Pain and pain when urinating in men. Causes of pain when urinating in men and rules for treating an unpleasant painful phenomenon. Pain before urination in men


Pain when urinating in men is a symptom indicating the development of pathological processes in the organs of the urinary system - sexually transmitted diseases, urethritis, prostatitis, tumor growths.

Sharp pains, stabbing pains and burning in the groin, radiating to the limbs, may also be observed. The duration of the pain syndrome is individual, for some it is fleeting and associated only with the act of urination, for others it can be observed for a long time during the day. Depending on the underlying disease, additional symptoms may be observed: changes in the color of urine, impaired potency and the nature of urination.

Reasons for appearance

Pain when urinating in men appears for various reasons: penetration of an infectious pathogen into the urinary organs, progression of tumor formations, inflammation of the prostate gland.

Chlamydia The source of the disease is chlamydia. The bacterium quickly dies in external environment

, therefore, the risk of contracting infections through household means (through shared dishes, bath accessories) is unlikely. Chlamydia is transmitted by contact (sexual) contact and affects the urethra, less commonly the rectum or eyes. The peculiarity of the disease is an asymptomatic course or a blurred clinical picture, which contributes to the transition of the pathology to a chronic form.

  • Symptoms of chlamydial infection:
  • Discomfort when urinating in men; mild pain radiating to the lower back, scrotum or urethra;
  • Pain in the urethra, itching and burning;
  • As the disease progresses, small discharge appears: colorless or yellowish, with an unpleasant odor;
  • Swelling of the testicles;

Purulent discharge and blood when urinating in men.

The severity of the symptoms varies: as chlamydia progresses, the symptoms fade, the disease becomes chronic, provoking the development of complications: orchitis, prostatitis and vesiculitis.

Gonococcal infection

The causative agent of the disease is gonococcus, a gram-negative diplococcus that is not capable of independent movement. The microbe affects the genital tract, rectum, and oropharynx. Stable immunity is not developed after a course of therapy, and the risk of the disease becoming chronic is high.

  • Initially, gonococcal infection is asymptomatic; signs appear after the development of the inflammatory process;
  • The first symptoms of the disease: discomfort when urinating;
  • Pain in the urethral canal, followed by itching and burning;
  • Gradually, pain when urinating in men fades away, but yellowish-white discharge appears.
  • Swelling and hyperemia of the external urethral opening.

The chronic form of the disease is characterized by a blurred clinical picture: discharge decreases and pain at the end of urination in men becomes dull. Self-medication and refusal to visit the attending physician contribute to the development of a latent infection.


The source of the disease is the bacterium Trichomonas. After penetration into the body, the microbe affects the prostate, testicles, and urethra. The incubation period lasts 7-30 days, but the first symptoms are mild:

  • Sharp pain and burning sensation in the head of the penis, appearing after urination;
  • Purulent and mucous discharge from the urethra;
  • Swelling and hyperemia of the foreskin.

Often an asymptomatic course leads to the development of complications: urethritis, inflammation of the seminiferous tubules. Without timely treatment, the chances of a successful conception are reduced, even to the point of infertility.


Inflammation of the urethra develops due to the penetration of bacteria and viral infection into the urethra. The source of the disease is chlamydia, trichomonas, fungi, ureaplasma, E. coli.

The incubation period after infection is from 7 to 21 days, after which the pathology manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • Pain after urination in men;
  • Discharge from the urethral canal with an unpleasant odor, containing pus and blood;
  • Cutting pain when urinating;
  • Redness of the external outlet of the urethra, sticking of its edges.

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General symptoms of the pathology are hyperthermia, a feeling of weakness and chilling. With an unknown cause of pain after urination in men, the disease becomes chronic, the infection spreads to the ureters, prostate gland and bladder. Without timely assistance, urethritis provokes the development of cystitis and prostatitis.


The main etiological factor influencing the development of inflammation in the prostate gland is infection. Men who lead a sedentary lifestyle, suffer from sexually transmitted diseases, and do not adhere to healthy image life.

Symptoms of prostatitis:

  • Pain when urinating in men;
  • Hyperthermia;
  • Erectile dysfunction;
  • Burning in the perineum;
  • During urination, the stream is interrupted, soreness is noted in the urethra and groin;
  • Stretching discharge from the urethral canal;
  • Increased anxiety and fatigue.

When the process worsens, the temperature rises, there is severe pain when urinating, and the amount of urine decreases. IN chronic form symptoms are mild.

Prostate cancer

The exact etiology of the disease has not been established. Cancer risk factors are alcohol abuse and living in poor environmental conditions. Pathology is often “passed on” through family lines, which is why all men over 40 years old are required to undergo ultrasound diagnostics of the prostate and receive consultation from a urologist.

The first signs of oncology:

  • A man has a burning sensation when urinating;
  • Frequent urge to go to the toilet (30-60 minutes after urination);
  • It becomes difficult to urinate: the stream is intermittent, the pressure is weak, there is a feeling of incompleteness of the process;
  • Decreased potency, possible unpleasant sensations when the urge to go to the toilet occurs.
  • Reducing the amount of ejaculate.

In the later stages, blood is detected in the urine, the patient notes severe pain in the groin. As the formation spreads, strong pains can radiate to the lumbar region and peritoneal organs.


When any sign of urinary dysfunction appears, you should immediately contact a urologist: the chances of recovery without medical intervention are very low. When contacting a specialist, an external examination is carried out, a medical history is collected, after which additional diagnostic procedures are prescribed:

  • General examination of urine;
  • Blood biochemistry;
  • Ultrasound urinary tract(kidneys, bladder and ureters);
  • PCR examination of scrapings from the urethral canal (detection of pathogen DNA);
  • Culture of genital secretions with sensitivity to antimicrobial agents.

Additional diagnostic methods include cystoscopy and magnetic resonance imaging. If necessary, consultation is carried out with specialized specialists: nephrologists, proctologists, infectious disease specialists or surgeons.

Factors to consider:

  • Suddenness: sharp and sharp pains are characteristic of urolithiasis, and mild but long-lasting symptoms for infections of the genitourinary system;
  • Localization of pain: discomfort in the penis is a sign of urolithiasis, painful sensations in the groin area are characteristic of prostate pathologies. The appearance of pain in the lumbar region suggests the spread of infection to the kidneys;
  • Frequency of urination: with various pathologies, it is possible to either increase or decrease the need to visit the toilet, while the volume of urine released also changes. Polyuria is characteristic of pyelonephritis, and oliguria is observed with mechanical compression of the urethral canal (prostatitis, tumor, injury);
  • Pathological processes in the urinary tract provoke the appearance of blood, mucus or purulent contents in the urine.

Why is it necessary to treat an infection that is asymptomatic? The absence of signs does not confirm complete recovery, therefore, to prevent complications, it is necessary to undergo full course therapy.

Important! Before treating the disease medicines, it is necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis and determine the degree of pathology.


The goal of the course of therapy is to normalize urinary functions and relieve pain. The treatment methods used are medications or surgery.

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On early stages The disease is treated on an outpatient basis. If symptoms of intoxication progress, the patient is offered to undergo a full examination in a hospital setting.

Principles of drug treatment:

  • Antibacterial therapy (destruction of the pathogen);
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (relieving symptoms of inflammation, normalizing body temperature, relieving pain);
  • Antimycotic drugs (prescribed when a fungal infection is confirmed);
  • Antispasmodics;
  • General strengthening agents (increasing immunity);
  • Probiotics (restoration of intestinal microflora);
  • Herbal medicine (anti-inflammatory therapy, prevention of relapses and complications).

Before starting any treatment regimen, the patient is advised to adhere to the drinking regime, refuse bad habits and limit salt intake. The bladder should be emptied with every urge. It is important to avoid hypothermia and overheating and self-treatment with medications.

The operation is performed when foreign bodies and tumor-like formations are detected. Selecting a method surgical intervention carried out by a surgeon or oncologist.

Folk remedies

After consultation with a doctor, it is possible to select herbal remedies that can alleviate the patient’s condition and relieve the symptoms of the disease.

Traditional recipes:

  • To combat urethritis: pour 400 ml of boiling water into 2 tablespoons linden color and leave on low heat for 10 minutes. Before use, filter the decoction and take 200 ml before bedtime;
  • Brew 4.5 g of currant leaves with 500 ml of water and leave for 60 minutes. Take the finished infusion as a tea drink. It is acceptable to add a teaspoon of honey;
  • For urolithiasis: dry and chop the watermelon rinds, pour boiling water in a 1:1 ratio, then simmer over heat for 30 minutes. Before use, the decoction is cleaned and taken 200-400 ml three times a day;
  • Fill 2 handfuls of potato peels with water so that the liquid covers the potatoes by 1 cm, boil until tender. The decoction is drained and taken 100 ml three times a day;
  • Brew 10 g of nettle leaves and roots with 300 ml of boiling water and leave in a warm place for half an hour. When ready, strain the broth, take 20 ml three times a day;
  • For cystitis: place a tablespoon of dill seeds in a thermos and pour 250 ml of boiling water and leave overnight. Take 100 ml twice a day;
  • A tablespoon of medicinal chamomile is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and placed in warm place for 15 minutes, after which they express and drink 50-60 ml instead of tea three times a day;
  • For sexually transmitted diseases: squeeze half a teaspoon of juice from garlic cloves, take the remedy three times a day. It is necessary to prepare a fresh portion of the medicine each time;
  • Wash the aloe leaf, cut it and squeeze out the juice, take 5 ml of liquid three times a day.

Pain in the urethra in men can occur suddenly, regardless of external factors and body position. To prevent pathologies accompanied by urinary disorders, it is necessary to adhere to a healthy lifestyle and undergo regular medical checkup, use available contraception.

If you experience pain during urination, this is not normal and indicates the presence of a clear disorder in the functioning of the genitourinary system. The reason for this may be sexually transmitted diseases or internal organs, because in men the urinary system is closely related to the former.

From an anatomical point of view, the path of the vas deferens and the channel for removing urine from the bladder is one tube leading to the head of the penis. This channel then joins the prostate.

The prostate is called the second most important organ after the heart.

The nature of the discomfort depends on the location of the affected organ, the concentration of urine, and the degree of its excretion.

The urinary system consists of:

  • kidney;
  • ureters;
  • Bladder;
  • urethra;
  • vas deferens.

Concentration and excretion of urine occurs after it is absorbed through the renal canals. If electrolytes are dissolved incorrectly, or with disturbances, then deposition occurs on the ducts and their walls. Thus, kidney stones and sand are formed. After formation, they are located on the canal walls; as they grow, they simply detach and enter the urinary tract. If such a process is started, acute pain is felt when urinating in men in the area of ​​the head, spreading along the lower back.

This pain goes away under the influence of only very effective drugs.

Nature of pain when urinating

The type of pathology and the affected organ directly depend on the type of sensation and its nature. It comes in several types, which indicate various genitourinary disorders. The clinical picture can determine the real reason.

There are several types of pain when urinating:

  • Painful sensations before urination. If there is kidney pathology, severe pain is observed in the lumbar region, and then the sensation spreads to the entire urinary tract. A newly formed stone can also provoke an attack. In this case, the subsequent urge to urinate will also feel painful. Most often, pain before urination is caused by an inflammatory process in the bladder, or a malignant neoplasm. As a rule, after going to the toilet the pain dulls a little, but there is no relief. If the urinary tract is inflamed, then the nature of the pain will be similar to the picture of inflammation of the bladder.
  • Sudden pain at the beginning of urination. She is on initial stage urine separation is disturbing, with damage to the urethra and sexually transmitted diseases. In the wide openings of the urinary canal, pus has accumulated, which, when excreted along with urine, provokes pain. The itching gives way to a burning sensation when the sealed lips of the urethra open under the pressure of the fluid and the pain subsides. This phenomenon can develop due to: gonorrhea, candidiasis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis. If the pain spreads through the urethra, then bacterial prostatitis occurs. In such a situation, the pain goes away as you defecate, but the feeling of a full bladder does not leave. If there are prostate tumors, the pain is constant.
  • Pain after urinating. If the urethra has succumbed to damage, it will hurt after the process. As soon as urine flows through the canal, the urethral wounds become open, causing pain. The pain will be similar in case of cystitis in men. The wounds on the bladder were formed by friction against the mucous membrane of the stones. If urolithiasis cystitis occurs, the pain intensifies after urination and spreads to the lower abdomen.
  • Pain due to damage to the genital organ. The genital organ hurts both during urination and during ejaculation if a person suffers from vesiculitis.

In this case, the sperm will have a brown tint, and not only the perineum will hurt, but also the lower back.

Video: Causes of pain when urinating in men

Causes and symptoms of deviation

There are also other, less common causes of this condition. This is especially true for the situation of sharp pain when emptying the bladder. These include infectious diseases and viral. Pain when urinating in men can occur due to phimosis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis and thrush.

In the case of the development of thrush, no painful sensations occur, but there is discomfort when urinating in men, and the penis itches, white liquid is released from it, and plaque appears on the head.

In addition, pain occurs due to:

  • ureaplasmosis - a pathology that provokes pain in the urination channel, while discharge appears from the urethra, body temperature rises, if therapeutic measures are not taken, the disease turns into prostatitis;
  • severe hypothermia;
  • prostatitis - when emptying the bladder, a man feels pain in the lower abdomen, impurities in the form of blood appear in the urine, the urge to urinate becomes more frequent, if the pathology is chronic, then pain can occur after sexual intercourse;
  • injuries to the groin area, or condition after catheterization;
  • prostate adenomas;
  • urethritis.

Symptoms of these conditions can occur separately, but pathology accompanied by additional symptoms is especially dangerous. They always indicate the development of a serious disorder. They are very dangerous if they occur in parallel with common features lesions of the genitourinary system. Signs of serious illness include:

  1. Pain in the perineum, lumbar region and lower abdomen.
  2. Uncharacteristic discharge from the genitals.
  3. An increase or sharp decrease in temperature.
  4. Severe discomfort throughout the whole body.
  5. Reduced performance.
  6. Symptoms persist for several days.

If you have a combination of symptoms, you should urgently consult a urologist.

Diagnosis and treatment of deviation

Pain during urination should never be ignored.

This is an alarm bell that a pathogenic process is developing in the body and urgent treatment is needed.

If signs of pathology are detected, you should urgently go to the doctor so that he can conduct a diagnostic examination of the body. The purpose of such an examination is to identify the causes that lead to the occurrence of pain during urination.

During the diagnostic process, the attending physician prescribes a whole course of laboratory tests and instrumental studies.

The patient needs to undergo the following list of examinations to determine the condition of the body:

  • examination of the morning portion of urine, this urine is collected first, after waking up from sleep, using this method the presence of red blood cells, white blood cells, as well as infectious processes of the urinary canals is determined; if red blood cells are present, this indicates urolithiasis;
  • a biochemical and clinical blood test, this study will help determine the presence of an inflammatory process in the body;
  • ultrasound examination of the kidneys and bladder;
  • contrast radiography of the urinary system in order to determine the location of the stones;
  • examination of a smear of the urethra, this technique determines the possibility of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • rectal type examination, the degree of development of the inflammatory process is determined by the rectal palpation technique;

The doctor’s task is to determine the root cause of the disease and prescribe adequate treatment. To remove disturbing symptoms, you need to eliminate the cause of the discomfort. Drug therapy is a mandatory part of treatment.

The type of medicine is selected based on the nature of the disease and the degree of its manifestation. At infectious diseases antibiotics are prescribed. Their use is not limited to oral administration; they can be given in the form of injections. When stones form, agents are prescribed to promote their dissolution. If such treatment does not lead to the desired result, you should resort to the procedure of crushing stones with a shock wave.

The main cause of pain is inflammation, you should take anti-inflammatory tablets as well as painkillers to relieve the symptom. For tumors, only surgery is used, and for congestion, diuretics.

Sometimes agents are used to enhance immunity so that the body actively resists the pathogenic process. It is not recommended to take any medications on your own due to the uncertainty of the cause. There are many traditional methods allowing you to relieve disturbing pain without risks. It is advisable to consult a specialist about the use of alternative medicine.

Video: Pain when urinating

The main cause of pain when urinating in men is the presence of microflora. For some reason, bacteria begin their active development. The mucous membrane of the urethra is injured, which leads to pain directly during urination. Urine leaks through microscopic wounds, causing a burning sensation. Painful sensations when urinating in men appear as a reaction to inflammatory processes in the urethra or bladder.

    Show all

    Neutral microflora as a cause of pain

    Neutral microflora is present throughout the human body from the moment of birth. Normally, it does not pose a threat to health. Some of the bacteria are located in the urethra. They extend 5 centimeters deep from the inlet. During sexual intercourse, an exchange of microflora occurs between a man and a woman. With a weakened immune system, neutral bacteria from another person become the cause of inflammation.

    Unpleasant sensations when urinating in men caused by neutral microflora:

    • slight burning after urination;
    • slight itching, discomfort;
    • clear or whitish discharge.

    In most cases, neutral bacteria do not cause serious harm. The allocations will be scanty. They appear in the morning in the form of sticking together of the opening of the urethra. Severe pain when urinating in men indicates the presence of harmful microflora.

    Pain during urination due to STDs

    Pain when urinating in men occurs due to infection. Unpleasant sensations intensify immediately after urination or ejaculation. The incubation period for many sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) ranges from 12 hours to 7 days. Most patients notice the first signs of infection the next morning, after sexual intercourse.. Burning, itching and pain appear. Mucus of varying consistency and color is released from the urethra.

    STDs that cause pain when urinating in men:

    • Chlamydia. It is often asymptomatic. Mild inflammation of the urethra appears. Pain sensations radiate to the scrotum and lower back. Sometimes there is a slight discharge of blood during ejaculation.
    • Trichomoniasis. There is foamy discharge from the urethra that flows involuntarily. Discomfort when urinating develops into pain. In men, the head of the penis hurts, and its skin hyperemic.
    • Gonorrhea. The incubation period is three days. The integument of the external genitalia is irritated. Skin eczema forms. Pain does not go away after urination.
    • Candidiasis. The cause of the disease is fungi of the genus Candida. The disease manifests itself with severe itching. White mucus flows from the urethra.
    • Ureaplasmosis. It mostly affects women, so it occurs in men after sexual intercourse. The discharge is clear or White color. During urination, a pinching pain appears that goes away on its own.

    With genital infections, the feeling of pain is pronounced. Itching can remain for a long time after urination. Unpleasant sensations intensify during an erection. Over time, the possibility of sexual contact completely disappears due to unpleasant sensations.

    Cystitis in men

    Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder. The disease in men is rarely isolated and occurs as a complication of other diseases:

    • prostatitis;
    • sexually transmitted infections;
    • chronic hypothermia of the pelvic organs;
    • tuberculosis of the genitourinary system.

    Unpleasant sensations during cystitis are caused by the presence of inflammatory processes and microflora. The outlet channel from the bladder swells, and a false urge to urinate appears. Daily diuresis (volume of urine per day) decreases.

    Pain when urinating in men during cystitis spreads to the groin area. She has a whining character. You have to make an effort to empty your bladder. Cystitis manifests itself in the early hours of the day. There is no mucous discharge from the urethra.


    The main cause of urethritis is urogenital infections.. The disease develops after unprotected sexual intercourse. The development of urethritis is affected by hypothermia, decreased general immunity and mechanical trauma to the urethra.

    The main symptom of urethritis is pain in the urethra. Itching and burning appears when urinating. Discharge from the urethra has an unpleasant odor. With urethritis, urination is difficult because the mucous membranes of the urethra become swollen. A false urge to urinate appears.

    Area of ​​inflammation during urethritis

    Urolithiasis disease

    Stones form in the kidneys or bladder. Disease for a long time is asymptomatic. Unpleasant sensations occur when the stone begins to move. It blocks the lumen of the pelvis completely or partially, causing cutting pain in the lower abdomen.

    Symptoms when urinating in men due to urolithiasis:

    • Sharp, paroxysmal pain. The intensity ranges from 20 minutes to an hour or more. Pain sensations change localization as the stone moves.
    • Blood impurities. Appear due to injury to the urethra by a stone. Urine becomes pink, brown, and sometimes red.
    • Presence of sand in urine. The release of sand causes minor discomfort; there may be no pain. As a rule, it appears at the end of urination in the form of a cloudy sediment.

    Urolithiasis occurs with a general deterioration in health. During an exacerbation of the disease, the temperature rises, nausea and vomiting appear.

    The length of the urethra in men is much longer than in women, so stones are difficult to pass. There is a possibility of a stone getting stuck in the middle of the path. In turn, this leads to rupture of the urethra.

    Stone localization areas


    Prostatitis is an inflammatory disease of the prostate gland. The cause of the development of the disease is an infection that enters the prostate through the ascending route. Provoking factors for the development of prostatitis:

    • passive lifestyle;
    • chronic hypothermia;
    • long-term abstinence from sexual intercourse;
    • obesity;
    • foci of infection in the body.

    The prostate secretes a secretion that becomes oxidized when the organ becomes inflamed. Shifting pH levels cause constant irritation of the urethra when urinating. Prostatitis causes urinary retention. The inflamed prostate blocks the urethral canal. A man will feel false urges, discomfort and pain when trying to empty his bladder.

    The painful sensations are paroxysmal in nature. They can spread to the perineum, scrotum and lower back.


    Therapy must be comprehensive. Treatment of pain when urinating in men at home includes a properly selected course of antibacterial and painkillers. The genital organs are sanitized and the urethra is washed. In case of severe swelling of the urethra, bougienage is performed - widening the canal in order to improve the outflow of urine.

    Medications for the treatment of pain when urinating in men:



    Used to treat neutral and pathogenic bacterial microflora. Prescribed azithromycin, josamycin, spiramycin, ofloxacin, levofloxacin


    Treatment of candidal lesions of the genital organs. Locally acting drugs: Irunin, Fluomizin, Zalain. Broad spectrum antifungals: itraconazole, pimafucin, nystatin


    It is necessary to relieve inflammation to facilitate urination. Inflammatory processes lead to a burning sensation when urinating. Prescribed Nurofen Ultracap forte capsules, Arthrotek, clofezone

    Preparations for crushing stones

    Stones produced by uric acid can be treated with medication. The remaining type of stones require surgical removal. Inexpensive, but effective drugs for crushing stones: Urinex, Blemaren, Marelin

    At home, you can make a solution for washing the urethral opening. Herbs have weak antibacterial properties, but they are used as an auxiliary treatment to the main one.

    Solutions for the treatment of pain when urinating in men:

    • Pharmaceutical camomile. For the infusion you will need 2 teaspoons of dried chamomile flowers. They need to be poured into 1 glass of boiling water and left for 3 hours. Strain before use.
    • Eucalyptus. Dried leaves or bark are used. Pour 1 liter of water into a container, fill 1/8 of the container’s volume with raw materials. Cook for 30 minutes. Before use, cool to room temperature and strain.

    Solutions are used on the external urethra. It is strictly forbidden to pour them inside. Otherwise, there is a risk of third-party infection and intensification of the inflammation process.

The normal, physiological process of emptying the bladder begins and ends without discomfort. Everything that does not fit into the designated model is pathology.

If pain occurs when urinating in men, the reason for this in 40% of cases lies in infection with microflora, which causes the so-called. venereal diseases. This is a whole group of pathological microorganisms that can put an end to reproductive health. To prevent this from happening, you should learn more about the problem.

About 60% of cases of pain are due to pathologies of a non-venereal nature. These are urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, prostatitis and a host of other diseases of the male reproductive system, as well as the urinary system.

As mentioned, the remaining 40% covers infectious factors of a sexually transmitted nature. Among the most common diseases in this group:

  1. Gonorrhea. A real record holder for frequency of occurrence. It is considered a kind of classic of dermatovenerology. The infectious agent is gonococcus. The infection period varies from half to 7 days. This is one of the most dangerous forms of damage, since there is a high risk of developing infertility.
  2. Syphilis. The causative agent is spirochete pallidum (also known as treponema pallidum). Causes a lot of life- and health-threatening manifestations. The period of infection (it can be defined as the time difference between contact with the pathogen and the appearance of the first symptoms) is about a month.
  3. Gardnerellosis. The disease is most common in women, but members of the stronger sex also fall victim to Gardnerella.
  4. Trichomoniasis. Caused by Trichomonas infection.
  5. Ureaplasmosis.
  6. Candidiasis (also known as thrush).
  7. Chlamydia.
  8. Mycoplasmosis.

Here is just a partial list possible reasons why there is pain when urinating in men. In the practice of a dermatovenerologist, these pathologies are most common.

Symptoms and clinical picture

Manifestations depend on the specific pathogen and are represented by characteristic complexes that make up the clinical picture:

  • Gonorrhea. It is characterized by frequent unproductive urges to visit the toilet, burning and itching in the area of ​​the glans penis, severe pain when urinating (due to damage to the urethra). There is yellow, purulent discharge from the urethra and a change in the color of urine to greenish or dirty brown.
  • Thrush. It makes itself known through whitish, cheesy discharge from the urethra. The same plaque is observed on inside foreskin and may cover the entire glans penis. In addition, there is swelling of the head, its redness, and pain. The causative agent is a fungus of the genus Candida.
  • Trichomoniasis. It also most often affects women, which is why the severity of the clinical picture is not so clear in representatives of the stronger sex. The main and leading symptom, in addition to pain during urination in men, is discharge large quantities brownish-yellow exudate with a pungent unpleasant odor.
  • Chlamydia. Business card this process are severe pain immediately after the process of emptying the bladder. In addition, there is pain in the lower abdomen, general symptoms (hyperthermia, headache, nausea, etc.). Mucopurulent discharge with a putrid odor comes out of the urethra.
  • Gardnerellosis. Does not manifest itself with specific symptoms, except for green discharge from the urethra.
  • Ureplasmosis. Considered the least active form of the disease with transparent discharge from the urethra and mild pain.
  • Mycoplasmosis. Doesn't show up at all. Men are typically carriers of the infectious agent.

It is important to note that even a typical symptom complex does not always indicate a sexually transmitted infection: for example, discharge from the urethra is also observed with urethritis. Only a doctor can carry out differential diagnosis through a series of studies.

How to diagnose pathology?

Dermatovenerologists diagnose sexually transmitted diseases. Despite the delicacy of the problem, you should not be ashamed of your condition: this is fraught with loss of time and, possibly, health. At the initial appointment, the specialist will ask several questions regarding the patient’s condition and complaints. Then he will conduct a visual assessment of the genital organs and give directions for the necessary instrumental and laboratory tests. Among them:

  1. Urethral swab. It is carried out in order to identify a possible pathogen, as well as determine its sensitivity to antibacterial drugs.
  2. PCR diagnostics.
  3. Biochemistry of blood.
  4. Wasserman reaction.
  5. Urine examination.
  6. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

In the absence of evidence of an infectious process, analysis of prostate secretions, diaphanoscopy, urethroscopy, ultrasound of the kidneys and radiography of the peritoneal organs are indicated. The complex of these measures is sufficient for accurate diagnosis and verification of the diagnosis.


In the case of sexually transmitted diseases, drug therapy is used, using several groups of drugs:

  • Antibiotics. Broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs are most preferable. Taking them on your own is strictly prohibited.
  • Anti-inflammatory to relieve inflammation.
  • Analgesics for pain relief.
  • Diuretics, in order to quickly evacuate waste products of microflora and its representatives themselves from the urinary tract.
  • Antispasmodics.
  • Antiseptics (to destroy pathogenic microorganisms at the local level).

If a non-infectious process is present, in some cases it is indicated surgery. The reasons for it are exhaustive:

  1. Neoplasms of organs.
  2. Urolithiasis disease.
  3. Acute urinary retention.
  4. Obstruction of the urinary tract.
  5. Bladder rupture.
  6. Urethral rupture, etc.

High-tech methods of therapy are also used.

Pain when urinating is a pathognomonic sign of many ailments, including sexually transmitted diseases. The doctor’s task is to identify the underlying cause and prescribe an appropriate course of treatment. This is the only way to deal with the problem.

Pain when urinating in men is one of the most common symptoms in clinical practice. Doctors call this “dysuria.” Most people associate pain only with a urinary tract infection, but there are other genitourinary problems that cause the same symptoms.

In women, 60% of pain when urinating is due to cystitis (a common cold of the ureter). If it is painful for a man to urinate, then the cause may be many infections and age-related problems. By correctly identifying the cause of pain, you can reduce the time and severity of the disease.

Dysuria includes several symptoms that usually indicate inflammation in the genitourinary tract. Any of the following red flags may be considered dysuria if it occurs during urination:

Most episodes of dysuria occur due to inflammation or infection of the urethra or bladder. However, inflammation of the prostate gland, testicle, and epididymis can also lead to dysuria as one of the symptoms.

It is very important to know the causes of dysuria and compare them with the rest clinical picture, so as not to fall into the trap of feeling that all pain is a sexually transmitted infection.

Let's look at why the main causes of dysuria can be signs of different diagnoses. And then we will try to show how to distinguish them from each other.

Diseases that cause discomfort can be divided into infectious diseases, STDs, prostate problems and diseases of the body that cause complications in the genitourinary area. Let's consider the main ones:

  • urinary tract infection: cystitis, pyelonephritis;
  • urethritis (inflammation of the urethra): chlamydia, gonorrhea, genital herpes;
  • prostate diseases: prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia, cancer.

As you can see, a diseased ureter is a symptom that is present in more than a dozen various diseases, and therefore medical evaluation is necessary to establish a correct diagnosis.

Because pain with urination is such a common symptom, the doctor will usually use a medical history related to dysuria when investigating the condition. For example, pain when urinating in young women usually indicates cystitis. In young men, dysuria is most likely caused by prostatitis or urethritis. In old people, you should always think about diseases of the prostate gland, and women with discharge are diagnosed with urethritis and vulvovaginitis.

Let's take a brief look at what types of information help guide the correct diagnosis of dysuria.

Cystitis if the patient complains of dysuria and has the following symptoms:

Pyelonephritis is an inflammation of the kidneys, which is also accompanied by dysuria. A probable diagnosis is made when a patient is diagnosed with:

  • heat;
  • sweating and severe chills;
  • vomit;
  • asthenia;
  • intense pain in the lower back;
  • blood in urine.

N There are diseases that men fear the most, because they can also infect women. STDs - gonorrhea, chlamydia or urethritis, when the patient complains of pain, as well as the following symptoms:

Sexually transmitted infections are often accompanied by a temperature of 37.5°C and chills. Prostatitis is a likely diagnosis when the patient complains of dysuria and the following problems:

  • loss or weak erection;
  • pain when urinating in men;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • fever.

Older men especially need to take care of their health, because they experience kidney problems more often. Kidney stones often cause discomfort and dysuria, but in addition, in humans Other types of pain appear:

The older a man is, the more likely he is to have prostate enlargement and benign hyperplasia. The doctor is inclined to make this diagnosis when the patient complains of dysuria and other symptoms are added to it:

  • a person over 50 years old;
  • poor urine flow;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • need to get up several times at night to urinate;
  • blood in urine.

In older men, another likely diagnosis is a bladder tumor. In this case, in addition to pain during urination, The patient has the following complaints:

Medical diagnostics

It is important to know that dysuria is a symptom and not a disease. Pain to urinate is a consequence, not a cause. Diagnosis and treatment should be directed at the disease that is causing pain when urinating. Generally The most commonly used tests in the study are:

  • simple urine test;
  • analysis of urethral discharge;
  • ultrasonography of the prostate, bladder and kidneys;
  • prostate specific antigen (PSA).

The decision of whether to request each of the above tests depends on the likely differential diagnoses established after the initial medical evaluation.

In young women, cystitis starts as the main cause of urinary discomfort, and sometimes there is no need to request additional tests to make a diagnosis. A doctor can do no wrong by prescribing antibiotics for a urinary tract infection after a simple clinical assessment.

However, while cystitis in young women is the most likely diagnosis for dysuria, this does not apply to young people. In this group, cystitis is rare, and urethritis and prostatitis should be considered as possible diagnoses when complaints of burning occur when urinating.

Treatment of dysuria, as we see, depends on the cause. Infections are treated with antibiotics, prostate disease should be evaluated by urologists, atrophic vaginitis eliminated with the help of vaginal estrogen, etc. There is no single remedy that simultaneously takes into account all the causes of dysuria. Therefore, without proper research, adequate treatment is impossible.

The most common mistake is to treat only pain during urination with analgesics such as phenazopyridine, leaving aside the true cause of dysuria. The patient takes the medicine, the ureter stops hurting, but this does not eliminate the cause. The pain returns as soon as the analgesic wears off (in some cases the pain does not go away completely). This behavior, in addition to delaying healing, can lead to complications, allowing the disease to cause the development of even more complex conditions.

Treatment depends on the triggering factor. Antibiotics often help fight urinary tract infections and sexually transmitted infections.

Sometimes, if the underlying cause of the burning sensation is a kidney stone, a healthy, natural diet may be helpful.

For sexually transmitted diseases, it is best to see a doctor, who will likely prescribe a topical medication and oral treatment.

As mentioned, burning during urination (especially in men) should not be ignored, as it may indicate a serious medical condition such as prostate cancer.

There are several options for simple lifestyle changes, which help eliminate episodes of discomfort when urinating:

  • avoid perfumes detergents to reduce the risk of irritation;
  • use condoms during sexual activity to prevent sexually transmitted infections;
  • change your diet to eliminate foods and drinks that irritate your bladder;
  • Some foods are more likely to irritate your bladder than others.

But you should also pay attention to your diet. A lot depends on him too. Irritant foods to avoid(or reduce consumption as much as possible):

When a patient suffers from painful urination, one should strive to move acid-base balance towards the alkali to direct the genitourinary system towards self-healing.

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