Original fairy tale endings. Good will not defeat evil: original versions of famous fairy tales. Cinderella: when the sisters tried on the shoe, they had to cut off their feet


Children-heroes of our time and their exploits This Post is about children who committed Deed. People also call such actions Feat . I admire them. Let him know about them as much as possible - more people

the country must know its Heroes. This post is sad at times.

But he does not deny the fact: a worthy generation is growing in our country. Glory to the heroes Most young hero Russia. A Real Man who was only 7 years old. The only seven-year-old owner Order of Courage

. Unfortunately, posthumously.

The tragedy took place on the evening of November 28, 2008. Zhenya and his twelve-year-old older sister Yana were alone at home. An unknown man rang the doorbell and introduced himself as a postman who allegedly brought a registered letter.

Yana did not suspect anything was wrong and allowed him to come in. Entering the apartment and closing the door behind him, the “postman” took out a knife instead of a letter and, grabbing Yana, began to demand that the children give him all the money and valuables. Having received an answer from the children that they did not know where the money was, the criminal demanded that Zhenya look for it, and he dragged Yana into the bathroom, where he began to tear off her clothes. Seeing how he was tearing off his sister’s clothes, Zhenya grabbed a kitchen knife and, in desperation, stuck it in the criminal’s lower back. Howling in pain, he loosened his grip, and the girl managed to run out of the apartment for help. In a rage, the would-be rapist, tearing the knife out of himself, began to thrust it into the child (eight puncture wounds incompatible with life were counted on Zhenya’s body), after which he fled. However, the wound inflicted by Zhenya, which left a trail of blood behind, did not allow him to escape the pursuit.

On September 1, 2013, a monument to Zhenya Tabakov was unveiled in the school yard - a boy driving a kite away from a dove. The memory of the young hero was immortalized. School No. 83 of the Noginsk district of the Moscow region, where the boy studied, was named in his honor. The school management decided to include his name in the list of students forever. A memorial plaque in memory of the boy was unveiled in the lobby of the educational institution. The desk in the office where Zhenya studied was named after him. The right to sit behind it is given to the best student of the class to whom this office is assigned. A monument made by the author was erected at Zhenya’s grave.

A 12-year-old teenager, a resident of the city of Naberezhnye Chelny, died while saving a 9-year-old schoolboy. The tragedy occurred on May 5, 2012 on Entuziastov Boulevard. At about two o'clock in the afternoon, 9-year-old Andrei Churbanov decided to get plastic bottle, fell into the fountain. Suddenly he was electrocuted, the boy lost consciousness and fell into the water.

Everyone shouted “help,” but only Danil, who was passing by on a bicycle at that moment, jumped into the water. Danil Sadykov pulled the victim onto the side, but he himself received a severe electric shock. He died before the ambulance arrived.
Thanks to the selfless act of one child, another child survived.

Danil Sadykov was awarded the Order of Courage. Posthumously. For the courage and dedication shown in saving a person in extreme conditions.The award was presented by the chairman Investigative Committee RF. Instead of his son, the boy’s father, Aidar Sadykov, received it.

The monument to Danila in Naberezhnye Chelny is made in the shape of a “feather”, symbolizing an easy but cut short life, and a memorial plaque reminding of the little hero’s feat.

Maxim Konov and Georgy Suchkov

IN Nizhny Novgorod region two third-graders saved a woman who had fallen into an ice hole. When she was already saying goodbye to life, two boys passed by the pond, returning from school. A 55-year-old resident of the village of Mukhtolova, Ardatovsky district, went to the pond to draw water from the Epiphany ice hole. The ice hole was already covered with an edge of ice, the woman slipped and lost her balance. Wearing heavy winter clothes, she found herself in icy water. Having caught on the edge of the ice, the unfortunate woman began to call for help.

Fortunately, at that moment two friends Maxim and Georgy were passing by the pond, returning from school. Having noticed the woman, they, without wasting a second, rushed to help. Having reached the ice hole, the boys took the woman by both hands and pulled her onto the strong ice. The guys walked her home, not forgetting to grab a bucket and sled. Arriving doctors examined the woman, provided assistance, and she did not require hospitalization.

Of course, such a shock did not pass without a trace, but the woman never tires of thanking the guys for staying alive. She gave soccer balls and cell phones to her rescuers.

Vanya Makarov

Vanya Makarov from Ivdel is now eight years old. A year ago, he saved his classmate from the river, who fell through the ice. Looking at this little boy- height is just over a meter and weight is only 22 kilograms - it is difficult to imagine how he alone could pull the girl out of the water. Vanya grew up in an orphanage with his sister. But two years ago he ended up in the family of Nadezhda Novikova (and the woman already had four children of her own). In the future, Vanya plans to go to study at cadet school to later become a rescuer.

Kobychev Maxim

A fire broke out in a private residential building in the village of Zelveno, Amur Region, late in the evening. Neighbors discovered the fire very late when thick smoke poured out of the windows of the burning house. Having reported the fire, residents began to extinguish the flames by dousing it with water. By that time, things and the walls of the building were burning in the rooms. Among those who came running to help was 14-year-old Maxim Kobychev. Having learned that there were people in the house, he, not at a loss in a difficult situation, entered the house and pulled out Fresh air a disabled woman born in 1929. Then, risking his own life, he returned to the burning building and carried out a man born in 1972.

Kirill Daineko and Sergei Skripnik

IN Chelyabinsk region two 12-year-old friends showed real courage in saving their teachers from the destruction caused by the fall of the Chelyabinsk meteorite.

Kirill Daineko and Sergei Skripnik heard their teacher Natalya Ivanovna calling for help from the cafeteria, unable to knock down the massive doors. The guys rushed to save the teacher. First, they ran into the duty room, grabbed a reinforcement bar that came to hand and broke out the window into the dining room with it. Then, through the window opening, they carried the teacher, wounded by glass fragments, to the street. After this, the schoolchildren discovered that another woman needed help - a kitchen worker, who was overwhelmed by utensils that had collapsed from the impact of the blast wave. Having quickly cleared the rubble, the boys called adults for help.

Lida Ponomareva

The medal “For saving the dead” will be awarded to a sixth grade student in Ustvash high school Leshukonsky district (Arkhangelsk region) by Lidia Ponomareva. The corresponding Decree was signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin, reports the press service of the Regional Government.

In July 2013, a 12-year-old girl saved two seven-year-old children. Lida, ahead of the adults, jumped into the river first after the drowning boy, and then helped the girl, who was also carried away by the current far from the shore, to swim out. One of the guys on land managed to throw a life jacket to the drowning child, after which Lida pulled the girl to the shore.

Lida Ponomareva, the only one of the surrounding children and adults who found themselves at the scene of the tragedy, without hesitation, threw herself into the river. The girl doubly risked her own life, because her injured arm was very painful. When the next day after saving the children, mother and daughter went to the hospital, it turned out that it was a fracture.

Admiring the girl’s courage and bravery, the governor of the Arkhangelsk region, Igor Orlov, personally thanked Lida over the phone for her courageous act.

At the suggestion of the governor, Lida Ponomareva was nominated for a state award.

Alina Gusakova and Denis Fedorov

During terrible fires in Khakassia, schoolchildren saved three people.
That day, the girl accidentally found herself near the house of her first teacher. She came to visit a friend who lived next door.

I heard someone screaming, I said to Nina: “I’ll come now,” Alina says about that day. - I see through the window that Polina Ivanovna is shouting: “Help!” While Alina was saving the school teacher, her house, where the girl lives with her grandmother and older brother, burned to the ground.

On April 12, in the same village of Kozhukhovo, Tatyana Fedorova and her 14-year-old son Denis came to visit their grandmother. It's a holiday after all. As soon as the whole family sat down at the table, a neighbor came running and, pointing to the mountain, called to put out the fire.

We ran to the fire and started extinguishing it with rags,” says Rufina Shaimardanova, Denis Fedorov’s aunt. - When they put it out most, blew very sharply, strong wind, and the fire came towards us. We ran to the village and ran into the nearest buildings to hide from the smoke. Then we hear - the fence is cracking, everything is on fire! I couldn’t find the door, my skinny brother ducked through the crack and then came back for me. But together we can’t find a way out! It's smoky, scary! And then Denis opened the door, grabbed me by the hand and pulled me out, then his brother. I am in panic, my brother is in panic. And Denis reassures: “Calm down Rufa.” When we walked, I couldn’t see anything at all, the lenses in my eyes melted from the high temperature...

This is how a 14-year-old schoolboy saved two people. He not only helped me get out of a house engulfed in flames, but also took me to a safe place.

Head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia Vladimir Puchkov presented departmental awards firefighters and residents of Khakassia, who distinguished themselves in eliminating massive fires, in fire station No. 3 of the Abakan garrison of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. The list of awarded 19 people includes firefighters from the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, firefighters from Khakassia, volunteers and two schoolchildren from the Ordzhonikidze district - Alina Gusakova and Denis Fedorov.


They say that there were too many tragic events in the past year, and there was almost nothing good to remember on the eve of the New Year. Constantinople decided to argue with this statement and collected a selection of our most outstanding compatriots (and not only) and their heroic deeds. Unfortunately, many of them accomplished this feat at the cost of their own lives, but the memory of them and their actions will support us for a long time and serve as an example to follow. Ten names that made a splash in 2016 and should not be forgotten.

Alexander Prokhorenko

A special forces officer, 25-year-old Lieutenant Prokhorenko, died in March near Palmyra while carrying out strike missions Russian aviation by ISIS militants. He was discovered by terrorists and, finding himself surrounded, did not want to surrender and drew fire on himself. He was awarded the title of Hero of Russia posthumously, and a street in Orenburg was named after him. Prokhorenko’s feat aroused admiration not only in Russia. Two French families donated awards, including the Legion of Honor.

Farewell ceremony for the hero of Russia, senior lieutenant Alexander Prokhorenko, who died in Syria, in the village of Gorodki, Tyulgansky district. Sergey Medvedev/TASS

In Orenburg, where the officer is from, he left behind a young wife, who, after the death of Alexander, had to be hospitalized in order to save the life of their child. In August, her daughter Violetta was born.

Magomed Nurbagandov

A policeman from Dagestan, Magomet Nurbagandov, and his brother Abdurashid were killed in July, but the details became known only in September, when a video of the execution of police officers was found on the phone of one of the liquidated militants of the Izberbash criminal group. On that ill-fated day, the brothers and their relatives, schoolchildren, were relaxing outdoors in tents; no one expected an attack by bandits. Abdurashid was killed immediately because he stood up for one of the boys, whom the bandits began to insult. Mohammed was tortured before his death because his employee documents were found law enforcement. The purpose of the bullying was to force Nurbagandov to renounce his colleagues on record, recognize the strength of the militants and call on Dagestanis to leave the police. In response to this, Nurbagandov addressed his colleagues with the words “Work, brothers!” The enraged militants could only kill him. President Vladimir Putin met with the brothers’ parents, thanked them for their son’s courage and awarded him the title of Hero of Russia posthumously. The last phrase of Mohammed became the main slogan of the past year and, one might assume, for the years to come. Two small children were left without a father. Nurbagandov's son now says that he will only become a policeman.

Elizaveta Glinka

Photo: Mikhail Metzel/TASS

The resuscitator and philanthropist, popularly known as Doctor Lisa, accomplished a lot this year. In May, she took children out of Donbass. 22 sick children were saved, the youngest of whom was only 5 days old. These were children with heart defects, oncology, and congenital diseases. For children from Donbass and Syria were created special programs treatment and support. In Syria, Elizaveta Glinka also helped sick children and organized the delivery of medicines and humanitarian aid to the hospital. During the delivery of another humanitarian cargo, Doctor Lisa died in a TU-154 plane crash over the Black Sea. Despite the tragedy, all programs will continue. Today there will be a New Year's party for the guys from Lugansk and Donetsk...

Oleg Fedura

Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Primorsky Territory, Colonel of the Internal Service Oleg Fedura. Press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Primorsky Territory/TASS

Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Primorsky Territory, who distinguished himself during natural Disasters in the region. The rescuer personally visited all the flooded cities and villages, led search and rescue operations, helped evacuate people, and he himself did not sit idly by - he has hundreds of similar events on his account. On September 2, together with his brigade, he was heading to another village, where 400 houses were flooded and more than 1,000 people were waiting for help. Crossing the river, the KAMAZ, in which Fedura and 8 other people were, collapsed into the water. Oleg Fedura saved all the personnel, but then could not get out of the flooded car and died.

Lyubov Pechko

The entire Russian world learned the name of the 91-year-old female veteran from the news on May 9. During the festive procession in honor of Victory Day in Slavyansk, occupied by the Ukrainians, the column of veterans was pelted with eggs, doused with brilliant green and sprinkled with flour by the Ukrainian Nazis, but the spirit of the old soldiers could not be broken, no one fell out of action. The Nazis shouted insults; in occupied Slavyansk, where any Russian and Soviet symbols are prohibited, the situation was extremely explosive and could at any moment turn into a massacre. However, the veterans, despite the threat to their lives, were not afraid to openly wear medals and St. George ribbons; after all, they did not go through the war with the Nazis in order to be afraid of their ideological followers. Lyubov Pechko, who took part in the liberation of Belarus during the Great Patriotic War, was splashed with brilliant green directly in the face. Photos showing traces of brilliant green being wiped off Lyubov Pechko’s face have spread across social networks and the media. The sister of an elderly woman, who saw the abuse of veterans on TV and suffered a heart attack, died from the resulting shock.

Danil Maksudov

In January of this year, during a severe snowstorm, a dangerous traffic jam formed on the Orenburg-Orsk highway, in which hundreds of people were trapped. Ordinary employees of various services showed heroism in leading people out of ice captivity, sometimes jeopardizing own life. Russia remembers the name of policeman Danil Maksudov, who was hospitalized with severe frostbite because he gave his jacket, hat and gloves to those who needed it most. After that, Danil spent several more hours in the snowstorm helping to get people out of the jam. Then Maksudov himself ended up in the emergency traumatology department with frostbitten hands; there was talk of amputating his fingers. However, in the end the policeman recovered.

Konstantin Parikozha

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Orenburg Airlines Boeing 777-200 crew commander Konstantin Parikozha, awarded the Order of Courage, during the state awards ceremony in the Kremlin. Mikhail Metzel/TASS

A native of Tomsk, the 38-year-old pilot managed to land a plane with a burning engine, which was carrying 350 passengers, including many families with children and 20 crew members. The plane was flying from the Dominican Republic, at an altitude of 6 thousand meters a bang was heard and the cabin was filled with smoke, panic began. During landing, the plane's landing gear also caught fire. However, thanks to the skill of the pilot, the Boeing 777 was successfully landed and none of the passengers were injured. Parikozha received the Order of Courage from the hands of the President.

Andrey Logvinov

The 44-year-old commander of the Il-18 crew that crashed in Yakutia managed to land the plane without wings. They tried to land the plane until the last minute and in the end they managed to avoid casualties, although both wings of the plane broke off when it hit the ground and the fuselage collapsed. The pilots themselves received multiple fractures, but despite this, according to rescuers, they refused help and asked to be the last to be evacuated to the hospital. “He managed the impossible,” they said about Andrei Logvinov’s skill.

Georgy Gladysh

On a February morning, the rector Orthodox church in Krivoy Rog, Priest Georgy, as usual, was riding home from service on a bicycle. Suddenly he heard cries for help from a nearby body of water. It turned out that the fisherman had fallen through the ice. The priest ran to the water, threw off his clothes and, making the sign of the cross, rushed to help. The noise caught my attention local residents, who called an ambulance and helped pull the already unconscious retired fisherman out of the water. The priest himself refused honors: " It wasn't me who saved. God decided this for me. If I had been driving a car instead of a bicycle, I simply would not have heard the cries for help. If I started to think about whether to help the person or not, I wouldn’t have time. If the people on the shore had not thrown us a rope, we would have drowned together. And so everything happened by itself"After the feat, he went on to perform church services.

Yulia Kolosova

Russia. Moscow. December 2, 2016. Commissioner for Children’s Rights under the President of the Russian Federation Anna Kuznetsova (left) and Yulia Kolosova, winner in the “Children-Heroes” nomination, at solemn ceremony VIII winners awards ceremony All-Russian festival on the topic of safety and rescue of people "Constellation of Courage". Mikhail Pochuev/TASS

The Valdai schoolgirl, despite the fact that she herself was only 12 years old, was not afraid to enter the burning a private house, hearing the screams of children. Yulia took two boys out of the house, and already on the street they told her that their other little brother remained inside. The girl returned to the house and carried a 7-year-old baby in her arms, who was crying and afraid to go down the stairs shrouded in smoke. As a result, none of the children were harmed. " It seems to me that in my place any teenager would do this, but not every adult, because adults are much more indifferent than children", says the girl. Caring residents Staraya Russa They collected money and gave the girl a computer and a souvenir - a mug with her photo. The schoolgirl herself admits that she did not help for the sake of gifts and praise, but she, of course, was pleased, because she is from a low-income family - Yulia’s mother is a saleswoman, and her father works at a factory.

Before the war, these were the most ordinary boys and girls. They studied, helped their elders, played, raised pigeons, and sometimes even took part in fights. But the hour has come severe tests and they proved how huge an ordinary little child’s heart can become when a sacred love for the Motherland, pain for the fate of one’s people and hatred for enemies flares up in it. And no one expected that it was these boys and girls who were capable of accomplishing a great feat for the glory of the freedom and independence of their Motherland!

Children left in destroyed cities and villages became homeless, doomed to starvation. It was scary and difficult to stay in enemy-occupied territory. Children could be sent to a concentration camp, taken to work in Germany, turned into slaves, made donors for German soldiers, etc.

Here are the names of some of them: Volodya Kazmin, Yura Zhdanko, Lenya Golikov, Marat Kazei, Lara Mikheenko, Valya Kotik, Tanya Morozova, Vitya Korobkov, Zina Portnova. Many of them fought so hard that they earned military orders and medals, and four: Marat Kazei, Valya Kotik, Zina Portnova, Lenya Golikov, became Heroes of the Soviet Union.

From the first days of the occupation, boys and girls began to act at their own risk, which was truly fatal.

"Fedya Samodurov. Fedya is 14 years old, he is a graduate of a motorized rifle unit, commanded by Guard Captain A. Chernavin. Fedya was picked up in his homeland, in a destroyed village in the Voronezh region. Together with the unit, he took part in the battles for Ternopil, with machine-gun crews he kicked the Germans out of the city. When almost the entire crew was killed, the teenager, together with the surviving soldier, took up the machine gun, firing long and hard, and detained the enemy. Fedya was awarded the medal "For Courage".

Vanya Kozlov, 13 years old,he was left without relatives and has been in a motorized rifle unit for two years now. At the front, he delivers food, newspapers and letters to soldiers in the most difficult conditions.

Petya Zub. Petya Zub chose an equally difficult specialty. He decided long ago to become a scout. His parents were killed, and he knows how to settle accounts with the damned German. Together with experienced scouts, he reaches the enemy, reports his location by radio, and the artillery, at their direction, fires, crushing the fascists." ("Arguments and Facts", No. 25, 2010, p. 42).

A sixteen year old schoolgirl Olya Demesh with her younger sister Lida at the Orsha station in Belarus, on the instructions of the commander of the partisan brigade S. Zhulin, fuel tanks were blown up using magnetic mines. Of course, girls attracted much less attention from German guards and policemen than teenage boys or adult men. But the girls were just right to play with dolls, and they fought with Wehrmacht soldiers!

Thirteen-year-old Lida often took a basket or bag and went to the railway tracks to collect coal, obtaining intelligence about German military trains. If the guards stopped her, she explained that she was collecting coal to heat the room in which the Germans lived. Olya’s mother and little sister Lida were captured and shot by the Nazis, while Olya continued to fearlessly carry out the partisans’ tasks.

The Nazis promised a generous reward for the head of the young partisan Olya Demesh - land, a cow and 10 thousand marks. Copies of her photograph were distributed and sent to all patrol officers, policemen, wardens and secret agents. Capture and deliver her alive - that was the order! But they failed to catch the girl. Olga destroyed 20 German soldiers and officers, derailed 7 enemy echelons, conducted reconnaissance, and participated in “ rail war", in the destruction of German punitive units.

Children of the Great Patriotic War

What happened to the children during this scary time? During the war?

The guys worked for days in factories, factories and factories, standing at the machines instead of brothers and fathers who had gone to the front. Children also worked at defense enterprises: they made fuses for mines, fuses for hand grenades, smoke bombs, colored flares, collected gas masks. Worked in agriculture, grew vegetables for hospitals.

In school sewing workshops, pioneers sewed underwear and tunics for the army. The girls knitted warm clothes for the front: mittens, socks, scarves, and sewed tobacco pouches. The guys helped the wounded in hospitals, wrote letters to their relatives under their dictation, staged performances for the wounded, organized concerts, bringing a smile to war-weary adult men.

A number of objective reasons: the departure of teachers to the army, the evacuation of the population from the western regions to the eastern, the inclusion of students in labor activity due to the departure of family breadwinners for the war, the transfer of many schools to hospitals, etc., prevented the deployment of a universal seven-year compulsory school in the USSR during the war. training started in the 30s. In the remaining educational institutions training was carried out in two, three, and sometimes four shifts.

At the same time, the children were forced to store firewood for the boiler houses themselves. There were no textbooks, and due to a shortage of paper, they wrote on old newspapers between the lines. Nevertheless, new schools were opened and additional classes were created. Boarding schools were created for evacuated children. For those youth who left school at the beginning of the war and were employed in industry or agriculture, schools for working and rural youth were organized in 1943.

In the chronicle of the Great Patriotic War There are still many little-known pages, for example, the fate of kindergartens. “It turns out that in December 1941, in besieged MoscowKindergartens operated in bomb shelters. When the enemy was repulsed, they resumed their work faster than many universities. By the fall of 1942, 258 kindergartens had opened in Moscow!

From the memories of Lydia Ivanovna Kostyleva’s wartime childhood:

“After the death of my grandmother, I was assigned to kindergarten, older sister at school, mother at work. I went to kindergarten alone, by tram, when I was less than five years old. Once I got seriously ill with mumps, I was lying at home alone with high temperature, there was no medicine, in my delirium I imagined a piglet running under the table, but everything turned out okay.
I saw my mother in the evenings and on rare weekends. The children were raised on the street, we were friendly and always hungry. From early spring, we ran to the mosses, fortunately there were forests and swamps nearby, and collected berries, mushrooms, and various early grasses. The bombings gradually stopped, Allied residences were located in our Arkhangelsk, this brought a certain flavor to life - we, the children, sometimes received warm clothes and some food. Mostly we ate black shangi, potatoes, seal meat, fish and fish oil, and on holidays we ate “marmalade” made from algae, tinted with beets.”

More than five hundred teachers and nannies dug trenches on the outskirts of the capital in the fall of 1941. Hundreds worked in logging operations. The teachers, who just yesterday were dancing with the children in a round dance, fought in the Moscow militia. Natasha Yanovskaya, a kindergarten teacher in the Baumansky district, died heroically near Mozhaisk. The teachers who remained with the children did not perform any feats. They simply saved children whose fathers were fighting and whose mothers were at work.

Most kindergartens became boarding schools during the war; children were there day and night. And in order to feed children in half-starvation, protect them from the cold, give them at least a modicum of comfort, occupy them with benefit for the mind and soul - such work required great love for children, deep decency and boundless patience." (D. Shevarov " World of News", No. 27, 2010, p. 27).

Children's games have changed, "... a new game- to the hospital. Hospital has been played before, but not like this. Now the wounded for them - real people. But they play war less often, because no one wants to be a fascist. Trees perform this role for them. They shoot snowballs at them. We learned to provide assistance to victims - those who fell, were hurt."

From a boy’s letter to a front-line soldier: “We used to often play war, but now much less often - we’re tired of the war, it would sooner end so that we could live well again...” (Ibid.).

Due to the death of their parents, many homeless children appeared in the country. The Soviet state, despite the difficult war time, still fulfilled its obligations to children left without parents. To combat neglect, a network of children's reception centers and orphanages was organized and opened, and employment of teenagers was organized.

Many families of Soviet citizens began to take in orphans to raise them., where they found new parents. Unfortunately, not all teachers and heads of children's institutions were distinguished by honesty and decency. Here are some examples.

“In the fall of 1942, in the Pochinkovsky district of the Gorky region, children dressed in rags were caught stealing potatoes and grain from collective farm fields. It turned out that the “harvest” was “harvested” by the pupils of the district orphanage. And they were not doing this out of a good life. Investigations by local police officers uncovered a criminal group, or, in fact, a gang, consisting of employees of this institution.

In total, seven people were arrested in the case, including the director of the orphanage Novoseltsev, accountant Sdobnov, storekeeper Mukhina and other persons. During the searches, 14 children's coats, seven suits, 30 meters of cloth, 350 meters of textiles and other illegally appropriated property, allocated with great difficulty by the state during this harsh wartime, were confiscated from them.

The investigation established that by failing to supply the required quota of bread and products, these criminals stole seven tons of bread, half a ton of meat, 380 kg of sugar, 180 kg of cookies, 106 kg of fish, 121 kg of honey, etc. during 1942 alone. The orphanage workers sold all these scarce products on the market or simply ate them themselves.

Only one comrade Novoseltsev received fifteen portions of breakfast and lunch every day for himself and his family members. The rest of the staff also ate well at the expense of the pupils. The children were fed “dishes” made from rotten vegetables, citing poor supplies.

For the entire 1942, they were only given one candy for the 25th anniversary once. October revolution... And what is most surprising, the director of the orphanage Novoseltsev in the same 1942 received a certificate of honor from the People’s Commissariat of Education for excellent educational work. All these fascists were deservedly sentenced to long terms of imprisonment." (Zefirov M.V., Dektyarev D.M. “Everything for the front? How victory was actually forged,” pp. 388-391).

At such a time, the whole essence of a person is revealed.. Every day we face a choice - what to do.. And the war showed us examples of great mercy, great heroism and great cruelty, great meanness.. We must remember this!! For the sake of the future!!

And no amount of time can heal the wounds of war, especially children’s wounds. “These years that once were, the bitterness of childhood does not allow one to forget...”

Are heroic actions of people possible in our time? We know a lot about the exploits Soviet soldiers that took place on the battlefield. Is there a place for selflessness in today's times? After all, today the crisis is raging, prices are constantly rising, and many have no confidence in the future. But, despite all this, we can safely say that heroic deeds of people are possible in our time. After all, there will always be a courageous person who, at the risk of his life, will do what he simply cannot help but do.

The concept of feat

How to describe the heroic deeds of people in our time? An essay on this topic must begin with a definition of the concept of “feat.” And for this it is worth turning to V.I. Dahl’s dictionary. The author explains the word “feat” as a glorious, important deed, valiant deed or deed. What are the roots of this concept? The word “feat” comes from “to move”, “to move”, “to move forward”, “to move”. In turn, “to motivate” means nothing more than to force or motivate someone to do something. This explanation gives grounds to talk about feat as an act associated with righteousness and spirituality, as well as with high moral principles the person who committed it.

What about an act that is related to material interest or self-interest? By its very definition, it in no way falls under the category of feat. After all, this selfless act is an important deed for people, committed without any selfish purpose. It’s not for nothing that someone who accomplishes a feat in Russia is called a hero.

Dahl's dictionary contains another interpretation of the word “feat”. This is “hard and dedicated work, an important undertaking, a cause.” These are labor feats. Nowadays in Russia they are associated with scientific discoveries, with the release of products, with the staging of performances or the creation of films that do not leave viewers indifferent.

Russia's highest government award

During the existence of the USSR, for performing military and labor feats, they were awarded a title and a medal called the “Golden Star”. However, different times have come. The Soviet Union was gone, and the previous awards were replaced by others. On March 20, 1992, the Russian government established a new title - Hero Russian Federation, which corresponds to the award - the Gold Star medal. The material for making the latter is gold.

This medal is made in the shape of a five-pointed star. On its back there is an inscription - “Hero of Russia”. The ribbon for the medal is colored national flag. This award is presented personally by the President and only once.

The first heroes of the Russian Federation

Sometimes selfless deeds are unknown to a wide circle of citizens. And this is often what distinguishes the heroic deeds of people in our time. The newly established award was first presented in 1992. There were two heroes. However, one of them received high rank and a medal posthumously.

Award No. 1 was received by S.K. Krikalev, who spent a long time in space orbital station"World". In those years this was a real record.

The award number two was presented to Major General S.O. Oskanov. On 02/07/1992 he performed a training flight, which had to be performed in difficult weather conditions. At this time, the auto horizon of the MIG-29 aircraft he was piloting failed. Poor visibility caused the pilot to lose spatial orientation. Having left the cloud zone, Oskanov suddenly saw an approaching locality. This was the village of Khvorostyanki, located in the Dobrinsky district Lipetsk region. At the cost of his life, the major general prevented the plane from falling on residential buildings.

Why is this high award awarded?

People who have committed heroic deeds are certainly celebrated by the state in our time. And today there are quite a lot of them. According to official data, about a thousand Gold Star medals have already been awarded for the exploits of people these days.

Most of these heroes received their reward for military merit. Among them were about a hundred participants in the war with Nazi Germany who were not awarded a high rank in previous years. Unfortunately, almost all of them received their medal posthumously.

The exploits of the heroes of Russia in our days were also highly appreciated for fighting in Chechnya. Their number was almost five hundred people.

In addition, the title of Hero of the Russian Federation was awarded to military personnel and intelligence officers who performed feats outside the combat zone. In the list of awardees you can also find citizens of the country working as testers, rescuers, astronauts, etc.

Military awards

Heroic deeds of people in our time, as in previous years, are often committed during military service. Feats in the life of military personnel are far from uncommon, because almost every medal awarded is a reward for combat operations. Often she finds her hero posthumously.

Let's list some military personnel who have received the highest state award:

  1. Vorobyov Dmitry. He received his award in 2000 at the age of 25. It was awarded for an operation on the territory of Chechnya.
  2. Tibekin Oleg. He was awarded the award posthumously. In 2000, Oleg allowed his colleagues to retreat near Grozny, but he himself was shot at point-blank range.
  3. Padalka Valentin. The award was presented to him in 1994. In Rostov, Valentin sat at the helm of a helicopter, which the terrorists demanded in exchange for the lives of the schoolchildren they had captured. Thanks to the guy’s ingenuity, all the children survived.

The list of military personnel who received a high rank could be continued for a very long time. After all, the brave-hearted heroes of our days perform feats in any extreme situation in order to save the lives of others.

Recent awards

For the Syrian campaign, by presidential decree, six military personnel were awarded the title of Hero of Russia. Among them:

- Alexander Dvornikov. As chief of staff, he commanded troops during hostilities in Syria.

-Vadim Baykulov- military intelligence officer.

- Victor Romanov- senior test navigator.

- Andrey Dyachenko- Deputy commander of the 47th squadron of the Sixth Air Force Army.

Two servicemen received a high state award posthumously. This:

- Oleg Peshkov- Lieutenant Colonel, commander of the Su-24M crew, who died on November 24, 2015 when the aircraft was fired upon by the Turkish Air Force.

- Alexander Prokhorenko, who was surrounded by militants in Homs province and drew fire on himself.

Civilian Award

The heroic deeds of people in our time are highly valued by the state. See photos of the presentation of the highest state award to civilians below. It clearly confirms that the Gold Star medal these days can be received not only by military personnel. It can be awarded a common person(there are already more than a hundred of these today).

The first recipient of the country's highest award from civilians became Nurdin Usamov. During the war in Chechnya, he examined energy facilities in the republic. Moreover, all work was carried out at risk to his life. And from the moment of the liberation of certain regions of Chechnya, he began to organize work to restore the entire energy complex of the republic. Nurdin Usamov was not frightened by the constant threats of militants who fired at and mined objects.

The exploits of heroes these days are also performed by women. Bright to that example - Nina Vladimirovna Brusnikina. Working in the Gryazovets district Vologda region, on April 26, 2006, she noticed a flame escaping from a dry grass feed located on the territory of a livestock complex. The woman did everything possible measures to prevent the fire from spreading to the stud farm facilities. Subsequently, firefighters who arrived at the scene of the fire confirmed that without Nina Vladimirovna’s selfless actions it would have been unlikely to have saved the complex. That is why on October 5, 2006, N.V. Brusnikin was awarded the Gold Star medal with the title of Hero of Russia.

People who were awarded the highest awards of two countries

The 90s of the last century were characterized by the collapse of the USSR and the emergence of the Russian Federation. At the junction of these countries, some people received a double reward.

They were awarded the title of Hero of the USSR and Hero of the Russian Federation. There are only four such citizens. Among them:

  1. Konstantinovich. This is a famous astronaut who has a large number of professional awards. He became a Hero of the USSR in 1989. At the same time, he was awarded the Gold Star medal. In 1992, S. K. Krikalev received the first such award of the Russian Federation.
  2. Vladimirovich. Despite his medical education, he received the highest state award as an astronaut. In 1989, Polyakov was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, and in 1995, after completing a record space flight lasting 437 days - the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.
  3. Maidanov Nikolay Savinovich. This courageous man was a helicopter pilot. He received the highest award of the USSR in 1988 for military merits. The title Hero of the Russian Federation was awarded to Maidanov posthumously in 2000.
  4. Nikolaevich. This is a scientist and famous polar explorer, who also worked for some period of time political activity. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to Chilingarov after completing a difficult government task. In 2008 he was awarded the second highest award. The scientist received the title of Hero of the Russian Federation after completing a deep-sea expedition.

All these people are brave and courageous citizens of their country. Russia, as in former times, values ​​the heroic deeds of people very highly in our time. After all, all the feats were performed in extreme conditions, where it was necessary to show special resourcefulness and ingenuity.

It is worth saying that all Heroes of Russia are extraordinary people. They often rightfully deserve other high state awards. Thus, the world-famous gunsmith-designer M. T. Kalashnikov was not only a Hero of Russia, but was also twice awarded the Hero of Socialist Labor award. V. Beiskbaev is a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, as well as cosmonauts T. A. Musabaev and Yu. I. Malenchenko are not only Heroes of the Russian Federation, but also Heroes of Kazakhstan. V. A. Wolf - sergeant of the Airborne Forces, winner of the Hero of Russia and Hero of Abkhazia awards. S. Sh. Sharipov is a cosmonaut who is both a Hero of the Russian Federation and a Hero of Kyrgyzstan.

Heroic deeds of ordinary people

In 1997 highest award of our country was awarded to a girl for the first time - Marina Plotnikova (posthumously). She accomplished her feat in July 1991 in the Tomalinsky district Penza region. Marina, together with her two younger sisters, swam in the Khoper River. They were joined by a friend, Natasha Vorobyova, who soon fell into a whirlpool and began to drown. Marina saved her. However, at this time her younger sisters were caught in the whirlpool. The courageous girl was able to save them, but she herself was exhausted and, unfortunately, died.

And even if not all feats ordinary people these days they are awarded the Hero of Russia award. But, nevertheless, these citizens of our country can be considered as such. And despite the fact that the exploits of ordinary people these days are sometimes unnoticeable, they remain forever in the grateful hearts of people.

The heroic act of seventy-nine-year-old Elena Golubeva is worthy of respect and admiration. She was the first to rush to the aid of people injured during the Nevsky Express crash. The elderly woman took them clothes and her blankets.

The real heroes of the city of Iskitim ( Novosibirsk region) were two students from the local assembly college. They, 17-year-old Nikita Miller and 20-year-old Vlad Volkov, were captured by a robber who tried to rob a food stall.

A priest from the Chelyabinsk region, Alexey Peregudov, was not at a loss in a difficult situation. He had to save the groom's life right at the wedding. The guy lost consciousness during the wedding. Priest Peregudov, having examined the man lying down, assumed he had cardiac arrest. The priest immediately began to provide first aid. After performing an indirect cardiac massage, which Peregudov had previously only seen on TV, the groom came to his senses.

In Mordovia, Marat Zinatullin performed a heroic deed. This veteran of the war in Chechnya saved an elderly man by pulling him out of a burning apartment. Seeing the flames, Marat climbed onto the roof of a barn located next to the house, and from there he was able to get onto the balcony. Zinatullin broke the glass and ended up in an apartment where a 70-year-old pensioner was lying on the floor, poisoned by smoke. Marat was able to open front door and carry the victim out into the entrance.

On November 30, 2013, a fisherman fell through the ice on the Chernoistochinsky pond. Housing and communal services worker Rais Salakhutdinov came to the man’s aid. He was also fishing on this pond and was the first to hear a cry for help.

Courageous actions of children

What kind of feat is it these days? An essay on this topic can highlight various situations. And among them the most notable are courageous actions young citizens of our country. Who are they, children - heroes of our time? The feats of our days are performed by ordinary schoolchildren, whose courage is extreme situations inspires deep respect.

For example, the youngest hero in our country is Zhenya Tabakov. At the time of the feat, he was a second-grade student. The Order of Courage that Zhenya was awarded was presented to his mother. The boy received it posthumously for protecting his sister from a criminal. Under the guise of a postman, he entered the apartment and began to demand money from the children. Having grabbed his sister, the criminal ordered the boy to bring everything valuable that was in the apartment. Zhenya tried to protect himself and the girl by hitting the criminal with a table knife. However, the weak hand of the second grader could not harm the adult man. An enraged criminal, previously convicted of robbery and murder, struck Zhenya eight stab wounds, from which the boy died on the same day in the hospital.

The real heroes are schoolchildren from the village of Ilyinka, located in the Tula region, Nikita Sabitov, Andrey Ibronov, Artem Voronin, Vladislav Kozyrev and Andrey Nadruz. The boys pulled seventy-eight-year-old pensioner Valentina Nikitina out of the well.

And in Krasnodar region schoolchildren Mikhail Serdyuk and Roman Vitkov managed to save an elderly woman, who could not get out of the burning house. By the time the boys saw the fire, the flames had engulfed almost the entire veranda. The schoolchildren took an ax and a sledgehammer from the barn and broke out the glass. Roman climbed through the window and, breaking down the doors, carried the woman out into the street.

And these are not all the child heroes of our time. Young citizens of the country perform the feats of our days with a noble heart and strong character.

Work for courageous people

Emergency situations and serious fires often occur in the country. And therefore, the exploits of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are not uncommon these days. Rescuers have to act in the most difficult situations, showing courage and ingenuity. And employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations always prove their high professionalism, sometimes coming to the aid of people in the most difficult situations.

The exploits of firefighters these days can take a long time to describe. Moreover, some of them are committed outside of work. For example, senior lieutenant of the fire service from Samara, Alexander Mordvov, saw flames in the house opposite at six in the morning. The fire engulfed the five-story Khrushchev building, spreading from a pile of garbage left under the first floor balcony. Alexander, putting on a tracksuit, rushed to help the firefighters who had already arrived at the scene. The senior lieutenant managed to take the woman, choking from the fumes, out into the street, but was unable to re-enter the entrance due to the dense smoke. Alexander “borrowed” a special jacket from the fire crew, ran into the house and carried three children and nine adults out of the burning apartments one by one. Later, at the request of the fire victims, the savior in a training suit was awarded the medal “For Services to Samara.”

The exploits of firefighters these days help save the lives of not only people. Sometimes the Ministry of Emergency Situations has to save animals too. So, one day the duty officer of the Ufa search and rescue squad received a call that inhuman screams were coming from the ventilation pipe of one of the city houses. These sounds terrified residents of nearby apartments for two days. Rescuer Alexander Permyakov discovered an ordinary puppy who fell into a ventilation shaft and was unable to get out. It was not easy to get the dog. The narrow shaft made it impossible to bend over or turn around. However, Alexander managed to grab the prisoner by the tip of his tail and pulled him out.

Life often confronts people with emergency situations. And employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations always rush to help them. So, nothing foreshadowed trouble on an ordinary June day in Saratov. But a sudden downpour flooded the city. Many streets were under water, including the street. Tankers. A bus on route 90 stalled right in the middle of the roadway. Rescuers went to help the passengers in trouble. The driver transporting the brigade, Konstantin Lukyanov, parked the Emergency Situations Ministry vehicle not far from the scene of the incident and waited for his comrades. Suddenly he saw a multi-ton truck, which, having lost control, was rushing towards the bus stop. A few more moments, and the car would have crashed into people on the sidewalk. The decision was made instantly. Lukyanov took the blow upon himself, steering onto the roadway across from the truck. Thanks to the selfless actions of this courageous man, the people at the bus stop survived.

The exploits of the heroes of our days are numerous. We should always remember the people who risk their lives to save the lives of others. The strength of their spirit should also inspire us to do good deeds.

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