The meaning of the name Valentin is masculine. Negative features of the name. The impact of a name on business

home Meaning, origin: The name comes from the Latin word "valence", which means "strength". Valentin is healthy, strong, a big guy. Has become widespread among Slavic peoples

, especially after the appearance of George Sand's novel Valentine. Nowadays, the popularity of the name has fallen somewhat, but it has not left the second ten in terms of frequency of use. A good, but somewhat sluggish name. All his distinctive qualities - “light”, “loud”, “cheerful”, etc. - barely rise above the average level, and there is no talk of masculinity, speed and activity at all. This name is too timid and soft. Over time, it hardens somewhat and becomes more defined. The name is perceived as mysterious, joyful and romantic, it is not for nothing that St. Valentine is the patron saint of lovers! Zodiac name:

Aquarius. Planet:

Uranus. Name color:

Blue, pink. Talisman stone:

Beryl. Plant:

Foxglove, maple. Animal:

Seahorse, fallow deer. Main features:

Excitability, receptivity, intuition. Type: Valentin can sometimes be nervous and sentimental. Mentally resembles his totem- seahorse

, who seems to be sleeping in the water, and then suddenly wakes up. Name and character: Valentin is a philosopher and psychologist by nature. Him strong will

, he is faithful to friendship. His lively mind intensely reaches out to knowledge, to books. He's not amorous. A great family man. However, in anger and jealousy he is terrible. He often suffers from claustrophobia, and if not clearly, it manifests itself in his love of space, the steppe, and the sea. He hates mountains and forests, but carefully hides it. Stable, uncompromising, omnipresent, mobile. Lives in two worlds. Willful, sometimes even paradoxical in behavior. Sometimes eccentric, but tolerable. Psyche:

Psychopathic, although he hides it. His sex life has two aspects: impressionability leads to the idealization of the object of love, followed by severe disappointment, and aggressive sexuality often creates unpleasant situations. Passive, but at the same time can acquire a tendency towards masochism. Intuition:

Highly developed. Intelligence:

His interests are strictly selective. He delves into trifles and passes by truly significant phenomena without deigning to pay attention to them. Able to adapt to circumstances. His system of moral values ​​is never clear and precise.

Health: Good, but he gets tired quickly. He needs long sleep and a calm, measured lifestyle. Susceptible infectious diseases. Weak organs - eyes and bronchi.

Sexuality: Sometimes you have bad luck with women. Sex life subject to feeling. It takes him a lot of time to reveal his desires, but then everything happens very quickly... Valentin is characterized by emotional impulses, refinement of feelings, and a subtle psychological approach to his partner. He is loving and impressionable, relying on his charm and intuitive feeling. Leads a meaningful sex life, takes it seriously, perceiving sex not only as a way of procreation, but also as a source of sensual pleasures that bring mutual joy to partners. Valentin is sentimental. Remembers past connections for a long time and often idealizes them. The most successful relationships are with Irina, Lydia, Valentina, Natalya, Polina, Elena, Anna and Marina. Valentin Stepanovich has increased sexuality.

Marriage: What he values ​​in a woman first of all is modesty and an even character. Tries to avoid conflicts. He is indifferent to alcohol and is not interested in other women.

Favorable alliances: with Angela, Valentina, Victoria, Daria, Maria, Marina.

Unfavorable alliances: with Antonina, Elizaveta, Nadezhda and Tamara.

Hobbies: Likes to read a book, sit at chess or crossword puzzles. Prefers a quiet walk not too far from home to a hiking trip with possible adventures. Likes to observe the behavior of animals, birds, aquarium fish. Inclined to contemplation and peace.

Field of work: Lives by the principle: “Hurry up slowly.” He gets carried away with his studies, then gives it up, but achieves certain results. Problems with choosing a profession. He is interested in politics, can become a great musician, a possible career as a tax inspector, customs officer, or police officer. Shows more interest in the humanities than in the natural sciences.

Business: Tends to be a "leader" person. He may well be a good psychiatrist or psychotherapist, and may achieve success in other areas of activity. Valentin is a good friend who you can always rely on. Not without strong-willed qualities. Potential candidates for successful entrepreneurs are those Valentins whose fathers' names are: Vadim, Emelyan, Efim and Konstantin.

Celebrities: Berestov, Gaft, Glushko, Ivanov, Kataev, Kruchinin, Lavrov, Nepomnyashchy, Oskotsky, Pikul, Pluchek, Rasputin, Serov, Smirnitsky, Tian, ​​Yudashkin.

The name Valentina is stellar. The fame of her covered not only our land and air space, but also went into space. Tolkunova is a folk singer, Grizodubova is a fearless pilot, Tereshkova is the first female cosmonaut. They glorified their name and their homeland. And they are all Valentines. What does the name Valentina mean in the character of an ordinary woman?

Brief meaning of the name Valentina

Origin of the name

We owe the origin of the name Valentina Ancient Rome. Its interpretation comes down to the translation of the Latin word valens, meaning strength and health. The name Valentina is positioned as strong and healthy.

How else could it be? After all, a female name has a masculine origin. Its origin is connected with the holy martyr Valentin, bishop of the city of Interamna, a healer who suffered for the Christian faith.

The interpretation of the name is associated with the virgin martyr Valentina of Caesarea (Palestine), executed in 308 for worshiping Christianity.

Valentina's character

Valentina is distinguished by her intelligence, hard work, sincerity and kindness. But at the same time she is a secretive and reserved person. She carefully disguises her real qualities, so those around her perceive her behavior as toughness and unsociability. The owner of the name has a gentle and vulnerable nature, and tries to avoid disappointments by isolating herself from others. The meaning of the name Valentina is a secret or riddle that she herself created.

Characteristics of a name by season

The character of winter Valentina presents her as a silent, responsible and reasonable woman. Self-control is limitless, so it is almost impossible to get into her soul. She strictly controls her impulses and can only be recognized if she herself takes a step forward. But it's not hers. She does not want to pour out her innermost secrets to anyone and considers it a useless exercise. The main feature character is pragmatism. Valentina does not give free rein to her emotions. Everything is done with cold calculation. Surprises and surprises are not acceptable.

The character of spring Valentine is dominated by openness, good nature and simplicity. She has a vulnerable nature and is absolutely trusting. Therefore, he often suffers when he opens his soul to some rogue. She is completely unselfish, and it is difficult for her to understand people who, having made a benefactor in life, are waiting for a response. Valentina will interesting fate, in which she will face joy and sadness, glory and oblivion, kindness and envy. In general, she is destined for a very difficult fate.

The character of summer Valentina is endowed with modesty, responsiveness and friendliness. Inner strength and energy encourages her to do something new. There is a constant desire to search for fresh sensations. New acquaintances and adventures become the main condition for the manifestation of character, skills and abilities. Due to her creative nature, Valentina’s behavior is sometimes understandable only to herself. The most important thing is to be in harmony with yourself and summer Valentina is not at all interested in what others think about her lifestyle and priorities.

The character of autumn Valentine is, first of all, severity and balance, intelligence and practicality. She should be prima. Obedience is not her thing. Autumn Valentine has such strength and will that sometimes her commanding voice causes some fear in those around her. Capable of passing all the tests prepared by fate. And only in the arms of her chosen one does she turn from a decisive, unyielding, strong-willed lady into a gentle and submissive woman.

Meaning of a girl's name

In childhood, Valya is distinguished by obedience. Although this does not stop her from being an active and mobile girl. Unlike her peers, she takes her life much more seriously. From an early age she was demanding of herself. You won’t see her on the street if her lessons are not learned or her mother’s requests are not fulfilled. But when Valya coped with all this, she actively participates in all children's games, like ordinary child. Little Valya is open and sincere, kind and sympathetic. Children love the girl for her honesty, devotion and ability to make friends. She will always be there for you Hard time, without even thinking for a second what would happen to her for this. Neither difficulties nor consequences will stop her. She is completely selfless.

But! Valya has a vulnerable, trusting and touchy nature. She takes betrayal very hard. Moreover, she engages in self-flagellation, considering herself to be guilty of the incident. Her experiences can lead to serious consequences.

Name meaning for a girl

Having matured, Valya does not change at all. Her openness, attentiveness, good nature and compassion make her a universal favorite. The environment treats her with sympathy and respect. She is still too trusting. Taking everything said at face value, he often becomes a victim of someone’s intrigues and scandals. It is quite easy to convince her of the negativity of a person by pinning some fictitious offense on him.

She is still the same positive and decent person, she takes events seriously and thoroughly. Although fate more than once makes it clear to her that she needs to go through life easily and with a smile. Valya takes all emotions to heart, whether they are positive or negative. This affects her nervous system. An excessive tendency to worry saves a girl from many mistakes.

Young Valya will flare up, quickly move away, be offended, but will not take revenge. Prone to rapid mood changes. One moment she is thorough, and the next minute she is impulsive. Valentina is real: not fake, not hypocritical and not selfish.

The meaning of the name Valentina for a woman

Valentina does not lose with age positive qualities of your character. When communicating with people, he shows sincerity and trust and strives even more to help. Sometimes in her efforts she reaches the point of absurdity, which irritates those around her. Her loved ones, knowing the true motives for such zeal, do not pay attention to it.

The inconsistency of Valentina's character lies in the disagreement between her inner self and objective reality. All her attempts to present herself as mysterious and mysterious, temperamental and even femme fatale go contrary to her kindness, gentleness and openness. Often she just looks funny. The reason is her complete inability to pretend.


The health of the owners of the name is excellent throughout their lives. In old age, problems with the intestines and nerves may appear.


Valya is very responsible when choosing a companion. After reading romance novels, she is waiting for the prince on a white horse. In her understanding, the chosen one must be both serious and cheerful, responsible and reckless, strong and soft. However, it is not easy to meet the ideal, so Valya engages in self-criticism in order to understand the cause of problems in her personal life.

But this is a futile exercise. Time passes and Valentina meets her soul mate, with whom she walks hand in hand for the rest of her life.


What does the name Valentina mean in marriage? Due to her demanding nature, she marries as a mature woman. Early marriage for representatives of the name is more nonsense than a rule.

Valya gets married only out of love, which she carries throughout her life. Remarriage is not acceptable for the owner of the name. She believes that marriages are made in heaven, a family is created once and for all.


In marriage, Valentina is a thrifty, devoted and wise wife, a caring mother. Places all of himself on the altar family life, forgetting about your needs. Therefore, her fate is not always successful.

Valya expects romance from her family life, but the routine of everyday life is little inclined to poetry. In addition, many men have long lost the spirit of adventurism.

The owner of the name always has a house full of guests, she welcomes them well, surrounding them with warmth and attention.


The owner of the name has an analytical mind and highly developed intuition. Thanks to these qualities, Valentina is able to endure the only correct solution. But she does not try to stick out, preferring to control the situation from the outside.

For a representative of the name, choosing a profession is not difficult. Due to her moral qualities, she prefers specialties associated with complete dedication and even sacrifice. The professions of doctor, nurse and volunteer suit her. Can find himself in the profession of teacher and educator.

If necessary, she will also master the male professions of military, engineer, and technologist. Responsibility, hard work and determination allow her to conquer any heights, no matter how high they may be. The job of an administrator is perfect for her; order is in her blood. Valentina should not engage in personal business. Her altruism and desire for charity will negate all profits from her activities.

The owner of the name is interested in books and travel, but still her passion is family.

Name forms

Short form: Valya, Valyusha, Valyunya, Valusya, Valyukha, Vaka, Tina, Valle

Diminutive pet names:

Valentinka, Valechka, Valenka, Valena, Valyunya.


Valendina, Valentine, Valentine, Valantina, Valentina

Declension of the name Valentina

Nominative case – Valentina

Genitive case – Valentina

Dative case – Valentina

The boy Valentin grows up obedient, lively and cheerful - to the delight of his parents. He treats himself and his responsibilities around the house, which his parents assign to him at a very early age, responsibly, which is what makes him stand out among his peers. Valyusha is unlikely to go for a walk without doing his homework first. But this is still a child, and, finding himself on the street among other children, Valya will immediately turn into an ordinary restless boy, taking part in all the yard fun. The boy Valya is not the initiator of childish pranks, but he will not fail to take part in them.

Valentin is a good comrade and a loyal friend. He is always ready to help his comrades with their lessons and will protect the weak. Young Valentin takes his studies very responsibly, always does his homework, tries to work actively in class and is often offended if he is not called on.

Valentin is trusting, vulnerable and touchy, but tries not to show others that he is hurt by unfair treatment of himself. Valya is a strong, extraordinary personality already in primary school. He begins to get involved in creativity, his parents enroll the boy in an art or music school, or in a dance club.

Adolescence is the most difficult time in the life of Valentin, like any other boys and girls. At this time, his attitude towards life and the world around him, society is formed, habits are formed proper communication. Valya perfectly understands how important it is for her subsequent adult life to study well and receive a decent education, and therefore devotes a lot of effort, energy and time to her studies.

IN school curriculum Valentin sometimes does not find anything interesting - he intuitively senses its imperfections, the redundancy of outdated, unnecessary information, the ineffectiveness of teaching methods in many subjects, and does a lot of extra work on his own. To do this, Valya actively visits the library, searches for information on the Internet, and tries to find the most suitable alternative study methods. various items. Very often he succeeds in this and makes significant progress, surprising teachers, parents and classmates.

To transform from a skinny teenager into a well-built young man, Valentin goes in for sports. As a rule, individual work with hardware under the guidance of an experienced trainer.

Having become an adult, Valentin still continues to trust those around him, although there are fewer and fewer a priori recognized authorities for him. He still loves people and is always ready to help others. But sometimes his desire becomes obsessive, which his work colleagues don’t particularly like.

Adult Valentin is an unusually active and energetic person. Sometimes the standard performance of everyday, routine duties at work is not enough for him, and therefore he becomes a volunteer, a participant various societies helping animals, picking up stray dogs and cats, placing them in homes, helping them find a new home.

In his yard or neighborhood, Valentin is the initiator of arranging a playground and creating amateur interest clubs. And the most interesting thing is that he does not demand anything in return, being completely satisfied with the results of his efforts.

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Valentin, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

  • Zodiac Valentine - Aquarius
  • Planet - Uranus
  • The color of the name Valentine is pink
  • Auspicious tree - maple
  • Valentine's treasured plant - foxglove
  • Patron of the name Valentine - doe
  • Valentine's talisman stone - beryl

What does the name Valentin mean? big guy (the name Valentin is of Latin origin).

Short meaning of the name Valentin: Valya, Valka, Valek.

Patronymic name Valentin: Valentinovich, Valentinovna.

Valentine's Angel Day: The name celebrates name days twice a year:

  • May 7 (April 24) - St. Martyr Valentine, warrior, Slavic by birth; suffered in 228 for confessing the faith of Christ.
  • 19 (July 6) - St. Martyr Valentin, priest; through preaching and miracles he converted many pagans to Christ; died a martyr in the 3rd century.

Signs of the name Valentin: If on the martyr Valentine, May 7, the birch tree puts out its leaves, the summer will be dry; alder - wet. The first May rain wets the head so that the hair grows as quickly as May grass.

Positive traits of the name Valentin: Persistence, justice. Valentin has no inclination towards aggression or pressure, but he will not miss his goal. As a result of overcoming life's adversities, Valentin develops an inner core that will be difficult to break. Often parents instill in the name Valentin a desire for intellectuality, which also affects good choice life path. Perhaps he will not become a great scientist, but he will make a lot of efforts to achieve a worthy position.

Negative traits named after Valentin: Daydreaming increased sensitivity. Often Valentin relies on feelings rather than common sense.

Character of the name Valentin: Valentin is a philosopher and psychologist by nature. He has a strong will, he is faithful to friendship, his lively mind intensely reaches out to knowledge and books. Valentin is not amorous, a great family man, but he is terrible in anger and jealousy. He often suffers from claustrophobia, and if not clearly, this is manifested in his love for the steppe, river space, and the sea. He hates mountains and forests, but carefully hides it.

A man with the name Valentin has a complex as a child and believes that he has a girl’s name, especially since girls are called Valentin’s name much more often than it is used in the male version.

Valentin is a philosopher and psychologist by nature. He has a strong will, a lively mind, he loves to read books, play chess, solve crosswords, and has a sense of humor.

Valentin achieves success through perseverance and efficiency. The meaning of the name is to adapt to circumstances, to be influenced, to be indecisive rather than self-confident.

A man named Valentin loves a calm, measured lifestyle, although sometimes he seems to wake up and become omnipresent and active.

The name Valentin has great creative potential. Him good hands, can become a surgeon, artist, musician, psychiatrist, electronics technician.

The name Valentin can be nervous and sentimental. He is faithful to friendship and expects the same from his friends. Usually does not smoke, but treats smokers, including women, calmly. Likes to pick mushrooms and fish. A man named Valentin prefers the open sea to walks in the mountains. The name Valentin is indifferent to food.

In love, Valentin relies on his charm and intuition, which he has well developed. He idealizes the woman he loves, but in the family, he is most likely a difficult person. He believes that responsibility for his wife and children lies entirely with him and requires strict obedience, suppressing all attempts by household members to become independent.

Choosing a profession by name: Valentin combines creative abilities, increased emotionality and a certain firmness in achieving goals. As a rule, he realizes his abilities in art, in professions that require painstaking, hard work. The name Valentin prefers individual work and is not very successful in leadership positions.

Valentin's business and career: If Valentin’s ambition is sufficiently developed from childhood, he can make a good career and create considerable capital, being quite calm about the discontent of his enemies and envious competitors.

Valentine's love and marriage: Valentin can attract increased interest from representatives of the “fairer sex”. The marriage of the name with Alevtina, Valeria, Victoria, Evgenia, Karina, Leah, Emma is favorable. Complex relationships of the name Valentin are likely with Eve, Isidora, Kira, Lolita, Jadwiga.

Health and talents named after Valentin: Balanced character. He has everything in moderation: kindness and toughness, modesty and the desire to be the center of attention. Often a joker and a merry fellow. Valentin never builds his career on intrigue, at the expense of others, and achieves success solely through hard work and perseverance. He will never betray a comrade. He knows how to keep the secrets entrusted to him.

Valentin is inclined towards the humanities, medicine (psychology and psychiatry). Having the necessary strong-willed qualities, analytical mind, achieves great success in the most different areas activities.

The name Valentin takes sex seriously, perceiving it not only as a way of procreation, but also as a source of sensual pleasures. In a woman, the name Valentin primarily values ​​modesty, even character, and complaisance. His wife’s culinary abilities, as well as her ability to “run the house,” are not of decisive importance for him: he himself is able to cope with cooking, washing, and cleaning. Easily finds mutual understanding with his wife's parents. A man named Valentin is not interested in other women, remains faithful to his wife, but it is better not to give him a reason for jealousy. Indifferent to alcoholic drinks. A good father, he pays a lot of attention to raising his children.

Name Valentin in other countries: Translation of the name Valentin into different languages has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. On English language translated as Valentine (Valentine, Valentine), diminutive form- Val (Val); On German– Valentin (Valentin), diminutive forms - Velten (Velten), Veltin (Feltin), Bavarian - Vale (Vale); On French- Valentin (Valentin, Valentin); On Spanish- Valent?n (Valentine), diminutive forms - Vale (Vale), Tin (Tin), Tincho (Tincho).

The fate of the name Valentin in history:

  1. Valentin Aleksandrovich Serov (1865-1911) - famous Russian painter and graphic artist. Wanderer. Member of the “World of Art”, author of the paintings “Girl with Peaches”, “Girl Illuminated by the Sun”, “M.N. Ermolova”, “Peter I”, etc. He was a continuer of the best traditions of the Wanderers and at the same time a bold discoverer of new ones paths in art. At just 22 years old, the artist painted his masterpiece, “Girl with Peaches.” With this painting, the sunny poetry of youth entered Russian painting for the first time. It contains the thrill of the air, the play of reflexes, interaction different colors, the beauty of the surfaces of various objects.
  2. Valentin Petrovich Kataev (1897-1996) is a wonderful Russian writer. He has been known since early childhood, when they read the story “Son of the Regiment” and “The Lonely Sail Whitens” - the first novel in the tetralogy “Waves of the Black Sea”, which is largely autobiographical. Like, indeed, many other works by Valentin Kataev: “The Grass of Oblivion” - about his meetings with Ivan Bunin in Odessa, engulfed in civil war; "Holy Well"; "Cemetery in Skulany"; “Werther has already been written” is one of the most romantically contradictory and terrible in its anguish works about civil war, as if negative to the pathetic “Winter Wind...”.
  3. Valentin Vologdin - scientist, one of the pioneers of high-frequency technology (1881–1953).
  4. Valentin Gaft - Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema, National artist RSFSR.
  5. Valentin Yudashkin is an artist and fashion designer.
  6. Valentin Pikul - Soviet writer (1928–1990).
  7. Valentin Glushko - scientist, pioneer of rocketry and astronautics (1908–1989)
  8. Valentin Rasputin is a prose writer and public figure.
  9. Valentin Smirnitsky is a theater and film actor, People's Artist of Russia.
  10. Valentin Kataev - Soviet writer (1897–1986).
  11. Valentin Pavlov, Prime Minister of the USSR, is the only person to hold a position with that title.
  12. Valentino Carrera - (born 1834) Italian playwright.
  13. Valentino Clemente Lodovico Giaravani - (born 1932) Italian fashion designer.
  14. Valentino Rossi is an outstanding Italian motorcycle racer.
  15. Valentin Gureev - Soviet hockey player, coach, International Master of Sports, Honored Coach of Russia.
  16. Valentin Nikulin - Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1990).


The word "Valentine" has other meanings: see Valentine (meanings).
Genus: husband.
Etymological meaning: "healthy, strong, calm"
Surname: Valentinovich
Female couple name: Valentina
Other forms: Valentine
Prod. forms: Valentine, Valya, Valyunya, Valyusya, Valyukha, Valyusha, Valyakha, Valyaka, Vaka, Tina, Roller
Foreign language analogues:

English Valentine
Belor. Valyancin
Bulgarian Valentine
Hungarian Balint
Spanish Valentin
Italian Valentino
lat. Valentinus
German Valentin
Polish Walenty, Walentyn
Ukrainian Valentine
Finnish Valentin
fr. Valentin
Czech Valentin
lit. Valentinas

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Valentin- male personal name of Latin origin; goes back to lat. valens (Genitive valentis) - “healthy, strong”; Valentis ( Valens) - a Latin name from which the diminutive form Valentinus was formed, which gained independence. Church form of the name - Valentine. A common short form is Valya. Female couple name - Valentina.

History of the name

Name Valentine in the Christian naming book it correlates with several early Christian saints, but primarily with the holy martyrs Valentin, bishop of the city of Interamna, and the presbyter Valentin of Rome, as well as the martyr Valentin of Dorostol, a warrior who accepted death for the open confession of Christianity (all three lived, according to legend, in the 3rd century ).

It is possible that Presbyter Valentin the Roman and Valentin, Bishop of Interamna are one and the same person (see about this in the article Saint Valentine). Day of Remembrance of Valentin of Interamna and Valentin of Rome, established in Catholic tradition February 14, became popular international holiday(See Valentine's Day). IN Orthodox tradition the memory of the Bishop of Interamna is celebrated on July 30 (August 12), of the Roman presbyter - on July 6 (19).

Name frequency

In the Russian tradition of naming in the Middle Ages, behind the name Valentine established the status of a name used only among monasticism and clergy[ not in the source]; the name was almost never encountered among the laity until the second half of the 19th century century. In the first years after October revolution Name Valentine has become very popular. For example, according to the calculations of A. Ya. Shaikevich, in Moscow in the period 1924-1932, the frequency of the name among newborns was 31 ‰ (that is, 31 bearers of the name were identified in 1000 registered; 9th place among the most popular names in the capital in those years) .

Information on the frequency of names among newborn Leningraders, which was collected by A.V. Superanskaya and A.V. Suslova over several decades, shows that the name Valentine experienced its peak of popularity in the first half of the 20th century. Thus, among those born in the 1920-1930s, the frequency of the name was 16 ‰, among those born in the 1940-1950s - 34 ‰, while among newborns of the 1960-1970s the frequency decreased to 1 ‰, and in 1980 -e it was 3 ‰.

Low rates were recorded in statistics on the frequency of names among newborns in 1961, collected by V. A. Nikonov for several regions central Russia. Name Valentine in the early 1960s it was used both in cities and in rural areas, with a slight advantage among villagers. Thus, in cities, the frequency ranged from 1 ‰ (in Vladimir) and 2 ‰ (in Kostroma and Tambov) to 3 ‰ (in Ulyanovsk and Penza) and 4 ‰ (in Kaluga and Kursk); in rural areas these indicators ranged from 2 ‰ and 4 ‰ (rural areas of Kaluga and Samara regions) up to 8 ‰ and 9 ‰ (in rural areas of the Tambov and Kostroma regions, respectively). V. A. Nikonov also noted that wider distribution male name Valentine prevented the expansion of women pair name Valentina, extremely popular in the 1920-1960s.

Related names

In addition to doubles female name, traditional Orthodox name book contains the name mentioned above Valens(church form Walent). Old calendar (before revision church calendar at the end of the 19th century) also contained the name Valens, formed from the same root; There is no information about the use of these names.

Name day

Orthodox name days (dates are given according to the Gregorian calendar):

  • April 24, May 7, June 1, June 20, July 19, August 12, October 4, October 11, November 9, December 2

For name Valens:

  • March 1, March 22

What does the name Valentin mean: characteristics, compatibility, character and fate

home The name comes from the Latin word "valence", which means "strength". Valentin is healthy, strong, a big guy. It became widespread among the Slavic peoples, especially after the appearance of George Sand’s novel “Valentine”. Nowadays, the popularity of the name has fallen somewhat, but it has not left the second ten in terms of frequency of use. A good, but somewhat sluggish name. All his distinctive qualities - “light”, “loud”, “cheerful”, etc. - barely rise above the average level, and there is no talk of masculinity, speed and activity at all. This name is too timid and soft. Over time, it hardens somewhat and becomes more defined. The name is perceived as mysterious, joyful and romantic, it is not for nothing that St. Valentine is the patron saint of lovers!

, especially after the appearance of George Sand's novel Valentine. Nowadays, the popularity of the name has fallen somewhat, but it has not left the second ten in terms of frequency of use. A good, but somewhat sluggish name. All his distinctive qualities - “light”, “loud”, “cheerful”, etc. - barely rise above the average level, and there is no talk of masculinity, speed and activity at all. This name is too timid and soft. Over time, it hardens somewhat and becomes more defined. The name is perceived as mysterious, joyful and romantic, it is not for nothing that St. Valentine is the patron saint of lovers! Zodiac name:

Aquarius. Planet:

Uranus. Name color:

Blue, pink. Talisman stone:

Beryl. Plant:

Foxglove, maple. Animal:

Seahorse, fallow deer. Main features:

Excitability, receptivity, intuition. Valentin can sometimes be nervous and sentimental. Mentally, he resembles his totem, the seahorse, which seems to be sleeping in the water, and then suddenly wakes up.

, who seems to be sleeping in the water, and then suddenly wakes up. Valentin is a philosopher and psychologist by nature. He has a strong will and is loyal to friendship. His lively mind intensely reaches out to knowledge, to books. He's not amorous. A great family man. However, in anger and jealousy he is terrible. He often suffers from claustrophobia, and if not clearly, it manifests itself in his love of space, the steppe, and the sea. He hates mountains and forests, but carefully hides it. Stable, uncompromising, omnipresent, mobile. Lives in two worlds. Willful, sometimes even paradoxical in behavior. Sometimes eccentric, but tolerable.

, he is faithful to friendship. His lively mind intensely reaches out to knowledge, to books. He's not amorous. A great family man. However, in anger and jealousy he is terrible. He often suffers from claustrophobia, and if not clearly, it manifests itself in his love of space, the steppe, and the sea. He hates mountains and forests, but carefully hides it. Stable, uncompromising, omnipresent, mobile. Lives in two worlds. Willful, sometimes even paradoxical in behavior. Sometimes eccentric, but tolerable. Psyche:

Psychopathic, although he hides it. His sex life has two aspects: impressionability leads to the idealization of the object of love, followed by severe disappointment, and aggressive sexuality often creates unpleasant situations. Passive, but at the same time can acquire a tendency towards masochism. Intuition:

Highly developed. Intelligence:

His interests are strictly selective. He delves into trifles and passes by truly significant phenomena without deigning to pay attention to them. Able to adapt to circumstances. His system of moral values ​​is never clear and precise.

Health: Good, but he gets tired quickly. He needs long sleep and a calm, measured lifestyle. Susceptible to infectious diseases. Weak organs - eyes and bronchi.

Sexuality: Sometimes you have bad luck with women. Sexual life is subordinated to feelings. It takes him a lot of time to reveal his desires, but then everything happens very quickly... Valentin is characterized by emotional impulses, refinement of feelings, and a subtle psychological approach to his partner. He is loving and impressionable, relying on his charm and intuitive feeling. Leads a meaningful sex life, takes it seriously, perceiving sex not only as a way of procreation, but also as a source of sensual pleasures that bring mutual joy to partners. Valentin is sentimental. Remembers past connections for a long time and often idealizes them. The most successful relationships are with Irina, Lydia, Valentina, Natalya, Polina, Elena, Anna and Marina. Valentin Stepanovich has increased sexuality.

Marriage: What he values ​​in a woman first of all is modesty and an even character. Tries to avoid conflicts. He is indifferent to alcohol and is not interested in other women.

Favorable alliances: with Angela, Valentina, Victoria, Daria, Maria, Marina.

Unfavorable alliances: with Antonina, Elizaveta, Nadezhda and Tamara.

Hobbies: Likes to read a book, sit at chess or crossword puzzles. Prefers a quiet walk not too far from home to a hiking trip with possible adventures. Loves to observe the behavior of animals, birds, and aquarium fish. Inclined to contemplation and peace.

Field of work: Lives by the principle: “Hurry up slowly.” He gets carried away with his studies, then gives it up, but achieves certain results. Problems with choosing a profession. He is interested in politics, can become a great musician, a possible career as a tax inspector, customs officer, or police officer. Shows more interest in the humanities than in the natural sciences.

Business: Tends to be a "leader" person. He may well be a good psychiatrist or psychotherapist, and may achieve success in other areas of activity. Valentin is a good friend who you can always rely on. Not without strong-willed qualities. Potential candidates for successful entrepreneurs are those Valentins whose fathers' names are: Vadim, Emelyan, Efim and Konstantin.

Celebrities: Berestov, Gaft, Glushko, Ivanov, Kataev, Kruchinin, Lavrov, Nepomnyashchy, Oskotsky, Pikul, Pluchek, Rasputin, Serov, Smirnitsky, Tian, ​​Yudashkin.

See also the meaning of middle names: Valentinovna and Valentinovich.

Characteristics of the name Valentin | The mystery of the name Valentin

Valentin - “healthy, strong” (lat.).

Characteristics of the name Valentin

He grows up to be an obedient and diligent child. As a child, he prefers friendship with girls and protects them from offenders. He is observant and unobtrusive. The secret of the name Valentin reaches out to grandfather, and it will be very good if grandfather helps Valik in breeding fish, since he has a penchant for contemplation and peace.

IN adolescence He is interested in philosophy and psychology, he is extremely interested in the mental life of a person, he can make a good psychiatrist or psychotherapist. Valentin is also endowed with other abilities and, possessing the necessary strong-willed qualities, often achieves great success in a variety of fields of activity.

He is a loyal friend; his comrades trust him with their secrets. good book he would prefer it to a football match. Characteristics of the name Valentin usually does not smoke, although he treats people who smoke, including his smoking wife, with condescension and understanding. Likes to pick mushrooms, fish, and just breathe fresh air Outdoors. But it’s difficult to drag him into the mountains. AND country cottage area is also not one of his hobbies. Chess and crosswords are his element.

Character of the name Valentin

His wife's culinary abilities are not of decisive importance for Valentin. He is content with a hastily prepared sandwich and a sumptuous dinner, not noticing, however, that his wife expects praise from him in both the first and second cases. And don’t be offended by it, it even has its own charm. So, the secret of the name Valentin will not think of quarreling over an empty refrigerator. In a woman, he values ​​mainly her psychological qualities, among which the most attractive to him are modesty, complaisance, and quiet disposition. Valentin finds it easily mutual language with his wife's parents, does not refuse to help neighbors and relatives. He also cannot be classified as a drinker. Unloving, remains faithful in marriage. Sometimes his affection for his wife is of such a nature that it gives his friends a reason to make fun of him. It is better not to give him a reason for jealousy. Predisposed to sinusitis, he has weak lungs, unbalanced nervous system.

“Winter” - with a strong will, strong character.

“Autumn” - persistently pursues the goal, true to his ideals. Can become a builder, trade worker, doctor. Suitable for middle names: Nazarovich, Vitalievich, Borisovich, Alekseevich, Mikhailovich.

“Summer” - loyal, affectionate, good-natured.

“Spring” is squeamish, jealous, vulnerable. Can become a writer, journalist, actor.

What middle name suits the name Valentin?

Suitable for middle names: Danilovich, Dmitrievich, Antonovich, Igorevich, Demyanovich, Guryevich, Lyubomirovich, Erikovich.

Names: origin and forms

Valentine- (from Latin) strong, healthy.

Derivatives: Valya, Valyunya, Valusya, Valyukha, Valyusha, Valyakha, Valyaka, Vaka.

Directory of Russian names

Strong(from Latin).

Steadfast, uncompromising. Tends to be a "leader" person. Omnipresent, mobile. Willful, sometimes even paradoxical in behavior. Sometimes eccentric, but tolerable. It happens that you have “no luck” with women, although in England... Valentine's Day is Valentine's Day.

The mystery of the name

Valentine- strong, healthy (Latin).
Derived from the Latin word "Valence", which means "strength".
The name became widespread among the Slavic peoples, especially after the appearance of George Sand's novel "Valentine". Currently, the popularity of the name has fallen somewhat.
Zodiac name:. Aquarius.
Planet: Uranus.
Name color: blue.
Talisman stone: beryl.
Auspicious plant: maple, foxglove.
Patron name: doe.
Happy day: Saturday.
Happy time of year: winter.
Main features: balance, receptivity.


Valentin Dorostolsky, martyr May 7 (April 24). Warrior, Slavic by birth. He suffered in 228 for confessing the faith of Christ.
Valentin Interamsky (Italian), bishop, martyr, August 12 (July 30).
Valentin the Roman, presbyter, martyr, July 19 (6). By preaching and miracles he converted many pagans to Christ. He died a martyr in the 3rd century.


If on the martyr Valentine, May 7, the birch tree puts out its leaves, the summer will be dry, the alder will be wet.
The first May rain wets the head so that the hair grows as quickly as May grass.


Valya has a complex as a child and believes that he has a girl’s name, especially since girls are called Valentina much more often than it is used in the male version.

Valentin is a philosopher and psychologist by nature. He has a strong will, a lively mind, he loves to read books, play chess, solve crosswords, and has a sense of humor.

Valentin achieves success through perseverance and efficiency. Able to adapt to circumstances, susceptible to influence, more indecisive than self-confident.

Valentin loves a calm, measured lifestyle, although sometimes he seems to wake up and become omnipresent and active.

Valentin has great creative potential. He has good hands, he can become a surgeon, artist, musician, psychiatrist, electronics technician.

Valentine can be nervous and sentimental. He is faithful to friendship and expects the same from his friends. Usually does not smoke, but treats smokers, including women, calmly. Likes to pick mushrooms and fish. He prefers the open sea to walks in the mountains. He is indifferent to food.

In love, Valentin relies on his charm and intuition, which he has well developed. He idealizes the woman he loves, but in the family, he is most likely a difficult person. He believes that responsibility for his wife and children lies entirely with him and requires strict obedience, suppressing all attempts by household members to become independent. Valentin's marriage with Valentina, Victoria, Daria, Maria, Marina is successful.

Surname: Valentinovich, Valentinovna.


Valentin Aleksandrovich Serov (1865-1911) - the most significant artist late XIX- beginning of the 20th century. He was a continuer of the best traditions of the Wanderers and at the same time a bold discoverer of new paths in art.

In childhood, classes by V.A. Serov was led by I.E. Repin, then at the Academy of Arts he studied with P.P. Chistyakova. After leaving the Academy, he began to work independently on location, painted landscapes, studied old masters, and traveled abroad to better learn the history of European art. He was in Munich, Amsterdam, Venice, Florence, Milan - he visited all these cities in 2 years. He was captivated by the beauty of Italian painting, the life-affirming art of the old school. In May 1887, V. Serov wrote from Venice to his fiancée Olga Trubnikova: “I want to be like this - carefree, in the current century they write everything that is difficult, nothing joyful. I want, I want what is joyful and I will write only joyful things.”

These words of young V. Serov express a whole program. The artist wants to directly enjoy the beauty of the world, to glorify this beauty.

In the same year, 1887, at only 22 years old, the artist painted his masterpiece, “Girl with Peaches.” S.I.’s 12-year-old daughter posed for him. Mamontov - a famous philanthropist, owner of the Abramtsevo estate, where the best Russian artists constantly gathered - Verochka Mamontova. But the portrait received the name of a painting. This happened, apparently, not by chance. Serov did not think so much about expressing the uniqueness of a given, specific person, but rather sought to create a kind of symbol of youth, beauty, childish spontaneity, freshness, an image of a person’s happy time.

With this painting, the sunny poetry of youth entered Russian painting for the first time. It contains the thrill of the air, the play of reflexes, the interaction of different colors, the beauty of the surfaces of different objects. Serov found a lot of different color nuances in the white tablecloth, shimmering with green, mother-of-pearl, silver, and yellow shades. The girl's pink cardigan, which makes a beautiful contrast with the black bow, also has numerous color shades. The landscape outside the window and the room together make up beautiful world air, light, objects interacting with each other.

The main thing for V. Serov was to preserve and convey “all the spontaneity of the perception of nature. Alive, tanned, with large dark radiant eyes, with a cap of rebellious thick hair, Verusha looks intently at the viewer, all bathed in light. It seems that she just sat down at the table for a minute and can’t catch her breath from running fast... Starting from this amazing debut, we can confidently talk about Serov’s contribution to world fine art.

To preserve spontaneity, freshness and at the same time complete the portrait - this was one of the artist’s tasks when the following year he painted “Girl Illuminated by the Sun.” All summer she posed for V. Serov cousin Masha Simonovich. This happened on the Domotkanovo estate. The atmosphere there was homely and sincere.

One of the Simonovich sisters wrote in her memoirs: “... Masha... being an artist herself, was imbued with his interests. With her silent, patient posing, she did what Valentin Alexandrovich wrote calmly, slowly, and with concentration.

Life in Domotkanovo was quiet at that time. People rarely walked along the alley, and even then they tried to avoid this place while the artist was working."

The stamp of this “quietness,” this calm concentration lies on the entire image of “The Girl Illuminated by the Sun.” She sits calmly, leaning her back against a tree trunk, she is thoughtful, immersed in slow contemplation. She is caressed by the sun's rays shining through the foliage big tree. There is an extraordinary naturalness in her pose, in her gaze, in her hands lying on her knees. And her facial features reveal her as a simple girl - modest and thoughtful.

The color of the white blouse shimmers in the most complex reflexes. They give off lilac tides brown colors earth and tree bark. Burns deep Blue colour skirts. And finally, all the colors used by the artist in the picture seem to merge in the painting of the face, laid out, like the finest mosaic, with flat strokes. Again, like a year ago, V. Serov saw his goal in recreating || the beauty of the world, the beauty of the simplest, most ordinary.

In "Girls" V. Serov took the first step towards the new art of the 20th century. He considered his “girls” to be the best paintings he created. We cannot consider Serov's assessment to be final. He developed, moved forward, discovered a lot of new things for Russian painting, created a long series of magnificent paintings and drawings. But, indeed, their spontaneity and poetry were embodied in the paintings as naturally as it was not embodied by Serov in later years.|

A few years after “The Girl in the Sun” was written, its model, Masha Simonovich, got married and left for France. She stayed there until the end of her life and there one interesting episode happened to her, which she herself described in a letter to her sister.

“...Here, at our acquaintance’s place, a gentleman appeared - an engineer, 52 years old. Since he plays chess, he came to play with S.K.

While playing, the guest kept glancing at the Russian calendar that hangs on our wall, with “The Girl Illuminated by the Sun”... On his second visit, he asked S.K. looking at the calendar: “This reminds me of that portrait that I saw it in Moscow 30 years ago, whose is it?”

Having learned that the girl was “my wife”, he was very surprised...

Here I passed and was forced to stop, and, as always in such cases, with a feeling of guilt: how dare you change so much that you wouldn’t even recognize it?

But he said: “The eyes are the same.”

It turns out that this portrait was his first love, he remained unmarried, and now he was puzzled that in distant France, in a village, he suddenly accidentally met the very girl whom he loved from the portrait in front of which he spent hours.

As he left, he said: “Thank you for your eyes...”

The model of the "Girl illuminated by the sun" has long been dead. Serov died even earlier. But the “Girl” hanging in the Tretyakov Gallery seems so today, modern, just captured by the brush of a talented painter.

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.

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