Clover in magic how to use four leaves. Four-leaf clover: the meaning of a talisman of great luck. What does the four leaf clover symbolize?

IN Ancient Russia divination by an ax or axinomancy was widespread, during which the tool was driven into a round beam and at the same time the sounds made, the position of the blade and the movement of the beam itself were interpreted.

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clover magic

Since childhood, we know that if you find a clover leaf with four petals instead of the usual three, then you can grab luck by the tail. It is not difficult to search - this plant is widespread and very unpretentious. You can meet him in almost any country in the world. Interestingly, in all corners of the planet it is customary to use clover in magic. Most often, flowers (pink and white) are used for this purpose, as well as leaves, among which unusual ones are most valued - with two, four and five petals.

Four leaf clover magic

In Europe, the magic of the four-leaf clover has long become a byword. Finding a plant with the coveted number of petals is not at all easy. Those lucky ones who succeed are guaranteed good luck, love, wealth and health.

The lovers, who wanted their union to last, had to find a four-leaf clover together and eat it. IN love magic such a plant has also been used as a love spell. But it acted gently - it helped only if sympathy was already visible on both sides. Those who are lonely were advised to put a flower in a shoe before leaving the house - after that, on the way they would certainly meet a betrothed or betrothed.

A four-leaf clover amulet allows you to maintain peace of mind and peace of mind. It is also believed that he will lead his master to the treasure if he is looking for it.

Red clover magic


Even rarer than the four-leafed, five-leaved and two-leafed flower is found. The first is considered an excellent means to attract wealth - a dried leaf is placed in a wallet and carried with them. The magic of the cinquefoil clover can also be used for more than just attracting money. If you leave it on a Sunday afternoon on a high hill, laying it on a flat stone, you can win the blessing of the gods.

double leaf

A two-leaf clover promises the imminent acquisition of a loved one or happiness in an existing relationship.

clover flowers

Pink - for the family

Clover flowers are also used in magic. So, pink flowers are the best amulet for maintaining a long and harmonious married life. They are woven into the bride's wreath or complement the bride's bouquet with them.

There is a belief that if you find a four-leaf clover, you will find happiness and good luck in everything. You just need to find it by chance, only then it will bring good luck. Is this superstition to be believed, and is it even possible to find such a clover?

What does clover symbolize

It turns out that the four-leaf clover does exist. But finding it is not so easy. Scientists have found that such an unusual clover occurs 1 time out of 10 thousand ordinary three-leaf clovers.

According to legend, a person who found this plant gained happiness and protection from dark forces. Each petal of this plant has its own meaning. The first leaf is a symbol of faith, the second is a symbol of hope, the third is a symbol of love, and the fourth, the most important, symbolizes good luck and happiness.

For the first time, the legend of the four-leaf clover arose among the Druids. For them, clover symbolized the source of the universe. Its leaves were associated with the four elements: air, fire, water and earth. According to legend, the one who found such a clover received the patronage of all four natural elements.

Now in the magic of attracting good luck, not only a four-leaf clover, but also a three-leaf clover is used. This plant is considered the patron of diseases, hardships and sorrows. It is used in rituals and conspiracies.

The image of clover is actively used in the manufacture of talismans and amulets. In money magic, the image of clover is used in rituals to attract money. It is believed that if you keep a talisman with the image of a clover in your wallet, you can attract wealth to yourself.

In magic, the clover flower itself is also used. Dried flowers of this plant protect from spoilage and the evil eye, and also give peace of mind.

Who found the four leaf clover

Despite the fact that finding a magic clover is not an easy task, there are still cases in history when people found it. Moreover, the facts are known when people found clover with more than four leaves. For example, in 2002, the Japanese Shiego Obara found an 18-leaf clover in his own garden.

World record for finding this rare plant owned by American prisoner George Kaminsky. For 25 years in prison, he was able to collect 73,000 four-leaf clovers. So with the fact that this plant is rare, you can still argue. Despite the number of plants found, Kaminsky admitted that he was not very lucky in life. Could it be that he did not properly use the power of this magical clover?

If you find a four-leaf clover, don't pluck it, don't disrespect nature. Just make a wish, and then luck will not leave you. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

26.06.2014 09:39

After the wedding celebration, many girls think about what to do with the dress. Superstition about it...

Our ancestors believed that the body can give signals indicating difficulties or portending good luck. ...

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Clover (Trifolium)

Three-leaf clover is used in magic to protect its author, as well as to give beauty and preserve youth. Beauty Recipe: Collect May dew from herbs before sunrise. Put three stalks of three-leaf clover in the collected dew and keep them until sunset, then cover the cup with dew with a piece of cloth. Wash your face with this dew the next day before sunrise. Repeat the ritual until the dew in the cup runs out.
Four-leaf clover helps to avoid mental disorders. To do this, you must always carry it with you. Put a four-leaf clover in your shoes before leaving the house - and you will find your love. Four-leaf clover helps to gain good luck, and also promises big money, gold and treasures. Two people who have eaten a four-leaf clover will light up with mutual love.

A two-leaf clover will provide a new lover.
Five leaf clover attracts money.
White clover resists damage and the evil eye.
Clover, wrapped in blue silk and hidden near the heart, helps to cope with the pangs of failed love.
Each clover leaf has its own meaning: 1 - fame, 2 - wealth, 3 - love, 4 - health. Therefore, whoever finds a four-leaf clover will get all of this.
Snakes never live where clover grows.

Collection and preparation. Clover is harvested during flowering, on the full moon, then laid out on fabrics and quickly dried to preserve all the beneficial substances.

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CLOVER - saving from failures

In the people, clover is called honey three-leaf grass. This is a very symbolic name, because this plant really symbolizes the divine triad, the triple aspect of life: body, soul and spirit.

The magical properties of clover cleanse from the spell and remove the spell already cast on failure, save from loneliness and lack of money, preserve youth and beauty.

Purification ritual

It is necessary to carry out the ritual on the new moon, long before sunrise. Step out into a clover field or meadow, strip naked, and bathe in the dew. To do this, simply lie down in the grass and turn three times to the right, and then four times to the left. Getting up from the grass, do not dry yourself. Just air dry and then you can get dressed. You must be back home before sunrise. And so for three days in a row. These days you can not accept any gifts, even from loved ones. It is forbidden to eat meat, dairy products and eggs. Well, it is best to drink only spring water. In general, communication with people during this period is best kept to a minimum.

On the growing moon in the morning, collect clover and bring it home. Distribute throughout the house. There are no specific places for laying - the more, the better. Put clover on cabinets and bookshelves, tables and hangers, you can put clover on the floor. Just try not to trample. After ten days, collect the spread out clover and take it to the field where it was collected. Scatter around with the sunset.

Amulet for good luck

Who among us doesn't need luck? I think that there are very few people who would say - no need! So, luck is quite possible to attract. To do this, it is enough to have a very simple amulet with you. Find a four-leaf clover, pick a leaf and dry it. Carry a dried leaf with you and luck will surely smile at you.

Amulet from conscription

The desire to "slope" from the army was not born today. However, today's year of service is nothing compared to 25 years of service in the army of Peter's time. Still, you can try - it's better than giving a bribe and breaking the law.

Find and collect a four-leaf clover in the morning. Climb to the nearest hill and wait for sunrise. As soon as the first rays of the sun fall, start throwing one sprout of clover - first to the north, then to the south, to the east, then to the west. At the same time, call on the power of all four elements for protection.

In principle, this amulet helps in any other business, so you can ask for personal protection and success in any business.

After the end of the ritual, pick another clover leaf. Carry it with you all the time afterwards - this is the link between you and the four forces of nature. You can put the stem in a book, preferably corresponding to the request. If you turned to the forces of the elements with a request for children, then put a piece of paper in a book about raising children, if you asked for health, you can put it in an herbalist. It is best to store a book with a leaflet in the headboard.

The earth needs to leave something as payment for the plucked plant. But this is no longer regulated in any way - everything is at your discretion.

For the desired marriage

Today, when the institution of marriage is bursting at the seams, Magic power clover may no longer be relevant, but millions of Russian women still dream of marriage. It turns out that to fulfill this desire, it is quite enough to find a clover with four leaves. Such a clover, of course, does not grow everywhere, but it is quite possible to find such a plant. Those who find it are not left without suitors. Proven by life.

Recipes for eternal youth

Cosmetology of the twenty-first century does wonders. True, these miracles can be used mainly by wealthy people. So, with the help of clover, many rejuvenation potions are prepared.

Rubbed into the eyes, a mixture of clover and whiskey cures blindness caused by fairies. Moreover, the returned visual acuity will allow you to penetrate into the other world.

There are other recommendations left to us from grandmothers. At dawn, when all the household members are still sleeping, and all your neighbors are still watching their tenth dreams, go out into the clearing and collect dew from the plants. Drain into a small vessel, you can even into a bottle of perfume or some kind of medicine. Put three sprigs of clover in it for the whole day. Wash your face with this water before going to bed. And that's it - wrinkles no longer threaten you!

Healer Recipes

Tincture for multiple sclerosis

Take three teaspoons of clover seeds or flowers and steam them for sixty minutes in one glass of boiled water.

In the same cases, you can simply swallow clover seeds in the amount of one teaspoon three times a day. Drink enough of them big amount water. Reception of seeds in their original form is recommended between meals.

Tincture for colds

Pour 2 cups of dried clover seeds with one liter of boiled water and leave to infuse.

Take this tincture should be three times a day.

Clover tea for blood purification

4-6 dry heads (inflorescences) pour 1/4 liter of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Strain and add honey to taste.
For blood purification, 2-3 cups of tea per day for a month are recommended.

Bath for chronic rheumatism

5 tablespoons of chopped dry grass pour 1 liter of boiling water. Let it brew for 2 hours and strain.
Pour the infusion into a bath of water heated to body temperature.
The bath is recommended to be taken at night.
The course of treatment - 15 baths.

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I am a quiet, modest girl. Offend, quietly bury, modestly celebrate.


The quatrefoil serves as a talisman against mental disorder. Clover of the usual three-leaf form is used as an amulet of youth. Also, the shamrock is considered a talisman that brings good luck. A cross with clover leaves is known, referred to in heraldry as the "bottoni cross". Clover with five petals portends misfortune. In Chinese semiotics, clover is a sign of Spring.
The three-leaf clover (shamrock) is an obvious symbol of the Trinity. Used to ward off black witches and evil spirits, it is a protection against the evil eye and black magic.
Associations with the Trinity arise on the basis of the three-leaf clover form. The rarely seen four-leaf clover is a memory of a lost paradise.

Clever elves came up with a magic ointment. She has the ability to break spell power, as does the four leaf clover. It was said that this ointment itself is made from the shoots of a four-leaf clover.

If you find a five-leaf clover leaf, let it grow; and if you find one on the eve of the day summer solstice, bring it as a gift to the gods! And so be it .. finally I will read you one spell ..

One petal for fame, one petal for wealth
one petal for love and one for health.

And in Germany, on the first days of the new year, it is customary to give each other flower pots with a clover-like plant, but with four, instead of three, leaves. There is a sign that someone who finds a four-leaf clover will certainly have some kind of utter happiness. But it is not so. Previously, peasant children - and bored young ladies - looked for such a "lucky clover" in the meadows and glades in the summer, and now they simply sell it in stores for some pfennigs ..

Most of it magical properties the strongest on the moonlit night, the days of the solstice and equinox, especially on the night of Ivan Kupala from July 6 to 7. Our ancestors believed that clover carries the great power of love, happiness, beauty and youth. His leaves were collected, dried and then always carried with him in a clean patch or - later - in a handkerchief. And a good assistant averted troubles, evil eye, damage, love spells - kept the happiness of the person who bowed and plucked it.

Clover is one of the nine herbs of the Midsummer bonfire. Like the foliage of St. John's wort or rue pods, it is a symbol of a circle divided into four parts - the solar wheel. It is known that some Brahmins see this as a symbol of the four main cultural centers located around the "roof of the world", that is, India itself - in the south, the Greek-European Mediterranean - in the west, the regions subject to the Tatar-Mongols - in the north and China - in the east. Other states, crowning the main ones, are numerous and insignificant, because they are all under the influence of the four main cultures. By the way, the Hutsuls - Carpathian Slavs - see the symbol of peace in a four-leaf clover.

Clover cleanses and removes the spell cast on failure, loneliness, lack of money. To get rid of the spell, you need to perform a cleansing ritual, which is performed on the new moon. Early in the morning, before sunrise, you need to go to the clover field, undress and bathe in the dew. It is necessary to wash the face and the whole body. It is necessary to lie down on the grass and turn 3 times to the right, and then 4 times to the left. Getting up, it is necessary to dry in the air, without wiping. Then get dressed and be sure to return home before sunrise. So it is necessary to do three mornings in a row. These days you can not take anything from people (even from relatives). You can not eat meat and dairy products, eggs. It is best to drink pure spring water at this time. Minimize contact with people. After that, on the growing moon, it is necessary to collect clover early in the morning, take it home and spread it all over the house. Clover can be laid out both on the floor and on other surfaces - cabinets, tables, shelves. After 10 days, the clover must be collected, taken out and scattered in the field. This should be done at sunset.

In order for you to be lucky in all your endeavors, it is enough to find a four-leaf clover, dry it and carry it with you.
Amulets are also common, which allow you to avoid being drafted into the army. Here is how the process of creating such an amulet is described:
Gather a four leaf clover in the morning and then climb to the nearest high ground. At sunrise, throw one clover sprout, first to the north, and then to other parts of the world, while calling on the power of all four elements for your own protection, to prevent a call to service, or to achieve some other goal. Then, after the end of the ritual, pick another clover leaf (remember that the Earth must be given something in return as payment for the plucked plant) and keep it for yourself as a link to the four basic elements of nature.

Girls of marriageable age were looking for a clover with four leaves - a symbol of triplicity, transformed into Perfection. Those who were lucky enough to find them did not sit without suitors: their success with representatives of the opposite sex increased many times over.

With the help of clover, half of the potions of rejuvenation are prepared, and a mixture of clover and whiskey, rubbed into the eyes, cured the blindness sent by the fairies and allowed them to see otherworldly objects and magical islands. The shamrock healed wounds received in battle, protected from the bites of snakes and scorpions, wrapped in a piece of blue silk and kept at the heart, the shamrock returned lost love. And our great-grandmothers did the following procedure with clover: at dawn, when everyone was sleeping, they went out to the clearing and collected dew from it. They poured it into a small vessel, and then put three branches of clover there for the whole day. And at night they washed themselves with this water, which served them as a wrinkle cream.

Recorded by

I am a quiet, modest girl. Offend, quietly bury, modestly celebrate.

red clover

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Botanical characteristics of clover

Clover is a perennial plant with well-branched ascending stems. Clover stalk is pubescent, growing up to 50-60 cm in height. clover leaves oval shape. The flowering stems of the plant, which have trifoliate leaves, emerge from the axils of the basal leaves. Trifoliate leaves have a peculiarity: they fold by night and open only in the morning. Clover flowers are pink or red, they are collected in inflorescences - heads. The fruit of clover is an egg-shaped bean with one seed inside. Clover flowering begins in May and lasts until September. The fruits ripen at the end of summer. Clover prefers to grow among bushes, meadows and clearings in forests.

Clover cultivation

Clover propagates by seed, however, for these purposes, purchased seeds will bring a greater effect. You need to sow the seeds in a place that has already been cleared of weeds and dug up. If the seeds were sown in early spring, then after 7-10 days shoots will appear. Clover needs very little time for the formation of the root system and the development of stems with leaves. Until the second year of vegetation, foliage should be poured onto the soil, thereby protecting the clover from weeds.

Clover is not a whimsical plant, so it is not difficult to grow it. It needs to be regularly watered and organic nitrogen fertilizers applied. Since clover can grow very quickly, thinning the plant periodically needs to be done.

Useful properties of clover

Clover leaves and heads contain vitamins of various groups, as well as carotene, minerals and salicylic acid. Clover grass contains flavonoids that improve fat metabolism in the treatment of atherosclerosis. The plant's herb reduces cholesterol levels. Clover gives the body the opportunity to cope with oxygen starvation, increases immunity, ionizes radiation and poisoning. Clover heads contain analogues of female sex hormones - phytoestrogens.

Clover tea promotes the formation of milk, so lactating women drink it. Due to the content of salicylic acid in the plant, it is used for sore throats, colds, and lung diseases. Clover has an anti-inflammatory effect, for this reason it is used for skin diseases and rheumatism.

Application of clover

Clover has been used for a long time traditional medicine in the form of infusions, teas and decoctions. Decoctions of the plant help with exhaustion of the body, anemia, and they are also used as a diaphoretic or diuretic. A decoction of clover roots is recommended for hernia, tumors and inflammation of the appendages. A decoction is prepared from the leaves and flowers of the plant, which is used for headaches, rickets, asthenia, anemia and shortness of breath, in addition, it is an anticarcinogenic agent. Clover is used for pulmonary tuberculosis, hemorrhoids, bleeding and heavy menstruation.

Clover-based preparations are used not only inside, but also externally: for example, an infusion or decoction of clover flowers and roots can be used as a rinse for gingivitis, sore throat and sore throat and oral cavity. Lotions can be made from clover infusions and used for eye diseases and abscesses.

Clover tea for lactation. It is very easy to cook it. To do this, take 10 grams of clover heads and the same amount of dry St. John's wort. Add 20 grams of currant to this mixture and brew this collection with boiling water.

Clover tea for blood purification. To prepare it, you need to pour 5 clover inflorescences (dry) with 250 ml of boiling water, leave to brew for a quarter of an hour and strain. Next, add a teaspoon of honey and take 2 cups a day for one to two months.

Decoction of clover roots. Take 10 grams of crushed plant roots and fill them with 100 ml of boiling water. Putting on fire, hold in a water bath for half an hour. After removing from the water bath, filter the composition and bring to the original volume with boiling water. It is necessary to take such a decoction before meals no more than 5 times a day in the presence of inflammation of the ovaries or tumors.

Clover infusion for headaches, anemia and atherosclerosis. Take 1 tablespoon of powder from the leaves of the plant and pour a glass of boiling water. After leaving for 40 minutes to brew, take 2 tablespoons three times a day before meals.

Contraindications to the use of clover

People with diarrhea, stomach pain, heart disease should not take drugs from this medicinal plant. Pregnant women should also not consume clover tea. Also, doctors do not recommend being treated with this plant for people who suffer from an estrogen-dependent form of cancer.

Clover (Trifolium)

General information
Family: Legumes Fabaceae (Leguminosae).
Botanical name: Trifolium
Pharmacy: red clover flowers - Trifolii pratensis flos (formerly: Flores Trifolii pratensis).
Generic name: Trifolium
Folk names: honey stem, Ocinum, Asphaltion, redhead, red porridge, woodpecker, honey flower, meadow trefoil, trinity.
Planet: - Mercury, under the other - contains the forces of the Moon and Venus
Zodiac sign: -
Element: - all four elements (according to K. - air)
Deities: - Rowan
The language of flowers: - good luck
Main properties: - protection, money, love

perennial herbaceous plant from the legume family, up to 50 cm high, with a taproot strongly branched root. Stems erect, slightly pubescent. The leaves are long-petiolate, with wide triangular stipules, compound, trifoliate, with elliptical green leaves with white spots. Many shoots grow from a short rhizome, but only a part of them form inflorescences. The flowers are dark red, small, collected at the ends of the stems in spherical heads. The fruits are small ovoid one-seeded beans. Blooms in July - August
Clover white or creeping (Trifolium repens L.)
A low growing plant with a highly branched root system. The main stem is shortened, 1-4 cm long, the leaves are trifoliate, with obovate leaflets 1-2 cm long. Photophilous, does not tolerate shading, suffers in thickened crops

Red clover, or meadow clover (Trifolium pratense L.) A perennial plant with a fast-growing tap root system. aboveground shoots erect or slightly curved, ascending, up to 40 cm high. Leaves trifoliate with ovate leaflets, pubescent below

The most useful red K. (T. pratense), growing. throughout Europe and Siberia, a good fodder plant, the culture of which dates back to XVI century; other European species: Swedish K. (T. hybridum), K. white creeping (T. repens), blood-red K. (T. incarnatum), etc. -
Places of growth:
Red clover is distributed in the southeastern and southwestern zones of Russia, in Siberia, Central Asia and on Far East. It grows along the banks of rivers, forest edges, along roads, in meadows and mountain meadow slopes, along the outskirts of fields. Cultivated as a valuable fodder plant.
Parts used: Medicinal raw materials are inflorescences with apical leaves.

Collection and preparation:
Inflorescences are collected during flowering, loosely placed in baskets, and quickly dried in the shade, under a canopy or in a dryer at a temperature of 60 ... 70 ° C, making sure that the raw material does not dry out, as it loses its value. Store in a closed container for 1 year.
For magical purposes:
On the first phase of the moon after sunrise by dew.

The medicine:
Abu Ali Ibn-Sina used fresh grass juice as a wound healing remedy for scrofula, a decoction of the herb as a diuretic for kidney diseases. In Central Asia, a decoction of the herb is also used as an astringent for poor digestion, malaria, and colds. The antifungal substance trifolysin was isolated from the roots.

The plant has a hemostatic, expectorant, astringent, diuretic and antiseptic effect. NG Kovaleva obtained good results in the treatment of patients with atherosclerosis with normal blood pressure with clover preparations.

Clover (leafy tops collected during the flowering period) is used for atherosclerosis with normal blood pressure accompanied by headaches and tinnitus.

Active substances: The aerial part of clover contains carbohydrates, steroids, saponins, vitamins C, B, E and K, carotene, phenolcarboxylic acids, coumarins, fatty oil, tannins, flavonoids, quinones, essential oil, higher fatty acids (oleic, linolenic, palmitic, etc.), trace elements and cyanogenic compounds.

In folk medicine, decoctions and vodka tinctures of inflorescences have long been used for bronchitis, coughs, pulmonary tuberculosis, whooping cough (as an expectorant), anemia, angina pectoris, poor appetite, tinnitus, painful menstruation and as a diuretic for edema of cardiac and renal origin. It is believed that clover is good for headaches and dizziness.

The quatrefoil serves as a talisman against mental disorder. Clover of the usual three-leaf form is used as an amulet of youth. Also, the shamrock is considered a talisman that brings good luck. A cross with clover leaves is known, referred to in heraldry as the "bottoni cross". Clover with five petals portends misfortune. In Chinese semiotics, clover is a sign of Spring.
The three-leaf clover (shamrock) is an obvious symbol of the Trinity. Used to ward off black witches and evil spirits, it is a protection against the evil eye and black magic.
Associations with the Trinity arise on the basis of the three-leaf clover form. The rarely seen four-leaf clover is a memory of a lost paradise.

Clever elves came up with a magic ointment. She has the ability to break spell power, as does the four leaf clover. It was said that this ointment itself is made from the shoots of a four-leaf clover.

If you find a five-leaf clover leaf, let it grow; and if you find one on the eve of the summer solstice, bring it as a gift to the gods! And so be it .. finally I will read you one spell ..

One petal for fame, one petal for wealth
one petal for love and one for health.

And in Germany, on the first days of the new year, it is customary to give each other flower pots with a clover-like plant, but with four, instead of three, leaves. There is a sign that someone who finds a four-leaf clover will certainly have some kind of utter happiness. But it is not so. Previously, peasant children and bored young ladies used to look for such a "lucky clover" in the meadows and glades in the summer, and now they simply sell it in stores for some pfennigs ..

Its most magical properties are most powerful on a moonlit night, the days of the solstice and equinox, especially on the night of Ivan Kupala from July 6 to 7. Our ancestors believed that clover carries the great power of love, happiness, beauty and youth. His leaves were collected, dried and then always carried with him in a clean patch or - later - in a handkerchief. And a good assistant averted troubles, evil eye, damage, love spells - kept the happiness of the person who bowed and plucked it.

Clover is one of the nine herbs of the Midsummer bonfire. Like St. John's wort leaves or rue pods, it is a symbol of a circle divided into four parts - the solar wheel. It is known that some Brahmins see this as a symbol of the four main cultural centers located around the "roof of the world", that is, India itself - in the south, the Greek-European Mediterranean - in the west, the regions subject to the Tatar-Mongols - in the north and China - in the east. Other states, crowning the main ones, are numerous and insignificant, because they are all under the influence of the four main cultures. By the way, the Hutsuls - Carpathian Slavs - see the symbol of peace in a four-leaf clover.

Clover cleanses and removes the spell cast on failure, loneliness, lack of money. To get rid of the spell, you need to perform a cleansing ritual, which is performed on the new moon. Early in the morning, before sunrise, you need to go to the clover field, undress and bathe in the dew. It is necessary to wash the face and the whole body. It is necessary to lie down on the grass and turn 3 times to the right, and then 4 times to the left. Getting up, it is necessary to dry in the air, without wiping. Then get dressed and be sure to return home before sunrise. So it is necessary to do three mornings in a row. These days you can not take anything from people (even from relatives). You can not eat meat and dairy products, eggs. It is best to drink pure spring water at this time. Minimize contact with people. After that, on the growing moon, it is necessary to collect clover early in the morning, take it home and spread it all over the house. Clover can be laid out both on the floor and on other surfaces - cabinets, tables, shelves. After 10 days, the clover must be collected, taken out and scattered in the field. This should be done at sunset.

In order for you to be lucky in all your endeavors, it is enough to find a four-leaf clover, dry it and carry it with you.

Amulets are also common, which allow you to avoid being drafted into the army. Here is how the process of creating such an amulet is described:
Gather a four leaf clover in the morning and then climb to the nearest high ground. At sunrise, throw one clover sprout, first to the north, and then to other parts of the world, while calling on the power of all four elements for your own protection, to prevent a call to service, or to achieve some other goal. Then, after the end of the ritual, pick another clover leaf (remember that the Earth must be given something in return as payment for the plucked plant) and keep it for yourself as a link to the four basic elements of nature.

Girls of marriageable age were looking for a four-leaf clover - a symbol of triplicity, transformed into Perfection. Those who were lucky enough to find them did not sit without suitors: their success with representatives of the opposite sex increased many times over.

With the help of clover, half of the potions of rejuvenation are prepared, and a mixture of clover and whiskey, rubbed into the eyes, cured the blindness sent by the fairies and allowed them to see otherworldly objects and magical islands. The shamrock healed wounds received in battle, protected from the bites of snakes and scorpions, wrapped in a piece of blue silk and kept at the heart, the shamrock returned lost love. And our great-grandmothers did the following procedure with clover: at dawn, when everyone was sleeping, they went out to the clearing and collected dew from it. They poured it into a small vessel, and then put three branches of clover there for the whole day. And at night they washed themselves with this water, which served them as a wrinkle cream.

Myths and legends:
Legend tells that Saint Patrick used three leaves on one stem to explain the concept of the Holy Trinity - the leaves depicted God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

Therefore, clover (Trifolium dubium), or shamrock, has become a symbol of Ireland. On St. Patrick's Day, you should drink at least a glass of alcohol in some Irish bar. There is a so-called "Patrick's Cup" - a unit of whiskey that was drunk on St. Patrick's Day. Tradition instructs to put a leaf of "shamrock" (sour) in a glass before drinking a glass of whiskey. Since then, the people say "Drain the Shamrock" ("Drowning the shamrock").

But clover Trifolium dubium is not unique to Ireland, nor is a strong stout, red hair or rain. Dr. Charles Nelson, a leading Irish botanist, said: “The Irish clover only exists on St. Patrick's Day. On all other days it is just a young clover. Two myths are associated with this variety of clover: they say that it grows only in Ireland and never blooms. But it is found in a wide variety of places, from Tasmania to North America And South Africa. It is likely that it grows under my door.

In a study conducted by the National botanical garden in Dublin, the clover worn on St. Patrick's Day is not one, but four varieties of the plant. Approximately 46% are chasing Trifolium dubium, which does not have the white spots on its leaves that are characteristic of clover. Another 35% wear white clover, Trifolium repens.

It is important that both species are lush greens in early spring. The other two varieties are red clover Trifolium pratense and black porridge Medicago lupulina.

The obscurity of the Irish clover's special status in botany may be due to an Elizabethan scholar, an Englishman with little understanding of the Irish language. John Gerard, who described the plants of Ireland in " General History plants" in 1596, reported on the shamrock, which he found in abundance: "There are different types, the first of which is the meadow shamrock, which in Irish is called Shamrockes. In fact, Gerard did not catch the word, consisting of two: seamair - "clover" and og - "young."

Even the legend of Ireland's patron Saint Patrick seems to have been turned into a propaganda tool. catholic church XVIII century, which adopted the veneration of clover from the Celtic Druids, who considered the four-leaf clover a talisman of good luck.

Legend tells that Saint Patrick used three leaves on one stem to explain the concept of the Holy Trinity - the leaves depicted God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. But there is no evidence of this story in modern documents.

The first mention of the connection between the baptist and clover is found in early XVIII century in the diary of itinerant Protestant Caleb Threlkeld. He wrote: “This plant (white clover) is worn by people on their hats every year on March 17th, the day they call St. Patrick's Day. They say that with the help of the shamrock he explained the mystery of the Holy Trinity.

Indeed, there is some ambiguity about clover in a country that claims to own it. national flower drawn on the jerseys of the Irish football and rugby teams, on the tails of Aer Lingus aircraft, on the stationery of the Irish Tourist Board. But official symbol Ireland - 12-string harp.

The only country where clover is the national symbol is caribbean island Montserrat, originally formed as an Irish Catholic colony, where the passport is stamped in the shape of a shamrock.

(This study was first published on the pages of the newspaper

To prepare a decoction, a teaspoon of inflorescences is poured into a glass hot water, boil for 5 minutes, filter and drink a tablespoon 4-5 times a day. For tincture, take 50 g of inflorescences per 1/2 liter of vodka. Insist 10 days and drink a teaspoon before meals for 3 months with breaks for 10 days every month.

Infusion to improve appetite:
Take 2 tbsp. spoons of inflorescences of meadow clover (red) with a top (50 g) per 0.5 l of vodka. Insist 10 days. Take 1 teaspoon. spoon before meals for 3 months with breaks of 10 days every month

Infusion of inflorescences is washed with inflamed eyes and used as a lotion for wounds, tumors, scrofula, burns.

Salads are prepared from young clover leaves, and the inflorescence is suitable for making tea.

Clover tea: 4-6 dry heads (inflorescences) pour 1/4 liter of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes; sweeten with honey after straining. For blood purification, 2-3 cups of tea per day are recommended for 4-6 weeks.

Common name: shamrock, honey stem, three-leaf grass
Aura: warm
Planet: Mercury
Element: all four elements
Parts of the plant used: above ground part of the plant
Main properties: protection
All over the world, people believe that the Four Leaf Clover is a symbol of incredible good luck. The magical properties that Mother Nature herself endowed this plant with have been known since the Middle Ages. Previously, this knowledge was available only to the elite, it was kept in strict secrecy under seven locks, and passed from mouth to mouth only to the initiated ...
On any road, in the field, in the forest, you can always find this plant. There are several varieties of clover, the flowers of the plant are red and white, pink are less common. Clover meadows are a paradise for bees. But we are interested in a little something else in this plant. Here's what you can read about the plant by looking at various sources: Clover leaf - shamrock - symbolizes the divine triad, the triple aspect of the life of the body, soul and spirit. Common name for clover: shamrock, honey stem, three-leaf grass. His aura is warm, considered a plant of Mercury. Belongs to all four elements at the same time.
In Medicine and witchcraft, the ground part of the plant is most often used. Main properties: protection from troubles of a different nature and attracting good luck in search of your happiness.
On St. Patrick's Day - March 17 - you must definitely find a four-leaf clover leaf. It always brings good luck, but on St. Patrick's Day it doubles!
There is a sign that someone who finds a four-leaf clover will certainly have some kind of utter happiness.
From time immemorial, dried clover leaves were carried with them as a talisman by knowledgeable people. Today we live in a time when you can talk about everything, and secret knowledge is no exception! And all more life proves to us the veracity of the information so carefully stored by our ancestors! And most importantly, there is more and more real evidence that clover is a legendary flower, which is really a very strong plant - an amulet both to protect the house and to bring prosperity to its owner. This is one of the few plants that is worn both by itself and in the form of its image.
Many large companies use the image of a three or four leaf clover in their logos ...
Clover of the usual three-leaf form is considered a talisman that brings good luck, it is an obvious symbol of the Trinity and it carries the great power of endless luck, growth, prosperity. Associations with the Trinity arise on the basis of the three-leaf clover form. The rarely seen four-leaf clover is a memory of a lost paradise.
It has been verified that clover cleanses and removes spells cast on failure, loneliness, lack of money. A person who has a shamrock or quatrefoil with him becomes a magnet for luck. He is always happy and successful. Moreover, this lucky man himself brings good luck to everyone who is friends with him.
It has been noticed that those who carry a shamrock with them, in difficult situation help always comes. ancient legend reads: "One petal for fame, one for wealth, one for love and one for health!" "
The elves invented a magic ointment. She has the ability to break spell power, as does the four leaf clover. It was said that this ointment itself is made from the shoots of a four-leaf clover.
If you find a five-leaf clover leaf, let it grow; and if you find one on the eve of the summer solstice, bring it as a gift to the gods!
The quatrefoil serves as a talisman against mental disorder. Clover of the usual three-leaf form is used as an amulet of youth. A cross with clover leaves is known, referred to in heraldry as the "bottoni cross". Clover with five petals portends misfortune. In Chinese semiotics, clover is a sign of Spring.
And in Germany, on the first days of the new year, it is customary to give each other flower pots with a clover-like plant, but with four, instead of three, leaves. There is a sign that someone who finds a four-leaf clover will certainly have some kind of utter happiness. But it is not so. Previously, peasant children - and bored young ladies - looked for such a "lucky clover" in the meadows and glades in the summer, but now they simply sell it in stores.
Its most magical properties are most powerful on a moonlit night, on the days of the solstice and equinox, especially on the night of Ivan Kupala. Our ancestors believed that clover carries the great power of love, happiness, beauty and youth. His leaves were collected, dried and then always carried with him in a clean patch or - later - in a handkerchief. And a good assistant averted troubles, evil eye, damage, love spells - kept the happiness of the person who bowed and plucked it.
Clover is one of the nine herbs of the Midsummer bonfire. Like the foliage of St. John's wort or rue pods, it is a symbol of a circle divided into four parts - the solar wheel. It is known that some Brahmins see this as a symbol of the four main cultural centers located around the "roof of the world", that is, India itself - in the south, the Greek-European Mediterranean - in the west, the regions subject to the Tatar-Mongols - in the north and China - in the east. Other states, crowning the main ones, are numerous and insignificant, because they are all under the influence of the four main cultures. By the way, the Hutsuls - Carpathian Slavs - see the symbol of peace in a four-leaf clover.
Clover cleanses and removes the spell cast on failure, loneliness, lack of money. To get rid of the spell, you need to perform a cleansing ritual, which is performed on the new moon. Early in the morning, before sunrise, you need to go to the clover field, undress and bathe in the dew. It is necessary to wash the face and the whole body. It is necessary to lie down on the grass and turn 3 times to the right, and then 4 times to the left. Getting up, it is necessary to dry in the air, without wiping. Then get dressed and be sure to return home before sunrise. So it is necessary to do three mornings in a row. These days you can not take anything from people (even from relatives). You can not eat meat and dairy products, eggs. It is best to drink pure spring water at this time. Minimize contact with people. After that, on the growing moon, it is necessary to collect clover early in the morning, take it home and spread it all over the house. Clover can be laid out both on the floor and on other surfaces - cabinets, tables, shelves. After 10 days, the clover must be collected, taken out and scattered in the field. This should be done at sunset.
In order for you to be lucky in all your endeavors, it is enough to find a four-leaf clover, dry it and carry it with you.
Amulets are also common, which allow you to avoid being drafted into the army. Here is how the process of creating such an amulet is described:
Gather a four leaf clover in the morning and then climb to the nearest high ground. At sunrise, throw one clover sprout, first to the north, and then to other parts of the world, while calling on the power of all four elements for your own protection, to prevent a call to service, or to achieve some other goal. Then, after the end of the ritual, pick another clover leaf (remember that the Earth must be given something in return as payment for the plucked plant) and keep it for yourself as a link to the four basic elements of nature.
Girls of marriageable age were looking for a clover with four leaves - a symbol of triplicity, transformed into Perfection. Those who were lucky enough to find them did not sit without suitors: their success with representatives of the opposite sex increased many times over.
With the help of clover, half of the potions of rejuvenation are prepared, and a mixture of clover and whiskey, rubbed into the eyes, cured the blindness sent by the fairies and allowed them to see otherworldly objects and magical islands. The shamrock healed wounds received in battle, protected from the bites of snakes and scorpions, wrapped in a piece of blue silk and kept at the heart, the shamrock returned lost love. And our great-grandmothers did the following procedure with clover: at dawn, when everyone was sleeping, they went out to the clearing and collected dew from it. They poured it into a small vessel, and then put three branches of clover there for the whole day. And at night they washed themselves with this water, which served them as a wrinkle cream.
The superstition associated with the luck of the quatrefoil is so old that no one can say exactly how or where it originated. There is one myth that says that when Eve was expelled from paradise, she took a quatrefoil with her. Since clover was a plant from the Garden of Eden, it came to be considered a sign of good luck if found in one's garden.
Belief in the luck of the four-leaf clover still exists, therefore, in the modern subculture, many pendants, amulets and various images of the four-leaf clover are made. Myths say that the one who finds such a clover should place it in a wallet, then money and good luck will always accompany this person.
The ideal completeness of the shape of the shamrock, expressing the magical properties of the triple, largely predetermined the mystical symbolism of clover. In a number of ancient traditions, the shamrock symbolized the most important triads: unity, harmony and perfection; earth, sky and the underworld; past, present and future.
In the religion of the ancient Celts, exceptional magical powers were attributed to clover leaves. The Druids, who saw in the shamrock an emblem of fertility, abundance and rebirth, scattered the ashes of clover over arable land during the spring festival. A rare four-leaf clover variety symbolized the four natural elements in pagan culture: earth, air, fire and water.
The Egyptians, Indians, Indians, Celts and Slavs saw in the trefoil a talisman of good luck and a reliable amulet that protects a person from the machinations of evil spirits and intrigues. evil spirits. Our ancestors depicted the magic emblem of the shamrock on the gates and on the walls of their dwellings, the American Indians painted it on the rocks, the Egyptians put a magic sign on mirror surface, and the Indians embroidered a shamrock on clothes and scarves. The Celts, on the other hand, assured that a four-leaf clover was able not only to protect its owner from witchcraft spells, but also to provide him with the opportunity to look into Magic world elves and fairies.
In the Christian tradition, the shamrock was associated, of course, with the Divine Trinity.
In ancient Egyptian iconography, a shamrock on a triangular or cruciform leg is an attribute of Anubis, the god underworld with the head of a jackal who accompanied the souls of the dead to the Kingdom of the Dead. A special type of trefoil (altar) cross is also known in Christian iconography.
In heraldry, the classical French form of the shamrock (club) represents equilateral triangle, formed by three circles closely adjacent to each other (one above two), based on a short thick leg. Such a heraldic shamrock, well known to everyone by the corresponding suit playing cards, can be dyed black, white or natural green.
German heraldry is characterized by the so-called "rue crown" - a ribbon on which numerous black or green shamrock emblems are applied at certain intervals. The heraldic ornament of the “rut crown” can be observed in our time in the coat of arms of the German Principality of Liechtenstein.
Until recently, the emblem of the BSSR (Soviet Belarus) flaunted five round flowers of natural clover, Pink colour folded in the shape of a pentagon.
In Russian heraldry, the shamrock (altar) cross, embodied in the emblems of the Tiflis province, the city of Troitsk and a number of other Russian cities, was especially popular. It is also present in the coats of arms of many Russian noble families. So, at the Yushkovs, the field of the coat of arms at the Poltoratskys is three silver.
In the emblem of the shamrock (clover), as magic symbol, inherited from the ancient Celts, is now the national emblem of Ireland's prosperity.
Magical Powers: Protection, money, love, fidelity, exorcism, success.
Magical Use: Two Leaf Clover: If you find this clover, you will soon find a lover.
Three leaf clover: worn as strong amulet- a talisman.
Quatrefoil: It protects against insanity, strengthens spiritual powers, makes it possible to determine the presence of spirits and leads the wearer to gold, money or treasures. If two people eat a four-leaf clover together, then mutual love will flare up between them. Seven wheat grains, placed on a 4-leaf, make it possible to see the fairies. If you put a four-leaf clover in a shoe before leaving the house, then you will have the opportunity to meet new love.
Five leaf clover: has the power to attract money, for this purpose it is usually carried with you. White Clover: Resists corruption and the evil eye when scattered around a room or carried around.
Red Clover: If you add it to your bath water, it will help you solve your financial problems.
It is also used in the preparation of love potions, and its infusion is used to exorcise evil spirits, splashing in the house.
In general, clover has the ability to scare away snakes and evil spirits, and if you are disappointed in love, then wrap the clover in a piece of blue silk and wear it near your heart - this will help you cope with the situation. Where clover grows there are no snakes.
According to one old legend, for many years in the hollow of a mighty tree lived an old magician with his friend - a raven, whom he taught to predict the future. When the old man died, the raven flew over the forest and mourned for his friend. Where a bird dropped tears on the ground, a flower grew in spring - a crow's eye (crowberry, one-berry, rannik, cross-grass, four-leaf). And in the language of flowers, clover means waiting. Believe it or not - your business.
The triquever was used as early as the Bronze Age by peoples northern Europe. This symbol depicted the position of the sun in the sky, the three corners of the symbol corresponded to sunrise, zenith and sunset. Also, this symbol represents life, death and return to life as an endless cycle, as well as the three forces of nature: earth, air and water. Three circles, as components of one of the variants of the sign, symbolize the female element and the element of fertility. Many religions use the number three as sacred or divine. The symbol of three intersecting leaves was found 5000 years ago in the culture of the Indians, its meaning has become known since the 8th century. When this symbol was located inside the circle, it becomes pagan magic sign infinity, personifying the triple goddess. Three forces are initially the source of both magic and the development of the personality itself.
The three circles symbolize the feminine element and the element of fertility. The meaning of the Shamrock is to connect the incompatible.
As we can see, the symbol of the shamrock and quatrefoil has very ancient, magical roots that have sprouted up to the present day and are actively used.

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