Ministry of Internal Affairs for Udmurtia. High-profile cases of the former Minister of Internal Affairs for Udmurtia


Let us recall that on April 6, by presidential decree, Alexander Pervukhin, who headed the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Udmurtia, resigned from his post. Komsomolskaya Pravda decided to recall what high-profile cases were investigated during the period of his work.



In July 2011, a gang of thugs attacked vacationers on the banks of the Kama River near the village of Golyany. The thugs brutally beat people, sparing neither children nor women.

It all started suddenly: they suddenly ran out in a crowd and immediately rushed into a fight,” the victim said. - My wife called my father, he was at the dacha nearby. My father arrived immediately, and in the end he suffered too: his ribs were broken and there was also an open fracture of his jaw. Now he has had surgery. They beat everyone: our wives, and even our friend’s 12-year-old daughter.

The attackers used whatever came to hand - stones, bottles, chains, and they also had a bat. An hour and a half later (it was already about one in the morning), the gang loaded into the Gazelle and moved further along the Kama - towards Doksha. Inhumans, brutalized by blood, were looking for their next victims. And they found it. In total, about 15 people were injured. Three of whom were hospitalized in serious condition, four were children.

While the investigation was underway, police patrolled the area along the Kama. On weekends, a riot police and police car group and a water patrol were on duty.

Soon they managed to catch 17 suspects. Three more people were put on the federal wanted list. And only in 2012 the instigators were sentenced. There were 12 people in the dock. They all admitted their guilt. One of the attackers got off with a fine, the rest were given from 4.5 to 7.5 years in a strict correctional colony. special regime

. In addition, the court satisfied the claims of the victims in the amount of over half a million rubles. Interestingly, police officers, while investigating the “Kama Massacre,” found out that members of this criminal group were involved in other crimes, including 3 cases of extortion, 2 thefts (scooters and car wheels), 2 robberies, 2 frauds, 2 robberies. They extorted money and took it from passers-by Cell phones

, laptops.

300 rubles for 1 gram of heroin. Two men offered drugs for that amount. The price can be said to be wholesale. It’s very cheap compared to the market price. And their weight was impressive - about 4 kg. They would have earned good money: about 1,200,000 rubles. But when the Maldives flashed before our eyes, the seller of the goods was captured by masked men with machine guns.

The sellers turned out to be the police department No. 3 (Pervomaisky district) of the Izhevsk Internal Affairs Directorate. One of them is a 32-year-old police major, the second is a 24-year-old senior police lieutenant. They stole 6 kg of seized heroin from the office. And instead of drugs they put burnt sugar. Let us note that such actions of former employees could not be ignored by current employees - MRO-6 and personally former minister Alexander Pervukhin supervised the case and participated in the arrest.

Naturally, the men were fired from the internal affairs bodies. The court sentenced the ex-policemen to 6 and 5 years in prison to be served in a maximum security colony.

YEAR 2013


A five-story brick building on Lenin Street in the center of Izhevsk also found itself at the center of a complicated story. On the area between the third and fourth floors, a frozen pool of blood was found in the entrance. Among the stains of dirt and drawings on the green wall, red stains can be discerned.

At this place on the night of April 13, a police colonel, without exaggeration, a local MVD bigwig, fired a bullet from an Izh-78 “trauma” into the head of his neighbor below. Too bad he went off on Saturday evening with songs, dances and shouts in the company of a dozen brothers and matchmakers.

The security officer’s family was taken into protective custody on the same day. Colleagues feared that the relatives of the deceased (representatives of the Azerbaijani diaspora) would begin to take revenge. A police patrol crew was stationed in front of the house. And the Ministry of Internal Affairs officially issued a statement that the colonel was defending himself.

As the police subsequently reported, the employee made a remark to the noisy company. But in response, two men began to beat him. “Running towards his apartment, in order to repel the attack, the police used a registered Izh-78 traumatic pistol,” the Ministry of Internal Affairs said.

Colonel Andrei Glukhov was charged with committing crimes under Part 1 of Art. 105 (murder), part 1 of Art. 115 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (intentional infliction of slight harm to human health).

The story about the shooting colonel was shown in the “Man and the Law” program on Channel One. The journalists did not agree with the version of self-defense, since they met with the relatives of the deceased neighbor.

The victim turned out to be the deputy director of the Reduktor group of enterprises, Artur Fatykhov. On that ill-fated day, he, his wife and a classmate were returning from Tatarstan from a meeting of classmates. A young man was traveling with them - a fellow traveler who simply asked for a ride.

The deputy director of the Reductor plant was killed

Arthur's friend and wife managed to escape; the doctors examined the fellow traveler on the spot - hospitalization was not required. And Fatykhov himself was seriously injured. He died 4 days after the attack.

As it turned out later, there were four attackers. Among them was a 32-year-old “gunner”. It was he who handed over the deputy director to the attackers. This gunner turned out to be a friend of Artur Fatykhov. A man set up his friend for money. The four’s plans were to rob the deputy director of Reductor. That's why they stole the car - they hoped to find keys to the apartment, a wallet with credit cards and other “profits” in it.

They decided to commit a crime out of envy and unwillingness to repay a debt of 700 thousand rubles, investigators said.

In June 2016, they were found guilty in court. Each received a sentence ranging from 9 to 23 years. In total, they will serve 52 years.



A beautiful March day. The Maximov family was returning home after a skiing trip. Suddenly the police major's car flew onto the road. At that moment, 63-year-old Vladimir Maksimov was standing by a car parked on the side of the road and packing his skis. The foreign car crashed straight into him, the man died on the spot.

The court found that Ivan Chupin was driving a car with an expired license and significantly exceeded the speed limit. But for the injured party it was important to prove that the defendant was drunk at the time of the accident. It is this circumstance that would determine the severity of the consequences of the crime committed.

The debate continued for a whole year. The main question: “Drunk or sober?” The former police officer claimed that he was sober at the time of the accident, and after the incident he sipped cognac from an open bottle to relieve stress after the accident. Witnesses said that Ivan Chupin behaved inappropriately at the scene of the accident. And in the store where he went with a relative a couple of hours before the accident, he behaved defiantly.

The court remained adamant. He decided that all the testimony of witnesses was in the nature of assumptions and could not serve as evidence. Judge Glazovsky district court established a punishment of 3 years imprisonment. But since the state of alcoholic intoxication was not proven, the court reclassified the charge from Article 264 Part 4 to Article 264 Part 3. Ivan Chupin was released in the courtroom under an amnesty in honor of the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

However, in November 2016, a second hearing was held after the lawyers of the injured party appealed the initial verdict in the Supreme Court of the Republic. This time, the court considered the fact that Chupin was intoxicated at the time of the accident to be fully proven. He was sentenced to 4 years in prison to be served in a colony settlement, and was also ordered to pay compensation to the widow of the deceased in the amount of about 800 thousand rubles.


In November 2014, operatives received information about the impending sale and detained the attackers on the spot. They found an AK-74 assault rifle and more than 100 rounds of ammunition on them. And in the garage they found over 20 firearms, grenades and more than 1,700 pistol and hunting cartridges.



During 2016-2017, in four cities of Udmurtia, namely Izhevsk, Votkinsk, Sarapul and Glazov, the criminal community distributed “synthetics”. As it turned out, the members of this gang included not only residents of our country, but also foreigners, a total of 13 people.

They found buyers for drugs through a specially created online store and left bookmarks where the buyer later found them.

Drug control officers, together with investigators, seized over five kilograms of “synthetics”, which were already prepared for sale.

A criminal case has now been opened. Nine drug trafficking participants are in pre-trial detention. Let us note that the sanction of the article provides for a maximum penalty of imprisonment for a term of up to 20 years.



Two Moscow residents decided to profit from federal programs and created a network of employees of insurance and brokerage companies. They entered into insurance agreements with agricultural enterprises located in Udmurtia, Tula and Ryazan regions. But the fact is that according to the program, partial reimbursement of insurance costs is assumed. Of course, the insurance was fictitious, but the money from federal budget- real. Thus, they “earned” 115 million rubles.

Employees of the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia together with colleagues from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Udmurtia managed to close down the shop of twelve gang members. Criminal cases have been initiated under several articles of the criminal code, and all illegally obtained money is now under arrest. The criminal case has been sent to court.

General, goodbye? The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Udmurtia is being shaken up full program

In Udmurtia, the situation around the police is increasingly reminiscent of a joke. For more than six months now, rumors have been merrily multiplying in intra-elite circles that the main police officer himself, Major General Alexander Pervukhin, has come under pressure! Evil tongues report that for quite some time now the Minister of Internal Affairs of Udmurtia has been walking under a warning about non-compliance with the service, which allegedly issued him senior management in Moscow.

Gossips attribute claims to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Udmurtia related to corruption, and not the one that he could not defeat, but in which he allegedly participated. In their conversations, troublemakers continually call the person they are talking about “Kommersant”. This nickname seems to have firmly stuck to him since the time of the mask show in Komos (the largest agro-industrial complex in the Urals). Then the minister allegedly made an offer to the head of the enterprise that could not be refused, but after he rejected it, the mask show began.

Last warning.

About the commotion in Udmurt police they have been saying since the beginning of the year. Moscow inspections are coming one after another. The very first visit of the commission resulted in serious troubles for the local police leadership. The inspectors were stunned by the scale of the violations identified in Udmurtia, say sources close to law enforcement agencies. Very soon, at a closed meeting in Moscow, Minister Pervukhin was allegedly given a warning about incomplete official compliance and they even wanted to fire him. It was possible to negotiate six months of “correction” only thanks to authoritative intercessors.

It only remains to add that a disciplinary sanction in the form of a warning about incomplete official compliance is a rather severe sanction. According to the police law, this is the penultimate step towards dismissal from service, worse than this is only demotion. According to interpretations of the law, such a measure can be applied to military personnel when we're talking about about non-compliance with legal requirements or gaps in discipline.

A stupid question arises, it turns out. Can the residents of Udmurtia even sleep peacefully when the main guards of law and order in the republic are forced to solve their problems with the law themselves?

Serious intentions.

After the warning was issued to the minister, the “debriefings” actively continued. Strongly impressed auditors allegedly came to Udmurtia to “gather” materials almost every week and each time found something rich.

Inspectors from two departments at once shook out even the most dusty shelves with volumes in all police departments. From the very beginning, they made it clear that their intentions were more than serious, informants say. Even on weekends, Moscow colleagues were not tempted by offers of joint cognac and fishing trips, and to be sure, they assigned a guard of machine gunners to protect themselves from “accidental” tete-a-tete. A big role in “cold” visits is given to the capital’s general, who controls the checks, who supposedly personally dislikes our minister and hopes to collect everything from him. The most interesting thing is that he seems to be succeeding with interest, and other people’s plans for the career of our Alexander Sergeevich will apparently begin to come true very soon.

No information available.

How much truth is there in these stories? Why exactly were you so angry about the Udmurt general’s retirement at five minutes? The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Udmurt Republic itself remains silent on this matter.

“We don’t have such information,” the head of the press service, Deputy Minister Nikolai Korotoyatsky, answers stereotypically. And he sends them to Moscow to ask these questions. It’s as if the “news” about the possible imminent dismissal of the boss, with whom he has been shoulder to shoulder for six years, as they say, does not touch his heart at all.

In any case, only the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs can clarify this information. We don't have such information. We cannot have it. Because there is a nomenclature of employees that is subordinate to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, and all their personal files are there,” continues the head of the press service.

Such indifference, of course, is hard to believe.

But nothing tolerates a vacuum, least of all a fabricated information vacuum. Concealment important information always led to only one thing: rumors multiply, and people come up with the most incredible things.

The lame investigation of Deputy Minister Aituganov and related stories.

The confidential people we interviewed are inclined to believe that the situation, as the people in uniform themselves say, led to the unpleasant outcome with the minister. Gross violations were allegedly revealed through the Investigative Department, for which Deputy Minister Igor Aituganov, who is said to be preparing for retirement, has been responsible for the last few years in Udmurtia.

They are also gossiping about multimillion-dollar road contracts that went through a company whose directors allegedly include the general’s godfather. And about a lot more.

The unpleasant incident with another high-ranking subordinate of Pervukhin, the head of the logistics department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Udmurtia, Vyacheslav Gerb, could have influenced the Moscow commission in its own way. Back in the winter, there were persistent rumors in police circles either about Gerb’s arrest or about his forced bringing in for questioning in a certain criminal case, the plot of which no one in Udmurtia is talking about.

Are the Chief of Logistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the UR UR Gerb and other police officers attending interrogations?

Naturally, no one in the reception room of the chief of logistics, Vyacheslav Gerb, knows anything either.

He is on vacation. What are you saying?! What nonsense! I don’t know, I have absolutely no idea what this nonsense is! The man works, how he worked, I don’t know. “I can’t tell you any information,” Secretary Gerba reacted sharply to a question about what was being discussed by the public house arrest boss and denied everything.

But the journalist’s question about the criminal case involving Gerb from investigator Sh. from Nizhny Novgorod was not at all surprising or caused any misunderstanding.

More surprised are Gerb’s subordinates, who at one point for a painfully long time could not get their boss’s signature on some completely ordinary statements that had previously been resolved once or twice.

It reached the Volga region.

“The criminal case in which Herb may be a witness actually exists and is being investigated,” says a source who is in constant working contact with people from law enforcement agencies. - In the republic, information is not hidden; simply no one owns it and cannot own it for a simple reason. Due to the distrust of the central apparatus, due to the high status of the people appearing in it and their alleged horizontal connections, materials from Udmurtia were seized and transferred for investigation to Privolzhsky federal district, and supervision is carried out by the Prosecutor General’s Office.”

The investigation, according to the interlocutor, is being conducted by employees of the Main Department investigative department Investigative Committee of Russia in the Volga Federal District in Nizhny Novgorod. In addition to the head of the rear, testimonies were allegedly taken from several other employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Udmurtia, who are being interviewed by the same investigators in another criminal case (about protection of a gambling business).

According to the source, we are most likely not talking about a bribe, but about a crime in office - about exceeding or abusing official powers. The alleged culprits may be charged with money laundering through wasteful disposal of property and material resources of the ministry. The rumors that have arisen about Gerb's alleged choice of house arrest have no basis, the interlocutor believes. This is a “privilege” of persons with the status of an accused or suspect, which the Coat of Arms is not. And he’s unlikely to show up. The investigation into this case is not at all easy, sources say. The trial, apparently, had not yet begun; the prosecutor’s office was dissatisfied with the materials and returned them for further investigation.

Did Minister Pervukhin know about the dark affairs for which Gerb would later be interrogated? This question will probably remain rhetorical.

Unreliable rear.

The brewing scandal with Vyacheslav Gerb, by the way, is not the first reason to seriously delve into the structure of the Udmurt ministerial rear. Another stone hanging on the neck of Alexander Pervukhin is the previous chief of logistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Udmurtia (Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Urals) - Sergei Nagovitsyn. Not long ago he became involved in a criminal case of fraud during the sale of what was once police property. It so happened that immediately after Colonel Nagovitsyn retired, a whole list of real estate objects of the Ministry of Internal Affairs turned out to be the property of his private company. Questions for former boss People on the home front are still asking about this property. In addition, Nagovitsyn recently appeared in another bad story. His name was mentioned in connection with the riot police special operation to storm the “hawthorn” warehouse. By pure coincidence, this dubious business was located in premises that the colonel himself allegedly rented out to the “tied up”. He himself, of course, could not even guess about the evil thoughts of his tenants.

How did Alexander Pervukhin react to the gathering clouds over the good name of ex-Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Urals Nagovitsyn, his veteran colleague? No information available. It is only known that after allegedly spending two days in the bullpen of the Industrial District Department of Internal Affairs of Izhevsk, everything is fine with Sergei Alekseevich.

The arrest of the head of Udmurtia, Alexander Solovyov, could not help but offend the Minister of Internal Affairs. How could it be possible for several years in a row not to notice that the first person of the republic with his entire family, an organized group, as the investigation convinces us, was methodically making money from traffic flows? Many people still have questions regarding such blindness of Udmurt law enforcement officers. Not only to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, of course, but also to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well.

Due to the social significance of the topics raised, on the basis of Article 8 Federal Law dated July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ “On information, information technology and protection of information", Federal Law of December 27, 1991 No. 2124-1 "On means mass media» The editors of the “Izhevsk Page” sent an official request to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation with a request to provide comprehensive information regarding the information contained in the publication about the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Urals A.S. Pervukhin, and the Chief of Logistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Urals V.V. Gerba.

Alexey Tereshchenko

Photo:, 18.mvd.rf

Alexey Tereshchenko


October 11, 2018 A criminal case has been opened regarding illegal possession of drugs. According to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Urals, employees of the Drug Control Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Urals detained a 19-year-old unemployed resident of Izhevsk at the entrance of one of the houses on 7th Podlesnaya Street. During a personal search of the detainee, almost 60 kilograms of marijuana and 4 g of hashish were found on her.

October 11, 2018 The device was stolen from a store on Karl Marx Street. According to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Urals, the duty station of the Oktyabrsky police department received a report of the theft of a machine with chewing gum. The damage amounted to 37 thousand rubles. Police officers detained two suspects - they turned out to be two schoolchildren born in 2003 and 2003. A criminal case has been initiated into the theft, and the suspects’ involvement in committing similar crimes has been established.

On October 10, 2018, a 71-year-old pensioner told police that in early October an unknown person called her and said that the dietary supplements her husband purchased were counterfeit, for which she was entitled to compensation. To receive compensation, the pensioner was asked to pay insurance in the amount of 40 thousand rubles, which she did. Then it turned out that it was necessary to pay for the services of collectors and other expenses for receiving compensation


07 July 2017
Recently ended academic year became the last for all graduates of the city of Izhevsk and the beginning of a new one life path. For the 100 students at my school, it also marked the beginning of adulthood, independent life. It seems like just yesterday that the first bell rang for first-graders, and today they are adults leaving their school forever. Graduating from school is one of the most exciting and memorable moments in life.

March 14, 2016
On March 19, a rally against theft during road repairs will be held in the central square of Izhevsk. The purpose of the action is to draw attention to the problem from city and republican authorities and force the responsible authorities from promises to start making quality roads and get down to business. The rally starts at 13:00. Not only motorists, but also pedestrians are outraged by the state of the roads: Izhevsk roads have long been subject to folk art and a subject of ridicule from others

January 29, 2018
Zits-chairman and his deputy Until August 2016, the Republican Fund for Major Repairs (NGO "Fund overhaul housing in the Udmurt Republic") was led by Andrey Smirnov. He left for the position of deputy director due to his deputy status, since then the duties of the director of the Foundation have been performed by a certain Alexey Gorbunov

In Udmurtia, the situation around the police is increasingly reminiscent of a joke.

For more than six months now, rumors have been merrily multiplying in intra-elite circles that the main police officer himself, Major General Alexander Pervukhin, has come under pressure!

Evil tongues are reporting that for quite some time the Minister of Internal Affairs of Udmurtia has been walking under a warning about inadequacy of service, which was allegedly issued to him by the highest authorities in Moscow.

Gossips attribute claims to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Udmurtia related to corruption, and not the one that he could not defeat, but in which he allegedly participated.

In their conversations, troublemakers continually call the person they are talking about “Kommersant”. This nickname seems to have firmly stuck to him since the time of the mask show in Komos (the largest agro-industrial complex in the Urals).

Then the minister allegedly made an offer to the head of the enterprise that could not be refused, but after he rejected it, the mask show began.

Last warning.

People have been talking about the turmoil in the Udmurt police since the beginning of the year. Moscow inspections are coming one after another.

The very first visit of the commission resulted in serious troubles for the local police leadership. The inspectors were stunned by the scale of the violations identified in Udmurtia, say sources close to law enforcement agencies.

Very soon, at a closed meeting in Moscow, Minister Pervukhin was allegedly given a warning about incomplete official compliance and they even wanted to fire him. It was possible to negotiate six months of “correction” only thanks to authoritative intercessors.

It only remains to add that a disciplinary sanction in the form of a warning about incomplete official compliance is a rather severe sanction. According to the police law, this is the penultimate step towards dismissal from service, worse than this is only demotion.

According to interpretations of the law, such a measure can be applied to military personnel when it comes to non-compliance with legal requirements or gaps in discipline.

A stupid question arises, it turns out. Can the residents of Udmurtia even sleep peacefully when the main guards of law and order in the republic are forced to solve their problems with the law themselves?

Serious intentions.

After the warning was issued to the minister, the “debriefings” actively continued. Strongly impressed auditors allegedly came to Udmurtia to “gather” materials almost every week and each time found something rich.

Inspectors from two departments at once shook out even the most dusty shelves with volumes in all police departments. From the very beginning, they made it clear that their intentions were more than serious, informants say.

Even on weekends, Moscow colleagues were not tempted by offers of joint cognac and fishing trips, and to be sure, they assigned a guard of machine gunners to protect themselves from “accidental” tete-a-tete. A big role in “cold” visits is given to the capital’s general, who controls the checks, who supposedly personally dislikes our minister and hopes to collect everything from him. The most interesting thing is that he seems to be succeeding with interest, and other people’s plans for the career of our Alexander Sergeevich will apparently begin to come true very soon.

No information available.

How much truth is there in these stories? Why exactly were you so angry about the Udmurt general’s retirement at five minutes? The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Udmurt Republic itself remains silent on this matter.

“We don’t have such information,” the head of the press service, Deputy Minister Nikolai Korotoyatsky, answers stereotypically. And he sends them to Moscow to ask these questions. It’s as if the “news” about the possible imminent dismissal of the boss, with whom he has been shoulder to shoulder for six years, as they say, does not touch his heart at all.

In any case, only the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs can clarify this information. We don't have such information. We cannot have it. Because there is a nomenclature of employees that is subordinate to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, and all their personal files are there,” continues the head of the press service.

Such indifference, of course, is hard to believe.

But nothing tolerates a vacuum, least of all a fabricated information vacuum. Hiding important information has always led to only one thing: rumors multiply, and people come up with the most incredible things.

The lame investigation of Deputy Minister Aituganov and related stories.

The confidential people we interviewed are inclined to believe that the situation, as the people in uniform themselves say, led to the unpleasant outcome with the minister. Gross violations were allegedly revealed through the Investigative Department, for which Deputy Minister Igor Aituganov, who is said to be preparing for retirement, has been responsible for the last few years in Udmurtia.

They are also gossiping about multimillion-dollar road contracts that went through a company whose directors allegedly include the general’s godfather. And about a lot more.
The unpleasant incident with another high-ranking subordinate of Pervukhin, the head of the logistics department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Udmurtia, Vyacheslav Gerb, could have influenced the Moscow commission in its own way.

Back in the winter, there were persistent rumors in police circles either about Gerb’s arrest or about his forced bringing in for questioning in a certain criminal case, the plot of which no one in Udmurtia is talking about.

Are the Chief of Logistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the UR UR Gerb and other police officers attending interrogations?

Naturally, no one in the reception room of the chief of logistics, Vyacheslav Gerb, knows anything either.

He is on vacation. What are you saying?! What nonsense! I don’t know, I have absolutely no idea what this nonsense is! The man works, how he worked, I don’t know. “I can’t tell you any information,” Gerba’s secretary reacted sharply to the question about the boss’s house arrest, which was being discussed by the public, and denied everything.

But the journalist’s question about the criminal case involving Gerb from investigator Sh. from Nizhny Novgorod was not at all surprising or caused any misunderstanding.
More surprised are Gerb’s subordinates, who at one point for a painfully long time could not get their boss’s signature on some completely ordinary statements that had previously been resolved once or twice.

It reached the Volga region.

“The criminal case in which Herb may be a witness actually exists and is being investigated,” says a source who is in constant working contact with people from law enforcement agencies. - In the republic, information is not hidden; simply no one owns it and cannot own it for a simple reason.

“Because of the distrust of the central apparatus, because of the high status of the people appearing in it and their alleged horizontal connections, materials from Udmurtia were seized and transferred for investigation to the Volga Federal District, and supervision is carried out by the Prosecutor General’s Office.”

The investigation, according to the interlocutor, is being conducted by employees of the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia in the Volga Federal District in Nizhny Novgorod. In addition to the head of the rear, testimonies were allegedly taken from several other employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Udmurtia, who are being interviewed by the same investigators in another criminal case (about protection of a gambling business).

According to the source, we are most likely not talking about a bribe, but about a crime in office - about exceeding or abusing official powers. The alleged culprits may be charged with money laundering through wasteful disposal of property and material resources of the ministry.

The rumors that have arisen about Gerb's alleged choice of house arrest have no basis, the interlocutor believes. This is a “privilege” of persons with the status of an accused or suspect, which the Coat of Arms is not. And he’s unlikely to show up. The investigation into this case is not at all easy, sources say. The trial, apparently, had not yet begun; the prosecutor’s office was dissatisfied with the materials and returned them for further investigation.

Did Minister Pervukhin know about the dark affairs for which Gerb would later be interrogated? This question will probably remain rhetorical.

Unreliable rear.

The brewing scandal with Vyacheslav Gerb, by the way, is not the first reason to seriously delve into the structure of the Udmurt ministerial rear. Another stone hanging on the neck of Alexander Pervukhin is the previous chief of logistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Udmurtia (Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Urals) - Sergei Nagovitsyn.

Not long ago he became involved in a criminal case of fraud during the sale of what was once police property. It so happened that immediately after Colonel Nagovitsyn retired, a whole list of real estate objects of the Ministry of Internal Affairs turned out to be the property of his private company. Questions are still asked to the former chief of logistics about this property.

In addition, Nagovitsyn recently appeared in another bad story. His name was mentioned in connection with the riot police special operation to storm the “hawthorn” warehouse. By pure coincidence, this dubious business was located in premises that the colonel himself allegedly rented out to the “tied up”. He himself, of course, could not even guess about the evil thoughts of his tenants.

How did Alexander Pervukhin react to the gathering clouds over the good name of ex-Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Urals Nagovitsyn, his veteran colleague?

No information available. It is only known that after allegedly spending two days in the bullpen of the Industrial District Department of Internal Affairs of Izhevsk, everything is fine with Sergei Alekseevich.
The arrest of the head of Udmurtia, Alexander Solovyov, could not help but offend the Minister of Internal Affairs.

How could it be possible for several years in a row not to notice that the first person of the republic with his entire family, an organized group, as the investigation convinces us, was methodically making money from traffic flows? Many people still have questions regarding such blindness of Udmurt law enforcement officers. Not only to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, of course, but also to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well.

What else to read