The most interesting facts and articles of the world. The most incredible and interesting facts that few people know about


Incredible facts Do you know what average life expectancy Was in Ancient Egypt , in which city, and is there a month without

full moon? We invite you to learn about this and much more in our collection. interesting facts

1) from all over the world. Butterflies in the stomach when seeing or thinking about your lover are actually the result of a stress response caused by adrenaline. A similar state of excitement can also be experienced with any other stressful situations , for example, before exams, important meeting

2) , going on stage and so on. Bags that you can't buy at a discount . Every year the company Louis Vuitton

burns all his unsold bags. Why does the company's management think it is better to burn them than to discount them? It believes that this way the value of their bags will never decrease. 3) In the UK you can find in police cars teddy bear, to calm children after accidents. Also, in cars that go to the scene of accidents, in addition to a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher,

4) blankets, towels, a shovel, a broom, road spikes and some special equipment. moonwalk appeared at least 50 years before birth Michael Jackson

, however, it was thanks to him that it became so popular. Before the singer, this dance technique was performed by clowns, tap dancers, film artists, and so on. Before Jackson, I dabbled in the moonwalk no less famous performer David Bowie

back in the 1960s, although his performance style was somewhat different. 5) Word Canada () Kanata is of Indian origin and means"Big Village" . The names of some other countries in local dialects may also surprise you. For example, Kyrgyzstan -"land of four tribes" , Luxembourg –"little castle" , Madagascar –"end of the world" , Sri Lanka -"beautiful land" , Thailand –"land of the free" , Zimbabwe –"stone dwellings" , Cyprus –"copper" , Guinea –

"women". 6) To avoid crying while peeling onions, need to chew gum

7) . There are many ways to help avoid tears in the kitchen, including special glasses, wetting your knife with water, or freezing onions before chopping. When you sneeze, a special "sneeze center" in the brain sends motor impulses along the nerves that control the muscles of the abdomen, chest, diaphragm, neck, face, eyelids and various sphincters, as well as the glands that produce mucus, blood vessels nose All this happens automatically.

8) Money is not actually made from pure paper, but with the addition of cotton and synthetic fibers. This helps improve their strength while maintaining ease of handling. Not all countries use these materials for production" paper money"For example, in Romania, banknotes are made of special plastic and are not easily torn.

9) Most of dust particles in our apartment consist of dead skin flakes of its inhabitants. We leave dust literally everywhere.

10) In Sweden until September 3, 1967 there was right-hand traffic. On day H at 5 am everyone vehicles had to change the side of the road, switching to left-hand traffic. Following these changes, the world of motor transport has seen significant reduction in accidents during the first few months, since drivers most likely drove more carefully to get used to the innovation. The center of Stockholm that day looked like this:

11) In Los Angeles more cars than people. In this large California metropolis, people seem to have stopped walking, so many residents own multiple cars. Traffic jams in this city are a common occurrence.

1) February 1865– the only recorded month when there was no full moon. As you know, there is one full moon per month, since the Moon revolves around the Earth in 27.32 days, but in rare cases there may be two - at the beginning calendar month and at the very end. This full moon is called Blue Moon, and it happens approximately once every 2.7 years. In 2012 there were as many as two blue moon– August 2 and 31, and the next one is expected on July 2, 2015.

2) A day on Venus lasts longer than a year. This is due to the fact that our neighbor Venus rotates around its axis more slowly than it manages to make a full revolution around the Sun.

3) In space astronauts can't cry, because due to the lack of gravity, tears cannot flow down the cheeks. However, in space it is impossible to do many other things that we are accustomed to while on Earth.

4) Traces left on the Moon by American astronauts, will remain on its surface for millions of years until some meteorite falls on them. This is not surprising, because on the Moon there are no winds and no precipitation that would blow them away or wash them away.

Interesting statistics: interesting facts in numbers

1) On average people laugh about 15 times a day. Laughing naturally can help you relax, calm your nerves, and improve your overall well-being. This is why laughter is very useful.

2) Cats and dogs consume food by 7 billion dollars a year. The modern food industry is not particularly kind to our pets. good products. Although giving food is much more convenient than preparing food, consider whether it is worth stuffing your cats and dogs with unknown things. Most foods do not carry any nutritional value , and animal fats are replaced with vegetable fats.

3) Throughout your life you use just over 27 tons of food, this is the weight of only 6 elephants. If you doubt this, just count how many foods you eat per day, and then multiply the number of days average duration life. Maybe for some people these numbers will be much higher.

4) If you lick the stamp, you waste one tenth of a calorie. This is how much energy our body spends to do this work.

5) Fingernails grow approximately 4 times faster than on your feet.

6) To cook a portion of pasta, it takes on average about 2 liters of water, and to wash the pan after them - 4 liters.

7) Lightning strikes our planet about 6 thousand times every minute.

8) Every year there are deaths in the world more people caused by donkeys than in plane crashes. Airplanes are actually one of the safest modes of transport, as they get into accidents much less often than the same cars or other types of ground transport.

9) Only 1 person out of 2 billion will live to see 116 years or more. Despite the fact that today there are not many centenarians among us, by the standards of ancient people, we are all centenarians. Modern medicine works wonders, prolonging the lives of people suffering from even the most serious and incurable diseases.

10) 40 percent of owners dogs and cats carry photographs of their pets in their wallets. Even more sleep in the same bed with them and eat from the same plate, despite warnings from experts that pets carry dangerous diseases.

11) Reuse one glass bottle allows you to save energy, which will be enough to watch TV within 3 hours.

12) Studies have shown that if a cat falls from the 7th floor, it will 30 percent less likely survive than a cat falling from the 12th floor. Probably, while flying the first 8 floors, she understands what is happening to her, relaxes and can adjust her position.

13) The average person sees more than 1460 dreams annually. We simply do not remember most of our dreams, so we believe that we are not dreaming.

14) The number of chickens currently living on the planet is approximately equals number of living people.

15) Most popular male name in the world - Muhammad(in honor of the Prophet Muhammad), and the most popular female nameAnna.

16) The average person blinks 20 million times a year.

17) Human scent 20 times weaker than a dog's sense of smell.

18) You are more likely to be stung by a bee on a windy day than in any other weather.

19) When equal conditions hot water turn to ice faster than cold. This is due to evaporation. Hot water loses mass, so it will take less time to freeze it.

20) Statistically you more likely You're more likely to die from a champagne cork than from a spider bite.

1) Cats do not meow to communicate with each other, but only to communicate with a person. Cat kidneys work so efficiently that they can even process sea water, filtering salt. There are 32 muscles in a cat's ear.

2) Giraffe can live without water longer than a camel. He can also clean his ears with his long tongue. average length which is 50 centimeters. Giraffes also lack vocal cords.

3) Birds gravity is needed to swallow, so if you launch them into space, they will starve to death in zero gravity.

4) The goldfish's memory lasts no more than 3 seconds. Jellyfish are 95 percent water. The shark is the only fish that can blink both eyes at the same time, and also senses blood dissolved in water in proportions - 1 part blood per 100 million parts water.

5) The most tall tree on the planet - Sequoia Hyperion, which grows in national park "Redwood", California. Its exact location is kept secret and only a few scientists know it. The tree reaches a height of 115.61 meters.

6) Representatives of the species nine-banded armadillos are of particular interest to science, since they produce mainly 4 cubs of the same sex, who are identical twins. These mammals are one of the few, other than rats and related primates, that may suffer from leprosy.

7) Newborn blackbirds eat for the first time up to 4.5 meters of worms in a day.

8) When the bats fly out of their cave to hunt, they always turn left.

9) Camel milk never curdles. To protect your eyes from sandstorms, camels have three whole centuries, and they also learned to cover their nostrils to prevent sand from getting into them.

10) Dolphins sleep with one eye open. They can also turn off one part of the brain during sleep, when the other part is awake and can observe what is happening around.

11) Emu and kangaroo they don’t know how to move, backing away, for this reason they appeared on the coat of arms of Australia, and not at all because they are found only on this continent.

12) In bees hair grows in front of the eyes, and mosquitoes have teeth.

13) Over the past 4 thousand years, not a single new animal was not domesticated. The first animal that began to live next to humans was the dog, and the last to be domesticated guinea pigs and mice.

14) You can buy in Tokyo wigs for...dogs. However, dog accessories of “human origin” can already be obtained anywhere or ordered on the Internet.

15) To lobster reached a weight of 0.5 kilograms, it takes 7 years. It is not possible to breed them in captivity, so this species of crustacean is currently in danger of extinction.

16) Most cows give more milk if during milking they play nice music.

17) About a thousand birds dies every year from hitting the glass of houses. This happens for a number of reasons, but mainly due to the fact that she “recognizes” the opponent in the glass and tries to attack him.

18) Reindeer love bananas. By the way, mosquitoes also love the smell of bananas. Studies have shown that mosquitoes target people who have recently eaten these fruits.

19) Some tapeworms start eating themselves, if there is no food nearby.

Some eyelash worms capable under unfavorable conditions environment fall to pieces. These pieces are then reunited if conditions improve. Biologists call this phenomenon "self-medication".

If such a worm is deliberately divided into parts, each part will have good conditions grow up missing organs and they turn into separate healthy individuals!

20) The elephant is the only animal that can't jump. However, they have a large number of talents for example, some of them can draw, and others can even talk!

21) Green grasshoppers can hear using holes in their hind legs.

22) The penguin is the only bird in the world that can swim, but can't fly. Other flightless birds, including ostriches, ... cannot swim.

23) The location of a donkey’s eyes does not allow the animal see your 4 legs at the same time.

24) Starfish- the only animal that can turn your stomach inside out.

25) The Cafe2Go cafe chain in Dubai began making lattes and cappuccinos using camel milk- an important food product for Bedouins, desert inhabitants. Products containing camel milk began to be called Camellos (Italian camel).

Desert inhabitants have been eating camel milk since ancient times, but for some time they stopped favoring this product. Today it looks like he's coming back.

1) A nation without old people: Around 3,000 years ago, most Egyptians did not live past 30 years of age. The Egyptians also had strange habits, for example, instead of pillows, they placed stones under their heads. The Egyptians invented contraception, which was made from crocodile skin back in 2000 BC.

2) According to the British law that came into force in 1845, attempted suicide was considered a crime that was punished death penalty . If a suicide, for example, was unable to kill himself in a suicide attempt, the official authorities helped him in this by hanging.

3) In Germany, near nursing homes there are fake bus stops . Signs about the movement of regular transport are installed in these places to make it easier to find elderly people who are suddenly about to leave the establishment and go home.

We've already been waiting for 2 hours... maybe we should have taken a taxi?

4) According to channel National Geographic, red-haired people will disappear by 2060. There are many known in history famous people with red hair, including William Shakespeare, Christopher Columbus and Queen Elizabeth.

5) In Mexico there is dying ancient language, which only 2 people know, but they don't talk to each other.

On the tongue Ayapaneco the ancient inhabitants of modern Mexico spoke for many centuries. It survived the Spanish invasion, numerous wars, revolutions, famines and floods. But today, like many other Aboriginal languages, it has practically disappeared.

Manuel Segovia believes that he has no one else to speak his native language with

There are only 2 people left who can speak it. Manuel Segovia(77 years old) and Isidro Velazquiz(69 years old) live just 500 meters from each other in the village of Ayapa in the southern Mexican state of Tabasco. These two people avoid each other and do not want to communicate.

6) Oldest man in the world turned out to be a fake.

In 2010, when Tokyo officials decided to congratulate the oldest person on the planet, who turned 111 years old, they found instead of an old man skeleton of a 30-year-old man. Cunning family received a pension for him for many years, although in fact he had been dead for a long time.

7) 12 newborns per day ends up with the wrong parents. A newborn is born without kneecaps. These organs develop later, 2-6 years after birth.

8) Heartbeat in women faster than men. On average, the human heart makes 100 thousand beats per day.

9) Human teeth as hard as rocks, and the femur is harder than concrete. A quarter of all the bones in our body are concentrated in the feet. Our

14) Goethe couldn't stand the barking of dogs. He could only write if there was a rotten apple in his desk.

15) Leonardo da Vinci invented scissors. He was also credited with inventing the searchlight, the tank and even the bicycle.

16) Michael Jordan earns in Nike in year more money than all the company's factory workers in Malaysia combined.

17) Sigmund Freud had an unhealthy fear of ferns.

18) Inventor of the microwave oven Percy Spencer invented this miracle of technology when he noticed that while working with a powerful electric lamp, the chocolate in his pocket melted very quickly. One of the first microwaves looked like this (1940s):

19) The Ramses brand of condoms was named after Egyptian pharaoh Ramses II, who, however, apparently did not use condoms or any other means of contraception, so he had neither more nor less, but 160 children.

20) Inventor of the light bulb Thomas Edison was afraid of the dark.

Interesting Facts:

In the life of the world around us, many new, interesting and unusual things happen every day. But do we know about all this? After all, everyday life modern people proceed in the flow and cycle of urgent and pressing matters. Sometimes there is absolutely no time to learn about something interesting. It often happens that you only have time to watch a news report, hear something really interesting out of the corner of your ear, but there is no time to find out more about it. If you are tired of hearing about the same events on TV and radio, reading about them in daily news programs and websites, if you don’t have time to watch educational cable channels, check out the selection interesting facts on our website. Here you can find the most interesting facts about our planet, about people, unusual data about animals and flora, interesting facts about the development of nanotechnology, about new space developments. The site publishes and constantly updates new data and facts from various fields of human knowledge - politics, education, science, history, art, psychology of human relationships, home economics. Here you can get acquainted with achievements in the field of science and technology, learn something new from the world of tourism, read Interesting Facts from life like ordinary people, and world celebrities. At any convenient time, when you have a minute at home or at work and have an Internet connection, the site invites you to recharge yourself with positivity and learn a lot of new, useful and interesting things. If you love nature then Interesting Facts about animals will certainly not leave you indifferent. Text news is accompanied by corresponding photographic material illustrating the content. Getting to know new interesting events and unusual data will help relieve fatigue at the end of the working day, provide relief from hard work, and improve your mood. All people have a thirst for learning new and unknown things, love to travel, but not everyone can afford it sufficiently. As a result, many curious things remain unknown to each of us. But now the most Interesting Facts, published and constantly updated on the site, make it possible to fill this gap. And let new knowledge make life at least a little more interesting. After all, it’s always nice to share unusual news with friends or tell your household about it!

© 2019 All rights reserved. When copying materials, a link to the site is required. On our planet there are heaven and hell, seamounts that make the Himalayas look like toys. In this land there are cities whose area is larger than Austria or Belgium, and states that do not have an official capital. The strangest, most interesting and amazing facts

about the world are included in today's selection.

Chongqing is called the second capital of China, and it is famous for the fact that it occupies an area larger than the whole of Austria or Belgium. The metropolis is home to 30 million people - a number that makes it the absolute record holder of the planet. And this is not the limit, because Chongqing is growing and expanding. Beautiful city can’t even be called a stretch - narrow cramped streets, piles of ugly buildings, gloomy alleys, dozens automobile factories And chemical production

. In Chongqing, the same number of houses, buildings, bridges and other structures are built in a year as in 20 years in Moscow. Perhaps in a few years the largest metropolis will change, because old neighborhoods are being actively demolished, and modern skyscrapers are rising in their place. But this is unlikely to make Chongqing any more comfortable.

Countries without railways

There are many such states not only in Asia, but also in Europe. In Iceland, the transport infrastructure is well developed - passengers are served by buses, planes, ships, but railways there is no.

In Qatar, where the population exceeds 800 thousand people, there is also no railway service. It is absent in Guinea, Bhutan, Nepal, and Afghanistan.

This list includes European countries Liechtenstein, Malta, Andorra. They, like Iceland, occupy a small territory. Land in the states is expensive, there is a shortage of it, and the terrain is mountainous, so the construction of railway lines is impractical.

There are no trains and Caribbean Islands, with the exception of Cuba. It is the only island in the region where a railway is built.

E, O, I, Yu

These are not vowel letters of the alphabet, but names of cities. E is located in France, on the coast of the Bresle River. It is home to about 8 thousand inhabitants. The indigenous population is called Eys.

In Lofoten, Norway, tourists can hear one local inviting another to go fishing in O. This is not a joke, but an unusual name for a fishing village. It comes from the word "A", which in Old Icelandic meant "river".

Mentions of locality date from the mid-16th century. It attracts tourists not only with its short name, but also with the museums of fish and the history of the village that operate here.

Ypsilonians - this is what the residents of the French commune I, located 100 km from Paris, call themselves. Its population is less than 100 people, but even in such sparsely populated places of our world there are amazing facts.

Yi, for example, has a sister village with the unpronounceable name Llanwirepullgwyngillgogerychverndrobullllantysilyogogogoch. One can only guess how customers pronounce it when they order tickets at train stations.

8 thousand people permanently live in the Swedish city of Yu. The medieval town is popular among travelers, because most of its buildings are wooden. And these are not only residential buildings, but also churches and public institutions.

It seems that residents are satisfied with short names, although the authorities of the countries periodically raise the topic of their possible renaming. They believe that the renaming will make it easier for users to find information of interest on the Internet.

The resort to which they usually send

In the southwestern part of Mexico there is a beautiful resort with pristine coastline. It stretches for almost 4 km along the Pacific coast. The beach areas are wide, sandy, and secluded bays are created especially for lovers. They are protected from the wind by green hills and a transparent blue sky.

In this resort location, anyone can buy a villa or condominium apartment with stunning views from the windows. A 2-room apartment costs 30-40 thousand dollars. This place is called Nahui and looks very picturesque.

Nauru is a country without a capital

This state can be walked around in 2 hours - length 6 km, width 4 km. Nauru is located on the coral island of the same name in western Oceania and is considered the only country in the world that does not have an official capital. The compact territory is divided into districts.

The first people appeared in Nauru more than 3 thousand years ago. When Captain Firn discovered the island in 1798, it was already inhabited by 12 tribes. They had no idea about state system and way of life, they survived by fishing, growing coconuts and knew how to do without the benefits of civilization.

Today the tiny country is barely surviving - tours to the island are not popular due to the lack of local color, high humidity and heat of 40-42 degrees. Nauru is located almost on the equator. The state of the ecology is deplorable - over the decades that phosphorites were mined here, instead of soil, a “lunar landscape” remained.

The longest mountains are at the bottom

Sometimes, to find the most amazing facts in the world, you need to go down to ocean floor. In our case - to the bottom Atlantic Ocean, which the Mid-Atlantic Ridge divided into two almost equal parts - western and eastern.

The mountain range underwater is a world record holder for the longest. Its length is 18 thousand km, its width is almost a thousand km, and its height is small for mountains - at the peaks it does not exceed 3 km.

While studying the relief of the mountain range, scientists discovered an interesting pattern: the further away from the rift valley, the older the basalt rocks. Their age was determined by archaeologists and geologists - 70 million years.

Mississippi changed direction

In 1811, an earthquake occurred in New Madrid, and in 1812, another occurred in the town of Missouri. Seismologists estimated the power of the elements at 8 points on the Richter scale.

Those earthquakes were the most powerful in North America– as a result, huge areas went underground, and new lakes formed in their place. The Mississippi River changed course in a short time and flowed in the opposite direction. Its waters formed the Kentucky Bend.

There are no rivers in Saudi Arabia

They were there before, but they dried up. During rains, dry river beds fill with water, but this water is stagnant and there is no flow in it. The Saudis are careful about fresh water.

In total, there are 17 states in the world that do not have a single river. Except Saudi Arabia the list includes Oman, Kuwait, Yemen, UAE, Monaco, Vatican and others.

There are no rivers in Monaco and the Vatican, because the territory of the states is small, there are no channels from which they could appear.

Sea without shores

The Sargasso Sea is the only one that has no shores. It is located in the western part of the Atlantic Ocean and poses a mystery to humanity. The fact is that the water in the Sargasso Sea has unique properties that are not typical for ocean waters.

The weather here is calm all year round and the sea is never stormy. For this property, the reservoir has gained notoriety as a ship graveyard. In the Middle Ages, sailing ships could not navigate when there was calm. The sailors were also unable to row with their hands - numerous algae got in the way. So, waiting for a fair wind, entire teams died.

This line is considered the longest railway in the world. The Great Siberian Road, as it was called in Tsarist Russia, connects Moscow and St. Petersburg with the largest cities in Siberia and the Far East.

The railway route stretches for almost 9.3 thousand km, crosses 3901 bridges, which is also an absolute record.

UFO exists

The fact of its existence was recognized by Chile, Italy and France. But Japan came first. This happened on April 17, 1981. The crew of a Japanese cargo ship saw a disk rise into the sky from the ocean waters. It glowed blue.

Taking off, the UFO stirred up such a powerful wave that it completely covered the ship. After this, the luminous plate circled over the ship for about 15 minutes, sometimes moving quickly, sometimes hovering in the air.

Then the UFO went into the water again, and the second wave damaged the ship's hull. Following the incident, the Coast Guard press officer officially stated that the atypical damage was due to a collision with a UFO.

Uganda is the youngest country

Experts predict that in 2100, 192.5 million people will live in Uganda.

It is curious that half of the residents are children and teenagers under 15 years old. Uganda is considered the youngest country on the planet.

Hell and Heaven on earth

Anyone can see what Hell looks like. True, for this you need to come to Norway and get to the city of Trondheim. From there it is 24 km to Hell.

Norwegian Hell has its own railroad station, shops, a blues music festival takes place every September. Unusual name the village inherited from the Old Norse word “hellir”, which is interpreted as “cave”, “rock”. But local residents I prefer the meaning of the homonym – “luck”.

Earthly Paradise is located in Great Britain, 80 km from London. It is permanently home to 4 thousand people. This compact town is built on a hill. Previously he was surrounded sea ​​water, and now that there is no sea, there are only 3 rivers left.

Paradise - ancient city, the first mention of it is in sources of 1024. The amazing thing is that its ancient streets, alleys, fortresses, houses, windows, roofs have been preserved almost in their original form. Rai has several charming cafes and shops where you can enjoy delicious coffee, tea and desserts. There is a complete feeling that time has turned back - to the 16-17th centuries.

Surely the most incredible facts will shock you. After all, it’s not every day that you hear what we’re going to tell you about right now. Of course, there are many more of them than in this article. But it’s impossible to describe everything, but some of them will certainly make your leisure time enjoyable.

So, here are the facts for your attention.

Surely you are well aware that since ancient times there have been legends that there are vampires on earth who want to drink your blood? So today, for suspicious people who believe in this, special kits for hunting vampires are sold. Yes, yes, there is everything you need to protect and counterattack the evil bloodsuckers!

An Englishman named Albert Marcantonio got into the Guinness Book of Records because he managed to grow the world's largest zucchini. Its length was 165 centimeters.

By the way, the most stolen book on the planet is the Guinness Book of Records. This fact will also be included in this book.

It is believed that the best trained dogs in the world are police dogs. They are capable of incredible endurance. We have collected everything in a separate article.

The gecko animal is a champion in camouflage. No one knows how to hide from the eyes of a predator as cleverly as this species of lizard.

Madagascar flat-tailed gecko

Did you know that the distance between and the USA is only 4 km? And this is not a joke at all! The distance between the Russian Ratmanov Island and the American Krusenstern Island is really only 4 km. So, on occasion, you can safely show off your knowledge of this incredible fact among your friends. It is also interesting that the Greenwich time difference between these islands is exactly 21 hours!

Surely you haven't heard anything about this amazing plant, as cardiocrinum, which translates as “Heart-shaped lily.” It seems incredible, but this miracle of nature blooms only once in a lifetime. Moreover, the plant spends all its energy on this task, and immediately after flowering it dies.

Scientists have long noticed that a person, in any incomprehensible area, is more inclined to go to the right than to the left. This feature is successfully used by all marketers in the world. When you come to a hypermarket, pay attention to how the stands are arranged.

The world's largest production car is the Ford F650. Its weight is 12 tons, and the cost is relatively low: only 70-80 thousand dollars.

This fact may seem incredible to you, but it is absolutely accurate: more than half of the population globe Rice is used as the main food product.

The most expensive tea in the world is considered to be Dahongpao - “Big Red Robe”. This is Chinese rock tea. It can only be bought at auction, and the cost can reach 70 thousand dollars per 100 grams.

Dubai - The largest city United United Arab Emirates. It's no secret that it is one of the richest cities. It is no coincidence that more than a hundred public transport stops there are equipped with air conditioning for comfortable waiting for transport.

By the way, also located in Dubai. Its height is 828 meters.

This incredible fact will seem unpleasant to music lovers, which includes the author of this article. The fact is that one hour of listening to music on headphones increases the number of ear bacteria by 700 times. Yes, sir, it would be better if I didn’t know this, since I still can’t give up headphones!

Nature never ceases to amaze us with its “tricks”. For example, a shrimp has a heart in its head. Poor thing!

In 1898-1910. The cough medicine was made from... heroin.

As you know, rats are one of the smartest animals in the world. They are also the only representatives of the animal kingdom that can laugh. This is truly an incredible fact.

Buckwheat is rarely respected among young people. However, it differs from many cereals in its unique properties and the presence huge amount useful substances. It’s time to write a separate article about it, but for now we’ll just say that it is buckwheat that can cleanse the stomach of chewing gum. Keep in mind!

It seems incredible, but bamboo can grow up to 3 meters in height in just 24 hours.

Iceland is unique in that it has black beaches. And all because of the black gravel and black boulders. There are only a few such beaches on the planet.

A specimen of sequoia is considered evergreen. This unique tree grows in the USA and has its own name - Hyperion. The height of this giant is 115.61 meters, and its age is 700-800 years. Its exact location is not disclosed so that the flow of tourists does not disturb the existing ecosystem there.

Pablo Escobar

This fact is so incredible that you might think it is not true. However, this is a completely reliable fact. The fact is that one of the most famous drug lords of the 20th century was the Colombian Pablo Escobar. His daughter said that once, when they were hiding from the police, they had to spend the night under open air. Since she was cold, her dad made a fire.

But there was no firewood anywhere, so he burned about $2 million overnight. Despite the extreme cruelty and many bloody murders on his conscience, he loved his family very much.

He owns the quote: “In this life I can find a replacement for any thing, but I will never find a replacement for my wife and children.” At the time of 1989, his fortune was estimated at $3 billion.

Well, that's where we'll end. Of course, these are not all the most incredible facts. But we hope that you enjoyed reading them.

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Historical facts Almost all peoples, nations and countries have it. Today we want to tell you about various interesting facts that happened in the world, which many people know, but it will be interesting to read again. The world is not ideal, just like people, and the facts about which we will tell will be bad. It will be interesting to you, since every reader will learn something educational within the framework of their interests.

After 1703, Poganye Prudy in Moscow began to be called... Chistye Prudy.

During the time of Genghis Khan in Mongolia, anyone who dared to urinate in any body of water was executed. Because water in the desert was more valuable than gold.

On December 9, 1968, the computer mouse was introduced at an interactive devices show in California. Douglas Engelbart received a patent for this gadget in 1970.

In England in 1665-1666, the plague devastated entire villages. It was then that medicine recognized smoking as beneficial, which supposedly destroyed the deadly infection. Children and teenagers were punished if they refused to smoke.

Only 26 years after the founding of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, its agents received the right to bear arms.

In the Middle Ages, sailors deliberately inserted at least one gold tooth, even sacrificing a healthy one. For what? It turns out that it was for a rainy day, so that in case of death he could be buried with honor far from home.

First in the world mobile phone This is a Motorola DynaTAC 8000x (1983).

14 years before the sinking of the Titanic (April 15, 1912), a story by Morgan Robertson was published that foreshadowed the tragedy. It is interesting that according to the book, the Titan ship collided with an iceberg and sank, exactly as it actually happened.

DEAN - The leader over the soldiers in the tents in which the Roman army lived, 10 people each, was called the dean.

The most expensive bathtub in the world is carved from a very rare stone called Caijou. They say that it has healing properties, and the places of its extraction are kept secret to this day! Its owner was a billionaire from the United Arab Emirates, who wished to remain anonymous. Le Gran Queen price is $1,700,000.

The English admiral Nelson, who lived from 1758 to 1805, slept in his cabin in a coffin that was cut out of the mast of an enemy French ship.

The list of gifts for Stalin in honor of his 70th birthday was published in advance in newspapers more than three years before the event.

How many types of cheese are produced in France? The famous cheese maker Andre Simon mentioned 839 varieties in his book “On the Cheese Business.” The most famous are Camembert and Roquefort, and the first appeared relatively recently, only 300 years ago. This type of cheese is made from milk with the addition of cream. After only 4-5 days of ripening, a crust of mold appears on the surface of the cheese, which is a special fungal culture

The famous inventor of the sewing machine, Isaac Singer, was simultaneously married to five women. In total, he had 15 children from all the women. He called all his daughters Mary.

27 million people died in the Great Patriotic War.

One of the unusual records for traveling by car belongs to two Americans - James Hargis and Charles Creighton. In 1930, they traveled over 11 thousand kilometers in reverse, traveling from New York to Los Angeles and then back.

Even two hundred years ago, not only men, but also women participated in the famous Spanish bullfights. This took place in Madrid, and on January 27, 1839, a very significant bullfight took place, because only representatives of the fairer sex took part in it. The Spaniard Pajuelera received the greatest fame as a matador. Women were banned from bullfighting in the early 20th century, when Spain was ruled by fascists. Women were able to defend their right to enter the arena only in 1974.

The first computer to include a mouse was the Xerox 8010 Star Information System minicomputer, introduced in 1981. The Xerox mouse had three buttons and cost $400, which corresponds to almost $1,000 in 2012 prices adjusted for inflation. In 1983, Apple released its own one-button mouse for the Lisa computer, the cost of which was reduced to $25. The mouse became widely known thanks to its use in Apple Macintosh computers and later in the Windows OS for IBM PC compatible computers.

Jules Verne wrote 66 novels, including unfinished ones, as well as more than 20 novellas and short stories, 30 plays, and several documentary and scientific works.

When Napoleon and his army headed for Egypt in 1798, he captured Malta along the way.

During the six days that Napoleon spent on the island, he:

Abolished the power of the Knights of Malta
-Reformed the administration with the creation of municipalities and financial management
-Abolished slavery and all feudal privileges
-Appointed 12 judges
-Layed the foundations of family law
-Introduced primary and general public education

65-year-old David Baird ran his own marathon to raise money for research into prostate and breast cancer. In 112 days, David traveled 4,115 kilometers, while pushing a car in front of him. And so he crossed the Australian continent. At the same time, he was on the move every day for 10-12 hours, and during the entire time he ran with a wheelbarrow, he covered a distance equal to 100 traditional marathons. This courageous man, having visited 70 cities, collected donations from Australian residents in the amount of about 20 thousand local dollars.

Lollipops appeared in Europe in the 17th century. At first they were actively used by healers.

The group “Aria” has a song called “Will and Reason”, few people know that this is the motto of the Nazis in fascist Italy.

A Frenchman from the town of Landes, Sylvain Dornon, traveled from Paris to Moscow, walking on stilts. Setting off on March 12, 1891, covering 60 kilometers every day, the brave Frenchman reached Moscow in less than 2 months.

The capital of Japan, Tokyo, on this moment- most Big city in the world with a population of 37.5 million people.

Rokossovsky is a marshal of both the USSR and Poland.

Despite the popular belief that the transfer of Alaska to the United States of America was carried out by Catherine II, the Russian Empress had nothing to do with this historical deal.

One of the main reasons for this event is considered to be military weakness. Russian Empire, which became obvious during the Crimean War.

The decision to sell Alaska was made during a special meeting that took place in St. Petersburg on December 16, 1866. Everyone was present top management countries.

The decision was made unanimously.

Some time later, the Russian envoy in the US capital, Baron Eduard Andreevich Stekl, proposed to the American government to buy Alaska from the Republic of Ingushetia. The proposal was approved.

And in 1867, for 7.2 million gold, Alaska came under the jurisdiction of the United States of America.

In 1502–1506 Leonardo da Vinci painted his most significant work - a portrait of Mona Lisa, the wife of Messer Francesco del Giocondo. Many years later, the painting received a simpler name - “La Gioconda”.

Girls in Ancient Greece got married at the age of 15. For men, the average age for marriage was a more respectable period - 30 - 35 years. The father of the bride himself chose a husband for his daughter and gave money or things as a dowry.

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