Which tree suits me? Tree horoscope


Each tree has a different effect on a person. For some, it gives a surge of vital energy, while for others, on the contrary, it takes away strength. There are breeds that are capable of accumulating huge amounts of cosmic energy, giving it to a person and quickly restoring reserves. Such trees are called “donors”; if everything happens the other way around, then they are called “vampires”.

According to astrology, each tree corresponds to its own zodiac sign. Therefore, jewelry made from such “correct” breeds can bring well-being to a person’s life, help to recover from illnesses, find family happiness and protect from outside energy influences.

Trees according to the horoscope of the zodiac signs

Let's look at which breeds presented in our assortment will be mascots and patrons for different signs.

What tree does the zodiac sign Capricorn have - 12/22-20/01

Practical, ambitious, hardy Capricorn is always focused on a clear goal and specific actions. These are unbending and, in a sense, uncompromising people who rarely consider the opinions of others. To speed up progress career ladder

, which is of fundamental importance for Capricorns, you will need an oak talisman. Powerful and centuries-old, it “sympathizes” with stubborn and persistent Capricorns, therefore it helps them at every step, inspiring and adding vitality. It will help its owner overcome fear and despondency, without succumbing to feelings of uncertainty and pessimistic mood.

example of our products for Capricorns

Severe and somewhat dry Capricorns need a talisman that will help them build bridges with others. For these purposes, a hornbeam may be suitable, which will add a little romance and sensuality to pragmatic Capricorns.

What tree does the zodiac sign Aquarius have - 01/21-02/19 Generous, unforgiving, distinguished out-of-the-box thinking

and approach to solving many problems, Aquarius is largely focused on the spiritual side of life. This makes Aquarians incredibly sensitive people.

Fruit species, such as plums, enhance humanism, make them even more cordial, and develop altruistic impulses.

In love, Aquarians prefer freedom and independence, which is why they do not strive to limit themselves in choosing partners until they find their soul mate. All kinds of elements from ash can serve as fuel, which contribute to the emergence of the brightest feelings in his heart, developing spiritual community and romantic affection between partners.

Ash will help “put in order” the financial side of Aquarius’s life. Ash wood will help him learn how to wisely manage his earned capital, without throwing it away or investing it in dubious adventures.

Which tree for the zodiac sign Pisces – 20.02-20.03

Rich imagination and fantasy, sensitivity to the problems of other people, sentimentality and a penchant for solitude are characteristic of people born under the influence of the constellation Pisces. However, the duality of personality inherent in all representatives of Pisces sometimes prevents them from living, pushing them to rash actions, provoking nervous tension.

Juniper is a type of wood that will serve as an excellent talisman for fish. It will make dreamy Pisces more rational, responsible and down-to-earth, and will help establish harmony in the inner world.

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In order to realize their inner potential and reveal their talents, people born under the constellation Pisces will need some kind of amulet that will push them to be decisive, active actions. The miraculous hornbeam will help you cope here, decorations from which not only charge melancholy fish with optimism and determination, but can also transform their appearance.

What tree does the zodiac sign Aries have - 03/21-04/20

Aries like fire signs, are subject to the strong energetic influence of Mars, so their talismans help them improve their health and overcome everyday difficulties. One of these species is oak.

Known in ancient times as a symbol of strength and power, oak becomes one of the most powerful amulets for the people under his care. This wood gives Aries optimism, helps relieve the fatigue accumulated during the day, fills its owner with good spirits, and can help in both career and personal life.

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All varieties of conifers, which produce luxurious green shoots in the spring, are extremely useful for Aries. For them, juniper can become that universal talisman that gives strength.

Which tree is according to the zodiac sign Taurus – 21.04-20.05

The mighty oak will help Taurus survive any adversity, find correct solution even in the most hopeless situation. For those who suffer from a lack of energy and strength, this wood will return optimism and determination. Unique Feature oak - to preserve and increase the achieved results - these are the qualities it will provide to its owner.

what jewelry is suitable for Taurus

On love front Ash will be an indispensable patron for Taurus. He will fill you with an incredible feeling that will make his soulmate the most happy man. This talisman is for those who want to strengthen family relationships.

Gemini - which tree matches your zodiac sign - 05/21-06/21

Geminis should pay attention to jewelry made from fruit varieties. For example, cherries help develop intellectual abilities, intuition and instincts. It not only gives its owner the necessary qualities to achieve his goals, but also helps to identify his hidden talents.

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Geminis who pay close attention to their appearance, you just need to turn your attention to the hornbeam. It will become a real talisman for creative people, providing them with inspiration and a thirst to create.

What tree does the zodiac sign Cancer have - 06/22-07/22

If a Cancer suffers from constant stress, even a small decoration or souvenir made from ash will help them calm their nerves and relax. It perfectly relieves fatigue and is most useful for weakened, unhealthy people. Ash wood gives its owner a feeling of hope for the best, a sense of perspective.

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Since Cancer is endowed with an incredibly sensitive character, he should choose a talisman that will provide him with a feeling of security and confidence in own strength. In this regard, oak will be a good talisman for crayfish.

Which tree is Leo according to the zodiac sign – 08/23-09/22

For an active lion, a talisman should not only bring something new to life, but strengthen its character traits. Thus, ash helps them achieve what they want in career and love, gives them self-confidence, helps them get rid of negative thoughts and increases self-esteem.

Leos, tired of the endlessly exhausting modern rhythm of life, can look for a souvenir made of oak. He will help people born under this powerful constellation to become more realistic and wise, to find their path and devote their lives to it. Oak often makes people more determined and persistent in their desire to achieve what they want.

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In order to harmonize his temperament, a Leo can pay attention to the exquisite cherry, which will add restraint, tolerance and flexibility in communicating with other people. She will teach you the ability to calculate your steps ahead.

Zodiac sign Virgo – donor tree – 23.08-22.09

Charming and unique maidens, with rich inner world and a certain mystery, like no other zodiac sign needs amulets and talismans.

If a girl wants to learn to trust her inner voice, she can always resort to using plum talismans. She will bring a certain piece of romance into their stable life, make them pay attention to their sensual side, and help them look at any component of the relationship from a completely different angle.

example of products for the Virgo sign

Pride and courage are qualities that are largely inherent in virgins, but due to certain circumstances they can fade away. Plum will again help you regain your much-needed personal dignity today. She will also help her owner improve family life and help him follow the chosen course of life.

Zodiac sign Libra, patron tree – 09.23-23.10

Any fruit tree with seeds can serve as potential amulets for Libra. You should choose them based on personal feelings and intuition; some of the most favorable types of wood are cherry and plum.

Jewelry created from these breeds will help develop the ability to make quick decisions even in difficult situations. extreme situations, will help get rid of unnecessary fears. Having a beneficial effect on the mood of Libra, these varieties of fruit trees will also protect a person from ailments and all kinds of diseases.

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A fairly popular wood for those born in October is ash. She gives Libra the ability to gather in right moment, organizational skills, observation and sociability. Ash will help cope with attacks of unreasonable jealousy and harmonize a person’s emotional background.

Zodiac sign Scorpio, patron tree – 10/24-11/22

Oak is a fairly popular amulet for Scorpios; it helps them direct their inexhaustible energy into the right direction, save strength and not lose confidence in your own capabilities.

In relation to Scorpios, this wood can neutralize negative thoughts and attitudes and help in the fight against own shortcomings personality. Prudence, strict compliance with the task at hand, quick wit - all these are qualities inherent in people born under the sign of Scorpio, which oak can only enhance.

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Pessimism is a common character trait of Scorpio. He tries hard to hide her from others, but upon closer acquaintance, the truth still becomes clear. In order for worries and doubts to fade into the background, Taurus needs constant contact with juniper products.

Zodiac sign Sagittarius, patron tree – 11/23-12/21

Ambitious and purposeful Sagittarius are usually quite successful in the professional field, but in their personal lives they are often unlucky. For family relations This is a rather complex and ambiguous partner, who, due to his high demands on a potential soul mate, may be left alone.

To harmonize this sector, Sagittarius can purchase a small product made of ash, which will serve as a kind of stabilizer for their finicky disposition.

jewelry for Sagittarius women - bright or dark red;
  • – wood of a greenish tint with a rather strong pattern;
  • – natural woody color with wavy tints, indescribable smell.
  • Any of the tree species listed here are in our catalog. Dear readers, if you are looking for sandalwood, mahogany or ebony, remember that this wood is considered rare and costs a lot of money because... does not grow in Russia, so if you are offered to buy products from these species, then most likely you are being deceived.

    A person's fate is determined by a tree. It can also reveal his character. Using the Druid horoscope you can correct your life, changing it for the better. Pay attention to your tree more often - come to it, talk, listen to its advice.

    Everyone needs to know their tree. However, you need to be able to communicate with him:

    • find your green patron;
    • lean your whole body against its trunk;
    • feel the transition of life-giving energy;
    • be alone for a few minutes;
    • feel relief and peace;
    • thank him for the gift of healing;
    • decorate with a bright ribbon and present the tree with words of gratitude.

    My green horoscope

    The greatest power of the tree manifests itself on a person’s birthday, as well as during active period actions of the sign. To determine the patron tree, the ancient Druids created and structured a horoscope, which is often called green.

    Apple tree (December 22 – January 1; June 25 – July 4)

    The beautiful apple tree knows how to please the eye, and internally attracts you with its indescribable cordiality and charm. She is a sentimental, sensitive and versatile tree. In love, the fruit-bearing woman is always faithful, uncalculating and unselfish, because of this she can be extremely easy to deceive. Despite the fact that the apple tree, by its nature, is capable of giving away its last shirt or piece of bread, it is not a simpleton, full of imagination and philosophizing. A tree that lives today is scientifically inclined, thoughtful, intelligent and logical. In order to dispel the monotony in the emotional sphere, which the apple tree abhors, it is capable of life complications.

    Fir (January 2 - January 11; July 5 - July 14)

    Fir is capricious, thin, loves isolation and, nevertheless, is capable of suffering from loneliness even when in a crowded place. A taciturn and gloomy coniferous soul, proud, intractable and demanding - it is difficult for her to communicate and live life together. Fir always achieves its goals, perhaps because it is truly serious and conscientious in its work, and is also meticulous. The vocation of the fir is to choose the most hard way and follow it to its logical end, she never loses faith, hope and presence of mind. You can rely on it, and fir love is capable of limitlessness, picky about little things, but satisfied with big things.

    Elm (January 12 - February 24; July 6 - July 25)

    A balanced and calm elm is attractive to others. Its noticeable and almost only drawback is its slowness. Elm is so open and straightforward that it can literally disarm with its sincerity, as well as a developed sense of duty and responsibility. He prefers to lead rather than obey, but this can and should be treated with patience because the elm can be incredibly loyal. This wood sign also has a highly developed sense of humor, which saves you from life's disappointments.

    Cypress (January 25 - February 3; July 26 - August 4)

    The opportunistic cypress knows how to be content with little in any situation. He is not interested in fame and success in life, he is not attracted to money - the cypress needs friendship much more, big family and constant communication. He does not accept loneliness, loves animals and long walks. A mentally calm, dreamy and pleasant person in society, he is often quite harsh with loved ones.

    Poplar (February 4 - February 8; August 5 - August 13)

    Topol is a person of warmth, without a touch of sentimentality, pleasant in society, and occasionally may seem a little rude. He is a dreamer who can easily and without doubt surrender himself to the flow of life. He has an elastic, intelligent and reasonable character, and in his loyalty he is inaccessible and incomprehensible. In the circle of loved ones, the life of a poplar is like a quiet, flowing stream.

    Kedr (February 9 - February 18; August 14 - August 23)

    All cedar dreams of is convenience, but it adapts quickly to any situation. This tree symbol is always very confident and dynamic, spinning in the center of everyone's attention. He is able to take anyone by surprise and can extricate himself from any crisis situation. Cedar is suggestible, so it can easily become a weapon in the wrong hands. When she finds something she loves, she devotes herself entirely to it, with persistence and trepidation. As a rule, the life of such people is very diverse, and the soul is intelligent, receptive, sensitive and sentimental.

    Changing the topic of conversation

    Druids determined character by date of birth. Their horoscope, as well as the year, is divided into two periods, each of which consisted of nine segments, several days long. Each tree name corresponded to its own time period. Tree horoscope Druids consists of 22 signs: 18 paired and 4 single;

    Sosna (February 19 - February 28/29; August 24 - September 2)

    The irresistible pine appreciates a home and a beautiful interior, loves beautiful things, and creates its own cute corner for itself. Pine is courageous, rebellious, unshakable, stubborn, perhaps thanks to these qualities, it is successful in its work. The coniferous beauty is able to get out of any incredibly difficult situation with dignity and without losing face. She is precise in her actions, incapable of excessive generosity, although deep down she is impulsive and sensitive. Perhaps that is why her only weakness is love.

    Willow (March 1 - March 10; September 3 - September 12)

    Sensitive and romantic on the outside, willow is actually decisive and businesslike. She is consumed by the colorlessness and routineness of everyday problems, and love suffering makes her life chaotic. But you shouldn’t take her word for it in her suffering and wringing of her hands, because if her feelings don’t decorate her suffering, they won’t attract her attention.

    Lipa (March 11 - March 20; September 13 - September 22)

    The charming linden tree, without a doubt, can turn anyone's head. Meanwhile, she is filled to the brim with contradictions - timid, pessimistic, silent, serene and unreliable. Lipa is a patient listener, but in love affairs she loses face and becomes capable of jealousy without any reason.

    Hazel (March 22 - March 31; September 24 - October 3)

    This tree is weak and inconspicuous at first glance, but in fact it is charming and exudes originality of mind. Hazel, one of the few who is able to be content with little, and also adapt to any living conditions, and at the same time is kind, wise and patient, restrained and modest, but always noticeable. With such a tree person, compatibility is a difficult issue to resolve, since his sophisticated anger often becomes a stumbling block.

    Rowan (April 1 - April 10; October 4 - October 13)

    Rowan is charming and sweet, has good taste and loves to give joy. But despite the above, relationships with her are complex, contacts are difficult, and compatibility with her is always a big question. Rowan is sensitive and naive, you can rely on it, in love it demands as much as it gives and does not forgive deception and disappointment.

    Maple (April 11 - April 20; October 14 - October 23)

    Maple is always neat and full of energy - literally tireless, especially when it comes to his fantasies and unusual plans. The character of this tree is multifaceted - it is restrained, not bold, and at the same time capable of risky decisions. He is able to provoke frankness, and he expresses his thoughts well, possessing a harmonious sense of humor, and also loves when people talk about him.

    Nut (April 21 - April 30; October 24 - November 2)

    Nut is timid, capricious, selfish, sometimes aggressive, but despite this, it is hospitable and polite, prone to loyalty, fidelity and yet fickle.

    Loves to suffer himself or makes others suffer, because... This sign is not at all characterized by balance. His influence must be resisted, otherwise he will absorb and crush anyone with his strategic mind and speed of reaction.

    Jasmine (May 1 - May 14; November 3 - November 11)

    Lively and sociable jasmine literally attracts with skillful conversation. The delicate flower is vulnerable, prone to disappointment and a pessimist from birth. The diplomatic side of his nature makes jasmine cautious and far-sighted. Life married to him is not easy, because even in own home he wants independence. He is not the enemy of his soul mate, but he can quickly become disappointed in her and leave her. It is worth noting that Jasmine loves children and feels great around them.

    Chestnut (May 15 - May 24; November 12 - November 21)

    Chestnut is full of vitality and needs space. He is fair, hates prudence, is sensitive and impressionable, which is why he is in dire need of a huge number love, but in relation to her he is an enemy for fear of losing her. Among the shortcomings we can note stubbornness, passion for comfort, intractability in at least, and an amazing ability to shock. Kashtan is a monogamous man and his life and abilities completely depend on the people who surround him.

    Ash (May 25 - June 3; November 22 - December 1)

    The demanding ash tree has a lively character, which makes living with it not easy. He strives to surround himself with the care of others and at the same time forces everyone to live by his own rules. This sign prefers an independent and independent life, is quite proud, capricious, but in contrast - generous, has unique intuition and insight. The tree-man named ash is always reliable and only sometimes tries to flirt with fate.

    Hornbeam (June 4 - June 13; December 2 - December 11)

    It is difficult to say anything by the date of birth, but you can tell a lot by the name of the tree. Hornbeam is an esthete, attracted to form rather than content, a dreamer and an intellectual. He is capable of obedience and discipline, and his sense of justice and responsibility is extremely developed. This tree is an excellent partner, but duty chooses between duty and love.

    Figs (June 14 - June 23; December 12 - December 20)

    Tree-man is delicate from birth, subtly impressionable and unadapted to the difficulties of life. Figs really need warmth and space, a family hearth and stability, however, figs themselves are fickle, emotional and impulsive. A touchy realist is quite lenient towards others, and is forced to struggle with laziness all his life.

    Oak (vernal equinox - March 21)

    This sign is majestic and overflowing with virtues. The date of birth completely determines the inflexible character of the oak - there is nothing fragile in it, it is bold and courageous, strong-willed and self-possessed, irreconcilable and independent. But despite this, the oak tree endures illness hard, and lives like a true conservative, not interested in other people's lives and completely devoid of intuition.

    Birch (summer confrontation - June 24)

    Birch is flexible, sweet and aristocratic, delicate and restrained; the Druid horoscope speaks of it as a modest and elegant puritan. Sentimental, faithful, intelligent, inventive, the birch tree needs only the minimum from life: a close heart and a good library.

    Olive (autumn equinox - September 23)

    The olive tree in the horoscope borders between the beautiful and the ugly. A tree nymph prone to rheumatism really needs sunny days for your own health. Olive is calm and balanced, delicate and caring, she has excellent self-control and needs peace. A good memory follows her, she is loved and appreciated by those around her, which makes her almost always happy.

    Buk (winter confrontation - December 21/22)

    Buk is dexterous and resourceful, even in unfavorable situations he is capable of success. This sign is always full of plans and firmly follows the intended path. Ideal husband or a wife, beech is generous and decent with others. He needs children, who are the flowers of life for him. A flamboyant materialist - loves wealth and happiness.

    Video about the horoscope of the ancient Druids:

    Among the many varieties of horoscopes, the Druid horoscope remains one of the most mysterious. This ancient tribe has not existed for a long time, despite this, after thousands of years, their secret knowledge remains with us. Scientists all over the world deciphered them in order to transfer this knowledge to us. The Druid calendar consists of trees according to date of birth, which are a talisman for every person, protecting him.

    Celtic tribes lived in the forest and mainly idolized nature and everything connected with it. They had developed astronomy, astrology, mathematics and other sciences, with the help of which the Druid tribes were able to create their own calendar to divide each person by date of birth. Each Living being has its own soul- they believed, and even the trees and flowers.

    The Druids believed that the whole world came from the energy of living nature. They worshiped forest spirits and performed rituals in the thickets of the forest. At the same time, they spiritualized every animal, plant or tree, considering it a living embodiment of a deity. The Druids compiled special calendars, according to which they determined what ritual should be performed during this period. Usually the events were tied to the summer and winter solstice, as well as the days of the equinox.


    Thus, the entire annual period was divided into several segments, which were patronized by one or another spirit. A person born in a certain period of time was given a name characteristic of his patron tree. So each person got his own guardian spirit in the form of a plant.

    Unlike conventional astrological The Druid horoscope contains not 12, but as many as 22 signs. This is due to the different division by dates of one or another zodiac sign. According to the Celtic horoscope, the same zodiac sign can be suitable different types trees.

    These 22 signs include four symbols depending on the equinox and solstice, they have only one period of activity. The remaining 18 signs have two periods of activity. Despite the apparent complexity, determining who you are according to the Druid horoscope is very simple. Let's take a closer look at the calendar.

    Important dates

    1. Apple tree. Periods (23.12−01.01 Capricorn 1 day) and (25.06−04.07 Cancer 1 day).
    2. Fir. Periods (02.01−11.01 Capricorn 2d.) and (05.07−14.07 Cancer 2d.).
    3. Elm. Periods (12.01−24.01 Capricorn 3 days) and (15.07−25.07 Cancer 3 days).
    4. Cypress. Periods (25.01−03.02 Aquarius 1 day) and (26.07−04.08 Leo 1 day).
    5. Cedar. Periods (9.02−18.02 Aquarius 3 days) and (14.08−24.08 Leo 3 days).
    6. Pine. Periods (19.02−29.02 Pisces 1 day) and (24.08−2.09 Virgo 1 day).
    7. Hazel. Periods (22.03−31.03 Aries 1 day) and (24.09−4.10 Libra 1 day).
    8. Rowan. Periods (1.04−10.04 Aries 2 days) and (4.10−13.10 Libra 2 days).
    9. Maple. Periods (11.04−20.04 Aries 3 days) and (14.10−14.10 Libra 3 days).
    10. Nut. Periods (21.04−30.04 Taurus 1 day) and (25.10−2.11 Scorpio 1 day).
    11. Chestnut. Periods (15.05−24.05 Taurus 3 days) and (12.11−21.11 Scorpio 3 days).
    12. Hornbeam. Periods (4.06−13.06 Gemini 2 days) and (2.12−11.12 Sagittarius 2 days).
    13. Figs Periods (14.06−22.06 Gemini 3 days) and (12.12−21.12 Sagittarius 3 days).


    All zodiac signs in the horoscope of trees according to date of birth are divided into three decades (1, 2 and 3 days), respectively at the beginning, middle and end. Depending on what period of the constellation you were born in, it depends what sign you are according to the Druid horoscope.

    • Apple tree. Sentimental people, whose feelings and emotions often take precedence over reason and logic. They can be very generous, always love to give gifts and forget debts. But their extravagance often leads to a financial crisis. Apple trees are sentimental and vulnerable, they always focus on what their partner wants, and are ready to give all of themselves for their loved one.
    • Fir. Proud and independent people born under the sign of fir delight others with their beauty and elegance. They are always impeccable in their clothes and accessories and are never careless. They always pay attention even to the little things. These people, as if carved from stone, are calm, independent and firm in their convictions. However, due to their perseverance, they may not succeed in love, because not everyone can get along with such a person.
    • Elm. Always conservative and constant. They love stability and comfort in almost everything. So, having become interested in something in childhood, an elm can easily devote its whole life to it. Their hobbies do not pass by, and if such a person decides to study something, he will see his work through to the end. They are also constant in marriage. These people, having found a friend in life, remain faithful to him all their lives; they do not like to switch from one to another. They do not strive to change their lifestyle, habits or work, even if it does not completely suit them.
    • Cypress. Somewhat melancholic and calm people. They are ready to do anything for their soulmate. They can often be reserved and do not like conflicts and quarrels. At the same time, they are optimists and always think about the good and try not to lose heart. In order not to get lost in the gray everyday life, these people find themselves in the world of fantasy and happily engage in creativity. They often make excellent writers or musicians. However, non-passionate professions are not for them. On office work they begin to languish and most likely will not succeed.
    • Poplar. These people are usually very beautiful especially when they are children. They have an elusive charisma that allows them to attract others. They are always brave and can stand up for themselves and others. Despite this in ordinary life they are calm and non-conflict. IN adolescence very often fall under the influence bad companies, therefore, they should be protected from unwanted influence from others. At a more mature age, having matured as individuals, they feel their superiority and independence. They often achieve success in their careers and blossom only after 35 years. They always have high demands on their partners, so it is not easy for them to find their life partner.
    • Cedar Optimists in life, these people burst into everything like a hurricane with enormous energy. Their innate intelligence and charm allow them to stand in the spotlight and be an excellent leader. They often achieve success in their careers, but in their personal lives they often cannot find a permanent partner in life.
    • Pine. People under this sign are characterized by kindness and sincerity. They are great friends, the ones who are always ready to help. These people are very sensitive and prone to narcissism. They do not tolerate criticism and love compliments. Having found their soulmate, they immediately lose their heads, giving her all of themselves without a trace.
    • Willow. These people love to show themselves. Since childhood, they have artistic abilities that they boldly apply in life. They may cry in public or seem overly cheerful. They are often not taken seriously, but they are very smart, and all their theatricality is just an attempt to hide their deep, sensitive world.
    • Linden. People born under this sign are quite chaotic by nature. They often do not understand where to go, they can change their place of work many times and, starting to study a profession, give it up and rush around the world. They do not like to burden themselves with responsibilities and worries; it is important for them to have a person nearby who will take full responsibility.
    • Hazel. People have good intuition. Always confident in themselves and their superiority. They are excellent leaders. However, in personal relationships it can be difficult with them. He can plan far ahead, predict far-reaching events and be on top of his game. various fields activities.
    • Rowan. Diplomatic natures who perfectly understand their interlocutor. Thanks to their innate intuition, they can know well when and how to act. Sensual and faithful natures, they are faithful in marriage, but require love and attention.
    • Maple. People are cheerful and energetic, always ready for exploits. They can be wonderful friends and comrades. They always have a lot of friends. Their sociability and optimism attracts people around them like a magnet. Despite this, they often cannot choose a partner because they are very fickle and can even marry several times.
    • Nut. Energetic and impulsive, these people always know their worth. They may think they are superior to others and act somewhat arrogant and overly decisive. He is always very selfish and loves when people compliment him. Their passion, determination and high intelligence allow them to quickly achieve high positions at a young age.
    • Jasmine. Always very soft and sensitive. Their pleasant, easy-going nature makes them excellent conversationalists. Their innate charisma and sense of style gives them a special charm. These people always strive for family comfort and warmth. Having chosen a partner, they stay with him all their lives, maintaining love and giving themselves completely.
    • Chestnut. These people are quite reserved and uncommunicative. Their introversion forces them to find a small circle of friends to socialize with. They usually only have one or two friends whom they value very much.
    • Ash. The person is narcissistic and loves praise and compliments. Often exalts himself greatly over others. Their communication style and beauty make them excellent leaders in society. They can be very generous, they are not greedy, they always like to give expensive gifts to others.
    • Hornbeam. This sign is quite conservative. Doesn't like to change his habits. He is faithful to the traditions of his family and always honors his elders. He has special respect for family values. These people are very family-oriented, they become attached to their partner, with whom they save warm relations all life.
    • Figs. This sign is very sensitive and gentle. There is some tendency towards depression, they may consider the people around them as enemies. Fig people do not tolerate criticism. They require a lot of attention. They need constant support and approval from others. They can get offended over trifles, so it is very difficult to find your soulmate.

    Causes no less interest than in ancient times. Trees have long attracted people for their vitality, usefulness and many other qualities. And the Druids even believed that all people on Earth descended from trees.

    History of the ancient horoscope

    Celtic Druids especially revered different trees. They made magical utensils from them for their sacred rituals and wrote secret sacred signs on them.

    All the secrets of the Druids were not written down anywhere, but were passed on orally from teacher to student. Therefore, the Druid horoscope has survived to this day in an incomplete version.

    In the pre-Christian era, Druids were a separate class of people who practiced magic, healing, and even justice. It was possible to become a Druid only by diligently adopting knowledge and sacraments from your mentor. The status of "druid" was not hereditary, and it could not be bought with money.

    With the arrival of the Romans in the German and English lands, the Druids lost a significant part of their influence and went into the shadows. They continued to pass on their knowledge to each other even more secretly.

    And only in the 17th century ethnographers from Northern Europe piece by piece they recreated the horoscope of the Druids, as well as some other facts related to their life.

    The cycles of celestial bodies are what underlies the Druid horoscope. Two important equinoxes and two solstices are significant milestones in this horoscope.

    There are 22 signs in the horoscope. They correspond with some tree or plant, and they are also associated with zodiac constellations. Each sign has two decades: light and dark. The Druids called winter and summer dark and light times.

    A horoscope of this format not only explains the character traits of a person born under a certain sign, but also reveals general patterns between different signs.

    Horoscope by date of birth

    To calculate your own sign, just look at the ratio scale by year of birth. Thus, trees that patronize by date of birth may include the following options:

    • December 23 – January 1 and June 25 – July 4. Patron - apple tree. People born during this period are light-hearted and cheerful. They love to philosophize, have high intellectual abilities, and live in the present. “Apple trees” are not vindictive or vindictive. They are open, naive and sensitive. They love company and do not tolerate silence well;
    • January 2 – January 11 and July 5 – July 14. Patron - fir. These people are individualists always and in everything. They have a certain introversion. And they will never let a stranger too close to them. “Firs” are stingy with emotions and demanding of everyone around them. They can be faithful spouses, sacrificing comfort in the present for great achievements in the future;

    • January 12 – January 24 and July 15 – July 25. Patron - elm. Such people value stability and practicality. They cannot stand artificially complicating problems. They lead a calm and measured lifestyle. “Elms” are excellent leaders with a sense of humor. In personal relationships they are looking for a safe haven;
    • January 25 – February 3 and July 26 – August 4. Patron - cypress. Those born during this period are considered quite lucky. “Cypresses” are well versed in human nature and have developed intuition. Earning money comes quite easily to such people. And their easy-going nature and conflict-free disposition help them avoid major troubles;

    • February 4 – February 8 and August 5 – August 13. Patron - poplar. The fascinating Druid horoscope by date of birth says that “poplar” is an indecisive but bright person. Great potential is hidden in the character of such people. But it can be difficult to implement due to the wrong environment. But representatives of this sign know how to look stylish and fashionable without much effort. IN conflict situations show feigned indifference;

    • February 9 – February 18 and August 14 – August 23. Patron - cedar. "Cedars" are great optimists. Their kindness and responsiveness often baffle others. But they themselves are not at all embarrassed by such qualities. Such people are sociable, vulnerable and sensitive, they know how to laugh at themselves. Their distinctive feature is considered to be a love of freedom, which often leads to problems with superiors;

    • February 19 – February 29 and August 24 – September 2. Patron - pine. These people look purposeful. The environment is chosen based on the principle of those who agree with them. They earn good money, run a household easily;

    • March 1 – March 10 and September 3 – September 12. Patron - willow. "Willows" are reputed creative personalities, living in a dream world according to their own scenario. They have a hard time deciding real problems. But when making a decision, they perfectly see all the consequences of their actions;

    • March 11 – March 20 and September 13 – September 22. Patron - linden. Fatalists and realists who believe in fate. “Limes” do not like lazy people and do not allow themselves to be idle. They are changeable, but endowed with excellent intuition;

    • March 22 – March 31 and September 24 – October 3. The patron is the hazel tree. Representatives of this sign are secretive and uncommunicative. They do not tolerate noisy companies well and are not fixated on material wealth. But they are good friends;

    • April 1 – April 10 and October 4 – October 13. Patron - mountain ash. The energy of these people is overflowing. And they easily make up for its losses with walks and sports. They value family and want to see justice and equality in everything;

    • April 11 – April 20 and October 14 – October 23. Patron - maple. “Maples” are curious, erudite and well-read. Their thirst for knowledge is very great, but somewhat superficial. Such people are fickle and like to command others;

    • April 21 – April 30 and October 24 – November 2. Patron - walnut. Although these people are engaged in charity, they have complex character. There are many contradictions in them. They are picky and strong. In life, “nuts” are quite active;
    • May 1 – May 14 and November 3 – November 11. Patron: jasmine. At this time, good diplomats are born. In favorable conditions, “jasmines” show everything best qualities, in a bad environment they become insidious. They are not afraid of difficulties, they achieve everything themselves;
    • May 15 – May 24 and November 12 – November 21. Patron - chestnut. “Chestnuts” can rightfully be called the soul of the company. They are sociable, eccentric and bright. They hate rules and prefer to set their own standards;
    • May 25 - June 3 and November 22 - December 3. Patron - ash. Such people are confident in themselves. They often succeed. Happy in career and personal life. They are reputed to be great realists;

    Many of us are accustomed to checking our plans with zodiac horoscope. But not everyone knows that certain trees can influence a person based on their date of birth. This horoscope is considered the legacy of the Druids, who lived in harmony with nature and believed that man was created from wood.

    Some general information

    In 18 tree signs. The time of each sign comes 2 times a year. These dates depend on the position of the sun. In addition, there are 4 trees that are associated with the main events of the year: summer and spring and autumn are equal days. These are oak (21.03), birch (24.07), olive (23.09), beech (21-22.12)

    Celtic tribes believed that the fate of a person depended on the patron tree. They spent as much time as possible near their patrons to strengthen the spirit and improve the body. Even a child knew the tree calendar by heart, and even more so his Druid tree by date of birth. It was normal to ask your tree for help and advice. No one was afraid or ashamed of their talismans. The Druids drew their magic from surrounding nature and tried to preserve it for posterity.

    We have long forgotten that nature can and should be trusted. And if someone is interested in how to recognize their tree by date of birth, then just look at this calendar.

    Apple tree

    Those born from 23.12 to 01.01 and from 25.06 to 04.07 are patronized by the Apple Tree. Children born these days are light and cheerful. They look at problems like true philosophers and have developed intelligence. The apple tree makes a person trusting, emotional and sentimental. He can be quick-tempered, but he does not remember evil for a long time.

    Evergreen Fir

    Those born in January from 2 to 11 and in July from 5 to 14 are patronized by Fir. Character traits- pride, individualism, demandingness. But these are not selfish people, but balanced and attentive people. They pour heavily into new company, real friends may not happen at all. A person favored by Fir is a good family man and a faithful life partner. If your chosen one has Fir as a talisman tree based on his date of birth, then you can safely marry him.


    Those born in January from 12 to 24 and in July from 15 to 25 are patronized by the majestic Elm. These are simple and calm people. Passions and vanity tire them. Their strong point is practicality and consistency. Elms are trees that give people confidence and optimism based on their date of birth. They will not complicate or escalate the problem, but will think through the situation and resolve all issues. In relationships, Elms are very constant; they are ready to love even without reciprocity.

    Exotic Cypress

    If you were born between 03.02 or from 26.07 to 04.08, then the mascot is Cypress. You are attractive, well-built and take good care of yourself. Cypress trees are trees that, based on their date of birth, endow people with irrepressible imagination and creative potential. These people have a conflict-free and easy-going character; they like to relax and are not very hard workers. But luck favors them.

    A person whose talisman is Cypress craves recognition and love. He cannot be in the shadow of his partner; his calling is to be the “first violin”.

    Slender poplar

    The person who appeared in February from 5 to 8 and in August from 5 to 13 is Poplar. imparts modesty and indecisiveness. But at the same time it gives you the desire to adjust your life. Often this desire finds expression in experiments with appearance.

    Poplars are not confrontational; they would rather laugh it off than get into a fight. But these people have very high demands on their environment.


    Were you born between the 9th and 18th in February or the 14th and 23rd in August and are wondering “What is my date of birth tree?”? Know that this is Cedar. Look at yourself - you are a kind, cheerful optimist, you don’t have depression, you don’t like to do soul-searching. The talisman tree has endowed you with these traits.


    People who appeared in February from 19 to 29 and in August-September from 24 to 2 receive the beautiful Pine as their patron. They are stubborn and persistent, enforce their point of view and love when everyone agrees with them. Flatterers and sycophants often linger around such people.

    Pine imparts confidence and a desire to communicate. Women of this sign cook well and create comfort around them.


    Does your birthday fall on one of the days in March from 1 to 10 or in September from 3 to 12? This means that Willow is your patron.

    People of this sign tend to get carried away. They are good actors and gamblers. Such people build their lives according to their own understanding. They can be insincere and often become depressed. But a penchant for creativity allows you to become successful artists, directors, and poets.


    A person celebrating a birth in March from 11 to 20 or in September from 13 to 22 receives the fragrant Linden tree as a patron. He is a realist and a fatalist. Hardworking beyond measure, does not tolerate idleness. Such people love comfort and appreciate a beautiful life. They do not enter into open conflicts, sometimes they are contradictory, but they understand people well. They have no life principles. They always need an authoritative mentor.


    Those born in March from 22 to 31 and in September-October from 24 to 3 received the Hazel talisman. These are hidden and rarely show emotions. They can be unsociable and have difficulty making friends. They feel comfortable working and relaxing only in silence and solitude. They are reliable partners, but are not too keen on raising children.

    Shy Ryabinka

    From 01.04 to 10.04 and from 04.10 to 13.10 a person is patronized by Ryabinka. These are energetic and cheerful people. They love an active lifestyle, play sports and walk a lot. Rowan is fair and caring. Rowan people will always lend a hand to those who need it. Their marriage is only possible for love.


    People celebrating their birthdays in April (11-20) or October (14-23) fall under the auspices of Maple. They are curious and well-read. They love to study, but are not too diligent. They often forget about their promises and are not averse to giving orders. Maples are merry fellows and jokers, but they do not value friends and loved ones. They are often lonely.


    Were you born in April between 21 and 30 or between 10/24 and 11/2? Your talisman - Walnut. The character influenced by such a talisman is complex and contradictory. A person’s mood constantly changes, he is quarrelsome and uncompromising. However, he is capable of compassion and can help in trouble.


    For someone born in May from 1 to 14 or in November from 3 to 11, Jasmine becomes the talisman. He is hardworking and able to overcome difficulties, but often goes with the flow. Such a person is able to find mutual language with every. However, if life does not work out, then he becomes vindictive.


    Those born in May from 15 to 24 and in November from 12 to 21 live under the attention of Chestnut. According to their date of birth, trees give them a bright appearance, a mocking character and a love of communication. They do not recognize rules and do not like to obey. They love children very much and create strong families.


    From 25.05 to 03.06 and from 22.11 to 01.12 the mascot is Ash. He makes people realists and pragmatists. The Druids predict a successful life for them. These are born leaders and bosses. But they are lucky not only at work, but also in family life.


    If your tree by date of birth is Hornbeam, then you were born in the period from 06/01 to 06/13 or from 12/02 to 12/11. You have a strong-willed and serious character. You tend to be pragmatic. You are having a hard time experiencing changes in your life.


    Those born in June from 14 to 23 or in December from 12.12 to 20.12 are favored by Figs. These are free and independent people. They love idleness and value pleasure. Their life is spent in a constant war with weaknesses. Depression often occurs, then Fig requires attention and care.

    Oak, Birch, Olive, Beech

    These are the trees of the equinoxes and solstices. They are powerful talismans that give confidence and good luck in life. Each of the trees endows its wards with different traits, but the common ones are luck, happiness and success.

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