The problem of kindness in the modern world. Good and evil. The essence of good and evil, the idea of ​​these two concepts, their relationship in life. The forces of light control the forces of darkness

home In not so long ago, it was one of the most valuable character traits of any person. But quite a lot of time has passed since that period, and naturally, the attitude towards it has changed a little. Lots of people in modern world considers kindness to be one of the signs of weak people, and it is this that determines the degree of their naivety, and sometimes even stupidity. Therefore, this quality has lost its authority, and now one can notice that the time has come for strong, firm and go-ahead personalities. It is they, in the opinion of the majority, who will achieve more success

in life, and in the end they will win. It's hard to argue that good intentions are always hidden behind your colleague's kind and polite voice. Sometimes it's like this good quality They are simply used as another method of manipulation. And you can hardly call such a manipulator kind. In principle, such people are now simply great amount

and the concept of “kind person” is definitely not about them. But, nevertheless, on our huge planet there are real good people who do good deeds, not for their own sake, but to help. It is difficult to include in the category of such people a person who will never refuse any request, even if it is far from close friend

, and sometimes just a stranger. After all, they don't know how. Ultimately, this type of person will lead himself to severe stress, and he simply will not have enough strength for good deeds and intentions. Kindness does not consist of self-sacrifice, it more means that a person “does a good deed” in order to improve the condition and mood of the people around him, that is, a deed for the good. In addition, it should not at all lower self-esteem and worsen the health of a person who does good deeds. This is usually the person who deeply experiences the feelings and emotions of other people. For example, his friend had good news, kindness will do its job, and the person will feel this happiness, as if it were happening to him. But if his loved ones have suffered grief, he will feel this very deeply. But there is another this quality: such sunny, kind people charge you with such calmness, harmony, and sometimes energy that your mood, even if it was at zero, will rise significantly after contact with him.

Another positive side of this character trait is that the more you do good things to strangers or close people, the more large size this politeness will come back to you. Isn't this a stimulus to action?! Sometimes, you just need to hold a heavy bag for a passerby or hold the door for him, and when you see a smile on his face, you immediately feel important, and your self-esteem and mood grow. After all, such a virtue does not require much time or any vitality and energy, and everyone understands how easy and simple it is to do, but not very many people do it.

Kindness is not at all a weakness of spirit or willpower. They have this quality strong people, while simultaneously showing empathy and warmth to each person. Therefore, a kind person always has a smile on his face, because he does so much good for others, without asking for anything in return and without any self-interest. Such kindness and politeness instantly dispels mistrust or Bad mood interlocutor. It is such a positive quality as kindness that improves our lives, and first of all, turns us into real people.


“Is kindness necessary in the 21st century?”

11th grade student of MAOU Lyceum No. 17

Head: Leven Tatyana Andreevna,

Teacher of Russian language and literature

MAOU Lyceum No. 17



Is kindness necessary in the 21st century?

It still seems to me that kindness is measured not by the ability to highlight part of what you have, but by something more comprehensive. And, in my opinion, kindness is still difficult to measure in any units. In addition, this same kindness is somehow less and less, unfortunately, to be found in our society. Of course, everyone is kind to their loved ones: to children, to parents, to acquaintances, because deep down in their souls they expect the same kind deed in return. But it’s very difficult to do something like that towards a complete stranger, without expecting any kind of gratitude at all. For some reason, people now consider the behavior of people in videos presented on the Internet almost a feat: motorists stop to move an elderly person across the road or push a car stuck in a ditch. But this is a simple, common phenomenon that has become Lately rare, which is why it is so highly valued. What happened to people? Is kindness really something like an archaism? I don’t want to think that people are so hardened in soul, but you’re riding on the bus in the morning, when all the seats are occupied, and you see an old granny coming in, her hands are shaking (why is she alone at such a time - the circumstances are different), she can barely hold on, but sit down? there is nowhere to go - all the seats are occupied by students, schoolchildren, young workers and office workers, and NOBODY gets up! It’s difficult to explain whether it’s a callous soul or bad upbringing. My parents taught me to look around, so I almost always get on the bus and stand in the aisle, because there are always people who need more comfort than me.

And yet, I think kindness will always be needed: in the 21st century, and in the 22nd, and in subsequent ones too. Humanity will not survive without showing goodness. This is a category that is passed around in a circle regardless of a person’s desire or reluctance. Last summer I found a wallet with money in a store, driver's license And credit cards. Through the Internet, my brother and I found the owner and returned everything to him safe and sound. He was simply shocked when he saw that everything was in place. After a couple of months, I myself lost my wallet, but to my surprise, I received it after a few days without any loss. When I told my mother about this and laughed that this is a real cycle of wallets in nature, she replied that “this is a cycle, but not of wallets, but of goodness among people.”

I would like to believe that such a cycle of goodness will not be isolated, but massive, universal, that with each revolution kindness will ennoble people and make them more conscientious, softer, more attentive towards other people, acquaintances and strangers.

Class hour

Form: Classroom hour-reflection.

Target: Formation of moral values ​​among students, ideas about good and evil, the essence of mercy; motivation for moral self-improvement, for active actions in the name of good.


    Expand the concepts: good, evil, mercy, racism, genocide, extremism, introduce works of literature and painting about war.

    Form moral categories and value judgments, instill a culture of discussion.

    To cultivate feelings of rejection of evil, camaraderie, patriotism and compassion, and the desire to do good deeds.

Basic concepts:

    good and evil



Teaching methods:



    Work in groups.

1. Psychological warm-up

Teacher: Girls and boys! Dear guests, hello. I am glad to see you at our class hour. My friends, are you ready to go? If yes, then please everyone look at me. I have to ask you. I will ask you to sit in a circle, relax and hold hands. Thank you. Now close your eyes and listen to the overture. You feel how this music flows straight into our hearts, filling them with confidence and calm. Mentally say to yourself: “I feel good! I feel good! I feel good!” (Now please open your eyes and give each other smiles. How did you feel? Why do you think?Children's answers.

Slide 1

Teacher: You are right, the music, your smiles, touching each other, the feeling of a friendly shoulder - all this influenced your mood. I looked at your smiling faces and noticed that the class became brighter. This is probably because good, warm-hearted people have gathered here. After all, kindness is the sun that warms a person’s soul. Let's read the words of M. Prishvin: “Everything good in nature comes from the sun, and everything best in life comes from man.” I think you can now tell what we will talk about today.Children's answers .

Teacher: I invite you to a conversation about good and evil.The topic of our class hour: “Good or evil - your moral choice.”

Slide 2.

Issues for discussion:

    What is good and evil?

    Good and evil in our lives

    Man and circumstances


Children's answers .

2. Working with concepts

Teacher: How do you understand the meaning of the words "good and evil "? Throughout its history, humanity has been trying to answer these eternal questions. Let's think together. Formulate own definition concepts of “good” and “evil”. Independent work children in pairs using cards, continue...

"Good is..."
"Kindness is..."
“A kind person is...”
"Mercy is..."

One pair works using Dahl's dictionary.

Slide 3

Teacher: Look at the screen, please. Dahl's dictionary gives the following definitions for these concepts (these definitions are compared with the children's answers).

Slide 4

Here's what an old Chinese parable tells us about it.

3. Re-enactment

Young man: Oh, wisest one, take me as your disciple, I want to know the truth.

- Can you lie? - asked the sage.
- Of course not! - answered the young man.
- What about stealing?
- No.
- What about killing?
- No...
“Then go,” exclaimed the teacher, “and learn all this.” And once you know, don’t do it! What did the sage want to say with his strange advice?

Teacher: Do you think the young man should have learned to be a hypocrite, to deceive, to kill?Children's answers.

Teacher: Of course, the sage’s thought was this: whoever has not learned and experienced evil cannot be truly, actively good. Do you think good and evil are related?Children's answers.

Slide 5.

Teacher: Let's watch an excerpt from the film "We are from the future." What can you say? Did Sergei do a good deed or not? How do you think?Children's answers.

Teacher: You see. It is difficult for you to answer this question. His action cannot be called positive, because he pursued another goal, so that no one would hear the shot, so that the villagers would not gather and expose them... What kind of exposure do you think they were afraid of?Children's answers .

Teacher: This means, my friends, good and evil are closely interconnected. Goodness is primarily associated with the ability to rejoice and compassion, sympathize, empathize, respond to the feelings of others and keep your soul open. Goodness is everything that is morally valuable, which contributes to the well-being of a person and society as a whole.
Kindness is a moral and value characteristic of a person, including such properties thanks to which he is able to do good. Such properties include responsiveness, attention to people, generosity, willingness to sacrifice one’s interests for the sake of others, the ability to self-restraint, selflessness, etc. A special type of kindness is mercy. This is mercy of the heart, pity, gentleness, compassion, love for people. Mercy is not weakness, but strength, because it is characteristic of people who are able to come to the rescue. The ability to sympathize and empathize is a sign of the spiritual maturity of a person. And tears of sympathy for another person are holy tears. They mean that a person has a soul and a heart. Guys, which of you can say that he is a truly kind person?
Children's answers.

Teacher: Do you remember when we conducted a questionnaire with you, where I asked you to name the kindest person in the class? Please look at the screen.
The majority named... I asked your teachers the same question and received an answer... (opinions coincided or disagreed)

4. Study the main problem

You have questions on your table for discussion:

    Is it possible to be kind at all without showing kindness in your deeds?

    Is it possible to force a person to be kind?

    Do you agree with the idea that the beginning of a good attitude towards people is the ability to forgive? Let's speculate.

Children's answers.

Teacher: Imagine that your offender found himself in a critical situation, for example, fell into an ice hole. There is no one except you. No one hears his cry for help. What will you do? And why?Children's answers.

Teacher: Evil is contrary to good. What kind of person is called evil?Children's answers.

Slides 6-13

Teacher: Evil and good live in our world.


Evil is everything that destroys a person’s soul. Good…(repeat every time)

    Evil is war and betrayal, envy and greed, it is the persecution of people of a different nationality, a different skin color. (racism, genocide, extremism)

    Kindness is helping each other, supporting Hard time, caring for one's neighbor, humanitarian aid, mutual assistance.

    Evil is drug addiction, smoking, alcohol, depraved lifestyle, abortion.

    Goodness is caring about health, the desire to help your loved ones and yourself. This is mother's love, children's love, love for neighbors. This is the moral basis of our society.

    Evil is when the strong offend the weak, when the younger ones do not respect the elders, and adults do not care about children.

    Good - when love rules the world!

Unfortunately, evil is very widespread and many-sided, it is insidious. Evil is often disguised and sometimes difficult to recognize. A criminal commits a crime, justifying himself with circumstances, a traitor explains his act by forced necessity, tyrants and dictators swore that they cared about the welfare of people, bringing suffering and misfortune to peoples. But this the mighty of the world this. How are we with you? ordinary people, can we help the world become kinder?Children's answers.

Teacher: A person must be judged by his deeds. Sometimes the germ of cruelty is so microscopic that it is sometimes very difficult to discern. “Well, beat, beat grandma,” he says with emotion. old woman to a three-year-old strong man. “Wow, how strong you are among us - super strong, look how grandma is in pain!” And with such innocent amusements the child is inspired with the idea that causing pain to others is funny and that this is your strength. What do you think will happen to this boy later?Children's answers.

Teacher: Could it be happy man bringing suffering to others?Children's answers.

Teacher: The Roman satirist Juvenal said: “Not one evil person never happy.” And the tragedy in the city of Beslan in September 2004...Remember? What are there vivid examples self-sacrifice for the sake of the life of another person. 18 teachers died from the bullets of brutal terrorists while saving schoolchildren. Among them is 74-year-old physical education teacher Ivan Konstantinovich Kanidze, who saved 30 children and received 3 bullets in the back. The terrible disaster shook people, aroused the kindest feelings, and all the peoples of Russia provided assistance to the victims. They donated blood, transferred money, brought things and toys to the children. And we took part in this. The soft toys you sewed were sent to the children of Beslan.

Do we need to help the elderly, sick, poor people? Maybe we are in vain going to older people with concerts? Maybe it’s in vain that we come to the rally on May 9?

Teacher: Do good to people, share joy and trouble with them, love, respect each other, be ready to help.
I invite you to listen to stories prepared by your classmates.

5. First story

"Close the embrasure"

The Great Patriotic War was going on. A company of fighters received an order to seize the heights. However, the attacks were drowned out one after another - a machine gun was continuously firing from the embrasure of the pillbox. Fulfilling the order seemed impossible... Then one fighter, creeping up to the embrasure on his belly, covered it with his body.

Teacher: Thank you. The height has been taken. This feat was accomplished many times during the war.

How to explain the heroism of soldiers?Children's answers.

Second story

"Feat in Peaceful time»

The trolley derailed, fell on its side and, with the edge of its body, flattened an armored cable suspended from a metal stand. A blue snake of fire, crackling ominously, crawled along the cable to the transformer. In a few seconds she will reach the camera and... the irreparable will happen... The transformer will explode. A fire will break out, and there will be people in the lava. Hurry!
“Disconnect! – Sergei is running around the cell. – Move the handle to the left until it clicks. The cell body is probably energized. There's death there. Instant. To the ashes... There are 6 thousand volts!”
And Sergei prevented the death of people, but he himself lost both hands.(V. Titov. “To spite all deaths...”)

Teacher: Thank you. I have questions for you:

What made Sergei, risking his life, turn off the transformer?
– Is Napoleon right when he says: “A person’s spiritual strength is related to physical strength as three to one”?
Children's answers.

Teacher: Training exercises

You were offended, misunderstood, you received a “2” (even more unfair), you got sick, an accident happened, you were betrayed by a friend. And then you feel anger, gloating. I want to take revenge, to offend, to withdraw. A feeling of insecurity appears - fear as a feeling of loneliness, lack of love, uselessness. You become weak, vulnerable, circumstances turn against you. How to accept correct solution in such a situation?

6. Exercises "Blow off some steam" , "Growl"

These two exercises are done during training by paratroopers, who must act wisely and boldly. And feel free to train your endurance.

Exercise "Explain"

Take Blank sheet paper, think about it, ask and answer the question: “Why did this person offend me?”

1) Because he treats me badly?
2) Because he thinks only about himself and does not notice when he offends others?
3) Maybe he wished me well and doesn’t know that by doing this he’s only making things worse for me?
4) Or maybe what he said, although offensive, is actually correct and I really need to get rid of this shortcoming?
5) Or maybe he’s just very bad and I should help, forgetting about the offense? After all, I am stronger (smarter, older, younger, healthier, more self-possessed).

Unfortunately, there is hard-heartedness, cruelty, violence among people. A person leaves another person in trouble, bullies, kills... A mother refuses to take her child from the maternity hospital... There is no forgiveness for them, outcasts of the human race, and there is only one way to get rid of these phenomena - create more good. Our great benefactor Academician D.S. Likhachev believed that “the most big goal life - to increase goodness in the world."

Slide 13

Let's now, in the remaining few minutes before the end of the class hour, increase at least a little goodness in the world, make flowers or one flower with good wishes to each other. You can work in groups, pairs or individually, as you wish. You can use thoughts for your work wise people and folk proverbs lying on your table.

Thoughts of the wise

“Do good, so that by loving, good will find you. Do not commit evil, lest evil kill you.”

Destroy evil in the world
And above all, love.
Hurry to do good deeds.
And powerful work reigns for our benefit,
How can evil and darkness appear there,
Where do these wonderful luminaries shine?


He was not known as a sage,
He was not known as a brave man
But bow to him:
He was a man

(R. Gamzatov)

Miguel Cervantes : “Nothing costs us so little or is valued so dearly as politeness and kindness.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau : “True kindness lies in treating people kindly.”
William Shakespeare : “To appreciate kindness in a person, you need to have a certain amount of this quality in yourself.”
Blaise Pascal : “The smarter and kinder a person is, the more he notices goodness in people.”
Lev Tolstoy : “Kindness is the quality that I desire to acquire more than all others.”
Mikhail Prishvin : “The best thing I keep within myself is a living feeling for kind people.”
Maksim Gorky : “How good it is to treat a person humanely, cordially.”
A person who does good to others feels happy.

Folk proverbs:

“If you spend an hour in goodness, you will forget all your sorrows,” “He who lives in goodness walks in silver,” “It is well remembered, but goodness will never be forgotten,” “To offend the poor is not to wish goodness for yourself,” “It is bad for the one who does no good to anyone"
“Let's do good while we have the strength. Otherwise, then both you and I, on the eve of the grave, will only reap evil.”
“Do good, so that by loving, good will find you. Do not commit evil, lest it destroy you.”

Students read the wishes written on the petals and attach the petals to the board, filling the middle of the daisy social teacher, who, having read his wishes, connected the petals of the flower.

Teacher: On this good note we end our class hour. What impressions do you have after today's conversation? What did you like? What upset you? Has anything changed in you after today's class?
I would like to end our conversation with a song. Let's hold hands, friends, and sing "Let's compliment each other."
– Thank you, friends, for your work. Goodbye.

Literature :

1. BOgdanova O.S., Kalinina O.D., Rubtsova M.B. Ethical conversations with teenagers. – M., 1987
Bozhovich L.I., Konnikova T.E. Moral formation of a schoolchild’s personality in a team. – M., 1987
Volchenko L.B. Good and evil as ethical categories. M., 1975
Dal V.I. Dictionary living Great Russian language.
Lossky N.O. Conditions of absolute goodness: Fundamentals of ethics; The character of the Russian people. – M., 1991
Makarenko A.S. Will, courage, determination. – M., 1987
Rozhkov M.I., Bayborodova L.V. Organization educational process At school. – M., 2001
8. Sukhomlinsky V.A. Selected pedagogical works. – M., 1980
9. School philosophical dictionary/
T.V. Gorbunova, N.S. Gordienko, V.A. Karpunin et al. M. 1995

I’ll explain my position right away. I am a free person (in terms of relationships), and therefore I have a huge amount of time and a desire to help people. BUT for some reason, in the modern world, people do not believe at all that they can get anything for free.
Last year I posted two advertisements on Avito. The approximate content was:
1. I will repair your broken computer, and I am ready to solve almost any breakdown (there are hopeless cases). I will do this completely free of charge in the context of the metro line from Studentskaya to Kuntsevskaya.
2. I will teach you how to use a computer and office programs, again in the same section of the metro line.
There were no responses, none at all. A month passed, the ad was removed from publication, and I wondered how this could happen... I called a friend and invited him to take part in the experiment. We placed two absolutely identical advertisements, again in the context of a piece of a metro line. Friend for money, I'm free. The result of the experiment, my friend is in chocolate, I don’t understand the situation. Somehow... Why did we stop trusting people, why if it’s free, then this is clearly not our option.
But I didn’t stop there either. Well, I think okay, maybe people don’t need to repair computers in this subway section. I’m glad that everything is good and positive for people in this regard. I posted another ad earlier this year. I will quote his text:
"Good afternoon. Thank you for your attention to my ad. So let's start with how I can be of assistance.
1. Computer repair, almost any kind.
2. Repair of household appliances, also any, with the exception of LCD and plasma TVs.
3. Minor electrical wiring repairs, replacement of sockets, switches, rewiring of chandeliers. Many people value old chandeliers for a number of objective reasons.
4. Hang shelves, lamps and other interior details, for which you need to pre-drill a hole in the wall. There is a hammer drill.
5. In our wonderful area there is an Auchan store. I noticed that many women and girls carry heavy bags of groceries alone; I am ready to meet you at the exit of the store and help you carry heavy bags home.
Well, now a little explanation. I am a free person, I don’t have a girlfriend, and therefore there is a huge unspent potential to do good and do good deeds. Therefore, I do all the above points completely free of charge, but with only one small amendment, these points are indicated for a piece of the metro line from Studencheskaya station to Pioneer metro station.
Have a great day and good mood."
And again silence... I won’t drag my friend into this idea anymore. It's just surprising that real help no one needs it at all. Sometimes you look for an advertisement asking for help, find out, discuss the essence of the problem, and as soon as you tell the person that it’s all free, the person stops any communication.
Is it really so deeply ingrained in our heads that we have to pay for everything? After all, there was a time when they extended their hand to a person in trouble and did not ask for anything in return. We shoot each other's cigarettes, so why do we refuse help when a person offers it? Indeed, in fact, many are waiting for exploits, but it turns out that there is absolutely no room left for exploits in our lives. You're on the subway, you see a man lifting a cart up the steps, you help him, and he looks at you like you're an idiot. But they say, if you want to change the world, start with yourself. So I started, but this only made me even sadder.
Let's treat each other a little kinder and believe that among us there are people who are ready to help, lend their shoulder and ask for nothing in return. It's so simple. A person helped you, you feel good, you feel better. You tell him thank you, and he will be pleased.
I'll finish with this. Thank you very much for taking your time to read this article.

Good in the modern world

It’s not at all easy to be kind,

Kindness does not depend on height,

Kindness does not depend on color,

Kindness is not a carrot, not a candy.

You just have to, you just have to be kind

And in times of trouble, do not forget each other.

And the earth will spin faster,

If we are kinder to you.

N. Tulupova

We encounter the concepts of good and evil already in early childhood when they read fairy tales to us. There are always good and evil characters in them, as a rule, in the end good defeats evil. It’s the same in life – good fights evil everywhere. No matter how much we want peace and goodness in our land, there will be people who will do bad things.

My grandmother lived during the times Soviet Union. She said that then all the peoples in this state lived peacefully and amicably. They respected the characteristics of each people, their culture, even their appearance. During the Great Patriotic War When people were dying of hunger and cold, they shared even the small piece of bread that they had.

Unfortunately, in the modern world the concept of goodness has lost its value. People treat each other with distrust and disdain, and with contempt for Caucasians, Arabs and Muslims. Wars and terrorist attacks do not stop in the world. For some reason, people don’t understand that if each of us started doing good to each other, the world would become a better, cleaner and brighter place. Kindness, as we know, will save the world.

One thing is good: the world, of course, is not without good people. I'm afraid to imagine what would have happened if they weren't there?

Despite the fact that society has forgotten about mutual assistance, there are caring people who sympathize, sympathize and help. For example, charitable foundation“Give Life”, created by kind people with the aim of helping children with serious illnesses. They are collecting Money for expensive operations that save the lives of little people. You could say this is a ray of light, hope for sick children. These people work out of a sincere desire to help people and change the world for the better. I admire Chulpan Khamatova, Konstantin Khabensky. These are the most striking examples of kindness and responsiveness for me. These are people with big hearts and huge souls.

Recently, I also took part in a concert for a girl with cerebral palsy, who was supposed to be our classmate. But due to illness, she is unable to attend school and recreational activities. Therefore, my classmates and the class teacher prepared a small concert, which we performed at her home. We sang, danced, recited poems. Our goal was to cheer her up and distract her. And we succeeded. She was very happy to see us and cheered up. Each of us, among other things, prepared our own gift for her. She unexpectedly received a lot of toys, sweets and prizes, which she was incredibly happy about. We were also glad that she liked everything. Our action, pleasant and necessary in this moment, accomplished effortlessly, made both her and us happy.

“Kindness is something that the deaf can hear and the blind can see,” said Mark Twain. This is why people should do good. Goodness makes us strong and happy. Kindness teaches us to take care of our neighbors and not to forget that there are a lot of people around us who need our help.

For myself, I concluded that goodness and good deeds are not a feat, but normal behavior for a person.

What else to read