Increase the speed of Windows 7. Visual effects and other unnecessary decorations. Setting up visual effects


I will describe a large collection of tips on how to speed up your computer. 25 steps to help you deal with slow system loading.

I applied all these tips on my computers and the result was clearly felt, even without measuring the speed. I hope you don't have any difficulties completing all the steps.

  1. A short description:
  2. These tips are suitable for all operating systems of the Windows family.
  3. All pictures are presented from the Windows 7 operating system. If you have a different operating system, then look for similar items or ask your question in the comments. I will help.
  4. Do not restart your computer until all steps are completed. In order to save time and gain greater benefit from everything you have done, complete all the points in the order in which they are written.
  5. This article is aimed at maximizing the speed of your computer by sacrificing the beauty and convenience of the Wiindows interface. Some advice may seem absurd.

On weaker computers there will be a very noticeable increase in speed.

Disabling visual effects

These include drag/close/open window effects, various shadows and thumbnails for a beautiful display. Go to Start >> Control Panel >> Select Category View and click on System and Security. In this category find: Then a window appears in which, select a setting.

visual effects

In the window that appears, select “Best performance” as in the image:

You will immediately notice the changes. It will be a little unusual, but the computer will also work faster. Do not close this window, you will need it later.

CPU time distribution

This setting allows you to set the priority for allocating processor resources. In the same window shown in the image above, select the “Advanced” tab and set priority to programs rather than services running in the background:

Then go to the paging file settings window.

Setting up the swap file

The page file is used when the computer does not have enough RAM.

Let the system choose the size of the paging file. Check the appropriate box.

Desktop optimization

To speed up your computer boot time, remove as many shortcuts from your desktop as possible. The computer spends time calculating them. The fewer shortcuts, the faster the desktop will load when you turn on the PC.

After this, you should remove the background image and screensaver on your desktop. When booting, the computer will not waste time calculating them.

Go to Start >> Control Panel >> Appearance and in the Display category select “Change Desktop Background” as in the image below:

Then remove the background image and replace it with a solid color. I prefer black as it is the least straining on the eyes due to its low brightness.

Now go back to “Appearance” and find the “Desktop Gadgets” category there ( Not available on Windows XP). And click on the line to remove gadgets. Remove all gadgets you have. In fact, you don’t need them; all the information presented in them is already on your computer or on the Internet.

A window appears in which you can remove the screen saver. Picture below:

You've speeded up your computer a little, and now it won't spend so much time loading shortcuts, screensavers, wallpapers, and desktop widgets.

Disabling system sounds

These are well-known sounds: double click, error, warning, login, logout and others. Personally, I don't need them at all. The computer will also need time and resources to play these sounds and therefore it is better to turn them off.

Go to Start >> Control Panel >> Hardware and Sound and find there “Change system sounds” as in the picture below.

Select sound scheme“Mute” and uncheck “Play Windows startup ringtone” to confirm the changes.

Changing the appearance of windows

Now change appearance all windows so that they consume less computer resources and it works faster. To do this, go to Control Panel >> Appearance >> Display >> Change Color Scheme.

Choose a classic theme.

You may not like the appearance and it will be very unusual. This topic contains the bare minimum.

Disabling the Windows boot screen

Press the sign key Windows + R. If it is not there: go to Start and enter “run” in the search to go to the execution line. Write the command in it msconfig and the required window will open.

Check the box without GUI.

Now, when you turn on your computer, you will see a black screen instead of the Windows loading bar. This way you can speed up the computer startup.

Do not close this window and move on to the next step.

Disable cursor graphics

To increase the speed of work a little more, you can disable the cursor animation. Go to Start >> Control Panel >> Mouse:

Then open the "Pointers" tab and remove the cursor layout as in the image below:

Setting up the video card

To defragment you will need 1 more free program from the same company that makes CCleaner. Download Defraggler and install it.

After launching the program, select the disk and defragment it.

This will take a lot of time, but it is very important for speeding up your computer.

It is worth noting that defragmentation prolongs the performance of your hard drive.

Do this operation with all your disks, if there are several of them, and then proceed to the next step.

Defragmentation of system files

Run the Defraggler program and select one-time defragmentation of system files when you start your computer as in the picture below:

It will be performed the next time you start the computer.

Troubleshooting registry problems

After completing all the steps to speed up your computer, you will have many errors in the registry. To fix them, use the CClener program.

Launch the program and select the Registry >> Search for problems section.

Please note that all boxes must be checked.

Then click Fix >> Fix All. Repeat the search for problems until there are none. It is not necessary to make copies of the registry. Over several years of work, this program did not spoil anything in it for me and I never made copies.

Using ReadyBoost Technology

This technology does not exist in Windows XP. Later versions of Windows have it. This technology allows you to speed up your computer using flash drive memory.

All you need to do is format the flash drive and connect it to your computer. Then go to My Computer and go to the properties of your flash drive.

Select the ReadyBoost tab and select “Use this device” as shown in the image below.

Now just don't pull out your flash drive.

It is worth noting that when using this technology, the flash drive quickly wears out and deteriorates.

Not every flash drive may be suitable for, by clicking on the link you can familiarize yourself with this technology in detail.

Additionally if you have a laptop

Set your power plan to high performance. If you always use a laptop with the charger connected, this will not hinder you in any way, but will only speed up your work. Go to Start and search for “Power Options” as in the image below.

Then set it to high performance.

Now your computer will work quickly. Write your results and questions in the comments. Thank you for your attention.

Thematic video

Did the tips for speeding up your computer in this article help you?

A PC is a complex electronic device. In order for everything to work at the desired level, you need to enter the necessary parameters into the system settings.

It is from incorrect settings that, most often, the computer can work slowly or freeze. When installing different programs, it is important to carefully check whether additional applications are offered to you; they can also slow down the system.

When working at a computer, you want all transitions between folders and files to be carried out instantly, the same applies to the Internet. But it happens that for this you need to wait a few seconds, and when loading the program, even a few minutes. Let's figure out why this happens and what to do to normalize the computer's operation.

Why speed up your PC?

With a little effort, and once spending about an hour of time, you can significantly speed up your PC.

This will give you the opportunity to:

  • have more time;
  • do work earlier;
  • be less nervous;
  • work more efficiently.

By acceleration we mean:

  • fast opening of folders;
  • quick launch of programs;
  • quick transitions between tabs in the browser, etc.

What accelerates the system?

If you are using a Windows 7 system, then the question of the feasibility of acceleration is always relevant. Not all users take advantage of the full range of capabilities of this system.

Therefore, a rational step would be to speed up the system by disabling unused programs. At the same time, such acceleration allows you to free up system resources and transfer them to performing user tasks. As a result, it is possible to run more complex programs and significantly reduce the time required to process commands. This shift in priorities allows you to more accurately meet the goals of the computer owner.

Video: How to speed up your computer

Ways to speed up computer performance on Windows 7

Before speeding up your computer, you need to decide on the tasks it will perform. In this regard, you can choose several methods that will help improve productivity. All of them imply freedom from using unnecessary applications, services, gadgets and programs.

The most in effective ways are:

  • disable GUI effects;
  • removing unnecessary programs from startup;
  • stopping unused services;
  • removing unnecessary files from the desktop;
  • disabling gadgets on the desktop;
  • cleaning the registry.

Cleaning programs in autorun

To clear autorun and speed up the system, you need to:

Stop unused services.

For this operation, you need to enable those programs that you will constantly use (text editor, player, etc.) in order to activate the necessary services.

This will allow you to highlight what is needed for work:

Cleaning the registry

This way to speed up performance Windows 7 is the simplest if used for this purpose special program. For example, the CCleaner program is suitable for this. It will allow you to painlessly part with unnecessary garbage not only in the system registry, but also in other places on the computer. The operation of this application is simple:

HDD defragmentation

This operation, roughly speaking, collects scattered files into one heap. After this, it is easier for the system to find them.

To start the defragmentation procedure you must:

In the window that appears, you first need to select an analysis, and then run it based on the results necessary actions. Defragmentation must be done before speeding up the startup of your Windows 7 computer in other ways. It happens that this procedure can reduce for a long time inclusions.

Deleting files from the desktop

For fast system operation an important condition there will be a clean desktop. The fact is that Windows 7 constantly pays attention to files, folders and shortcuts that are directly located in this location. Basically, they are constantly present in the computer's memory as unnecessary ballast.

If you have movies on your desktop big size, folders with a large internal structure and other files, then they need to be moved to a logical drive.

This method speeds up the work of an old computer that is cluttered with files.

Visual effects Any colorful transitions and animations in the computer’s operation affect its speed. So it's worth finding golden mean

To disable effects:

Slow computer boot when turning off/on, what to do

To answer the question: how can speed up loading computer, you need to pay attention to the swap file. Before shutting down, the system always deletes it and this takes a lot of time. Therefore, the drastic way would be to disable this operation.

To disable this feature you need to do the following:

The result was that we set 0 seconds to complete the file deletion operation. In fact, the file simply remains in place untouched.

In order to speed up the system boot, you need to perform the following operations:

Increase RAM

Adding RAM to existing memory is an easy way to improve performance. The downside is that you have to spend money on the purchase.

This method globally increases the speed of not only the operating system, but also all programs in general. But if there were critical errors in Windows 7, then this method is unlikely to help. It should be used only when other methods have not given the desired result.

Selection of video card

There will be a noticeable improvement in performance when installing a more powerful video card. It will work faster and will not take up many resources from the system. You need to pay attention to the amount of internal memory in the video card; the more, the better.

It is also worth noting that powerful video cards require separate power. They consume an impressive amount of energy compared to a computer. Therefore, you need to make sure in advance that the power supply can withstand such a load.

Virus check

The most common problem with reduced computer performance is infection with viruses. They can enter the system mainly through the Internet, or through removable storage media.

If you have a constant connection to the Internet, you need a constant running antivirus program. If it is not there, then you need to regularly check the system for viruses. On the Internet, which is fast, it is much easier for viruses to enter the system. That's why antivirus program must be on guard. This article should help you tune Windows 7 for maximum performance. Regardless of your computer's settings, these tips will help ensure stable performance. After taking the steps described above, there will be a guaranteed improvement in work speed.

When working on performance, it is worth keeping in mind the features of each computer build. When making changes to the registry, you need to be extremely careful not to delete data, without which the system will stop working.

A new powerful computer pleases users with its performance, but over time its speed steadily decreases. In this case, many people have a reasonable question about how to speed up Windows computer 7, but at the same time it will not spoil anything in the system.

When considering the question of how to configure Windows 7, we have already touched on the problem of using various programs and archives with settings. We were talking about tweaks - small tricks that help increase system performance. However, you can do without third-party software.

You can really influence the speed of your PC or laptop using regular system optimization.

Many Windows features are not in demand among ordinary users, so you can safely disable them to increase machine performance.

On weaker computers there will be a very noticeable increase in speed.

The beautiful interface of Windows 7 is a great advantage and at the same time a serious disadvantage if we're talking about about optimizing computer performance.

Various visual effects place high demands on the hardware, slowing down some more important processes.

If you have a low-power laptop or a computer with old hardware, then a drop in performance when visual effects are turned on cannot be avoided. To correct this drawback of Windows 7, you can use the built-in tools and remove all unnecessary “chips”.

To bring the interface back to normal, you need to leave the four effects marked in the screenshot enabled. After that, click the "Apply" button and restart your computer to new configuration began to act.

Hard drive optimization

Files recorded on the hard drive are divided into fragments that are scattered over the entire surface of the media. This was done primarily for rational use free space, but as a result it often turns out that when a user accesses a specific file, the computer is forced to collect fragments scattered across the entire surface of the disk into a heap.

A huge number of fragments of already unnecessary (or deleted) files are added here. The result is a decrease in the performance of the hard drive and, as a consequence, the system as a whole. There are two ways to fix this problem:

  • Periodically clean the disk from temporary and simply unnecessary files.
  • Defragmentation of the hard drive.

Remove from your computer all unnecessary files and programs that take up a lot of space but are not used for their intended purpose. Leave only the essentials that you cannot do without.

To delete temporary files:

After cleaning the system of debris and uninstalling unnecessary programs, you can proceed to disk defragmentation, which is done using standard Windows tools:

Optimizing your hard drive is one of the most effective ways increasing the speed of your computer. This will be especially noticeable if you have not defragmented for a long time and have not destroyed “computer junk” for a long time.

Increasing the swap file

The lack of RAM and the inability to install an additional stick often leads to the fact that users cannot qualitatively improve the performance of the machine and are forced to put up with low system speed.

You can increase the paging file using a USB drive and the ReadyBoost technology built into Windows.

A regular flash drive or memory card in SDHC/SD/MS format can be used as a storage device. Even a regular smartphone or any other device with built-in memory that meets the following requirements will do:

  • USB0/3.0 technology support.
  • Availability of free space (minimum 64 MB, but usually more than 200 MB is required).

There are still some restrictions on data transfer speed, but they are quite affordable: any modern drive has much best characteristics, than is necessary for the ReadyBoost technology to work.

If you want to provide everything free place for the paging file, select "Provide for ReadyBoost technology."

Autostart cleaning

Even on powerful new computers, some time after the user begins constant use, a decrease in the speed of starting the operating system is observed. First of all, this is due to big amount unnecessary programs in autorun that are added there without the knowledge of the car owner.

Various messengers, applications for automatic update, agents social networks and other similar programs, when installed, are necessarily registered in startup and run along with the system, taking up resources.

The most The best decision– remove from startup all applications except those that are vital for the system. The latter include antivirus with its services and system utilities. You can clean startup using CCleaner:

If there is no CCleaner utility, then use standard tools:

In Windows 8 and 8.1, this operation can be performed from the Startup tab in the Task Manager.

Checking the registry and RAM

The tails left in the registry after uninstalling programs negatively affect system performance, which leads to a decrease in the speed of the computer. The solution is simple - periodically clean the registry using the CCleaner utility already mentioned above.

If you have never cleaned the registry, then after the first “cleaning” you may notice a serious acceleration of the system.

Don’t forget about RAM, which can also have various malfunctions that affect the final performance. To check your RAM, use the built-in tool “Diagnostics of computer RAM problems”.

Select the first option, which involves rebooting and checking. Don't forget to close all programs.

The scan can take quite a long time, so do not plan any computer-related tasks during the scan - it is not recommended to interrupt the diagnostics, as this can lead to serious errors.

Power Options

Remembers setting up power settings minimal amount users, although this is one of important components adjusting computer performance. Typically, the power management scheme has three modes:

  • Maximum savings – minimum productivity.
  • Balanced energy consumption.
  • Maximum energy consumption – maximum performance.

Switching the power mode is especially important for laptop owners. By default, the system is set to balanced mode, but as soon as the battery runs low, the power saving mode is automatically activated, which reduces performance.

When the laptop is plugged in to charge, the economy mode does not switch, although there is no longer any need for it. On such little things, users lose moments, which then add up to a noticeable slowdown of the computer.

If you work on a computer or laptop that is constantly connected to the network, be sure to configure the power supply:

If necessary, you can customize the scheme for yourself by clicking on the “Customize power plan” link. On the "Advanced Options" tab you can set your own values.

Enable all processor cores

Nowadays it is almost impossible to find a working computer that has only one core; modern cars have 2 cores or more.

Usually the operating system automatically checks the type of processor installed, but it often happens that only one core is used at boot.

You can correct this shortcoming on your own:

Now, when starting the operating system, all processor cores will be used, which will significantly speed up loading.

Another helpful advice, allowing you to seriously increase the speed of your computer - replace the thermal paste on the processor.

Due to the dried substance between the processor and the cooler, machines even with the most powerful configuration begin to slow down, so do not be lazy at least once every 2 years. More exact time replacement can be determined by measuring the processor temperature - if the value significantly exceeds the norm (about 65 degrees), immediately remove the cooler, clean off the old paste and apply a new substance in an even layer.

Mar 03

How to speed up your computer on Windows 7 (part 1)

Hello, friends! As promised in, I’ll tell you about how to speed up Windows 7. If you use more old version Windows, you can still use some tips. For example, points 2 and 3. In general, it is better to keep up with the times and use new versions software. Because they are more reliable and improved. Shall we begin?

1.Disable visual effects.

Windows 7 itself is very beautiful. That's why I personally turned off only a couple of visual effects. You disable those that you don't need. How to do it? 1) Go to the section . To do this, click the button Start and select a section Control Panel . In the search field, enter "Counters and Productivity Tools" , and then from the list of results, select "Counters and Productivity Tools." 2) Select an item "Setting visual effects" . 3) Uncheck the following effects (this is my opinion):
  • 1.Animation in the Start menu and taskbar
  • 2.Animation of windows when minimizing and maximizing
  • 3.Display shadows cast by windows
  • 4.Fading or sliding effects when prompts appear
I hope you figured this out. I repeat, you uncheck those items that you do not need. Don't forget to click "Apply" .

2.Disable autorun of unnecessary programs.

When Windows 7 boots, various programs start automatically. Naturally, all of them are not needed. But many people don’t know how to disable their automatic launch. And it couldn’t be easier to do this. 1) Go to the "Start" menu, then to "Control Panel".

2) In the window that appears, select the item "Administration" :

4) In the top menu of the window that appears, click on:

Here we remove the checkmarks from those programs that we do not need. In principle, you can remove all the checkboxes. But I only have 4 programs marked that I always need after the system boots.

3.Disable unnecessary services.

Our computer uses many services that we do not need at all. Let's turn some of them off. But before that, launch all the programs that you usually use on your computer, and also turn on a movie or music. Why is this necessary? To identify the services that we need in Everyday life. After you have launched the programs, follow the 3 steps from point 2 (Disable autorun of unnecessary programs.). 4) In the top menu of the window that appears, click on "Services". 5) Uncheck those services where the Status is Stopped:

4.Remove unnecessary gadgets.

Windows 7 gadgets are undoubtedly easy to use and greatly simplify our work on the computer. But on the other hand, they waste the resources of our system. Therefore, install only essential gadgets. For example, I generally only have 1 gadget - “Weather forecast” and that’s it. So clean up your desktop. For example, why do we need a gadget - a “clock”, if you can see the time in the lower right corner. Well, the calendar hasn’t gone anywhere yet. In general, act.

5.Remove unnecessary programs.

I don't think there's much that needs to be explained here. Just go to Control Panel, then Programs and Features, and uninstall the programs you don't use. You don't need them, they just waste resources. OK it's all over Now. Now you can easily increase computer performance. By the way, I almost forgot about the most main advice - DON'T CLUTTER YOUR DESKT WITH A TON OF SHORTWORKS!. That's all for sure now. See you!

Over time, the computer operating system undergoes wear and tear, which affects both the performance of the device and our nerves. This is especially noticeable when working on weak computers. However, this is far from a reason to reinstall Windows prematurely, and there is no need to rush to create installation flash drive and remember which key starts the transition to the BIOS. Taking advantage of several in simple ways, we will not only return crystalline virginity to our system, but also speed it up, in some places making it run faster than the new one.

Why does my computer slow down?

Most often, the slowdown of the operating system is associated with its inept use: incorrect removal of programs, clutter hard drive and the lack of timely measures to clean it up. At the very same Windows installation 7, few people change the standard system configurations, which are far from optimal.

Hardware acceleration: unloading the processor

Hardware acceleration is the redistribution of some system functions from the main processor to hardware to increase the overall performance of the computer.

In other words, this is shifting part of the CPU work to the video card, if it is able to handle it faster.

The hardware acceleration feature is enabled in all builds of Windows 7 by default. You can check this using the following path:

  1. Right-click on the desktop and select “Screen Resolution”.

    Select “Screen Resolution”

  2. Now go to “Advanced options”.

    In the window that opens, select “Advanced settings” On the “Diagnostics” tab, select “Change settings”

  3. If this button is inactive, there is no need to panic: you have hardware acceleration enabled, and the caring developers of the video adapter foresaw what could get you here, and removed changing the settings away from the wrong hands.

    The required button is “Change settings”. If it is inactive, acceleration is already enabled

Visual Effects: Maximum System Performance

The pleasant graphical interface of Windows 7 puts a very noticeable load on the computer's hardware, which cannot but affect its performance. The visual design, of course, serves as a good complement to operating system, but when it begins to noticeably affect its performance, it is better to sacrifice beauty for the sake of optimization.

  1. Right-click on the “Computer” icon and go to “Properties”.

    Click on “Advanced system settings”

  2. Now we need to get to “Advanced system settings”. Select the “Advanced” tab and in the first section “Performance” open “Settings”.

    Select “Options” in the “Performance” section

  3. In the “Visual Effects” tab, check the “Ensure the best performance” value and click “Apply”.

    Our choice - "Best performance"

  4. These settings disable all visual effects and provide maximum performance, but the system begins to look rather unsightly. If the resulting style makes you disgusted and sad and gives you nightmares about Windows 95, return the checkboxes to some menu items:
    • “Enable desktop composition”;
    • “Using display styles for windows and buttons”;
    • "Show thumbnails instead of icons";
    • “Smooth out jagged screen fonts.”
  5. We agree by clicking the “OK” button.

Hard drive: memory cleaning and defragmentation

All files that are written to HDD, are divided into many sequential fragments in order to reduce the space used. As a result, in order to read the file, the computer is forced to put them back together. And the presence of various debris in its path increases the reading time, which slows down the system and causes delays of varying lengths when opening or changing files. At the same time, the speed of work, of course, drops.

The simplest solution to this problem is regular cleaning of the hard drive from junk and equally regular defragmentation. Systematically removing extra files

and programs from your PC, you can greatly increase its speed. First you need to clean up the space you use: remove unnecessary music, watched movies, installation files, hundreds of new documents Microsoft Word

and other delights of human presence.

It is also worth getting rid of unused programs. Let's start with this.

  1. How to increase performance: cleaning the hard drive

    To begin, select “Control Panel” from the Start menu.

  2. Select “Control Panel”
  3. Go to “Uninstall a program”.

    We carefully study the list, find an outdated or unnecessary program, right-click on it and delete it.

  4. Right-click on the unnecessary program and select “Uninstall” Now let's get rid of system garbage. Combination Windows keys

    (flag on the keyboard) + R call the “Run” command, enter %temp% and click “OK”. This way, we will quickly move to the storage location of “junk” temporary files, and we will not have to spend a long and tedious time trying to find them in the system.

  5. Go to the "Temp" folder

    Everything that is in the called folder is temporary files. In combination, it is system garbage that must be removed. Using the key combination Ctrl + A, select everything and delete it.

  6. Select all files in the folder and delete them

    If some files stubbornly refuse to be deleted, there is nothing wrong with that. Most likely, they are being used by some active programs right now and can be skipped.

  7. If some files do not want to be deleted, skip them

    Now you can move on to the next step of cleaning your hard drive from system debris. Going to “Computer”, right-click on “Local Disk (C:)” and click “Properties”.

  8. The item we need is “Properties”

    Select the “Disk Cleanup” button

  9. When the system analyzes the estimated amount of garbage that can be removed, the disk cleanup menu will open. In this menu, in the list of files available for deletion, check all the boxes, click “OK” and confirm deleting the files.

    Select the files that the system will delete

  10. After cleaning, uncheck the box “Allow the contents of files on this disk to be indexed in addition to file properties” and click “OK”. In the window that opens, do not change anything and click “OK” again. If the “Access Denied” window pops up, click “Continue”, and “Error changing attributes” - click “Skip all”.

If there are several system disks on the computer, we clean them all in the same way.

Disk defragmentation: how to speed up your PC

After completion, repeat the procedure with the remaining disks.

How to work with CCleaner: PC cleaning program

For the next step, we will need the CCleaner utility, which allows us to clean up all the system junk that we were unable to remove using Windows tools. The program is free, and you can download it from the official website This is not the only or even the best utility that helps clean and speed up the system, but CCleaner is simpler and more accessible than anything else.

  1. Having launched the installed program, go to the Applications tab, where we uncheck everything that is still dear to your heart (for example, browser history), and then click Run Cleaner.

    The button we need is Run Cleaner

  2. After cleaning, go to the Registry section and click Scan for Issues. After completing the analysis, click Fix selected issues.

    We find problems and errors in the registry and fix them: the Scan for issues and Fix selected items buttons, respectively

  3. Now let's go to the Tools section and select the Startup tab. Listed here are all the programs that start automatically when turning on Windows. Select all unnecessary ones and click Disable. This way we will disable their autorun and reduce the load on RAM.

    We remove all unnecessary programs from autorun using the Disable button

Page file: speeding up RAM

The paging file, also known as virtual memory, is a separate space on the hard drive that serves as an intermediate link in the exchange of information between the RAM and the hard drive.

Windows 7 by default makes the page file 50% larger than the amount of RAM, but sometimes this size is too small. This leads to frequent overwriting of the file or direct access to the main sectors of the hard drive, which negatively affects the performance of the system.

  1. First you need to determine the amount of RAM. To do this, go to the “Start” menu, right-click on “Computer” and go to the “Properties” option.

    First, go to computer properties

  2. Here we carefully look at the amount of installed memory (RAM), and if it is more than 4 GB, then nothing should be changed. Otherwise, go to “Advanced system settings”.

    If you need to increase the paging file, go to “Advanced system settings”

  3. Here, on the “Advanced” tab, in the “Performance” section, click on the “Options” button.

    We need a “Change” button in the “Virtual Memory” section

  4. First, uncheck the “Automatically select paging file size” checkbox. After that, mark the “Specify size” marker and set the values ​​larger. The best option- 5120 MB for original size and 7680 MB for maximum. Now click the “Set” button and confirm by clicking the “OK” button in all the windows we have opened.

    Enter new values ​​in the marked fields, click “Set” and “OK”

MSconfig: increasing speed

Some of installed programs have a bad habit of working in the background, which not only loads precious RAM, but also hides from our sensitive gaze. The volume they occupy individually is, as a rule, not particularly large, but together they take up quite a lot of resources, and by closing the pests, you can significantly relieve the load on RAM.

  1. Using the Windows + R key combination, call the “Run” service, enter the msconfig command in the field and click “OK”.

    Using the corresponding request, we find msconfig

  2. In the window that opens, go to the “Services” tab. All processes that are running in the background are marked here. To begin with, in order not to disrupt the system, check the “Do not display Microsoft services” checkbox. After that, with peace of mind, we remove the checkmarks from all remaining items. Confirm the changes by clicking the “OK” button.

    Uncheck all services except system ones (and important ones, like antivirus)

  3. Don't forget to uncheck all the boxes in the "Startup" tab. Essentially, this is copying the actions that we have already carried out previously using CCleaner; but, if for some reason you were unable to turn off autoloading then, now is the time.

    Uncheck all startup programs and click OK

Overclocking the CPU: video instructions

Nothing worked, and all other methods of increasing performance did not help? In this case, you can take extreme measures: for example, overclocking the processor. By overclocking it, that is, increasing the clock frequency, you can increase performance several times and equalize the characteristics of your processor with a more powerful line (however, this will require some effort and cooling costs). You can learn how to do this from the video below.

Overclocking the video adapter: instructions with video

If the performance of the processor is quite satisfactory for you, but you are a gamer and have problems with graphics, we have good news for you: it is not only the CPU that can be overclocked! The video below is dedicated to overclocking a video card. Speeding up an existing video adapter will certainly be cheaper than buying a new one, spending a decent amount. True, here you also need to take care of cooling.

But don’t forget: overclocking a computer is one thing, but making sure it doesn’t burn out after that is quite another. So approach such things responsibly and take care of your equipment.

So, we have carried out all possible procedures to speed up Windows 7, and now our system is running as fast as possible. Unfortunately, there are no other ways that are guaranteed to increase overall performance: well, perhaps changing components for your PC. Be happy and don't forget to defragment.

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