B&W photo shoot ideas. Black and white photos of girls - a beautiful selection. You can't turn a bad photo into black and white

home To create a high-quality black and white portrait

you need to master the principles of working with light, constructing certain lighting schemes and working with flashes. In addition, you need to imagine in advance what you should end up with. These are the key points in creating high-quality photography.

Black and white portrait at home On style and appearance

The portrait will be influenced by the location where it was taken. This can be absolutely any place: a park, a street, a studio or an ordinary living room.

For a black and white portrait, it is very important that the light and shadows correctly describe the contours of the face. Dark areas in this style of photography are like black holes. The model should be positioned in front of the window so that the light falls on it. The model can also be placed directly on the windowsill. This is also a good option. The best time to photograph houses is during the day. Glass and curtains are excellent diffusers and bright afternoon sun can provide soft shadow. Using reflectors, you can adjust the lighting. An external flash aimed at the ceiling or wall can also be very useful. For black and white photography, it is important how the camera is set up. Should not be used high values ISO. But with the diaphragm it’s the other way around. Her great importance

will add depth to the photo. It is better to focus manually. A very interesting effect is obtained when shooting through wet glass. Moreover, focusing will be appropriate both on the model and on drops of water flowing down the glass.

Photographing black and white portraits in the studio Working in the studio is both easier and more difficult. On the one hand, you can build any lighting scheme and freely manipulate light and shadow, but this is the difficulty. One of the popular black and white photography schemes is .

“high key”

Low key photographs are more dramatic and emotional. To shoot in this style, you should use only a black background and one light source. The light is adjusted in this way. to illuminate only the model's face. To highlight less significant details, reflectors should be used. In the dark, the camera may not determine the exposure correctly, so you should use manual mode.

Black and white portrait in nature

It is easier to photograph in black and white on the street, but it is impossible to achieve the same results there as at home or in the studio. Outside, the light is diffused and the shadows are soft. The lighting is uniform throughout the frame, which means there is no need to fight hard shadows.

To shoot a black and white portrait outdoors, you can use any setting. Your mood and idea should determine the location for shooting. This could be a courtyard or pavement, a park or forest belt, a crowded street or an abandoned wasteland.

Close-up in black and white portrait

The good thing about a close-up is that it is in a black and white photo that the texture of the skin and the expressiveness of the eyes are perfectly conveyed. When shooting close-up The main thing is not to take a photo that looks like an ID photo. Ask the model to change position, tilt or turn her head. Capture the best moments.

After the photo shoot is over, you should correct the pictures in a graphics editor. For close-up portraits, it is recommended to increase sharpness and brightness. Vignettes work well for open-air shots. For all types of photography, it is important to frame correctly. This will eliminate unnecessary objects from the frame and position the model in the most harmonious manner on the photo plane.

Despite what many believe black and white photos outdated, they still enjoy deserved popularity today, thanks to their unique beauty and sophisticated sophistication. And all because photographs taken in black and white have stood the serious test of time and earned the title of classics of photography.

Besides, in modern age In digital photography, the conversion of color images to black and white is becoming increasingly popular. Indeed, thanks to this transformation, the photographs acquire an incomparably greater expressiveness and artistic effect. It’s hard to disagree with this, looking at the beauty black and white photo of girls. This color scheme helps to achieve the effect of some understatement and mystery, thanks to which such photographs can produce a simply dizzying impression.

A significant advantage of a black and white photo in comparison with a color one is the ability to save even the most unsuccessful photo.

By converting it to black and white, you can “mask” some defects in the skin of the person shown in the picture, which would be clearly visible in a bright color image. In addition, even the model’s skin tone is softened and smoothed, and the shape of the subject is emphasized exclusively from its advantageous sides.

Due to the lack of excess colors in black and white photographs, in such photographs it is easier to push the subject forward foreground, giving it the clearest outlines and volume. All this leads to easier perception. So these images look much more expressive than their colored counterparts. You can give such a photo a light touch of the classics by intelligently and harmoniously thinking through and choosing a subject for shooting. This will surely make your photos unique and amazing. And even despite the fact that the modernity of such a black and white photo can be given away by buildings or cars in the background, the absence of bright colors will still do its job, and black and white photo of girls will look like an echo of bygone eras!

The advantage of this kind of images can also be called their romanticism, which goes side by side with nostalgia, which can give photographs absolutely amazing and unique properties. However, it should be borne in mind that this effect can be achieved by creating a pre-thought-out plot or trying to “catch” it during shooting. After all, not every plot can pass for romance. A striking example A black and white photo with a romantic coloring can be called the following “classic of the genre”: a black and white photo of girls in a sad mood, which is viewed through a window glass covered with raindrops. It is simply impossible to imagine such a photo in bright colors, since this way it will lose a large share of its nostalgic color.

The advantages of black and white photographs over their color “brothers” could go on for a long time. After all, one and the same character can look completely different when using this type of shooting. Simply changing the lighting angle can vary the color transition from white to black. Playing with lighting when shooting allows you to significantly change the emotional coloring of the photos taken.

You will be able to fully participate in wonderful world black and white photo, looking through a selection of pictures of charming girls.

Black and white photos of girls - beautiful selection

To date black and white photography (English photographing) is a classic of artistic photography. This is why most photographs in black and white look so effortless and fabulous. A black and white photo shoot is a special trend in the photo industry. Of course, ordinary photographs can be processed with this effect, but when the photographer initially sets himself the goal of taking photographs in this color, then the entire photography process proceeds in a different way. The specialist correctly arranges the lighting, changes the settings on the camera and performs many other actions. In the case of black and white photographs, the color accent plays important role. For example, on a colorless background you can leave red lips or juicy slice some kind of fruit. This technique will add brightness and originality to the photo.

Prices for photography services

ServiceVolumeprice, rub.
Photography (minimum order - 2 hours) 1 hour2000
Using lighting equipment1 session5000
Physio/make-up artist services1 session5000
Photo retouching1 PC.300
Subject photography100 pieces.6000
Subject photography200 pcs.10000
Video shooting of a photo shoot2 hours4000

We are ready to make your dreams come true

Our photographers work in various styles and genres of photography, so our clients receive impeccable photographs, regardless of the level of their requirements and wishes. Our professionalism allows us to implement real life even the most complex ideas, which subsequently decorate the photo albums of our clients. Many people are surprised at how we combine high quality work and affordable prices for services. It's simple - we work for our clients!

Portrait photography

Examples of shooting in the portrait genre.

Black and white photography must be performed by a highly qualified specialist, only in this case it will give unforgettable results. If you are interested in a photo shoot in black and white, you can contact our studio for help right now! Behind for a long time Through our work, we have gained great knowledge and rich experience, which allows us to implement even the most unusual fantasies of our customers. There are a lot of ideas for black and white photos, everything depends only on the requirements and wishes of the customer. Even holiday photographs are sometimes taken in black and white. It gives a touch of unforgettableness. Contact us using any method convenient for you to Discuss with our manager all the details you are interested in.

If you want to take part in the most relevant photography today, then order a photo shoot called<<фотосессия в черном>>. Remember that black, like white, will never go out of fashion, even if someone says the opposite. Why is he fashionable, because he is elegant, graceful and stylish; his elegance, grace and style are visible both in the interior and in clothing. Among animals, black cats stand out especially for their grace and elegance. Therefore, girls who use this color in their clothes also look graceful, elegant and stylish. Girls in black always look slim, and it makes everyone look a little thinner.

Photographers have long used black White color in photo shoots. Photographers specially select interior, makeup, clothes and even accessories in black and white. Wherever you conduct a photo shoot in the studio, at home, on the street, in the city or in nature, a black and white dress in the photographs will look so great that the photo shoot will turn into an unforgettable one.

Therefore, it is worth trying to do a photo shoot in black, just for testing. Contact us, we will help you realize this idea.

In this article we will look at several issues regarding a photo shoot in black, namely how to prepare for it and ideas for photography.

How to prepare for a photo shoot in black

When you are preparing for a photo shoot, think carefully about everything related to photography. To do this, you need to think about the clothes you will wear. Will it be a suit or a black and white dress. What shoes will you wear? Your clothes will be only in black or classic black and white. When it comes to makeup, you also need to think things through. Also, the hairstyle should correspond to your idea for photography. If something falls out or does not harmonize, then there is a high probability that the photographs will not turn out to be of the required quality.

Need to remember important feature, in a black and white photo shoot, details are always drawn more clearly than in color photography. Therefore, when taking photographs, you need to take preparations more seriously; this is the only way to get beautiful photographs. In black and white photography, you need to put the person in the foreground, not the objects. Everything else should remain in the background. When taking this photo, you need to try to show your best features and strengths. Therefore, when preparing, take these facts into account and you will succeed.

Ideas for a photo shoot in black

In black underwear:

A photo shoot in black underwear is different in that such underwear especially emphasizes the beauty of your body. The girl looks not only elegant and graceful, but also tenderness is emphasized in a special way.

Photo shoot in black in the rain:

A photo shoot in the rain is gourmet photography. You can wear black clothes. In such a photograph one can trace notes of not only grace, style, elegance, but also notes of some kind of tragedy. If you are in such a mood, then do a photo shoot and you will not be able to take your eyes off the photos.

An interesting idea on the shore of the sea, river, ocean, lake:

Intriguing and certainly wonderful plot with the help black and white can be filmed on the shore of the sea, lake, ocean, river. Here the play of the sun's rays gives a special tone to the photograph. And although there is no color in the pictures, the photos do not look faded or even dull. On the contrary, such photographs can develop a very broad understanding of the subject of the photograph. Therefore, when you find yourself on the shore of some body of water, be sure to take a couple of pictures in black and white.

Black and white photo shoot in the studio:

Girls are best models for a studio photo shoot in black, professional photographers most often prefer to work with them. It is better to shoot in black and white in the portrait genre. This kind of photography focuses not on the portrait, but on emotions and facial expressions. During a photo shoot, it is better for models not to look into the camera or direct their gaze further than the lens. You can also take pictures from the back; professionals also do this; they thus try to convey the idea that the photograph was taken as if by accident.

Group photo shoot in black:

We often communicate with our friends, but we would like such moments to last longer, and a group photo shoot in black will help you here. This type of photography is becoming more and more popular. This photo session can be done as a walk around the city or in nature, or in a studio or at home. You can do it with friends, or just with your family. But it is not wise to do all the photography in black and white; it will be better if you take several pictures in color.

Photo session in an abandoned building:

Such a photo session is not often ordered, but it does happen. Maybe you'll like it too. The idea of ​​photographing in an abandoned building can be done in color or black and white. In order for the photo shoot to be successful, you can wear black, long dress and, as an addition, if you want, a hat. Some girls like to act naked in this genre. But this is at the discretion of the model. Against the background of the wreckage, the girl’s body looks much more beautiful. What is good about such options is that they emphasize the individuality of female nature. If you like it, then you can try yourself in it.

Photographing in black on the street:

An outdoor photo shoot can be fun and exciting and can result in some great photos. Many people don’t like this type of photography; they think it has a hint of primitiveness, but that’s everyone’s business. Not everyone likes the same things. What makes this type of photography attractive is that in the bustle of the city you can get good photos with a little fussy movement added to them. Before you start such a photo shoot, prepare for it. Find suitable and interesting places, try to think through your image. Don’t be lazy about choosing clothes for photography, spend an hour, but find what you need. Better yet, take a few changes of clothes so you can try it out. different options photography. Think over the plot of the photo shoot and select locations for it. The photographer should lead the process, and everything else should be chosen by the model. And if you dream well, you will succeed.

In this article we looked at only some possible options for a photo shoot in black. Our photographers are ready to help you solve this problem.

A classic photo shoot in black and white style is a combination of grace, sincerity and uniqueness of the individual inner world person. A black and white photo shoot has always been, is and will be relevant, in demand and unsurpassed. It’s not easy to decide on it, because everyone is accustomed to the bright, saturated colors that overwhelm modern photographs, but it is precisely this colorfulness that pushes into the background the main thing that can be in a person’s photography – his soul.

Any time and place will be good for black-and-white photography, because girls in a black-and-white forest near hundred-year-old oak trees will look irresistible. A leafy carpet will be an excellent backdrop for black and white photography. Pictures taken in sunny weather will perfectly convey joy and fun, while in cloudy weather they will convey soulfulness. Rain is a special time for such a photo shoot; dark, translucent drops falling from the umbrella, sliding along the glass, or falling on your body will undoubtedly brighten up the photos. Those who decide to take black and white photographs, and these are mainly young girls, couples, pregnant women and models, are always satisfied with the result. Minimalism, play of tones, soulfulness and sincerity, all this makes black and white photographs a masterpiece work of art.

In addition to reportage shooting outdoors, a fascinating photo shoot in black and white style, taking place indoors, is also relevant. As a rule, these are studios or houses with antique furniture and other interior decorative elements.

Black and white photography in a studio or home allows you to plan a plot, set up scenery, select the right clothes and makeup. This has a very positive effect on both the process itself and the final result.

Black and white style is perfect for creating photo love stories. Sincerity, sincere emotions, and live photographs will undoubtedly delight you throughout your life.

Our professional photographers will be happy to help everyone who wants to immortalize their feelings, emotions, and significant life moments in black and white photography. Don't be shy, just call!

The photographer works in Moscow and the Moscow region.

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