Prevention of intestinal infection on vacation at sea. Prevention of intestinal infections. What to give your child before going to the sea


When going on vacation, the last thing you want to do is encounter infections at sea. But in fact, the probability of this is very high, especially when it comes to Russian resorts. At sea you can get sick from any infectious diseases

- colds, flu, measles, chickenpox, scarlet fever... in general, everything that there is a risk of getting sick at home. But the bulk of diseases at sea are intestinal infections. When they talk about infections at sea, this is what they mean.

Prevention of intestinal infections at sea Sea and sun - the most effective remedy for the prevention of rhinitis, acute respiratory infections and other colds and great way

have a great time, relax before hard work. If a child needs to go to kindergarten for the first time, prevention of infections at sea is necessary. This way you can strengthen his immunity, thereby facilitating adaptation. After all, when kids just start visiting childcare facility

, often get sick and can’t get used to it. But all the wonderful plans for getting healthier may not come true due to an intestinal infection (CI).

  • If you do not prepare for your vacation in advance, then instead of a pleasant pastime, the following may happen:
  • diarrhea;
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • headache;
  • increased body temperature;

discomfort in the stomach.

  • Sometimes these symptoms appear due to heat or sunstroke. But most often they indicate an intestinal infection. Infection is promoted by:
  • weakened immunity due to change of place;
  • poor quality food;
  • the presence of infection in the water due to sewage drainage, and other troubles (pay attention to the inscription: “Swimming is strictly prohibited!”);


If you take certain measures and eliminate the causes of intestinal infection, then a trip to the sea will be pleasant and useful.

What infections should you be wary of?

  • Intestinal infections are a group of diseases caused by:
  • bacteria (causative agents of botulism, typhoid fever, salmonellosis, cholera, etc.);
  • viruses (for example, enteroviruses, rotaviruses);

The main mechanism of transmission of these diseases is fecal-oral. You can become infected with botulism by eating salted or smoked fish or canned food, and this disease is very dangerous, coma develops instantly. Cholera, dysentery - even just after swimming in what would seem clean water, ignoring the warning of the regional epidemiological surveillance.

Best prevention measures

For prevention intestinal infections It is necessary to observe basic hygiene rules.

Do not buy products of unknown origin, no matter how tasty they look, especially fish, meat, sweets with cream, etc. Remember, in the summer, near water, all conditions for the reproduction and spread of intestinal infections are met (warmth and high humidity).

Do not swim in the sea if it is prohibited. Very often in summer time Some beaches are closed if an excess of pathogenic microorganisms is found in the water.

Reduced immunity contributes to the development of intestinal infections. And it worsens due to climate change and exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Even if the move was not a significant distance, the maritime climate is somewhat different, and its change is stressful for the body. Hotter, higher humidity - these are quite serious changes, due to which immunity always decreases.

Although physiotherapy with UV rays is recommended to improve health, this does not happen instantly. By affecting the skin, ultraviolet radiation causes a stress reaction - cellular immunity decreases. And only after some time (up to 2 months) it intensifies significantly. Therefore, before going to the sea, it is recommended to take drugs that increase immunity. You can increase it folk remedies(dried apricots, raisins, honey, walnuts, lemon).

Contributes to infection - dysbacteriosis. When the amount of beneficial microflora in the intestines decreases (lactobacteria, bifidobacteria), favorable conditions are created for the development of pathogenic microbes (staphylococci, streptococci, etc.) in the intestines. Before going to the sea, especially if you have been taking antibiotics for a long time, you should definitely consult a gastroenterologist; most likely he will prescribe medications with beneficial bacteria, for example Linex or Lactrofiltrum. You can also improve the condition of your intestinal microflora with fermented milk products.

Compliance with the simplest rules of hygiene, taking care of your own health (do not buy food in dubious places), strengthening your immune system is the main prevention of intestinal infections at sea.

Russia - northern country, where for most of the population winter lasts about six months, so the tradition of going to the sea in the summer has long been established.

Young mothers, having spent nine cold months at home with their children on sick leave, want to take their baby (or babies) to the south in the summer. The south is the sea, the sun, the beach, and finally, just a new place where it will definitely be good and interesting for both mother and child.

Many parents say that after a trip to the sea with their baby, the number of sick days for the next year sharply decreases. People go on vacation with small children to bask in the sun, accumulate vitamin D for the year ahead, and rinse their noses with salt water in order to return home healthier and ready to face the inevitable cold weather.

When planning your trip to the sea with a child, you need to remember the dangers that await you and your children on vacation, be prepared to meet them, and know how to avoid them.

We will not list all the troubles that you may encounter on vacation, from accidents to the commonplace ARVI. Let us dwell on such a common Lately a disease such as rotavirus infection, which increasingly lies in wait for mothers and children vacationing at sea.

Rotavirus - what is it, why is it dangerous?

- a highly contagious disease of viral origin that occurs in acute form. The main damage is directed to the human stomach and intestines.

Mostly children get this disease. This is due to the children’s immune system, which has not yet become stronger, and the habit of trying everything “by tooth” - this is especially true for babies under one year old.

The main signs of rotavirus in a child:

The danger of this disease is a large loss of fluid which can lead to dehydration. Dehydration leads to kidney failure and impaired brain function.

Rotavirus, which is the causative agent of the disease itself, is highly contagious, it can live outside the body for quite a long time:

  • from 10 to 45 days - on any objects around you;
  • up to 30 days - on fruits and vegetables;
  • up to 60 days - in water supply.

A sick person will be a source of rotavirus until he fully recovers.

The possibility of becoming infected is very high from a healthy carrier of the virus, because after infection the disease itself can occur either after 12 hours or after 7 days.

The virus enters the human body through the mouth.

Infection options baby rotavirus:

  • infected water;
  • contaminated food;
  • unwashed hands.

The last infection option is the most common. The virus lives on hands for up to four hours, even if during this time the baby does not put his hands in his mouth, he will have time to leave it on a large number of surfaces - from toys to the kitchen table.

Maintaining personal hygiene rules is important point in the prevention of rotavirus infection.

Why does the risk of infection increase in marine regions?

The most favorable environment for viruses to reproduce is warm water . In the summer in the south, the water warms up very quickly, especially in shallow waters where small children usually splash around.

The beaches themselves are very crowded in summer, and adults often do not suspect that they themselves are a source of rotavirus infection, since for many it goes unnoticed. The risk of infection increases many times.

The virus can also accumulate in a hotel's ventilation system, and then through the air conditioner into the rooms of vacationers.

What measures will help you and your children avoid becoming a victim of rotavirus while on vacation by the sea?

The video tells about the causes of rotavirus infection (acute) in children at sea, treatment and prevention:

Preventive measures to prevent rotavirus diseases

Previously, we wrote about the three most common ways of infecting children with rotavirus. Description preventive measures We will make decisions based on them.

Rule one: drink yourself and give your child tested water.

The aquatic environment in summer is very favorable for the proliferation of rotavirus. It is important that the baby drinks only clean and boiled water.

Basic measures to prevent rotavirus infections at sea in children:

  • carefully filter the water and then boil it;
  • we store boiled water in closed jars or jugs for no more than 4-6 hours (after this time has elapsed, there will already be a colony of microbes in the water, especially in the heat);
  • We choose the right container for storing boiling water: there should be no narrow necks that are difficult to rinse;
  • We also exclude containers that previously contained dairy products;
  • On the street we drink only proven bottled water, excluding wells, pumps, springs, and natural springs.

Rule two: eat right.

Summer products due high temperatures spoil faster, very often unnoticed by us. Parents need to strictly monitor the expiration date and storage methods of products to avoid poisoning.

Children love to eat berries from the bush and vegetables from the garden., which require significantly more effort to process than adults usually do.

We follow the following rules for the prevention of poisoning at sea for children:

  • We monitor the expiration dates of purchased products, we buy perishable ones close to home (so that they do not have time to heat up in the heat);
  • we do not buy food on beaches or open markets;
  • food that is not eaten at one time should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 6 hours;
  • boil the milk;
  • We do not store dairy products in open containers, even in the refrigerator;
  • we refuse desserts with cream, butter, do not eat cream, fast food with meat filling (all this is a very fertile environment for viruses);
  • We wash the fruits from the garden with a brush and rinse with cold boiling water;
  • Wash the berries, pour boiling water over them, and place in a colander.

Rule three: keep it clean.

Clean hands, absence of dust and dirt on household items, toys, bed linen - this is the key to success in preventing intestinal infections in children at sea and in protecting against rotavirus.

Pay particular attention to the following recommendations.

A seaside holiday is a wonderful pastime, but only if it does not end with the treatment of rotavirus. The problem is very serious and its consideration with the onset of vacation time is more than important. Please note that rotavirus can spread different ways, most often it is transmitted by the oral-fecal route, less often by airborne droplets. The causative agent of the disease can live in environment, household and personal items, on the surface of unwashed fruits.

It easily tolerates temperature changes and cold, so it can become infected regardless of the time of year. However, statistics show that most often an intestinal infection threatens a person sea ​​coast during rest.

How do you get the stomach flu?

Rotavirus infection, also called “intestinal flu,” is provoked by the action of specific viruses. During the active stage of the pathology and for several more days after the disappearance of the main symptoms, the source of infection is the feces of a sick person. Entering the intestine through the fecal-oral route, rotavirus infection actively multiplies in the mucous layer of the organ, and infected cells, peeling off from the surface, leave the body with feces.

The main danger for healthy people lies in objects that can become contaminated with contaminated feces:

  • Earth;
  • an insufficiently cleaned toilet;
  • shared towels
  • bathroom door handle;
  • The hands of an infected person are not washed thoroughly enough.

Thanks to the listed items, rotavirus infection quickly spreads to the skin of a potential victim, and then to the intestines - to do this, it is enough to put food in the mouth with unwashed hands. The result is a malabsorption of important nutrients small intestine, the formation of ischemia of the mucous layer of the organ and the development of inflammation.

Some features of rotavirus

Parents first have to think about the need to prevent rotavirus at sea, since the pathogen is primarily dangerous for children, regardless of their age.

The group of people for whom intestinal flu is most dangerous includes:

  • Babies whose age ranges from 3-6 months to 6 or 7 years.
  • Infants, artificially fed.
  • Elderly people over 60 years of age.
  • Women carrying a child or breastfeeding.
  • People who have chronic pathologies and concomitant diseases.

The reason why rotavirus is dangerous for these groups is the weakness of the immune system, as a result of which the body’s resistance is significantly reduced. In order to protect yourself from rotavirus at sea or, by at least To take timely steps to stop unpleasant manifestations, it is necessary not only to know the routes of transmission of the infection, but also to recognize, if necessary, the signs of the disease.

Symptoms of intestinal infection

The clinical picture can be observed for about a week, then the victim recovers.

The development of the disease occurs on average in three or five days, and rotavirus manifests itself in three main syndromes - dyspeptic, intoxicating and respiratory, respectively, the symptoms of the disease include:

  • Frequent vomiting attacks, the number of which can reach up to ten per day. The relief that comes after vomiting is temporary. Vomit contains water and stomach contents.
  • Weakness, drowsiness, pallor appear skin, reducing their temperature.
  • Pain appears in the abdominal area, the liver is slightly enlarged, and active discharge of gases is observed. The abdomen is usually swollen.
  • Diarrhea may occur, which is considered a possible but not obligatory symptom, especially if there is severe vomiting. The color of the stool is gray and the consistency may be watery. If the stool is very light and the urine is dark, liver damage can be suspected. Other intestinal pathologies are indicated by a greenish or yellow tint, foaminess and blood impurities.
  • Flakes and blood are often observed in the urine, and kidney damage is possible, which persists for a certain time after recovery.
  • The temperature can rise to 38.5 0 C. Sometimes a cough, runny nose, nasal congestion, sore throat and soreness appear.

It is important to remember that excessive vomiting and diarrhea lead to dehydration, which can be fatal.

How to avoid getting an intestinal infection when going to sea

Prevention of rotavirus at sea will allow you to avoid infection and treatment to eliminate unpleasant symptoms. To prevent infection, specific or nonspecific prophylaxis can be carried out. The first is the oral use of special vaccines containing a weak but live virus.

Nonspecific prevention is understood as a set of sanitary and hygienic measures, isolation of a victim who exhibits signs of intestinal flu.

  • Thorough hand washing before meals, eating food exclusively with clean hands, regardless of whether cutlery is used during meals.
  • Before eating vegetables and fruits of trees and shrubs, they must be treated with boiled water. To prepare raw products that will undergo heat treatment, it is necessary to allocate separate cutting boards and knives.
  • Each person must have individual utensils for eating.
  • It is advisable to avoid eating in crowded places large quantity of people.
  • You should not drink or eat food “on the run,” since intestinal pathogens and viruses penetrate into your open mouth with food.
  • After visiting the toilet, hands should be washed with soap, using uniform hygiene products if possible.

It is also necessary to treat door handles, plumbing fixtures, computer keyboards, remote controls and anything that is frequently touched with antimicrobial substances.

Carrying out emergency prevention of pathology

Prevention of rotavirus infections can be carried out at sea, for which the following drugs are used:

  • RV1 vaccine, which must be administered twice.
  • The RV5 vaccine is administered three times.

It is advisable to apply the first dose at the age of six, repeated administration is carried out after 16 weeks. Vaccination is necessary to enhance the body’s protective properties and prevent possible infection, reducing negative symptoms to a minimum level.

If the first signs of pathology are noticed, it is necessary to prescribe immunostimulating agents that improve the body’s protective properties. But self-medication is quite dangerous, so if you suspect intestinal flu, you should see a specialist. However, if this is not possible, you can use Linex or Nifuroxazide.

To eliminate diarrhea, the use of sorbents is indicated, the most accessible of which is Activated carbon or Smecta. The water-salt balance is restored with the help of Regidron.

Summer is a wonderful time. Freedom and pleasant relaxation away from the hustle and bustle of the world. What could be more wonderful than a vacation by the sea?! Most likely you will answer that you don’t dream of anything else. So, so that nothing overshadows it, it is important to properly pack and take with you all the necessary things. You can also think about prevention for children before the sea so that one fine morning you don’t find your child unexpectedly sick.

Prevention- This is a normal medical action recognized to prevent a possible disease. Primary prevention includes vaccinations, vaccinations, immune support, and so on. But as preventive measures you follow the rules of hygiene, wash your hands and the fruits you are going to eat. Thus, in addition to the usual privacy rules hygiene, you should think about prevention of infections at sea in children.

What to give your child before going to the sea

As prudent parents, you of course know that the Ministry of Health does not recommend taking them out of the usual climate zone for children under three years of age to avoid sudden temperature changes and climate change. After all, it is the change that can have harmful influence on the formation of immunity during the period of active growth and development of the baby.

But when your baby is already over three, you can think about a joint vacation to the sea. And in order to avoid or prevent diseases, for example, various infections, you need to carry out prevention. After all, even going to the sea once a year for a child will be of great benefit. The sun and vitamin D will remain in abundance in your child’s body, and the opportunity to run and play on the hot sand and splash in the sea will give him strength and health. Don't be scared by all kinds of E. coli and rotavirus infections . Your task is to find out about the most common diseases in the place where you are going on vacation. Get vaccinated if necessary.

Everyone has their own approach to what to give their child before going to the seaside. We have collected the most proven recommendations, perhaps some of them will suit you.

  • Three days before the trip, during the trip and three days at the resort, take medications that help regulate the balance of intestinal microflora. This measure will definitely not save you from complex infections, but it will definitely help the gastrointestinal tract and provide support to the body.
  • Seek advice from your pediatrician, especially if you have frequently ill child. He will give advice regarding your personal preparation for the trip. on the sea. Most often, in this case, an antiviral drug is prescribed to prepare the baby’s body for the trip or to stimulate the immune system. Both options are suitable for a child who needs to be “charged” with health at sea, but the version of the drug and its dosage regimen will be determined by the pediatrician.
  • In any case, three weeks before departure, start taking multivitamins as a family. After drinking their children and adults before going to the sea– will boost your immunity. After all, at sea you eat after a hard day at work, which means your body is weakened to some extent and so that excess infection does not catch on, drink your vitamins.
  • For prevention of intestinal infection in children at sea use, for example, Bifiform. This drug has proven itself not only as a medicine, but also as a preventive measure. infections in children before going to the sea.
  • So as not to scare you coxsackie virus, just know that there is still no vaccine for it, but to avoid it, you need to know to follow simple rules hygiene - wash your hands more often, wash the dishes well after eating and the products you are going to cook from. This virus is sometimes accompanied by an outbreak of disease in one hotel or vacation spot, the main thing is to follow safety rules and, if necessary, isolate the child and call a pediatrician. Swimming with Coxsackie virus it is forbidden.
  • Enterofuril often recommended as prophylactic for children at sea. It can be used as prevention poisoning one capsule, but strictly after the age of three!

IMPORTANT! When choosing a drug for prophylaxis, consult your doctor. He will tell you the dosage and the need to take medications in your case.

Useful video

So, how to protect your child at sea from infections. This video will tell you the five main mistakes of parents relaxing with children on the beach:

And in this program Dr. Evgeny Komarovsky will talk about the myths of seaside holidays. About how correct it is to relax at sea and how to do it:


As you understand, there is no such magic pill that, by taking it, you can protect yourself from everyone possible diseases your child. But there is a simple and well-proven common sense. So we strongly advise you to use it all the time. vacations: as in the period of preparation for it, on the road and directly at sea.

For the vast majority of the population of our country, cold weather lasts more than six months, so summer months I want to use it to the maximum. Many parents note that the tradition of taking their children to the seaside significantly reduces the number of forced sick days in the subsequent autumn-winter season.

Preserving and increasing the health of the entire family is a good goal. But a trip to the “south” is not only about bright sun, azure waves, vitamin D and a sea of ​​positivity. Unfortunately, on vacation mothers with children face a serious danger - intestinal infections. What’s even sadder is that epidemiological outbreaks of the disease are occurring more and more often and have a wide coverage from the domestic Black Sea coast to popular foreign resorts.

How to prevent infection during summer holiday and avoid making the most common mistakes - the site will tell you.

Intestinal infections: children at risk

Enteroviruses, rotaviruses, noroviruses- causative agents of dangerous gastrointestinal diseases, to which children and the elderly are more susceptible. In the heat and during shifts climate zone the risk of contracting an intestinal infection increases - the body’s internal reserves are spent on adapting to new conditions, and protective barriers are weakened.

Places where holidaymakers gather, as well as transport hubs with large passenger traffic, become breeding grounds for invisible infection. The incubation period of diseases varies from several hours to several days, the severity of symptoms depends on the concentration of the pathogen and the state of the body’s own defenses. Even after the symptoms disappear, the person who has recovered from the disease can pose a danger to others.

Viruses are viable under conditions external environment, so it’s not at all difficult to “grab” the infection as travel companions. To do this, just touch the infected object and then take your baby’s hand. That is, a child does not have to lick the handle in a public restroom - a couple of touches of his lips with unwashed fingers is enough. By licking his lips, the child transfers the pathogen further to the mucous membrane oral cavity and into the gastrointestinal tract, where the saboteur will act out his performance.

Symptoms of a viral intestinal disorder:

  • Lethargy and loss of appetite;
  • Pain in the navel area;
  • Frequent loose stools, repeated vomiting and, as a result, severe dehydration;
  • Temperature rise above 38°C.
  • Some types of gastrointestinal infections are characterized by catarrhal symptoms - runny nose, sneezing and even coughing.

If signs of an intestinal infection occur, you should immediately call a doctor, who will prescribe treatment and decide on the advisability of hospitalization. For children under three years of age, seeing a doctor is mandatory.

During a holiday abroad, the issue of providing medical care can be a little more complicated. However, the standard insurance package provided by tour operators includes emergency medical care, transport services, specialist consultation and inpatient treatment on the territory of the host country.

How dangerous are intestinal infections for a child?

A particular danger to children is dehydration, which can develop within a few hours after the first symptoms of the disease. In one spasmodic attack, along with vomit, the body of a seven-year-old child loses one glass of fluid (250 ml). IN acute period illness, the number of attacks of vomiting and diarrhea can be ten episodes during the day.

The following signs indicate dehydration:
  • Dry tongue and lips with increased thirst;
  • “Bluishness” of the skin and pallor of the mucous membranes;
  • Rare urination, dark color of urine and its pungent odor.

Dehydration causes thickening of physiological fluids - the total blood volume decreases, the heart begins to work “for wear and tear”. Therefore, moisture loss must be actively replenished. The child should be given isotonic drinks that will compensate for the loss of electrolytes. You can make such a solution yourself; just mix one teaspoon of salt and two tablespoons of sugar in a liter of boiled water at room temperature. You can also buy ready-made rehydration powder at the pharmacy.

A sick baby needs to be given water frequently - one or two tablespoons every ten minutes. And through “I don’t want.” But there is no need to force-feed the child. Milk is especially contraindicated!

Diarrhea and vomiting- This is the body’s natural reaction to a harmful invasion, so it tries to get rid of the virus. Therefore, antiemetics and anti-diarrhea medications should not be used. Sorbents that need to be taken as early as possible can help the body. When the acute phase of the disease passes, it will be necessary to begin restorative therapy, including dietary nutrition and drugs to normalize the intestinal microflora.

Prevention of intestinal disorders at sea

Intestinal infections are dangerous and insidious, but there is no need to panic. You just need to, if possible, follow certain rules of conduct on vacation.

Rule No. 1: Only tested drinking water

To prevent infections, the baby should drink only clean bottled or boiled water. Shelf life drinking water- no more than 6 hours. Don't drink it yourself or let your child drink iced drinks - you can't vouch for the quality of frozen water.

Rule #2: Fresh food, only washed vegetables

In the heat, food spoils quickly, every mother knows this. Often this happens even before it becomes noticeable to the eye. That's why perishable food you need to buy in close proximity to your place of residence.

Do not buy ready-made meals from open shelves. In other words, such food that the seller could “don’t give a damn” about (rotaviruses can be transmitted by airborne droplets!). Make sure that your child does not put unwashed fruits in his mouth, no matter how tempting they may seem to him. Pour boiling water over fruits and vegetables before eating. Don't buy food on the beach! Think about your snack in advance and get a travel cooler bag in which you will store food during your vacation on the coast.

Rule #3: Clean hands

Explain to your child how to wash their hands correctly - the procedure should take at least 20 seconds (the same amount of time it will take to sing the phrase “Happy Birthday to you” twice). Let hand washing acquire the status of a sacred ritual in your family, which is performed every time after coming from the street, from the toilet, and also before eating. Important! Keeping your hands clean means not only regular washing with soap, but also timely cutting of overgrown nails. And biting your nails is generally unacceptable!

Rule #4: Clean living space
Mom is also a person and sometimes she vitally needs a break from purely everyday duties. But in the “mom” profession there are no days off, so you need to maintain the hygiene of your living space, even while living in a hotel. You understand - cleaning the toys traveling with you to the beach is beyond the competence of the hotel cleaning staff. You shouldn’t be overzealous with disinfectant solutions, but from time to time it’s worth treating the surface of the toilet bowl and the children’s potty with them.

Rule #5: Salty water should not be swallowed

Dangerous viruses are transmitted through the fecal-oral route, so set a clear ban on swallowing sea water! If you get into a child's mouth sea ​​water, ask him to gargle clean water, stored in advance. If the child dived and seriously swallowed, it would be a good idea to give him an absorbent drug to prevent intestinal disorders.

the site recommends making such preventive measures your daily habit while on vacation at sea, then the risk of contracting an intestinal disease will be minimal. Remember, viral infections represent increased danger for young children! Separately, it is worth mentioning such a preventive measure against “stomach flu” as vaccine prevention. It is believed that vaccination against rotavirus helps prevent the disease in 70-80% of cases and protects against severe disease in 95-100% of cases.

A seaside holiday with a child can be the highlight of the summer. But parents are not always able to predict all the situations that a trip to the sunny south prepares. Take care of yourself and your loved ones and let unforeseen difficulties pass you by!

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