Minimum score for medical school. Medical universities in Russia. Obtaining a preferential loan to pay for education is regulated

home It would seem that in such a period one can learn everything about human diseases. However, as practice shows, even this time is not enough for a graduate to be able to short time

become a real professional in your field. Much more important for a student at a medical university is the depth and quality of the knowledge acquired, and this already depends on the efforts made, diligence and, of course, the educational institution itself. Where do they teach best and what medical school’s education can be considered truly high-quality? We found answers to these questions and compiled our rating of medical higher educational institutions that train the best doctors in Russia. USMU is the strongest regional university that trains doctors of various profiles. Its graduates, after completing their studies, easily find work in clinics and hospitals Sverdlovsk region , as well as other regions of our country. The level of education provided to USMU students meets all current requirements of the medical professions. Particular attention is paid to practice here - the university has a dental clinic that provides medical care

residents of Yekaterinburg.

Image source: http://successful-generation.rf

From 57,000 to 119,000 rubles per year* SSMU named after. Razumovsky has been producing specialists for more than a hundred years. During this time, the university opened clinical Hospital , clinics of occupational pathology and hematology, eye, skin and venereal diseases, research institute of traumatology, orthopedics and neurosurgery, as well as Medical College and lyceum of chemical and biological profile. Since 1991, the university has been actively working with foreign students - to date, specialists from 19 have graduated from the walls of SSMU. different countries , and since 1995 the university has been actively collaborating with the North Carolina State Medical School (USA). It is highly developed at the university and - SSMU students are active propagandists healthy image

life among the population. The opportunities at this university are wide, and therefore it is among the ten best medical universities in the country.

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Passing score and areas of training*: Tuition fees (full-time):

SamSU is one of the best medical universities in the Volga region. The teaching staff here is made up of highly qualified specialists, and practice during training is given Special attention. The competition for one budget place at SamSU is usually large - up to 15 people per place. The university attracts many applicants from other regions, since the demand for graduates of this university among employers in the country is quite high.

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Passing score and areas of training*: from 75,000 to 176,000 rubles per year*

VSMU is one of the oldest medical educational institutions in Russia. Its existence dates back more than 200 years. During this time, the university has undergone many changes. For example, the most recent of them is the acquisition of university status (previously the university was an academy). Today, VSMU actively promotes the development of scientific schools in cardiac surgery, nephrology, clinical immunology, anesthesiology and resuscitation.

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Passing score and areas of training*: from 99,000 to 180,000 rubles per year*

In 2016, the European Chamber of Science and Industry ARES gave Omsk State Medical University a BB+ rating, defining the teaching at this university as reliable and the demand for its graduates as high. According to this rating, Omsk State Medical University is ahead of a number of medical universities in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk and Novosibirsk and entered the top ten in Russia.

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Passing score and areas of training*: from 44,000 to 133,000 rubles per year

This university is better known as the St. Petersburg State Academy named after I.I. Mechnikov - in 2011 the university was merged with the Academy of Postgraduate Education, and one university was formed on their basis. However, despite the fact that the university with this name has existed for only six years, its history dates back to the 20th century. The traditions established by the academy in those days were passed on to Northwestern University, and the accumulated knowledge allows teachers to train specialists in about 50 different profiles.

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Passing score and areas of training*: from 129,000 to 324,000 rubles per year*

The second St. Petersburg university on our list occupies fourth place in the ranking. At St. Petersburg State Medical University named after. Pavlova has a wide range of international activities: every year various events are held here. scientific conferences and symposiums at which leading doctors and professors of medical sciences from Europe, the CIS and other countries speak. Students are involved in international activities no less - they help in carrying out scientific research foreign colleagues from the Netherlands, France, Denmark, Germany, Holland, Sweden, Japan, China and the USA.

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Passing score and areas of training*: from 85,000 to 245,000 rubles per year*

Most recently, Siberian State Medical University received the status of a flagship university - now it is the first and only medical university in Russia, which is endowed with the right to create and develop innovative projects. And for this, Siberian State Medical University has all the possibilities: highly qualified teaching staff, the latest technological equipment, a widely deployed network of 10 clinics and financial support from the state. Here you can get not only a good education, but also assistance in implementing the most daring medical startups. The university is actively conducting scientific developments in the field of using IT technologies in medicine, pharmacology and clinical research. By choosing to study at Siberian State Medical University, you can be sure that you will know much more about human health than your colleagues who graduated from other universities.

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Despite the deplorable situation of the budgetary part of healthcare in Russia, higher medical education (especially obtained at Moscow universities) enjoys stable popularity. , offering applicants training in various specialties of higher medical education, contains six state universities.


If you look at the average passing score of the Unified State Exam in 2011, you can understand that the most prestigious and practically inaccessible for most applicants (and Russia as a whole) is the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry. In order to become a student at the best dental university in Russia, applicants had to show an average of 84.3 points on the Unified State Exam. It is especially interesting that “Stomat” for the first time managed to overtake the oldest medical one - the First State Moscow Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov.

Maybe, similar situation arose due to the relatively small number budget places, distributed to on a competitive basis- 284 in “Stomat” versus 990 in “First Honey”. But it is worth noting that both the competition and the passing score for the main specialties at First Med were still higher (see tables).

At the Moscow State Medical and Dental University you can enroll in three “medical” faculties: dentistry, general medicine and the faculty of clinical psychology. The situation for these faculties was as follows:

Faculty Budget training Paid training
Number of places Contest Unified State Exam Number of places Contest Unified State Exam
Dental (day department) 250 15,0 240 125 10,2 214 145 000
Dental (evening department) 100 11,0 198 30 12,3 153 145 000
Medical (day department) 230 20,0 225 80 19,4 225 87 000
Medical (evening department) 180 8,3 172 30 15,5 179 79 000
Clinical Psychology 25 50,4 169 15 25,8 217 75 000

At first glance, the competition for contract training at this time may seem surprisingly high. But the fact is that almost all the places in this area were occupied by “targeted people.”


The name of this university speaks for itself: the first - and therefore the oldest, best and most famous. It is this Moscow university that is the cherished goal of most applicants from all over Russia who dream of receiving a high-quality medical education. Finding itself in second place among Moscow medical institutes in 2011, First Med imposed, as usual, strict requirements on its applicants: 83.3 points on the Unified State Examination. At this Moscow university you can obtain higher medical education in six specialties: general medicine, dentistry, pediatrics, preventive medicine, clinical psychology and pharmacy.

Competition and passing scores for the First State Moscow Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov in 2011.

Speciality Budget training Paid training
Number of places Competition person/place Unified State Exam Number of places Competition person/place Tuition fee RUR/year
"General Medicine" (day department) 349 15,60 255 535 4,43 91 000
“General Medicine” (evening department) 80 10,86 181 30 11,23 91 000
"Dentistry" (day department) 68 37,25 242 115 9,06 127 000
"Dentistry" (evening department) 30 12,33 145 20 7,75 127 000
"Pediatrics" 13 173,08 248 15 49,73 75 000
"Clinical psychology" 10 56,90 202 15 15,80 60 000
"Medical and preventive work" 88 17,51 186 15 27,27 65 000
"Pharmacy" (day department) 168 12,68 195 35 16,89 75 000
"Pharmacy" (evening department) 25 10,92 115 10 10,30 70 000
"Pharmacy" ( extramural) 75 2,21 152 25 3,60 71 000

Risen from the ashes:

The competition for the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine was quite high - 10.16 people per place. The faculty was recreated in 1992, thereby replacing the “First Honey” that separated many years ago. At the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine of Moscow State University, training is carried out in two directions: “general medicine” (35 budget places) and “pharmacy” (15 budget places). At the same time, becoming a doctor at Moscow State University is much more difficult than becoming a pharmacist. To enter “general medicine”, applicants needed to score at least 372 points out of 400 possible, while for pharmacy – “only” 336. Note that when entering the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine of Moscow State University, the Unified State Examination in Russian language, biology and chemistry is taken into account, but applicants must take one entrance examination in chemistry (written). Those who passed the exam with a positive mark, but did not pass the competition, are given the opportunity to obtain a higher medical education at Moscow State University for a record amount of 271,000 rubles per year.

Giving opportunities:

“Second honey”, as people call it RNIMU named after. N.I. Pirogov, in terms of popularity was far from second, but almost last. The average score for admission to the Unified State Exam is 74.8. It is interesting that the Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov gives an opportunity to applicants who are not confident in their abilities to enter the budget and at the same time cannot pay for their education. The fact is that in 1998, the Moscow Government began to finance training in the specialties “general practitioner” (100 places in the full-time department and 50 in the evening) and “pediatrician” (100 places in the full-time department and 50 in the evening). A special feature of this faculty is that after graduation, the graduate must work for 3 years in Moscow municipal clinics. Accordingly, the competition for the Moscow Faculty is much lower than average.

Faculties, number of budget places and cost of training at RNRMU named after. N.I. Pirogov.


The situation with admission to the medical faculty of the not very prestigious Peoples' Friendship University of Russia looks quite deceptive. Training here is carried out in three areas: “medicine”, “dentistry” and “pharmacy”. At the same time, the passing grade for budget places at RUDN University turned out to be higher than in many “iconic” medical institutes in Moscow:

It is worth noting the incredibly low competition for a contract basis Faculty of Medicine RUDN University However, this can be associated with the incredibly inflated cost of training. On the other hand, only RUDN University gives a real chance to obtain a higher medical education in Moscow, if Unified State Exam results not happy at all.

If we talk about the popularity of specialties, the TOP-3 consistently includes: “general medicine”, “dentistry” and “pediatrics”. To obtain a medical education in Moscow in these areas, the applicant will have to show truly outstanding results. On the back of the list: “Pharmacy”, “Clinical Psychology” and “Preventive Medicine”. However, it is impossible to single out one “best” or “worst” specialty. It seems quite logical that in “First Med” there is the highest competition in the field of general medicine, and in “Dentistry” - in the Faculty of Dentistry. So, it is not enough for an applicant to choose the right specialty; it is also necessary to evaluate their possibilities of entering a specific one.

Veronica Gebrial

Candidate of Sociological Sciences

If any of this year’s graduates want to receive an education completely free of charge, they must take care of submitting appropriate applications to universities that have orders from the ministry for budget-funded places. However, we should not forget that the number of such places is limited, and even if you manage to submit your application on time, you may not be selected due to the presence of more gifted children. Therefore, most universities in the capital, which have budget places “in reserve”, try to inform future applicants in advance about the passing score for a particular specialty, as well as other admission rules and upon admission.

General information

On this moment I would like to know the latest information about which Moscow universities will be able to enroll in on the 2017-2018 budget, the passing scores for which are not too strict. All that graduates and their parents need to know is that this year the number of budget places has significantly decreased (by approximately 40%). However, every graduate high school, as before, has every right to continue his own education. To avoid getting caught unexpected situation, experts strongly recommend that applicants apply to several suitable universities at once for the desired specialty, having found out, on the eve of such a step, accurate information regarding the composition of the admissions committee or the number of budget places.

To make life a little easier for schoolchildren who are already overwhelmed with studying, let’s look at the situation in the most popular universities in the capital.

List of universities in Moscow

1. Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. The minimum passing score is 265, the lowest cost for a year of education is 8 thousand rubles, and the number of budget places this year is 4893.

2. Russian Academy music named after Gnesins. In 2017, the university received only 197 budget places, while minimum score for admission is 263. The lowest annual tuition fee is 160 thousand rubles.

3. Moscow State Art and Industry Academy named after. S. G. Stroganova. With a minimum passing score of 161, the number of places for budget education is limited to 186. For one year of study, each student will have to pay at least 76 thousand rubles.

4. Russian National Research Medical University named after N. I. Pirogov. The minimum pass threshold is 155 points, and the number of budget places is slightly more than 1300. Payment for one year of training is almost 100 thousand rubles.

5. Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture by Ilya Glazunov. For admission, you should count on a pass threshold of 276 points, while for a year of training you will have to pay at least 97 thousand rubles. In 2017, the number of budget places is only 63.

6. Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after V. I. Surikov. The passing score is 199, while the annual tuition fee starts at 26 thousand rubles. The number of places paid for by the state in 2017 is 127.

7. Moscow State Technical University named after. N. E. Bauman. The minimum score is 263, the lowest annual payment is 187 thousand rubles, the number of free training places is 3536.

8. Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russian Federation them. V. Ya. Kikotya. Information on the announced institution will be available to applicants exclusively on the day of their immediate admission.

9. Moscow Architectural Institute.
The situation is similar to the previous point.

10. School-studio named after. Vl. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko at the Moscow Art Theater. A.P. Chekhov. For admission, you should count on a pass threshold of 276 points, while the number of paid places allocated by the state is only 45. Annual payment starts at 78 thousand rubles.

11. Moscow State Academy of Choreography. There are only 35 free places this year and applicants who meet the 30-point pass threshold can count on them. Annual training costs at least 95 thousand rubles.

12. Russian Chemical-Technological University named after D.I. Mendeleev. The passing score is 177, the minimum cost of training is 63.4 thousand rubles, the number of government places is 1028.

13. Russian State Humanitarian University. With a minimum tuition cost of 82 thousand rubles, the number of budget places is only 902. However, you can only use them if you have passing score 175.

14. Moscow State University of Culture and Art. Payment - 75 thousand rubles per year, the number of places paid for at the expense of the Russian treasury - 1017, minimum passing score - 160.

15. Moscow state institute music named after A. G. Schnittke. Information is provided to applicants during direct admission to educational institution.

16. Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after. I. M. Gubkina. The minimum passing score is 160, the number of budget places this year is 611, while the cost of training starts at 78 thousand rubles.

17. Russian International Academy of Tourism.
Such an institution does not provide for the availability of budget places, while training at the academy costs at least 73 thousand rubles.

18. Humanitarian Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting named after. M. A. Litovchina. The state order for 2017 has not yet been established, and the minimum passing score is unclear. Tuition fees start at 74 thousand rubles.

19. Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics. With an admission score of 156, only 70 applicants can get into the institution on a budgetary basis. At the same time, the annual cost of training is 57 thousand rubles.

20. Russian State University physical culture, sports, youth and tourism. Budget places in 2017 - 183, minimum passing score - 129, annual tuition fee - 96 thousand rubles.

21. State Classical Academy named after. Maimonides. The passing score is 124, while the number of places under state orders is 255. For a year of study at this place, students will have to pay at least 115 thousand rubles.

22. Moscow City Pedagogical University. The passing score is only 60, and therefore the number of budget places reaches as many as 2059. Annual payment with such indicators starts from 107 thousand rubles.

23. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. This year, there are 1,366 budget-funded places, with a passing grade of 146. At the same time, tuition for a year at a university starts at 35 thousand rubles.

24. All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade of the Ministry economic development Russia. Passability threshold upon admission – 253 points, with maximum number budget funds 270. For a year of stay at the academy you will have to pay at least 160 thousand rubles.

25. Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University. The number of budget places is 617, the minimum pass score is 141, and the annual payment is estimated at 62 thousand rubles.

Even from such a small list of the most popular educational institutions in the capital, it becomes clear that the number of budget places in many of them is very limited. Therefore, in order to still manage to enroll in the desired specialization, you need to take care of good scores when passing the Unified State Exam.

Student at this university: I’m a 2nd year student at the medical faculty of Sechenovka - the university of my dreams) I entered through a general competition, it was quite difficult, in my year of 2015, the guys no longer passed below 275 points; Naturally, the target score was much lower, and in total more than 5 thousand people applied.
I believe that such interest of applicants in the university is completely justified: no matter what anyone says, they teach really well! The teaching staff is excellent, especially in physiology and biochemistry (and these are one of the most important disciplines for a future doctor). Other subjects are also taught well; the advantage is that general education subjects such as history, philosophy or economics do not require much effort; to get a pass, it is enough not to miss too many classes and write a computer test centralized test(CT). In the main subjects we write tests almost every lesson, but test tasks adequate, it is not necessary to cram them, because the database has already been edited over the years.
The program is voluminous, and the emphasis is on self-training. There is no place for lazy people here, you need to be able to organize your time correctly, and then you can really get everything done. At the same time, it is difficult to drop out due to poor academic performance, because 6 months are given to eliminate debts, and you can take exams even without tests.
IN Lately For students, life has been simplified by the fact that the same tests are available in the public domain by order of the Vice-Rector for educational work, registration for retaking tests is performed automatically, created Personal Area, in which the schedule, information about the appointment or withdrawal of scholarships, retakes and all CT results are already available, in the future it is planned to publish information about the student’s attendance. This means that there are fewer reasons to stand in line at the dean’s office)
Academic buildings are located at different metro stations, but everything is within walking distance. In the 1st year, most couples will be on Izmailovskaya. 2nd year - mainly Okhotny Ryad, where the departments are a 5-minute walk.
The scholarships are not too large, but, as in all universities, they are indexed. Now students starting from the 2nd semester of the 1st year receive 3,045 rubles (a single amount, there is no division into excellent and good students), only admitted first-year students receive about 1,500 rubles per month. Starting from the 3rd year, you can apply for an increased scholarship for educational, sports and scientific achievements.
The only negative is the lack of places in budget hostels (only beneficiaries are accommodated) - they plan to compensate this year, because... The finishing touches for a new dormitory with >1000 beds are being completed.
Information for activists: at our university there are many sports sections, volunteering and student scientific circles are developed.
In general, the atmosphere in the student environment is calm and friendly, studying, in my opinion, is still not as difficult as they scare applicants) Groups are most often very friendly, everyone helps each other, otherwise it is almost impossible to adapt to the pace of study from the first days. For those who come here consciously and at will, and not just at the behest of parents, it will be interesting to study, so I wish good luck to the applicants!

Medical higher educational institutions in Russia have announced the passing scores for admission to the budget. In almost all universities, these numbers are different, since some educational institutions are more prestigious than others, so their passing score is higher. There are also options for entering universities if you fail some exams.

Higher educational institutions of Russia specialized in medicine have announced the passing scores for admission to the budget. The lowest passing score is 123 at the Kazan State Academy of Veterinary Medicine named after. N.E. Bauman. The highest and therefore most prestigious medical higher education institution is the St. Petersburg North-Western State Medical University named after. I.I. Mechnikov, in order to enter it you need to score at least 242 points.

Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after. K.I. Scriabin

The highest passing score among medical higher education institutions is in this academy. For admission in 2017, 276 budget places were allocated, the passing score was 189. If you were unable to score the required number of points for free education and you want to enroll here, you will have to pay 40,000 rubles annually.

Moscow State Medical and Dental University

This university has allocated as many as 614 budget places, more than 2 times compared to the previous one. The passing score is 167. But if it does not meet the budget, the minimum cost of training is 80,000 rubles per year.

Russian National Research Medical University named after N. I. Pirogov

The most expensive medical university in Moscow - the annual fee is 97,000 rubles. But to qualify for the budget, for which 1212 places were allocated, you need to score 155 points.

First Moscow State Medical University named after. I.M.Sechenova

To get into the budget at this university you need to score 142 points. As many as 1,270 budget places have been allocated for free education. And the annual minimum payment is 67,500 rubles (not for state employees)

Below is the ranking of medical universities in Russia based on the average Unified State Exam score. The table also shows the number of applicants accepted on the budget. And exactly how they were accepted: by competition, by the Olympiad, by benefits, or by targeted recruitment.

The first place was taken by the Bashkir State Medical University in the city of Ufa, the average score on the Unified State Exam was 85.3. The second place was taken by the Voronezh State Medical Academy named after. N.N. Burdenko with an average Unified State Exam score of 85.2.

Lowest score in Ural State Academy veterinary medicine in the city of Troitsk. Average score on the Unified State Examination was only 52.6.

Of course, the most simple option is contract training, but not many can afford to pay about one hundred thousand rubles annually.

If you were unable to pass mathematics or Russian and want to enroll in full-time study, then all you have to do is wait one more year. But it is better to take basic mathematics, since it is rarely needed in a medical profile.

But if you were unable to pass society, physics or other additional subjects, you will be able to enter a higher education institution specializing in medicine, a specialty where this additional subject is not required.

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