Preparation of mulled wine from red wine. Mulled wine from red wine - the taste of a warm romantic evening. Proper preparation of mulled wine from red wine

Mulled wine refers to warming alcoholic beverages. In winter, it is served in most reputable establishments. To please yourself with the taste of hot wine, it is not necessary to go to a restaurant or cafe. In a moment, you will learn how to make mulled wine at home. The classic recipe is very simple, but in the process of cooking you need to remember a few nuances.

The first mulled wine recipes appeared in Ancient Rome, but then the wine was mixed with spices without heating. In a Mediterranean climate, there was no point in raising the temperature. The drink became really popular in the Scandinavian countries of medieval Europe, where spicy hot wine was served at Christmas markets and brewed at home. After a few centuries, mulled wine spread throughout the continent and became popular even in regions with a warm climate.

Composition of mulled wine

The classic version uses the following ingredients:

  • red wine - 750 ml;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • grated nutmeg - 1 pinch;
  • ground ginger - 1 teaspoon;
  • carnation - 5 buds;
  • cinnamon - 1 stick (or half a teaspoon ground).

The indicated amount of ingredients is enough to prepare 4-5 servings. You can experiment with the composition of homemade mulled wine by adding other spices and fruits that you like. But if you are brewing mulled wine for the first time, I advise you to stick to traditional recipe. Then it will be easier to compare the taste of your options with the original.

To make non-alcoholic mulled wine, it is enough to replace the wine with grape juice, otherwise the cooking technology remains unchanged.

Wine for mulled wine

For the preparation of mulled wine, red table, dry, sweet and semi-sweet wines of the middle price range are well suited. For example, Merlot, Cabernet, Cahors, Kindzmaraulli, Khvanchkara, etc. It is better to refuse fortified wines, since when they are heated, an unpleasant smell of alcohol appears, spoiling the impression of the drink.

You can also make mulled wine with white wine. In this case, I recommend adding more sugar(3-4 tablespoons) because white wines are high in acidity.

Mulled wine brewing technology

1. Mix spices in a saucepan and add water.

2. Bring the mixture to a boil, remove from heat. Insist 10 minutes.

3. Strain the broth through a sieve or gauze.

4. Add wine, spices and sugar to the pan.

5. Heat over low heat to 65-70°C.

Mulled wine should not be brought to a boil. When steam and the first bubbles appear, the drink must be removed from the heat.

6. Cover with a lid and let it brew for 5-10 minutes.

7. Serve hot in tall clear glasses or heat-retaining ceramic cups.

Clarification: If using store-bought fruit, add only the pulp to the mulled wine. To increase the shelf life, the surface of oranges, lemons and apples is treated with wax or a special polymer film is applied. Wax can be removed by holding the fruit for 3-5 minutes in warm water. It is impossible to get rid of the film at home.

Reheated mulled wine loses its aroma and taste. It is better to prepare small portions and drink immediately. They eat mulled wine with dry cookies, pies and unsweetened fruits. In Germany, it is customary to drink hot wine outdoors along with grilled dishes, such as kebabs and sausages.

Mulled wine has German roots and means hot wine in translation. This drink is considered traditional and widespread in Europe. It is most often used in winter and is associated with the Christmas holidays. The recipe for a drink similar in composition and principle of preparation is found in the mentions of ancient Roman historians.Although the main purpose of the drink is to warm a person and most often it is sold at street Christmas markets and festivities, at home it gives a certain special coziness to quiet winter evenings.Let's take a closer look at a few different options.

mulled wine recipe at home

The whole essence of mulled wine lies in the fact that red is taken as the basis, it is heated to a temperature of at least 70-80 degrees and flavored with sugar and aromatic spices. Mulled wine can be not only warming, but even useful during colds.

The composition of mulled wine according to the classic recipe is as follows:

  • red wine - 1 bottle (0.75 ml);
  • water - 100 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • nutmeg (grated) - 1 pinch;
  • ginger, ground - 1 tsp;
  • carnation - 5 stars;
  • cinnamon stick (0.5 tsp. powder).

The recipe is designed to prepare 4 servings of the drink. You can add other spices and even fruits, but then it will no longer be classic mulled wine, but its analogues. They will be discussed later, but for now we are preparing a real European drink.

When choosing wine, you can safely give preference to red, while it does not have of great importance dry or semi-sweet. It is not necessary to choose expensive alcohol, medium-priced wines are in no way inferior to more expensive counterparts in mulled wine. You should not buy fortified drinks, as hot alcohol gives an unpleasant smell of alcohol, which will spoil the mulled wine.

Mulled wine recipe at home step by step.

Preparation time 20 minutes, calorie content of the drink 124 kcal.

  1. You need to take a capacious pan, which will include all the listed ingredients. Put the listed spices into it and pour water.
  2. Turn on the fire, wait until the liquid boils and remove from the stove. Infuse water with spices for at least 10 minutes.
  3. The infusion must be filtered to get rid of grains of spices. To do this, you can use a tea sieve or clean gauze.
  4. Then you need to pour wine, strained infusion and sugar into the pan. Mix everything thoroughly.
  5. Put on a slow fire and heat to a temperature of no more than 80 degrees. It is important that the drink does not boil, as soon as the slightest signs of boiling appear, you must immediately remove the pan from the heat.
  6. Cover with a lid and let stand for a few minutes so that the drink is infused and cools down a bit.

This completes the brewing process. Hot mulled wine is poured into tall glass mugs or into ceramic dishes that retain heat longer.

You need to drink the drink immediately, while it is warm. Reheating is excluded. In this case, mulled wine loses its characteristic aroma and taste. In European countries such as Germany, Switzerland and the Czech Republic, mulled wine is drunk on the street along with grilled dishes.

Good for those who don't drink alcoholnon-alcoholic mulled wine recipewhich differs only in that grape juice is taken instead of red wine. Otherwise, everything happens exactly the same.

Red wine can be substituted for white if desired. In this case, it will no longer be a completely classic option, but situations are different. White wines are more acidic, so for the preparation of mulled wine you will have to take three tablespoons of sugar, instead of the one indicated in the recipe.

Other cooking recipes

Mulled wine recipeaccording to uniform standards, not only does it not have, drink lovers are given complete freedom of action and everyone can brew a drink to their taste. Only the cooking process is inviolable, it cannot be deviated.Mulled wine recipe at home, represented huge amount options.

cold orange recipe

In the case of mulled wine, alcohol can be useful, for example, like. In addition to the warming effect, it contains vitamins necessary for a weakened body.


  • red wine - 1 bottle;
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • black pepper - 3 peas;
  • carnation - 5 stars;
  • cinnamon, ground 0.5 tsp;
  • honey - 1 tsp

Some add salt to the composition, but this is exclusively for an amateur. To get it rightmake mulled wine at home according to this recipe you need to prepare an orange. The fact is that the peel of store-bought fruits is waxed to keep the fruit as long as possible. If it is not removed, then it will dissolve in a hot drink and enter the body. Simply erasing or washing it off will not work. You have to put the orange in hot water 5 minutes, and only then prepare it for a drink.

Cut the orange into slices or whatever is more convenient and place in a saucepan. We pour wine. Pour all the spices listed and heat slowly. Remember that in no case should the liquid boil. Remove from heat and let steep for 5-10 minutes. Then you need to strain and pour into mugs. For colds, you need to drink before going to bed.

Mulled wine with honey and lemon

Another original recipe mulled wine with fruit. For cooking you will need:

  • a bottle of red wine;
  • a quarter of a lemon;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • cinnamon stick.

The cooking process is slightly different, in this case we only heat wine and lemon. Cinnamon and honey are added after the drink is heated and already removed from the heat. Let it brew for a few minutes and pour into mugs.

The drink is traditionally warming and tasty. This recipe has a lot of variations, instead of lemon, you can add any other fruit. Not necessarily citrus.

Mulled wine "Winter"

A simple recipe for making mulled wine in case there is no fruit to complement the drink. It requires a minimum of ingredients, but has a very interesting combination.


  • red wine - 1 bottle;
  • black tea - 1 liter;
  • cinnamon 0.5 tsp;
  • cloves 3 gr.

First you need to make tea. Packaged and flavored tea is absolutely not suitable. You need to take natural loose brewing of black leaf tea, only in this case you will get the desired drink. We brew tea and filter it to get rid of all the tea leaves.

Pour the tea into a container prepared for heating (do not take aluminum containers, it will spoil the taste of mulled wine). Add, bring to a boil and add spices. The peculiarity of this recipe is that the resulting mulled wine can later be heated. Therefore, do not worry that the recipe produces an impressive amount of liquid.

Now it will be easy for you to cookpresented in the most various options. As mentioned above, the drink does not have a strict recipe. Everyone can experiment and add or remove spices and fruits to their taste. Mulled wine will perfectly warm you up on cold winter evenings.

When the cold autumn rain has soaked to the skin or the burning February frosts have penetrated to quickly warm up, no the best remedy than mulled wine. This fragrant, heady drink will be the highlight of a noisy friendly party, brighten up a cold, lonely evening. It feels winter fairy tale and festive mood.

History of occurrence

Gluhtende wein - translated from German as "flaming wine", which characterizes this drink quite vividly. There is no unequivocal version in the history of its occurrence. Some sources claim that mulled wine comes from those countries where the cold is raging and it was invented as a reliable tool that always helps to warm up quickly. Others tell an old legend about how an inventive peasant found a way to ennoble a failed wine. According to legend, it happened in Spain, the province of La Rioja back in 1679. Pissed off locals began to smash the houses of winemakers, the drink he offered was so tasteless. To somehow remedy the situation, one peasant came up with a simple recipe: he mixed it with sugar, spices and fruits, which everyone liked.

However, recipes for spicy wine drinks made from red grapes have been known since the time of the Roman Empire and were prepared with the addition of bay leaves, honey, dates, resin and pepper. Catalan healers recommended this composition as a medicine that saves from many ailments. After a while, his recipe changed, and the drink was named hypocras in honor of Hippocrates, the father of medicine. Cinnamon flowers, cloves, cardamom, ginger, nutmeg, marjoram, pepper and sugar were added to red grape wine. Such a set of expensive spices made the drink affordable only for a small part of the wealthy population. It was only in the 17th century that its popularity began to gain momentum, when spices became generally available, and the recipe was supplemented with almonds, apples, lemon and orange.

Cooking features

To prepare mulled wine, young red wines are taken as a basis, dry ones are best, but semi-dry ones can also be used. The alcohol content must not be below 7%. You should not use expensive elite drinks for this purpose, as the spices will kill the wine taste and aroma and the expected effect will still not work. When choosing dishes, you need to stop at glass or enamel, but in no case aluminum. If water is used in the recipe, then care should be taken that it is purified or spring, pre-boiled. Do not pour into wine-boiling water, it will spoil its taste. It is best to add spices to boiling water so that the liquid absorbs their taste and aroma better. This will take five to seven minutes, and then pour in the red wine in a thin stream.

You can create your own recipes and use any additives to your taste: honey or sugar, saffron, cardamom, cloves, anise, cinnamon, mint, coriander, nutmeg, dried fruits, allspice, star anise, ginger berries and fruits. The main thing is to observe the measure, because an excess of spices can spoil the overall picture. There are also recipes using rum, cognac, fruit juice (pear, strawberry, apple, orange). Fruits are cut into small pieces, and it is better to take whole spices, as ground ones will dissolve in mulled wine and create cloudiness. We must not forget that when too high temperature sleep evaporates from alcoholic beverages and impurities appear that have Negative influence on the human body. Therefore, mulled wine should not boil, the optimum temperature for cooking is 60-65 ° C. Before serving, it must be insisted for about fifteen minutes, strain through a fine strainer and pour into cups, adding berries and chopped fruits.

This drink is not intended for long-term storage, but if you want to take it to nature or on the road, you will have to use a thermos. In this case, it is necessary to remove pieces of citrus fruits, otherwise, with prolonged contact with them, mulled wine will acquire unnecessary bitterness.

It should be drunk in small sips. Can be served with poultry, pork, grilled dishes, unsweetened fruits, dry biscuits and pies.

Classic mulled wine recipe

To prepare classic mulled wine you will need:

  • 0.5 liters of red wine (dry or semi-dry);
  • 4 pieces of cloves;
  • 2 slices of lemon and orange;
  • 4 teaspoons of honey or sugar;
  • 2 medium cinnamon sticks;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of nutmeg.

All ingredients are placed in a suitable dish and heated with constant stirring over low heat for about five minutes. When the kitchen is filled with a charming aroma, you need to remove the drink from the stove, let it “rest”, strain and pour into glasses. This spicy wine will warm, surprise and delight guests.

After all, alcohol in itself is a warming agent, and if you hold it on the stove, the effect will increase significantly.

Various additives not only improve the taste of wine, but also make the drink useful: honey has great nutritional value, citrus fruits are a storehouse of vitamin C, known for their antimicrobial properties, cloves are antiviral action and ginger helps to lose weight. Homemade mulled wine is an excellent remedy for colds (drink at night, and then go to bed, covered with a warm blanket), it is recommended for physical and mental exhaustion.

Cooking mulled wine

Mulled wine gained the greatest popularity in European countries, which cannot boast of a warm climate: primarily in Scandinavia (glögg was invented there), Great Britain with its frequent rains, as well as in Austria and Germany. Well, the very first recipes for a drink resembling mulled wine appeared in ancient Rome. It was supposed to put spices in the wine, but then it was not yet heated. A hot wine residents Northern Europe they tried it in the Middle Ages, they added only one spice there - a root that resembles ginger in appearance and taste. In the 18th century, mulled wine began to be sold at Christmas markets. This tradition has taken root and exists in Europe until now.

In Russia, mulled wine is also loved as a native. In winter, it is served in almost all cafes and restaurants, and all large quantity housewives decide to “conjure” over hot wine at home. There are a lot of recipes for making mulled wine, the range of ingredients is extremely wide - so it's not surprising to get confused in such an assortment. We invite you to improvise with what is at hand, adding fruits, nutmeg, cinnamon or even pepper to the wine, and take these simple but very important recommendations as a basis.

How to cook homemade mulled wine

Don't let it boil!

  • Rule number one is the most important! Wine should never boil. Optimum temperature- about 70 degrees. But, since you yourself cannot determine it with such accuracy, act on the eye, or rather, on the taste: mulled wine should be so hot that you can drink it without burning yourself. Brought to desired temperature- turn it off. After that, you need to cover the pan with a lid and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. The drink is ready!
  • Spices and fruits are added during cooking. It is better to put cinnamon sticks early, and if you use powder, then at the very end (although it is generally undesirable to use ground spices - the drink can turn out to be cloudy and it will be unpleasant to creak on your teeth).
  • Red dry table wines (Cabernet, Merlot), red semi-dry and semi-sweet (Cahors) are best suited. Of course, spices will change the taste of wine, but still, being carried away by savings, you should not buy cheaper wine for mulled wine. However, it is also not necessary to prepare this drink on aged collection wines: this is considered bad form. In addition, heating will only spoil the taste of such wine.
  • Homemade mulled wine can also be made from white wine, but keep in mind that when heated, it sours even more.
  • If mulled wine contains water, it must be boiled first. Pour water into the wine carefully, along the edge of the pan, otherwise it may not in the best way affect the taste of mulled wine.
  • During cooking, mulled wine should not be reheated: it will lose its aroma and taste. Therefore, it is better to prepare the drink in small portions and drink immediately.
  • If you use citrus fruits, peel them off: manufacturers cover oranges, lemons and grapefruits with the thinnest plastic film to keep them longer, and it is impossible to remove it, even if you wash the fruit thoroughly with hot water.
  • If for some reason you do not want or cannot drink alcohol, do not deny yourself the pleasure - cook on the basis of grape juice. This drink can be drunk even by children.
  • Get creative and you'll find your perfect mulled wine recipe. You can add not only the usual apples and oranges, but also dried fruits, nuts, juices, strong alcoholic drinks(cognac, rum), berries and all kinds of spices. Suitable cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, ginger, saffron, cardamom, anise, star anise, allspice and even. The latter, however, should be added only at the very end, otherwise your mulled wine will evoke associations with soup.
  • It is logical to serve mulled wine in tall (so that it cools down more slowly) and transparent (so that the amazing color of the drink is visible) glasses, of course, hot. Drink in small sips, enjoying the aroma. Warm blanket - optional!

Recipe: Mulled Wine with Apple and Orange

Ingredients: ½ apple, ½ orange, a bottle of dry red wine, 4 tablespoons of honey, 12 clove buds, 1 cinnamon stick, 5 allspice peas.

Cooking. Sliced ​​apple and orange put in a saucepan. Pour wine, add honey and spices. Then stir everything. Heat over low heat to a temperature of 70 ° C, do not let boil. Ready mulled wine pour into tall glasses.

Recipe: mulled wine with ginger and cardamom

Ingredients: 4 cups sweet red wine, 1 teaspoon fresh grated ginger, 1 tablespoon honey, 1 cinnamon stick, 3 clove buds, 7 cardamom seeds.

Cooking. Pour wine into a saucepan, put on medium heat. Then add ginger, honey, cardamom (it is better to crush cardamom seeds), at the end - cinnamon and cloves. Leave the drink on fire for 2-3 minutes.

Recipe: tea mulled wine

Ingredients: 1 cup strong tea, 1 bottle of red wine, 2 teaspoons cinnamon, 2 star anise, 1 teaspoon ground ginger, 3 cardamom, 5 allspice, 5 cloves, 1 large orange, ½ lemon, 9 cubes of brown sugar (50 g).

Cooking. Brew strong tea, strain it into a large saucepan, discard the tea leaves. Add all the spices (star anise and cardamom put in the pan as a whole). Bring the tea to a boil, reduce the heat to a minimum and leave on the stove under the lid for 10 minutes.

Wash the orange and lemon, cut into slices and put in a saucepan. Boil for 1-2 minutes. Pour wine into a saucepan. Warm up, but do not boil. Add sugar, hold on low heat for a few minutes.

Recipe: non-alcoholic mulled wine

Ingredients: 3 cups grape juice, ½ cup water, ½ apple, 2 tablespoons each grated lemon and orange peel, cinnamon stick, a few cloves, 4 allspice peas, a pinch each of ginger and cardamom, 2 tablespoons raisins, sugar - each desire.

Cooking. Pour grape juice and water into a saucepan. Put on a slow fire and add all the ingredients in order: orange zest and lemon zest, finely chopped apple pieces, raisins, pepper, cinnamon, cloves, ginger and cardamom. Stir and wait until the drink is heated to the desired temperature. Turn off the heat, cover with a lid and after 5 minutes pour into glasses.

With the onset of cold weather, everyone wants a warming, bright and fragrant drink waiting for him at home, which would quickly help overcome hypothermia and restore strength. Without a doubt, classic mulled wine can be called such a drink, from which it smells like a quiet evening by the fireplace, a warm blanket and ripe fruits. No wonder the great Voltaire said that it was the fortress, as well as the sweetness of this drink, that could revive a person to life. In fact, mulled wine is just the very tool that can easily turn any uncomfortable evening into a real holiday. Let's figure out how to cook classic mulled wine at home in order to get your well-deserved dose of pleasure and good mood.

Mulled wine classic: a recipe for cooking at home is simple to disgrace

For quite a few years now, Western Europe classic mulled wine, the recipe for which we are now considering, has become a traditional drink in the cold season. Moreover, they prepare it not only for the holidays, but also after a long day of work in order to relax, warm up and stock up on a fair amount of vivacity, be inspired by new exploits and accomplishments, and be enriched with ideas.


Traditionally, a classic mulled wine recipe at home involves the use of not very expensive wine, for example, Bordeaux or even regular Cabernet or Merlot is perfect. This choice makes mulled wine an affordable and economical option that all segments of the population, without exception, can afford, regardless of financial situation.

If you are going to cook mulled wine according to the classic recipe, you need to remember that you will have to follow all the instructions and technology in order to get exactly what you need, and not some kind of incomprehensible slurry of wine and spices.

  1. First of all, you need to choose the right composition of mulled wine, a classic set of spices and spices, and then prepare a quality decoction from them.
  2. This is followed by warming up the wine, as well as combining it with the prepared fragrant broth.
  3. It is imperative that the wine be warmed up properly.

It is worth knowing that you should never boil mulled wine, but you need to withstand a temperature of no more than 75-80 degrees Celsius. If the wine boils, then most likely you will get a foul-smelling compote that will not bring any benefit or pleasure. Moreover, it is not at all difficult to calculate the moment when it is time to remove the drink from the fire, and for this you do not even need to purchase a special thermometer. When white foam disappears on the surface of the wine, and it will be inevitable, then the process is coming to an end. Among other things, you need to know that the strength of the drink should be at least seven percent, this is very important, the right recipe mulled wine "Classic" at home without this, it will be completely wrong.

It must be remembered that the mulled wine prepared by you will need to be filtered, as spices and spices can float in it, which will interfere with drinking. Hot, warming and spicy wine should be consumed hot, slowly and with pleasure, in order to fully experience the bouquet of a wonderful drink. It should be served in thick-walled tall glasses or mugs that can keep the temperature for a long time and not cool down. Moreover, such a drink is perfect for fruits, berries, all kinds of desserts, as well as meat and fish. Let's take a closer look at how classic mulled wine is prepared, and the recipe with a photo will definitely help even those who have never done anything like this before.

The simplest classic mulled wine at home: solar energy

For those who have never prepared such a tasty and healthy drink before, this one, the simplest of all possible, will do. classic recipe. Anyone can cope with it, but for cooking you will need special utensils: a saucepan with a thick bottom, as well as a Turk for brewing spices. If there are no Turks, then you can use a small container, for example, a metal mug.

The composition of mulled wine "Classic"

  • Seven hundred grams of any, to your taste, red, always dry wine.
  • About a quarter of a large glass (60-65 grams) of purified water.
  • A tablespoon of regular granulated sugar.
  • Seven pieces of cloves.
  • A small pinch of grated nutmeg.

Cooking method

Everything is quite simple, you should always start cooking with spices. Throw cloves and nutmeg into the cezve, then pour cold water. Put the pot on a slow fire and bring the water to a boil to clearly feel the aroma of spices. Next, leave the Turk aside, for fifteen minutes the infusion should cool and stretch naturally.

Pour the wine into a saucepan and heat it slowly. Mix wine and a decoction of spices, and add sugar. Then make sure that the sugar dissolves completely and does not burn to the bottom, otherwise the taste will be hopelessly spoiled. The next stage is the most difficult and responsible, you need to bring the mulled wine to a certain temperature and hold it for several minutes. As soon as the white foam settles, the finished drink can be removed from the fire and immediately poured into mugs or glasses.

Aromatic mulled wine: classic recipe with orange and apple

It is well known that the simplest does not mean the best, it is a fact. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the Classic mulled wine recipe with orange and apple will give you much more pleasure, it turns out to be much more fragrant and tastier, it will delight you with its freshness and smells of autumn. For cooking, you will need a saucepan and a saucepan.

Composition of classic mulled wine with apples and orange

  • Seven hundred and fifty grams of your favorite dry wine.
  • Two medium sized apples.
  • Two ripe oranges. One will go into wine and the other for decoration.
  • Two pieces of dried star anise.
  • One whole nutmeg.
  • One pinch of ground cloves or a couple of whole things.
  • Five to ten peas of allspice, here you need to rely on your taste.
  • Half a glass (100 grams) of purified water.
  • You can add honey to taste, instead of sugar, which we used in the previous recipe, or you can add a spoonful of sugar.

What spices and spices you would not decide to add to your mulled wine, what fruits would not be used, you must always strictly follow the cooking technology, otherwise the result will definitely not satisfy you.

Cooking method

Prepare all the spices you need for mulled wine, put them in a small saucepan and fill with cold water. In order for them to give their flavor to the water, it will take about ten minutes to boil the mixture.

While your brew is simmering, this is just the time to prepare the fruit. Wash apples and oranges thoroughly. From one citrus, you need to carefully remove the zest. This is very easy to do with a regular vegetable peeler. The pulp of the orange and apples should be cut into medium-sized cubes.

All chopped fruits, and along with them the zest, must be put in a saucepan and poured with wine. There we send already infused spices. It is best to make the fire medium and warm up the future mulled wine until small bubbles appear. Do not forget that this miracle drink should never be boiled. If you use sugar, then you also need to fill it up immediately, and if honey, then it is added directly to the finished drink, since the temperature will completely kill all its beneficial properties.

While the mulled wine is heating on a slow flame, you need to prepare glasses or mugs for a drink. You need to choose only thick dishes in order to keep the temperature of the drink as long as possible. At the bottom of the glasses, put honey to taste, the best would be somewhere around one or two teaspoons. Pour mulled wine through a gauze or strainer so that the spices do not fall into the glass.

For decoration, you need to cut the remaining orange, along with the peel, into slices, and put on a glass, as shown in the picture above. This drink should be drunk slowly, in small sips, to fully enjoy its fresh and sunny taste.

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