Anastasia Reshetova, biography, news, photos. Timati's wife: photo, latest news from personal life Timati's new passion

Popular rapper Timati is a successful Russian performer and loving ladies' man who, unfortunately, changes his girls like gloves. Timur Yunusov, known to a wider audience as Timati, is successful not only as a performer, but also as a designer of BlackStar branded clothing. Timati launched his own clothing line several years ago. In addition, the rapper has an impressive fleet of vehicles, which he often brags about.

On the this moment Timati is actively leading creative life, produces young talents and co-owns a restaurant and club. A muse for Timati is one of the main aspects, and at the same time, the muse can change depending on the mood and capabilities of the young rapper. His personal life is often visible to a simple inhabitant of the Internet, and we can see how violently it proceeds, and how often young people appear in it, beautiful girls, but rarely stay there for a long time.


It seems that this loving man never settle down. By the age of 32, the young man had never been married, the rapper lived in a civil marriage with Alena Shishkova and they have a common child - daughter Alice. This is practically the only long-term relationship of Timati that led at least to the birth of a child. But the young model Alena Shishkova did not stay long next to the musician and recently left him for football player Anton Shunin.

Very often, the singer was noticed in the company of unknown girls, who remained secret. They were beautiful, slim, well-groomed with a gorgeous figure. Apparently, Timati has no specific preferences in the appearance of girls. He had blondes, brunettes, and redheads.

First, he started an affair with Alexa at the "Star Factory", it was a very beautiful and romantic relationship between two young artists. This union had an army of fans, but, alas, they were disappointed, since Alexa and Timati parted ways after a while. Nastya Kochetkova is a member of the Banda group, they also had warm relationship with Timati, but Nastya Kochetkova never received the official status of Timati's girl.

After parting with Alena Shishkova, Timati's rapper did not grieve for long, he easily found a replacement for her. She turned out to be a 19-year-old student - vice-miss Russia-2014 Anastasia Reshetova. The young people have not yet announced their relationship officially. But it is clearly visible that Reshetova is proud of her romance with the rapper. Photos of a girl with hints of Timati appeared on Reshetova's Instagram, somewhere she brags about a phone case where the Black Star logo is visible, somewhere she praises Timati's new video. There are no such statements on Timati's Instagram, not even hints, the musician likes to post posts related to work activities.


Despite the fact that Anastasia Reshetova began to accompany Timati at various parties after his breakup with Alena Shishkova, the mother of Timati's child, after Alena and before Nastya, Timati had a very short relationship with Ilona Zozulya. The couple rested together in Dubai after receiving the WBPF Ukrainian Cup.

Timati loves to surround himself with a luxurious life and beautiful women, and he chooses exclusively curly and sexy girls. And while Timati was in search new love after the betrayal of Alena Shishkova, he was consoled by Ilona Zozulya, who more than once starred in clips for Black Star. Zozulya often hung out with Timati, changed her appearance several times, decorated the covers of men's magazines. In 2014, Ilona Zozulya became the winner of the prestigious Mrs. Ukraine International competition.

In 2015, Ilona decided to reach new heights and took up bodybuilding. Before important for Ilona sports competition, she flew from Timati to Dubai, this is evidenced by numerous nice pictures girls in a swimsuit.

The rest of Timati and Ilona Zozuli took place in the Cavalli Club. Ilona managed to ride the famous white Mercedes of the rapper, with which he introduces all his chosen ones. It was during this period that Ilona's blog was filled with various photographs with hints of a relationship with a young womanizer. In some she demonstrates luxurious bouquets (and Timati is famous for the fact that she loves to please her girls with gorgeous bouquets), while in others she shows off packages with the Black Star label. I wonder why one of the photos shared with Timati, Ilona accompanied by a meaningful signature: "EVERYTHING AHEAD."


His fans liked the new girl Timati, someone called the spectacular brunette cool, someone noticed her beauty and even compared her with the rapper's ex-girlfriend, of course, in favor of the new one. Little is known about Nastasia at the moment: the young girl is studying to be a journalist at Moscow State University, in 2014 she became the first vice-miss of Russia. Anastasia leads healthy image life, respectively, spends a lot of time in the gym.

Timati presented a video for the song "Keys from Paradise". The video starred the current lover of the rapper "Vice-Miss Russia" Anastasia Reshetova and actress Natalia Rudova, who reminded the musician's fans of his ex-girlfriend Alena Shishkova.


"But I had to put on a ring, lead you to the altar, say more often how much I love you. I don't know how to change all this. Closing my eyes, I hug you tightly, no other will replace you ",- the rapper sings.

According to the plot, Timati comes with his girlfriend, played by Reshetova, to buy a house for the couple and recognizes his ex-lover in a pretty blonde. Throughout the video, the rapper recalls an affair with her and regrets that the relationship is over. Fans of the artist discussing the clip in in social networks, said that he needed to return to Alena Shishkova and raise his daughter with her.

"Alena and Timati, you are a very beautiful couple ... You should and should be together ... At least for the sake of Alice seeing not only her mother every morning, but you two," "Timati seems to still love Shishkova ... "," The clip is fire, and all this is about Alena "," Poor Reshetova.))) The clip and the song are superb, but it seems to me that Nastya is some kind of toy for Timati, but she is his the girl actually, in real life "," Sorry for the current girl "," Sings about the ex, removes the current one?)))) How did she agree to act in the video, where he (her boyfriend) confesses to his ex that he cares about her? - commented on Timati's subscribers on Instagram.

The bully Timati for the entire period of his fame did not have so many novels (according to at least, those that the public learned about). But what kind! We remembered 5 beauties who managed to win the heart of Timur Yunusov.


The romance between the bully and the 16-year-old heiress of the Ukrainian millionaire began in 2004 at the Star Factory-4. Whether this relationship was an idea of ​​the producers or a bright youthful feeling is unknown. What we know for sure is that although the "manufacturers" each went their own way almost immediately after the completion of the project, they remained in good relationship... However, the rapper is generally known for his ability to keep warm when communicating with his ex-girlfriends... In a word, a gentleman.

Ksenia Sobchak

Love in the frame and hate in life: famous movie couples who did not get along
After a touching romance with a tender Alexa, Timati, apparently, decided to cheer up. He no longer wanted to play first love, and for his new party he was looking for one that would share his valiant enthusiasm. The hooligan and rip-off Ksenia Sobchak perfectly suited the role of the companion of the matured Timati. In 2007, the video "Dance with me" was released, in which the allegedly stolen home video Timur and Xenia. The couple begins to go out together and openly talk about their relationship, until the audience gradually gets tired of believing in the hyped story.

Milana Volchek

The rapper's romance with Mila Volchek is still shrouded in mystery and speculation. In 2011, Timati and Mila announced their marriage, but later none of the couple commented on the secret wedding. But a few months earlier, the rapper gave an interview to Hello !, where he told how he met Mila. For the first time, they met in a dry cleaning of a shopping center and exchanged a few words. Later, having met a star in a nightclub, Mila decided to come up and remind about herself, but then the musician was not in the mood to communicate with fans. And yet Mila continued to look for meetings with Timati, as if by chance appearing in restaurants and clubs where he liked to spend time. As a result, Timur nevertheless spoke to the beauty, whose face was already familiar to him. The couple made serious plans for the future, but, as we already know, the first-born Tim was presented not by Mila, but by the model Alena Shishkova.

Alena Shishkova

Not many people remember that the beautiful Alena Shishkova is not only ex-lover Timati and the mother of his daughter Alisa, but also a finalist of the Miss Russia 2012 contest. Then Alena was still an unknown 19-year-old girl from Tyumen. It was not possible to get the crown and the title of Shishkova: Elizaveta Golovanova from the Smolensk region bypassed the blonde. Only now Liza's finest hour has long passed, and the whole country started talking about Alena, after she gave birth to Timati's daughter. Timati admitted that Shishkova was attracted by his inaccessibility: during their acquaintance on the set in November 2013, she behaved modestly and unobtrusively, unlike her colleagues, who were trying with all their might to attract the attention of Black Star. It turned out to be difficult to meet Shishkova after working together: Alena was constantly involved in filming in Moscow, Milan and New York. When the heroes did manage to see each other, passion flared up instantly. After several months of romance, the beauty became pregnant and in March 2014 gave birth to a daughter, Alice. This came as a surprise to many, because young people almost did not share joint pictures, and Shishkova spent the entire pregnancy with the artist's mother in the Dominican Republic. The couple was in no hurry to marry, but the idyll without a stamp did not last long. Returning home, the young mother turned her attention to the Dynamo goalkeeper Anton Shunin and left Timati.

Anastasia Reshetova

The abandoned man did not allow himself a single stinging word addressed to his former common-law wife. For the sake of their daughter Timati and Shishkov saved friendly relations, they both spend a lot of time with the child. In the personal life of Timati himself, everything is also going well. The rapper began a relationship with Vice-Miss Russia-2014 Anastasia Reshetova. At the end of January this year, Reshetova turned 20 years old. The model celebrated her birthday in Miami with Timur. The musician spared no expense for a present for his beloved and presented Nastya with a ring from the Graff Jewelry House. According to experts, a piece of jewelry can cost from $ 50 to 300 thousand (from 4 to 24 million rubles).

As in the case of Alena Shishkova, immediately after the confirmation of the affair with Timati, the army of Nastya's fans and critics increased significantly. Now the girl is not only bombarded with virtual compliments, but also accused of anorexia, abuse of plastic, copying the style of Kim Kardashian, in the publication too candid photos, but all this does not prevent Reshetova from enjoying relations with Timati.

16.05.2018 |

Ex-girls Timati: personal relationships

According to the press, a wealthy musician and entrepreneur had affairs with 9 more girls.

Love Timati and Alexa

The artists met during the filming of "Star Factory". Both talented and bright, they immediately liked each other. They were called competitors, but a love affair began between Timati and Alexa. The rapper starred in the girl's first video "Where are you?"

Roman Timati and Alexa

After "Factory" they still met for several months, but soon the relationship came to naught. Fans say that the gap was initiated by Timati.

Timati's girlfriend Mila Volchek

If you believe the media, Timur Yunusov met a student of GITIS in a shopping center. They met for over 4 years. The press calls Mila “the first and only official wife Timati ". For 2 years they lived together, made plans for the future.

In 2012, the musician suffered a serious back injury and remained in a wheelchair for several months. Timur then wrote on Instagram that "her beloved gathered her things and went in search of better conditions."

Timati and Sophia Rudieva

The musician met Miss Russia 2009 Sophia Rudieva in a nightclub.

According to him, they never had an affair: “We just Good friends". Fans doubt it.

Timati and Ksenia Sobchak

Celebrities met during the filming of Timati's video "Dance with me." Frames from the "home frank video" were leaked to the Internet. Ksenia said that it happened by accident, and they were not going to expose their intimate life for everyone to see.

Timati and Ksenia at the presentation

The couple existed for several months. They parted quietly, without scandals. Sobchak said that the reason for the breakup was the "rapper's windy nature."

An affair with Victoria Boney

Almost immediately after parting with Sobchak, Timur began a relationship with the socialite Victoria Bonya. Their connection was stormy, but short.

Victoria Bonya with Timati

The girl noted the explosive nature of the musician: "Being next to him is like standing near a volcano."

Timati and Masha Malinovskaya

WITH famous TV presenter Masha Malinovskaya, the artist met in one of the capital's nightclubs. Big party lovers were able to find a common language right away.

Many called Malinovskaya "an ideal example of a girl who needs Timati": long-legged, bright, with a "doll-like" appearance. They dated for several months and parted as friends.

Victoria Lopyreva

As the public suggests, another lover of Timur Yunusov was model Victoria Lopyreva.

Timati and Victoria Lopyreva

They could often be seen together at social events, but the rapper himself assures that there is only friendship between them: “We have been in touch for more than 10 years. He is a very close person to me, but only as a friend. "

Natalia Rudova

Rumors of a romance between the two artists began after their joint work "Keys to Paradise".

They were seen several times together in Moscow cafes and nightclubs, but the young people did not confirm that they had become a couple.

Relationship with Keti Topuria

Two Russian pop stars recorded the song “ Little Prince", After which, according to the fans, they began a love affair. At that time, both Keti and Timur already had daughters.

General work with Keti Topuria

It is doubtful that there was an affair between them, but the soloist of "AʼStudio" was nevertheless "recorded" as Timati's lover.

Fans noticed that Timur Yunusov prefers tall, slender girls. They are always taller than him, but this fact does not bother the rapper. They say that Timur truly loves only two women: his daughter and his mother. All the rest play the role of the rich man's companions.

Today Timati is one of the most famous and successful Russian performers who perform not only in our country, but also abroad. In addition, Timati (nee Timur Yunusov), by the age of 29, managed to launch his own clothing line BlackStar, collect an impressive fleet of vehicles, and become a co-owner of a restaurant and a club. He currently also produces many Russian singers and groups that are trying to break onto the stage.

And what about your personal life? Surely, each of you at least once in your life wondered how many girls Timati had and whether this loving man could ever settle down. Looking ahead, we will inform you that once in Timati's life there was already an attempt to create a marriage, but alas, she failed miserably. Today we will tell you, if not all, then most of Timati's girls, with whom he has ever appeared in public.

Timati and Alexa (Alexandra Chvikova)

The sensational romance of Timati and Alexa, which began at the "Star Factory", made this couple one of the most popular among young people. Perhaps only the lazy one did not know how beautifully and romantically the relationship between the two artists developed. They say that they repeatedly dispersed, but then, unable to endure the separation, they continued to meet again. Their romance was so passionate that Timati even agreed to star in the very first video of Alexa "Where are you?", Which, like the song, quickly gained popularity. But this couple, alas, did not last as long as their fans dreamed, and soon Timati and Alex parted.

Now, according to Alexandra herself, she and Timur are friends and quite often communicate, and also intersect at social events. In 2010, a joint photo of Timati and Alexa was published, in which they are flying together in an airplane. After that, rumors appeared in the press that the couple in Once again agreed, but they turned out to be incorrect. Ex girlfriend Timati has long been living his personal life and is trying to build a career in show business.

Timati and Alexa

Timati and Nastya Kochetkova

Also at the "Star Factory" a group "Banda" appeared, which included Dominik Joker, Ratmir Shishkov, Timati and Nastya Kochetkova. And although the team was not destined to hold out for long Russian stage(very quickly her soloists began their solo careers, and Ratmir died in a car accident), rumors about the affair of Timati and Nastya Kochetkova did not subside for a long time. The singer really treated her colleague very warmly and touchingly, but he did not dare to reciprocate for a long time. Moreover, at this time Timati and Alex were still together. So Nastya Kochetkova never officially became Timati's girlfriend.

Timati and the group "Banda"

Timati and Ksenia Sobchak

Many of Timati's novels with girls were the result of, so to speak, business cooperation. Repeatedly, the singer fell in love with beautiful ladies after they starred in his videos or posed for fashion shows. Socialite Ksenia Sobchak was no exception: the couple met on the set of Timati's video "Dance".

This relationship could hardly have grown into more than just friendly sex, but it was damn good too. At least, Timati and his scandalous girlfriend told the world about this by posting their candid video online. Home love scenes star couple quickly gained popularity and "glorified" their main characters for many years to come.

With Ksenia Sobchak

Timati and Masha Malinovskaya

Masha Malinovskaya's Russian show business not a very good reputation, but this does not prevent her from building her personal life and earning a tidy sum with the help of a sharp tongue and attractive appearance. Several years ago, she also belonged to those Timati girls with whom the singer loved to have a good time. Both temperamental and cheerful, these people were often seen in public together, and photographers were not always able to capture them from a good angle.

Timati and Masha Malinovskaya

Timati and Victoria Bonya

In 2008, the TV presenter and heroine of the reality show "Dom-2" Victoria Bonya took part in the filming of the rapper's clip "Do not go crazy." She was quickly dubbed another Timati girl, especially considering the bed scene in which she had to act. But the singer himself was in no hurry to comment on his relationship with Bonya and in public preferred to "keep a distance" between them. Now this couple has a rather warm and friendly relationship, although officially Victoria never became Timati's girlfriend. And the clip, by the way, turned out to be quite good.

Victoria Bonya and Timati

Timati and Sophia Rudieva

Naturally, in the list of Timati girls there was a place for such honored beauties as "Miss Russia-2009" Sofia Rudieva. The lovers did not hesitate to demonstrate their passion in front of other people, and the singer's friends even claimed that he was going to get married. However, this time another Timati girl was out of work: very quickly the rapper lost interest in his beloved and decided to part with her, despite the honestly won crown of beauty.

Sofia Rudieva and Timati

Timati and Mila Volchek

Mila Volchek is the only Timati girl who still managed to become the singer's official wife. Although there are still many rumors about this on the Internet: some argue that the wedding did not actually take place and the couple lived civil marriage... It was with Mila that Timati was able to finally settle down, albeit for a short while.

With darling

Timati and Mila Volchek rested together, went to social events, planned to have children, but alas ... This romance was not destined to last long, and despite numerous partings and subsequent reconciliation, Timati and his girlfriend still parted ways.

Alas, this couple did not succeed.

Timati and other celebrities

When you are constantly spinning in the world of show business, new acquaintances and meetings are inevitable. And if they happen to such beautiful and talented girls as Zhanna Friske, Victoria Lopyreva, the lead singer of the Slivki group Karina Cox and even Fergie, it is doubly pleasant. At different periods of its musical career Timati tried to build relationships not only with popular singers, but also TV presenters, journalists, models and actresses. Most recently, the singer posted in his Twitter a photo with Mila Jovovich, which many fans immediately took for Timati's new girlfriend.

With Zhanna Friske

With Victoria Lopyreva

With singer Fergie

With actress Mila Jovovich

Timati and unknown girls

Often the singer was noticed in the company of unknown persons of the fair sex, whose names remained secret. All of them are beautiful, slim, well-groomed and have an attractive figure. As for the specific preferences in the appearance of the girls, Timati does not have them. He likes blondes, brunettes, and redheads; the main thing is that it is not boring with them and that you can talk on various topics.

With beautiful strangers

With a charming blonde

Hot Kiss

Recently Timati went on a date with the popular fashion model and designer Olesya Malinskaya. The couple went to the ballet at the Bolshoi Theater, and during the intermission they had fun eating pies and taking pictures for fans. Olesya posted these pictures on her microblog.

Timati took Olesya Malinskaya to the ballet

During intermission

Timati and Angelina Bashkina

This summer, while vacationing in St. Tropez, Timati was spotted with a new girlfriend. As it turned out later, this is Angelina Bashkina, a 19-year-old student at MGIMO. She accepted the singer's offer to go to Cote d'azur and have fun there. Timati and his new girl not only swam in the sea, sunbathed and enjoyed each other's company, but also tried to "cultivate" their vacation. The photographs posted online by eyewitnesses show that Timati and Angelina Bashkina are heading to the golf course to hone their athletic abilities.

Angelina Bashkina and Timati on vacation

In August, Timati turned 29, but he is still young, full of strength and positive attitude. Permanent employment and hard worker the schedule does not allow him to find the one and only beloved one with which he could have a wedding and start a family. Or maybe just on life path Timati still met the wrong girls?

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