Marianna Tsoi and Natalya Razlogova. Favorite women of Viktor Tsoi. Viktor Tsoi and his women: to whom did he dedicate his hits How long did you know Tsoi

Despite the fact that more than 27 years have passed since the death of Viktor Tsoi, everything connected with him is of great interest to fans of his work. This also applies to his relationship with Natalya Razlogova, whose biography is presented in this article.

Father's family

Natalia Razlogova was born in 1956 in the capital of Bulgaria, Sofia. Her paternal grandfather was the famous Bulgarian revolutionary Nikola Razlogov. He repeatedly took part in uprisings against Ottoman Empire and the military regimes ruling Bulgaria. For some time he lived in exile with his family in the Soviet Union. After the end of World War II, Razlogov served as his country's ambassador to Austria. His son, Emil Nikolaevich Razlogov (Natalia's father), also became a diplomat and worked in France for many years.

Mother's family

Natalya Razlogova’s mother was the daughter of Alexandra Blagoveshchenskaya and Alexander Artemyevich Bekzadyan, an Armenian by nationality. In 1911, her father graduated from the University of Zurich, and in 192 he became the first People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of Soviet Armenia. In 1930, Bekzadyan was appointed plenipotentiary representative of the USSR in Norway. In this post he replaced the famous Alexandra Kollontai. Then Alexander Artemyevich was plenipotentiary Soviet Union in Hungary. In 1937, the diplomat was recalled to his homeland, after which he was accused of espionage and executed by sentence of the Supreme Court of the USSR. A. Bekzadyan was rehabilitated in 1956.


Natalya Razlogova spent her childhood in Bulgaria. In 1960, she, along with her parents and brother Kirill, moved to Paris, where her father was sent to diplomatic work.

In the mid-70s, Natalya Razlogova came to the USSR and entered the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University (department of structural and applied linguistics). According to the recollections of fellow students, the girl was distinguished by high intelligence, erudition and a certain bohemianism, which was quite natural, given her origin.

In 1987, our heroine was invited to work as an assistant to the second director V. Trakhtenberg on the set of the famous film “Assa” by Sergei Solovyov. According to the director's idea, in the epilogue of the film, the black friend of the main character Bananana brings a new singer to the restaurant - Viktor Tsoi, who plays himself. The star goes on stage and sings his famous hit “Change!”

According to Razlogova’s memoirs, she immediately liked Tsoi for her character and inner independence. Despite the age difference, Natalya immediately won the heart of the 25-year-old musician, although he was married to Maryana, who was infinitely devoted to him, and had little son. Without hesitation, he left the family, but still did not formalize the divorce. The separation from his wife passed without scandals, but his parents received the news of Victor’s choice with hostility. They refused to meet new darling son and saw her for the first time only at his funeral.


Natalya Razlogova and Viktor Tsoi (see photo of this couple above) loved to vacation in Latvia. On August 15, 1990, the musician was returning from fishing. He had little driving experience and had worked a lot in the months leading up to his death. At 12:28 on the Sloka-Talsi highway (Latvia), Tsoi had a terrible accident, colliding with a bus traveling in the oncoming lane, and died on the spot.

Natalya had a hard time experiencing the death of her loved one. Being an intelligent woman, she accepted with dignity the fact that Tsoi’s widow would be considered his ex-wife Maryana, with whom he did not divorce, although there were rumors that the musician still managed to propose to Razlogova.

Second marriage

In November 1991, Natalya Razlogova (her photo is rarely seen in the press) married the famous journalist Evgeny Dodolev. who at that time already worked at the VID television company. After some time, the couple left for the USA. The couple has two children.

"Tsoi - "Kino"

In 2012, on the day of the cult musician’s 50th birthday, the television premiere of a documentary film created by Natalya Razlogova took place. It is called “Tsoi - “Cinema.” The impetus for starting work was an accidental discovery.

One day, while sorting out old things, Natalya Razlogova found a cassette with the song “Ataman”, on which Tsoi’s voice sounded, singing it with a guitar. Razlogova recalled that the singer rejected her because of her similarity with the work of the popular group “Alice.”

To film the film, along with the tape, Razlogova went to St. Petersburg, where she met the son of Viktor Tsoi, Alexander, who had his own club “Dada” there. Then Natalya conducted several interviews with the musicians of the Kino group, and for the finale of the film, she and Igor Vdovin recorded the song “Ataman” in the studio.

Natalya Razlogova in recent years

Over the past decade, Natalya has worked on Channel One. She avoided communicating with the press and did not give any interviews. At the same time, the woman did not refuse to meet with fans of Viktor Tsoi and sincerely answered their questions.

In 2010, the film “Needle Remix” was released. According to its author, Rashid Nugmanov, Razlogova helped him with advice at all stages of work on this project.

As for memoirs, Natalya Emilievna Razlogova is not going to write them, although she always clarified the details and also corrected inaccuracies and errors in biographical publications about Tsoi regarding the period of their life together.

Some projects with the participation of Razlogova

Natalya Emilievna played in several films:

  • “Spruce Submarine: Viktor Tsoi. Children of minutes";
  • "Life is like a movie";
  • "Sunny days".

As already mentioned, she acted as a screenwriter for the film “Tsoi - “Cinema”. In addition, Natalya published a lot, including under pseudonyms. Among its most interesting works this kind can be called:

  • review of the film "Needle";
  • articles “Musical Truth” and “A Star Called Kino”.

Numerous interviews with Razlogova were included in documentary and feature television projects “Muzoboz”, “Cult of Cinema”, a French film about Viktor Tsoi, etc.


Kirill Razlogov was born in 1946 in Moscow, and at the time of Natalya’s birth he was already 10 years old. Together with his parents and sisters, Natalya and Elena, he spent several years in France. In 1965, he entered Moscow State University, the Faculty of History, from which he successfully graduated 5 years later. On this moment is the president of the Russian Guild of Film Scholars and Film Critics.


Elena Emilievna Razlogova is the eldest child in the family. Currently lives in the capital. He is a candidate of philological sciences and a leading researcher at the laboratory of the Scientific Research Center of Moscow State University.

Now you know who Natalya Razlogova is. Now she permanently lives abroad and does not strive for publicity. Nevertheless, quite a few Tsoi fans will forever remember her as last love your idol.

Natalya Naumenko – ex-wife, band musician. She was a direct witness to the heyday of Russian rock and roll and rock. In their communal apartment on Borovaya, musicians gathered who later became legends: Alexey Rybin and others. In 2018, the movie “Summer” will be released, telling about little known facts from the life of Viktor Tsoi, Mike Naumenko and Natalia.

Childhood and youth

Natalya Vasilievna Naumenko was born on January 21, 1960 in Leningrad. Her maiden name Rossovskaya.

Natalya is a non-public person; there are a lot of gaps in her biography. All her interviews are dedicated to the famous ex-husband, and she prefers to remain silent about her life before Mike. Nothing is known about her childhood, parents and education.


When Natasha met Mike and they decided to get married, she had to go to Teploenergo, since the organization’s employees were given rooms. Everything was new for the petite girl. Unknown mechanisms of unimaginable size in the boiler room instilled fear that she had to overcome. She worked as a gas boiler operator, simply a fireman.

In 1997, Alexey Rybin published the book “The Right to Rock,” which included Natalya’s memories of life with Mike. Its part received the title “Hotel called “Marriage””.

Personal life

The girl met her future husband, musician and leader of the Zoo group Mikhail Naumenko, when she was 19 years old. She first saw him in a communal apartment on Vasilievsky Island; her cousin Vyacheslav introduced him to Natalya. A month later they met again at Slava’s wedding, Mike joked a lot, and then invited the girl to rehearsals at Big theater Kukol, where he worked at that time.

Natalya Naumenko and Mike Naumenko in their youth

Soon the young man proposed to the girl, but they decided to postpone the wedding, since the housing issue had to be resolved first. Natalya became pregnant and had to go to the hospital. And as soon as she was discharged, Mike immediately took the girl to the registry office. He wanted to legitimize their relationship. Therefore, there was no preparation for the wedding; everything went quickly and chaotically.

In July, Natalya had a son. They originally planned to name the boy Mark, after Marc Bolan. But as soon as the baby was born, everyone immediately began to dissuade new parents from using this name. Therefore, they waited for a long time and decided, and in the end they gave their son the name Evgeniy.

They lived extremely poorly, but, like everyone else in their youth, they did not realize their poverty. Moreover, then everyone in the country lived approximately the same. There were always guests in their communal apartment, among them the leader Viktor Tsoi.

Unlike Mike, who had trouble finding mutual language with the baby, Victor often helped Natalya. He handled little Zhenya with such ease, as if he had already raised at least three children.

There is a version that there was an affair between Natalya and Victor. In 2007, a woman, at the request of Alexander Zhitinsky, who was writing a book about Tsoi, provided the writer with her diary entries. But initially Natasha agreed with Zhitinsky that her memories would be to help him, and not for publication.

Later he assured her that everything looked noble and everything should be left in the book as she had written. The woman agreed. In an interview with Argumenty i Fakty, which Natalya gave in 2018, she said that it would have been much easier for her to live if she had not succumbed to Zhitinsky’s persuasion, but “now she’s clearing things up.”

At that time, Tsoi constantly disappeared in Naumenko’s house; friendly and trusting relationships developed between Natasha and Vitya. They talked a lot, although in the company Tsoi was known as an eternal silent man. One day, before the girl’s 22nd birthday, she asked Mike to give her a gift - to allow her to kiss Tsoi. And although the husband was surprised by such a question, he allowed it.

On her birthday, Mike was at work: he left for a day and was absent from the celebration. Then their first kiss happened, but not the last. True, the woman describes their relationship as “ kindergarten“, they even kissed like classmates at a school party. According to Natalya Naumenko, for a short period they had tender friendship, but not more. Although Mike believed that such friendly relations much more dangerous than anything else.

Natalya lived with Mike for 10 years. The couple divorced on August 15, 1991. They did this without scandals and unnecessary showdowns. Together with her son, the woman moved to Moscow. On August 27, 1991 - 12 days after the official divorce - Mike died. The cause of death was cerebral hemorrhage. But the circumstances under which it happened still remain unclear.

Natalya Naumenko now

In 2018, director Kirill Serebrennikov will present the film “Summer” at the Cannes Film Festival. The events of the film unfold in the summer of 1981 in Leningrad. The plot centers on the lives of Viktor Tsoi, Mike Naumenko and Natalia. The woman was played by a woman known to viewers from the blockbuster “Attraction”. The roles of musicians went to and.

However, even before the screening, a scandal erupted around the film. - the founder, having read the script, said that it was all a lie from beginning to end. According to him, the characters in Serebrennikov’s painting have nothing in common with the people he knew personally.

Documentary director Alexander Lipnitsky was also skeptical about the film. He believes that the plot is “sucked out of thin air.” At one time, he made a documentary about the Kino group and talked with Alexander Zhitinsky.

From their conversation, he realized that between Natasha Naumenko and Viktor Tsoi there was an easy romantic relationship, at the level of flirting. Lipnitsky noted that he doesn’t really believe in this whole story with the novel, and even if it’s true, it clearly doesn’t fit into the plot of the film.

Natalya answered the question about the current situation around the film ambiguously. She liked what she saw on the set; she believes in director Kirill Serebrennikov. But I don’t think it’s right to express my opinion about a picture without seeing it.

The rock legend's first love was a 16-year-old singer

The most popular three-letter word in the USSR, which was written on fences in the late 80s, was the word “TSOY”. And then tragic death rock musician in a car accident in 1990, three more letters were added to them - “alive”. So stunning was the popularity of this strange guy with slanted eyes, who sang incomprehensible and even frightening from the point of view of the older generation Soviet people songs. His hit “We are waiting for change” became one of the symbols of the era. We talk about the personal life of the idol, who would have turned 55 on June 21, with one of the most authoritative experts in the Kino group » Vitaly KALGIN.

- How did it happen that you suddenly became the country’s chief food scientist?

At first I just listened to Kino music, then I became interested in life, began looking for living witnesses, met with them, and collected a lot of material. And then they offered me to systematize and publish all this, and it turned out to be several books. By the way, I’m confused by the wording “the country’s chief food scientist” - this work could have been done by any interested person, I’m just the one who found the time.

Victor wore a mustache...

- You, like no one else, know that the girls went crazy about him, sometimes in the literal sense of the word.

At one time I was given a whole bag of fan letters to Victor. In those days there were no social networks and Email: messages were written with a pen on paper, sealed in an envelope, and then you still had to find a mailbox. The record was set by two fans - from Krasnoyarsk and Kharkov. They sent daily messages from about January 1990 almost until his death in August 1990. Many imagined themselves to be his wives. For example, a girl from the Dnepropetrovsk region wrote Tsoi, like to my husband, who just went on a business trip: “Come back soon! - she urged. “The corn in our field is all overgrown with weeds, we really need your strong manly hands.”

...when I met Olya from Stavropol (right)

- However, I haven’t heard anything about sex orgies on Kino tours, something that almost all rockers are guilty of. Or was it?

Not everyone needs to constantly assert themselves, fertilizing everything in their path. Tsoi, apparently, knew exactly what he wanted, so he got married quite early. Maryana was his friend, shared his hobbies, believed in his talent and helped him in his work. Known for her catchphrase: “The Kino group is me!” At first, when the guys didn’t even have an administrator, it was she who took care of the tours, represented them in creative organizations, and made the first publication about Tsoi in the official Soviet press. By the way, its author was a journalist Evgeniy Dodolev, future husband Natalia Razlogova- the same one who was Tsoi’s muse and beloved woman in last years his life.

Natalia RAZLOGOVA, TsOYA's last love...

Lipstick like a fountain pen

- How did our hero meet Maryana?

It was March 5, 1982, at one of the parties in the apartment of their common friend. Witnesses of that meeting say that Tsoi was lying on the floor in a white shirt, with his arms outstretched, and for some reason this offended Maryana. She said: “Wow, what a puppy!” And she wrote him her phone number in lipstick. Some say it's right on the forehead. Then Victor called her, and in February 1984 they officially got married. Moreover, both Tsoi’s parents and Maryana’s parents were not happy about this. Victor’s dad and mom didn’t like Maryana’s vulgar, as it seemed to them, manner of communication. And her relatives were worried that their daughter had gotten involved with “some Korean.” My mother spoke about this very frankly. Maryany - Inna Nikolaevna Golubeva. 1991 she married Evgeniy DODOLEV. There was no wedding so as not to attract unnecessary attention. They spent their honeymoon in the USA, away from the rock star's crazy fans.

From the memoirs of Golubeva, Viktor Tsoi’s mother-in-law:

“He greeted me very politely, bowed his head, but I couldn’t see this formation, such a dark formation that had appeared in the room. I literally felt sick.<…>A floor-length coat pulled from the trash heap. The hair is long to the shoulders, bangs - the eyes are almost invisible, I see that there is something narrow-eyed.”

But after a while, he says Kalgin, - she became very close to Victor. When the marriage broke up, and Maryana was already living with a musician Alexander Aksenov, better known as Ricochet, Tsoi talked about their common son with his grandmother, who loved her grandson very much and paid a lot of attention to him. It was that rare case when the mother-in-law became closer than birth mother, with whom Victor never had a trusting relationship.

- Such Perfect marriage- and suddenly fell apart. Is the homewrecker to blame?

No, not suddenly. It’s just that Victor and Maryana were very young when they met, and at that age people change quickly. Maryana was a very strong-willed, dominant woman, and Tsoi could not stand the pressure. Apparently he tried to cope with this trait of hers, but could not. One could also understand her - she was a good artist. But she didn’t develop her abilities - the producer won. But Tsoi never needed a producer. He needed people who understood and supported him, and did not try to control him. At the time of Victor’s meeting with Natalia Razlogova, their marriage was already a formality. But no one needed a divorce, and besides, the child was growing up.

COMMENT website: Vitaly Kalgin, apparently sparing someone's feelings, does not tell everything. Maryana, according to the recollections of those around her, began to drink heavily. Tsoi himself drank quite moderately and did not tolerate drugs at all. I smoked a lot, but only cigarettes, not “dope.” Perhaps it was the excess of alcohol in Maryana’s life that provoked her cancer. This talented woman passed away in 2005, she was only 46 years old. She died hard. According to the recollections of her mother, Inna Nikolaevna, she confessed before her death and forgave everyone in a conversation with the priest. Except for Victor.

With his wife Maryana (1984)

"Assa" rekindled love

Some crazy fans still believe that Razlogova “seduced the star” and then “betrayed Vitya” by marrying someone else shortly after his death.

I have always been interested only in facts, not interpretations. They met Natalia at Mosfilm in December 1986, when preparations were underway for the filming of Assa, the film that made him a national star. She lectured on cinema and translated films from French. And in the group Sergei Solovyov It turned out because I decided to watch how a “live” movie is made. This meeting was accidental - they were from different worlds. Natalia was five years older and was more than skeptical about rock music. Moreover, she was married and had a growing son.

Sergei Bugaev, aka Africa, who played Bananan in “Assa,” claimed that a romance broke out between them while filming in Yalta. They, they say, were already there walking along the beach and “wandering through the bushes.”

Africa is a famous dreamer. In that winter Yalta it was snowing; of course, no one walked either on the beach or in the bushes. It’s hard to say when exactly the romance began; Tsoi and Natalia were for a long time to "you". After Yalta they went their separate ways different cities and finally moved in together only in June 1987, when Victor, without warning, came to her in the Baltic village. For a long time I could not find the right house and knocked on the window in the dead of night. Since then they have not parted. ( Natalia had already separated from her husband, scientist Lisovsky, by that time; he later emigrated.- M.P.) It’s interesting that, unlike Razlogova, her seven-year-old son Zhenya knew and loved the Kino group. It was during that period of time that he listened to a cassette tape, where “Aquarium” was recorded on one side, and Tsoi on the other. You can imagine how the boy felt when he saw his idol in front of him.

Sasha, son of TsOYA, is also successful with the ladies

FOR REFERENCE: It was to Natalia and Zhenya that Victor returned after fishing on that fateful day of August 15, 1990. According to the official version, he fell asleep at the wheel from fatigue. At 12.28, his dark blue Moskvich-2141 collided with an Ikarus-280 regular bus at a speed of at least 130 km/h. The driver was not injured; 28-year-old Tsoi died on the spot.

- After the tragedy, Maryana and Natalia had no conflicts? Regarding inheritance for example?

Of course not. Both always behaved very dignified. Tsoi did not hide his new relationship from Maryana, he was always extremely honest. And he introduced them when Natalia was in St. Petersburg. Razlogova never claimed the status of an official widow, much less Victor’s property. By the way, the first person she called when she learned about the misfortune was Maryana. And she immediately rushed to Latvia, taking upon herself all the hassle of paperwork and funeral arrangements.

In his youth, the musician painted posters with portraits of Jim MORRISON, The Beatles, and Jimi HENDRIX and sold them. Now he himself has been painted on walls for 27 years and messages are written to Victor on Old Arbat. Photo by Vladimir VELENGURIN/Komsomolskaya Pravda

Got closer during a fight

Many fans were outraged when Razlogova, shortly after Tsoi’s death, married journalist Yevgeny Dodolev. Some girls, Victor's fans, even cried when they learned about such a “betrayal.”

Apparently, fans believed that Natalia should have buried herself alive, like the widow of an Indian rajah. Why on earth? She was not yet 35 years old... Moreover, all decency was observed - the wedding took place a year later.

- Did they meet Evgeniy before or after Tsoi’s death?

He is with her before, and she is with him after...

- How is that?!

In the winter of 1987, in the apartment of Kostya Kinchev there was a party where Dodolev was there. Tsoi arrived with Natalia, who did not know anyone and, apparently, did not want to know. She almost immediately went into the next room, where she immediately fell asleep on the sofa. Choi woke her up only when he was about to leave. Everyone remembered the bright girl, including Dodolev, but she couldn’t see anyone. Natalia and Evgeniy came face to face after Victor’s death: at the presentation of the “Black Album” he introduced them to each other Yuri Aizenshpis- Dodolev was the host of the event.

After the official part there was a drinking party where they got into a fight Yuri Shevchuk And Nikolay Rastorguev. The latter raised a toast in memory of Tsoi, and Shevchuk began shouting that all sorts of phonographists there do not even have the right to pronounce holy names out loud. A French journalist watched all this with fear. Francois Moreau, who came with Dodolev. “Don’t be afraid,” Dodolev told him. - This is traditional Russian fun. Here, take the knife and you will cover my back.” I joked like that. And he started screaming that he wanted to immediately get out of this crazy country. But only Razlogova, who knew perfectly well, understood him French. And it made her smile. Which gave Dodolev a reason to start a conversation with her. This is where it all started.

His time is not over yet...

Romance imaginary and real

So, apart from these two women, there was no one else in Victor’s life? But what about Natalya Naumenko, the wife of the leader of the Zoo group Mike Naumenko, who in Zhitinsky’s book spoke about her affair with young Tsoi? Scandalous famous leader“Gogol Center” Kirill Serebrennikov was even going to direct a film based on this plot!

There could be no romance by definition. All their contacts were visible. In addition, Mike was Tsoi’s friend and mentor, in which case he would have been the first to know about what happened. Witnesses of that time are unanimous: this whole story is fiction Zhitinsky, who wanted to decorate his book with a romantic plot. Tsoi was a whole person, it is difficult to make a truthful biopic about him - no dramas, quarrels, tossing, painful partings. Everything is simple and clear, which is why there is still no movie about “Kino”.

Sorry, Vitaly, but it’s hard to believe that such a bright and charismatic guy had only two women in his life. Well, this can't be!

After Maryana, as far as I know, there was only Natalia. But before... Tsoi studied at the Leningrad school at restoration workshops - SPTU No. 61, and at the same time was a guitarist in the local rock band "Rakurs", which played at discos. Long-haired boys with guitars were popular with women. And then Tsoi had a real, and not some kind of romance invented for a movie script. The girl's name was Olga, she was 16 years old, she came from Stavropol, and they met at one of the New Year's concerts of "Rakurs" at the turn of 79 and 80. It turned out that Olya was studying at the same vocational school, only a year younger. After the concerts, he and Victor wandered the streets of St. Petersburg at night until the morning, talking and kissing. Most likely, the song “Eighth-Grader” with the words: “On a deserted street, you and I are going somewhere, and I smoke, and you eat candy” - is dedicated specifically to Olya. Then Olga, alas, was expelled for poor academic performance. Who knows, maybe sleepless walks with Tsoi played a certain fatal role in this. In general, she returned home, her son was born. She named him Victor. Whether this child was Tsoi’s or not, no one knows for sure.

She is the last love of a great artist, a talented musician, a person with amazing charisma, who died in a car accident at the very peak of fame. Their chance acquaintance turned the fates of both of them upside down. For three years they were together inseparably, until a fatal tragedy put an end to their love story. We must give Natalya her due: she did not share intimate secrets and did not participate in ugly squabbles. The woman was in the shadow of the great musician, avoiding unnecessary publicity. On the day of the funeral, the artist’s parents, official wife Maryana and Natalya Razlogova stood together at the coffin.

Fateful meeting

The meeting with Tsoi, which changed a lot, took place in 1987, during filming process“Assy”, where Natalya Razlogova was in the film. Her biography is little known, except for the basic facts. She was born in Bulgaria in 1956, and after graduating from the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University, she worked as a translator and journalist. Classmates recalled that she was always distinguished by her erudition and a certain bohemian spirit. The ensuing romance between the young people continued until the singer’s death. The musician left the family, saying that he had fallen in love. He maintained a relationship with Maryana and missed his son Sasha, feeling his responsibility to them.

Lovers Viktor Tsoi and Natalya Razlogova lived in Moscow and were planning to buy an apartment. A year before his death, the singer introduced the women to each other, not realizing how painful it was for Maryana, who was explosive in character. “A keg of gunpowder,” as she said to herself. And as the opposite of her, she is a self-possessed, self-controlled, happy rival.

In 1991, Natalya married the famous journalist E. Dodolev and left for America, and many years later she returned to work on television. She has repeatedly said that she is not going to share her personal life and publish memoirs.

last love

The musician’s father said that Victor broke up with his wife without a scandal, the marriage was not officially dissolved, and after death all rights to the creative heritage passed to Maryana. Natasha's parents met at the funeral. Robert Tsoi, seeing his son’s last love, understood why he was crazy about her.

“The sophisticated Natalya Razlogova is beautiful in heart and face. And not everyone deserves such a woman,” shared in frank interview musician's father. And he added that true love He only had a son, Natasha, he dreamed of marrying her, but did not have time.

Closed book

By the way, many of Victor’s friends expressed their admiration for the interesting woman. Alexey Vishnya, a sound engineer and musician who worked with the Kino group, said that Tsoi simply could not help but fall in love with the smart and silent beauty. In his opinion, it resembled a closed book. Natalya Razlogova was a woman of a different level, which Victor did not have before.

And Joanna Stingray, the guitarist, hid that Tsoi had felt loneliness all his life and found himself only with Natasha.

Return of a Legend

The idol of millions, who attracted crowds of thousands, was a monogamous man. While building a relationship with one woman, he did not pay any attention to others. R. Nugmanov, the director of the sensational “Needle”, in which Victor played the role of Moreau, recalled that he became very domestic, and he wanted to have his own corner with Natasha. By the way, in 2010, in the film “Needle Remix,” Viktor Tsoi returned to the screen, and Natalya Razlogova provided some of her archival materials especially for this project. This is a modern vision of a previously released film. Nugmanov said that there were no doubles; in all frames there was a living Victor, “assembled” from particles of film. Tsoi's hand-drawn footage was used for the film, and Natalya approved his virtual image. The main message of the new “Needle” is to portray the musician as a real actor, and not to focus on what he was like.

Sensation for fans

A huge surprise for all fans was the release of the film “Tsoi - Cinema” on the occasion of the musician’s 50th anniversary in 2012. What exactly common-law wife Tsoi, Natalya Razlogova, who never comments on her relationship, became the narrator in this documentary story, which was a real sensation.

At that time she worked on Channel One television. Razlogova does not appear in the frame; she is filmed exclusively in the shadows. While sorting through archival records, she discovered a song that Victor sang long ago. Natasha meets with her son and the band’s musicians in St. Petersburg. The result is a recording of the found composition “Ataman”, written in the tradition of Russian songs. The voice of the young musician sounds together with the instruments of his friends, who have become twenty years older and gathered for the first time after so many years.

Embodied meaning

Critics noted the spontaneity of the film, shot with emotional intensity. The author in his work tries to open for everyone the mystical signs in the paintings and music that Tsoi wrote. And Natalia Razlogova deliberately calls this “embodied meaning.” She seems to derive a formula for the uniqueness of a person with a pronounced sense of self-worth, incompatible with the crowd. The tape does not tell anything about Victor's personal relationships.

All emphasis is placed on the reasoning of the musicians of the “Kino” group; Natalya emphasizes that only they have the right to talk about the life of the “last hero”.

Ironic and tough Natalya Razlogova clearly points out errors in the memories of Victor, noticing lies in the memoirs about him. She wants to convey her message about the extraordinary personality of an independent musician, believing that the scale of his work was underestimated by those close to him at that time. She does not share her personal experiences, believing that ethics does not allow her to answer many questions.

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