My sample student portfolio character. How to fill out a portfolio for a primary school student


Primary school student’s portfolio as a method for assessing personal growth

as part of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of the NOO

Teacher: Today we will create a special folder - a portfolio. It is not intended for school assignments. It is necessary to record your progress and achievements. By filling out a portfolio, each of you will be able to tell about yourself, and the folder will save your stories for yourself and other people who want to get to know you better. One of the main tasks of training and education in primary school as part of the implementation of new educational standard

is to identify and develop the child’s individual creative abilities:

Creating a situation of success for each student, increasing self-esteem and confidence in their own abilities;

Maximum disclosure of the individual abilities of each child; Development cognitive interests

students and the formation of readiness for independent learning; Formation of an attitude towards creative activity and skills creative activity

, development of motivation for further creative growth;

Formation of positive moral and moral qualities of the individual;

Acquiring reflection skills, developing the ability to analyze one’s own interests, inclinations, needs and correlate them with available opportunities (“I am real”, “I am ideal”);

Formation of life ideals, stimulation of the desire for self-improvement. To solve these problems (according to many experts), it is necessary to shift the emphasis, placing the main emphasis not on a portfolio of documents, but on a portfolio of creative works. In other words, the "CREATIVE WORKS" section should become the main and main one, the " Official documents

" should fade into the background and be used only as an appendix!

The undoubted value of a portfolio is that it helps to increase the student’s self-esteem, maximize the individual capabilities of each child, and develop motivation for further creative growth. Therefore, it is extremely important to learn for yourself and explain to your child that compiling a portfolio is not a race for diplomas and all kinds of certificates! What is important is the process of participation in educational activities or creative work, and not its result.:

The portfolio is introduced with the aim of objectively recording the individual achievements of schoolchildren. A portfolio is a collection of a student's work and results that demonstrates his or her efforts, progress, and achievements in various areas.

Individual cumulative assessment (portfolio) - a set of documents, assessment of subject, meta-subject and personal results, individual achievements, which is the basis for determining the educational rating of a primary school graduate.

Portfolio structure:

Strict requirements (state standard) for this moment does not exist. After all, working on a portfolio is good opportunity express yourself, approach this task creatively, come up with something of your own, original. The only thing you should be wary of is that the primary school student’s portfolio is not called “Portfolio of my achievements” (“My achievements”, etc.) and is not displayed on foreground section documenting these achievements (all kinds of diplomas and certificates).

The portfolio may include results achieved by the student not only in the course of educational activities, but also in other forms of activity: creative, communicative, sports and recreational, and labor activities.

Sample portfolio structure:

Contains basic information (last name, first name and patronymic; educational institution, class), contact information and a photo of the student.


Here you can place any information that is interesting and important for the child. Possible sheet headers:
· "My name" - information about what the name means can be written about famous people who bore and bear this name. If your child has a rare or interesting last name, you can find information about what it means.
· "My family" - here you can talk about each family member or make short story About my family.
· "My city" - a story about your hometown (village, village), about its interesting places. Here you can also place a diagram of the route from home to school, drawn together with your child. It is important that it is marked dangerous places(road intersections, traffic lights).
· "My friends" - photos of friends, information about their interests and hobbies.
· "My hobbies" - a short story about what the child is interested in. Here you can write about classes at sports section, studying at a music school or other educational institutions additional education.
· "My school" - a story about the school and the teachers.
· "My favorite school subjects" - small notes about your favorite school subjects, built on the principle “I like... because...”. Also a good option with the name "School items" . At the same time, the child can speak out about each subject, finding in it something important and necessary for himself.


In this section, the worksheet headings are dedicated to a specific school subject. The student fills this section with well-written tests, interesting projects, reviews of books read, graphs of reading speed growth, creative works.

All activities that are carried out outside the framework of educational activities can be classified as social work (assignments). Maybe the child played a role in a school play, or read poetry at a formal assembly, or designed a wall newspaper for a holiday, or performed at a matinee... There are a lot of options. It is advisable to design this section using photographs and short messages on the topic of.

In this section the child places his creative works: drawings, fairy tales, poems. If you have completed a large piece of work (craft), you need to include a photo of it. Parents need to give their child complete freedom when filling out this section!

In elementary school, children take an active part in excursion and educational programs, go to the theater, to exhibitions, and visit museums. At the end of the excursion or hike, it is necessary to offer the child a creative activity. homework, performing which, he will not only remember the content of the excursion, but will also have the opportunity to express his impressions.

Here are placed diplomas, certificates, diplomas, Thanksgiving letters, as well as final certification sheets. Moreover, in elementary school one should not separate in importance academic success (a certificate of merit) and success, for example, in sports (diploma). It is better to choose the location not in order of importance, but, for example, in chronological order.

Filled out by teachers of school and non-school institutions.


Do not get carried away with the design of this sheet, as it will have to be updated quite often.

Important to remember.

In the first grade, when a child is just starting to work on compiling a portfolio, he cannot do without the help of his parents. But as he grows up, this help should be kept to a minimum. From the very beginning, try to structure your child’s work in such a way that he himself puts some effort into creating a portfolio. In the process of work, the process of understanding one’s achievements inevitably occurs, the formation of a personal attitude towards the results obtained and awareness of one’s capabilities.
Preliminary results

Each student determines the forms of portfolio assessment for himself. It could be:

P public presentation at the end of the quarter, year (it can take place at class hour, parents' meeting);

Exhibition of “portfolios* (at the request of students).

Portfolio evaluation criteria are also determined individually:


Factors reflecting the child’s development (learning independence and activity, ability to learn, self-control and self-esteem);

Understanding and completeness of reflection of educational material.

Preliminary results

Working using portfolio technology allows the teacher to:

Assess the level of independence of children;

Identify problems in developing their self-esteem;

Determine the child’s predominant motivation;

Assess the level of proficiency in skills and abilities.

Materials for creating student portfolios

    Elementary school student portfolio

  • Student's portfolio on the children's website "Sun"
  • Portfolio of a primary school student. Mishakina T.L. (option)

Modern requirements for organization educational process Among other things, they also involve recording the student’s successes. A portfolio is created for each student. IN primary school its presence is not mandatory, but starting from the middle level, parents, schoolchildren and the students themselves begin to pay great attention to this innovation.

The concept of portfolio comes from the English “portfolio”, which means a folder of documents or a briefcase. Today, portfolios have begun to be called somewhat differently, for example, a list of a specialist’s works that can demonstrate his talents in theory, as well as show his knowledge, skills, and abilities from the very the best side. In a word, a portfolio is a kind of dossier that contains a list of samples of the best works, achievements that will represent a certain business card. This business card will accordingly represent his skills and abilities.

1. Each school, especially if it has the status of a gymnasium or lyceum, tries to distinguish its graduates from others, thereby presenting itself. For this appearance portfolios lead to uniformity: the emblem or logo of the school is placed on the title page, uniform colors and tones are used in the design, a certain font, etc.

3. The third sheet required by the standard is an autobiography.

The student is given the opportunity to demonstrate the skill of independently structuring events, their selection and description, and determining the degree of significance.
For the reviewer in this section, what will be important is the child’s analytical abilities, as well as the ability to competently and consistently express thoughts, build cause-and-effect relationships, and evaluate events and oneself in them.

With this approach, an autobiography somewhat corresponds to a resume. Not only the plot is presented in the form: “born-studied”, but those significant skills and abilities that the child has mastered at one stage or another (for example, if a student is simultaneously studying at a music school, it is necessary to reflect that he has an ear for music and knows musical literacy , knows how to play an instrument. Among the achievements, it is necessary to indicate participation in shows, competitions, etc.)

4. The main set of portfolios is the results of participation in olympiads (all-Russian, regional, municipal, school), competitions and events; sports achivments student; participation in sections and clubs, as well as attending additional courses. Description of the skills and abilities that the student has additionally mastered.

7. For convenience, you can download a blank form to fill out.

Good afternoon, dear visitor to our site. If your child is an elementary school student, this article may be of interest to you. Our children attend one of the gymnasiums in Minsk. And already in the first grade we were faced with the fact that it turns out that the student needs to have a portfolio. The fact that, of course, it will be the parents and not the student who will do it, is not interesting to the school. One way or another, there were two options: the first and easiest option was to download the student’s finished portfolio on one of the many sites offering such services. However, in this case, the portfolio of your desk neighbor may turn out to be a twin of the portfolio of your beloved child, which our parents could not allow. The second option is to show your imagination and let your child help you a little, and at the same time gain new skills. There is, of course, a third option - turn to professionals, but we decided that working together to create a portfolio for an elementary school student will give an additional impetus to the development of relationships with children and allow them to feel independent.

What is needed to make a student’s portfolio yourself

Color printer

Skills in Photoshop, Painte

A little imagination and patience

Communication with your child

Tips for creating a portfolio for an elementary school student

Do not include baby photographs of the child in your student’s portfolio, where he is in a stroller, with a pacifier, and the like. It is clear that they are dear to you, but remember that this is the portfolio of a small schoolchild, but already an adult. Leave your very childhood photographs for your home archive.

Allow your child to do some simple operations, put stars, leaves, circles, change the background on the pages of the portfolio, everything that you can show him, and he is able to do.

When writing text for photographs, ask your child what to write. A first grader can formulate what he would like to see in his portfolio. In this case, the portfolio will still look not like the work of an adult, but the work of a child.

Be sure to add the My Goals, My Dreams section to your portfolio, or combine My Goals and Dreams for example. Ask your first-grader what he dreams of, what he wants to become, find photographs on these topics, insert them into his portfolio, and sign the text. You will have another reason to draw your child’s attention to the fact that dreams are realized through goals. Setting a goal and realizing it is a way to get closer to your dream. Tell your little student that his initial goal is, for example, to finish primary school well and pass the exams for admission to the gymnasium, because you can become, for example, a “space doctor” only after receiving a higher education medical education, and in order to obtain a higher medical education you need... and so on. Lack of understanding among schoolchildren primary classes and not only primary ones, why do they study at school - one of the most important issues raising a child.

Portfolio content

Here is the content that makes up the portfolio of our first-graders

1. Let's get acquainted

2.My family

3.Preparing for school - my kindergarten

4.My first class

5.My colleagues and college girls

6.My goals and dreams

7.My hobbies

8. Activities of our class

9.My results

10. Information about the clubs I attend

Briefly about each section of the portfolio

Let's get acquainted: in this section of the portfolio you must place a photograph of the child close-up, preferably in a business suit, write his first and last name, birthday, place of residence, history of his name (optional).

Preparation for school- my kindergarten: in this section of the student’s portfolio it is worth remembering the teachers kindergarten where your child attended preschool. They certainly made a significant contribution to your children. The feeling of gratitude needs to be instilled from childhood.

My first class: all parents have photographs of first-graders on their first line, first bell. In this section of the portfolio you can place a photo of this event and definitely photos of the first teacher. Naturally, all photographs must be signed. Post some text, consult with your child. You will make a portfolio at a time when your child will know his classmates by name, and will be able to help you sign the photographs and choose the most important ones for him from all of them. It may be necessary to ask the parents of your child's classmates for permission to post photographs on the portfolio pages. We are all different, and many take personal space very seriously.

My colleagues and colleagues: This section may be called my friends or my comrades. It is clear from the title that the section should tell about your child’s classmates or his friends outside of school.

My goals and dreams: probably from the time your child began to realize himself as an individual, he has told you more than once what he wants to become. Every year, and sometimes every month, his dreams changed. But closer to school, your child no longer changes his preferences so quickly. Talk, find out what the child dreams of becoming, and at the same time remind him that his immediate goal is to finish primary school well, which, of course, will bring your child closer to realizing his dreams. In general, this is a very interesting section. Constant attention on your part to goals and dreams will teach your child to think that we cannot let everything take its course, we make our own lives, and goals help us move in the right direction.

My hobbies: This is one of the most interesting sections of a portfolio to fill out. Here you can post and talk about your child’s clubs, sports sections, hobbies, and how he likes to relax. Ask him, you can learn a lot of new things. Constantly being busy and having problems prevent us from communicating with our child to the extent we would like. Therefore, do not miss the moment - your portfolio can become your common cause.

Our class activities: This section should be lined, like the next two. Here you can write down what activities in your class your child participated in, and what results he achieved together with the class: collecting waste paper, various sporting events, theatrical performances - the school is replete with such events.

My results: in this section, your teacher can mark your child’s results; various kinds of test tasks and your student’s drawings are also included in it.

Below is what we got. There were photographs in the frames, but they were cut out in order to preserve the personal space of the people around them.

We make presentations and portfolios to order. Your child will receive individual portfolio or a presentation, not a template that half the class will have. The cost of the service is negotiable (from 50 Belarusian rubles) Call +375296610054, write by email This address Email protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

Example of a portfolio for a boy:

Example of a portfolio for a girl:

Now we have reached another experiment of the Ministry of Education. At parent-teacher meetings at school, teachers informed parents that for each student a elementary school student portfolio.

Puzzled parents began asking teachers a lot of questions. What is student portfolio how to make it? What should it be like? What should be included in a portfolio? Why is it necessary? portfolio for primary school?

After the parent meeting, I met friends whose children study at another school and found out that they were also pleased with this innovation. But their school decided to do it easier, they ordered ready-made portfolio for schoolchildren for all grades of primary school. They were given a portfolio at parent meeting, at home they filled out the pages and turned them in to the teacher.

Primary school student portfolio

I am a first grader. Student's portfolio

My portfolio.
1 class

Set-folder. Second-grader portfolio

To ease the plight of the parents of our class and mine, I made a proposal to the teacher about purchasing ready-made school portfolios at the school where my child is studying. But, as it turns out, compiling a portfolio is a creative process that helps a child discover his creative abilities, as well as conduct self-analysis of his school life over a certain period. Motivates the child to take part in educational activities and creative work. Increases self-esteem and confidence in your capabilities. Therefore ready school portfolios are not welcome.
Then I started studying the information... After surfing the Internet, it became clear that there is still no single standard for designing a portfolio.

Having gone through this difficult path, I would like to help other parents who are just faced with compiling portfolio for schoolchildren.

So, what do you need for a portfolio:
1. folder-recorder
2. files... no, that’s not right, a lot of files
3. A4 paper
4. colored pencils (for drawing by a child)
5. printer
6. and, of course, patience and time

The task of parents is to help children create a portfolio. Suggest how to fill out the sections correctly, select the necessary photographs and drawings.

At the moment, the portfolio has sample sections that can be supplemented with various interesting information:

1.Title page student portfolio
This sheet contains the child’s data - Last name, First name, Patronymic name, photograph of the child, educational institution and city where the child is studying, start and end date of the portfolio.

2. Section - My World:
This section adds information that is important to the child. Example pages:

Personal information (About me)– date of birth, place of birth, age. You can indicate your home address and telephone number.
My name– write what the child’s name means, where it came from, you can indicate who they were named after (for example, grandfather). And also, indicate famous people bearing this name.
My family– write a short story about your family or, if you have the desire and time, then about each family member. Attach to this story photographs of relatives or a drawing of the child as he sees his family. You can attach the child’s pedigree to this section.
My city (I live)- in this section we indicate the city of residence of the child, in what year and by whom it was founded, what is this city famous for, what interesting places There is.
Route diagram to school– Together with your child, we draw a safe path from home to school. We mark dangerous places - car roads, railway tracks, etc.
My friends– here we list the child’s friends (last name, first name), you can attach a photo of the friends. We also write about a friend’s hobbies or common interests.
My hobbies (My interests)– on this page you need to tell what the child likes to do and what he is interested in. If the child wishes, you can tell about the clubs/sections where he/she also goes.

3. Section - My school:

My school– school address, administration phone number, you can paste a photo of the institution, full name of the director, start (year) of study.
My class– indicate the class number, paste a general photo of the class, and you can also write a short story about the class.
My teachers– fill in the information about the class teacher (full name + short story, about what he is like), about teachers (subject + full name).
My school subjects- we give short description for each subject, i.e. We help the child understand why he is needed. You can also write your attitude towards the subject. For example, mathematics is a difficult subject, but I try, because... I want to learn to count well or I like music because I am learning to sing beautifully.
My social work (social activity) – it is advisable to fill out this section with photographs where the child took part in school life (for example, speaking at a festival, decorating a classroom, a wall newspaper, reading poetry at a matinee, etc.) + a brief description of the impressions/emotions of performing social activities.
My impressions (school events, excursion and educational events)– everything is standard here, we write a short review-impression about a child’s class visit to an excursion, museum, exhibition, etc. You can write a review with a photo from the event or draw a picture.

4. Section - My successes:

My studies– we make sheet headings for each school subject (mathematics, Russian language, reading, music, etc.). Well-done work - independent work, tests, reviews of books, various reports, etc. - will be put into files in these sections.
My art– here we place the child’s creativity. Drawings, crafts, his writing activities - fairy tales, stories, poems. We also don’t forget about large-scale works – we take photographs and add them to our portfolio. If desired, the work can be signed - the title, as well as where the work took part (if it was exhibited at a competition/exhibition).
My achievements– we make copies and boldly place them in this section – certificates of commendation, certificates, diplomas, final attestation sheets, letters of gratitude, etc.
My best works(Works that I'm proud of)– work that the child considers important and valuable for the whole year of study will be invested here. And we lay out the remaining (less valuable, in the child’s opinion) material, making room for sections for the new school year.

Elementary school student portfolio.

Teacher: Narusheva I. G.

What is a portfolio?

IN Lately There is a lot of talk about new teaching methods in primary schools, about new forms of assessing student work. The idea of ​​working with a student's portfolio is becoming widespread in modern elementary schools. Creating a portfolio allows you to identify and demonstrate individual educational achievements student.

A portfolio is a way of recording, accumulating and assessing a student’s individual achievements during a certain period of his education. The portfolio allows you to take into account the results achieved by the student in various types of activities (educational, creative, social, sports, etc.)

There are several definitions of portfolio in the pedagogical literature, but the most accurate, in my opinion, is the following definition:

A portfolio is a collection of a student's work and output that demonstrates the student's efforts, progress, and achievements in various areas.

For elementary school students, the simplest definition of a portfolio can be given:

A portfolio is a student’s “piggy bank of successes.”

Work with the portfolio is carried out taking into account age characteristics children. It reflects the student's level of progress during primary school.

The purpose of creating a portfolio.

One of the main tasks of teaching and upbringing in primary school is to identify and develop the child’s individual creative abilities. The portfolio serves as an individual cumulative assessment of the student; it is not only a modern effective form of assessment, but also helps solve important pedagogical problems:

    Support and stimulate the educational motivation of schoolchildren;

    Create a situation of success for each student, increase self-esteem and confidence in their own capabilities;

    Maximize the individual abilities of each child;

    Track the individual growth of the child’s success in studies, creativity, sports, etc.

    Develop the ability to learn – set goals, plan and organize your own learning activities.

Creating an educational portfolio involves:

    Shifting the emphasis from what the student cannot do to what he knows and can do in a given subject;

    Integration of quantitative and qualitative assessments;

The main meaning of a portfolio : “Show everything you are capable of.”

What does an elementary school student's portfolio look like?

There are no strict requirements (state standard) at the moment. There is no clear list of names and number of items that need to be included in the portfolio. It depends on the specific teacher, on the goals he sets. And it pleases! After all, working on a portfolio is a good opportunity to express yourself, approach this task creatively, and come up with something of your own, original.

We started working on a portfolio in 1st grade. The portfolio of students in my class consists of the following sections:


Contains basic information (last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth) and photo of the student in 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd and 4th grades.


The following sheet shows the main contents of the portfolio in the form bright flower, on the petals of which the names of the sections are written.

“My name” - information about what the name means can be written about famous people who bore and bear this name. If your child has a rare or interesting surname, you can find information about what it means.

“My Family” - here you can place a photo of your family, talk about each family member, or write a short story about your family. “My friends” - first and last names of friends, photographs, common interests and hobbies.

“My Hobbies” is a short story about what a child is interested in. Here you can write about classes in the sports section, studying at a music school or other educational institutions of additional education.

The next section is called “My studies.” One of the pages in this section is called “Success Pedestal”. In grades 1 and 2, students are placed on a “pedestal of success” academic subjects based on your achievements and compare them over two years of study. The student fills out this section with well-written tests, the best pages of his notebooks, creative works, best drawings, applications made in art and technology lessons.

In order to form an active social personality junior school student You can include a “My Interactions Sheet” in your portfolio, which reflects your ability to communicate with teachers, classmates, parents and other family members.

The last section of our portfolio is called “My Achievements”. Certificates, diplomas, letters of gratitude, as well as final certification sheets are posted here. Moreover, in elementary school it is not recommended to separate academic success (a certificate of merit) from success, for example, in sports (a diploma). It is better to choose the arrangement not in order of importance, but, for example, in chronological order.

Works that are of the greatest value can be placed in a special section “Works of which I am proud.”

In grades 3 and 4, the portfolio will be supplemented with various questionnaires and achievement sheets that will help the student outline learning objectives and analyze his academic work, record your successes, determine the rules for successful study.

The result of four years of joint work of the student, teacher and parents in the portfolio can be the table “Sheet of my achievements in elementary school.” In it, the student will note what skills and abilities he was able to develop at the minimum, general or advanced levels.


The undoubted value of a portfolio is that it helps to increase the student’s self-esteem, maximize the individual capabilities of each child, and develop motivation for further creative growth. Therefore, it is extremely important to explain to your child that compiling a portfolio is not a race for diplomas and all kinds of certificates! The process of participation in educational activities or creative work is important.

When working with a portfolio, you must complybasic principles:

    The principle of voluntariness (if in 1st grade it is difficult for a student to start working, then he can get involved during any period of primary school);

    Provide assistance from teachers and parents.

A prerequisite for successful work is familiarizing parents with this technology. Parents are participants in the creation of a portfolio, since children of this age do not have the skill to design work. The work must be beautifully designed, the child must feel interested in adults. This increases the child’s status, his self-confidence and recognition of the relevance of the acquired knowledge in later life.

The motto for working with a student’s portfolio should be the following phrase:

Take control of your own learning!

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