Presentation of child alcoholism and its consequences. Presentation "children's alcoholism" presentation for a lesson on the topic. Graph of the age of adolescents who first consumed alcoholic beverages

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Children's alcoholism Completed by: Tyunina V.V., Kravtsova T.R., Zhuravleva I.V., Lylov S.V.

Why is it necessary to talk about it? The relevance of the problem of child alcoholism in modern society. The degeneration of the nation, the loss of the gene pool. The effect of alcohol on the human body. A child - an alcoholic - a lost personality. A drunk teenager, a potential criminal.

Children's alcoholism in modern society The spread of alcohol addiction among children and adolescents is now becoming truly massive. Statistics show that every year the age of alcoholics is decreasing, the number of children drinking alcohol on a regular basis is rapidly increasing.

Degeneration of the nation, loss of the gene pool The consequences of alcohol abuse in Russia are as follows: 62.1% of suicides, 72.2% of murders, 60% of deaths from pancreatitis, 67.7% from cirrhosis and 23.3% from cardiovascular diseases.

Influence on the cardiovascular system

Brain damage The brain of a healthy person The brain of an alcoholic

Antisocial actions of children - alcoholics

Alcoholic degradation of the personality O weakens or completely loses the sense of duty to the family, team, society, he loses shame and disgust, becomes sloppy, familiar, annoying, loses his sense of guilt, does not understand his actions, becomes mercantile, optional in creative and educational activities, incapable learn new things, concentrate attention, separate the main from the secondary.

Prevention of teenage alcoholism prosperous family; material wealth; learning to accept social norms; regular medical examination; living in a safe area; a sufficient level of self-esteem; development of proper positive qualities of character; regular sports and creative activities; elimination of risk factors and strengthening of protective factors.

Conclusion: Alcohol is harmful to learning and health. Drinking alcohol can put you in dangerous situations. Drinking alcohol negatively affects behavior and relationships with friends and loved ones. Alcohol in childhood is especially dangerous because of the weakness of the child's body and rapid addiction.

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This case did not spread all over the media and did not become a sensation just because child alcoholism in Russia is not new for a long time: it is spreading at a rapid pace and no longer surprises anyone. The age of minors who regularly consume alcoholic beverages is rapidly decreasing.
Of the three Russian children aged 13 to 16, two regularly drink. That's the statistics. Drinking children today are not only juvenile vagrants living without supervision and guardianship. These are ordinary boys and girls from prosperous families.

Alcoholism - translated from Arabic Al-kubl - WINE ALCOHOL - SYNDROME OF PHYSICAL DEPENDENCE ON ALCOHOL.
ALCOHOLISM, LIKE ANY OTHER DEPENDENCE, IS A DISSATISFACTION WITH LIFE. This is self-destruction and protest, this is simple stupidity and ignorance, this is a joyful non-existence against the backdrop of terrible grief.
It is also the interconnection of many biological, psychological, social and spiritual factors.
In other words, people drink for the following reasons:
Genetic predisposition to alcohol, heredity (biological basis);
Emotional dissatisfaction, escape from life's difficulties, an attempt to drown out an inferiority complex, "the pain of one's existence" (psychological basis);
Unhealthy relationships in the family;
Cultural traditions, the influence of the environment (social basis);
Lack of meaning in life, loss of interest in oneself and the world around, spiritual emptiness, boredom (spiritual basis).

Thus, alcoholism is of two types - hereditary and acquired - under the influence of psychological, social and spiritual factors. Both types are chronic, progressive, affecting and destroying all spheres of human life - the body, psyche, soul and social life.

In the body of a child or teenager, alcohol first of all penetrates into the blood, liver, and brain. Due to the immaturity of the central nervous system, it is most vulnerable to the action of ethanol. The result of such an action is a violation of the differentiation and maturation of neurons, as a result of which the personality of a teenager suffers, logical, abstract thinking, intelligence, memory, and emotional response are disturbed.

Raising a glass of champagne, drinking a glass of vodka, we introduce alcohol into the body. Alcohol affects us in the following way: first it excites, and then it destroys. Drunkenness in Russia was never encouraged. Even the order "For drunkenness" was introduced: a plate with a collar weighing about 4 kg. This "reward" an avid drinker should be worn around his neck for a long time. Why is drunkenness harmful?

Alcohol is a terrible poison. It rapidly destroys the vital organs of a person.
BRAIN. In a chronic alcoholic, brain cells are destroyed and die. Thus, memory, intellect suffers; the alcoholic gradually degrades.
Liver. Presence in the blood almost constantly, alcohol disrupts the liver, causing a dangerous disease - cirrhosis, which in turn can lead to liver cancer.
Stomach. Alcohol can cause persistent indigestion and even heavy bleeding. To summarize:

To drink or not to drink... It all depends on you. And also your environment. First, you choose how you should be and how you should act, and then you or your environment will help or hinder this choice. Everything is very simple. And difficult.
It's simple - to want not to listen to other people's advice, to want to change, to decide to limit the circle of desirable guests ("friends", drinking companions).
And it’s difficult - it’s difficult to be completely firm in your decision, it’s difficult to constantly show willpower without succumbing to persuasion, it’s difficult not to fall under someone’s influence when you feel weak, useless, a lost person.

"Family Education" - Hostile Families. High level of control. How will you react if you find out that the child lied to you. Should parents give their child pocket money? How do you deal with a child's swearing? Which of the judgments about education do you find the most successful. Families that respect children. Responsive families.

"Problems of raising children in the family" - Lack of information about how normal families function. Families with an open form of trouble. Children in a frivolous family. Distrustful family. Parents and teachers. Senior teenagers. The child is a witness to family conflicts. Incomplete families and their types. Families dominated by neglect.

"Features of family education" - Loving your children, teach them to love you. Cleansing. Education "in the cult of the disease." People lived an unreasonable life, and approached the abyss. Features of family education. child-rearing function. Types of parenting to avoid. What type of upbringing prevails in your family. Childhood is the most amenable to pedagogical influence period.

"The role of the family in education" - Three components of the interaction between the family and the school. The decision of the pedagogical council. Forms and methods of socio-pedagogical work with families. Family functions. What parenting methods do you prefer? The class teacher should differentiate work with parents. Diagnostic technologies. Plan.

"Family Education" - Requirement. Education methods. Family Pedagogy. parental authority. Baudrillard. Changes in parenthood and childhood. Example. Ideal parents and children. Experience in dealing with parent-child relationships. An exercise. Punishment. Psychology and Pedagogy of the Family. Types of family education. authoritative style.

"The role of the family in the upbringing of the child" - Note. The moral character of the child. Respect for elders. A child is a mirror in which his parents can see themselves. Conflicts. In families of the first group, the relationship between parents and children is built on mutual respect. Family traits. Dear parents. Family and behavior of children.

There are 13 presentations in total in the topic

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No misfortunes and crimes destroy as many people and national wealth as drunkenness.F. bacon

Alcoholism is one of the most serious problems of our time. Child alcoholism is one of the top three problems in Russia. An alcoholic is a person who systematically consumes alcoholic beverages, is mentally and physically dependent on alcohol.

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Questionnaire Questions

1. Your opinion: "Why do people drink alcohol"? 2. Do your parents drink alcohol? 3. Do your older brother or sister drink alcohol? 4. Have you tried alcoholic drinks? If so, which ones? 5. Do you drink alcohol now? 6. What alcoholic drinks do you prefer? 7. At what age did you try alcoholic drinks for the first time? 8. Do you like to drink alcohol? 9. Have you experienced a feeling of "over drinking" (headache, vomiting, ringing in the head)? 10. At what age do people start drinking alcohol most often? 11. Do you think it is necessary to drink alcoholic beverages? 12.At what age is it allowed to buy alcoholic beverages? 13. What vital organs of the human body are affected by alcohol? 14. What measures can you suggest to combat the use of alcoholic beverages?

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Conclusions of narcologists:

If a teenager begins to drink three or four times a month, then this is already a very serious abuse, which narcologists call the systematic use of alcoholic beverages. Practical teenage narcology has long carried out a clear gradation of the use of alcohol-containing liquids: 1) experimental - a teenager just tries once or twice; 2) episodic - a teenager drinks alcohol once or twice a month; 3) the systematic use of alcoholic beverages.

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Table of consumption of alcoholic beverages according to the results of the survey.

The result of a survey of students on alcohol consumption by family members

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Students from drinking and non-drinking families.

  • Slide 7

    Graph of the age of adolescents who first consumed alcoholic beverages.

  • Slide 8

    Reasons for drinking alcohol.

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    Graph of the disease of human organs from the use of alcoholic beverages, according to students

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    The result of alcohol consumption and its effect on human organs.

    Heart Liver Brain

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    Drinking alcohol leads to a hospital bed.

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    Measures to combat the consumption of alcoholic beverages

    preventive methods, anti-alcohol campaigning, more information in the media about the dangers of alcoholic products; increase in fines, prohibition, raising prices for alcoholic products, specialized stores for the sale of alcohol; trainings, holding class hours and parent meetings dedicated to the problem of alcoholism, and most importantly, the attitude of adults to this problem and the serious attitude towards it on the part of each of us.

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    Posters with such content should be seen by teenagers more often.

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    Alcoholism is a drug addiction characterized by a painful addiction to the use of alcoholic beverages (mental and physical dependence) and alcohol damage to internal organs. With alcoholism, the degradation of a person as a person occurs. Therefore, each of us should think about what is happening to the younger generation and what awaits us in the future. Not only society must fight this problem, but every person must also be aware of the great harm for himself and try to fight it. Only then can we talk about solving this problem.

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    Thank you for your attention!

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    Alcoholism that develops during adolescence and early adulthood (13 to 18 years of age) is commonly referred to as early alcoholism. It is believed that at this age the clinical manifestations of alcoholism develop faster than in adults, and the disease is more malignant.

    In the body of a child or teenager, alcohol first of all penetrates into the blood, liver, and brain. Due to the immaturity of the central nervous system, it is most vulnerable to the action of ethanol. The result of such an action is a violation of the differentiation and maturation of neurons, as a result of which the personality of a teenager suffers, logical abstract thinking, intelligence, memory, and emotional response are disturbed. Under the influence of alcohol, almost all systems of the body of a teenager are affected. According to statistics, 5-7% of poisoning in children is due to alcohol intoxication. The phenomena of intoxication in children and adolescents develop rapidly and may culminate in stupefaction and even coma. Blood pressure and body temperature rise, blood glucose levels, the number of leukocytes falls. Short-term excitation caused by alcohol intake quickly turns into a deep intoxicated sleep, convulsions are not uncommon, even death. Sometimes register mental disorders with delusions and hallucinations.

    The second stage The second stage is characterized by a relatively regular intake of alcoholic beverages. The dose, the frequency of alcohol intake are growing. Adolescent behavior is changing. This period lasts up to 1 year. It is believed that the cessation of alcohol consumption during this period can give a good therapeutic result.

    The third stage In the third stage, a mental dependence develops, which can last for several months or years. The teenager himself is an active promoter of the intake of alcoholic beverages at any time, in any quantity and any quality. Lost quantitative and situational control. Tolerance to ethanol increases 3-4 times. Multi-day, weekly, sometimes constant use of alcoholic beverages appears, this is the initial stage of chronic alcoholism.

    Stage Four The fourth stage is defined as the chronic stage of the disease. Withdrawal syndrome was formed, mainly with a predominance of the mental component. Sometimes the withdrawal syndrome is weakly expressed in the form of vegetative-somatic disorders. Withdrawal is less prolonged than in adults, occurs after taking large doses of alcohol.

    Fifth stage Further, at the fifth stage, the development of alcoholism corresponds to the patterns described for adults. A significant difference is the rapid formation of dementia (dementia). Children suffering from alcoholism quickly go down, become asocial, rude, dysphoric, intellectually degraded, with gross impairment of memory and emotions.

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