functioning, but also to the development of the enterprise.

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Hello, dear readers of the HeatherBober business magazine! We continue the topic of staff motivation. I, Anna Medvedeva, a regular author of publications, today will analyze for you such a thing as staff incentives.

At the end of the article you will find tips on how to consolidate the results achieved and keep the team motivated.

1. What is staff motivation and stimulation and how do they differ?

The object of attention of our new article will be two concepts - motivation and stimulation of staff.

These terms are closely related to each other and are often mistaken for the same thing. But their essence is somewhat different, so to begin with, we will select a definition for each.

Motivation- this is the motivation of each employee to work for the result, created by any measures from the outside and supported personally by the employee himself. Motivation is always driven by needs.

Motivation can be internal and external. Just external is often confused with stimulation. What it is?

Staff incentives is the use by management of the factors of influence that act as the very driving force that increases the productivity of each employee and the entire team.

It can be concluded that motivation is an internal motivation for activity. It can arise without the influence of external measures. This is its difference from stimulation, which most often consists of tough measures.


Sergey works as a sales representative. The size of his salary directly depends on how many outlets will be in the list of his clients.

The company has its own motivation system, but Sergey became a leader even before its implementation. He became one of the best employees simply because every summer he realizes his dream - he goes on vacation to the sea. And for this you need to accumulate a certain amount during the year.

All measures to motivate and stimulate the ultimate goal are to increase the rationality of work and the profitability of the enterprise. Therefore, it is appropriate to talk about the release of personnel - another concept of the management process.

Release of staff This is a reduction in the volume of work or its complete reduction.

What is the release of staff:

2. What are the ways to stimulate staff - 3 effective ways

Now let's see how you can awaken the desire of employees to work efficiently and conscientiously. So that the work process has both practical benefits and moral satisfaction.

We divide the methods known to us into 3 categories.

Method 1. Financial incentive

This method is very reliable and loved by everyone (by workers, for sure). Material incentives for personnel are especially important during a crisis, but at other times everyone is always happy to receive them.

What are the types of financial incentives:

  1. Traditional methods of material incentives are annual or quarterly bonuses, bonuses for advanced training, interest accrual for overfulfillment of the plan, etc.
  2. Another type of material incentives is the so-called special rewards, which are given out for certain achievements at work in accordance with the hobbies of employees. These can be theater tickets, gym memberships, magazine subscriptions, travel vouchers, tuition fees, insurance policies, etc.
  3. There are one-time monetary incentives that do not depend on the work activity of employees, but speak of the support of the management of their employees in personal and family life. For example, cash gifts on the occasion of a wedding, anniversary, birth of a child, or assistance in the event of the death of a family member.

Method 2. Non-material encouragement

It is important for the vast majority of members of our society to be aware of their social significance. People are not indifferent to how they will look in the eyes of others and what people will say about them. Therefore, signs of attention and praise from management are not the least important in stimulating staff.

Types of non-material incentives:

  • verbal or written gratitude;
  • presentation of certificates of honor;
  • entry in the work book;
  • photograph with a characteristic on the honor roll, etc.

This also includes various collective awards, which unite the team in an informal setting. For example, corporate parties, picnic trips or visits by the entire theater / cinema department.

Someone will object that such methods of encouragement were a priority only at the time Soviet Union. However, practice shows that they do not lose their relevance to this day.

There are also quite non-standard methods. For example, arrange after-hours holidays for women on sales days, and for men on important football matches. Or organize a budget kindergarten for the children of employees.


In Western companies, there is a practice of opening stores specifically for employees of the organization. Goods there are purchased for their own currency, which is issued and has value only within the enterprise.

They give out such currency for certain achievements in production.

Step 3. We draw up a system of rewards and punishments

There is no universal system of motivation that would suit absolutely any team. However, there general principles by which it is created.

When developing a system of rewards and punishments, we recommend:

  • avoid vague formulations - for example, with material rewards, name specific numbers for specific achievements;
  • review any provision on reward or punishment monthly and focus only on those documents that are relevant now, and not six months ago;
  • at least encouragement, at least punishment must be carried out;
  • praise publicly, and punish in private (in both cases - with an analysis of the situation).

And remember: it is not the employee who needs to be encouraged and punished, but his actions.

Step 4. We implement the planned activities

The motivational system in the organization is launched after it was announced at the general meeting. If the company is large, then CEO notifies the heads of departments, and they make the appropriate announcement to their subordinates.

Be sure to inform employees about main goal scheduled events. It is one thing to simply strive for a certain reward, and quite another to be aware of yourself as part of an important and complex process.

Step 5. We get the effective work of the staff

If all factors are taken into account and the motivation system is developed correctly, it will definitely justify itself. And you won't have to wait long for results.

However, in order for the result not only to be established, but also not to decrease, constantly analyze the ongoing activities to motivate and stimulate and adjust the implemented system.

4. Where to get help in motivating and stimulating staff - an overview of the TOP-3 companies

What to do if your own skills in developing a motivation system are not enough?

Refer to third party resources. That is, to find a company that is engaged in professional business training or compiling motivation systems for various institutions.

1) Moscow Business School

The company has existed for only 5 years, but it already occupies a leading position in the field of business education in the Russian Federation. Experts and practitioners of the highest level conduct seminars, courses and trainings in all areas of business.

A dynamic business environment requires constant change and a flexible approach to learning. Therefore, domestic and foreign specialists developing here learning programs constantly use current market trends.

Training is conducted in open and corporate formats. The business school also offers training in the most modern format - with the help of webinars and video courses.

2) Volgasoft

This consulting company has a richer experience, operating in the business market for 18 years. Here they will help to solve the most complex management issues and improve the efficiency of any institution.

The firm offers a unique "Management by Objectives and KPI" training program that takes into account all modern tendencies business. Thereby methodical complex an effective management system is built for any business model.

In addition, you are waiting for:

  • practical methods for managers on staff motivation;
  • consulting services;
  • seminars, webinars and other training events.

Read the conditions, offers and tariffs on the company's website.

3) MAS Project

“Pay employees for results, not for presence” - says the main slogan of the management system proposed by this company.

Experienced MAS Project specialists have developed a business performance system that combines project and task management, time, interaction and other planning tools.

The system offers you more than 30 tools to improve the efficiency of your enterprise, increase profitability, develop the company and each employee individually.

The site contains videos with illustrative examples of using the MAS Project system. In the near future there will also be mobile app for the convenience of working with the program.

5. How to prevent the loss of staff motivation - 3 practical tips

Even if the implemented motivation system gives tangible results, it is worth considering how to maintain what has been achieved.

What needs to be done for this?

Tip 1: Prioritize Motivation Over Incentives

Staff incentives can be positive or negative. Often it borders on the imposition of sanctions.

Therefore, in order not to have to correct the consequences of the negative side of stimulation (and it will certainly manifest itself), pay more attention to motivation. It is more positive and reliable.

Read a separate article on our resource.

Tip 2. Create favorable working conditions

The quality of life and working conditions certainly affect the quality of work performed. In order for performance to be high, a person must also have a good rest.

How can working conditions be improved:

  • equip the premises with additional heaters if it is cold there in winter, and air conditioners to create coolness in summer;
  • install coolers with drinking water;
  • allocate a separate room for a rest room;
  • at a large enterprise - open a canteen for employees, etc.

Naturally, such events must be carried out in accordance with the specifics of the departments and activities of the company as a whole.

This will allow you to make the right moves and adjust the motivation system in time. This approach brings management closer to the team and creates a trusting atmosphere.

After all, at the heart of any relationship in the team lies human factor no matter how tempting the career prospects are.

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