Very powerful Mantras for fulfilling desires: text, listen online. Golden mantra for fulfillment of desires


A powerful mantra for fulfilling desires is much stronger than ordinary prayer, stronger than a simple appeal to the Universe. A Buddhist begins any new business by performing the mantra of wish fulfillment, then everything is guaranteed to come true and work out according to the plan.

In one of our articles we have already explained what mantras are, we will not dwell on this, you can always familiarize yourself with this information by clicking on the link.

Mantras for love and desires And such mantras also exist. Mantras are based on Vedic spells that promote mental settings in human body

. Those who are responsible for attracting sacred energy. This is not a song, but is sung in one key, slowly, in full concentration of strength, will, desire and reason. The main word in the mantra is “OM”. This is a call to the Universe. That is, with correct pronunciation, all the strength and power of the Universe comes to the rescue. A person who knows how to correctly pronounce this magical set of sounds is called a mantrakara. These are very respected people in Buddhism and Hinduism. Almost revered as wizards. Everyone believes that with the help of the magical sound of mantras you can change not only your worldview, the universe, but also the world

, objects around us. That is why the power in mantras is so great. Absolutely any sound, even one that a person is unable to hear, is quite capable of changing the world around us. Each of our movements is characterized by a thought; it is this thought that is driving force

universe. Therefore, the power of the magic word and sound is primarily saturated by the power of our thoughts released into the universe.

Among the well-known and powerful mantras for fulfilling desires, the so-called prayers of Tara stand out. This is a very revered goddess in Tibet, and it is she who is asked for help, protection and healing.

Mantras for love need to be performed for at least three days, but more is better. Like all mantras, it is performed concentrated at dawn alone with complete visualization of the object of one’s desires. That is, you must visualize your object so much that when you close your eyes, you can see it next to you. You can practically feel its living pulsation and smell. And when you can achieve a similar feeling, proceed with the planned procedure. Perform the mantras, turn on the Universe and wait.

Don't hope that the object of your desires will knock on your door tomorrow. But a thought launched into the Universe will definitely find it and send it into your orbit. You just need to believe.

Another subtlety for performing the mantra to attract love; it is better to perform it during full moon. It is during the full moon that the chakras responsible for the sensual side of human nature open.

It is worthwhile and physically preparing to perform this procedure. It is worth staying away from rough, heavy food. Give preference to light, low-calorie foods so that your physical body is filled with lightness and inspiration before starting to perform mantras for desires and love.

Mantra of love (video)

Mantras for fulfillment of desires

The wish fulfillment mantra is fulfilled alone, minimal amount 108 times.

In order not to lose count (which is important), take a rosary with beads and count out the required number of beads. This procedure also promotes focus and concentration on your desire. You need to perform the exercise at dawn, completely alone, having fully formulated your desire for yourself. The wording should be extremely clear, without blurring the meaning.

You need to clearly imagine the plan that is necessary to fulfill your desire. You need to assume and comprehend how and what it will bring into your life, what changes its execution will entail. All this is thought out in advance, and not during execution. That is, by the very beginning of the ritual you need to be prepared and calm. Concentration is the main condition for your dream to come true.

The very technology of performing the mantra for the fulfillment of desires involves pronouncing the selected text to the accompaniment of appropriate music in complete isolation from the outside world and people. No one and nothing should knock you down or distract you.

This is probably why it is better to carry out the ritual in the morning, preferably at dawn, rushing towards the sun. At first, you can read the number of mantras that you feel comfortable with. Gradually increasing the amount and concentration. Appeals to the Universe, a message to cosmic energy will not keep you waiting for results.

This is also an appeal to Tara.


Powerful mantra for desire (video)

Mantras for health and healing

There are a number of powerful mantras for fulfillment of desires and health. These healing sounds can completely expel diseases from the human body and nourish it healing power and harmony. Health mantras should be performed calmly and with ease, then soon you will feel filled with light, pure energy from the Universe.

Related article: A selection of strong mantras of love and tenderness. Videos are attached.

A set of vibrating sounds creates resonant vibrations in the body that drive out diseases. When performing a mantra for healing from an illness, imagine how the illness flows out of you into space, you release it, expel it, transform it into the energy of the Universe.

If a person is sick, then for healing he should seek help from the deities responsible for health. There are several of them, for example, Surya, the Sun God. Conversion always begins with omkara, so the mantra sounds like this:

Most strong prayer when asking for health, a mantra dedicated to Shiva is considered. It helps harmony and peace, promotes spiritual growth and healing not only of the body, but also of the soul.

Powerful mantra to Shiva (video)

Mantra execution technology

Each mantra, no matter for what purpose you pronounce it, should sound as a single sound, with smooth transitions of breathing. The sound should sway, should be smooth and drawn-out, and not break up into separate words. You don’t even need to think about the meaning of words. When performed, it carries only a call, an appeal, an appeal to the Universe. The main task is to launch a thought, a thought that the Universe will hear...

Don't dismiss the technology itself. It is in solitude, in complete calm, with complete concentration that you should approach the execution of this procedure. At dawn or in the evening twilight, when no everyday problems distract you from completing your plans.

The power of sacred sounds changes destinies: heals, gives power and wealth, grants success. Ancient Vedic wisdom was kept secret for hundreds of years, and is now available to everyone who wants to become a better person. Wish fulfillment mantras are requests to Higher powers. People turn to the gods for support when they are unsure or afraid. With the recitation of sacred texts comes peace and confidence. Mantras are usually read at the beginning of the day or before a new task to ensure success and get what you want.

In this article

Appeal to the gods

The Green Tara mantra is popular in Tibet. Translated from Sanskrit, the name of the goddess means “savior.” Tara has many forms, but Green is the main one among them. The goddess is often depicted on protective amulets. It is believed that whoever draws a portrait of Tara will gain the favor of the goddess. Green Tara gives protection, healing and support in business.

Options for addressing the goddess:

Om – Khrim – Stream – Hum – Phap

Om – Tare – Tutarre – Ture – Matchmaker

Om – Jaya – Jaya – Sri – Shivaya – Matchmaker

In this video, Deva Premal performs the Tara mantra:

Another deity who is usually approached for help in fulfilling desires is Ganesha. The god of wisdom and prosperity is popular in India and abroad. Mantras to Ganesha bring success and good luck in business. Singing will clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts and calm you down on the eve of important events.

Ganesha mantras:

Om - Gam - Ganapataye - Namaha

Om - Sri - Ganeshaya - Namah

Aum - Ganadhipataye - Om - Ganakridaye - Namaha

Musical appeal to Ganesha:

The name of the goddess Lakshmi translated from Sanskrit means “happiness”. And she is also dazzlingly beautiful. Lakshmi represents prosperity and good fortune. Hindus believe that devotees of the goddess cult are protected from poverty and misfortune. In Hinduism, Lakshmi is considered the loving mother of the Universe.

To contact the goddess, use the mantra:

Om – Lakshmi – Vigan – Sri – Kamala – Dharigan – Matchmaker

Famous mantras that help fulfill desires

Mantra to Ganesha, removing obstacles on the path:

Maha Ganapati Mula Mantra Om Shrim Hrim Klim Gluam Gam Ganapataye Vara-Varada Sarva Janam Me Vasmanaya Svaha (3 times) Om Tatpurushaya Vidmahi Vakratundaya Dhimahi Tanno Danty Prachodayat Om Shanti Shanti Shanti

Appeal to Ganesha for help in financial transactions:

Jay Ganesha Jay Ganesha Jay Ganesha Pakhi Mam Sri Ganesha Sri Ganesha Sri Ganesha Raksha Mam Gam Ganapataye Namo Namah Om Sri Ganeshaya Namah

Lakshmi mantra for daily chanting:

Om – Khrim – Klim – Shrim – Namah

To gain material and spiritual power, a mantra is suitable:

Om - Namo - Narayanaya

Mantra for finding love:

Aum - Jaya - Jaya - Sri - Shivaya - Matchmaker

Meditation "Magic Gate"

Find a place where you won't be disturbed for half an hour. Use incense and calm meditative music to help you enter a trance faster.

Execution order:

  1. Sit on the floor, place a pillow under your buttocks.
  2. Keep your back straight and place your hands on your knees.
  3. Breathe slowly and control your breathing.
  4. Start chanting the Green Tara mantra.
  5. Clear your head of obsessive thoughts.
  6. When you feel light in your body, imagine that you are standing in front of a magic gate.
  7. Go inside.
  8. Think about the world outside the gates. Green grass, transparent sky, sunlight– it’s all around you.
  9. Step up to the blank canvas that is left for you.
  10. Take paints and draw the object of your desires.
  11. Don't skimp on the colors.
  12. When you're done, take a step back.
  13. Imagine the canvas being removed, shrinking in size until it becomes a crystal ball.
  14. Let the ball dissolve into the Universe.
  15. Leave the imaginary country. Leave the gate open.
  16. Expect what you asked for to appear.

Meditation “Penetration into the future”

Choose the mantra that you like the most. The essence of the practice is to visualize the moment when desires come true.

While speaking the text, imagine that you are watching a movie with your participation. Fill every frame with euphoria and carefreeness. Imagine being shocked and overwhelmed by sudden happiness.

Make your dreams come true

Remember what people around you say. Pay attention to smells and colors. Do not stop reciting the mantra while you meditate.

Meditation for awareness of yourself in the future:

Meditation "Magnet"


  1. Take a pen and write on paper what you want.
  2. Fold and hide the paper.
  3. Take a meditative pose and concentrate on your breathing.
  4. Close your eyes.
  5. Start chanting your favorite mantra.
  6. Use a rosary to track the number of repetitions.
  7. Breathe slowly, listen to the words.
  8. Imagine that you are a magnet that attracts a written desire.
  9. Hold the image in your head.
  10. Imagine the waves of attraction that emanate from the body.
  11. After 5 minutes, relax, empty your head of thoughts.
  12. When you feel the strength, return the image of the magnet.

Focus on sensations. Fatigue is a sign that it is time to end meditation. Before standing up, open your eyes and take a deep breath. Don't rush to get up. Slowly move your hands, feel the return to your normal state. Only after this is it allowed to stand up.

Variation of “Magnet” meditation:

To make sure your wish comes true

Before performing mantras to fulfill desires, decide what you want. Clearly state what you want. If you feel unsure, write down images on paper and figure out what your soul desires.

If this doesn’t help, talk to your loved ones. Often a person unconsciously gives preference to something. An outside perspective will help you understand yourself and your own thoughts.

But remember that meditation practice requires solitude. Before you start chanting mantras, select a text. Listen to the recordings and give preference to the text that will resonate in your heart.

Now start practicing. In mantra yoga best time morning is considered the time for meditation. Repeat your favorite mantra 108 times. Use buddhist rosary to control the number of repetitions.

Before practice, cleanse the space with incense smoke. Try to clean up the room where you meditate the day before. Buy figurines or paintings depicting the gods you appeal to. Visualization is a powerful tool for attracting divine forces into life.

Home altar

Warn your loved ones not to disturb you during practice. An abrupt withdrawal from a meditative state is fraught with weakness and depression. Try to find a place where you won't disturb anyone.

Meditation requires solitude

After practice, go about your daily activities. Try not to think about the desire until the next morning. Remember that performing mantras strengthens energy. You will learn to see hidden opportunities where you have not seen anything before.

Don't forget to thank Higher power for help and live based on the knowledge gained.

5 most powerful mantras of wealth, abundance and prosperity from our YouTube channel:

A little about the author:

For me, esotericism is the key to the heart, spiritual practice. This is the desire to look behind the screen of the world and find there the abyss of the divine. Wake up. During your lifetime, step into the fire that opens the gates of immortality and find true freedom.

The mantra of wish fulfillment helps Hindus make plans and implement their plans. It sets a person up for positivity and gives hope for the immediate fulfillment of his dreams, gives him faith in himself and his strength, and helps him not to lose self-confidence.

Mantras that fulfill wishes

Mantras for fulfilling desires work due to the strong energy that comes from the meditating person. Powerful sound vibrations generated during the reading of the prayer also contribute to the speedy fulfillment of dreams and help a person enter a trance.

Mantra of Goddess Tara

According to Buddhism, Goddess Tara is the mother of all Buddhas. Represents wisdom, femininity and strength. She is characterized by tenderness, love and compassion. She is also called the “green Goddess,” which translated from Sanskrit means “savior.” This is due to the fact that in all the images her body is transparent and glows green.

Among all the prayers for fulfilling wishes, the Tara mantra is the most powerful and powerful. Before reading it, you must imagine the image in detail, visualize her facial features and clothing.

In the process of chanting a prayer with Tara, it is customary to share your problems and talk about your deepest desires. You can ask for help in realizing your dreams. The mantra works more powerfully if you purchase a figurine of Tara and hold it in your hands or place it in front of you during meditation.

Features of the Tara mantra:

  • girls need to take the same position as the Goddess if they want to quickly get married or meet their loved one;
  • Tara will help men increase their income and fulfill other dreams;
  • The Tara mantra should also be chanted by older people to improve their health (it will help get rid of diseases or make them easier).

Also, this prayer allows you to achieve goals in different areas, removes all obstacles on the path to your dream. Helps you move up career ladder, receive the calling of other people.

There are 2 versions of the Tara mantra. Text of the first prayer:


Original Sanskrit text of the second Tara mantra:


Both mantras have the same effect on a person. During meditation, you should definitely turn on music. Before doing this, the text of the prayer should be memorized so that you don’t get confused when voicing it. The optimal duration of a meditation session is 15-20 minutes, no less.

Mantras for different areas of life

Other wish fulfillment mantras help improve the situation in different areas of life. Some are intended to receive financial independence, others - to attract love, improve health.

Other powerful mantras for wish fulfillment are described below.

Mantra text



Helps you forget unhappy love and build new relationships that are prosperous in every sense. Particularly effective if you need to get rid of depression or stress. Helps to survive a difficult situation and endure difficulties and life trials. Gives a feeling of calm, joy and peace.


This is the mantra for obtaining all blessings. Protects from misfortunes. Helps to destroy the bad intentions of other people towards the meditating person. Promotes the speedy fulfillment of all dreams. Helps you attract what you want and forget the consequences of past actions.


Helps remove obstacles on the way to achieving your dreams. It is especially important for people whose professional activity associated with creativity. Helps to summon the Muse and create real masterpieces. After meditating on the basis of this mantra, you can expect prosperity in your career.

Mantras work effectively if they are used every day for a month. During one session, the text of the prayer must be repeated exactly 108 times. It will take no more than 15 minutes. In the process, it is very important to visualize your desire, to present it in detail. You should close your eyes, take a comfortable position (sitting or lying down), turn on the recording of the mantra and sing along.

To make your love dream come true

Prayer of Narayan - one of the images of Vishnu in Hinduism. This wish fulfillment mantra is very powerful and effective. Helps to gain spiritual strength, learn to love not only loved ones, but the whole world. Narayana denotes the bright spiritual path of all people.

By turning to Narayana in a mantra, a person calls on the deity to help fulfill his love dream. Some ask to send them a loved one, others ask to improve family relationships.

The strength of the mantra depends on the meditator. The stronger his faith, the faster he will get what he wants. In the process of saying a prayer, it is important to imagine the image of a loved one. If the meditator needs spiritual strength, it is necessary to visualize as much as possible the image of Narayana, which is composed of bright yellow light.

Text of the mantra for fulfilling a love dream or finding a spiritual path:


I worship Narayana!

To attract money

The most popular mantras for attracting money are Ganesh mantras. They are addressed to the god of wisdom and the patron of trade. By turning to him in prayer, a person can ask for good luck, increased income, success in his career or business. This god also helps in improving well-being and family wealth.

There are several Ganesh mantras that help make your deepest dreams come true.

Mantra text

Meaning and Power


Om, worship to the great Ganesha

Allows you to control material well-being. Helps eliminate financial difficulties. Helps increase income by 2-3 times (provided that a person actively works on this and does not expect that only prayer will solve all problems).


Om, respect to the great Ganesha

Helps solve financial problems creative people. A mantra that removes all obstacles on a person’s path. Also strengthens the mind and memory. Promotes the development of creative, creative thinking. Allows you to find new ways to realize your capabilities, which involve obtaining financial benefits.


Salutations to the one who removes obstacles

Helps achieve long-planned goals and avoid failures. Gives a person hope for a better future and provides what he wants material enrichment. Helps you achieve excellence in any type of mental activity. Provides clarity of mind when making decisions related to financial matters.

All Tibetan mantras must be chanted before any undertaking (even if they are not related to making a profit). They help clear the mind of unnecessary thoughts and get rid of doubts. Contribute to making the most beneficial decisions for a person.

Meditations for fulfillment of desires

Meditation – psychological condition arising in the process of reading mantras. Helps a person to temporarily get rid of unnecessary thoughts and plunge into a trance. This is self-contemplation to achieve spiritual insight.


First you need to write some of your wishes on paper, after which you need to fold it and hide it away from yourself. It is advisable that no one is in the room at the time of meditation.

Sit in the most comfortable position. Close your eyes and start chanting any wish-fulfilling mantra. Imagine yourself as a huge magnet that attracts happiness, luck, and most importantly, your deepest desire.

Meditation should be repeated at least 5 times. There is no specific time for it.

The speed of wish fulfillment depends on the power of the mantra. If it is very strong, it will also allow you to strengthen your energy and gain vitality.

"Green Gate"

Another name is “Magic Gate”. During the process, only one prayer can be read - the Tara mantra.

The meditator needs to imagine how he passes through the gate and sees beautiful landscapes:

  • mountains;
  • lake;
  • green grass;
  • Sun;
  • flowers;
  • blue sky, etc.

It is important that the landscape evokes admiration and joyful emotions and is stunning. You need to try to feel the freshness of the air, the slight flutter of the wind.

The next stage of meditation: you need to imagine that a person takes a canvas and begins to paint the landscape he sees. Don't skimp on colors. It is important to express all your thoughts and desires. After which the picture should be mentally released into the Universe and leave the beautiful valley without closing the passage behind you. It is advisable to perform the Green Gate meditation at least 5 times a month.

"Penetration into the future"

Before conducting meditation, you need to think about what desire you want. this moment necessary and focus on it. After this, you need to take a comfortable position or take one of the asanas and close your eyes. You can chant any mantra.

The peculiarity of this meditation: you need to imagine that the dream has already come true. The meditator should consider:

  • what emotions he experienced at the moment of his dream come true;
  • what kind of people were nearby;
  • whether the expectation became a reality;
  • what smells and sounds were there at that moment;
  • in what environment everything happened, etc.

It is important that every moment is imbued with some kind of emotional color. These feelings should be a pleasant shock.


The mantra of wish fulfillment will allow you to realize what you have long planned as quickly as possible. In addition to making dreams come true, it helps to become spiritually enriched, get rid of financial difficulties and find love. The strongest and most powerful is the Tara mantra, which is realized during the Green Gate meditation.

The wish fulfillment mantra, like all mantras, has magical power a sound that can not only heal, but also bring changes to life. The most ancient mantras are capable of improving one or another area of ​​life, and their effect can be compared to the strongest prayers. Although mantras are considered the most ancient method of healing, for many millennia they have been the greatest secret, and only a select few have access to them. All mantras are written in the ancient language Sanskrit.

The mantra for fulfilling desires helps to consolidate positive thinking and visualization, and together they all work very effectively. Well, if someone wants to speed up the fulfillment of a desire, it is recommended to read this mantra out loud or silently.


The wish fulfillment mantra will have a very powerful effect if you repeat it 108 times. In general, numbers that can be divided by three are considered successful for repetition (for example, 12, 18, 21, etc.). But ideally, of course, it is better to say it 108 times. At the same time, it is important to concentrate as much as possible on the desired goal, to present the existing desire as clearly as possible. This way the process will speed up, and a positive result will not be long in coming.

The mantra of wish fulfillment is very powerful only through constant work with it, so practice it not just once, but for several days in a row, every opportune moment when it turns out free time. After all, you are not doing this for someone else, but for yourself, so don’t be lazy. This applies to other mantras as well.

Unlike the previous one, the mantra of love and fulfillment of desires helps not only to come close to the realization of existing intentions, but also helps to attract love and happiness into life. Such a mantra, and its regular repetition, can destroy any negative attitude or program that is embedded in you, and it is this that can repel luck and love in your life. When a person pronounces mantras, he automatically tunes in to the same frequency as the universe, which is why a state of harmony, relaxation, and peace immediately arises. And in this unique creative state, you can achieve not only your goals, but also much more.

The mantra of love and fulfillment of desires is also read 108 times, and it is advisable to practice it for 11 or 21 days. Some may be puzzled by how to count the number of utterances without being distracted. It's simple: the rosary has 108 beads and will be a faithful assistant when counting.


The wish fulfillment mantra, the text of which is: “Om Bhur Bhuva Vaha, Tat Savitur Varenyam, Bargo Devasya Dimahi, Drie Yo Na Prachodaya,” is also called Gayatri. Pronunciation of these sacred word is something between a prayer and a spell. Spoken words are like keys that open any locked door of the universe, which leads to the most positive effect. Therefore, any obstacles on your path and on the path to realizing your dreams are eliminated. In order for the mantra of wish fulfillment to be as effective as possible, the text must be read in 100% accordance with the original.

The sages of ancient times said this prayer to achieve enlightenment and supreme goodness. What can we say about the power that can manifest itself in ordinary life, in some worldly desires. He can only imagine it. Yes, and eyewitness accounts in their massive proportions prove the high effect of this mantra.

The words of the wish fulfillment mantra can also be pronounced near a glass of water, thus charming the water and enhancing the effect of fulfillment. In this way, the water will be purified significantly, it will simply be more pleasant to drink, and such water will be endowed with magical properties and will do its job. The process is no different, except that there will still be a glass of water next to you. This way you can work with any mantras to enhance the effect.

Well, as already mentioned, the words of the mantra for fulfillment of desires must be absolutely identical to the original, therefore, before starting reading practices, you should practice reading them syllable by syllable, so to speak, train your language.

It would be ideal if you can memorize this mantra, but to do this you need to recite it a large number of once, and better in a chant. This will guarantee an exact match to the original and the ability to reach the desired vibration frequency when reading.

Better yet, listen to the mantra for fulfillment of desires in an audio recording and remember everything correct pronunciations sounds and intonation. This way you will be faithfully close to the original reproduction. You can also listen to the mantra for fulfillment of desires to consolidate the effect throughout the day, because it also sounds beautiful and will also help you to be in harmony all day long. It is the combination of singing and audio listening that will allow you to achieve maximum effect and quickly fulfill your desires.

Not only in modern world people make wishes and wait for them to come true; since ancient times, the most different ways how to speed up this process. After all, in any case, the wish comes true, but decades may pass, and not everyone knows how to wait. So there were strong mantras for fulfilling desires, which were sung or spoken. And the stronger the vibrations from the mantra were, the more often it was repeated. And such a process gives something more than achieving your goals. Indeed, in this case, each person can feel like magicians and the creator of their own destiny, and this inspires and opens up even greater potential for dreams and desires.

Therefore, strong mantras for fulfilling desires are not just a set of phrases and sounds, but powerful tool, although invisible to the naked eye, the strength and faith of man at all times.


Every person has a list of cherished desires. For some it is large, and for others it consists of several points. But why do some people’s wishes come true, and others call them lucky, while others’ lists gather dust for years? In order to join the ranks of successful and lucky people, you can turn to ancient wisdom. Yoga has in its arsenal a magical tool called the mantra of wish fulfillment.

Reading the mantra correctly

When reading mantras, there is no need to think about the text or the meaning of the words. Prerequisite– creation of vibration. You need to find the right rhythm of reading that will tune these vibrations within you. By joining the general energy flow, your words-messengers will soon return with a positive result. The number of readings is classic - 108 times. Mantras for desire need to be repeated from 20 days to a month. It will be better if at the beginning of practice you find a good audio recording. First time, listen and read at the same time. When you get into the right rhythm and feel inspired by it, you can read on your own. It is also necessary to take into account that in yoga there are feminine, neutral and masculine mantras. All of them are suitable for reading by both women and men. It is very important that you are able to break away from the surrounding reality and immerse yourself in the world of sounds. If you have been practicing reading for a long time, you can read them in your head. Think about what is cherished dream. This could be gaining financial well-being, strengthening the health of oneself or loved ones, the love and attention of a particular person. Usually, one is enough, the one you like best, or it’s easier for you to pronounce. But, in case of fulfillment of desires, it is better to read 2 mantras. Since most intentions require finances, you can combine reading a mantra for desire with a spell to attract wealth. For example, you want to go on a trip. To do this you need financial well-being. In this case, read the mantra for desire 108 times. After this, read the money message any number of times, divisible by 3. Tune in to the positive and read.

Mantra texts


This is the Tara mantra, easy to remember and quite effective. It is effective for attracting desires related to health, material wealth, achieving victory in different areas Oh.

Another Tara mantra:


It not only helps to fulfill your plans, but also cleanses the aura and faith in one’s own strength.


“Golden mantra” that fulfills any aspirations. To strengthen it, you need to additionally read a spell to attract money.



This phrase will help improve your financial situation and fulfill your cherished dreams.

Any mantra for fulfilling desires goes well with meditation.

Meditation "Magic Gate"

Tara OM – TARE – TUTTARE – TURE – SVAHA (SOHA), and imagine that you are standing at a golden gate that opens before you. You enter the middle and see a wonderful picture: mountains, green grass, sun, transparent sky. Try to feel the freshness of the air and the fluttering wind. You approach the stretched canvas, take the paints laid out nearby, and paint all your desires. Don't skimp on the colors. After you put all your dreams and desires on the canvas, it will shrink in size and turn into a small crystal ball. Release him into the Universe. After this, calmly leave the valley of desires without closing the gate behind you. Wait for what you asked for.

Meditation “Penetration into the future”

Sit in a position that is comfortable for you. The main thing is that you feel comfortable. Think about the fulfillment of which of your desires is most necessary now. Concentrate on it. Imagine that your wish has already come true. Try to visualize the moment of its implementation, breaking it down into frames, like in a film. Every moment should be imbued with emotional coloring. Experience these emotions. They should come as a pleasant shock to you. Remember what you said, who was next to you, what smells and sounds you felt at that moment. Throughout the meditation, listen or read the mantra that you prefer. It's better if it's not long.

Meditation "Magnet"

Write on paper the desire that you want to fulfill at the moment. Fold the piece of paper and put it away from you. It doesn’t matter where, you can even hide it. Sit in a comfortable position. Closing your eyes, read your favorite mantra, and imagine yourself as a huge magnet that is located in a pleasant place for you. You should feel warm and cozy. Try to attract the written desire to yourself. Repeat the meditation several times in a row.

If the mantra of wish fulfillment is very powerful, you will not only achieve what you have long expected, but also strengthen your energy. Mantras and meditations are a powerful means of activating our vitality. Those that we ourselves sometimes have no idea about.

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