What benefits are provided to large families. Benefits for mothers with many children.

Mothers of many children are a special object of concern for the state, and it tries to help those with many children to the best of its ability. mothers - women who have given birth or adopted and raising children. About which family in Russia is large, read here.

The main support measures are spelled out in Decree of the President of Russia No. 431. Its title is "On measures for the social support of large families." In this decree, benefits and benefits for large families are noted.

Benefits for large families for children:

  • Medicines for children under 6 years old - free of charge (by prescription)
  • Travel by public transport (except for taxis) - free of charge, without travel restrictions
  • For schoolchildren, travel by bus within the district and suburban is free of charge
  • Admission to kindergartens - out of turn
  • Meals at school - free of charge
  • School uniform (including shoes) - free of charge
  • Once a month, free admission to museums, exhibitions and parks is provided.

Benefits for large families for housing:

  • Discount from 30% for utilities, namely water, heat, electricity and gas
  • If people with many children live in houses without central heating, compensation for the purchase of fuel for heating the house
  • Priority allocation of plots for vegetable gardens and orchards
  • Provision of preferential subsidies, interest-free loans for the purchase of building materials and housing

Benefits for large families for business:

  • Assistance to organizers of small enterprises, peasant farms and other structures: allocation land plots, granting land tax exemptions, granting rent exemptions, lowering tax rates, exemption from tax for the first term
  • Interest-free loans for development peasant economy
  • Registration fee exemption

Benefits for large families in the regions

The regions themselves regulate their policies to support large families. Depending on the adopted local legislative acts on this issue, the regions:

  • Provide land for farming free of charge
  • They pay a monthly allowance up to the age of three in the amount of the living wage
  • Provide tax relief
  • Give the mother of many children the opportunity to retire early (five years earlier)
  • Provide employment opportunities with flexible hours
  • They provide an opportunity to retrain for new specialties that are in demand in the region

Benefits for mothers with many children

  • Monthly allowance - issued for the second and subsequent children in the amount of 5153 rubles.
  • Compensation due to an increase in the cost of goods and services. It is given to families with 3 or more children under 16 years old (and if the child is studying, then up to 18 years old - 600 rubles for each). If the family has 5 or more - 750 rubles. for each
  • Compensation for the purchase of goods for children. If the family has more than 5 children 900 rubles. for a family.
  • Compensation to compensate for the increase in food prices (monthly) - for children under 3 years old - 675 rubles.
  • Compensation for utility bills. Families with 3 or more children - 522 rubles, with five or more - 1,044 rubles.
  • Compensation for a landline phone - 230 rubles.
  • Compensation for families with 10 children until the children reach the age of 16 - 750 rubles for each child
  • Supplement to pension for mothers with 10 or more children - 10,000 rubles per month

Payments to large families for the holidays:

  • International Day of the Family - large families with 10 or more children - 10,000 rubles.
  • Knowledge Day - for families with 10 or more children - 15,000 rubles per family

When awarding a mother of many children with a medal (order) in families with seven or more children - 100,000 rubles.

Payments and compensations to large families are the most important component of state policy. Let's hope that these payments will grow.

- a question that interests not only the needy themselves (and there are about 54 thousand large families in the capital), but also the state and local authorities. In addition to federal measures, privileges for those who raise 3 or more children are distributed at the level of regional authorities. So, in 2016, about 16 billion rubles were allocated from the capital's budget to support such citizens.

Officially, this fact is confirmed by the law "On social support for families with children in the city of Moscow" and other regulations.

The list of support measures includes medical, communal, transport, land preferences, as well as tax benefits for large families. One-time and permanent payments are assigned, in-kind assistance is provided with clothing and food. In addition, especially distinguished mothers are given awards and prizes.

But in order to receive all these tangible and intangible benefits, you must first legalize your status.

To obtain the status of a large family, a family must meet a number of criteria:

  • bring up three or more minor children at the same time (up to 16-18 years old, depending on whether the child continues to study or not);
  • be low-income;
  • live together and take care of offspring;
  • live in the capital.

If, in addition to your own children, you have adopted / adopted / foster babies or stepdaughters / stepsons who live with you, you can also count on privileges. After registering a newborn or registering guardianship, collect a package of documents and submit an application to the social security authorities, after which you will be issued a certificate with which you can officially apply for benefits in the tax, housing office, at work, at school and medical institutions, cultural institutions, transport.

Moscow is the richest city federal significance Therefore, sufficient funds are allocated here to provide privileges and subsidies to both children and fathers of many children, and especially mothers, on whose shoulders the upbringing of the younger generation is mainly entrusted.

Law changes

Previously, such a Moscow family was considered to have many children, where there are at least 3 minors, and since 2008 this status has been maintained until the 16th birthday of the youngest child (18th birthday, if he is still in school).

also in Lately increased the number of benefits and the amount of payments.


When contacting any Moscow social security agency at the place of residence or MFC, collect a standard package of documents:

  • applicant's passport;
  • marriage certificate;
  • photo of spouses;
  • birth certificates of children;
  • certificates of study at school / full-time department of the university (sometimes children over 18 are also taken into account to extend the status of a large family if they continue their studies at a hospital and do not bring income to the family);
  • act of adoption (if any);
  • income statement;
  • evidence of cohabitation with children in Moscow.

Single parents are also given preferences, and on a larger scale. At the same time, you need to provide the social support authorities with a certificate of divorce / death of the spouse and a document confirming that the children are in your care.

The application will be drawn up on the spot according to the submitted sample.

List of benefits for mothers

Mothers spend not only time and energy, but also their health on the birth and upbringing of children, so special support measures have been developed for them in the field of medicine, pension insurance, cash payments, etc.

The pension for mothers of many children is calculated earlier - from the age of 50:

  • women with at least 15 years of experience, who have given birth to 5 children and raised them up to at least 8 years;
  • who raised at least 2 children with 12 years of experience in the Far North or those who have worked in similar areas for 17 years.

Specifically, in Moscow, women who have raised from 10 children (their own, adopted) are supposed to:

  • free dentures (but not from precious metals) in municipal dentistry;
  • doctor's prescription drugs.

Those of them who have retired (any) are credited monthly with 10,000 rubles.

In addition, heroine mothers (who gave birth and raised from 7 offspring) are given the order and medal "Parental Glory" and cash reward to him in the amount of about 100 thousand rubles.

Other benefits for large families in the capital

Muscovites with many children are more fortunate than all other Russians with benefits.

  1. Natural help includes:
  • baby food for babies under 3 years old (sometimes milk is dispensed free of charge by prescription for children under 7 years old);
  • medicines for children under 6 years old at the federal level and up to 18 years old in Moscow itself for Muscovites;
  • 2 meals a day in schools and, possibly, in the canteen of the institute, university for students;
  • school and sports uniforms for students (one set of sportswear and regular uniforms per year or monetary compensation);
  • free voucher once a year to the sanatorium plus 50% of the fare in intercity transport.
  1. Other preferences:
  • concessionary travel to municipal types transport (free for all children and for one parent);
  • tax exemption for 1 car for one of the parents;
  • permission for free parking for one vehicle for a year;
  • priority enrollment in kindergartens and other preschool institutions (if there are no other categories of beneficiaries on the register: single mothers, disabled people);
  • payment discounts kindergarten, and for parents of 10 children (including non-native children) - an absolutely free visit (with the exception of private children's institutions);
  • the right to preferential receipt of 15 acres of land for the construction of a residential building, cultivation of household plots (but in practice there is no free land in Moscow, so this benefit exists only theoretically);
  • interest-free installment plan for farming and other commercial activities;
  • discounts on rent and utilities (30%);
  • free access to city baths;
  • once a month - a free trip to a museum, a zoo, a sports competition, a city amusement park, discounts on visiting cultural events (in particular, if you arrive first at the opening of the box office, for large family you can get 2 tickets at a discount to the Bolshoi Theatre).
  1. Cash payments:
  • monthly payments related to the increase in the cost of living (600 rubles for 3-4 children and 750 rubles if there are more);
  • regular deductions for purchases for children (900 rubles for families with 5 or more children, or if there is at least one under 18 in a family with 10 children);
  • 750 rub. monthly for each child up to 16 years old or student / cadet / intern / graduate student up to 23 years old, if there are at least 10 children in the upbringing of the family;
  • Family Day and Knowledge Day bonus (10 and 15 thousand rubles) for such families with at least 10 offspring;
  • 522 rub. monthly for families with 3-4 children to pay for utilities and housing, if there are more children, the amount is doubled;
  • for 230 rubles. per month to pay for a landline phone;
  • 5000 rub. annually to buy clothes for schoolchildren.

Child allowance

For a newborn, regardless of whether he is the first, second or third, one of the parents is paid money at the place of work. If the mother and father are unemployed, the allowance is issued by the social security authorities. The size of the standard allowance is about 14,500 rubles. at the same time.

In the same way, amounts are paid for each baby adopted into the family.

Up to 1.5 years old, an infant care allowance is accrued, and this payment is 2 times more for the 2nd and 3rd newborn.

Since 2013, a separate allowance for the 3rd child has been introduced in 53 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, where the demographic situation is generally worse than in the country. This list includes the capital and St. Petersburg. For the 3rd child, a monthly allowance is accrued until they reach the age of 16. The benefit is provided only to those with many children and at the same time the poor. That is, if the income of a family in which from 3 minors is above a fixed subsistence level, they are not entitled to benefits.

The amount of permanent payments for a baby 1.5 - 3 years old is 2500 rubles, up to 18 years old - 1500 rubles.

Tax preferences

The opportunity to receive discounts in the field of the tax code allows large "cells" of society to save significantly. The tax exemption may be total or partial. To receive a discount, submit an application to the responsible authority along with supporting papers.

Personal income tax discounts for persons with 3 or more children are provided, even if the family is not recognized by officials as having many children. The standard deduction for the 3rd and all subsequent born or adopted children is 3,000 rubles. (for comparison, the discount for the 1st and 2nd baby is 1400 rubles). In total, the working father and mother will receive 5,800 rubles. deduction per month.

If the parent is single, the amount doubles.

The right to a personal income tax discount is retained if a person under 22 - 24 years old continues to study at a hospital. Even when the eldest child reaches the age of 18 - 24, a deduction of 3,000 rubles will still be provided for the 3rd born / adopted baby.

The benefit is canceled if the income of a parent with many children exceeds 350,000 rubles. / year.

If a father with many children or his wife decided to become an individual entrepreneur, then they do not pay a registration fee.

Algorithm for obtaining housing

Not all families with many children with 5 or more children managed to register for preferential housing before March 1, 2005.

The rest do not need to despair, because for them there are a number of measures to improve their living conditions.

The Moscow authorities offer such citizens partly to purchase housing for their own money, if each family member has less than 18 m².

There are the following options:

  • subsidies for the purchase / construction of a house, apartment, room;
  • a favorable loan for an apartment - housing is bought from the city at a reduced price at 10% per annum with an initial payment of only 10%;
  • at the birth of other children, 18 m² will be deducted from the installment plan;
  • social mortgage with a starting 30% installment and a loan at 11.7% per annum;
  • in addition, the cost of 30 m² is deducted from the redemption value of such preferential apartments.

City and regional authorities also help tenants by paying 50% of the average market (not actual) rental price.

To get this benefit, go to the capital's rental housing center. Please note that families with 5 or more children have special housing preferences, which you can learn more about in the social security authorities.

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The legislation of the Russian Federation does not exact definition concept of "large family". The question of who can claim this status is the responsibility of the regional authorities. If we take average indicators as a basis, then in Russia this category includes families raising three or more children (native, adopted or adopted) who have not reached the age of fourteen, and in some regions - eighteen.

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At the same time, a large family does not include children in respect of whom their parents were deprived of their rights, as well as children whose material needs are fully provided by the state.

In the last few years in Russia, the number of families where a third and subsequent child is born has been steadily increasing. For example, in 2016 their number increased in some regions by more than 10%. They play an important role in this benefits and large families and other support measures.

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Of great importance is the fact that not only a full large family is entitled to benefits, but also a father or one who has three or more children.

Benefits for large families

A benefit is understood as one of the forms of material support provided by the state to needy citizens. IN Russian Federation child allowance in 2017 large families begins to be issued from the moment the third child is born (in some regions - the fourth or fifth). Parents with many children, along with all families in which a child appears, can count on the following:

In St. Petersburg given type payments is 1500 rub. and is intended for the acquisition of school and sports uniforms. If a large family is low-income, then the allowance will be 2500 rub. (regional). 10 thousand rubles. Also, for each child from a low-income family with 3 or more children, 300 rub. These social support measures are spelled out in.

Payments are made once a year by September 1st. To receive financial assistance, you must contact the social security authorities at the place of residence with necessary list documents and statements. After consideration of the submitted information within 10 days, a decision is made on the accrual of benefits.

Payments of allowances to large families in the regions

Benefits for large families in 2017 allocated not only from the federal, but also from the regional budget. The authorities of various constituent entities of the Russian Federation provide support to parents of three or more children not only in the form of payments, but also in the form of various benefits. For example, in such cities, as well as parents with many children, a special certificate is issued that gives them the right to receive and school supplies. Upon presentation of this document, the family can also receive a discount on a ticket to a sanatorium or camp. Until 2009, a similar certificate was issued to residents of the city.

In the city, families with many children can count on free medicines and travel cards that can be used on all types of municipal transport. Upon admission of each child to the first grade, parents receive a lump-sum allowance in the amount of 5000 rub. And if a member of a large family who has not reached the age of 23 enters a university, he receives a payment in the amount of

According to the census (as of 2016), the number of large families in the Russian Federation is 1.25 million of the total population of the country. These include those who bring up three or more minor children. All of them turn out governmental support. Let's find out the answers to frequently asked questions on this topic: how to get the status of a large family, what documents you need to draw up, what benefits citizens who fall into this category of the population can expect in 2016.

Large family status: how to get (as of 2016)?

A large family is a family with at least three minor children. To obtain the status of this category of the population, it is necessary to make an appropriate decision, which is taken by the regional authorities. To assign this status, they rely on several factors.

  1. The number of children raised in a family, taking into account the demographic characteristics of a particular region. There are always exceptions, in some republics of Russia (for example, in Mari El), the birth rate statistics show that three children in one family are commonplace, therefore they will be considered large families only after the birth (appearance in the family by guardianship, adoption) of the fourth minor child.
  2. Children's age. Only children under 18 years old can be included in the number of those who are taken into account when calculating the number of children brought up in a large family. However, when he receives a secondary (special, higher) education and the proven fact that an adult child does not bring income to the family, parents can apply for some benefits.
  3. income level. With an insufficient level of income in the family, regardless of the number of children brought up in it, regional authorities a decision may be made to assign the status of "poor". This category of citizens is also entitled to benefits.

When a family is assigned the status of "Large" by the Department of Social Protection of the Population (social protection of the population) at the place of residence, an appropriate certificate is issued. To obtain it, you must bring the relevant documents (birth certificates of children, parents' passports, application).

The amount of assistance that can be received by families with many children is calculated based on the possibilities of the regional budget, scheduled for the year ahead.

What benefits can a large family expect in 2016?

The state decided that all the benefits that large families enjoyed in the previous year will be valid this year as well. In 2016, they will be able to take advantage of regional and federal benefits, as well as federal assistance. Let's consider all possible.

federal benefits

Allowances and benefits due to large families in 2016.

  1. Discount on utility bills. The amount of the benefit is 30% of the total cost of the accrued "communal", but it can be changed by the regional authorities. In Sevastopol, this benefit has been increased to fifty percent.
  2. Compensation for heating houses and apartments that do not have central heating. The funds spent on fuel (coal, firewood) will be partially refunded.
  3. Free meals for students (pupils and students). Children under the age of 18 are entitled to two meals a day.
  4. The opportunity to give the child in advance to the DDU (children's preschool institution). A large family has the right to give their small child V kindergarten first, in a separate queue, and not in a general one, as determined by the main rules. Only low-income, single mothers and large families will be in this queue.
  5. Free health care and medicines*. Children can be given free vouchers to health facilities or sold at a minimum price. *Kids preschool age(up to 6 years) free medicines are provided.
  6. Travel concessions: in the city, if you have an appropriate certificate of a large family, travel is free; Suburban bus tickets will be sold at half price. When providing purchased tickets, the money is usually returned.
  7. "Cultural Discount". Every month (once) a child from a large family can visit an exhibition or museum for free.
  8. Free school/sportswear or funds for its acquisition (in St. Petersburg this amount is 2730 rubles).
  9. Benefits : caring for children under one and a half years old. With an average monthly income below the minimum wage, an additional payment of 2,718 rubles is due for the first child and 5,436.67 for the second. The benefit is paid monthly on the specified date; caring for children from one and a half to three years (relatives or adopted). Relies in the amount of the minimum wage, payments can come from the funds of the regional and federal budget. For the first child, an amount equivalent to one subsistence minimum is paid (its size differs depending on the region), for the second and subsequent - two sizes of the minimum wage.

Regional benefits for large families in 2016

  1. Land tax exemption. In 2016, the land tax for large families will be calculated at the lowest rate or cancelled.
  2. Privileges in obtaining a land plot for housing construction. When obtaining their own housing or the need to expand it, families can receive a plot by joining a special queue in which only such categories of citizens are. In addition, large families will receive a loan or assistance in building materials, which they will be able to purchase at a discounted price.
  3. Getting housing. In 2016, large families will be able to get an apartment in new buildings.
  4. Tax exemptions for sole proprietors.
  5. Allocation of funds to open your own business or farm. Regional authorities offer large families interest-free funds from the budget for entrepreneurial activities.
  6. Possibility of housing rent reimbursement. Part of the expenses spent on renting housing (while your own is being built) can be compensated.
  7. Monthly allowance for children from one and a half to three years. Sizes: for the first child - 1 minimum wage, for the second and subsequent - 2 sizes of the subsistence minimum.
  8. One-time birth payment. In St. Petersburg, the amount of one-time assistance for the birth of a child ranges from 20 to 36 thousand rubles. The amount of the allowance depends on the number of children born in the family. At the birth of the first, the payment will be about 20 thousand rubles, but if the third child has already appeared in the family, the allowance will be more than 35 thousand.
  9. Vehicle tax relief. When submitting an appropriate application to the tax authority at the place of residence, a large family will be granted a benefit.
  10. Child benefit paid monthly. From 3 to 18 years old, the regional government pays an allowance, the amount of which is calculated local authorities. In St. Petersburg, the monthly payment is 6 thousand rubles.
  11. Privileged working conditions. When contacting the administration, for parents with many children, easy working conditions will be selected (flexible schedule, shortened day ...).
  12. Annual allowance for children. In St. Petersburg, the amount of such compensation is 3088 rubles, paid once a year for each child under the age of majority.
  13. Awarding an order + cash prize. All families with 7 or more children are awarded the Order of Parental Glory and are paid an amount of 100,000 rubles.
  14. Lowering the retirement age. Mothers with five or more children are eligible for early retirement (50 years).

Federal assistance to large families (new benefits)

  • Benefits for the placement of children in a preschool institution. They promise admission to kindergartens on preferential terms, on a short-term basis;
  • Compensation for visiting kindergarten (children's preschool) . Subject to federal law, parents may request the return of a portion of Money spent on attending institutions by their children preschool education. The amount of this amount is: 20% for the first child, 50% for the second and 70% for the third. Some regions do not practice a return system, but use a system whereby parents pay for kindergarten by the day. For example, in Krasnodar Territory parents pay for kindergarten only for actually attended days;
  • Affordable parenting education. When receiving education or advanced training, parents with many children are entitled to benefits. Their size is calculated from the capabilities of a particular region;
  • Allowance for the care of adopted children from one and a half to three years. Since 2016, parents can receive benefits for their own and adopted children. The amount of such payment is the minimum wage;
  • Compensation for home heating, to which central heating is not connected. The funds that were spent on fuel (coal and firewood) are returned.

The category "large family" is assigned in Russia after the birth or adoption of a certain number of children. To be assigned the status in question, dependents must be 3 children or more under the age of 16 or 18.

Dear visitors of the portal "Preferential Expert"!

Studying the information on the pages of our project on the topic of benefits, allowances, payments, subsidies and pensions, remember that in the articles we try to describe the basic aspects. Each situation is individual and requires legal support and advice.

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Having a status implies providing such a family with various. Social benefits for large families assigned according to . According to the standard, such citizens are supposed to:

Tax incentives for large families

In addition to social concessions for the category of persons under consideration, some privileges are provided for duties and fees. Governing Law - Tax Code of the Russian Federation. In 2017 there are the following tax breaks for large families:

  1. Standard fee deduction on income (personal income tax).

    The parent or guardian supporting the children is granted a concession through a reduction in income tax. For the third and subsequent children, a deduction of 3,000 rubles is established for the natural parent or adoptive parent. For the previous ones, a deduction of 1,400 rubles is assigned.

    For example, there are three children in a family. The tax deduction will be 5,800 monthly (1,400 rubles for the first + 1,400 rubles for the second + 3,000 rubles for the third). In year - 69 600 rubles.

  2. social tax deduction from personal income tax.

    If native or adopted child up to 24 years of age is studying full-time, a working or self-employed citizen can deduct the amount of tuition costs when paying personal income tax. The maximum allowable concession per child is 50 thousand rubles in year.

  3. Transport tax benefits for large families.
    Region of residence Legislative act benefit
    Moscow No. 33 dated 09.07.08 Exemption from the fee for one transport.
    Moscow region No. 151-OZ dated November 24, 2004 Cancel for one vehicle up to 250 hp
    No. 8-ZRK dated 11/19/14 Exemption for one car up to 200 hp
    No. 487-53 dated 04.11.02 Cancellation per vehicle up to 150 hp
    No. 82 of 09.11.02 Payment of half of the tax.
    No. 142 dated 16.10.03 Exemption from tax.
    No. 639 dated November 26, 2003 Cancellation for transport up to 150 hp

    At the end of 2016, deputies of the State Duma submitted to the government a bill on establishing transport benefits for large families on state level. In 2017, this privilege is not established in the Arkhangelsk, Astrakhan, Vologda, Kaliningrad regions and the Trans-Baikal Territory.

    Educational benefits

    What are the benefits for families with many children? education? Privileges provided in preschool and educational institutions, refer to measures of social support. There are the following concessions for large families:

    • Extraordinary admission to kindergarten and a discount when paying for it.
    • to receive education in professional technical institutions and specialized courses.
    • Free supply of clothing needed to attend school and the gym.

    In addition to children, their parents or guardians can also retrain or receive additional education free of charge if it is necessary for further training and further employment.

    Early retirement for a mother of many children

    Provision of land plots

    Broadcast land to own or for use by large families occurs on the basis of the Land Code of the Russian Federation (Land Code of Russia). This statute sets out the conditions under which large families can get land:

    1. Parents or guardians must be legally married.
    2. None of the adult members of the family owns the land.
    3. Children live with parents or guardians applying for the plot.
    4. All family members are Russian citizens who have lived in a certain place of residence for at least five years.
    5. Applicants in more early dates did not receive land from the state free of charge.

    If these conditions are met, a representative of a large family applies to the land committee under the municipality with an application for the provision of a plot. View and download here: . The application must indicate the purpose for which the land is needed. Further use of the provided site for purposes other than its intended purpose is impossible.

    For example, the family received land for construction residential real estate within the city. Its further use for the development of the peasant economy will be impossible due to sanitary and hygienic standards.

    Regional benefits

    Separate benefits for large families in 2017 for various subjects of the Federation:

    Region Normative act Social support measures
    Ekaterinburg No. 100-OZ dated 11/20/09 Travel allowance for each child in the amount of 275 rubles. Compensation 30% utility bills.
    Tatarstan Federal level Priority admission to kindergartens and sanatoriums.
    Chelyabinsk No. 548-ZO dated 31.03.10 UDV to pay for housing - 1,100 rubles.
    Permian Federal level Dispensing medicines for children under 6 years of age.
    Samara Federal level 30% discount for utility services.
    Rostov-on-Don No. 165-ЗС dated 10/22/04 Compensation for housing and communal services in the amount of 50%. EDV for one child - 374 rubles.
    Saint Petersburg Social Code of St. Petersburg Annual compensatory assistance - 2 893.95 rubles. Compensation for utility bills: A family with three children - 30%; From four to seven - 40%; From eight or more children - 50% of the amount spent.

    Benefits for large families in Moscow in 2017 partially regulated Government Decree No. 25/4 dated 20.01.05. According to the standard, children from large families have the opportunity to travel for free public transport under 16 or 18 if they are students general education schools. A document granting such a right - Muscovite.

    The procedure for applying for benefits

    To obtain this or that privilege, the legal representative of minors must visit the competent department. Such institutions are:

    • Branch social protection or MFC.
    • PFR (Pension Fund of Russia).
    • FTS (federal tax service).

    At the place, the applicant submits the appropriate benefit application and attaches accompanying documentation. Most inquiries occur at the social security or the MFC. Issues of pension provision - in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Tax deduction - in the Federal Tax Service. In this case, the application is submitted in the department at the place of residence. Exception: receiving a tax deduction. To do this, you can contact the Federal Tax Service in any part of Russia.

    The application is considered within 10-15 days from the date of registration civil servants presented with a package of documents. The representative of the large family shall be notified in writing of the decision made. In case of refusal, the appeal takes place in a higher instance or in court.

    List of documentation:

    • Passports.
    • Documents of the birth of children.
    • Relevant certificate.
    • Earning information.
    • Documents on marriage and divorce (if any).


    Support for large families included in state program social assistance to certain categories of persons. Main conclusions:

    1. Support occurs at the state level and in the subjects of the Federation.
    2. Among the social privileges: compensation for expenses for utilities, free dispensing of medicines for babies.
    3. tax concessions: deduction from personal income tax, cancellation of transport tax in certain regions.
    4. Educational: an extraordinary admission to the kindergarten, the supply of schoolchildren with the necessary clothes.
    5. Retirement Benefits: early registration of a pension for a mother who has given birth to five children.
    6. Land provision: if the category of persons in question is recognized as needy, it can receive land from the municipality free of charge in the order of a separate priority.

    The most popular questions and answers to them on benefits for large families

    Question: Good afternoon. My name is Valentine. I am the head of a large family. Applied for receiving free municipal land for individual housing construction. What privileges for large families exist in this direction, and according to what criteria is the land selected?

    Answer: Hello, Valentin. According to the current legislation, large families receive land in order of their own priority, which also includes the poor and veterans. That is, the provision of plots occurs bypassing the main queue of applicants and, accordingly, at a faster pace.

    As for the selection criteria for land. They are listed in the order. Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation No. 372 dated 09.09.13. According to the standard, for the purposes of selection, the following are used:

    1. Transport accessibility.
    2. Ecological situation.
    3. Engineering, technical and social infrastructure.

    That is, for a large family, land will be provided taking into account the need for minors to receive education, possible treatment and purchase of essential goods.

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