Will there be a war and who will win? Who will win if NATO takes part in Shoigu’s war games? Is the US really preparing to die heroically in a nuclear conflict?


In place of the old strategic system of nuclear ballistic weapons (the concept of nuclear deterrence), the United States is rapidly deploying a new strategic non-nuclear strike system (the concept of the so-called “global impact”) to wage non-contact wars of the sixth generation. Against who?

"United Perspective 2013"

Back in 1999, during the bombing of Yugoslavia, while looking through various weapons reviews, I discovered that America would complete its deployment of almost all of the latest systems in 2013;

· transition to space control

· deployment of a strategic aerospace group

· deployment of layered national missile defense

· active construction of new submarines, the construction of which was stopped after the collapse of the USSR, mainly killer submarines of the Seawolf class (sea wolf) · modernization of existing SSBNs with replacement ballistic missiles

on winged

· deployment of high-precision weapons, primarily cruise missiles in an amount of over 100,000 sea, air and ground mobile based

· creation (to equip high-precision weapons) of ultra-low-power nuclear warheads with deep penetration to destroy command posts and missile silos · adoption various types

"non-lethal" weapons, including psychotronic

Deployment of B-2 stealth bombers

In the future, this list only grew.

These and a number of other large-scale military projects, at some stage, were combined into a unique super program, codenamed “Unified Perspective 2013” ​​(after the name of the document developed by the Committee of Chiefs of Staff). What is this Perspective? United, what? Yes to world domination.

Now this idea has ceased to be relevant, since those grandmothers are no longer there and the world is no longer the same. And maybe they shouldn’t be afraid of this mythical war? Firstly, today no one will dare to lay a finger on us, because, if anything happens, we can still turn any continent into a scorched desert in a couple of hours. And tomorrow – well, it’s tomorrow.

Secondly, the results of this war, if it ever happens, will not be fundamentally different from the results obtained by America using other methods - the same poverty and vegetation, dependence and hopelessness.

And thirdly, this war, God forbid, will apparently be very intense, short (much shorter than the Yugoslav war, the timing of which was dictated by the testing program for new weapons and the receipt of the necessary flying hours by Air Force pilots) but relatively not bloody.

True, the entire industry will be destroyed, there will be no light and heat (but these are trifles, we are no strangers), and it will not end in our favor. Well, excuse me here, but how would you like it?

So why is our nuclear power melting like spring snow? The notorious nuclear parity, which, in accordance with all reduction agreements, we were supposed to maintain during mutual reductions? And why the war itself, who needs us? I can answer the last question right away. We are to no one. Now about parity.

At the risk of boring with numbers

At the risk of boring you with numbers, I’ll still give you a small calculation. One warhead of our RS-20 missile (SS-18 Satan) can destroy the silo of the American Minuteman missile with a probability of 0.8. This means that all 10 Satan heads can destroy 8 mines. "Topol-M" has slightly less accuracy and a three times weaker charge than that of "Satan". Therefore, it has a probability coefficient of hitting Minuteman launchers of 0.2, and to destroy the same number of silos with a single-headed Topol-M requires 40 missiles. In addition, "Satan" carries more means of overcoming enemy missile defenses than the entire thrown weight of "Topol".

There are 40 heavy decoys alone, powerful jammers. Therefore, the number “40” can be safely multiplied by another 3. Thus, one “Satan” costs 100-120 Topol-M missiles. Calculation based on the total nuclear charge, taking into account the ability to overcome missile defense, gives approximately the same value. We had 308 “little animals” like “Satan”. And this is roughly the equivalent of 30,000 mine-type “Topol-M”. The Satan missiles penetrated and destroyed any missile defense system, clearing the way for another 1,200 missiles of the Strategic Missile Forces, including the 10-block RS-22, mobile ground-based Topols, and the most powerful potential of submarine and air missile carriers. The total impact, if measured in Topol-M, was at least 60 thousand pieces. Now we have three Topol-M regiments - 30 pieces.

New US strategic non-nuclear strike system

The United States will have the opportunity to launch a surprise strike from submarines, surface ships, stealth B-2s (without entering the range of our air defense), mobile ground-launched launchers from the territories of newly joined NATO blocs, tens of thousands of cruise missiles with a range of four to five thousand km. Several hundred of these missiles with low-power, deep-penetrating nuclear warheads are guaranteed, with fivefold redundancy, to destroy a hundred Topol silos and command posts.

America also has 500 high-precision MX warheads at its disposal, but they do not provide a surprise strike and can only be used by the second echelon and only in case of emergency, so as not to needlessly pollute the environment. At the same time, cruise missiles with conventional warheads destroy the entire air defense system and further according to the Yugoslav scenario.

Our reconnaissance will catch us in time...

He won't have time. There will be no “threatened period”, upon the onset of which, everything that stays afloat goes to sea, and all the pilots, from those who are still able to lift the 95th “carcass” into the sky, are dispersed across numerous airfields and warm up the engines takeoff.

Everything is in full combat readiness mode. At least a year, at least ten. No ground operation. No pre-deployment of groups. A strike plan without a deadline, without a specific date, at any moment. Or, if you like, there will be two hundred possible dates of the attack - which one you point your finger at top management We will recognize the USA only at the moment of impact.

It was in 1941 that the Germans concentrated thousands of tanks and aircraft, huge reserves, 199 divisions and brigades near the borders of the USSR. But we did not clearly evaluate even such a movement of forces, and the USSR was suddenly attacked. These are different times.

America is moving to a new system of deployment - the constant mobilization of forces ready to strike at any moment and not needing to be deployed. The new troop control system - space-based - is fully suitable for this concept.

Actually, the combat readiness of such forces as the Strategic Missile Forces, missile defense, air defense, early warning systems for a nuclear attack, the space group, SSBN divisions was previously fully consistent with the concept of constant mobilization.

It turned out to be a small task - to unite these space control systems into a single force. It's simple. A few hours before the start of the war, the submarine receives an order via a closed channel with the missile launch point, time and coordinates of the targets. Without explanation of the reasons for the missile launch. The crew doesn’t even know what targets they are shooting at - only columns of numbers in the depths of the computers. They will learn about what happened in the world only after returning to the base.

The space satellite control system can automatically redistribute targets depending on the developing situation already in flight, transmitting short coded signals to the missile heads. And at the same time, the usual patrol areas, normal combat duty. Mobile launchers of the US Kyrgyz Republic deployed along our borders will have the same level of readiness as our Strategic Missile Forces or Air Defense Forces, that is, constant, and software and space control make it possible to reduce all missile strikes to one point in time, which was unattainable ten years ago . Hitler, with his blitzkrieg, never dreamed of this. World wars with confrontation between powers and coalitions, confrontation between armies are being replaced by something completely different - a global permanent war, a war of one superpower against the whole world, which is waged continuously in all parts of the Earth in all possible ways; political, informational, economic, military. And the process of globalization of the planet itself is only an integral part of this war.

What is the CIA spending its money on?

“Last year alone, US reconnaissance aircraft carried out more than 800 flights along our borders and invaded our territory more than a hundred times. And the air defense command claims that reconnaissance activity on our borders is increasing every year in proportion to the weakening of the air defense forces. In this case, only those cases that could be recorded using objective RTV monitoring tools are taken into account. But after the collapse of the USSR one system air control ceased to exist. Today, over the territory of Russia there are zones not controlled by radar, larger in size than the territory of France.

I would like to ask peace-loving ordinary people why the Americans need such harsh border intelligence pressure if they do not consider Russia as a potential enemy. According to the most conservative estimates, 60% of the entire intelligence budget is spent on intelligence against Russia. Even in expenses for next year All reconnaissance activities against Arab terrorists will cost half as much as reconnaissance against Russia.

All objective data indicate that America still views Russia as its main enemy and is not going to abandon this doctrine. Moreover, taking advantage of the deplorable political and economic state of Russia, the United States openly set a course for achieving complete military superiority over Russia. And this means that they are going to talk to us only from a position of strength.” Vladislav Shurygin “War and Myth (Geopolitical Notes).”

Who needs us without trousers?

Why, after all, US aggression, and not peaceful coexistence with Russia, or rather, America’s leisurely “sucking out” of what it has left? There are many answers, but the main one is resources. Compared to the need for resources that the United States will have by 2030-2050, the reasons that prompted Hitler to unleash World War II will seem simply ridiculous. Thousands of wars have taken place across the planet and the main reasons for these wars are the struggle for certain resources.

Previously, these were slaves, livestock, annual tribute, access to the sea, territories, markets. Now comes the era of struggle for the main resources of the planet - for hydrocarbons, uranium, drinking water, forests, nature not polluted by waste, still only partially used up. If we remember how many local wars the United States has launched over the past fifty years in its struggle for world domination, the attempts of my opponents to convince me of the United States’ peacefulness look somewhat strange.

America needs complete control, especially over states that are potentially dangerous in one way or another. The danger may lie in the ability to create high technology(Russia) or, for example, in rapid population growth along with a potentially rapid increase in resource consumption (China), economic or ideological closeness, and ungovernability (Yugoslavia). Control is political, financial and economic, technological, informational, military, etc. If this can be achieved by corrupting the state from the inside and weakening it from the outside, that’s very good. If these methods have exhausted themselves, there is a military solution.

Example - Yugoslavia, Iraq. For us, in both cases, the result is absolutely the same - the destruction of sovereignty, the dismemberment of Russia into a dozen fully controlled protectorates serving the interests of the West. The population will be quickly reduced to the required minimum (as Mrs. Margaret Thatcher said, “Russians should be reduced to 15 million people servicing wells and mines”). Uncontrolled birth control will end. America is not interested in Russians as a labor force. Controlled degradation of the nation, debauchery, drugs, controlled interethnic hatred, eradication of national cultures and inculcation of the “world” culture. A minimum of medicine and education. The story is only in the American export version. Instilled from early childhood with an inferiority complex for the terrible communist past and the vile blow to America.

Source of cheap sex and labor for hazardous work. World dump of waste and hazardous industries. Hunger and poverty. In general, you won't be spoiled.

But, nevertheless, everything is the same as with people, well, there, in Ethiopia or Somalia. Well, maybe a little worse, but there are good reasons for that. Unlike the West, people in our country are not interested in the problem of resources, because everyone quite reasonably believes that there will be enough resources for their lifetime, and then the grass will not grow. The whole point is that if this problem is not solved in the near future, there will be no point in solving it when the resources run out. And in the USA this is well understood, especially by those who are entitled to it in their careers.

As for how the United States will achieve the collapse of the country, military or non-military, it is, in principle, indifferent, since the result is the same. Of course, the “peaceful” option of voluntary and complete disarmament and then the dismemberment of Russia is also possible, but the likelihood of a military solution, in my opinion, is much higher. Why? Because in the near future, complete “remote” US control over Russia is not yet possible.

Is complete “remote” US control over Russia possible?

What a strange nation we are. At first we convinced ourselves that everything was going well. Like, democracy, market. Now we will overcome the childhood diseases of capitalism and live no worse than the bourgeoisie. Then, when the country, poor but still free, was brought to its knees, they easily believed that this was all, the end, we couldn’t rise from our knees, we were sold, there was no hope for revival, we could calm down and save for coffins without haste and nerves for yourself and your children. Then, after another ten years, in the midst of a bombed and torn to shreds country, we ask - what were we waiting for? After all, in these ten years we could have rebuilt our defenses and fought back...

More than once, American presidents have stated that the Slavic threat must be eliminated once and for all. Russia, a great world power, has already broken the necks of contenders for world domination three times (Mamai, Napoleon, Hitler).

Therefore, America cannot afford the risk of the revival of Russia, but it is not capable of completely and finally destroying Russia without direct aggression, since in order to destroy it by non-military methods it must control not only the economy, but also ALL the main processes and institutions in the system. But this is not the case. The whole catch is that in any complex system there are many processes going on simultaneously and they are not always of the same sign and are not always controllable. America has not yet learned how to properly manage processes in its own country, and it does not manage all processes in Russia. Small sketches.

Let's remember Yugoslavia. The unexpected capture of the airfield in Pristina by our blue helmets. Unexpected for everyone - both for the Americans and for Mr. Ivanov. It would seem that America can forget about the last, almost buried 154 SS-18 “Satan” and sleep peacefully, they did not even consider it necessary to ratify START-2 - they say, the Russians themselves will cut their missiles into scrap, without any treaties. But suddenly we had a question about their preservation. The START II treaty, which we had previously ratified, was quietly withdrawn. The Strategic Missile Forces, almost destroyed by Kvashnin, are again going to reform, gathering the Space Forces, Missile Defense and Strategic Missile Forces into a single force. The Airborne Forces, which on paper had already been destroyed, have been restored. General Staff Little by little, the country’s space group and air defense began to recover, albeit in terms of control. The Caspian flotilla identified itself during exercises in the Caspian Sea.

Contracts are being concluded with Iran and Iraq, although the Americans do not like it. Not everything is going smoothly between Chubais and RAO UES. I think everyone will find, if they look, many of these small and not small signs of “dynamic processes”. The successes, of course, are more illusory than real, but the targeted destruction of everything and everyone is opposed by one force or another. And this is not the merit of the president, these are ongoing processes.

About the time that America doesn't have

Why doesn’t America continue the practice of slowly decomposing Russia? Yes, because there is nowhere to decompose it further. Almost everything that could be destroyed by the methods that have been used over the past 18 years (with Gorbachev coming to power) has already been destroyed. What has survived and somehow exists in the new Russia, then, excuse me, has survived. I associate with today’s Russia the Russian Vanya, who at some point managed to get drunk, fool him, swindle him, get him into debt, rake everything out of his pockets, force him to sell his cow and carpenter’s tools, and persuade him to break his shield and sword. But at some point he may sober up. Russia continues to exist and is not going to give anything away for free, that is, for nothing. And it is no longer going to fall apart. She even improved her business a little due to the rise in oil prices and the expensive dollar. But America doesn't have time. Greater China is already rising to its full height, and if it is not lowered in time, in twenty years it may not be offended. And the global crisis, the fall of the dollar or the rise in energy prices can dramatically change the situation, depriving America, in just a couple of years, of its power and prospects. Yes, and Russia can get up from its knees, wake up from a heavy drinking binge, drive out the corrupt and powerless government and those who stand behind this government. In 2012-2022 energy prices may allow Russia to have a chance in ten years to raise its defense capability to a level that provides protection from aggression.

Therefore, the United States will not be able to continue to wait and slowly enjoy the process of decomposition of Russia. As soon as the opportunity arises (and it will appear, since it is man-made and a lot of effort and money have been invested in it), they will take a logical and vital step for them to establish a New World Order and gain access to the resources of the whole world. Let us remember Brzezhinski - “Who owns Eurasia,

he owns the world." America's ultimate goal is to fragment Russia into several protectorates, turn Russians into dust, take away their natural resources. Will Russia agree to this voluntarily? Can the West wait for the slow decline of Russia for several more decades? If you answered both questions “no” means that a forceful solution to the problem is inevitable, and the experience of dozens of countries that fell under American bombs is clear confirmation of this.

Why didn't the Americans ratify the START II treaty?

This treaty provided for the almost unilateral disarmament of Russia. According to it, we had to blow up one and a half hundred silos, destroy all our heavy 10-block RS-20 and RS-22 missiles, the basis of our nuclear deterrent forces, and remake, at a cost of many billions, our nuclear force structure in favor of the extremely vulnerable air and naval components . And the Americans only had to remove 50 MX missiles from combat duty, unload some of the Minuteman missiles, reducing the number of warheads to one, and simply store the removed warheads so that, if necessary, at any time, they could be put back in their original place.

Likewise, some of the B-52 bombers had to be partially “unloaded”, and the removed missiles were transferred to a warehouse. Our Duma, under pressure from the Kremlin, voted to ratify this humiliating treaty that gives nothing and actually disarms the country. Why didn’t the United States ratify this document, which destroys the “Satan” missiles so hated by them, against which the United States has no protection either now or for decades to come? Did they really feel sorry for fifty aging, much weaker MX missiles? No, they are going to liquidate them without any contracts. It’s just that American specialists know exactly the real life of our missiles.

On the ruins of the global containment system

There was a legend, nurtured by America, that it was possible to create a missile defense system capable of withstanding a massive nuclear strike former USSR- Star Wars project. This is a bluff. There is also a legend, supported by the Russian comprador authorities, that the American NMD does not threaten Russia. And this is also a bluff. America announces its national missile defense system as a system capable of intercepting only single missiles (in fact, for now this is the case) of all sorts of small rogue states and terrorists (what if they steal someone’s intercontinental missile along with the launcher, keys, codes, launch authorization system ).

And, they say, Russia, with its powerful nuclear potential, will break through this missile defense system like no wonder. It is especially difficult to hear this from the lips of our specialists. I remember how a rocket scientist I knew just smiled when the conversation came up about the capabilities of the American national missile defense system to intercept our missiles. Yesterday, today and in the not too distant future he had every reason to smile. And if you look into the day after tomorrow? What has changed? The global deterrence system - a system of guaranteed destruction by a massive nuclear strike - has been destroyed. Let's remember all the stages of destabilization of this system. Let's remember how it was. The end of the sixties - the beginning of the deployment of missile defense capable of intercepting ballistic warheads. Soon, in 1972, an agreement was concluded to limit missile defense. Then the creation of high-precision multi-headed MX missiles capable of destroying silo missiles and command posts. One missile was capable of destroying up to ten mines.

If the attack was carried out on silos with the same multi-headed missiles, then one missile could actually destroy a hundred warheads. A situation arose of a preventive unpunished strike. The USSR's response to this was to deploy an early warning system and the concept of a retaliatory strike. Soon, a process was begun to ban multi-headed missiles that would destabilize the deterrence system.

But with the termination of the ABM Treaty, this treaty turned from good to evil. Because multi-headed missiles have another important property - to overcome missile defense, and therefore this treaty could only be implemented with unconditional compliance with the missile defense treaty. The next moment of destabilization is the deployment by the Americans of short- and medium-range missiles in Europe, with short time approach. And an agreement was concluded regarding these missiles for their mutual destruction. But it could only be implemented with unconditional compliance with the ABM Treaty. But if the United States were deploying its national missile defense system, we should have kept as many short- and medium-range missiles as possible near the borders of Europe, as one of the responses to missile defense, and threaten a guaranteed strike on Europe, which also has an unprotected missile defense system, and not reduce them.

Nuclear deterrence and nuclear parity are completely different concepts. It was nuclear parity that ruined the USSR. It is now obvious that we did not need 10,000 warheads. We needed 500 warheads with a 100% guarantee of their delivery to the target. And it no longer matters how many warheads America has - 10 thousand or 100 thousand. We needed a stable system of mutually assured destruction. For us, the mortal threat is not NMD as such, but the collapse of the global deterrence system as a whole. It was she who was persistently destroyed by the United States and will soon be completely destroyed. The strongest blow to destabilize this system will be dealt by the deployment of one hundred thousand cruise missiles. What makes them special?

· Firstly, most cruise missiles do not have nuclear warheads. These means destroy air defense systems and the most important strategic objects.

· High secrecy of application. At an altitude of 15-25 m, small-sized cruise missiles are capable of covertly penetrating deep into Russian territory from various directions.

· Ultra-low power of nuclear charges for attacks on missile silos and command posts. Penetrating to a depth of 50-70 meters directly next to the mine, the warhead destroys the mine along with the missile, while the materials of the nuclear explosion do not even come to the surface.

Cruise missiles transfer strategic forces from defensive system nuclear deterrence into a strategic strike covert nuclear system and practically eliminate the possibility of a “nuclear winter” and sharply expand the boundaries of the use of strategic forces. In this case, there is no need to launch nuclear strikes with ballistic missiles. This system reduces the possibility of a guaranteed retaliatory strike from Russia to almost zero. America's old strategic system, already in a reduced form, is receding not even into the background, but into the background and continues to provide protection against a preemptive strike.

The overall result of our thoughtless, or more accurately, insane, disarmament process is as follows:

1. Reduction of Russian warheads, from 10,000 units, mainly on heavy missiles, to 100 units. monoblock warheads. Short- and medium-range missiles have been completely eliminated.

2. Deployment of 100,000 (and, judging by the allocations planned for these purposes, much more) cruise missiles and their carriers, as well as space systems for total reconnaissance and control. With these means, of the remaining hundred single-headed missiles, 95%-98% are destroyed by a sudden strike in the mines.

3. Deployment of NMD. The remaining single missiles are guaranteed to be destroyed by a layered missile defense system, starting from the moment of their launch.

Rehearsal No. 2

America is preparing a strike on Iraq. What targets are visible in the sight?

The first is to hold another rehearsal. Comprehensive testing of a new strategic weapons system, a new space control system, as well as testing of the latest models of psychotronic weapons.

The second is to lower oil prices. As we know, the US is not doing well. The economy is being strangled, including expensive oil. So you can inadvertently bend over. The capture of Iraq will allow world oil prices to drop by half, or even three. Full control over the oil of the second country in the world in terms of proven reserves! And nearby Saudi Arabia is also a nest of terrorism and the first country in the world in terms of explored reserves. After all, they also promised to deal with it after September 11. Oil is not only an energy resource for the needs of one’s own country. Complete control over oil means control over the whole world. But it is important to control it all, whether there is a lot of it in a given region or little, whether you need it or not.

The third is to strangle Russia in a dosed manner. The fall in oil prices will deal a severe blow to Russia, which is unsteady on its feet. And for its military-industrial complex and Strategic Forces this will be a fatal blow. It will no longer be possible to create a system to counter the new American resource threat. Well, you can forget about the multi-billion dollar economic agreements with Iraq and its debts forever.

Will the US refuse to strike even if Iraq does everything it can think of to do? Hardly. This is not about flexing our muscles and raising our ratings – this is about the survival of America in the 21st century. It is quite obvious that Iraq simply has nothing to threaten America with, since its nuclear centers have really been bombed and for eight years, 1,500 experts scouring the entire country have found nothing. It also does not have carriers capable of delivering a five-ton bomb to America.

And Iraq was needed solely as an object for another rehearsal and access to oil. Who's next after Iraq? Saudi Arabia, North Korea? But that doesn’t matter anymore.

The reason for the attack will appear by itself. There are practically no countries without one or another national problem, drug trafficking, terrorist organizations, usurpation of power, development of weapons of mass destruction or something else.

And even if there is no reason at all, it will be created. America knows how to do this masterfully. For example, hint to Baghdad that it will not object to the seizure of Kuwait, and then bomb it in full. Or find mass graves in Kosovo from satellites. Later it will be proven that these are ordinary potato fields, but that will come later. Or accuse him of creating nuclear weapons - when, of course, it turns out that in the bombed center there has been no one except rats for a long time. And the job, as they say, will be done.
Nine questions for the reader

1. America is buying oil now. Will it still buy oil in 2050, when, due to its shortage, it will cost, for example, 60 times more?

2. Is it a coincidence that the timing of Russia reaching its lowest nuclear alert level coincides with the US deployment of a new strategic offensive system? Why is it planned to allocate more annually for US military needs than in the most dramatic years? cold war?

3. Is the rapid economic development of China and the further growth of its population dangerous for the United States (with your forecast for thirty years) and can the United States plan large-scale aggression against China without taking full control of Russia?

4. Why does the United States need 100,000 cruise missiles? For Yugoslavia, 1,000 KR was enough; for China or Russia, about twenty times more is required. Where are the rest?

5. Do you think that direct control of two countries with the largest oil reserves in the world – Iraq and Saudi Arabia and how great is this interest?

6. How many countries do you think the United States has already bombed since 1945? (the correct answer is for 21 countries. The last two are Yugoslavia and Afghanistan).

7. Who will America strike first, China or Russia? For the correct answer you need to look at the map. The first stage of NMD construction envisages the deployment of the first interception system in Alaska, in the path of Russian ballistic missiles, and in the third stage, the deployment of the second system in California, in the path of Chinese missiles. But it would be a mistake to believe that Russia is something exceptional and that all US thoughts are focused on it. Not at all. Russia, just one of the figures on chessboard in a long line of past and future victims of the most democratic country in the world. But the figure is undoubtedly the key one.

8. Guess who owns the statement: “Whoever wants to control the world must control oil. All oil. Wherever it is.”

9. Did the Serbs in 1989 imagine that they would be bombed by America in 1999? In 1980, Iraq, a prosperous country that was friends with America, could have imagined that in ten years this America would put it down for many years, perhaps forever? The Taliban, nurtured by America, did they imagine in 1992 that America would mercilessly destroy them? The unforgettable Bin Laden, who was friends with America, with Bush Sr. and probably patted Bush Jr. on the head, could he have imagined then that this kid would give the order to “find and destroy” him, Bin Laden? Did the Russians have a “premonition of war” in 1931? And can you, dear reader, honestly say that you foresaw the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the USSR, at least two years before the events in question?

Did our premonition deceive us?

When asking the question posed in the title of the article to various people, I was met with almost universal denial of the possibility of US aggression. But we are not talking about sausage on the shelves - about the end of the Slavic Orthodox civilization and a completely new structure of the whole world, in which there will be no place for many peoples. Here we would have to think about whether such a threat is possible and how serious it is. But the majority confidently answers “no” to the question about the possibility of war. I have the impression that many people tend to base their opinions on sensations, on inner voice, and not on a cynical analysis of facts. And only then look for arguments in favor of this established opinion.

Perhaps this is some kind of psychological defense mechanism. Surprisingly, in the late sixties (the construction of the nuclear missile shield was completed), when the likelihood of a nuclear war was already negligible, fears of war remained among many people. And now, when it is obvious that nuclear shield will turn to dust in 6-8 years, when America's desire for domination over the world is evident, when the limited resources of the Earth have been proven and thirty years ago it was calculated how many of these resources would be enough, the possibility of aggression against Russia by the majority of Russians is considered impossible, to the point that and there is nothing to discuss here.

Where does this confidence come from that America can fully achieve its goals using already proven methods and tame Russian power? Where does the conviction come from that we have already been sold and nothing can be done? What is this – complete surrender, a feeling of one’s own powerlessness and lack of will? Indifference to your own fate and the fate of your children? Or frivolity? Or, on the contrary, confidence in the prospects for the rapid revival of the nuclear missile shield, in the possibility of endlessly extending the service life of old missiles, warheads and submarines?

Maybe there is a belief in the kindness, humanity, and democracy of America in relation to other nations? Actually, it was this question that prompted me to raise this topic. Will anyone hear me? In the end, if the Russians betrayed themselves (not without the stubborn help of the West), a great power created by the spirit, mind and will of our fathers and great-grandfathers - then who is to blame? But it will be a pity for those who, in those terrible hours with a feeling of powerlessness and irreplaceability, will, swearing and crying, tearing the skin from their hands, launch the surviving “Topols” and “three hundred” into the sky, praying to God for one thing - “to be in time.”

The beginning of Russia's path into oblivion (Dulles method)

“... we will quietly replace their values ​​with false ones and force them to believe in these false values. How? We will find our like-minded people, our assistants and allies in Russia itself. Episode after episode, the grandiose tragedy of the death of the most rebellious people on earth, the final, irreversible extinction of their self-awareness, will play out. From literature and art, for example, we will gradually erase their social essence... Literature, theaters, cinema - everything will depict and glorify the basest human feelings. We will in every possible way support and raise the so-called creators who will plant and hammer into human consciousness the cult of sex, violence, sadism, betrayal - in a word, all immorality. ...Rudeness and arrogance, lies and deceit, drunkenness and drug addiction, animal fear of each other and shamelessness, betrayal, nationalism and enmity of peoples, above all enmity and hatred of the Russian people: we will deftly and quietly cultivate all this... And only few, very few, will guess or understand what is happening. But we will put such people in a helpless position, turning them into a laughing stock. We will find a way to slander them and declare them the scum of society” (American General Allen Dulles, head of US political intelligence in Europe, who later became director of the CIA).

We must give the general his due; his plan was implemented one hundred and one percent.

….and the end of this path (Zinoviev’s analysis)

“A.A. Zinoviev, in his journalistic work “Global Supersociety and Russia,” in which, based on broad factual material, the aggression undertaken by the “collective West” against modern Russia is analyzed: “In the anti-Russian project, three stages can be distinguished. The first is to reduce the Russians to the level of third-rate, backward peoples, incapable of independent existence as a sovereign people.

The second stage is to direct the Russian people onto the path of biological degradation and extinction, up to their disappearance as an ethnically significant phenomenon. It is planned to reduce it to fifty and even thirty million, and then even less. A rich arsenal of means has been developed for this - malnutrition, the destruction of even a primitive system of hygiene and medical care, a reduction in the birth rate, stimulation of childhood diseases, alcoholism, drug addiction, prostitution, homosexuality, sectarianism, and crime. The plan is to “compress” Russians into a relatively small space in European Russia.

It is possible to introduce a law of proportional division of territories depending on the number of people. Then, on “legal” grounds, the Russians will simply be driven into reservations, like the Indians in North America. The essence of such plans is to bring the Russians to such a state that they will not be able to maintain the territory they occupy, which has become the greatest temptation for the Western world."

...The most terrible, final chord of the Russian tragedy is the erasure of the Russians as a people from world history, after which “only with the help of logical and mathematical methods will it be possible to calculate” that in the 20th century. there was some (precisely some!) great people who played a huge historical role. However, it is unlikely that the new masters of the world will allow themselves to admit the fact that these people are Russians" (A. Zinoviev): the whole history will be falsified so that not a trace remains of the Russians." V. Yudin "Plan Barbarossa-2"
As it will be

Some assumptions that, in my opinion, with varying degrees of probability, may have a right to exist;

· By the time of the attack, US aerospace and naval forces will have achieved a state of “constant mobilization,” readiness for combat operations that does not require additional redeployment (concentration) of forces and special training for the attack. The first blow will be delivered by these forces constant readiness, without any participation of other branches of the military (with the possible exception of special forces).

· The attack will be completely sudden. A lot can be sacrificed to surprise. For example, in the US Navy, replacement crews of submarines are divided into “gold” and “blue”. It is believed that only “golden” crews will be used for war, and by this sign it will be possible to determine readiness for an attack. These kinds of moments will be sacrificed to surprise. The number of boats, their crews and combat patrol routes will not differ from usual. Calculations show that no more than a quarter of the strike forces deployed by the United States are sufficient to deliver a disarming strike.

· The attack will probably occur in the summer - this time is most favorable (from the point of view of ice conditions) for launching attacks by submarines from the Arctic and northern regions of the Pacific Ocean, as well as for space systems operating in the optical range over Russian territory. If necessary, weather conditions over the impact areas will be adjusted.

· The attack will be preceded by “rehearsals” at intervals of 2-3 years. The first rehearsal has already taken place - the war in Yugoslavia. The last, “dress” rehearsal should take place 2-4 years before the attack. A country with a fairly powerful air defense system, with Russian S-300, Buks and Tunguska systems, will be chosen as a victim. If the country does not have these complexes, the United States will worry in advance, through third countries, and the victim country will have these complexes.

· By the time of the attack, the latest mobile cruise missiles with a range of up to 5 thousand km. with conventional warheads will be deployed in the Baltics, Poland, Ukraine, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, North Korea and Alaska with a total number of at least 30 thousand pieces. At least 20 thousand more sea-based missiles and 5 thousand air-based missiles will form the first echelon of the strike.

· The immediate reason for the strike could be, for example, the “destruction by the Russians” of an American submarine or aircraft carrier - remember Cuba, the beginning of the Vietnam War (Tokin Bay), a Boeing 747 planted over Sakhalin, Pearl Harbor (then the Americans withdrew aircraft carriers from Pearl Harbor , leaving obsolete battleships at the base for attack).

· The attack will be preceded by a massive anti-Russian campaign in the media, similar to the Chechen or Yugoslav one, with accusations of fascism, genocide, cooperation with rogue countries and God knows what else. But this will not be a special one, but an ordinary one, one of many, a company to prepare brains for an attack on Russia.

· Full-scale tests of the newest " climate weapons", but it will not be the main weapon of the aggressor, similar to the atomic bomb tested at the end of the Second World War on the Japanese. This weapon will play a leading role in the subsequent confrontation between America and China.

· A year or two before the strike on Russia, a particularly intensive outflow of capital and the “oligarchs” themselves to the West will begin. Unlike the common people, they will understand quite well what is really happening.

· The attack will be preceded by a large-scale global financial and economic crisis and the fall of the dollar, a sharp deterioration in the standard of living in the United States. The beginning of the global crisis will be planned in advance. This can happen six months or a year before the impact.
What should I do?

What does Russia need to prevent an attack, and by the cheapest means, in order of importance;

· Another power. New mobilization economy. Unity of the people. Only by standing shoulder to shoulder will a nation have a chance to survive. (without fulfilling this point, all the rest do not make any sense).

· Deployment by the state of the most severe information pressure, designed to neutralize the information war of the West, which has been going on for the second decade, and to radically change the worldview of the Russian population on issues key to the security of the state.

· A new, absolutely clear and tough Military Doctrine, brought to America. No nuclear suitcases. This is too serious to allow the President to engage in "deliberation" and "decision making" based on incomplete information at three in the morning. We will never again have half an hour of flight time for enemy missiles. All conceivable decisions must be worked out in advance, compiled into a system and made in seconds.

· Ultra-fast automatic warning system of an attack on mines, command posts, and air defense systems. A strike on the first five silos should lead to an automatic massive retaliatory strike by all nuclear forces. And we must bring the workings of this system to the bone marrow of every American, starting from infancy.

· An early warning system for the appearance of cruise missiles in areas where Strategic Missile Forces regiments are deployed and the most important strategic facilities.

· Local (object-based) rapid-fire automatic air defense for the protection of missile silos and command control posts from cruise missiles, which should shoot down “everything that moves” within a radius of 3-5 km.

· Multi-tiered missile launch protection with special “launch protection” missiles with a complete gentleman’s set from false launches, multi-altitude smoke screens and IR traps to heavy-duty jammers and detonations of nuclear charges of tactical missiles at high altitudes above the launch site. Rockets must accelerate unhindered, no matter the cost.

· Anti-satellite missiles for destroying a low-orbit space constellation or neutralizing it, containers with millions of steel balls in oncoming orbits, special cosmic smoke, ionospheric generators, etc. The Achilles heel of America's strategic offensive system is the space force. This is her solar plexus, her eyes and ears, her brain. Vulnerable, lacking the shell of underground mines and command posts, additionally protected by air defense and missile defense systems, it can be relatively easily destroyed by simple means.

· Cheap systems for blinding the enemy, built into air defense systems, hundreds of cheap false targets to illuminate the radars of each object.

· The maximum possible modernization of old missiles in order to extend their service life. It is necessary at all costs to reorganize the 150 remaining RS-20 missiles into at least 3 missile regiments.

· Development of a new generation of invulnerable missiles, multi-headed, or small-sized single-headed, mobile or silo-based, in super-protected silos or underwater, air launch, with a ballistic flight trajectory or stratospheric, with active protection or active maneuvering of missiles and warheads along the entire flight path to the target, with stealth missiles equipped with plasma generators or with the latest jammers - this should be decided by specialists who have already implemented a lot in Topol-M, but the missile must be guaranteed to overcome all echelons of the American NMD from start to goal.

· Commissioning rocket trains(based on the Topol-M), a mobile ground version of the Topol-M and a large number of false MPUs.

· Bringing total number Topol-M missiles with one warhead, each at least, up to 300 pieces. It will cost only 3 billion. dollars. Compare this amount with the national debt that we repay to the West every year.

· Deployment of medium-range missiles against Europe and the American contingent in Europe, for which the Topol-M can be used, replacing the third stage with a 10-block multiple warhead. Just one regiment (10 missiles, 100 warheads and means to cover silos and control points) can significantly cool NATO’s ardor, and the threat of deploying four more regiments will force a stop to NATO’s advance to the East and the deployment of cruise missile launchers along our borders.

· Guaranteed asymmetrical strike with bacteriological weapons by means of special services. Cheap and deadly kiss from the grave.

· Uniting into a geopolitical military bloc, that is, what the United States fears more than anything else, to the point of colic and chills. Union of Russia and China. The gradual accession to this union of India, Pakistan, Iran, Belarus, Serbia, North Korea, and Ukraine. They want to kill us one by one. Unification will bury the possibility of American global dominance.

(The list, of course, is incomplete and requires expansion with an extensive list of items not for wide discussion.)

A new cold war in this case is inevitable, but we have no choice. Today this war against Russia is already being waged, but unilaterally. Moreover, it can be argued that both sides (the West and the Russian government) are acting in concert, in the same direction. Ratification of START-2, secret deployment of American troops in the republics Central Asia with the active assistance of Russian services, the targeted destruction of the production base of ballistic missiles, the sale to the United States of plutonium, the S-300 air defense system, the Shkval torpedoes and much, much more convinces that this is the case. And there is no time left. At all.
Where's the money?

Where can I get money?
The answer is simple - we need a coalition with China.

We can realistically, on a mutually beneficial basis, build missiles with Chinese money according to the principle of “one missile for China, two for ourselves.”

First of all, nuclear strike systems and air defense systems. Possessing significant and ever-increasing economic power, China, however, is not able to create a missile shield in the next ten years comparable qualitatively and quantitatively to what the USSR had in the late 80s. Currently, the scientific and technical potential in the field of rocket science and fundamental science in China in general is at the level of the 1970 Soviet Union, despite the fact that China is following the beaten path. Two dozen of its DF-5 and DF-5M missiles are already outdated. The new DF-31 and DF-41 ICBMs are still in the testing phase and will only be deployed by the end of this decade in numbers comparable to Russian Strategic Missile Forces for the same period. Production capacity is quite weak. Suffice it to say that the Chinese deployed 20 DF-5 missiles within 12 years of being put into service.

Compare with the Soviet Union, which deployed 1,028 ICBMs from 1966 to 1970. China is not yet ready to launch a man into space (although this will happen soon thanks to the purchase of our spaceships"Union"), but we did it more than 40 years ago. The assumptions that China will be able to overcome the gap of 25-35 years in ten years are poorly substantiated (unless, of course, we give away everything that we have accumulated for half a century). Here one should not confuse cheap consumer electronics produced on technological lines supplied from the West and the nuclear missile industry.

The Soviet Union had enormous resources and a gigantic scientific and technological base, the power of which many do not realize.

It will take China at least 20 years to go this route. But America will not allow China to pass it; it clearly does not have time.

Therefore, in order to survive, the PRC simply has no better solution than to cooperate with Russia, but with a Russia that is strong, responsible, independent, and not feverishly destroying itself on the instructions of the West.

And then we need to include India in this program. The approach “one missile for a friend, two for yourself” (so friendship is stronger) without the transfer of technology itself will completely eliminate the possibility of a threat from China or India to Russia in the future (of course, the warheads must have a code embedded in them that prevents them from being aimed at Russian territory), and at the same time At the same time, he will create a powerful geopolitical Triumvirate and raise our military-industrial complex from the grave. And then, in the 2030s - 2050s, in conditions of an acute shortage of resources and their enormous cost, Russia will be swimming in gold, as the owner of the greatest wealth in the world. It can become the strongest state in the world and revive its high-tech industries and science. This is her chance. If only he can survive and maintain his sovereignty. If only…
I would like to be wrong...

“If you elect me to be the leader of this people, I will establish a new world order that will last a thousand years.” (From a speech by A. Hitler on the eve of the elections in 1932).

If you have an American dollar, take a close look at it. On the reverse side you will see three Latin words: “Novus ordo saeclorum” (New World Order). It's simple.

I’m re-reading Sergei Kara-Murza again. So, what awaits us:

Sergey Kara-Murza. The concept of the "golden billion" and the New World Order.

In general, nothing special. Ordinary fascism, neoliberalism, globalism, mondialism, New World Order. Call it what you want. The essence is the same - the subjugation and destruction by one civilization - the Western - of all the rest, the “inferior”. And there are any means to achieve this goal.

When American military strategists talk about a “near-peer” adversary they could face in the next five years, they mean Russia, Lexington Institute Executive Director Lauren Thompson writes in a column for Forbes magazine.

Photo archive of Pravda.Ru

A hypothetical war with Russia, according to the expert, will be tied to the fastest possible advance of ground forces across vast spaces. And the influence of the United States will be reduced to a minimum since the Second World War if it is defeated in such a conflict. At the same time, the geopolitical balance in Europe will change dramatically. And defeat is the most likely outcome for now, Thompson believes.

The disappointing forecast for America is associated with several factors: the strategic miscalculations of previous presidents - George W. Bush and Barack Obama - and the lack of funding for the armed forces. According to the analyst, Bush Jr.'s mistake is associated with the withdrawal of two American heavy brigades from Europe, and Obama's miscalculation lies in his bet on the Asia-Pacific region, an echo of which was the reduction of the US military presence in the Old World.

Funding for the US Army, Thompson is sure, is indeed insufficient, especially when comparing modernization programs with Russian ones. The American Armed Forces annually receive $22 billion from the federal budget for new weapons, while Russia has launched a ten-year rearmament program with a budget of $700 billion, and most of funds, according to Thompson, will go to the development of ground forces and aviation.

All the factors given above confirm the expert’s belief that the “European” war by the American army will most likely be lost. In this regard, Thompson formed five arguments in favor of his thesis.

Russia has a geographical advantage, the expert notes. The battles will take place in the territories of Eastern Europe, which are located further from the main landing points of the American contingent in Europe.

In addition, this part of the Old World is washed by seas that can only be entered through narrow straits that Russia can easily control.

The US military is woefully unprepared for such a conflict, Thompson adds. In Europe, the United States has only two stationary teams left, the lung airborne unit and a cavalry regiment armed with armored Strykers. If there is no reinforcement, Russia will simply crush these troops, notes a Forbes columnist.

Recently, the White House decided to deploy a third rotational brigade in Europe, along with this it was decided to send a thousand soldiers to Poland and each of the Baltic countries, but this will not get rid of all the problems. After 15 years of fighting opponents like the Taliban (an organization banned in the Russian Federation - ed.), the US Army is still vulnerable. This applies to air defense, electronic warfare, precision weapons and insufficiently protected equipment. This is where the US Army is no match for the Russian military, Thompson concludes.

Such tragic forecasts from the mouths of American analysts, and military strategists too, are heard constantly. For example, former deputy commander-in-chief of NATO in Europe Richard Shirreff told The Independent that the North Atlantic Alliance will enter into a nuclear war with Russia during 2017. The current NATO commander in Europe, General Philip Breedlove, also stated that " American soldiers ready to fight and defeat Russia." The Pentagon leadership and NATO representatives also made statements about Russia as an "enemy".

Earlier, political scientist Steven Cohen wrote that “the US State Department is deliberately intensifying military confrontation with Russia,” considering this “a very unwise strategy.” Such Cold War games with a nuclear power are becoming increasingly dangerous as Moscow moves heavy weapons And missile systems closer to its western borders.

I recall recent information that appeared in the media that “the combat forecasting of Operation Bear Spear conducted by the US Strategic Command ended in failure.” The purpose of the training was supposedly “simulation of fast, high-precision and partially nuclear strike across Russia." "As a result, the world was in ruins, and the United States (as, alas, Russia) was wiped off the face of the Earth."

As Pravda.Ru told, the American military wants to receive a larger share of budget allocations, and this causes bewilderment even in the Pentagon itself. At the same time, the main alarmists are Lieutenant General Herbert McMaster, who is responsible for developing the concept of the “army of the future” in the United States, and Air Force General Philip Breedlove, who recently resigned as commander-in-chief of NATO’s Joint Armed Forces (ALLI) in Europe.

In recent years, the United States, Russia and China have been testing each other's patience and testing their strategic emphases. Under these conditions, the voices of people assessing the chances of a new world war are becoming louder. However, many of those who are seriously involved in this important debate often have the wrong idea about what is happening.

When assessing military capabilities, Western media focus primarily on the combat capabilities of weaker states and rarely pay serious attention to the colossal capabilities of the United States, which accounts for most of the world's military spending.

If we are to have a healthy discussion about the nature of a hypothetical third world war, we must start with the enormous number and power of American means of armed struggle. Although China and Russia are arming themselves and taking different measures, American commanders will have the upper hand if the crisis escalates and will be able to strike the enemy before he uses his capabilities.

Let's take as an example missile war. The US Navy currently has four thousand Tomahawk cruise missiles, and the Navy and Air Force currently receive five thousand extended-range Jazz air-to-surface cruise missiles (JASSM) in conventional configuration with a launch range of 320-950 km . These missiles are barely visible on radar and are designed to destroy heavily defended targets such as nuclear missile silos. Russia and China, unlike America, do not have anything comparable in quantity and quality and cannot pose a threat to the continental United States.

The same can be said about naval forces. Nowadays there is a lot of talk about two Russian patrol ships and other assets located near the coast of Syria, but France alone has 20 warships and one aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean. And the United States has six destroyers with permanent readiness in this region. big amount cruise missiles and anti-missile systems. On the other side of Europe, the Russian military threatens the small Baltic states, but rarely does anyone notice that Russia's Baltic Fleet is the same size as Denmark's and half the size of Germany's.

Meanwhile, a lot is now being said and written about China’s aggressive and expansionist actions in the South China Sea, about its first aircraft carriers and long-range ballistic missiles. But as the International Institute for Strategic Studies reports, although China's navy is large and rapidly developing, it is numerically comparable to naval forces Japan and Taiwan combined. And the United States can boast of 19 aircraft carriers located in different parts of the world, if landing ships are included here.

But of course, the main thing here is the nuclear factor.


Russia will launch Avangard hypersonic missiles

The National Interest 03/21/2018

The main thing is to destroy American satellites

The National Interest 05/15/2017

Will Russia be able to shoot down American missiles in Syria?

The National Interest 04/12/2018
Threat from the sky

The USA, Russia and China have nuclear weapons. Vladimir Putin recently spoke about new nuclear-capable missiles, calling them “invulnerable to all existing and future systems,” and some have suggested that China may abandon its no-first-use policy. Naturally, this causes concern. It has long been assumed that the threat of nuclear weapons is a deterrent and prevents war between major powers. However, it is possible that the world is simply relying on luck. But again, very often we do not pay enough attention to the non-nuclear combat potential of the United States.

The American leadership may actually believe that it will be able to destroy Russian forces nuclear deterrence through a crushing non-nuclear strike supported by missile defense. This concept is embedded in the flash global strike program, which was adopted before 9/11 and continued under Obama. Such a strike is being prepared by the US Air Force with its global strike force command, and its essence is to strike any point on Earth using non-nuclear weapons in less than 60 minutes.

This task cannot be called simple. To destroy Russian nuclear missiles before they launch, the US military will first need to blind Russian radars, command and control and communications systems so they cannot detect the strike. It is possible that this will require conventional strikes and cyber attacks. Then it will be necessary to destroy approximately 200 fixed and 200 mobile launchers on land, more than a dozen Russian nuclear submarines and bombers. And after that, we will still have to shoot down those missiles that are still fired.

Russia is unlikely to survive such an attack. Its early warning radars, both ground-based and space-based, are aging and deteriorating, and will be difficult to replace. At the same time, the United States has and is developing a whole series of systems to combat satellites and radars, and they have been using them for many years. (Back in 1985, they managed to shoot down a satellite with the help of an F-15 fighter.) But at the same time, the West is very vulnerable, since it is very dependent on its satellites, and Russia and China continue to develop and improve their anti-satellite systems.

War in the air

Russian bombers are from Soviet times, so despite the alarm they cause when approaching Western airspace, these aircraft in themselves do not pose a serious threat. If Russian and American planes meet in the sky, the Russians will be attacked by machines invisible and beyond their reach.

American and British submarine crews during the Cold War constantly and very effectively harassed Soviet submarines after they left their bases. Since then, the Russian submarine fleet has weakened significantly, and the American one has experienced a revival, thanks to which the Russian submarines can be destroyed even before they launch missiles.

The backbone of Russia's nuclear forces is ground-based missiles. Some are located in mines, and some are mobile, moving along roads and railways. Silo-based missiles today can be destroyed by several types of missiles launched from aircraft undetected by enemy radar. All of them are designed to destroy targets located deep underground in concrete and steel bunkers. But the problem is that the missile-carrying aircraft will take too much time to approach the targets, and therefore the crews must act on alarm immediately.

One apparently simple solution is to equip fast-flying ballistic missiles with conventional warheads. In 2010, Robert Gates, then Obama's defense secretary, said the United States had such a capability. An intercontinental ballistic missile takes only 30 minutes to fly from the American Midwest to Siberia if launched from a properly positioned submarine. Tridents have an even shorter approach to the target - less than 10 minutes.

Since 2001, the US Navy has been preparing to equip these missiles with either inert warheads with an accuracy of within 10 meters or fragmentation warheads. Critics argue that in this case, a potential adversary will not be able to distinguish a nuclear strike from a conventional one, and therefore will assume the worst. According to researchers from the American Congress, development work was close to completion, but apparently was stopped in 2013.


Science 04/18/2018

Electronic warfare? Russians live in a fantasy world

Military Update 04/11/2018
However, the United States continues to develop other types of weapons for different types of armed forces that are capable of striking a target anywhere in the world in less than an hour. First of all, we are talking about hypersonic missiles, which can return to Earth 10 times faster than the speed of sound. China and Russia are trying to keep up.

Rocket Envy

The rest of Russia's nuclear forces consist of missiles transported by railway. An article in the Kremlin news outlet Sputnik suggests that such rail cars containing missiles are so difficult to find that the concept of an instant global strike may not be as effective as the Americans would like. But then it turns out that the rest of Russia's nuclear arsenal is very vulnerable.

Beginning with the hunt for Scuds during the first Gulf War, the US military has spent many years perfecting its ability to destroy mobile ground-launched missiles. It now uses remote detection devices to strike small ground targets, doing so virtually without training, the US military has honed these skills through numerous counterinsurgency operations it has conducted since 2001.

If the “sword” of an instant global strike does not stop the launches of all Russian missiles, then the United States will be able to use the “shield” of its missile defense system. They deployed this system after withdrawing from a treaty with Russia banning such weapons in 2002.

Some of these post-2002 missile defense systems have been called ineffective, but the US Navy has a very effective Aegis system, which, according to a former Pentagon program manager missile defense, can shoot down intercontinental ballistic missiles. Today, about 300 Aegis interceptor missiles are deployed on 40 American ships. In 2008, one such rocket destroyed a satellite falling from orbit.

War mentality

Before the Iraq War, many countries and observers warned the US and Britain of possible and unforeseen consequences, but their mentality was impervious to criticism and resistant to doubt. Despite the lessons that can be learned from the Iraq disaster, today there is a great danger that overconfidence and mischief will prevail.

Losses in other countries do not have much impact on US domestic politics. The death of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians - first due to sanctions, and then during the war - did not have any impact negative impact on Presidents Clinton and Bush. The possibility of similar losses in Iran, North Korea and other countries is unlikely to have any impact on American leadership, especially if “humane” precision weapons are used.

Moreover, a survey conducted by Scott Sagan from Stanford University showed that the American public is not against the preemptive use of even nuclear weapons, if this does not in any way affect the United States itself. The nuclear Trident creates such a temptation.

Civil society, the media and political parties around the world must immediately turn their attention to the control of major types of non-nuclear weapons. There is still time to rally around the International Campaign to Ban Nuclear Weapons, which won Nobel Prize, vigorously support the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, and revive and reinvigorate the flagging arms control work of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, which played a huge role in the peaceful end of the Cold War.

Perhaps Trump or one of his successors, like the Kaiser in 1914, would be dismayed if faced with the consequences of a major American offensive. But unlike the Kaiser, whose empire was first defeated and then divided, American President from the 21st century you can get away with it.

InoSMI materials contain assessments exclusively of foreign media and do not reflect the position of the InoSMI editorial staff.

Endless terrorist attacks, ongoing armed conflicts, and ongoing disagreements between Russia, the United States and the European Union indicate that peace on our planet is literally hanging by a thread. This situation is alarming for both politicians and ordinary people. It is no coincidence that the issue of starting the Third World War is being seriously discussed by the entire world community.

Expert opinion

Some political scientists believe that the mechanism of war was already launched several years ago. It all started in Ukraine, when a corrupt president was removed from office and the new government in the country was called illegitimate, and simply a junta. Then they announced to the whole world that it was fascist and they began to scare one sixth of the land with it. First mistrust and then outright enmity were sown in the minds of the people of the two fraternal peoples. Full-scale information war, in which everything was subordinated to inciting hatred between people.

This confrontation was painful for the families, relatives, and friends of the two fraternal peoples. It has reached the point where politicians in the two countries are ready to pit brother against brother. The situation on the Internet also speaks to the danger of the situation. Various discussion platforms and forums have turned into real battlefields where everything is permitted.

If anyone still doubts the likelihood of war, they can simply go to any social network and see what intensity the discussions of topical topics reach, from information about oil prices to the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest.

If it is possible to quarrel two fraternal peoples who have shared grief and victory for more than 360 years, then what can we say about other countries. You can call any nation an enemy overnight by preparing timely information support in the media and the Internet. This is what happened with Turkey, for example.

Currently, Russia is testing new methods of war using the example of Crimea, Donbass, Ukraine, and Syria. Why deploy multimillion-dollar armies, transfer troops, if you can carry out a “successful information attack”, and to top it off, send a small contingent of “little green men”. Fortunately, there is already positive experience in Georgia, Crimea, Syria and the Donbass.

Some political observers believe that it all started in Iraq, when the United States decided to remove the allegedly undemocratic president and carried out Operation Desert Storm. As a result, the country's natural resources came under US control.

Having gained a little fat in the 2000s and having carried out a number of military operations, Russia decided not to give in and prove to the whole world that it had “rose from its knees.” Hence such “decisive” actions in Syria, Crimea and Donbass. In Syria, we protect the whole world from ISIS, in Crimea, Russians from Bandera, in Donbass, the Russian-speaking population from Ukrainian punitive forces.

In fact, an invisible confrontation has already begun between the United States and Russia. America does not want to share its dominance in the world with the Russian Federation. Direct proof of this is present-day Syria.

Tension in different parts of the world, where the interests of the two countries come into contact, will only increase.

There are experts who believe that tension with America is caused by the fact that the latter is aware of the loss of its leading position against the backdrop of a strengthening China and wants to destroy Russia in order to take possession of its natural resources. Various methods are being used to weaken the Russian Federation:

  • EU sanctions;
  • decline in oil prices;
  • involvement of the Russian Federation in the arms race;
  • support for protest sentiments in Russia.

America is doing everything to ensure that the situation of 1991, when the Soviet Union collapsed, is repeated.

War in Russia is inevitable in 2020

This point of view is shared by the American political analyst I. Hagopian. He posted his thoughts on this matter on the GlobalResears website. He noted that there are all signs of the US and Russia preparing for war. The author notes that America will be supported:

  • NATO countries;
  • Israel;
  • Australia;
  • all US satellites around the world.

Russia's allies include China and India. The expert believes that the United States is facing bankruptcy and will therefore make an attempt to seize the riches of the Russian Federation. He also emphasized that some states may disappear as a result of this conflict.

Former NATO leader A. Shirreff makes similar forecasts. For this purpose, he even wrote a book about the war with Russia. In it, he notes the inevitability of a military confrontation with America. According to the plot of the book, Russia is seizing the Baltic states. NATO countries are coming to its defense. As a result, World War III begins. On the one hand, the plot looks frivolous and implausible, but on the other hand, considering that the work was written by a retired general, the script looks quite plausible.

Who will win America or Russia

To answer this question it is necessary to compare the military power of the two powers:

Armament Russia USA
Active Army 1.4 million people 1.1 million people
Reserve 1.3 million people 2.4 million people
Airports and runways 1218 13513
Aircraft 3082 13683
Helicopters 1431 6225
Tanks 15500 8325
Armored vehicles 27607 25782
Self-propelled guns 5990 1934
Towed artillery 4625 1791
MLRS 4026 830
Ports and terminals 7 23
Warships 352 473
Aircraft carriers 1 10
Submarines 63 72
Attack ships 77 17
Budget 76 trillion 612 trillion

Success in war depends not only on superiority in weapons. As stated by military expert J. Shields, the Third World War will not be like the two previous wars. Fighting will be conducted using computer technology. They will become more short-term, but the number of victims will be in the thousands. Nuclear weapon It is unlikely that they will be used, but chemical and bacteriological weapons as an auxiliary agent are not excluded.

Attacks will be launched not only on the battlefield, but also in:

  • areas of communications;
  • Internet;
  • television;
  • economics;
  • finance;
  • politics;
  • space.

Something similar is now happening in Ukraine. The offensive is on all fronts. Blatant disinformation, hacker attacks on financial servers, sabotage in the economic field, discrediting politicians, diplomats, terrorist attacks, shutting down broadcast satellites and much more can cause irreparable damage to the enemy along with military operations at the front.

Psychic predictions

Throughout history there have been many prophets who predicted the end of humanity. One of them is Nostradamus. As for world wars, he accurately predicted the first two. Regarding the Third World War, he said that it would happen due to the fault of the Antichrist, who will stop at nothing and will be terribly merciless.

The next psychic whose prophecies came true is Vanga. She told future generations that World War III would begin with a small state in Asia. The fastest is Syria. The reason for military action will be an attack on four heads of state. The consequences of the war will be terrifying.

The famous psychic P. Globa also said his words regarding the Third World War. His forecasts can be called optimistic. He said that humanity will blow the Third world war, if it prevents military action in Iran.

The psychics listed above are not the only ones who predicted World War III. Similar predictions were made by:

  • A. Ilmayer;
  • Mulhiazl;
  • Edgar Cayce;
  • G. Rasputin;
  • Bishop Anthony;
  • Saint Hilarion and others

Russia is once again returning to the thesis that the deployment of a missile defense system by the United States is associated solely with the desire to gain superiority over Russia and China.

Lieutenant General Viktor Poznikhir, First Deputy Chief of the Main Operations Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, stated this during the Beijing briefing “The US Global Layered Missile Defense System as a Threat to the Military Security of Russia and China and Strategic Stability in the World.”

According to the Russian General Staff, the Americans, by deploying the US global missile defense system, are trying to reduce the potential of Russia’s nuclear forces and completely “zero” China’s nuclear potential.

At the same time, as recently as October 4, a number of American Pentagon generals said that war between Russia and the United States will be in the very near future, and it will be “quick and deadly.” As the Chief of Staff of the US Army, General Mark Milley, noted, an armed conflict between Russia and the United States is “almost guaranteed.”

Against the background of foreign policy contradictions of both nuclear powers in Syria, such statements cause panic in the media and public environments.

Unlike their American colleagues, Russian military experts are in no hurry to scare the planet with nuclear war.

Thus, in response to the eschatological statements of the Pentagon generals, the head Russian Academy geopolitical problems Colonel General Leonid Ivashov said that American generals are simply bluffing and are trying to intimidate Russia with such statements.

After all, in the event of a war with Russia, the United States simply will not be able to avoid a strike on its territory. And, despite the fact that the consequences of the third world war will be disastrous both for the participants in the nuclear conflict and for all of humanity, the Russians have a better chance of preserving a limited number of their people and uncontaminated territories for the further restoration of civilization than the residents of the United States.

Let's see how the US missile defense system works.

These are, first of all, long-range radar systems, satellites for tracking enemy military nuclear facilities, launchers and other means of deploying land- and sea-based interceptor missiles.

The main component of the US missile defense system is ground complex Ground-Based Midcourse Defense (GBMD) ballistic missile interception. This is the only weapon system capable of intercepting Russian intercontinental ballistic missiles. However, this complex is capable of hitting only monoblock ballistic missiles, which makes it vulnerable to the Russian nuclear triad.

At sea, the United States is protected by the Aegis missile defense system, which protects the American fleet from attacks by short- and medium-range ballistic missiles, as well as from space weapons.

This system is characterized by high mobility, since warships equipped with Aegis can be quickly deployed to almost any point in the World Ocean. Total number of SM-3 interceptor missiles included in the system "Aegis", reaches half a thousand.

The American missile defense system also includes radars of various bases, including naval ones, MIM-104 Patriot anti-aircraft missile systems, THAAD mobile air defense systems, and other components.

A whole group of states (primarily NATO members) are working on the US missile defense system. IN technical creation missile defense elements are participating in the UK, Germany, Japan, France, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, South Korea and other states.

However, so far the American missile defense system is losing to Russia in the event of a global nuclear conflict.

American generals who declare the US military superiority over Russia apparently forget (or perhaps deliberately do not mention) those areas in which our country is superior to the rest of the world, including the United States.

First of all, Russia is superior to the United States in the nuclear submarine fleet, in long-range and operational-tactical aviation, in air and space defense systems, and in electronic warfare.

American experts rely on the power of the US fleet, primarily on 10 aircraft carriers, which are an offensive means of projecting military power at sea. However, in the event of a war with Russia, these expensive “watercraft” automatically turn into targets for the Russian submarine fleet and cruise missiles in service with the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Despite the fact that, according to Western experts, the flight time of NATO missiles from the Baltic states to Moscow can be 4-8 minutes, it will be very difficult for the Americans and their allies to penetrate Russian airspace, which is equipped with the most functional anti-aircraft missiles in the world. missile systems S-300, S-400 and, starting from 2016, S-500 complexes.

In turn, the “response” will immediately overtake Europe: let me remind you that the flight time of the Iskander missiles armed with nuclear charges from Kaliningrad to Warsaw is only 2 minutes, and technically NATO warning systems will not be able to warn anyone.

But let's return to the USA.

As soon as a nuclear crisis breaks out, about 20 nuclear submarines, constantly on alert near the US maritime borders, will come into action.

Russian submarines are capable of literally wiping out the entire northern American continent from the face of the Earth, given that they carry in their bells more than 350 ballistic missiles with nuclear charges of about 200 kilotons (each of these charges is 15 times greater than the power of the bomb dropped by the Americans on Hiroshima in 1945).

Russia's electronic warfare capabilities against US military targets also pose serious threats to Pentagon war planners. The performance characteristics of electronic warfare systems in service with Russia still remain unclear to the US military command. However, it is known that Russia can successfully interfere with American radars and electronic intelligence systems, which form the basis of the air power of the American hegemon.

Let me give you an interesting quote from the commander of US ground forces in Europe, General Ben Hodges:

“Not a single American has ever come under fire from Russian artillery or multiple launch rocket systems, not a single one has experienced the effects of Russian electronic warfare systems or electronic suppression, at least at the tactical level.”, - emphasized the American general.

And he's absolutely right.

For more than 70 years since the end of World War II, not a single state has been able to test the full power of Russia’s military potential.

“The deployed missile defense system, in its information and fire capabilities, is unable to withstand the massive use of the Strategic Missile Forces grouping”, - the commander of the Missile Forces is confident strategic purpose Russian Federation Colonel General Sergey Karakaev.

Of course, it would be naive to believe that Russia can win a nuclear apocalypse. As I wrote above, in the event of a nuclear war, all participants in the global conflict lose, as do the rest of the states of the planet.

However, even if the United States manages to destroy all infrastructure on Russian territory with a massive preventive nuclear strike (which is practically impossible given the current realities), Russian submarines, which are on constant duty in the world’s oceans, will bring this war to its logical conclusion with the complete destruction of the United States.

Do not forget about the so-called Russian “system doomsday" - "Perimeter" (in NATO classification it was called Dead Hand - “Dead Hand”). In 1985, this system entered combat duty and continues to protect Russia’s defense interests.

"Perimeter" guarantees a retaliatory massive nuclear strike even if the country's leadership and command posts of the Strategic Missile Forces are destroyed. That is, the “Dead Hand” will work without human intervention, and will deliver the last bold point in the Third World War.

Today, it is obvious that the military confrontation between the Russian Strategic Missile Forces and the US missile defense system will only deepen, especially in light of the latest events related to Syria and Ukraine.

However, I would like to believe that the military and political leadership of the United States is aware of the scale of the planetary catastrophe that the further aggressive foreign policy of the United States can lead to.

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