Sanitary standards for food production. Requirements for sanitary rules for public catering establishments

The purpose of the development and implementation of sanitary rules and norms is to prevent the occurrence and infection of people with infectious and non-communicable diseases.

Normative document SanPin describes the conditions that must be met by catering organizations. Determines the rules for the implementation of professional hygiene by employees of enterprises, working conditions.

SanPin establishes norms for the organization of the technological process of food production, compliance with the norms for the reception of raw materials, storage and processing. The requirements specified in the sanitary rules must be observed without fail by organizations of all forms of ownership that belong to the category of public catering.

For compliance with SanPin (a), the state appoints regulatory authorities that inspect enterprises.

Primary requirements

The architectural layout of the placement of industrial premises and warehouses of public catering organizations must comply with: building codes, sanitary legislation, technological production regulations.

At the same time, it is necessary to maintain hygiene standards in the premises:

  • noise;
  • infrasound;
  • vibrations.

It is forbidden to place living rooms in organizations, to keep pets in them, to be by unauthorized persons. The territory must be clean and well-maintained. Production areas it is not recommended to place in places of basement and semi-basement type.

Water supply

Sources of water supply, their locations must comply with SNiP 2.04.02-84 “Water supply. External networks and structures”. The enterprise must be equipped with its own internal water supply and sewerage system. Special attention is given to the norms for the consumption of water and heating (clause 3.3).

Wastewater from industrial and household premises must be discharged to treatment facilities or their central sewerage system, and in the absence of them, to local sewage engineering networks.

The absence or autonomous water supply and sewerage in non-stationary organizations is allowed. This amendment does not apply to catering establishments located in buildings.

In all catering organizations, a mandatory requirement is the creation of conditions for maintaining the personal hygiene of employees and visitors.


Particular attention is paid to the microclimate of the premises, it must comply with the current standards SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises".

Industrial premises must be equipped with a supply and exhaust ventilation system. A mandatory requirement is the control of MPC hazardous substances in the air of the working area.

It is recommended to use natural lighting in catering premises. Technological equipment should be placed in such a way that it has free access. It is forbidden to violate the rules of fire safety.

A number of requirements are established to comply with the hygienic parameters of the premises. The finishing material for walls, floors and ceilings must be resistant to the use of detergents and disinfectants.

Cleaning and disinfection

It is forbidden to store breakable objects in the production workshops. All professional inventory, technological equipment, production and household premises are regularly disinfected and kept clean. In each workshop, working equipment has its own marking.

Responsibilities for cleaning and maintaining cleanliness in their workplaces are fixed job descriptions employees.

It is permissible to transport raw materials and food products only with a sanitary passport. Shipping containers must be appropriately marked. All products are stored according to the accepted classification, observing the commodity neighborhood.

Products should be prepared in batches in accordance with the timing of implementation or demand for it. Storage rules and expiration dates are established by the current sanitary norms and rules. Compliance with these parameters is mandatory.

Semi-finished products, ready-made meals and other products produced by organizations for marketing are produced according to technological regulations, regulatory documents and recipes.

A schedule for disinfestation and deratization activities is established. Before starting work, all personnel must treat their hands with a skin antiseptic and follow the rules of their own hygiene.

Responsibility for the implementation of the established sanitary norms and the rules fall on the head of a public catering enterprise.

Monitoring compliance with sanitary regulations

Based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population”, supervision over the implementation of sanitary norms and hygiene rules is performed by federal Service on supervision in the field of consumer protection and human well-being (Rospotrebnadzor).

Whose authority is entrusted with control:

  • for the sanitary and epidemiological situation in public catering organizations;
  • for compliance with the legislation in the field of sanitary norms and rules.

At the direction of Rospotrebnadzor, certified laboratories and state scientific institutes conduct an expert assessment.

The department can carry out inspections according to the established schedule and unscheduled. Unscheduled control is carried out upon receipt of complaints from citizens or authorities. state power. Until 2018, a moratorium has been established on routine inspections of small businesses by Rospotrebnadzor. However, unscheduled monitoring is allowed.

During the inspection, the following sanctions may be applied for identified violations:

  • execution of prescriptions indicating the deadlines for elimination;
  • imposition of fines;
  • issuance of a decision to terminate the operation of a public catering enterprise.

Sanitary norms and rules must be observed by public catering organizations. Control over prescriptions is carried out by the Federal regulatory authorities.

For established inconsistencies with the norms and requirements, violations of the rules in public catering organizations, criminal or administrative punishment is provided.

Thus, the state protects its population from the threat of infection and the spread of infectious and non-communicable diseases, poisoning and deaths.

Labor protection engineer with 15 years of experience, lawyer, author of expert articles. Qualified specialist in the following areas: jurisprudence, public administration, providing services to the population in the field of labor protection, organizing civil defense and emergency events.

SanPiN 2.3 6.1079 01 was put into effect by the Decree of the Glavsanvracha of the Russian Federation dated November 8, 2001 No. 31 and regulated the regulatory requirements for the activities of organizations providing catering services.

The purpose of the adoption of these rules is indicated in clause 1.1 - preventive measures aimed at preventing the occurrence and spread of infectious and non-infectious poisoning among citizens.

Let's take a closer look sanitary requirements for catering establishments and the like.

Since its approval, SanPiN of public catering enterprises has been repeatedly supplemented with new rules. Recent amendments to the specified normative document were submitted in June 2016.

SanPiN 1079 01, as amended for 2016-2017, defines the conditions for the process of operation of public catering enterprises, regardless of their organizational and legal form. At the same time, the regulations apply not only to existing catering outlets, but also to newly built and reconstructed facilities.

Certain types of activities of these organizations subject to rationing according to the specified SanPiN include:

  • production process for the manufacture of food products;
  • the procedure for receiving raw materials intended for the manufacture of food and beverages;
  • processing of the obtained raw materials into the finished product;
  • storage of raw materials and prepared foodstuffs.

Control over compliance with SanPin standards is carried out by authorized bodies, including the Rospotrebnadzor service, which has the right to conduct scheduled and unscheduled inspections of the activities of catering enterprises.

The standards enshrined in SanPin are classified according to the following parameters:

  • basic factors of the production process, including hygienic standards for noise, vibration and infrasound levels;
  • requirements for equipment and operation of water supply and sanitation systems;
  • standards for the microclimate of the premises of public catering outlets, including the levels of permissible concentration of hazardous substances in the air;
  • storage requirements for raw materials and finished food products;
  • standards for cleaning and disinfection of industrial premises.

For each of these parameters, specific indicators and standards are indicated, which are to be expressed in a numerical value. Their control measurements make it possible to identify the facts of violation of the SanPin, which entails the application of liability measures, up to the suspension of the organization's activities.

Download SanPiN 1079 01

SanPiN Public Catering 2016 regulates in detail the standards of production factors in the operation of catering outlets. Their observance, first of all, should be ensured by compliance with architectural and planning requirements.

Architectural planning should include the following requirements:

  • compliance with the norms and rules established by building regulations, standards of architectural and planning activities, SNiP, GOST, etc.;
  • compliance with general and particular regulations of the production process;
  • compliance with the legislation in the field of ensuring the sanitary well-being of citizens;
  • observance of hygienic norms of the maximum permissible level of noise, infrasound and vibration.

These requirements must be observed already at the design stage of production facilities. In particular, the application of SanPiN food production prohibits the arrangement of premises for the residence of citizens in production facilities, as well as admission to the production workshops of unauthorized persons not related to the production of food products.

SanPiN for catering 2016 contains standards for arranging industrial premises with their own water supply and sewerage systems connected to a common outdoor engineering network. These rules are due to the requirement to observe the personal hygiene of staff and customers of public catering outlets.

In terms of compliance with the microclimate standards of objects used for the preparation and storage of food, SanPiN establishes a mandatory requirement for the presence of a ventilation system of a supply and exhaust type. At the same time, the key parameter subject to regular and systematic measurement is the maximum permissible level harmful substances in the air of the workspace.

Special rules are provided for determining the standards for cleaning and disinfection of all types of public catering premises. In particular, SanPiN for cafes regulates the mandatory procedure for determining the responsibility of enterprise personnel for maintaining cleanliness within their working area. Common areas are subject to cleaning by a dedicated staff.

Standards for the process of receiving raw materials, preparing and storing food products

The main activity of public catering enterprises is the preparation and processing of products from purchased raw materials, their sale, storage and transportation. Each production process has its own specific standards, the observance of which will avoid liability measures on the part of regulatory authorities.

Among the most important requirements implemented in these SanPiN standards, we can distinguish:

  • strict observance technological processes food preparation;
  • carrying out any kind of work on the manufacture of food products with a functioning ventilation system;
  • permissible levels of illumination, noise and vibration in the production environment must be within the limits of hygienic standards;
  • the use of materials approved for safe operation by regulatory authorities in the equipment and decoration of the internal premises of the public catering;
  • use of chemical, detergents and disinfectants and agents approved by the sanitary and epidemiological control authorities.

Requirements for packaging and container storage of food products should exclude the ingress and impact on them of harmful and dangerous substances. At the same time, the materials from which containers and packaging are made are also subject to approval in the prescribed manner.

Compliance with the requirement for sanitizing the surfaces of working areas provides for both the final cleaning of production equipment and the current cleaning of contaminants. Internal control over compliance with these rules is assigned not only to the participants in the production process, but also to a dedicated employee.

The SanPiN standards for the transportation and reception of raw materials, as well as finished food products, provide for the availability of a sanitary passport for all types of transport used in a single technological process. Transportation rules certain types products and raw materials must comply with sanitary and hygienic conditions.

For the process of food preparation, SanPiN has established specific qualitative and quantitative indicators, compliance with which will ensure compliance with the technology for manufacturing ready-made catering dishes intended for sale to customers.

Arbitration practice shows that public catering enterprises are regularly held administratively liable for violating sanitary rules. Consider the main provisions of the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for food establishments.

Paragraph 1 of Art. 17 of Federal Law N 52-FZ, it is established that when catering to the population in specially equipped places (canteens, restaurants, cafes, bars, etc.), including when preparing food and drinks, storing them and selling them to the population, to prevent the occurrence and the spread of infectious diseases and mass non-communicable diseases (poisoning), sanitary rules must be followed.

Violation of sanitary and epidemiological requirements for catering to the population in specially equipped places (canteens, restaurants, cafes, bars and other places), including when preparing food and drinks, storing them and selling them to the population, in accordance with Art. 6.6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation entails the imposition of an administrative penalty:

For officials - from 2,000 to 3,000 rubles. or administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days;

On the legal entities- from 20,000 to 30,000 rubles. or administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days.

Note that individual entrepreneurs who have committed administrative offenses, by virtue of Art. 2.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, are liable as officials, unless otherwise provided by this code.

In addition, according to par. 2 p. 1 art. 51 of the Federal Law N 52-FZ, chief state doctors and their deputies are endowed, among other things, with the authority to bring claims to the arbitration court in case of violation health legislation. In accordance with Art. 1065 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the danger of causing harm in the future may be the basis for filing a claim by Rospotrebnadzor on the prohibition of activities that create such a danger. It was this situation that was considered by the judges in the Decree of the FAS SZO of December 19, 2008 N A56-15279 / 2008.

Public catering enterprises must comply with the requirements of the Sanitary Rules SP (hereinafter referred to as the Sanitary Rules). They apply to existing, under construction and reconstructed catering organizations, regardless of ownership and departmental affiliation, including when preparing food and drinks, storing them and selling them to the population (clause 1.2 of the Sanitary Rules). This document defines the basic sanitary and hygienic standards and requirements for the placement, arrangement, layout, sanitary and technical condition, maintenance of organizations, conditions for transportation, acceptance, storage, processing, sale of food raw materials and food products, technological production processes, as well as working conditions , compliance with the rules of personal hygiene of workers (clause 1.2 of the Sanitary Rules). Consider the main provisions of the Sanitary Rules.

Accommodation Requirements...

Installed in ch. II Sanitary Rules. Placement of organizations, provision land plots, approval of project documentation for construction and reconstruction, commissioning are allowed if there is a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on their compliance with sanitary rules and norms.

Public catering enterprises should not worsen the conditions of living, rest, treatment, and work of people. Production workshops are not recommended to be placed in basements and semi-basements. It is allowed to place establishments in non-residential premises of residential buildings (except for hostels). with total area no more than 700 sq. m with the number of seats not more than 50. At the same time, in residential buildings it is necessary to have entrances and emergency exits isolated from the residential part of the house. Raw materials and products should not be taken from the side of the courtyard of a residential building, where windows and entrances to apartments are located. Loading should be carried out from the ends of residential buildings that do not have windows, from underground tunnels on the side of highways in the presence of special loading rooms.

Catering establishments should not provide premises for housing, keep pets and birds, as well as carry out work and services not related to their activities. Unauthorized persons should not be in production and storage rooms.

Garbage and food waste should be collected in separate containers with lids (or other specially closed structures) installed on hard-surfaced sites exceeding the container base area by 1 m in all directions. They must be released when filling no more than 2/3 of their volume, and then cleaned and disinfected using products approved by Rospotrebnadzor. The garbage collection area should be located at a distance of at least 25 m from residential buildings, playgrounds and recreation areas. It is recommended to provide sites for temporary parking of vehicles of staff and visitors on the territory of the establishment, placing them on the side of the carriageway of roads, but not in the courtyards of residential buildings. The territory of the catering establishment must be landscaped and kept clean.

Water supply and sewerage

Catering establishments, regardless of the form of ownership, capacity, location, are equipped with internal water supply and sewerage systems (Chapter III of the Sanitary Rules). For water supply, they are connected to a centralized water supply system, and in its absence, an internal water supply system is equipped with water intake from artesian well, wells, kaptazhy. The quality of water in the water supply systems of the institution must meet the hygienic requirements for the quality of water in centralized drinking water supply systems and non-centralized water supply. It is prohibited to use imported water. The amount of water used by the organization must fully meet its needs.

Production workshops are equipped with sinks with hot and cold water with faucets that exclude contamination of hands after washing. In the absence of hot or cold water, the work of the institution must be suspended. Industrial and domestic wastewater is discharged in compliance with the relevant sanitary rules into the centralized sewer system, and in its absence - into the system of local sewage treatment facilities. Production equipment and washing baths are connected to the sewerage network with an air gap of at least 20 mm from the top of the intake funnel. All stationary establishments must be equipped with toilets and sinks for washing the hands of visitors. Temporary quick service establishments (pavilions, tents, vans, etc.) are recommended to be placed in places equipped with public toilets. Combining a toilet for staff and visitors is not allowed. In the vestibule of the toilet for personnel there should be a separate tap with a mixer at a level of 0.5 m from the floor for the intake of water intended for washing floors, and a drain ladder with a slope towards it.

working conditions in industrial premises

The state of the microclimate of industrial premises and premises for visitors must comply with the hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises (Chapter IV of the Sanitary Rules). Premises (industrial, auxiliary, sanitary facilities) are equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation in accordance with the requirements of the current rules and regulations. Premises for loading, expedition, vestibules in cold period years are equipped with thermal curtains to prevent the ingress of outside air. The ventilation device and equipment of the establishment should not worsen the living conditions and stay of people in residential buildings, premises and buildings for other purposes. It is preferable to use water heating systems in catering establishments.

At the same time, heating devices must be regularly cleaned of dust and dirt and not placed near refrigeration equipment. In all production, storage, sanitary and administrative premises, natural and artificial lighting must comply with the established requirements as well as the requirements of these rules. This makes maximum use of natural light.
Arrangement and maintenance of premises The set and area of ​​premises must correspond to the capacity of the catering establishment and ensure compliance with sanitary rules and norms (Chapter V of the Sanitary Rules). Technological equipment must be placed in such a way that free access to it is provided and safety regulations are observed.

In industrial premises, walls to a height of at least 1.7 m are finished with tiles or other materials that can withstand wet cleaning and disinfection, ceilings are plastered, whitewashed or finished with other materials, floors are made of impact-resistant materials that prevent slipping, and they must have slopes to drain drains . Ceilings and walls of production and auxiliary premises of confectionery shops are painted as needed, but at least once a year. It is forbidden to store breakable objects, mirrors, indoor plants in production workshops.

In warehouses, walls and ceilings are plastered and whitewashed, and to a height of at least 1.7 m, the walls are painted with moisture-resistant paint for interior work. The floors must be impact-resistant with sealing of building structures with a fine-mesh metal mesh, steel sheet or cement-sand mortar with long metal shavings. Along the ways of loading raw materials and foodstuffs, floors in warehouses and production facilities should not have thresholds. The loading room is equipped with a platform, a canopy.

Dining rooms should be finished with materials that are resistant to sanitization and disinfection. Decorative panels of heating systems should be metal and easily removable. The interior decoration of the premises must be made from materials permitted by Rospotrebnadzor.

All premises must be kept clean, constantly, in a timely manner and as necessary, carrying out routine cleaning. Wet cleaning with the use of detergents and disinfectants is carried out daily in the production workshops. Be sure to clean the dining table after each visitor. At least once a month, it is necessary to carry out general cleaning and disinfection, and, if necessary, disinfestation and deratization of the premises. They clean production, storage, auxiliary premises, toilets with separate equipment (for toilets - with signal coloring), which is stored in specially designated places, as close as possible to the places of cleaning. After cleaning, all equipment is washed with detergents and disinfectants and dried. To prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases, workplaces should be cleaned by the workers themselves, and not by cleaners. The toilet must be cleaned by special personnel. The staff must be provided with cleaning equipment, rags, detergents and disinfectants (permitted by Rospotrebnadzor) in sufficient quantities.

Equipment, inventory, utensils and containers

The catering establishment must be provided necessary equipment and items of material and technical equipment in sufficient quantities (Chapter VI of the Sanitary Rules). Technological equipment, inventory, utensils, containers must be made of materials permitted by Rospotrebnadzor. During the operation of technological equipment, it is necessary to exclude the contact of raw and ready-to-eat products. As the equipment becomes contaminated and at the end of work, it is necessary to sanitize it. At the end of work, production tables are thoroughly washed using detergents and disinfectants and then wiped with a dry, clean cloth. It is important to remember that cutting equipment must have a special marking in accordance with the product processed on them: "CM" - raw meat, "SR" - raw fish, "SO" - raw vegetables, "VM" - boiled meat, "VR" - boiled fish, "VO" - boiled vegetables, "MG" - meat gastronomy, "Greens", "KO" - pickled vegetables, "Herring", "X" - bread, "RG" - fish gastronomy.

After each technological operation, cutting equipment (knives, boards, etc.) is mechanically cleaned, washed with hot water with detergents, rinsed with hot running water. They store it in a specially designated place. A deck for cutting meat is installed on a crosspiece or a special stand, fastened with metal hoops. Every day at the end of work, it is cleaned with a knife, sprinkled with salt, and, as necessary, it is cut down and planed. It is recommended to use stainless steel utensils for cooking and storing prepared food. Aluminum and duralumin utensils are used only for cooking and short-term storage of food. Do not use dishes with cracks, chips, broken edges, deformed, with damaged enamel.

Food establishments are recommended to be equipped with modern dishwashers with a sterilizing effect for mechanized washing of dishes and cutlery. When exiting dishwasher out of order, in the absence of conditions for hand wash the business should not operate. If dishes are washed by hand, three-section baths are necessary for tableware, two-section baths for glassware and cutlery. Tableware in two-section baths is only allowed to be washed by establishments with a limited assortment. In beer bars, mugs, glasses, glasses are washed with hot water not lower than 45-50 ° C using detergents and disinfectants and rinsed with syringes.

Tableware is washed manually in the following way: food residues are removed, washed in water with the addition of detergents in the first section of the bath, then in the second bath in water with a temperature of at least 40 ° C and with detergents in an amount half as much as in the first bath. Next, the dishes are rinsed in the third section with hot running water at a temperature of at least 65 ° C using a flexible hose with a shower head and dried on lattice shelves and racks. At the end of the working day, all tableware and appliances are disinfected. Washing kitchen utensils in a two-section bath differs from washing in a three-section bath in the second stage and in that it is washed with brushes. Cutlery is washed by hand using detergents, rinsed in running water and calcined in ovens, bakers, dry ovens for 10 minutes. Brushes for washing dishes after finishing work are cleaned, soaked in hot water at a temperature not lower than 45 ° C with the addition of detergents, disinfected (or boiled), washed with running water, dried and stored in a specially designated place.

Clean kitchen utensils and utensils are stored on racks at a height of at least 0.5 m from the floor, tableware - in closed cabinets or on grates, cutlery is stored in the hall with the handles up in special cassette boxes that are sanitized daily. It is not allowed to store cutlery on trays in bulk. Trays for visitors are wiped with clean napkins after each use, and at the end of work they are washed with hot water with detergents and disinfectants, rinsed with warm running water and dried. They are stored in specially designated places on the trading floor, separately from used trays.

Returnable packaging is washed in specially designated areas equipped with bathtubs or washing machines, using detergents. In washing departments, instructions should be posted on the rules for washing dishes and equipment, indicating the concentrations and volumes of detergents and disinfectants used.

Transportation, reception and storage of raw materials, food products.

Regulated by Ch. VII Sanitary Rules. Transportation of raw materials and food products, in order to prevent the occurrence and spread of mass infectious diseases, is carried out by special, clean transport, for which a sanitary passport has been issued in the prescribed manner. they have a personal medical book with notes on passing medical examinations, laboratory test results and professional hygienic training and certification.

Perishable and especially perishable products are transported by refrigerated or isothermal transport, culinary and confectionery products are transported in transport specially designed for this purpose in labeled and clean containers. At the same time, the container is marked in accordance with the regulatory and technical documentation corresponding to each type of product. Raw materials and finished products during transportation should not come into contact with each other. The sale of products outside the catering establishment in consumer packaging is carried out if there is information provided for by the current hygienic requirements for the quality and safety of food raw materials and food products. Incoming raw materials and products must also comply with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation, be accompanied by documents confirming their quality and safety, and be in good, clean packaging.

Products are stored in the manufacturer's containers (barrels, boxes, flasks, cans, etc.), and if necessary, they are transferred to clean, labeled containers in accordance with the type of product. Products without packaging are weighed in containers or on clean paper. It is necessary to store products according to their types: dry (flour, sugar, cereals, pasta, etc.), bread, meat, fish, milk fat, gastronomic, vegetables and fruits.

Raw materials and finished products should be stored in separate refrigerators. In small enterprises, in the presence of only one chamber, as well as in the chamber of the daily supply of products, their joint short-term storage is allowed. separate shelves, racks. Products must be stored in compliance with the rules of the commodity neighborhood, warehousing standards, expiration dates and storage conditions. For example, products with a specific smell (spices, herring) are stored separately from products that perceive foreign odors (butter, cheese, eggs, tea, salt, etc.). Particularly perishable products are stored in accordance with hygienic requirements for the conditions and terms of their storage.

Storage conditions (place) of certain types of products the following:

Chilled meat carcasses, half carcasses, quarters - hung on hooks so that they do not touch each other, with the walls and floor of the room;

Frozen meat - on racks or pedestals;

Offal, frozen fish (fish fillet) - in the supplier's container on racks or underwares;

Frozen or chilled poultry - in the supplier's container on racks or under-goods, stacking in stacks. For better air circulation between the boxes (boxes) it is recommended to lay slats;

Sour cream, cottage cheese - in a container with a lid (spoons, spatulas in a container with cottage cheese and sour cream cannot be left);

Butter - in factory containers or bars wrapped in parchment, in trays;

Ghee butter - in the manufacturer's container;

Large cheeses - without containers on clean racks. When laying them one on top of the other, they are laid with cardboard or plywood;

Small cheeses - in consumer packaging on shelves or racks;

Finished meat products (sausages, hams, frankfurters, sausages) - in the supplier's container or production container;

Eggs in boxes - on pallets in dry cool rooms, egg powder - in a dry room, melange - at a temperature not higher than - 6 ° C;

Cereals and flour - in sacks on pallets in stacks at a distance of at least 15 cm from the floor;

Pasta, sugar, salt - in the supplier's containers on racks or underwares;

Tea and coffee - on racks in dry ventilated rooms;

Bread (rye and wheat separately) - on shelves, in cabinets in a separate pantry. Cabinet doors must have ventilation holes. From the shelves of cabinets, crumbs are swept away with special brushes, and at least once a week the shelves are thoroughly wiped with a 1% solution of acetic acid;

Potatoes and root crops - in a dry, dark room, cabbage - on separate racks, in chests, pickled, salted vegetables - in barrels, at a temperature not exceeding 10 ° C;

Fruits and herbs - in boxes in a cool place at a temperature not exceeding 12 ° C;

Frozen vegetables, fruits, berries - in the supplier's container in low-temperature refrigerators.

The marking label of each container, which indicates the expiration date of this type of product, is retained until the product is fully used.

Processing of raw materials and production

Chapter VIII of the Sanitary Rules establishes requirements for the processing of raw materials and the production of products. Cooking, culinary and confectionery requires compliance with the flow of technological processes. When developing new recipes, when making changes to existing recipes related to changes in production technology, using new, non-traditional raw materials, when reviewing the shelf life and storage conditions of food products, using new materials and equipment that may affect safety performance finished products, the formulations require a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor.

Products are prepared in batches as they are demanded and sold. Raw and finished products are processed separately in specially equipped workshops, and in their absence - in the same room on different tables.

Here are some of the shelf life of raw materials and products established by this chapter. For example:

Chopped meat store no more than 6 hours at a temperature of + 2 to + 4 ° C. In the absence of cold, it is forbidden to store minced meat;

Salads, vinaigrettes, unseasoned, are stored at a temperature of + 4 +/- 2 ° C for no more than 6 hours. They should be refilled immediately before the holiday;

Salads from fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs are prepared in batches as needed;

Boiled meat, poultry and offal for the first and second courses are cut into portions, poured with broth, boiled for 5-7 minutes. and stored in the same broth at a temperature of + 75 ° C until holiday no more than 1 hour;

Peeled potatoes, root crops and other vegetables are recommended to be stored in cold water no more than 2 hours

To prevent the occurrence and spread of infectious diseases and mass poisoning, in catering establishments it is forbidden:

Manufacture and sale of products from meat trimmings, pork sides, diaphragm, blood, rolls from the pulp of heads;

Making pasta in the Navy;

Use of cottage cheese from unpasteurized milk;

Preparation of canned vegetables, meat, fish, mushrooms in sealed containers;

Preparation of dried and dried fish;

Production of dry mushrooms, etc.

The preparation and sale of semi-finished products, smoked meat products, chickens and ducks, salted and smoked fish, salted and pickled vegetables without hermetic packaging, kvass, bread, and other food products are allowed subject to the sanitary and epidemiological conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor. The preparation and sale of jellies and pies, jellied meat, poultry, fish, pancakes and pies with minced meat and liver meat and other products of increased epidemic risk are also allowed if there is a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.

Such a conclusion is also required when preparing dishes on barbecues, braziers, grates, boilers. in places of rest and on the streets, subject to the manufacture of semi-finished products in stationary food establishments. It also requires the presence of:

Pavilion connected to water supply and sewerage networks, refrigeration equipment for storing semi-finished products;

In the base establishment of conditions for processing inventory, containers;

Employees have a personal medical book with the necessary marks;

Conditions for employees to observe the rules of personal hygiene.

For frying, use wood or ready-made charcoal, metal skewers, and for holidays - disposable crockery and cutlery. It is necessary to fry immediately before implementation.

Distribution of dishes and release of semi-finished products and culinary products

The necessary order is established in Chap. IX Sanitary Rules. The quality assessment of semi-finished products, dishes and culinary products should be carried out daily, indicating the time of manufacture of the product, its name, the results of the organoleptic assessment (including the assessment of the degree of readiness), the time of permission to distribute (sale) products, the full name of the manufacturer and the person who conducted the assessment.

When serving hot dishes (soups, sauces, drinks) must have a temperature of at least 75 ° C, main courses and side dishes - at least 65 ° C, cold soups, drinks - no higher than 14 ° C. On a hot stove or food warmer, ready-made first and second courses can be no more than 2-3 hours from the moment of manufacture. Salads, vinaigrettes, gastronomic products, other cold dishes and drinks must be displayed in portioned form in a refrigerated display case and sold within one hour.

The next day it is forbidden to leave b:

Salads, vinaigrettes, pates, jellies, aspic dishes, products with cream and other especially perishable cold dishes (except for those types for which the expiration dates have been extended by Rospotrebnadzor in the prescribed manner);

Milk, cold, sweet soups, puree soups;

Portioned boiled meat for first courses, pancakes with meat and cottage cheese, minced meat, poultry, fish products;

Sauces, omelettes, mashed potatoes, boiled pasta;

Beverages own production.

In exceptional cases, the remaining food is cooled and stored at a temperature of + 4 +/- 2 ° C for no more than 18 hours (with a mandatory mark). Before being sold, it is tasted, again subjected to heat treatment and tasted again. At the same time, the period for the sale of such food should not exceed one hour. Freshly prepared food should not be mixed with leftovers from the previous day.

Ready meals are served in clean, dry dishes. Reuse of disposable tableware is prohibited. Finished products are transported (if necessary) in thermoses and in specially selected, well-washed dishes with tight-fitting lids. At the same time, the shelf life of hot dishes in thermoses should not exceed 3 hours (including the time of their transportation).

Measures to combat insects and rodents

In catering establishments, the presence of insects and rodents is unacceptable (clause 12.1 of the Sanitary Rules). To combat them, modern and effective means permitted by Rospotrebnadzor. For the destruction of flies, the use of means such as adhesive tapes and surfaces is not allowed.

The necessary measures are being taken in accordance with the hygienic requirements for disinfection and disinfestation work.

Personal hygiene of personnel

Sanitary requirements for personal hygiene of personnel are regulated by Ch. XIII Sanitary Rules. Persons entering a catering establishment for work undergo preliminary and periodic medical examinations upon admission, professional hygienic training and certification in the prescribed manner. Without training and attestation, graduates of higher, secondary and special educational institutions within the first year after graduation. Before field trip students must undergo both a medical examination and hygienic training in the prescribed manner.

The results of medical examinations, information about the transferred infectious diseases, a mark on the passage of hygienic training and certification is entered in a personal medical book.

Catering company employees obliged:

Leave outerwear, shoes, headwear, personal items in the dressing room;

Before starting work, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, put on clean sanitary clothes, pick up your hair under a cap, scarf or put on a special hairnet;

Work in clean sanitary clothing, change it as it gets dirty;

When visiting the toilet, remove sanitary clothing in a specially designated place; after visiting the toilet, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water;

If there are signs of a cold or intestinal dysfunction, as well as suppuration, cuts, burns, inform the administration and contact a medical institution for treatment;

Report all cases of illness intestinal infections in the employee's family;

When preparing dishes, culinary products and confectionery, remove jewelry, watches and other breakable objects, cut nails short and do not varnish them, do not fasten overalls with pins;

Do not smoke or eat at the workplace (eating and smoking - in a specially designated room or place).

Locksmiths and other workers engaged in repairs in production and storage facilities work in workshops in clean sanitary (or special) clothes, carry tools in special closed boxes. When carrying out work, it is necessary to exclude contamination of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products. Each institution should have a first aid kit with a set of medicines for first aid. medical care.

Production control

In accordance with the Sanitary Rules SP 1.1.1058-01, production control must be organized in all catering establishments, regardless of ownership. Laboratory studies on microbiological indicators should also be carried out. Order and frequency production control, including laboratory tests, are established by the enterprise in agreement with Rospotrebndzor (clause 14.3 of the Sanitary Rules).

By letter No. 01/4801-9-32 dated 13.04.2009, Rospotrebnadzor sent Model Production Control Programs (including at public catering establishments) to inform business entities and management. The note to the Exemplary Model Program for Laboratory and Instrumental Research as part of Production Control at Public Catering Enterprises indicates that the presented plan for minimum laboratory and instrumental research is one of the sections of the Production Control Program developed by a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur in accordance with the requirements of technical regulations, state sanitary and epidemiological rules and other regulatory legal acts. At public catering facilities selling non-perishable food products in industrial packaging and (or) alcoholic drinks(bars, wine glasses, etc.), laboratory and instrumental studies are not required as part of production control.

Compliance with sanitary rules

In accordance with clause 15.1 of the Sanitary Rules, the head of a public catering enterprise must ensure:

Availability at each enterprise of these sanitary rules and the implementation of their requirements by all employees;

Organization of production and laboratory control;

Necessary conditions for compliance with sanitary norms and rules at all stages of the preparation and sale of dishes and products that guarantee their quality and safety for the health of consumers;

Employment of persons with a permit for health reasons, who have undergone professional, hygienic training and certification;

The availability of personal medical books for each employee and the timely passage by them of preliminary admission and periodic medical examinations;

Organization of course hygienic training and retraining of personnel under the hygienic training program at least 1 time in 2 years;

Implementation of resolutions, instructions of bodies and institutions of Rospotrebnadzor;

Availability sanitary journal the prescribed form;

Daily maintenance of the necessary documentation (marriage journals, personnel examination journals for pustular and acute respiratory diseases, a journal for quality control of frying fats, etc.)

Working conditions of employees in accordance with applicable law, sanitary regulations, hygienic standards;

Organization of regular centralized washing and repair of sanitary and special clothing;

Correct operation of technological, refrigeration and other equipment of the enterprise;

Carrying out activities for disinfection, disinsection and deratization;

Availability of first aid kits and their timely replenishment, etc.

Compliance with sanitary rules is mandatory for citizens, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities (Article 39 of Federal Law N 52-FZ).

V.A. Kuznetsova, expert of the journal "Public Catering Enterprises: Accounting and Taxation" . Magazine "Public Catering Enterprises: Accounting and Taxation", N 3, March 2010

The documents:

*(1) Decrees of the FAS MO dated October 21, 2009 N KA-A41 / 10498-09, FAS UO dated November 2, 2009 N F09-8458 / 09-C1, dated January 27, 2009 N F09-10591 / 08-C1.

*(2) the federal law dated 30.03.1999 N 52-FZ "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population".

*(3) Put into effect by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of November 8, 2001 N 31.

*(4) Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations " Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for water quality of centralized drinking water supply systems. Quality control. SanPiN", put into effect by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of September 26, 2001 N 24.

*(5) Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations "Hygienic requirements for water quality of non-centralized water supply. Sanitary protection sources. SanPiN", put into effect by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of November 25, 2002 N 40.

* (6) "Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises. Sanitary rules and norms. SanPiN", approved. Decree of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Russian Federation of October 1, 1996 N 21.

* (7) Construction norms and rules of the Russian Federation "SNiP 23-05-95. Natural and artificial lighting", approved. Decree of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation of 02.08.1995 N 18-78.

*(8) Order of Rospotrebnadzor dated 20.05.2005 N 402 "On a personal medical book and a sanitary passport".

*(9) Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of June 29, 2000 N 229 "On Professional Hygienic Training and Certification of Officials and Employees of Organizations".

*(10) Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of November 14, 2001 N 36 "On the Enactment of the Sanitary Rules" (together with the Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Regulations "Hygienic requirements for the safety and nutritional value of food products. SanPiN" , approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on November 6, 2001).

*(11) Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of 05.22.2003 N 98 "On the Enactment of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Standards SanPiN 2.3.2. food storage conditions. SanPiN", approved by the Chief State Doctor of the Russian Federation on May 21, 2003).

*(12) Appendix 1 to SanPiN

* (13) "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization and implementation of disinfection activities. SP 3.5.1378-03", approved. Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation 07.06.2003.

*(14) "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for deratization. SP", approved. Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation 07/12/2002.

* (15) "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements to the organization and carrying out of disinsection actions against synanthropic arthropods. SanPiN", approved. Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation 04.06.2003.

* (16) Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of August 16, 2004 N 83 "On approval of the lists of harmful and (or) dangerous production factors and work, during the performance of which preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) are carried out, and the Procedure for conducting these examinations (examinations)" .

*(17) Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of June 29, 2000 N 229 "On professional hygienic training and certification of officials and employees of organizations".

*(18) Put into effect by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of 07/13/2001 N 18 and are valid until 12/31/2011.

*(19) In accordance with the methodological guidelines for sanitary and bacteriological control at public catering and food trade enterprises. Mu 2657-82, approved. Ministry of Health of the USSR 12/31/1982 N 2657.

When starting to prepare documents for opening a public catering establishment, you need to carefully study the norms of the SES for public catering, and the norms in 2017 remained practically unchanged. Most often, only the wording changes, the essence remains the same. Or they make additional clarifications to avoid confusion.

SES norms for catering include 16 sections, plus applications:

  • general provisions and scope;
  • requirements for the location of cafes and restaurants;
  • to water supply and sewerage of cafes and restaurants;
  • working conditions in industrial premises in cafes and restaurants;
  • to the arrangement and maintenance of the premises of cafes and restaurants;
  • to equipment, inventory, utensils in cafes and restaurants;
  • to the transportation and storage of raw materials, food products in cafes and restaurants;
  • to the processing of raw materials and the production of products in cafes and restaurants;
  • to the distribution of dishes and the release of semi-finished products and culinary products in cafes and restaurants;
  • sanitary regulations for the production of confectionery products with cream in cafes and restaurants;
  • sanitary requirements for the production of soft ice cream in cafes and restaurants;
  • measures to combat insects and rodents in cafes and restaurants;
  • sanitary requirements for personal hygiene of restaurant and cafe staff;
  • organization of production control in cafes and restaurants;
  • requirements for compliance with sanitary rules in cafes and restaurants;
  • requirements for temporary public catering organizations (tents, vans);
  • applications to SanPin

As you can see from the list, the standards of the sanitary and epidemiological station for public catering include an impressive list, but following all the requirements will bring success to your business.

Obtaining permission from SES for catering

Receipt required documents, it happens that it stretches for several months, sometimes longer, so permits for catering can be obtained, often, approximately simultaneously with a license for retail alcohol. This is due to the fact that the package of documents they have is almost the same. The SES permit is issued if the following documents are available:
  • Constituent documents of the organization;
  • Lease agreement or certificate of ownership of the premises;
  • Conclusion of the SES;
  • Conclusion of the UGPS (fire service);
  • KKM accounting card;
  • Garbage collection agreement.

SES requirements for catering 2017

The requirements put forward by the SES for catering somehow strikingly from year to year, do not change, most often there are amendments in the formations, the article will describe the main requirements as of 2016.
So, the requirements of ses are whole complex rather strict sanitary rules and every businessman working in the field of catering is obliged to know them thoroughly. Because their non-compliance leads to penalties and loss of reputation.

The requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological station for public catering are not some unreasonably high requirements. They are quite high, but it will not work to bypass them or follow them every other time. Such areas do not tolerate concessions. Power - fuel human life, there should be no negligence.

Here, the most important requirements of the SES for public catering are highlighted, the violation of these rules is striking when checking your establishment.

There are two types of enterprises related to public catering, they are prescribed in the legislation as follows:

  • Enterprises that produce semi-finished products from products. This applies to special workshops that prepare semi-finished products in advance. Factories or combines specializing in the sale of finished products.
  • Catering establishments that sell prepared food. Those who have the right to work with raw materials (canteens, restaurants, etc.), with semi-finished products (buffets, cafes, restaurant cars, etc.).
But still there are SES requirements that can restrict the work of some enterprises, not allowing them to have their own production, they include some types of canteens, bars, points of sale for cooking and semi-finished products.
The organization of the preservation of perishable products at these types of enterprises is no different and involves the use of special equipment that meets SES requirements and maintain the required temperature.
When SES visits a facility, the relevant requirements are checked first.
Do not violate the neighborhood rules, storage and defrosting conditions, etc.

Conclusion of SES for catering

In order to obtain the conclusion of the SES for catering, you will need to provide the following documents:

  • certificate of registration of the organization;
  • lease contract;
  • assortment list of products sold in 3 copies;
  • sanitary passports - for the object and for transport, if it will be used;
  • an agreement with some service for disinfection (insect control) and deratization (rodents);
  • a disinfection log registered with the SES;
  • garbage collection agreement
  • a project for redevelopment or reconstruction of the premises, agreed with the SES, if any;
  • medical books for all employees with all the affixed tests.
Among other things, you need to notify Rospotrebnadzor of the start of activities.
You can entrust the collection of documents to special companies, but you still have to familiarize yourself with the list of necessary documents, at least in order to regulate and check the process of collecting the necessary papers.

SES rules for catering

Following the guidelines will help your establishment build and maintain a reputation.
The SES rules for catering include an extensive list of compliance with a whole list of regulatory legal acts. You can purchase their printed version (it must still be present for review at the enterprise) or study the electronic version.

Magazines in catering for SES

In every institution engaged in public catering, it is a necessary condition for the availability of accounting journals.

Magazines in public catering for SES, which are needed first of all:

  • arrival and consumption of disinfectants;
  • cleaning and disinfection measures for cafe air ventilation and air conditioning systems;
  • registration of legal checks. faces;
  • marriage journal;
  • accounting for the temperature regime of refrigeration equipment;
  • temperature and humidity control;
  • accounting for general cleaning;
  • disinfection of refrigeration equipment;
  • washing and disinfection of equipment;
  • biowaste accounting;
  • control of the operation of sterilizers form 257 y
  • accounting for disinfection, disinfestation and deratization;
  • input control (developed for incoming raw meat and fish);
  • accounting for production control in public catering;
  • registration of emergencies;
  • on safety;
  • production and technical control, approved by the SES for catering.

SES documents for catering

When opening your establishment, you need to have the following SES documents for catering:
  • Notification of the start of production activities;
  • Production Control Program (PPC) for catering;
  • Evidence of registration of an LLC or individual entrepreneur;
  • Lease agreements (if necessary, also renting a parking lot for a cafe, extensions), for following the PPK, certification services for the facility;
  • Positive decision of the fire inspection;
  • Establishment agreement;
  • Set of rules;
  • The decision to appoint Gen. director;
  • Cafe schedule approved by Gen. director;
  • Certificate of the State Statistics Committee;
  • Extract from the USR;
  • Certificate of registration;
  • Certificate of ownership of the property;
  • Conclusion SES cafe.

SES permission for catering

If you plan to engage in catering, then you must have permission from the SES for catering, for this you must provide a package of documents:
  • a copy of the certificate of state registration IP or legal persons (OGRN);
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or EGRIP;
  • a copy of the certificate of tax registration (TIN);
  • a lease agreement for the premises or a certificate of ownership of it;
  • the previous conclusion of the SES for the implementation of this type of activity (if it was drawn up);
  • routing production, capacity of the facility, a list of installed and proposed equipment for installation;
  • project documentation (if there were changes), as well as a project of ventilation communications (passport for the ventilation system);
  • floor explication of the premises and BTI plan;
  • SES conclusion on compliance with project documentation (if any).
  • garbage collection agreement (if necessary).

If all this documentation is available, the catering SES is checked and on the basis of this a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion is issued.

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