Decreased volume of the calf muscles. How to remove calves on your legs: secrets and rules



Avoid putting excessive strain on your calves by first avoiding high heels and uncomfortable platforms. If you are a cross-cycling enthusiast, reduce your rides to twice a week for no more than 0.5 hours. Otherwise, excessive pumping of the calves cannot be avoided and it will not be possible to make them thin. To eliminate the problem of excessively bulky calves, the main emphasis should be on exercises that help train and tighten the calf muscles. Include simple exercises from callanetics into your training program - special exercises for stretching various parts of the body. These simple exercises

will help you make your calves thin, graceful and keep your muscles toned; it is enough to perform them 3-5 times a day.

At the beginning of any workout, you need to warm up your muscles. Do a few squats, run for two minutes, if you can, then on tiptoes.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart, inhale, as you exhale, bend at the waist and forcefully stretch your arms and head toward the floor several times. If you feel discomfort in stretched muscles or ligaments, exhale slowly, as if releasing the pain. Repeat this exercise several times. Stand up straight. Bend at the knee left leg

, transferring your body weight to the right. Grasp your left leg with your hands and try to gradually straighten it so as to bring it horizontal to the floor. This may not work at first, but over time the calf and thigh muscles will gradually stretch and the leg will begin to straighten completely. Hold your leg horizontally for 8-10 seconds and slowly lower it.

Switch legs and do the same on the other. After finishing the exercise, shake off the tension from your legs, rest for 2-3 minutes and move on to the next one.

Stand in the position of a ballerina - on tiptoes, toes apart, heels together - slightly bend your knees, as if springing, walk on your toes for 30 seconds. This will help your muscles on your calves become more prominent and thinner.

Conventional training exercises only build muscle, which, while beneficial, still makes the ankles thick. Therefore, to give your calves definition and make them thinner, cardio exercises are necessary. They will also help remove excess fat from this area of ​​the body if you have a clear excess. One of the best options for cardio training in this case is considered to be step aerobics and its many variations. You can train with an instructor in a fitness club or at home. For this you only need a step platform.

The simplest thing, but effective exercise basic step - put it on right leg on, lift your left one to it, immediately go down with your right one to the floor, put your left one to it. After doing 10-15 repetitions, change your leading foot - start stepping onto the step with your left and start with the step with your left. This simple step up movement will help reduce the size of your calves. By doing this for 20-30 minutes 2-3 times a week, you will get a noticeable effect after a few weeks.

Another effective exercise from the cardio training complex is jumping in place or jumping rope. Start jumping on two, then alternate right and left, cross leg, cross. In general, the jumping routine should take 10-15 minutes daily. If you don’t yet have enough strength for continuous jumping, jump for 2-3 minutes and pause for 30 seconds, during which you walk in place, restoring your breathing and relieving tension from your legs. These exercises will perfectly tone your calf muscles and rid them of excess fat.

Don't forget about stretching. Any cardio workout should end with stretching of the muscles being loaded. This will allow them to rest, recover faster and get smoother contours.

You can use spring leg lunges to stretch your calves. To do this, step forward with one leg, place your hands on your buttocks, slowly bend your knee and begin to squat. The main weight of the body falls on the calf and back of the thigh. You need to hold your leg in the stretch for at least 30 seconds each time. Then switch legs.

Another effective exercise for stretching the calves is the tuck - sitting on the mat, stretch your legs forward, lower your body with a straight back to your straight legs, reach your toes with your hands.

Regular Pilates or yoga classes will help you achieve slim and well-defined calves. The load in such classes is distributed smoothly throughout the body, forming a beautiful relief of all muscle groups, including the calves. However, it may take longer to achieve the effect here. It is advisable to do Pilates or yoga under the supervision of an instructor, since the result depends on the correct execution of the exercises.

In the process of working on your body, it is very important to monitor your nutrition. To make your calves thinner, don't try to restrict calories too much. Balance is important in nutrition. Basics proper nutrition– no feeling of hunger during the day (you need to eat a little every 2 hours) and dinner no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

First of all, reduce or eliminate the consumption of fatty, sweet, salty foods that negatively affect your weight and body shape. It is also necessary to give up processed foods, alcohol, fast food and any carbonated drinks.

Must be included in the menu every day protein products, meat (veal, rabbit, chicken), as well as cottage cheese dishes. You need to cook food by steaming or boiling, frying as an exception for minimum quantity oil, or better without it. For breakfast it is advisable oatmeal(Not instant cooking). Be sure to drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water every day.

Thick and pumped calves are a problem for many girls, as they spoil the silhouette of their legs and cause additional difficulties when buying shoes and clothes. Many female representatives begin to develop complexes against this background, so they ask themselves: how to reduce calves on their legs? There are many in various ways and exercises that can help reduce the size of the calf muscles. Today we will tell you about the most effective of them.

Before you start exercising and exhausting yourself with diets, you need to find out who the main “culprits” for thick calves are? Typically, fullness of the calf muscles occurs due to bulky muscles or an excessive layer of subcutaneous fat. This may be genetic. In this case, reducing the muscles in your calves will be a difficult task. The best option is to avoid exercise that causes your calves to grow.

If everything is to blame body fat, then you need to change your diet, go on a strict diet and do special exercises. First of all, it is running, swimming, walking up stairs. Then perfect legs will no longer be a dream, but will become a reality.

But if you are actively involved in sports and dancing, then you may have strained calf muscles. In this case, you need to do everything possible so that your legs do not experience heavy loads. Perform leg stretching, this helps to stretch and visually reduce the leg muscles. In addition, a strict diet is required, which consists of limiting protein, sweet and fatty foods. Your diet should consist mainly of fruits and vegetables.

Tips: how to reduce calves on your legs.

  • Avoid high-heeled shoes. All your shoes should be extremely comfortable and not interfere with blood circulation;
  • Eliminate sweet, spicy, fatty foods from your diet. Follow the basics of proper nutrition;
  • Don't drink three hours before bedtime;
  • Don't sit with your legs bent. Because of this, blood circulation is impaired, which leads to swelling of the legs;
  • Avoid cycling and spend no more than 30 minutes a day on walking;
  • Step aerobics - the best option reduce calves on the legs for girls;
  • Do not exercise on leg machines.

Exercises to reduce calf muscles.

Inflated calves can be reduced by stretching or callanetics for beautiful legs. Carrying out the following exercises 3-4 times a week, you will notice the result in 1-2 months:

  • Perform classic squats and running on your toes as a warm-up;
  • Feet shoulder-width apart, stretch your arms and head towards the floor. Remember that you need to do the exercise slowly;
  • Stand up straight. You should have one leg straight, transfer your entire body weight to it, and bend the other leg at the knee. With your hands around your feet, straighten your bent leg. Be careful, you won't be able to create a 90 degree angle between your legs the first time, but you should strive for it;
  • As a cool-down, walk on tiptoe for a few minutes.

There are also exercises aimed at reducing the size of your calves. They are recommended for athletes, who often also resort to drying their leg muscles:

  • Stand up straight. Turn your feet toes inward. Get up on your toes. Do the exercise 25 times;
  • Stand up straight. Spread your legs slightly so that they are parallel to each other. Slowly rise onto your toes. Do 2 sets of 25 reps;
  • Get down on your knees. Stretch your arms in front of you. Always keep your back straight. Sit down first on the left, then on the right surface of the thighs;
  • Lie on your back. Bend your legs at the knees and lift them. Alternately pull the toes of your straight and left legs towards you.

Hours in gym, long runs, strict dietary restrictions...

What sacrifices do women make for chiseled and slender legs! And the results will certainly become visible sooner or later: the buttocks are tightened,... But the shins do not always respond to effort, and sometimes even become larger.

This may be due to heredity, improper selection or technique of performing exercises, and even lifestyle.

Voluminous calves look inharmonious, interfere with wearing short skirts and tight trousers, and cause complexes. Sometimes the desire to reduce calves reaches the point of absurdity. Thus, in the USA it is gaining increasing popularity Plastic surgery to correct this part of the body.

However, there are also less radical ways. Let's find out why calves grow and how to make them slim and graceful.

The “culprits” of thick calves – who are they?

In order to quickly and correctly get rid of large calves, first of all, you need to know main reason their appearance and try to eliminate it.

The main “culprits” are an excessive layer of subcutaneous fat, too bulky muscles that appeared as a result of training or are a hereditary feature.

Genetics. If large shins are your genetic feature (you can verify this by looking at your parents and closest relatives), then it will be extremely difficult to reduce the muscles in your calves.

You can try to slightly change the proportions of the body and adjust the features of the anatomy. For example, if you have a short Achilles tendon, which connects the back of your heel to your calf muscle, your calves will appear larger. This is due to the fact that the muscle has to stretch far downward to connect to the short tendon.

If the tendon is long, then the place where it connects to the muscle is located higher. As a result, the calf muscle “sits” high, the lower leg looks thinner and more graceful. Unfortunately, it is not possible to lengthen the tendons. The only thing that can be advised in this case is to avoid loads that provoke.

Gait and movements. Repeated activities day after day can affect the shape of your legs. For example, constantly walking on your toes, with your body weight resting on the forefoot (as when wearing heels), can cause your calf muscles to build up.

It is also worth analyzing your gait: if the rest of the leg muscles are weak, especially the tibialis anterior, the calves can compensate for the entire load, increasing over time. Solution - .

Fat deposits is another very common reason why calves look big. Each person has their own specific problem areas, from which fat is lost last. If it's your calves and ankles, you'll have to be patient and persistent to achieve the legs of your dreams.

The most effective ways to reduce calves on your legs

To remove thick calves, follow a few simple rules:

  • Remember that it is impossible to lose weight locally; along with your calves, your hips and buttocks will shrink. You may need to add isolation exercises for them if your goal is to get in shape.
  • Give preference to low heels or flat soles. Walking on your toes stimulates calf growth.
  • Run! Running is the most powerful tool for losing weight and changing the shape of calves and legs in general. Think about what sprinters and long-distance runners look like. Marathon runners tend to have thin and dry legs, unlike sprinters with pronounced calves and developed thigh muscles. From this we can conclude that long-distance running is best for correcting calves. Do you want to lose weight on your ankles? Run slower, but for a greater distance (this training also develops endurance).
  • To lose weight in your legs and dry out your thigh and calf muscles, cardio training with minimal or no resistance is recommended. This means that you need to choose a flat place on the street, and set the minimum incline on the treadmill. It is with such training that your legs and calves will lose weight and at the same time acquire a beautiful shape. Endurance running helps reduce the calf muscle and fatty tissue around it (as throughout the body), which is what makes your legs look bulky. Double benefit - burn fat and reduce muscle!
  • Avoid exercises that focus primarily on developing leg strength, as they cause muscle growth and make your calves look even bigger. For example, short and intense cardio training, strength exercises for the legs (squats, lunges), step aerobics, and mountain hiking are contraindicated. Walking uphill, including on a high-incline treadmill, makes your calves even bigger.
  • Don't jump rope and generally avoid jumping with high leg lifts. Swimming, walking, cross-country running, etc. are more suitable for losing weight in calves. The elliptical trainer is a great tool for low-intensity cardio workouts as long as you set the resistance to low. Instead of burning calories by increasing resistance, increase the time you perform the exercises. Long walks can also help you lose weight in your lower legs by lengthening your hamstrings and calf muscles.
  • Avoid step machines and other exercises that simulate climbing stairs or hills, as they will primarily increase the size of your calf muscles. Remember that your goal is to make your calves thinner, not to pump them up even more.
  • It is better to avoid resistance training or perform larger number repetitions with light weights. Weight training that uses your calf muscles will only make them bigger, even if your goal is fat loss. It is absolutely impossible to reduce the size of your lower legs with their help. Effective methods to get rid of fat on the calves - diet and liposuction.
  • Stretching exercises help stretch and lengthen the large calf muscles, including the “pumped” ones. For this purpose, you can attend stretching classes, yoga or Pilates. Great calf exercises can be done against a wall. Stand facing it, one foot at a distance of 25-30 cm from the wall, the second at 70-80 cm, feet parallel, heels on the floor, and toes facing the wall. Bend your front leg while keeping your back leg straight, bend over and place your hands on the wall. You should feel a stretch in the back of your leg and especially your calf. Hold this position for 15-30 seconds, switch legs and repeat. This exercise helps stretch the calf muscles.
  • Pilates is great for creating toned and lengthened muscles. Even with intense training, your calves will not swell.
  • The following simple exercise to help stretch your calves can be done at any time, at work or at home. Sit on a chair with your straight back pressed against its back. Raise your left leg and make a 6 rotational movements clockwise. The amplitude should be maximum. Repeat the same number of times on the other side, and then do the same exercise on your right leg.
  • There are many ways to visually reduce large calves using clothing and shoes. By resorting to them, you can make your legs look a few centimeters smaller in girth.

Remember, you can be in good physical shape, fit and slim without bulging bulges of muscle. The main thing is to include strength and cardio exercises and avoid exercise and diets that provoke muscle growth. With this tactic, volumes (and not just calves!) will steadily decrease.

Each woman decides for herself how to treat full calves. For example, actresses Mischa Barton and Katie Holmes are not shy about these body parts and look great. Even if you can't reduce your calf size, don't stress about it. Focus on best parts bodies and highlight them.

IN Lately The number of girls in gyms is actively growing. They come there not only to get their body in order, but also to correct certain areas. A common problem among women is large calves, which spoil the figure and make it insufficiently feminine. How to remove calves - that’s what is interesting to ladies who have encountered this. You can solve this issue if you understand the reason why the volume of the calf muscles does not suit you.

The calf muscles are the most powerful group of muscles constantly used in our Everyday life. When we simply walk or run, these muscles are responsible for keeping our torso upright and maintaining balance. If your calves are not perfect, you need to do everything to solve this problem. But initially you need to understand what factors led you to wonder how to remove calves on your legs. There may be several reasons for this.

Full calves

Full calves may be due to the following reasons:

  • Heredity. If most of your relatives have voluminous, strong and fleshy calves, then you too may inherit this problem. In this case, it will be especially difficult to fight it. Will be necessary good complex exercises aimed specifically at working out the problem area.
  • Fat deposits. Whether fat accumulates in a certain part of the body is not just a matter of genetics. If the percentage of fat in the body is quite high, it will be deposited everywhere, and calves will be no exception. In addition, there are studies that have proven that certain features of fat distribution also depend on the presence of certain diseases and psychological factors. If the reason is obesity, then in order to decide how to remove fat from the legs, you need to reconsider your lifestyle. First, you will need a good set of exercises for weight loss, aimed at improving blood circulation in the calf area, which in turn helps burn fat. In addition to exercises for the calves, you also need aerobic exercise that burns fat evenly throughout the body, for example, running, jumping. You may also need to adjust your diet - you won't be able to lose weight unless you burn more calories than you consume. Their deficiency is also created due to dietary restrictions.

Full calves can also be a consequence persistent swelling or varicose veins. In this case, you should consult a medical specialist.

Pumped calves

Girls who have pumped calves are mostly professional athletes who regularly load their calf muscles, for example, by sprinting or strength training.

In order to cope with how to remove large calves on the legs, they need as much as possible minimize any stress on the calf muscle. It is recommended to replace sprint with cross-country. You should avoid strength exercises with weights that increase muscle volume, and choose those that are aimed at burning fat.

The problem of full calves bothers many, and some girls even think about surgical intervention, which will help make them thinner. But there are less expensive and risky ways to remove calves on your legs quickly. Initially, consider the following recommendations:

  • Try don't walk on your toes– this pumps up the calves. Wearing high heels keeps muscles toned, which promotes their growth, as well as any other activity - dancing, for example, or jumping rope. But here everything is individual - for some, such a load helps to lose weight, for others, on the contrary, it increases the muscles of the legs. Don't panic in advance - just monitor the results using a tape measure.
  • Running is a great tool for reducing leg thickness. However, it all depends on the distances. Marathon runners tend to have thin legs, but sprinters have strong thighs and calves because sprinting is equivalent to strength training. To lose weight in your lower legs, run slowly, without speeding up, and for long distances.
  • Activities that require the development of speed, strength and power in the legs lead to active muscle growth, so you should avoid them.
  • Also don't get carried away with intense jumping, in particular in interval training, on a jump rope. Walking, swimming, elliptical trainers, and long-distance running will help you lose weight in your lower legs. Walking lengthens the muscles between the ankle and the back of the knee. Avoid machines like steppers, as they strain your calf muscles.
  • Training with additional weights is aimed at pumping muscles. If you want to keep them in your classes, use lighter weights and increase the number of repetitions. If you want to know how to remove fat from your calves, you need to increase the proportion of cardio in your training program.
  • The key to long and slender legs - stretching. Stretching, yoga, Pilates are excellent exercises for losing weight and tightening your calves without the risk of pumping them up.
  • Try move your legs as much as possible, even in a sitting position. You can simply pull your shin in any direction, swing your foot clockwise and counterclockwise.

If full calves are the result of excess weight throughout the body, in principle, you need to reconsider your diet. There is no separate diet for losing weight in calves; it is best to stick to a universal healthy diet. Eat often and in small portions, lean on proteins, plant foods, complex carbohydrates. It is recommended to give up fatty, sweet, baked goods and other harmful foods. Also limit the amount of salt in your diet, as it promotes fluid retention in the body and leads to swelling of the limbs.

Removing calves with exercises

Removing calves on the legs is quite difficult, since fat practically does not accumulate in the lower leg area, and its shape depends on the calf muscle. The fat layer may increase, especially in the cold season, but regular walking allows you to quickly restore your calves to their former slimness. That's why The best way get rid of excess calf volume by walking a lot over long distances. The advantage of walking is that it is suitable for everyone, regardless of fitness level.

How to remove calves from legs in a week is a question that many people ask. Coping with a problem like this short term It’s quite difficult, but don’t rush, because the result is more important. Jumping helps burn fat, but it also strengthens muscles, so you need to know how to properly include it in your program.

To quickly burn fat without pumping up your calves, it is recommended combine in your program three types of loads:

  • multi-repetition strength;
  • cardio;
  • stretching.

Exercises need to be performed for a minute without taking breaks. First, rise on your toes without dumbbells. Then jump from side to side. If breathing becomes difficult, pauses are acceptable. Do side jumps, skater style. They involve jumping from foot to foot, in which you need to tilt your body and move your bent leg back.

Dedicate the fourth minute to the plie position: place your feet wider than your shoulders, squat down and lift your heels off the floor one by one.

Fifth minute - stretching exercises against the wall. Put one leg back, rest your hands on the wall and lean forward, bending your left leg at the knee and touching the floor with your right heel. Spend 30 seconds on each leg.

The sixth last minute is devoted to stretching while bending over. One leg is placed forward on the heel. You need to lean forward with your body, keeping your back straight and pull your toes towards you.

This simple six-minute program helps in how to remove large calves. There is also great amount exercises aimed at burning fat in the lower leg area. You can find a separate article on this topic on the website, where the exercises are illustrated with photographs (link).

How to remove volume with inflated calves?

Legs with developed calf muscles are popularly called bottle legs. Typically, girls with this type of figure can boast of round buttocks and strong, toned arms. To improve your physical fitness in this case, it is recommended Dedicate 2-3 times a week to cardio training, and also include in the program stretching.

It has a particularly good effect yoga. One of her most popular poses that provides a great calf stretch is downward-facing dog. You need to get into a plank position on your palms. Then you need to lift your pelvis up and tighten your abs, stretch the back of your legs and arch your upper back. Your heels should touch the floor - this is where you will feel the stretch in your calves. Having assumed this position, try to walk forward on straight legs. Do this exercise in three sets of 10-20 times - over time, your stretching will improve significantly, and your calves will become slimmer and more feminine.

Girls for whom the problem is relevant, how remove inflated calves, should work on the opposite principle, that is, not build muscle mass, but. But it is necessary to take into account that the muscles will go away evenly on all legs. If you want to preserve the muscles of your thighs, buttocks, arms and back, load them with strength exercises, but don’t touch your calves at all. Add running to your program at a slow pace within 40-60 minutes.

If you want to get rid of calf fat or reduce muscle mass, you'll have to try change body composition. That is, you will need to either “replace” fat with muscle, or burn both one and the other at the same time. Cells do not burn out or grow in a day, so you will have to try and spend a certain amount of time. If your goal is to lose weight, then you need to adjust your diet by creating a calorie deficit and combining the diet with cardio exercise or an active, active lifestyle. Then your calves, like your whole body, will become slim and beautiful and will not spoil your figure.

The topic of our article today is fat on calves. Yes, unfortunately, this also happens. It looks very unpleasant, the calves can look like a large hanging mass.

In normal condition, the calf muscle and shin are a thin part of the leg, especially where the foot attaches to the shin. In this place, in the normal condition of the leg, you can practically clasp the entire leg with your hand; there is little left to reach the full circumference, 3-4 centimeters, depending on the thickness of the bone and the majority of the fingers. Of course, a balance of 8 centimeters can be considered the norm, if you have small hands and pumped up legs, everything is individual.

A leg with a fat fold is easy to recognize. In this situation, the ankle takes the form of a “rectangle”. Unclear? Now I'll try to explain. Normally, the ankle looks like, let’s say, a “baseball bat”, that is, on top there is a muscle, above there is a knee, below there is a place where the lower leg and foot are attached, it is usually thin.

In the presence of fatty deposits on the legs, in the thinnest place there is a fat fold, which spoils the appearance quite well, and also the calf muscle itself has a lumpy surface (with cellulite) or too smooth, but voluminous. Again, normally, the calf muscle is uneven, it is visually separated from the bone itself, it has veins running along the leg, that is, relief. Fat deposits “smooth out” the relief, it becomes “like a pillow.”

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Losing weight through exercise is effective, but it takes a lot of time. Most women are more accustomed to trying different diets. There are no specific diets for reducing shins, so you can lose weight according to the system that is most effective for you. The only thing is that you should not resort to using a mono-diet or a diet with a minimum number of calories. Enlarged calves can also be due to swelling; to prevent this from happening, reduce your intake of salt and canned foods.

Exercises to burn fat from calves

  • Jump rope- the best way to quickly remove fat not only from the legs and calves, but generally not bad
    disperse the blood in the legs and body. Many athletes use a jump rope as a good warm-up exercise machine. Do as many jumps as you can. To keep track of the quantity, you don’t have to constantly count in your head; you can purchase a special jump rope with a counter, which we sell. Do at least 4-5 approaches. Can't start jumping rope? Practice, friends, just practice, do more, try, and you will succeed!
  • Gymnastic platforms which are widely used in fitness clubs - great way remove fat deposits and cellulite on the lower legs. Use gymnastic platforms or any other specific exercise equipment for your legs at home or in the gym and soon you will achieve results and the fat will recede.
  • Squats- a good way to improve the condition of your legs. But this exercise is often used to develop the upper legs, buttocks and thighs. But despite this, squats can also be used to train your calves, because they are also involved in the process.
  • Balancing pads and discs. These exercise machines help burn fat; they are used not only for the legs, but also for other parts of the body, such as the sides, but that’s not what we’re talking about today. Do as many exercises as possible that act as effectively as possible large quantity muscles.
  • Aerobics or dancing and attend classes several times a week. Such exercises will not only help strengthen your calves, but will also bring your figure into shape. perfect shape. You will also learn to move gracefully and beautifully.
  • High heel can make your legs more graceful. Only a very high heel is not needed, the optimal height is seven centimeters.

How to remove fat from calves video

Effective physical activity that pumps up your calves

  • Frequent cycling.
  • Active exercises on an exercise bike.
  • Strength training equipment (lifting, lifting with weights).
  • Systematic jogging.
  • Step aerobics, beloved by many.

In any case, if your calves are too pumped, all this should be abandoned immediately (unless, of course, you are a professional cyclist or a step aerobics coach). Keep all strength exercises to a minimum. And turn to stretching exercises. That is, we move on to calanetics, Pilates, bodyflex, yoga, finally. And we are working to stretch the pumped calf muscles as much as possible.

How to reduce pumped calves

Many athletes, as well as those who independently engage in sports “for themselves,” are faced with another problem – over-pumped calves. Pumped calves appear from regular loads on the legs and when spending minimal time on stretching. Despite the fact that “drying” the muscles has a great effect on the volume of the figure, its plasticity is best emphasized by stretching the muscles. This is why professional trainers and athletes spend some time stretching all muscles after each workout. In this case, we are interested in the calves - and the results can be seen in just a week.

  • Sitting on the floor, bring your legs together and bend toward your toes. You need to pull your toes first towards you, and then away from you. You should stay in each position for half a minute or a minute and breathe deeply, as oxygen allows muscle fibers to function and stretch better.
  • Standing straight, bend one leg and place the other straight slightly forward, with the toe pulled towards you. Bend toward your straight leg, grasping your pointed toe. You also need to stand in this position for at least 30 seconds and then change legs.

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