What does nature give to man? What nature gives to man. This leads to the conclusion

home What nature gives to man Man lives thanks to nature. Nature gives us everything: the clean air we breathe, the wood we build the houses in which we live. We get heat from wood and coal, which nature also gives us. Almost all of our home furniture is also made of wood. We pick mushrooms and berries in the forest, where we relax and breathe clean air. The natural world is wonderful and mysterious. Listen to the murmur of river streams, the singing of birds, the rustling of grass, the hum of bumblebees, and you will understand this. Have you seen the sun at dawn? The sun turns into a small, but still, holiday, any ordinary and everyday day of a person. When the sun is above us, it becomes better, warmer around us and in ourselves. Ours are amazing fairy forests ! And the glades are real “greenhouses of nature”! Look closely at each, every strange blade of grass, and you will be able to feel their charming power. Climbing to the top of the hill, you feel as if you are rising above the planet. Nature appears here in its clear harmony and beauty. The sun, forest, sandy shore, water, wind... bring us great joy. The sages and dreamers of the past more than once tried to list the “wonders of the world” - miracles created by nature and created by human hands. They talked about seven miracles, searched for and found the eighth, but, it seems, no one ever mentioned the miracle - the only one known to us in the Universe. This miracle is our planet itself, together with the atmosphere - the container and guardian of life. And while it continues to remain the only, incomparable, riddle of the birth and history of the planet itself, the riddle of the origin of the life of the mind, the future destinies of civilization. This is a miracle of nature. Man is a part of it. Nature provides food for man. Wind and sun, forest and water give us common joy, shape our character, make it softer and more poetic. People are inextricably linked by nature with thousands of threads. Human life depends on the state of nature. Protecting nature concerns us all. We all breathe the same air of the Earth, drink water and eat bread, the molecules of which continuously participate in the endless cycle of substances. And we ourselves are thinking particles of Nature. This places a huge responsibility for its safety on each of us, each and every one without exception. Each of us can and must contribute to the fight for the preservation of Nature, and therefore life on Earth. *** Take care of the Earth! Take care of the Lark in the blue zenith, The butterfly on the leaves of the dodder, The sun's glare on the path... Take care of the young shoots At the green festival of nature, The sky in the stars, the ocean and the land And the soul that believes in immortality, - The connecting threads of all destinies. Take care of the Earth! Take care... Nature is our common home. Nature is life. If we take care of her, she will reward us, and if we kill, we will die ourselves. Also here: http://nature-man.ru/rol-prirody-v-zhizni-cheloveka.html http://evza.ru/articles/natur/chto_daet_priroda.html

We depend on nature not only for our physical survival. We also need nature to show us Return trip home, the way out of the prison of our own minds.

We have forgotten what stones, plants, and animals continue to remember. We have forgotten how to be - how to be calm, to be ourselves, how to be where life flows - Here and Now.

As soon as you direct your attention to something natural, to something that began to exist without human intervention, you enter a state of connection with Existence, in which all nature exists. Directing your attention to a stone, tree or animal does not mean thinking about it at all - simply perceiving it, holding it within your awareness.

Then something of his essence enters into you. You begin to feel how calm it is, and when you feel this, the same calm arises within you. You feel how deeply its roots go into the Existence - it is in complete agreement with what it is and where it is. Understanding this, you also come to a place within yourself where there is deep peace.

While walking or relaxing in nature, honor this kingdom by being completely present in it. Stay calm. Look. Listen. See how complete each Living being, every plant. Unlike people, they never split into two. They don't live through their mental self-image, so they don't need to defend or inflate it. They don't even care about it at all. This is what a deer is. This is the pale yellow daffodil.

In nature, everything exists not only in complete unity with itself, everything exists in complete unity with everything else. No one isolates himself from the integral structure, claiming a separate existence like “I” and the rest of the universe.

Contemplation of nature can free you from this “I”, the main creator of troubles.

Bring your awareness to the subtle sounds of nature - the rustling of leaves in the wind, the falling of raindrops, the buzzing of insects, the first bird trill at dawn. Give yourself completely to listening. Behind the sounds there is something much more - a holiness that cannot be comprehended by thought.

If you perceive nature only through the mind, through thoughts, through thinking, then you cannot feel its liveliness, its vitality and givenness. You see only the form and are not aware of the life inside this form - and this is a holy sacrament. Thought reduces nature to the level of a commodity, an object of consumption. She uses it in pursuit of profit or for the purpose of gaining knowledge, or for some other utilitarian purpose. Ancient forest becomes lumber, a bird becomes a scientific program, a mountain becomes an object to be bored with adits or conquered.

When you perceive and become aware of nature, let there be intervals without thoughts, without reason. When you approach nature in this way, it will respond to you and participate in the evolution of both human and planetary consciousness.

Houseplants in your home - have you ever really looked at them? Did you allow such a friend and at the same time mysterious creature, which we call a plant, teach you its secrets? Have you noticed how deeply calm it is? What field of silence is it surrounded by? The moment you become aware of the emanation of calm and peace emanating from this plant, it becomes your teacher.

Observe any animal, flower or tree and see how it abides in Existence. It is itself. It has incredible dignity, innocence and holiness. But in order for you to see this, you need to go far beyond your mental habit of naming and labeling. The moment you look beyond the mental labels, you feel an ineffable dimension of nature that cannot be comprehended through thinking or sense perception. This is harmony, the holiness of which is lowered and permeated not only by all nature as a whole, but which also exists within you.

The air you breathe is nature, as is the process of breathing itself.

Bring your attention to your breathing and realize that you are not doing it. This is the breath of nature. If you had to remember to breathe, you would soon die, and if you tried to stop your breathing, nature would win.

By becoming aware of your breath and keeping your attention on it, you become the most intimate and most in a strong way reconnect with nature. This action is healing and deeply inspiring. It causes a shift in your consciousness from the conceptual world of thoughts to the inner realm of unconditional consciousness.

You need nature as a teacher to help you reunite with Being. But not only does nature need you, it needs you too.

You are not separate from nature. We are all part of the One Life, manifesting itself in countless forms throughout the universe, forms that are all closely intertwined and completely interconnected. When you understand this holiness, beauty, unimaginable silence and dignity in which a flower or tree exists, then you add something to both the flower and the tree. Through your understanding, your awareness, nature also comes to know itself. She comes to know her own beauty and holiness - through you!

Nature exists in a pristine and pure calm that preceded the appearance of thought. And the tree, and the flower, and the bird, and the stone are not aware of their own beauty and holiness. When people become quiet, they go beyond thought. In the silence behind thought, another dimension is added - the dimension of knowledge and awareness.

Nature can bring you peace and tranquility. This is her gift to you. When you perceive nature and connect with it in this field of silence, then your awareness begins to permeate this field. This is your gift to nature.

– this is the entire material world of the Universe, organic and inorganic. But in everyday life, another definition is more often used, in which by nature they mean natural environment habitat, i.e. everything that was created without human intervention. Throughout their existence, people have often become the culprits of change. environment. But the role of nature in people’s lives is also colossal, and it cannot be underestimated.


Man is a part of nature, he “grows” from it and exists in it. Definite Atmosphere pressure, earth temperature, water with salts dissolved in it, oxygen - all this is the natural state of the planet, which is optimal for humans. It is enough to remove one of the “designer” elements, and the consequences will be disastrous. And any change in nature can cause dramatic changes in the life of all humanity. That is why the statement that nature can exist without man, but man cannot exist without it, is especially relevant.

The main source of consumer goods

Luxury goods are created by people, but we satisfy our primary needs at the expense of nature. Exactly the world gives us everything we need for existence: air, food, protection, resources. Natural resources are involved in many areas: construction, Agriculture, food industry.

We no longer live in caves, but prefer comfortable houses. Before we eat what grows on the earth, we process and cook it. We do not cover ourselves with animal skins, but make clothes from recycled fabrics natural materials. Undoubtedly, man transforms and improves much of what the planet gives for a comfortable life. Despite all its power, humanity will not be able to develop outside of nature and without the base that it provides us. Even in space, beyond the Earth, people have to use recycled natural goods.

- This is a huge hospital that can cure various ailments. Numerous medicines and cosmetics have been developed based on plants. Often, resources are used in almost their original form to improve health, for example in herbal medicine, hydrotherapy and mud therapy.

Human dependence on natural conditions

For many years, under the influence of climate, topography, and resources, customs, activities, aesthetic views and the character of the population of a particular country were formed. We can safely say that the role of nature underlies many social processes. Even a person's appearance depends on the region from which his ancestors came.

The health of many people depends on weather conditions. Well-being and emotional condition may vary depending on the phases of the moon, solar activity, magnetic storms and other phenomena. The level of air pollution, its humidity, temperature, oxygen concentration - all this can also affect a person’s well-being. For example, city residents, after relaxing by the river, note an improvement in their physical and psychological condition.

Cities with over a million people, modern cars, Newest technologies– looking at all this, it seems that man has learned to successfully exist outside of nature. In fact, humanity still depends on conditions that it cannot change. For example, on quantity and condition natural resources Its economy depends on the territory of the state. Weather determine the features of buildings settlement and living conditions. Such diversity national cuisines arose as a result climatic features regions, as well as flora and fauna.

Aesthetic and scientific significance

Nature acts as a source of a wide variety of information that helps build relationships with the outside world. Thanks to the data that the planet stores, we can know who inhabited the Earth thousands and millions of years ago. Today we can, if not prevent natural disasters, then at least protect ourselves from them. And man has even learned to direct some phenomena to his advantage. and human learning. The child is introduced to the world around him, taught to protect, protect and ennoble it. Without this, no educational process is possible.

One cannot ignore the importance of nature in cultural life. We contemplate, admire, enjoy. It is a source of inspiration for writers, artists and musicians. This is what artists have sung and will continue to sang in their creations. Many are sure that the beauty and harmony of nature even has a healing effect on the body. Although the spiritual component is not the first necessity for the life of the population, it plays a vital role in the life of society.

summary of other presentations

“How caves are formed” - This is how entire stone sculptures are sometimes formed in caves. As the drops dry, they form stone icicles layer by layer. How are caves formed? Volcanic caves. Tectonic caves. Formed in insoluble rocks. It is the Karst caves that have the greatest extent and depth. They are most often formed inside glaciers. Glacier caves. Occurs during volcanic eruptions. Such caves are often formed on the seashore under the influence of the surf.

“Use of new technologies” - Space technology. New knowledge. Synthetic substances. Laser eye treatment. Robots. Laser dental treatment. People are exploring the vastness of the Universe. Telescopes. Application of robots. How man penetrates the secrets of nature. Capabilities of modern computers. Robots and robotics. Opening atomic nucleus. Where a person uses a laser. Plastics.

"Human ear" - Outer ear. Cyclostomes. Features of the structure of the ear of various groups of vertebrates. A man with long ears. Inner ear. Human ear. Ear. Small player. Middle ear. Reptiles.

“Solar System Test” - Birds. Which star points north? What is the Moon. Earth and humanity. What is astronomy. Planet. Own light. Choose the names of this planet. The most big planet solar system. Sun and Earth.

“Dolmens” - Trough-shaped and tiled dolmen of the Lazarevsky district Krasnodar region. Compare existing scientific data with observations. and draw conclusions. Ultra-precise fitting of blocks along curved joints. Hypotheses about the method of construction and purpose of dolmens have many contradictions. Video footage of a dilapidated dolmen: “Women’s Stone.” Dolmens are capable of charging water with beta particles and changing the properties of water.

“Tsar Peter” - 1722 – 2nd visit of Peter I to Saratov. Senate square and a monument to Peter I. Artist B. Petersen. V.A. Serov “Peter I on the Neva embankment”. Peter I. Sample of the civil alphabet, corrected by Peter I, 1710. 1695 - 1st arrival of Peter I in Saratov. Arrival of Peter I in Saratov. House of Peter I. People became poor, fled to the outskirts and abroad, serfdom intensified.

By Dennis Fischer

Today there are not many true corners of nature left. Urbanization and the conquest of nature by man are occurring at a tremendous pace, and soon only inaccessible areas with harsh conditions will remain. climatic conditions. New routes and winter roads are being built in the Russian taiga. The highway to Chukotka is a matter of the near future. But the question comes to mind: man conquered nature, and what did he do for it? Lately?

Many protected areas have recently appeared in the CIS. But, as before, organizing reserves is a complex matter. Often nature reserves are given the worst locations, while neighboring forestry enterprises maintain excellent forests. It is very difficult for us to make a beautiful forest a protected area; it is much easier to cut it down in half and leave a pile of rubbish. Now they are mainly organized National parks, in which logging is allowed and only a small protected core is created where nature is inviolable. And salaries for employees of the reserve system are among the lowest in Russia.

Recently, a message was circulated online that in Transbaikalia, due to mass felling forests, the rivers began to lose navigability.

The balance of nature in the world is disrupted - glaciers are actively melting, water is being used irrationally, forests are being cut down. Reservoirs are made on rivers, which destroy entire ecosystems of riverine plains and form freshwater seas, in which the water often blooms and the already scarce fish die. It turns out that now much, much depends on the person. Why not take concrete steps to restore the nature of our planet?

But it is precisely when nature is completely destroyed that people begin to take action to restore it. Germany is ahead of everyone; concrete steps have been taken there to restore forests and rivers. China has also come to its senses from the total conquest of nature. When I traveled around China, I saw young forests everywhere. Twenty years ago, large tracts of forests were destroyed here. After this, the consequences immediately began: the deserts began to advance at a rapid pace, and even Beijing began to fall asleep sandstorms. Now the Chinese are paid money to plant trees. In stuffy cities appeared for a short time many parks. In Chengdu I saw big trees and was surprised that they were planted recently. Large trees are brought from the forests on dump trucks, droppers are installed, and after a while a park with old-growth trees appears in the new microdistrict. So in the once deserted mountains, landscaping is also happening on a large scale - thousands of trees are being planted. In the provinces of Xinjiang and Gansu there are loess soils - it is difficult to grow anything here. However, I was surprised when I saw thousands of fields, and next to them there was lifeless land, where there was not a single blade of grass, only dust. All this is grown thanks to fertilizers and is not very useful for human body, however, in conditions of overcrowding it is necessary to resort to such methods. So why not restore forests that will help bring water back? Unfortunately, in the Central Asian regions of China, water is used irrationally, overgrazing by livestock destroys the already sparse vegetation, and deserts are encroaching on new territories.

There are not many successful examples of nature restoration. In the Kherson region of Ukraine there is a small desert called Aleshkovsky Sands. Once upon a time, through the joint efforts of scientists, it was possible to stop sand dunes, plant this place with forests. And the growth of the desert stopped. This experience can be used to restore other regions. After all, cypress trees once grew green in the Sahara Mountains. Humanity has enough knowledge to solve the problem of desertification, even if it takes several hundred years.

In India, where there is also a large water shortage, local scientists managed to return water to wells. Once upon a time, forests were cut down on the banks of the river, and the area became a desert, and the water in the riverbed disappeared. But local scientists were able to revive this river by replanting forests.

So we should now pay attention to the problem of deforestation. After all, everything will be much more complicated further.

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