What weapons does the Ukrainian army use? Weapons of Ukraine. What local factories produce for the army. Grenade launchers and anti-tank weapons


The Israeli development of TAR-21 is produced under license at the Vinnitsa enterprise “Fort”. The rifle is designed using the “Bullup” system, where the magazine and trigger mechanism are located behind the trigger (as opposed to the traditional design of a machine gun - with the horn sticking out in front). This allows you to increase the barrel length without increasing the dimensions of the weapon, which has a positive effect on shooting accuracy and ease of use. The body is made of impact-resistant plastic reinforced with metal, thanks to which it was possible to significantly reduce weight. Formally, the production of Fort-221 under an Israeli license began in Ukraine back in 2009, but until recently assault rifle

and its shortened modification “Fort-224” were purchased in small quantities for the special forces of the SBU. It is known that after the start of the conflict in Donbass, “Fort-221” appeared in service with the “Tornado” battalion of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the Ministry of Defense announced its intention to buy about 500 units of such weapons.


Video: Nicholas Pitylyak / YouTube

Sighting range 550 m, caliber 5.56 mm, rate of fire 750-900 rounds per minute, weight with magazine 4.3 kg.

A modification of the Ukrainian sports rifle “Zbroyar” Z-008 is produced at the Kiev plant “Mayak”. Shoots both single cartridges and using a 5- or 10-round magazine. The Ukrainian rifle is heavier than the traditional SVD, which our army inherited from Soviet times (5-7 kg depending on additional equipment versus 4.5 kg), but has a greater effective firing range (900 m versus 800 m). The first samples were presented in 2012, and serial launch was established only in the spring of 2014. The first batch entered service National Guard

and its shortened modification “Fort-224” were purchased in small quantities for the special forces of the SBU. It is known that after the start of the conflict in Donbass, “Fort-221” appeared in service with the “Tornado” battalion of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the Ministry of Defense announced its intention to buy about 500 units of such weapons.

in July.

Video: Defense Blog TV / YouTube

Sighting range 900 m, caliber 7.62x51 mm, rate of fire 15 rounds per minute, weight with magazine 5-7 kg. Grenade launchers and

Kyiv development; The first prototypes were produced at the Lenin Kuznya plant in 2010. The first Ukrainian grenade launcher with belt feeding of projectiles. Fully complies with NATO standards, but, unlike Western models, it is much lighter. Supplied with a mounting structure that allows you to quickly install the weapon and prepare the shooting area even from an unprepared position.

The Ministry of Defense was interested in the domestic development, tests of the grenade launcher were carried out, but there is no information on the supply of this model to the Armed Forces yet.

and its shortened modification “Fort-224” were purchased in small quantities for the special forces of the SBU. It is known that after the start of the conflict in Donbass, “Fort-221” appeared in service with the “Tornado” battalion of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the Ministry of Defense announced its intention to buy about 500 units of such weapons.

Video: Military Portal / YouTube

Weight: 17 kg - body, 15 kg - tripod machine, sighting range 40-1500 m, rate of fire 400 rounds per minute.

Product of the work of the Kyiv design bureau “Luch”. The Stugna, like its lightweight brother the Corsair, uses a laser guidance system. In this regard, Ukrainian developments are inferior to the American Javelin missile system, which operates on the “fire and forget” principle. But they are much cheaper and can be produced in Ukraine.

Testing of the Stugna began in 2010, and the first samples entered service in 2011, but have not yet been delivered en masse to the army. The Ukrainian Armed Forces mainly use the Soviet ATGM “Fagot”, created in the middle of the last century.

Maximum firing range 5000 m, weight 47 kg, caliber 130 mm.

Armored cars

Created in the Cherkassky design bureau automobile plant, since 2014 produced by the Bogdan corporation. Capable of carrying 4-6 people in full uniform and two crew members. The body consists of steel sheets welded at an angle. The armor protects against bullets of 5.45 and 7.62 mm caliber. Manufactured on an all-wheel drive chassis from the Japanese company Isuzu.

The National Guard of Ukraine has announced its desire to purchase 90 Barsov, in addition, the vehicle will take part in the Ministry of Defense tender for the supply of light armored vehicles.

Highway speed 100 km/h, range 600 km.

The development of the Canadian company Streit Group based on the Toyota Land Crusier chassis has been produced under license in Kremenchug since 2014. Can carry up to 6 fully equipped paratroopers. The reinforced bottom can protect against grenade explosions.

“Cougars” have been in service with the National Guard since August and are used in the ATO zone. Military personnel who used armored vehicles reported how the Cougar withstood the explosion of a Landmine, thereby saving the lives of the crew.

Highway speed 105 km/h, weight 4220 kg, range 800 km.

Heavy armored vehicles

The brainchild of Kharkov designers. An improved modification of the BTR-4M was first demonstrated at the IDEX-2013 arms exhibition in the UAE. Protected by solid steel armor, equipped with 30 mm rifled automatic cannon. Unlike its predecessor, the BTR-3 is not a continuation of the Soviet model BTR-80, but a new development. The new model has improved protection against mines and shrapnel, and also provides the ability to install additional weapon modules.

A whole line of military equipment was recently presented in Ukraine: tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, small arms, mortars, protective equipment. Upon closer examination, experts saw in the new military equipment well forgotten old - developments from Soviet times, modernized to modern standards.

After 1991, Ukraine inherited after the collapse Soviet Union got it all Combat vehicles three military districts stationed on its territory - Kyiv, Odessa and Carpathian. And this was a real force that allowed the army of the newly formed state to become one of the three strongest in Europe. Ukraine subsequently lost its combat potential and simply sold off its equipment and weapons, but some reserves remained. And now Kyiv is trying to demonstrate its “ combat capabilities"due to the modernization of existing weapons. "In fact, Ukraine was able to maintain a very combat-ready army, including thanks to the production capacity of its defense complex, which was formed here back in Soviet times, says Ruslan Pukhov, director of the Center for Technology Analysis. - And if Kalashnikov assault rifles were produced in Izhevsk, T-72 tanks in the Urals, then T-80 tanks were manufactured in Kharkov, and in this Ukrainian city all Antonov Antonov aircraft were delivered on a turnkey basis. One can recall a number of defense enterprises on the territory of Ukraine that were capable of producing high-quality weapons.

Now, I do not rule out that they are actively trying to establish, rather restore, this production. Here the question is different: there are simply not enough component materials to complete the full production cycle. Therefore, they sculpt from what is at hand. Something may be working out, but it is almost impossible to talk about the full development of the defense complex in Ukraine. Here you can even crack, if a machine gun doesn’t have a barrel, then no stock will make it a combat unit.” Nevertheless, Ukraine presented more than 20 types of weapons created over the past three years, taking as the starting point the time of the start of the so-called ATO (anti-terrorist operation) in Donbass and, in fact, coming to power as a result coup d'etat the current president of this country, Petro Poroshenko. Let's take a closer look at a number of them. Last year, the unmanned Phantom armored personnel carrier was introduced. This is a remote-controlled mini-armored personnel carrier capable of firing from weapons installed on it (machine guns) and evacuating the wounded from the battlefield. The power reserve is 20 km. Apart from the Ukroboronprom exhibition, it was not seen anywhere else. There were no deliveries to the troops either.

The Ukrainian An-132D transport aircraft (a modification of the Soviet An-32 transport aircraft), which, according to the developers, does not contain a single Russian part, is also presented as a new product. The plane has already been ordered Saudi Arabia, and, as expected, almost two dozen such aircraft will be produced per year. However, so far not even a single prototype has taken off.

The rate of fire of the Viy combat module for light armored vehicles (probably for the Dozor-B armored car) is impressive with its characteristics - 50 rounds per second. This fire weapon is designed to destroy ground targets at a distance of up to two kilometers and air targets at altitudes of up to a thousand meters. A high rate of fire is achieved through the use of a 23-mm GSh-23 cannon. Upon closer inspection, it turns out that the cannon, originally from Tula, was developed back in 1965 and was used on many Soviet aircraft, including the MiG-21. A good thing, but clearly without the Ukrainian mark. BMP-1, the legendary infantry fighting vehicle, which in Russian army has become an anachronism and only decorates monuments of military glory; in Ukraine it has found a second life. Zhytomyr Armored Plant modernized this combat vehicle to the level of the BMP-1UMD, including due to the painting of the hull, which makes it invisible, including in infrared ranges. Such an infantry fighting vehicle with a German diesel engine is driving along the road, but the villagers do not see it - some kind of miracle of technology! At the same time, it is equipped with a laser rangefinder, probably designed to determine the distance to the nearest well.

The RK-4 Ingul portable rocket launcher, demonstrated by Ukraine at an arms exhibition in Turkey in 2017, is distinguished by its good capabilities for hitting lightly armored vehicles, cars, launchers, radars, parked aircraft and other things. However, its analogue was removed from service by the USSR Armed Forces in 1989, when it was replaced by more modern systems rocket launchers. Ukraine passed off this type of weapon as its own know-how. Even the uninitiated know about the Grad multiple launch rocket systems. The legendary heiress of "Katyusha" from the times of the Great Patriotic War in Ukraine it was called “Verba” and is positioned as a new generation of weapons. The characteristics are the same, but the status is new. But the Ukrainian “Verba” clearly does not fit into the famous song “Katyusha”.

Let's be objective: Ukroboronprom has also achieved some production of its own weapons systems - the potential has been preserved. For example, the Kiev Armored Plant has developed a machine gun and grenade launcher module for military equipment, equipped with a Kashtan computer fire control system. It is designed for remote control weapons with sighting video cameras that are capable of 15 seconds. detect armored vehicles (IFV) at a distance of up to four kilometers.

Or here’s another thing: they invented an additional reality helmet for tank crews. A super necessary device for the military, especially for participants in the so-called ATO in Donbass. This is a cool thing - it increases visibility, which is so lacking during battle. You can play tanks right behind the levers. Well, the money has already been invested! The trick of the season is a hybrid of a tank and an infantry fighting vehicle. Back in 2015, it was reported that the Kharkov Armored Plant had created an armored vehicle for the Ukrainian Armed Forces that combines the characteristics of the T-64 tank and infantry fighting vehicle. The declared speed is up to 65 km/h, the armor can withstand a shot from a grenade launcher and a blast wave from an anti-tank mine. The tank was equipped with night vision devices and a Kombat missile was installed. The result was the same modified T-72, which in the end never reached the combat zone: it did not reach mass production. “Ukraine is trying to rattle sabers despite its complete powerlessness, including in military terms,” says military expert Vladislav Shurygin. - They managed to lose their potential, and it was very impressive: they sold a lot, and “threw away” a lot, as they say in the army. The current attempts to portray some kind of greatness are simply ridiculous. This is despite the fact that Ukraine still has some potential that can revive the activities of the defense complex. But no one is going to invest money in it. And all these “newest” developments will remain toys for the current Ukrainian government. We looked - yes, funny. And then they forgot. It would be better if they started producing combine harvesters - they are more useful than tanks.”

Back in 2006, the government remembered that everything needed to create missiles was located on the territory of Dnepropetrovsk. As is known, during the collapse of the USSR, Ukraine abandoned its nuclear potential. But due to the unfolding events in this moment There are more and more rumors that the country is again ready to develop missiles and other land-based weapons. Thus, it is worth paying attention to the actions of the state in last years to determine what kind of modern rocket weapon Ukraine can be produced on the territory of this country.

History of the resumption of rocket creation

In 2009, a column appeared in the country’s budget for the allocation of funds for the creation of a combat missile, which will be called “Sapsan”. The project cost just under $7 million. The project represents the creation of a multifunctional operational-tactical complex to increase the country's ability to fend for itself. The bulk of the funds were sent to the Yuzhnoye design bureau, which is located in Dnepropetrovsk. In the same year, the bureau was able to defend and convey to the government about the benefits of its development.

At that time, the Ministry of Defense fully supported the project and considered its creation necessary. Another reason for resuming missile production was the fact that by 2015-2016, that is, by the present moment, the weapons that were in Ukraine will become unusable and will be subject to decommissioning. Therefore, when Viktor Yanukovych took office, he supported the continuation of production of the Sapsan complex in 2011. And in 2012 the project was suspended due to funding. But despite such interruptions in funding, the design bureau continues to create very diverse types.

"Sapsan" now

The Director of the Bureau tried to support the development, but it still didn’t work out. First, the project lost its priority of importance, and then it was completely reduced to nothing. At the moment, the only prospect awaiting Ukraine regarding this complex is 2018. This is exactly how much time the bureau needs to fully complete the project and provide the missile system for testing. At first it was assumed that the missile range would be 280 kilometers with an accuracy of a couple of meters, but now Yuzhnoye is proposing to increase the range to 500 kilometers.

Scud missile

Back in 2010, it was announced that Scud liquid-fuel missiles had been completely destroyed as Ukrainian missile weapons. They were created during the Second World War. By the way, this model is considered one of the most common around the world. Recently it turned out that there are still some copies of these weapons on the territory of the country, and are actively used in the fight between the east of Ukraine and the armed forces of the country.

It is worth noting that despite the range of this weapon (the damage radius is up to 300 kilometers), it is very inaccurate; hits on the target can deviate by a rather indefinite distance of up to 500 meters. At the same time, the unit weighs almost a ton.

Tochka rocket

Ukraine still claims that it does not use these missiles. In order for the missile system to work, you need to know the enemy’s location in advance. Four warheads are produced with exactly given coordinates. The strike is delivered depending on the established coordinates and the range at which the shooting is carried out.

The error can range from 10 to 200 meters. In this case, one warhead affects from 2 to approximately 6 hectares. The rocket's flight speed exceeds 1000 meters per second. This weapon can play a decisive role in any battle. But officially, Ukrainians refuse to use this type of weapon. It remains to be seen whether this warhead constitutes a Ukrainian missile weapon.

Rocket "Grom-2"

Back in the early nineties, the Dnepropetrovsk Design Bureau presented the idea of ​​​​producing the Grom-2 operational-tactical missile. Its flight range should be 500 meters. The original name of this project was “Borisfen”. At that time, this missile system was supposed to be used to create a new protective shield for Ukraine to replace outdated weapons. At that time, there were more than 200 launchers of Scud and Tochka-U missiles in the country. But given the social and economic state of the country, the creation of missiles was an irrelevant issue. In addition, the army was then constantly shrinking. Then the Yuzhnoye state bureau began sending sketches of its inventions to foreign exhibitions, where these missiles received the name “Thunder”.

Ukrainian-made military weapons and equipment often attract attention at such international exhibitions. These developments involved the creation of a new generation of precision weapons that would be able to provide the country with a shield capable of resisting a conventional attack. The missile system was intended to destroy stationary group and single targets. The range of the missiles would be from 80 to 500 kilometers. Moreover, the missiles would be quite light, less than half a ton. It was planned to create an on-board inertial-type system equipped with navigation and guidance. Launcher would be automatic in nature, and the basis for it would be a chassis equipped with automatic preparation for launching warheads.

Rocket "Korshun-2"

One of the priority tasks of the Dnepropetrovsk Design Bureau is the development of the Korshun-2 missile and rocket weapons system. This is a multi-functional missile system, the main task of which is to provide a shield for the country that can withstand a conventional attack. The project will use cruise missiles capable of hitting ground targets. In theory, it could represent Ukraine's missile weapons in full. Payload missiles do not weigh more than half a ton, and the warhead's flight range is 300 kilometers. Estimated mass combat equipment the complex will be 480 kilograms. The new cruise missile will reach a flight altitude of 50 kilometers with the ability to skirt the terrain taking into account its topography.

"Ukraine". Missile cruiser

The country's armament also includes missile cruiser, but, unfortunately, its use is impossible. Therefore the head naval forces decided to sell it. With the money raised, the country will be able to replenish its resources to protect water areas. The main problem of the missile cruiser is that almost 80 percent of the ship operates using Russian equipment. This missile cruiser could well represent Ukraine’s precision weapons. At the moment, such products are not produced on the territory of Ukraine, so the ship is, as they say, idle, and cannot serve the benefit of the homeland.

Unfortunately, the cost of the cruiser on the market is much lower than what the country spent on its creation and maintenance, but now it is more profitable for the state to sell it than to continue to maintain and maintain its condition. It could represent a new weapon of war for Ukraine, because the ship is equipped with a medium-range weapon, there are installations for anti-ship missiles, and there are also 3 batteries of thirty-millimeter six-barreled guns. The cruiser is equipped with a torpedo tube, an artillery system, and that’s not all that’s installed on it.


It is known that Ukraine will begin to use modern small arms of the world only in 2016. At the moment, every Ukrainian soldier is equipped with a type of Kalashnikov assault rifle, one of the models of TT, PM or PS pistols, as well as a wide variety of light machine guns and grenade launchers. In some cases, there are light machine guns and grenade launchers. For fighters of some units they are issued sniper rifles.

There are models of Ukrainian-made weapons and units purchased abroad. Almost all of these weapons remain from Soviet times. But the command is not going to stop there outdated samples, already now there are non-standard models representing new small arms of Ukraine. They were created both within the state and abroad. Most of the new weapons include sniper rifles, pistols and other units for single weapons.

Ukraine's nuclear weapons

According to experts, to create atomic bomb Ukraine only lacks money. After all, everything else is present in the state in large quantities. Resources are extracted in local mines, and scientists remain and are ready to resume their labor activity. In addition, Ukraine has carriers capable of delivering a finished bomb to enemy territory. In addition, the equipment necessary to create a warhead is available. As we see, Ukrainian still exists, according to at least, according to experts and analysts.

Everyone understands perfectly well that the country does not have money for this, but the option of using old reserves is quite possible. During the disarmament of the country, part of the weapons stockpile disappeared. For example, one nuclear warhead and two strategic bombers are missing. At the end of the nineties, the liquidation of all nuclear missiles on the territory, but over time more than thirty combat units were found in the warehouses. Therefore, according to foreign experts, if weapons are found, they will be quite enough to carry out warning strikes and more.

Modern high tech gave impetus to the development of human society in all spheres of life. Unfortunately, inventions are not always created and used for good. Many of them are capable of harming people, and some are made specifically for this purpose. It's about about weapons - a terrible, destructive force that can kill thousands of people by pressing just one button. In the context of the political situation in Ukraine, weapons have become especially important important role. What kind of weapons does this country have?

Terms from the Ukrainian law on weapons

Ukrainian weapons are a term denoting various types of devices designed to defeat or eliminate a living or inanimate target, a static or dynamic object. This concept names only those items that have no other purpose than those listed above.

Weapon Ukrainian is a type of weapon designed to hit a specific target at a certain distance, which works thanks to instant chemical reaction after its activation with gunpowder or other substance. The calibration of such weapons should not exceed 2.5 centimeters, otherwise it will no longer belong to this variety. One of the types of small arms are smooth-bore combat units. They can be classified in this category due to certain characteristics of the barrel.

Another type of these mechanisms for hitting a target is edged weapons. Ukraine is a country where this type weapons are used quite often, especially during the events on the Maidan. It is mainly designed to hit a target by direct contact with it, but main characteristic is that a person must set it in motion using his own muscles.

in Ukraine

Ukrainian weapons can be divided into several main types, which, in turn, consist of subtypes with certain characteristics. So, among the main types of weapons there are: military, civil (it includes sports, award, signal, hunting weapon, as well as units of equipment for self-defense), service, edged and imitation weapons. Each of these types of weapons has its own specific characteristics and operating standards, which are prescribed in the legislation of Ukraine. Using them without special permission or not on duty is punishable by law and is illegal.

Gun bans in Ukraine

Weapons in Ukraine are controlled by government agencies, so unauthorized trafficking is prosecuted by law. Thus, on the territory of this state, the circulation of weapons that are not included in the list of officially permitted ones is prohibited, as well as unofficial transactions related to the sale and acquisition of weapons and related ammunition. It is legally prohibited to use homemade and personally modified weapons that have not passed state inspection, do not meet standards and may pose a danger not only during use, but also during storage and transportation. It is also illegal to use weapons that appearance imitates any safe objects and thus can be misleading when activated.

The use, storage, and movement of weapons across the territory of Ukraine must have a special permit. Without it, it is prohibited to put into operation combat units that have some features in their design. For example, you cannot use or incendiary balls in which center shifted gravity, and other ammunition.

A weapons permit in Ukraine is issued by government agencies or in connection with established official duties, which permit and imply the carrying of a certain type of weapon and ammunition.

Production of weapons

Anything is also subject to state control. Ukraine has developed several laws that prohibit the production, repair and sale of ammunition and equipment without a special permit issued to individuals special bodies authorities.

Upon receipt of such a document, the manufacturer becomes the owner of the combat units being developed and can receive income from their sale, creation or repair. Accordingly, the license allows testing of new types of weapons in order to improve them and test the main parts of their design.

In its turn, military weapons can and should be manufactured only by order of state armed forces, the Ministry of Defense or other bodies that act in the interests of the entire country.

Purchasing weapons in Ukraine

Many groups of citizens, the list of which is established by the current legislation of Ukraine, can buy weapons. Thus, with a special permit, weapons can be purchased by individuals who, by occupation or in connection with a license received, have the right to purchase and carry weapons various types. Also, organizations and companies whose employees are entitled to weapons as part of their duties (for example, various security companies) have this right. Cultural institutions Those engaged in the restoration and further exhibition of captured and other types of weapons are allowed to purchase and repair combat units.

Weapons are provided for temporary use officials, whose safety is of great importance for the state, as well as for the people protecting them.

Purchase, repair, operation and sale can be carried out by individuals and companies that are legally given the right to all of the above actions.

Restrictions are also imposed on specific types of weapons, for example, smoothbore weapon. Ukraine at the legislative level prohibits taking any actions in relation to this type of equipment with explosive bullets or cartridges with a displaced center of gravity, if an individual or organization is not related to active army states.

Release of the latest weapons in Ukraine

The latest weapons of Ukraine - this is the topic that was raised at a press conference by Advisor to the Minister of Defense of this country A. Danylyuk. He said that thanks to intelligence data, it was possible to obtain diagrams of Russian equipment used by opposition forces in Donbass. Danilyuk also said that these weapons can be improved. If weapons can be created and modified, they can be supplied not only to the current Ukrainian army, but also exported to other states. This branch of trade is not yet very developed in Ukraine. Sales the latest weapons abroad will allow the state to reach new level in the field of trade in military equipment.

The minister's adviser noted that at the moment many countries are interested in purchasing Ukrainian weapons, as well as ammunition for them, they plan to produce them in the near future and put production on stream in the future.

Armored vehicles in service with Ukraine

Ukrainian weapons can be divided into several categories. One of them is armored vehicles, which are now especially actively used by soldiers in the active army. The most popular and frequently used tank is the T-55-64. Based on it, it is planned to manufacture a new modified tank, which was announced in 2007 by the leaders of the Kharkov Armored Plant. The T-55-64 is equipped with armored plates 20-80 mm thick, as well as a 100 mm cannon. This combat unit can reach speeds of up to 60 km/h and travel up to 600 km without refueling.

The predecessor of the T-55-64 is the T-80, which began to be produced back in Soviet times. This tank has been the main type of weapon since 1976. The car was modified three times. (T-80UD) has a diesel engine and a cruising range of 560 km.

In addition to tanks, Ukrainian army equipped with various artillery installations. So, the newest of them is the Bastion-03 complex, an improved version of the Hurricane. Thanks to this military equipment, you can destroy a living target, enemy combat units, various buildings and fortifications. Since Ukraine does not yet exist, this complex, along with tanks, is the main type of military equipment.


The main Ukrainian assault rifle, created on the basis of the AK-74, is the Vepr. Plastic linings on the machine allow you to avoid prolonged contact with metal parts of the weapon, therefore recoil is reduced and it is more convenient to fire. The Vepr magazine is designed for 30 shells. Multiple modifications to the machine were made, the last one in January 2015.

"Fort-17" - also traumatic weapon. This type of pistol has been produced in Ukraine since 2004. This type weapons are often used during modern warfare in the Donbass region. The standard supply of ammunition for this pistol is 12 or 13 pieces, depending on the specific modification of the weapon.

Types of missile weapons in Ukraine

Since nuclear weapons in Ukraine do not exist to date, the army of this state uses a large number of various missile systems, including Sapsan. The development of this type of weapon began in 1999 and was then suspended. From the beginning of 2015, it is planned to resume work on the creation of Sapsan using the latest high technologies.

The Soviet Union created the R-27 missile, which helped fight in the air and intercept aircraft. The target could be hit day or night over a huge range of distances (up to 25 km).

Cooperation between Ukraine and the United States in the field of weapons

Many American politicians support the idea that it is necessary to cooperate with Ukraine in the field of weapons, since the United States has enormous military potential and adheres to the point of view that Russian Federation entered into open confrontation with Ukraine, supplying the rebel armies of the DPR and LPR various equipment. At many summits and press conferences, Western politicians have repeatedly noted that Ukraine must “fight for its own identity and independence,” but it does not have enough military power in order to confront such a power as Russia.

Weapons supplies to Ukraine

Recently, a statement was made by the commander of NATO forces in Europe, F. Breedlove, that Western countries should supply weapons to Ukraine to help it fight pro-Russian extremists. The politician noted that a variety of means are used against this state, from information to military. Ukrainian small arms, armored, missiles, are inferior in their characteristics to Russian ones, which is why many American and European officials insist on supplying weapons to Ukraine.

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