Phobia of money. Fear of touching money. Fear of Big Money Leads to Not Accepting Money

The effect phobias have on people can be very detrimental to emotional and mental health. Here is a list of some of the weird and funny phobias to help you better understand the causes of human fears.

1. Nomophobia - fear of not having a mobile phone

Perhaps the most incredible 21st century-generated phobia is a nomophobia attributed to people who cannot bear the thought of being unable to contact them through a mobile device. Recent studies have shown that about 50% of mobile phone users feel slightly anxious and very uncomfortable if for some reason they cannot use their mobile phone. And some of them are seized by widespread irrational panic in such cases.

2. Ephebiphobia - fear of adolescents

Fear and disgust for adolescents is a force that destroys families, communities and society as a whole. Known as ephebiphobia, this phenomenon is a widespread cultural force that drives adults to run away from children to restaurants, voters to campaign against high schools, and older people to move out of areas where teenagers live.

3. Scopophobia - fear of becoming an object of consideration

The list of funny and strange phobias continues with scopophobia, which causes awkwardness when looking at a person by other people. It may seem incredible, but scopophobes are terribly afraid of drawing attention to themselves. As a result, they shun people and become unsociable. Other people's views cause them paranoia, they stay at home all the time or retire, as far as possible, completely refusing to leave their own world. If they go out, they close as much as possible.

Scopophobia is indeed an extremely destructive phenomenon for the normal functioning of any person suffering from it. It can be caused by terrible events that happened to be experienced and that had a traumatic effect. These people may have faced rejection and ridicule because of any differences from others.

4. Phagophobia - fear of swallowing

Phagophobia is a type of neurosis characterized by an obsessive fear of choking on food while eating, caused by painful causes. Such reasons may be impaired swallowing, for example. In milder cases, phagophobes consume only soft and liquid food.

5 phobophobia - fear of phobias

Yes, that happens too. As you might have already guessed, phobophobia is the fear of starting to suffer from any phobias. Irrational fear of suffering from irrational fear is an irrational fear itself. Therefore, people suffering from an irrational fear of having irrational fears are aware of their irrational fear every day. Confused? How do you think these poor people live?

6. Horophobia - fear of dancing

Dancing is not only a popular form of exercise, but also a universal theme in many cultures around the world. However, there are still people out there who would rather sit out this song, even at social gatherings, because they are too shy to dance. This irrational fear of dancing is called chorophobia, but it is a fear not only of the process itself, but also of any person, place, event or situation associated with or symbolizing dancing.

7. Neophobia - fear of everything new

As a matter of fact, this is one of the most benign types of phobias that allows a person to live an ordinary life, if only to hang in time and do nothing that will bring novelty to life. Moving, changing jobs, other innovations in the usual, habitual life schedule can cause panic.

8. Ablutophobia - fear of washing

Ablutophobia is the official name for the all-consuming and truly destructive fear of everything that is associated with the process of bathing, washing or washing in general. This applies not only to the patient himself, but also to everyone around him and can result in serious medical conditions and the possibility of extreme desolation. As with many other phobias, there is little explanation for when or for what reason an attack of ablutophobia can occur. But fortunately, it is on the list of the most rare types of phobias, at least the most acute cases.

9. Trichophobia - fear of hair

Trichophobia refers to an uncontrollable fear or extreme aversion to tossing hair, which applies both to the patient himself and to those around him. One has only to say that such individuals cannot be called pet lovers, and the prohibition of any furry in the house is a rather difficult tip of the iceberg. Just imagine the feeling of nausea looking at a comb with hair, the urge to scream or cry when next to a person with a hair attached to his clothes, or lingering insomnia caused by the sight of a hair in a plate ...

10. Caliginephobia - fear of beautiful women

Beauty should delight and cause a desire to strive for it, but not in any way frighten. But there is caliginephobia, which refers to an unjustified fear of beautiful women. It is more common in adolescents and men, especially representatives of non-traditional sexual orientation.

11. Spectrophobia - fear of mirrors

It is also called eisoptrophobia and it refers to the fear of seeing oneself in a mirror, or awe in front of mirrors in general. This phobia can be triggered by some traumatic event where the victim believes they saw a ghost in the mirror. Also, the reason may be watching a horror movie in which mirrors are present.

12. Chrometophobia - fear of money

Excessive fear of money is undoubtedly one of the strangest phobias that you might not even know about. The fear of money can seem ridiculous when everyone else is in dire need of it. Some scientists believe that this phobia stems from obsessive-compulsive disorder, which stems from the fear of germs that may be on banknotes.

Chrometophobia should not be confused with the fear of getting rich. Sufferers of this rejection simply prefer using credit cards instead of money.

13. Peladophobia - fear of bald people

This is the absolute opposite of trichophobia. Are you worried about the presence of a bald man nearby? Then you can be a prime example of a person suffering from peladophobia. But what could be in a person without hair that induces such an attack of panic? The cause may come from early childhood or be hereditary.

14. Kathisophobia - fear of sitting or sitting down

If every time you have to sit down, you are overwhelmed by anxiety, it is difficult for you to breathe, you sweat, then you also have catisophobia. Fear of sitting can be the result of a traumatic event involving pain or punishment through sitting.

15. Ergophobia - fear of work

You can, of course, justify everything by laziness, but the fact is that there is an officially recognized fear of work, which is called ergophobia. In fact, this kind of phobia goes far beyond the work itself and can be an extreme dread of an activity in general, causing the patient to be unable to do anything productive.

No matter how strange and ludicrous the phobia may be, for people who have fallen under its tormenting influence, it does not seem banal. If you can't deal with your fear, seek medical attention. But don't let any phobia stop you from living a normal, full life.

Agree, many of us have conflicting feelings about money. On the one hand, we like the freedom they give us. On the other hand, we afraid to lose everything acquired by back-breaking labor.

Money can depreciate as during a default. And we afraid re-experience serious disappointment and pain of resentment. We are afraid that we may betray our values ​​in life by trying grow rich... We are afraid that our income, having taken off for a short time, will fall again, and falling from above - oh, how painful it is. We are afraid of big money because it means getting out of the shadows and getting noticed. We are afraid to name the price for our services.

The causes of these fears are often subconscious, beyond your control. Their roots go back to childhood or the ancestral system. For example, the fact that you can only work with your hands: then this is the right job, and everything else is not work, so you cannot take money for it.

These can be various subconscious programs that interfere with easily declaring prices for their services and being in such a state that the client wants to use them and will gladly pay the named price.

There are a lot of people in the world endowed with various talents and abilities. But many of them are poor and not in demand only because they are immersed in their fears: "Oh, what will they think of me if I do this?" "Maybe it's not worth the risk, what if I lose everything?"

Most people don't work as intended because fear that won't work that way. And this does not allow them to reveal themselves, their talents. When a person does not work for his intended purpose, he becomes unhappy, this can even lead to illness.

Many people understand that the occupation they earn is not a favorite, but they postpone changes because of fear. And they lose years of their lives, fearing to leave the hated work and do what their soul lies in.

Have you ever wondered that the reason for your lack of money is the subconscious? You seem to want to have wealth, but these fears are recorded in your subconscious mind, which do not let money into your life.

The reasons for the appearance of fears can be different - your parents' negative attitude to money, your unsuccessful attempts to make money, your environment, which believes that “money is not in happiness”, “money is evil” and much more.

Monetary fears can be classified as follows:

Fear of running out of money:

In order not to know this fear, it is useful to constantly develop, acquire new skills and abilities. The more professional and versatile you are, the more valuable you are. You will feel more confident as you understand what matters to the company you work for. At the same time, you will be able to change your place of work if necessary.

The fear of running out of money can be overcome with work. Even if you take on a simple job for which you will receive very little money, anxiety will decrease. And having received the first money after a situation of lack of money, you will have a second wind. And if the excitement - it will be even better!

In general, it is believed that in a stressful situation, or when there is nothing to lose, a person achieves great results.

Calm down, sit down, take a piece of paper and write down everything that you know how to do. Make a list of your abilities, knowledge and skills and evaluate what you want to do, in which area you would like to start realizing yourself and making money. Even if the money is small in the beginning, you will at least do what you like, and it will give you more strength.

Do not despair - you will succeed!

Fear of not being able to meet your daily needs:

This fear is a relative of the first and is treated with a similar medicine: broadening one's horizons, improving professionalism and qualifications. It makes sense to create additional sources of income, passive or active, or both at the same time.

Fear of losing earned money:

For many, one can observe the evolution of fears - at first it is the fear of not being able to earn enough money, and then this fear is replaced by the fear of losing what is already there. It also happens that this can simply develop into a fear of money - it is better not to have it so as not to lose it. This is perhaps the main fear that leads to everyone else.

Fear of Big Money:

On the one hand, people strive for money out of fear of being left without it, and it would seem that the more money the better. You may think that you want to earn large sums - one million, two million rubles a month. The paradox is that when it comes to specifics, everything changes. It turns out that a person is completely unprepared for large sums for him. Even a simple question "how much money do you want?" introduces many people to a stupor. And then, the person himself begins to put a spoke in his wheels, although he has enough opportunities.

Fear of voicing the cost of your services:

For free or for a symbolic price, everything is going well, but as soon as it comes to voicing the price, a person begins to sweat and speaks in a frightened, apologetic voice. Does anything to prevent the customer from buying.

Meanwhile, the ability to declare oneself occupies one of the most important places in the life of each of us. After all, we almost all sell something every day, even without standing behind the counter. We sell our time, skills, talents, ideas. And our success in life, including material well-being, depends on how effectively we do it. This fear is well treated by working out the ability to be visible, to declare oneself.

Fear of not being able to correspond to a certain social status:

In our society, the possession of things that have a certain value is a measure of status. Along with this, a specific fear of not conforming has appeared, which can hinder progress on the social ladder - they do not recognize them as their own, they will not respect, appreciate.

This often leads to the creation of beautiful decorations, behind which a rather modest backstage is hidden. Such a life for show, often leads to pointless spending and rather serious monetary losses.

Fear of losing your home as a result of divorce:

Today, when the divorce rate is very high, this is a common situation that leads to very unpleasant consequences when people continue to live in the same living space only for this reason, while poisoning the lives of each other and children. Therefore, you need to strive for financial independence and fulfillment of each of the spouses. Develop in matters of money, relationships with money, have their own sources of income.

Fear of being owed:

On the one hand, this is a very useful fear, which often protects a person from rash actions and helps to treat money wisely. On the other hand, due to such fears, many do not dare to open their own business and, as a result, change their lives, as a result of which new opportunities and a completely different financial level might appear.

There are, of course, exceptions to this rule - people who are devoid of this fear, easily incurring debts and not particularly burdening themselves with thoughts of repaying them.

Fear of unsecured old age:

A completely understandable and also quite treatable fear, provided that assets are created. It is now difficult to hope for decent social security after retirement. By taking timely steps in this direction, changing your thinking, creating appropriate sources of income (expertise, assets, your own business, investment), you can ensure yourself a comfortable and comfortable life later.

Fear of loss of investment:

Many people in our country have a sad experience of monetary losses as a result of unsuccessful investments in financial pyramids and similar organizations that promise high interest rates in a short time. The result of such experience is often fear of investing money in general, fear of having a lot of money, fear of money in general.

However, if you look at it, the cause of most of these losses was elementary financial illiteracy. After all, no one taught us this. Moreover, such a category did not exist in Soviet society.

Today, with the abundance and availability of information that we have at our disposal, we have the opportunity to competently manage our money, choose investment instruments, assess risks, invest and receive income. Financial literacy can help you become financially independent and cope with life-threatening monetary fears.

I think you have seen a lot of your fears. They live in us, many of them, we do not even realize and do not accept. They interfere with going forward and tell us: “Why are you trying to change something, it won't be better”, “You are not like that, you will never be rich”, “ Wealth these are just unnecessary problems "," Think about old age - it is better to work all your life in one place, but have a guaranteed pension, than to look for something better. "

Because of fears, we are afraid to do something in life, to leave low-paying jobs, start our own business, explore modern ways to generate passive income. After all, it is much easier to try not to notice problems than to honestly admit to yourself where you are now.

What exactly prevents people from really improving their lives? Why do the years go by, and they remain there?

The conclusion is very simple: no matter how much you talk about wealth and success - it is unrealistic to achieve this while fear sits inside.

Many fear to try something new in your life, so as not to lose at least what you have. As a result, you deny yourself the life that you really want.

What needs to be done to REALLY earn more money, climb the career ladder, and improve the quality of life?

You need to work through your fears and beliefs. Take action! There are tons of articles on this topic, start exploring!

1.selachophobia - fear of sharks

2.nasophobia - fear of disease

3.algophobia - fear of pain

4.jatrophobia - fear of doctors

5.acrophobia - fear of heights

6.Glossophobia - fear of speaking in public

7.brontophobia - fear of thunder

8.Ripophobia - fear of dirt

9.laustrophobia - fear of confined spaces

10.eisoptrophobia - fear of the mirror

11.Ophidiophobia - fear of snakes

12.dentophobia - fear of dentists

13.felinophobia - fear of cats

14.hematophobia - fear of blood

15.Rodentophobia - fear of rats

16.vespertiliophobia - fear of bats

17.ranidaphobia - fear of frogs

18.spermophobia - fear of germs

19.keraunophobia - fear of lightning

20.gephyrophobia - fear of bridges

21. monitorophobia - fear of observation

22.entomophobia - fear of insects

23.catagelophobia - fear of ridicule

24.Social phobia - fear of awkward behavior

25.Atychiphobia - fear of failure

26.Social phobia - fear of society

27. agoraphobia - fear of public places

28.Hoplophobia - fear of firearms

29. pyrophobia - fear of fire

30.eremophobia - fear of loneliness

31. aichmophobia - sharp objects

32. rejectophobia - fear of rejection

33. arachnophobia - fear of spiders

34.Skelerophobia - fear of bad people

35.aviaphobia - fear of flying

36.policyophobia - fear of the police

37.carcinomatophobia - fear of cancer

38.emetophobia - fear of vomiting

39.Herpetophobia - fear of reptiles

40.thanatophobia - fear of death

41.caninophobia - fear of dogs

42. aatemophobia - fear of aging

43. Ahluophobia - fear of the dark

44.terrorophobia - fear of terrorism

45.Ohlophobia - fear of the crowd

46. ​​necrophobia - fear of corpses

47.pnigophobia - fear of strangulation

48.trypanophobia - fear of injections

49. aquaphobia - fear of drowning

50.Dysmorphophobia - fear of physical disabilities

Full list of phobias:

CAD ‑ PHOBIA - fear of coronary heart disease

CDLD ‑ PHOBIA - fear of coal dust

CFS ‑ PHOBIA - fear of chronic fatigue syndrome

COPD ‑ PHOBIA - fear of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

CTS ‑ PHOBIA - fear of carpal tunnel syndrome

IBS ‑ PHOBIA - fear of irritable bowel syndrome

MVP ‑ PHOBIA - fear of mitral valve prolapse

OCD-PHOBIA - fear of obsessive-compulsive disorder

PLS ‑ PHOBIA - fear of phantom limb syndrome

PND ‑ PHOBIA - fear of postpartum depression

PTSD ‑ PHOBIA - fear of post-traumatic stress disorder

SAD ‑ PHOBIA - fear of seasonal affective disorder

SIDS-PHOBIA - fear of sudden infant death syndrome

TMJ ‑ PHOBIA - fear of a disorder of the temporomandibular joint

UFO ‑ PHOBIA - fear of UFOs

X ‑ PHOBIA - fear of the letter X

ABANNUMOPHOBIA - fear of abandonment

ABLUTOPHOBIA - fear of washing

ABORTIVUFOBIA - fear of abortion

AVIDOPHOBIA - fear of turning into a bird

AIRPHOBIA - fear of flying (in air vehicles)

AURORAPHOBIA - fear of the polar lights

AUSTRALOPHOBIA - fear of Australia (all Australian)


AGIOPHOBIA - fear of shrines

AGNOSOPHOBIA - fear of the unknown

AGONOPHOBIA - fear of rape (imaginary)

AGORAPHOBIA - fear of public places

AGRAPHOBIA - fear of violence

AGREXOPHOBIA - fear of love (making love)

AGRISOOPHOBIA - fear of wild animals

ADDICEROPHOBIA - fear of a bad habit

ASIAPHOBIA - fear of Asia (all Asian)

AIBOPHOBIA - fear of palindrome

AICHMOPHOBIA - fear of sharp objects

ACAROPHOBIA - fear of ticks

AQUAPHOBIA - fear of drowning

ACCULTURAPHOBIA - fear of assimilation

ACLIOPHOBIA - fear of deafness

ACONSIUSIOPHOBIA - fear of unconsciousness

ACROTOMOPHOBIA - fear of the amputated

ACROPHOBIA - fear of heights

ACUSAPUNGEREPHOBIA - fear of acupuncture

ACOUSTICOPHOBIA - fear of sounds

ALEKTOROPHOBIA - fear of roosters

ALKEPHOBIA - fear of deer

ALLIUMOPHOBIA - fear of garlic

ALLODOXOPHOBIA - fear of the opposite opinion

ALBUMINUROPHOBIA - fear of kidney disease

ALGOPHOBIA - fear of pain (own)

ALTOKALCIFOBIA - fear of shoes

AMAXOPHOBIA - fear of carriages

AMARUPHOBIA - fear of bitterness

AMATOPHOBIA - fear of dust

AMAUROPHOBIA - fear of blindness

AMBULAPHOBIA - fear of body movement

AMERIFOBIA - fear of America (all American)

AMICOPHOBIA - fear of scratching

AMNESIOPHOBIA - fear of amnesia

ANABLEPOPHOBIA - fear of looking up

ANASTEEMOPHOBIA - fear of height difference

ANGINOPHOBIA - fear of narrowness

ANGLOPHOBIA - fear of England (all English)

ANGROPHOBIA - fear of anger (fear of being angry yourself)

ANDROGINOPHOBIA - fear of hiding sex

ANDROMYMETOPHOBIA - fear of women who imitate men

ANDROTICOLOBOMASSOPHOBIA - fear of the ears (male)

ANDROPHOBIA - fear of men

ANECOPHOBIA - fear of homelessness

ANEMOPHOBIA - fear of the wind

ANIMATOPHOBIA - fear of cartoon characters

ANKYLOPHOBIA - fear of joint stiffness

ANTICOPHOBIA - fear of antiques

ANTHLOPHOBIA - fear of flooding

ANTOPHOBIA - fear of flowers

ANTHROPOPHOBIA - fear of people

ANUPTAFOBIA - fear of unmarried lifestyle

APEYROPHOBIA - fear of infinity

APOCALYPSOPHOBIA - fear of the apocalypse (end of the world)

APOTEMNOPHOBIA - fear of amputation

APPROBAREPHOBIA - fear of approval

ARACHIBUTYROPHOBIA - fear of peanut butter

ARACHNOPHOBIA - fear of spiders

ARGENTOPHOBIA - fear of silver

ARIPOPHOBIA - fear of cleanliness

ARKANOPHOBIA - fear of magic

ARCTOPHOBIA - fear of teddy bears

ARCUSOPHOBIA - fear of arches

ARSONOPHOBIA - fear of arson

ASSYMETRIOPHOBIA - fear of asymmetry

ASTENOPHOBIA - fear of weakness

ASTRAPHOBIA - fear of the starry sky

ASTROLOGIOPHOBIA - fear of astrology

ASPHIXIOPHOBIA - fear of self-strangulation

ASCENDAROPHOBIA - fear of ascents

ATAZAGORAPHOBIA - fear of oblivion (from others)

ATAXIAPHOBIA - fear of ataxia

ATAXIOPHOBIA - fear of disorder

ATANFOBIA - fear of oats

ATELOPHOBIA - fear of imperfection

ATHEPHOBIA - fear of destruction

ATICHIFOBIA - fear of defeat (failure)

ATOMOSOPHOBIA - fear of atomic energy and nuclear war

AUTOASSASSINOPHOBIA - fear of murder (own)

AUTODISOMOPHOBIA - fear of body odor (own)

AUTORITOPHOBIA - fear of government officials

AULOPHOBIA - fear of wind instruments

AUTOMISOPHOBIA - fear of a dirty body (own)

AURANJEPHOBIA - fear of orange

AUROPHOBIA - fear of gold

AUTISMOPHOBIA - fear of autism

AUTOGONISTOPHOBIA - fear of shooting on camera

AUTOPHOBIA - fear of loneliness

AFRONEMOPHOBIA - fear of thinking (irrational)

AFROPHOBIA - fear of Africa (all African)

ACHLUOPHOBIA - fear of the dark

ACEROPHOBIA - fear of acid

ACIDUSRIGAREPHOBIA - fear of acid rain

AEROACROPHOBIA - fear of open high spaces

AERONAUSIFOBIA - fear of air sickness

AEROPOLUEREPHOBIA - fear of air pollution

AEROPHOBIA - fear of air

AEROEMPHYEMOPHOBIA - fear of decompression sickness

AESOPHOBIA - fear of copper

AETHEMOPHOBIA - fear of aging

BACTERIOPHOBIA - fear of bacteria

BALLISTOPHOBIA - fear of bullets

BANANOPHOBIA - fear of bananas

BARBAFOBIA - fear of hairdressing

BARLIFOBIA - fear of barley

BAROPHOBIA - fear of gravity

BASIOPHOBIA - fear of walking


BATMOPHOBIA - fear of thresholds

BATOPHOBIA - fear of tall buildings

BATOPHOBIA - fear of depth

BATRAHOPHOBIA - fear of amphibians

BATTUEREPHOBIA - fear of spanking oneself

BACILLOPHOBIA - fear of bacilli

BELLUMAPHOBIA - fear of war

BELLUSAPHOBIA - fear of beauty salons

BELONOPHOBIA - fear of needles

BIASTOPHOBIA - fear of sexual violence

BIBLIOPHOBIA - fear of books

BINIFOBIA - fear of twins

BLATTAFOBIA - fear of cockroaches

BLENNOPHOBIA - fear of mucus

BOVINUFOBIA - fear of cows

BOLSHEVISMOPHOBIA - fear of Bolshevism

BORBORIGAMIFOBIA - fear of gurgling in the stomach

BOTANOPHOBIA - fear of plants

BOTTIAPHOBIA - fear of buttons

BOYPHOBIA - fear of boys

BRECHMOPHOBIA - fear of the brain

BROMIDROSYPHOBIA - fear of body odor (of other people)

BRONTOPHOBIA - fear of thunder

BRUNDISIFOBIA - fear of bronze

BUGIFOBIA - fear of beeches

BUDDISTOPHOBIA - fear of Buddhism

BUFONOPHOBIA - fear of toads

BCHEROPHOBIA - fear of brown color

VACCINOPHOBIA - fear of vaccination

VALLONOPHOBIA - fear of the Walloons (all Walloon)

VEGERVATOPHOBIA - fear of weight difference

VENTRILOCOPHOBIA - fear of ventriloquists

VERMINOPHOBIA - fear of pests (animals)


VESTIFOBIA - fear of clothes

VICCAPHOBIA - fear of witchcraft

VIOLENTIOPHOBIA - fear of abuse

VIRGINITIFOBIA - fear of rape of a virgin

VITRICOPHOBIA - fear of stepfather


HABITUSIOPHOBIA - fear of habits

GADEPHOBIA - fear of hell

GALEOPHOBIA - fear of ferrets

HALITOPHOBIA - fear of bad breath

HALLUCINATOPHOBIA - fear of hallucinations

Halophobia - fear of breathing

HAMARTOPHOBIA - fear of mistakes

GAMOPHOBIA - fear of marriage

GASTROENTERICOPHOBIA - fear of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

HAPHEPHOBIA - fear of touch (from other people)

Hebophobia - fear of adolescents

HEMOPHOBIA - fear of taste

GEDONOPHOBIA - fear of pleasure


HELIOPHOBIA - fear of laughter (own)

HELIOPHOBIA - fear of the sun

GELLENOLOGOPHOBIA - fear of scientific terms

HELMINTOPHOBIA - fear of worms

HEMATOPHOBIA - fear of blood

HEMICRANIAPHOBIA - fear of headache

HEMORROIDOPHOBIA - fear of hemorrhoids

GENVERRUKAPHOBIA - fear of genital warts

GENIOPHOBIA - fear of chins

GENOPHOBIA - fear of sex

GENUFOBIA - fear of knees

HEPATITOPHOBIA - fear of hepatitis

HERASCOPHOBIA - fear of old age

HERBILLOPHOBIA - fear of gerbils

GERMANOPHOBIA - fear of Germany (all German)

HERONTOPHOBIA - fear of the elderly

HERPESOPHOBIA - fear of herpes

HERPETOPHOBIA - fear of reptiles

HETEROPHOBIA - fear of heterosexuality

GEPHYROPHOBIA - fear of bridges

HYBRISTOPHOBIA - fear of criminals

HYGROPHOBIA - fear of body fluids

HYDRARGYROPHOBIA - fear of drugs (mercury)

HYDROPHOBIA - fear of water

HIELOPHOBIA - fear of glasses

HYELOEPISTEGOPHOBIA - fear of glass ceilings

HYLEPHOBIA - fear of materialism

HILOPHOBIA - fear of the forest

GYMNOPHOBIA - fear of nudity

GYNEMIMETOPHOBIA - fear of men who imitate women

GYNEPHOBIA - fear of women

GYNOTICOLOBOMASSOPHOBIA - fear of the ears (female)

HYPENGIOPHOBIA - fear of responsibility

HYPERTHYROIDOPHOBIA - fear of Graves' disease

HYPERTRICHOPHOBIA - fear of hair (falling out)

HYPNOPHOBIA - fear of hypnosis

HYPOGLYCEMIOPHOBIA - fear of hypoglycemia

HYSTERECTOMOPHOBIA - fear of hysterectomy

GYPHEPHOBIA - fear of fabric (not clothing)

GLOBAPHOBIA - fear of globalization

GLOSSOPHOBIA - fear of public speaking

GLUTTONOPHOBIA - fear of overeating

GNOSOPHOBIA - fear of the famous

GODOPHOBIA - fear of travel

HOLLANDOPHOBIA - fear of Holland (all Dutch)

HOMILOPHOBIA - fear of sermons

HOMICHLOPHOBIA - fear of fog

HOMOPHOBIA - fear of homosexuality

HOMOCIDEPHOBIA - fear of murder (of another person)

GONIFOBIA - fear of knees bending back

GONOREOPHOBIA - fear of gonorrhea

HOPLOPHOBIA - fear of firearms

HORMEPHOBIA - fear of shock

GRAVAROPHOBIA - fear of bereavement

GRANOPHOBIA - fear of grain

GRAPHOBIA - fear of handwriting

GROSSUSOPHOBIA - fear of large objects and objects

HULOPHOBIA - fear of a wolverine

DAKRIFOBIA - fear of tears

DACTYLOPUNGEROPHOBIA - fear of pointing the finger

DACTYLOPHOBIA - fear of fingers

DAOPHOBIA - fear of Taoism

DARATAPHOBIA - fear of wheat

DATUSIOPHOBIA - fear of dating

DEVORAPHOBIA - fear of being eaten alive

DESERTOPHOBIA - fear of the desert

DAYPNOPHOBIA - fear of lunch

DECAPITOPHOBIA - fear of decapitation

Dextrophobia - fear of right-handedness

DELUDEREPHOBIA - fear of delusions

DENTOPHOBIA - fear of insanity

DEMONOPHOBIA - fear of demons

DENDROPHOBIA - fear of trees

DENTOPHOBIA - dentists

DEPRESSOPHOBIA - fear of depression

DERMATOPATOPHOBIA - fear of skin diseases

DERMAFOBIA - fear of the skin

DESYNCHRONOPHOBIA - fear of jet lag

DEFECALGESIOPHOBIA - fear of bowel movement (painful)

DEFECTOPHOBIA - fear of defects

DECIDOPHOBIA - fear of decision (decision making)

DIABETOPHOBIA - fear of diabetes

DIAREOPHOBIA - fear of diarrhea

DIVORTIOPHOBIA - fear of divorce

DIESOMNIOPHOBIA - fear of empty thoughts

DIETOPHOBIA - fear of diet

DYKEFOBIA - fear of justice

DINOPHOBIA - fear of the whirlpool

DIPLOPHOBIA - fear of double vision

DIPSOPHOBIA - fear of drinking

DYSABILIOPHOBIA - fear of undressing

DYSMORPHOPHOBIA - fear of ugliness

DYSOMOPHOBIA - fear of body odor (others)

DISTICHIFOBIA - fear of an accident

Dysphobia - fear of bad news

DOMATOPHOBIA - fear of home

DORAPHOBIA - fear of skin and fur of animals

DOXOPHOBIA - fear of opinion

DROMOPHOBIA - fear of the street

EUROPHOBIA - fear of Europe (all European)

HEREIOPHOBIA - fear of heresy

ZELOPHOBIA - fear of jealousy

ZEMMYPHOBIA - fear of mole rats

ZOMBIFOBIA - fear of zombies

ZOONECROPHOBIA - fear of dead animals

ZOOPHOBIA - fear of animals (pets)

IDEOPHOBIA - fear of ideas

HEROPHOBIA - fear of religious objects

ICONOPHOBIA - fear of icons

ILLINGOPHOBIA - fear of dizziness

IMPOTENTOPHOBIA - fear of impotence

INANIREPHOBIA - fear of starvation

INVIDIAPHOBIA - fear of envy

INDIGESTIOPHOBIA - fear of indigestion

INDIOPHOBIA - fear of India (all Indian)

HINDUISTOPHOBIA - fear of Hinduism

INCONTINEPHOBIA - fear of urinary incontinence

INSOMNIAPHOBIA - fear of insomnia

INSULOPHOBIA - fear of islands

INFANTOPHOBIA - fear of babies

INFERTILIOPHOBIA - fear of infertility

IOPHOBIA - fear of rust

IRISOPHOBIA - fear of the rainbow

ISLAMOPHOBIA - fear of Islam

ICELANDOPHOBIA - fear of Iceland (all Icelandic)

ISOPTEROPHOBIA - fear of termites

HYSTERICOPHOBIA - fear of hysteria

ITALOPHOBIA - fear of Italy (all Italian)

JUDEOPHOBIA - fear of Judaism

ICHTHIOLACCOPHOBIA - fear of aquariums

ICHTHIOPHOBIA - fear of fish

CADENTEMOPHOBIA - fear of gambling

CACOPHOBIA - fear of ugly appearance

CALIANDROPHOBIA - fear of handsome men

CALIGINEPHOBIA - fear of beautiful women

CANINOPHOBIA - fear of dogs

CANNABIFOBIA - fear of marijuana

CAPITALOPHOBIA - fear of capitalism

CARBOHYDROPHOBIA - fear of carbohydrates

CARDIOPATOPHOBIA - fear of heart disease

CARDIOPHOBIA - fear of the heart

CARDIOSURGERYPHOBIA - fear of heart surgery

CARNOLEVAREPHOBIA - fear of attractions

CARNOPHOBIA - fear of meat

CARCINOMATOPHOBIA - fear of cancer

CASICAREPHOBIA - fear of waterfalls

CASTRATOPHOBIA - fear of castration

CATAGELOPHOBIA - fear of ridicule

CATAPEDOPHOBIA - fear of jumping

CATARACTOPHOBIA - fear of cataracts

CATISOPHOBIA - fear of sitting

CATHOLICOPHOBIA - fear of Catholicism

QUADRATOPHOBIA - fear of quadratic equations

QUADROPHOBIA - fear of quartering

QUATROPHOBIA - fear of quartets

QUIRITAREPHOBIA - fear of screaming

CELTOPHOBIA - fear of the Celts (everything Celtic)

KENOPHOBIA - fear of emptiness

KERAUNOPHOBIA - fear of lightning

CYBERPHOBIA - fear of cyberspace

KYMOPHOBIA - fear of waves

KINESOPHOBIA - fear of movement

CYPRIDOPHOBIA - fear of prostitutes

CYPRIFOBIA - fear of sexually transmitted diseases

KIFOFOBIA - fear of stoop

CLAUDEROPHOBIA - fear of fences

CLAUSTROPHOBIA - fear of confined space

CLEPTOPHOBIA - fear of theft

CLISMOPHOBIA - fear of enemas

CLIMACOPHOBIA - fear of stairs

CLIMATOPHOBIA - fear of climate

CLINOPHOBIA - fear of beds

CLIOPHOBIA - fear of hearing

KNIDOPHOBIA - fear of sting

COITOPHOBIA - fear of coitus

COITUSINTERKURSOPHOBIA - fear of sexual intercourse

COITUSMOREFHERAPHOBIA - fear of sexual intercourse with wild animals

COITUSORALYSIFOBIA - fear of oral intercourse

Coimetrophobia - fear of cemeteries

COINONIFOBIA - fear of rooms

COCAINOPHOBIA - fear of cocaine

COMETOPHOBIA - fear of comets

COMMITTEROPHOBIA - fear of long-term relationships

COMMUNISMOPHOBIA - fear of communism

COMPETEROPHOBIA - fear of competition

COMPUTERPHOBIA - fear of computers

CONDOMOPHOBIA - fear of condoms

CONSECOTALEOPHOBIA - fear of chopsticks

CONCIUSIOPHOBIA - fear of consciousness

CONTINGEREPHOBIA - fear of infection

CONTRAROTAPHOBIA - fear of control

COUNTERPHOBIA - fear of seduction

COUNTERPHOBIA - fear of avoiding frightening situations

CONFRONTOPHOBIA - fear of confrontation

COPOPOBIA - fear of fatigue

COPROSTASOPHOBIA - fear of constipation

COPROPHOBIA - fear of bowel movements

CORNUOPHOBIA - fear of corners

CORONOPHOBIA - fear of crowns

COSMOPHOBIA - fear of space

COULROPHOBIA - fear of clowns

CREATUSIFOBIA - fear of creativity

SILKOPHOBIA - fear of rocks

CRYOPHOBIA - fear of cold

CRYSTALLOPHOBIA - fear of crystals

CRITICOPHOBIA - fear of criticism

XANTOPHOBIA - fear of yellow

XENOGLOSSOPHOBIA - fear of foreign languages

XENOCLEPTOPHOBIA - fear of foreign thieves

XENOPHOBIA - fear of foreigners

XENOYATROPHOBIA - fear of foreign doctors

XEROPHOBIA - fear of dryness

XYLINALINOPHOBIA - fear of cotton wool

XYROPHOBIA - fear of the razor

CULTUSOPHOBIA - fear of cults

KURSUSOPHOBIA - fear of curses

LAVATORIFOBIA - fear of restrooms

LAGOPHOBIA - fear of rabbits

LACTAPHOBIA - fear of breastfeeding

LACTOPHOBIA - fear of milk

LARINGOXEROPHOBIA - fear of dry throat

LATEXOPHOBIA - fear of latex

LAHANOPHOBIA - fear of vegetables

LEVISIOPHOBIA - fear of floating (in the air)

LEUKOPHOBIA - fear of white

LEMUROPHOBIA - fear of vampires

LENTUFOBIA - fear of slow speed

LEONTOPHOBIA - fear of lions

LEOPARDOSOPHOBIA - fear of leopards

LEPROPHOBIA - fear of leprosy

LIBROPHOBIA - fear of scales (weighing)

LIGYROPHOBIA - fear of noise

LIGOPHOBIA - fear of a gloomy mood

LYCANTHROPOPHOBIA - fear of wolves

LILAPSOPHOBIA - fear of storms

LEMNOPHOBIA - fear of lakes

LINGERIFOBIA - fear of underwear

LINOPHOBIA - fear of strings

LISSOPHOBIA - fear of insanity (own)

LISUSISODOPHOBIA - fear of losing virginity

LITHICAPHOBIA - fear of litigation

LOBOTOMOPHOBIA - fear of lobotomy

LOGOPHOBIA - fear of words

LOCUSOPHOBIA - fear of places (specific places)

LUNOPHOBIA - fear of the moon

LUTRAFOBIA - fear of waterfowl with fur

MAGEYROCOPHOBIA - fear of cooking

MAEVSIOPHOBIA - fear of pregnancy

MACROPHOBIA - fear of waiting

MAMMAGIMNOPHOBIA - fear of the breast (female)

MAMMANDROPHOBIA - fear of the chest (male)

MAMMAFOBIA - fear of the breast

MANIAPHOBIA - fear of insanity (others)

MARXOPHOBIA - fear of Marxism

MASERPHOBIA - fear of Singapore (all Singaporean)

MASTIGOPHOBIA - fear of being spanked in a public place

MASTICOGUMMIFOBIA - fear of chewing gum

MATEROPHOBIA - fear of the mother

MEGABIOPHOBIA - fear of large animals

MEGALOPHOBIA - fear of large objects and objects

MEDOMALACUFOBIA - fear of erectile dysfunction

MEDORTOPHOBIA - fear of the penis (erect)

MELANOPHOBIA - fear of black

MELISSOPHOBIA - fear of bees

MELCRYPTOVESTIMENTOPHOBIA - fear of black underwear

MELOPHOBIA - fear of music

MENDICAREPHOBIA - fear of beggars

MENINGITOPHOBIA - fear of brain diseases

MENOPAUSOPHOBIA - fear of menopause

MENTALISRETARDOPHOBIA - fear of mental retardation

MERINTOPHOBIA - fear of binding

MERCURIOPHOBIA - fear of mercury

METALLOPHOBIA - fear of metal

METHATESIOPHOBIA - fear of transcendental places

METHYLOPHOBIA - fear of alcohol

METROPHOBIA - fear of poetry

MYCOPHOBIA - fear of fungi

MICROBIOPHOBIA - fear of small animals

MICROPHOBIA - fear of small objects and objects

MINIMALOPHOBIA - fear of minimalism

MISOPHOBIA - fear of a dirty body (others)

MYTHOPHOBIA - fear of myths

MNEMOPHOBIA - fear of memory (memories)

MOBILOPHOBIA - fear of cars (as a driver)

MOLISMOPHOBIA - fear of infections

MONITOROPHOBIA - fear of observation (from others)

MORPHYDROPHOBIA - fear of wet objects

MOTOROPHOBIA - fear of cars (as a passenger)

MOTTEFOBIA - fear of moths

MUSEOPHOBIA - fear of museums

MUSOPHOBIA - fear of mice

NAVZEAPHOBIA - fear of nausea

NAVTOPHOBIA - fear of ships

NANOSOPHOBIA - fear of dwarfs

NARCOLEPSYPHOBIA - fear of narcolepsy

NARRATOPHOBIA - fear of pornographic literature

NASOPHOBIA - fear of noses

NATALISOPHOBIA - fear of birthdays

NATATOROPHOBIA - fear of swimming pools

NAZISMOPHOBIA - fear of Nazism

NEGROPHELINOPHOBIA - fear of black cats

NEGROPHOBIA - fear of black people

Necrophobia - fear of corpses

NEOPHARMACOPHOBIA - fear of drugs (new)

NEOPHOBIA - fear of the new

NEPHOPHOBIA - fear of clouds

NIGILOPHOBIA - fear of nothing

NIKTOGYLOPHOBIA - fear of the forest at night

NIKTOPHOBIA - fear of the night

NYMPHOPHOBIA - fear of adolescents (girls)

NOVERCAPHOBIA - fear of adoptive mothers

NOMENATOPHOBIA - fear of a name

NORMOPHOBIA - fear of conformity

NORTH AMERICANOPHOBIA - fear of North America (all North American)

NOSOCOMEPHOBIA - fear of hospitals

NOSOPHOBIA - fear of illness

NOSTOPHOBIA - fear of home (returning home)

NOCENTEMOPHOBIA - fear of wine

Nocerephobia - fear of interference

NUMEROPHOBIA - fear of number

OBESOPHOBIA - fear of obesity

OBLIVIOPHOBIA - fear of oblivion (from others)

BOND PHOBIA - fear of obligations

OBSSIOPHOBIA - fear of obsession

OVOPHOBIA - fear of eggs

ODONTOACHOPHOBIA - fear of toothache

ODONTOPHOBIA - fear of teeth

OCTOPHOBIA - fear of number 8

Oculophobia - fear of the eyes

OLFACTOPHOBIA - fear of odors (certain)

OMBROPHOBIA - fear of rain

OMMATOMALOPHOBIA - fear of the evil eye

OMNIBUSOPHOBIA - fear of the bus

ONEUROGMOPHOBIA - fear of wet dreams

ONEUROPHOBIA - fear of dreams

ONYCHOPHOBIA - fear of nails

ONOMATOPHOBIA - fear of being called by name

OPIOPHOBIA - fear of prescription drugs

OPTAREPHOBIA - fear of shopping

OPTOPHOBIA - fear of opening eyes

ORALYSIFOBIA - fear of the mouth

ORDYNEMOPHOBIA - fear of order

ORIZAPHOBIA - fear of rice

ORNITOPHOBIA - fear of birds

ORTHOGRAPHOBY - fear of spelling mistakes

ORCHIDOPHOBIA - fear of orchids

OSTRACONOPHOBIA - fear of crustaceans and molluscs

OSFRESIOPHOBIA - fear of body odor (own)

OTOXEROPHOBIA - fear of dry mouth

OFIDIOPHOBIA - fear of snakes

CHLOPHOBIA - fear of the crowd

OCHOPHOBIA - fear of a vehicle (being in it)

OENOPHOBIA - fear of wine

PAGOPHOBIA - fear of frost

PALLONOPHOBIA - fear of balloons

PANICOPHOBIA - fear of panic

PANTHEROPHOBIA - fear of panthers

PANTOPHOBIA - fear of everything

PANFOBIA - fear of everything

PAPAPHOBIA - fear of the Pope

PAPYROPHOBIA - fear of paper

PARADOXOPHOBIA - fear of paradoxes

PARALIPOPHOBIA - fear of irresponsibility

PARAMNESIAPHOBIA - fear of deja vu

PARANOJAPHOBIA - fear of paranoia

PARAPLEGAPHOBIA - fear of disabled people

PARASKEDICATRIAPHOBIA - fear of Friday the 13th

PARAPHOBIA - fear of sexual perversion

PARENTEPHOBIA - fear of parents

PARTENOPHOBIA - fear of girls

PARTUROPHOBIA - fear of labor pains

PATEROPHOBIA - fear of fathers

PATOPHOBIA - fear of suffering

PATRIOPHOBIA - fear of heredity

PEDICOPERIFOBIA - fear of shoes

PEDIOPHOBIA - fear of dolls

PEDOPHOBIA - fear of children

PECCATOPHOBIA - fear of sin

PELADOPHOBIA - fear of bald people

PELLAGROPHOBIA - fear of pellagra

PENIAPHOBIA - fear of poverty (own)

PENNAFOBIA - fear of wings

PENTERAPHOBIA - fear of mother-in-law and mother-in-law

PENTEROPHOBIA - fear of father-in-law and mother-in-law

PERSONALIPARENTEPHOBIA - fear of raising children

PERFECTOPHOBIA - fear of perfection

PIGOPHOBIA - fear of the buttocks

PICTOPHOBIA - fear of the image

PENGVIFOBIA - fear of fat

PIPAREOBIA - fear of trumpets (full)

PYROSYPHOBIA - fear of heartburn

PYROPHOBIA - fear of fire (fire)

PLAGAPHOBIA - fear of the plague

PLACOPHOBIA - fear of tombstones

PLANNUMAPHOBIA - fear of plans

PLEURODELIPHOBIA - fear of newts

PLEHEPHOBIA - fear of impact

PLUBMISMUFOBIA - fear of lead poisoning

PLUVIOPHOBIA - fear of the soul

PLUTOPHOBIA - fear of wealth

PMS-PHOBIA - fear of premenstrual syndrome

PNEUMATOPHOBIA - fear of spiritual phenomena

PNIGEROPHOBIA - fear of immobilization

PNIGOPHOBIA - fear of strangulation

POGONOPHOBIA - fear of beard

PODOPHOBIA - fear of steps

POINEPHOBIA - fear of punishment (in all forms)

POLYTEROPHOBIA - fear of changing sexual partners

POLYCRATIFOBIA - fear of success

POLIOSOPHOBIA - fear of poliomyelitis

POLITICOPHOBIA - fear of government

POLYPHOBIA - numerous things

POLICIOPHOBIA - fear of the police

POLLUTIOPHOBIA - fear of pollution

POLONIAFOBIA - fear of Poland (everything Polish)

PORCUFFOBIA - fear of pigs

PORNOPHOBIA - fear of pornographic images

PORPHYROPHOBIA - fear of purple

POSSESSIOPHOBIA - fear of obsession

POTAMOPHOBIA - fear of rivers

POTOPHOBIA - fear of drinks

PRIAPISAPHOBIA - fear of priapism

PRIMATEPHOBIA - fear of monkeys

PROCTOPHOBIA - fear of the rectum

PROSOPHOBIA - fear of progress

PROTESTANTOPHOBIA - fear of Protestantism

PSEUDOZOOPHOBIA - fear of fantastic animals

PSEUDONECROPHOBIA - fear of death (imitation of death)

PSEUDOPATOPHOBIA - fear of illness (imaginary)

PSELLISMOPHOBIA - fear of stuttering

PSYCHEPHOBIA - fear of butterflies

PSYCHOPHOBIA - fear of the psyche

PSYCHROPHOBIA - fear of colds

PSORAPHOBIA - fear of itching

PTERONOPHOBIA - fear of feathers

PUBERTAPHOBIA - fear of puberty

PUBICANCEROPHOBIA - fear of pubic lice

PUPAPHOBIA - fear of puppets

RABDOPHOBIA - fear of flogging

RABIFOBIA - fear of rabies

RADIOPHOBIA - fear of radiation exposure (medical)

RADONOPHOBIA - fear of radon

RANIDOPHOBIA - fear of frogs

RECTOPHOBIA - fear of rejection

RECTOPHOBIA - fear of rectal diseases

RETROTHEMPOPHOBIA - fear of travel back in time

RETROPHOBIA - fear of the old

RIPOPHOBIA - fear of dirt

RITIFOBIA - fear of wrinkles

RITUALISIFOBIA - fear of rituals

RODENTOPHOBIA - fear of rats

RUINOPHOBIA - fear of destruction

RUSOPHOBIA - fear of Russia (all Russian)

SALIROPHOBIA - fear of salty body fluids

SALIFOBIA - fear of salt

SAMAYNOPHOBIA - fear of Halloween

SARMASSOPHOBIA - fear of touch (to people)

SATANOPHOBIA - fear of Satan

SEDATEPHOBIA - fear of silence

SEISMOPHOBIA - fear of an earthquake

SECRETOPHOBIA - fear of secrets

SELAPHOBIA - fear of flashes of light

SELAHOPHOBIA - fear of sharks

SEPARATOPHOBIA - fear of separation

SEPTOPHOBIA - fear of rot

SESQUIPEDALOPHOBIA - fear of words (long or difficult to pronounce)

SIDERODROMOPHOBIA - fear of trains

SIDEROPHOBIA - fear of stars

SYMBIOPHOBIA - fear of close ties

SYMBOLOPHOBIA - fear of symbols

SYMMETROPHOBIA - fear of symmetry

SYMPHOROPHOBIA - fear of disasters

SINGENESOPHOBIA - fear of relatives

SYNISTROPHOBIA - fear of left-handedness

SYNOPHOBIA - fear of China (all Chinese)

CITICENTRUPHOBIA - fear of the Central row

SITOPHOBIA - fear of food

SYPHILOPHOBIA - fear of syphilis

SCABIOPHOBIA - fear of scabies

SCALATOROPHOBIA - fear of escalators

SCATOPHOBIA - fear of contamination by faeces

SCOPOPHOBIA - fear of looking

SCOTOMOPHOBIA - fear of blind spots in the field of vision

SCOTOPHOBIA - fear of Scotland (all Scottish)

SCRIPTOPHOBIA - fear of sticky notes in a public place

MEDICHAINOPHOBIA - fear of smoking

SOMNOPHOBIA - fear of sleep


SOTERIOPHOBIA - fear of addiction (from a person)

SOPHOPHOBIA - fear of learning

SOCERAPHOBIA - fear of the parents of the wife or husband

SOCIALISMOPHOBIA - fear of socialism

SPAMOPHOBIA - fear of spam

SPATIOPHOBIA - fear of space travel

SPECTROPHOBIA - fear of ghosts

Spermatophobia - fear of sperm

SPERMOPHOBIA - fear of germs


SPORTOPHOBIA - fear of sports

STAVROPHOBIA - fear of crucifixions

STAREOPHOBIA - fear of standing in one place

STASIBASIFOBIA - fear of getting up

STATUOPHOBIA - fear of statues

STENOPHOBIA - fear of bottlenecks and objects

STIGMATOPHOBIA - fear of scars

STRICTUFOBIA - fear of stress

STROUTIOPHOBIA - fear of ostriches

SUAVISIFOBIA - fear of sweetness

SUICIDOPHOBIA - fear of suicide

SUPERNATURAPHOBIA - fear of the supernatural

SUPERSTITIOPHOBIA - fear of prejudice

SUSPIRAROPHOBIA - fear of sewers

SPEXOPHOBIA - fear of wasps

SCHIZOPHRENIOPHOBIA - fear of schizophrenia

SCELEROPHOBIA - fear of bad people

SCIOPHOBIA - fear of shadows

TAASOPHOBIA - fear of sitting in one place

TAVROPHOBIA - fear of bulls

TAXOPHOBIA - fear of neatness

THALASSOPHOBIA - fear of the sea

TANATOPHOBIA - fear of death

TANGEREPHOBIA - fear of touch (to objects)

TATUFOBIA - fear of tattoos

TAFFOBIA - fear of being buried alive

TACHOPHOBIA - fear of speed

TAENIOPHOBIA - fear of tapeworms

TV-PHOBIA - fear of TVs

THEATROPHOBIA - fear of theaters

TEXTOPHOBIA - fear of tissues (certain types of tissues)

TELEPHOBIA - fear of ceremonies

TELEPHONOPHOBIA - fear of telephones

THEOLOGICOPHOBIA - fear of theology

THEOPHANIAPHOBIA - fear of precious jewelry

THEOPHOBIA - fear of religion

TERATOPHOBIA - fear of ugly children

TERATROPHOBIA - fear of monsters

THERMOPHOBIA - fear of heat

TERROPHOBIA - fear of terrorism

THANOPHOBIA - tetanus fear

TECHNOPHOBIA - fear of technology

TYGRISOPHOBIA - fear of the tiger

TIMOPHOBIA - fear of status

TYRANOPHOBIA - fear of a tyrant

TITYLLAREPHOBIA - fear of tickling

TOKOPHOBIA - fear of childbirth

TOXICOPHOBIA - fear of poison

TOMOPHOBIA - fear of surgery

TOPOGYDROPHOBIA - fear of wet places

TOPOXEROPHOBIA - fear of dry places

TOPOPHOBIA - stage fright

TORTUROPHOBIA - fear of pain (of other people)

TRAUMATOPHOBIA - fear of injury

TREMOPHOBIA - fear of trembling

TRIPANOPHOBIA - fear of injections (injections)

TRIPOPHOBIA - fear of holes

TRISCAYDECAPHOBIA - fear of thirteen (Number 13)

TRICHINOPHOBIA - fear of trichinosis

TRICHOPATOPHOBIA - fear of hair (sick)

TRICHOPHOBIA - fear of hair

TROGLOPHOBIA - fear of caves

TROPOPHOBIA - fear of moving

TUBERCULOPHOBIA - fear of tuberculosis

TUBUFOBIA - fear of tunnels

TURAPHOBIA - fear of doors

TOURISTOPHOBIA - fear of indigestion

TUROPHOBIA - fear of cheeses

ULULAFOBIA - fear of owls

ULTSEROPHOBIA - fear of ulcers

Umbilicophobia - fear of navels

UNIFORMOPHOBIA - fear of uniforms

URANOPHOBIA - fear of the sky

URODELAPHOBIA - fear of salamander

UROPHOBIA - fear of urine

URSOPHOBIA - fear of bears

UTRICARIAPHOBIA - fear of urticaria

FABRICOPHOBIA - fear of fabrics (fabric products)

PHAGOPHOBIA - fear of uncontrolled absorption of food

PHALACROPHOBIA - fear of baldness

PHALLOPHOBIA - fear of the penis (non-erect)

FANTASY COMPANIOPHOBIA - fear of imaginary friends

PHARMACOPHOBIA - fear of drugs

FASCISMOPHOBIA - fear of fascism

FEBRIFOBIA - fear of fever

FEYRIOPHOBIA - fear of fairies

FELINOPHOBIA - fear of cats

PHENGOPHOBIA - fear of daylight

FERRUMOPHOBIA - fear of iron

FIGEPHOBIA - fear of persecution

PHILEMAPHOBIA - fear of kissing

PHILOSOPHOBIA - fear of philosophy

PHILOPHOBIA - fear of love (falling in love)

FISSUROPHOBIA - fear of cracks

FLATULENTIOPHOBIA - fear of bloating

PHOBOPHOBIAPHOBIA - fear of fear of phobias

PHOBOPHOBIA - fear of fear

PHONOPHOBIA - fear of speaking

FORAREPHOBIA - fear of boredom

PHORISOPOMOPHOBIA - fear of door handles

FORMICOPHOBIA - fear of ants

PHOTOALGIAPHOBIA - fear of eye pain

PHOTOAUGLIAPHOBIA - fear of bright lights

PHOTOBOLBOSOPHOBIA - fear of light bulbs

PHOTOPHOBIA - fear of light

FRANCOPHOBIA - fear of France (all French)

FRENDOPHOBIA - fear of passwords

PHRENOPHOBIA - fear of mental illness

FRONEMOPHOBIA - fear of thinking (rational)

FRUSTRATOPHOBIA - fear of frustration

FTEYROPHOBIA - fear of lice

CHAOSOPHOBIA - fear of chaos

HEIMAPHOBIA - fear of cold objects

HELONAPHOBIA - fear of turtles

CHEMOTHERAPIOPHOBIA - fear of chemotherapy

CHEMOPHOBIA - fear of chemicals

CHEROPHOBIA - fear of happiness

CHIONOPHOBIA - fear of snow

CHYROPHOBIA - fear of hands

HIRSUTOPHOBIA - fear of hair (long)

CHLAMIDIOPHOBIA - fear of chlamydia

CHLOROPHOBIA - fear of green

CHOLERAPHOBIA - fear of cholera

CHOLEROPHOBIA - fear of the anger of others

CHOLESTERINOPHOBIA - fear of cholesterol

CHOROPHOBIA - fear of dancing

CHREMATISTOPHOBIA - fear of robbery (as a victim)

CHREMATOPHOBIA - fear of money

CHRISTOPHOBIA - fear of Christianity

CHROMOANTHROPOPHOBIA - fear of people with a different skin color

CHROMOPHOBIA - fear of flowers

CHRONOMETROPHOBIA - fear of watches

CHRONOSPOINEPHOBIA - fear of chronic pain

CHRONOPHOBIA - fear of time

CETUSAPHOBIA - fear of marine mammals

CYANOPHOBIA - fear of blue

CYCLOANEMOPHOBIA - fear of cyclones

SCHOLOPHOBIA - fear of school

EUROTOPHOBIA - fear of the vagina

EDIFICIFOBIA - fear of buildings

EISODOPHOBIA - fear of virginity

EISOPTROPHOBIA - fear of the mirror

EQUINOPHOBIA - fear of horses

EKDISIOPHOBIA - fear of strippers

EXAMENOPHOBIA - fear of exams

EXERCISOPHOBIA - fear of exercise

ECCLESIOPHOBIA - fear of churches

ECOPHOBIA - fear of home (being at home)

ELEVATOPHOBIA - fear of elevators

ELEUTEROPHOBIA - fear of freedom

ELECTROCONVULSIOPHOBIA - fear of electroshock therapy

ELECTROPHOBIA - fear of electricity

ELLENOPHOBIA - fear of Greece (all Greek)

EMETOPHOBIA - fear of vomiting

ENDITOPHOBIA - fear of dressing

ENETOPHOBIA - phobia of pins

ENISSOPHOBIA - fear of shame

ENTHOMOPHOBIA - fear of insects

ENUREZOPHOBIA - fear of urinary incontinence during sleep

EOSOPHOBIA - fear of dawn

EPILEPSIOPHOBIA - fear of epilepsy

EPISTAXIOPHOBIA - fear of nosebleeds

Epistemophobia - fear of knowledge

Epistolophobia - fear of letters

ERGASIOPHOBIA - fear of work

EREMOPHOBIA - fear of loneliness

ERETROPHOBIA - fear of red

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Fear is one of the strongest negative emotions that a person can experience.... Emotions of fear are a hard limiter affecting various areas of our life. Love, family relationships, work, personal growth - everything "flies into hell", breaks down and is in disharmony if we act, succumbing to the influence of our own fears and concerns.

Any fear blocks the flow of energy, which means that we cannot easily accept, be in the flow and live freedom and full life. Wherein many do not realize the true nature of fear and find a lot of reasons to justify their actions dictated by fear. Here we must pay tribute to our Brain, it is very resourceful in this regard. What can he not think of so that we can "whitewash" and feel sorry for ourselves, loved ones!

Fear and money - for most of us, this topic is very relevant. And even if you have been engaged in spiritual growth, changing your own reality for a long enough time and have worked through the financial sphere dozens of times for the presence of restrictions and various blocks, still no, no, and “Ears of fear peep here and there»Related to money. Which again you have to pull out and deal with the situation. Where does this fear of fear of Big Money, the fear of incurring financial losses and internal unconscious rejection of the financial flow of abundance come from? Let's figure it out!

Big money - big fears!

At first, these are attitudes and beliefs about money, carefully instilled in us by our beloved parents... If the family where the child grew up had an average financial situation, or a constant lack of money, then, as a rule, the "child" was largely denied, motivating the refusal with a lack of funds. We cannot afford it, it is too expensive, we have no money for your whims - how many times have you heard such phrases from your parents in childhood? I dare to assume that not once, and not even twice, but much more.

Result? From an early age, you have a conviction that BIG MONEY is something unattainable, from the realm of fantasy, and that mere mortals are NOT ALLOWED to have THEM in the right amount. Here is a hard restriction that blocks the flow of monetary energy into your life. And money is a powerful energy that lives by its own laws, the main thing is to know them (at least a little) and try to observe them.

Secondly, personal experience of interacting with finance... Imagine that a huge pile of money suddenly fell on you, no matter how, but it fell. What emotions will you experience when the “state of awesomeness”, joy and euphoria from the possession of an impressive sum of money subsides? Many of us, not spoiled by monetary Fortune, begin to experience various fears. Fear of big money ...

What do you take off now? Where to invest so as not to lose? How to save finances from the World Crisis? How to ward off a bunch of close and distant relatives from the new feeder (this also happens)? Dozens of questions you need to answer.

Thirdly, we brought a lot of beliefs about big money from the distant past - the beliefs of our ancestors, distant and not so. Just remember what epochs our ancestors lived in and what attitude to money was in recent centuries. Rarely where money was considered something natural. Most often it is an attribute of luxury, exclusiveness, and also a guarantor of corruption, depravity, greed and impiety. The energy of money for many centuries of human existence on Earth has acquired a million wrong beliefs. And many have already forgotten that the energies of money and unconditional love are identical.

Past incarnations also affect our lives today.... These beliefs are sought out and worked through in theta sessions. There is nothing supernatural about this. These beliefs can be found and replaced.

The bottom line - you are afraid of money and do not know how to handle it and ... they don't come to you! You have blocked your channel of money energy with your own hands, falling into various fears about money. What to do? Change your beliefs about finance. Remove and work through all layers, starting from the very root.

The first step is the hardest

Do you want to have financial freedom and independence? Start right now, without delaying "until tomorrow", "Monday" and "until better times".

Yes Yes Yes! Grab a pen and notebook right now and start writing down what you think about money. All your fears are fears. Write point by point, each time asking yourself a question:
“Why, am I afraid of big money? What is the cause of the fears? "

Look for these negative red buttons and neutralize them. How to do it? Next to every fear you have voiced, write a positive affirmation, a kind of antonym.

For example, you wrote:
- I am afraid of losing all my savings as a result of a bad financial transaction. Fear? What another!
Next, write alongside:
- I always make the right decisions, I know how to preserve and increase my finances. My money is always safe.

And so you supplement all the points in a similar way.

Are you finished? Now carefully read what has been written and imagine yourself as a Master changing your reality. Expand your comfort zone, listen to the express tuning for money abundance every day and allow the energies of cash flow to flow into your Life!

By changing our limiting beliefs, removing the fear of losing the remaining money and negative emotions, we change our lives. Remember, the sun shines equally for everyone. And it's up to us to decide - whether to bask under its warm rays or sit in the shade, afraid of getting burned. The power of thought is a huge energy that embodies all our needs and desires! So put your thoughts in the right direction and gladly accept the cash flow given to you by the abundant Universe!

Various phobias change a person's worldview and behavior. Under the influence of irrational fear, a person misses fateful chances and refuses to accept change. Phobias are often associated with the upbringing of a child: fear is expressed in attitudes established from childhood.

Chrometophobia - fear of money

What is the fear of touching money called? Chrometophobia is a fear of banknotes, coins and even securities (their value is determined in monetary terms). Chrometophobia develops with accompanying phobias that make it difficult to get rich or find balance in professional life.

Where does the irrational fear of money come from?

Money is a cause for fear, an irritant that helps the fear develop. Money carries tremendous symbolism. This is a sign of a person's success, a symbol of prosperity and satisfaction of desires, the successful realization of opportunities. Phobias that are repelled by the amount of money, from its overabundance or lack, quickly take root in thinking. Common money phobias:

  • fear of losing wealth;
  • fear of accumulation;
  • fear of losing accumulated capital;
  • fear of losing material stability;
  • fear of non-fulfillment of monetary obligations.

Money personifies the success of a person in the chosen field of activity: the less he earns, the lower his position in society. Money phobia always has a social problem underneath.

People who have suffered financial difficulties in childhood are afraid to spend the accumulated money. For the victim, accumulation is fueling anxiety (the collected capital provides temporary relief, after which the suppressed fear only intensifies).

Fear of contact with money

The psychological fear of money does not appear without certain conditions (prerequisites). Fear of bills or coins is a psychological setting limited to a single stimulus. The real causes of phobia (they can be found and understood) generate unreasonable reactions in the body.

Chrometophobia is fear that is based on certain reasons, but has no reason to panic at the moment. In most cases, people with phobia find excuses for their fear and intentionally suppress it.

Suppressed fear

The fear of money is expressed not only by panic attacks or tantrums after contact with money. This fear completely changes the perception of the surrounding world. In an attempt to avoid stressful situations, a person justifies the phobia, adjusts it to the normal reaction of the body.

Against the background of suppressed fear, concomitant diseases arise: they explain the panic attacks, tremors in the hands and feet, sudden mood swings and increased aggression.

The fear of touching money appears gradually. At first, a person is unpleasant to contact with bills or coins, but he is able to overcome disgust. The more he lives with the phobia, the harder it is to separate it from the person's true character. Suppressed fears develop into constant inner tension.

Plutophobia and chrometophobia

Plutophobia is a fear of wealth. Such fear is entirely based on the denial of poverty that a person is used to experiencing. Children growing up in families where parents struggle to make a living are unable to develop a healthy approach to money. The size of the earnings affects the severity of the defensive reaction: the more the victim of the phobia earns, the stronger his fear of losing income.

Chrometophobia includes not only the fear of losing money, but also the physiological aspect: a person is afraid of money as a lever of influence on the people around him. Outwardly, the phobia resembles the fear of infection, when people avoid contact with foreign objects (potential danger, source of infection).

Distinctive features of phobias

Monetary phobias have a similar pattern of manifestation: fear of poverty or wealth is expressed in an individual's excessive interest in the material side of life. In society, people with a money phobia are called greedy or wasteful. As the phobia manifests itself, the obsession with money, as an object of fear, only increases.

If the fear of losing money is based on benefits that depend on earnings, then chrometophobia is an aversion to bills and coins, the fear of picking them up. Plutophobia and chrometophobia differ in factors that increase fear: if the fear of poverty depends on the level of earnings, then a person with chrometophobia does not want to touch money, regardless of its denomination, quantity, or where it was brought from.

A person with a phobia has an increased interest in money.

The causes of chrometophobia

The fear of contact with money without additional phobias is called chrometophobia, but it is difficult to meet one suppressed fear without the ensuing consequences. The causes of fear are factors that together create the conditions for the development of irrational thoughts. The longer a person lives with a phobia, the less he realizes its impact on life. The defense mechanism is determined depending on the root cause of the phobia. Reasons for monetary fears:

  • low social and material status of the family;
  • childhood trauma (during personality formation);
  • negative experience (experienced in the recent or distant past);
  • wrong upbringing;
  • lingering stress due to financial difficulties.

The development of a phobia is an individual process. Fear is based on attitudes that were laid long before the first manifestation of a phobia.

Chrometophobia depends on upbringing in the family, on the first job, on behavior after a negative experience. Fear is a defensive reaction: a person is afraid to survive a situation that was difficult for him to cope with earlier.

Weakness of the personality becomes the cause of the phobia. Monetary phobias are common in a society where material stability affects all areas of life. The root cause of chrometophobia, which manifests itself in people with a fear of microbes, is not excluded. Money is a common thing. Banknotes and coins can become sources of viruses and infections. Depending on the cause of the phobia, the ways of getting rid of fear are determined.

The reason for the fear of money may be in childhood.

Fear of losing money

Fear of loss is the main cause of chrometophobia when a person loses control of their life. He is afraid of change, afraid of not finding balance. Internal experiences contribute to the growth of tension. A complex psycho-emotional state is expressed by apathy and powerlessness in the face of difficulties. Any loss is another blow that cannot be dealt with.

People who run away from a sense of loss are afraid of losing money capital. A complex psycho-emotional shock contributes to an obsession with earning, saving, spending money. A person saves money and cannot part with it. They lie in a secluded place or securely locked in a safe deposit box. The phobia victim excludes any contact with the accumulated income. Spending even a small amount is akin to betraying yourself.

Incorrect settings

Chrometophobia is inextricably linked with internal attitudes. A person is convinced that money is an evil, a threat or a burden.

On a psychological level, the victim of a phobia does not feel involved in the process of earning, distributing and accumulating money. Contacts with bills or coins happen quickly and without much enthusiasm. Psychological attitudes force a person to treat money as an object that he does not deserve or is unworthy of.

Poverty setting

Even a decent fortune cannot influence thoughts of poverty. The fear of big money is laid in early childhood, when the child is taught that his needs exceed the capabilities of the family. Restrictions create preconditions for the development of phobia.

Making money is not fun. A person instills in himself: "No one will provide stability except me." The fear of money is combined with a phobia of alienation from society. A person with a pathological fear of poverty does not trust anyone.

The fear of lack of control over one's own body gives rise to phobias aimed at the world around. The fear of big money is based on the fact that every day bills pass through thousands of hands, germs accumulate on them. The fear of getting sick due to contact with money is the basis of chrometophobia.

If a person is tormented by fear, in order to avoid repeated attacks of panic, he completely fenced off from contact with the environment. People with suppressed fear switch to cashless payments.

The fear of a lot of money that will have to be spent and exposed to a new danger of contracting an infection makes you refrain from spending. Without money on hand, it becomes easier for a person (temporary relief does not indicate a cure).

Money passes through thousands of hands and collects infections

Manifestation of a phobia

A complex psychoemotional state is expressed by acute symptoms. Gradually, a person becomes a hostage to fear. Chrometophobia manifests itself:

  • panic attacks;
  • trembling in the lower and upper limbs;
  • dizziness and headaches;
  • aggressiveness;
  • irritability;
  • alienation.

Phobia can manifest itself in the rejection of the threat. For a person, contact with money (own or someone else's) is a great stress. His heart rate increases (against the background of such a symptom, tachycardia gradually appears), sweating increases. It is difficult to collect and concentrate, all thoughts are aimed at avoiding the situation.

For alienation and isolation, a reason is needed. Against the background of chromophobia, social phobia, fear of contact with people, and hypochondria develop. The fear of getting sick or getting infected extends to money of any kind and denomination. A person with suppressed fear is unable to be in public without panic or hysteria.

Phobia treatment

Phobia treatment begins with acknowledging the problem. As long as a person justifies his own irrational behavior, it will not be possible to part with fear. Cognitive behavioral therapy and psychoanalysis are used in the treatment of chrometophobia.

Harmony between mind and body will get rid of the problem. It is important for the patient not to be alone with their fears. The support of relatives is the key to a quick recovery. Therapy excludes drug treatment (tranquilizers and strong sedatives are prescribed only in cases where the phobia directly threatens the life and health of the patient).

Behavioral therapy

Complex therapy consists of two directions: correction of behavioral skills and work with psychological attitudes of the personality. Fighting habits without addressing the root cause of the phobia will not work. During therapy, the psychoanalyst tries to separate the patient's irrational thoughts and beliefs from those attitudes that are part of his true character.

Testing is carried out to eliminate false beliefs: various techniques include a set of tests for introspection and small hands-on exercises that help to look at the problem from different angles.

In the course of therapy, stereotypes are overcome. This technique is especially effective for treating people with a pathological fear of poverty.

Complex therapy will relieve the patient of the disorder

The behavioral part of therapy is based on changes in human behavior through a system of rewards and punishments. With the help of the technique, the correct (natural) reactions of the body to the situation are developed. For the treatment of chrometophobia, additional types of therapy are used: art therapy or group creative activities. To remain a sane person, the patient needs to leave the comfort zone and get rid of dangerous fears. Fear of bills and coins is a manifestation of wrong attitudes that can be dealt with.

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