Which state was ruled by Rainier 3. Great love stories: Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier III. Small kingdom for big love

Monaco is a tiny state in the south of the European continent, which is famous mainly for its world-famous casinos and as a venue for Formula 1 competitions. Since the end of the thirteenth century, it has been ruled by the Grimaldi dynasty, represented by Prince Albert II, who took the throne after his father. Rainier III. This monarch, who passed away in 2005, became the subject of one of the most high-profile royal romances of the last two centuries during his youth.


future monarch, full name who sounded like Louis-Henri-Bertrand Grimaldi, was born in 1923 in a family illegitimate daughter Louis II Charlotte, who four years earlier was officially recognized as heir to the throne. The fact is that otherwise the throne could go to his second cousin - Wilhelm von Urach, who fought in the First world war on the side of Germany. The prospect of seeing a German as Prince of Monaco did not suit France, which threatened to occupy the principality in this case. Therefore, Prince Louis II went to the violation of all laws, giving the girl the title of Duchess of Valentinois, and also marrying her to a Frenchman, Count Pierre de Polignac. The marriage of Rainier's parents did not last long and was terminated when the boy was ten years old, due to his father's homosexual affairs, information about which became public.

Rainier III, Prince of Monaco: biography before accession to the throne

The future monarch completed a course of study at the best private schools in Switzerland and the UK, and then received a certificate of completion of the general liberal education in Montpellier and graduated from the Paris High School political science. Having reached the age of majority, Louis-Henri Grimaldi volunteered to serve in the French army as an officer and took part in the fighting against Nazi Germany in Alsace.

As Crown Prince

In the same 1944, his mother, with the consent of Prince Louis II, transferred her rights of succession to her son. At the same time, the young man did not leave his military career; for his military merits, Rainier III, Prince of Monaco, was awarded the Bronze Star and the Military Cross. After the end of World War II, he was sent on a French military mission to Berlin, where he took part in the decision economic issues. In this field, the young man also achieved success, and in early 1947, the French president awarded the heir to the crown of Monaco with the Order of the Legion of Honor and the Knight's Cross.


Rainier III, Prince of Monaco, came to the throne in 1949, after the death of his grandfather. Since that time, a real golden era has begun in the history of this tiny state. Suffice it to say that it was under him that the country acquired its modern look, major economic and political transformations were carried out. In particular, in 1962, Rainier III, Prince of Monaco, initiated the adoption of a new, progressive constitution for the country, and in 1993 this state became a member of the UN with all the ensuing rights. In addition, thanks to his wise policy aimed at increasing the tourist attractiveness of the Principality, the coast of Monte Carlo has become one of the most prestigious luxury resort areas in Europe.

Grace Kelly before marriage

This style icon and one of the most charming Hollywood divas was born in the USA in 1928 in the family of a wealthy entrepreneur and in the past Olympic champion Jack Kelly. He always dreamed that his children would enter high society, and therefore Grace and her three sisters were raised as little princesses, which helped them a lot in the future. At the age of six, the girl was sent to a strict Catholic college, where she distinguished herself by exemplary behavior and exceptional diligence. Later, in an expensive private school, she became interested in theater and performed in student performances, and at nineteen she went to New York with the firm intention of becoming an actress. The extraordinary beauty of a young girl from Philadelphia helped her to become first a fashion model, and then a sought-after movie star. Moreover, long before Rainier III, Prince of Monaco, and Grace Kelly met, she had many fans and lovers, including famous Hollywood actors, directors, fashion designers and even the Iranian Shah himself, who, according to rumors, offered her to become his next wife. At the same time, Grace's parents jealously followed their daughter's personal life and really hoped for a profitable marriage. Fate smiled at the Kelly family when, during one of the film festivals, their daughter, already famous at that time, met Rainier III. The Prince of Monaco, whose photo at that time showed him as a respectable young well-groomed man, immediately wrote the girl down as a potential bride, as he had been planning to marry for a long time.

At the time of the acquaintance, which took place in the spring of 1955, Grace was at the zenith of fame. She recently received an Oscar, but, oddly enough, she was all alone. Young people liked each other almost at first sight, and soon their engagement was announced.


Grace arrived in Monaco in April 1956 on an ocean liner, accompanied by five friends. She was greeted like a queen and showered with flowers from a helicopter ordered by the groom's friend, Onassis. Most of the inhabitants of Monte Carlo sought to see the bride Rainier III at all costs. The Prince of Monaco, sister, whose mother and father were present at the welcoming ceremony, simply beamed with happiness, which could not be said about his relatives. The “wedding of the century,” as journalists dubbed the ceremony, took place on April 19, after which the couple went to honeymoon trip. The next one was pretty good, at least reporters have never been able to convict the prince of treason. Grace gave birth to her husband three children, and last child was born when she was thirty-six.

Wife's death

Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier III of Monaco, whose children have long since become parents themselves, lived together for only 26 years. In 1982, the princess, along with Princess Stephanie, got into a terrible car accident and died as a result of her injuries. The couple's daughter was also seriously injured, but she still managed to save her life. According to investigators, the princess, who on that day refused the services of a driver and drove the car herself, lost control due to a stroke. As a result, the car fell off a cliff. Although the accident happened early in the morning, the essentials were delivered to the hospital, where Grace Kelly was brought, only in the evening. Precious time was lost, and the next the doctors informed the family that even if the princess remained alive, she would be paralyzed forever and could never return to normal life. Then Prince Rainier, after conferring with the older children, decided to turn off the artificial life support devices.

Thus died one of the most desirable and charming women on the planet, whose memory is still alive today, more than 35 years after her death.


In 1958, Grace Kelly gave birth to a son, Albert. Most of all rejoiced Rainier III, Prince of Monaco. He was much less interested in the height, weight and appearance of the baby than gender, since he had long dreamed of a son. The boy was fond of sports since childhood and participated in five times Olympic Games like a bobsledder. In 2006, he visited the North Pole and even took part in the event. In 2005, Prince Albert II inherited the throne, but remained childless until recently. Only in December 2014, his wife Charlene Wittstock gave birth to twins to the monarch: a boy and a girl. According to the laws of the principality, after Albert II the throne will pass to his son Jean.


The firstborn of Rainier III (Prince of Monaco) and Grace Kelly was Princess Caroline, who was born in 1957. On the this moment she has been married four times and has four children. As for the second daughter of the princely couple, Princess Stephanie was born in 1965. In her youth, she was known for her eccentric disposition and even had some success as a pop singer for some time, her discs diverged in millions of copies. In particular, the single "Hurricane" in France is considered one of the most famous hits 80s of the twentieth century. She has two daughters and a son from two marriages.

Grandchildren and great-grandchildren

The Grimaldi family tree after the marriage of Prince Rainier and Grace Kelly gave many branches. Indeed, in total, at the moment this couple, who have long departed to another world, has nine grandchildren. Great-grandchildren also appeared relatively recently. In particular, a couple of years ago, the eldest grandson of Prince Rainier, Andrea Casiraghi, the son of Princess Caroline, married. In this marriage, he had a son, Alexander, and a daughter, India. In 2013, Rafael Elmacher was born, son

Rainier III, Prince of Monaco. Sister Antoinette

In the marriage of Charlotte, Duchess of Valentinois, and Pierre de Polignac, in addition to the son Louis-Henri, a daughter was also born. The girl was born in 1920 and was named Antoinette. Since, until the age of 33, Rainier III, Prince of Monaco, was not married and had no children, the princess, who was born first, hoped to someday take her brother’s place on the throne, or at least put her young son on him, born from a marriage with tennis player Alexander But eh. It is said that she tried in every possible way to prevent the young monarch from marrying. In particular, Rainier III, Prince of Monaco, and his sister had a serious quarrel when a woman put an end to her brother's affair with a rumor that this young woman was barren. However, all attempts to do the same in relation to the American Grace Kelly were unsuccessful. Most likely, that is why, after the movie star married Rainier III and gave birth to his heir, the monarch's sister, along with her lover, retired from the court. She settled in seclusion on the coast with huge amount cats and dogs and rarely appeared in the world. However, until her death in 2011, Antoinette of Monaco remained an ardent defender of animal rights.


Rainier III, Prince of Monaco, whose children are often the focus of the yellow press, died in 2005. He is buried in the family vault in Monte Carlo next to his beloved Grace. The main thing that Rainier III, the Prince of Monaco, did for his country was the growth of the well-being of its inhabitants and the transformation of the state into one of the most prestigious resorts in Europe. And in the memory of people around the world, he remained thanks to a beautiful romance with the charming Grace Kelly.

Rainier III(fr. Rainier III, full name - Rainier Louis Henri Maxence Bertrand Grimaldi; May 31, 1923 - April 6, 2005) - the twelfth Prince of Monaco, who ruled from 1949-2005.


Before accession to the throne

Born May 31, 1923 and at baptism was named Louis-Henri-Maxens-Bertrand Grimaldi. Parents Charlotte of Monaco, Duchess Valentinois and Prince Pierre de Polignac.

The future ruler of the principality was educated in Great Britain, Switzerland (private school Institut Le Rosey) and France, where he graduated, in particular, from the prestigious "Syans Po" - higher school political sciences in Paris.

In September 1944, Prince Rainier entered the service of the French army as an officer and took part in the military campaign against Nazi Germany in Alsace.

Reign and family

He ascended the princely throne after his grandfather, Prince Louis II, died on May 9, 1949. Formally, Rainier's mother, Princess Charlotte, was the heir to the title, but she renounced the throne in favor of her son.

In 1956, Prince Rainier married Hollywood actress Grace Kelly. In 1982, the prince's wife died in a car accident.

The couple had three children: Princess Caroline, born in 1957, crown prince Albert (1958) and Princess Stephanie (1965).

In 1982, as a result of a car accident, Princess Stephanie, who was in a car with her dead mother, was seriously injured. As the tabloid press then wrote, it was Stefania who was driving and became the culprit of the disaster, but officially this version was never confirmed.

Currently, Carolina and Stefania, whose turbulent personal lives have been the subject of constant attention from paparazzi photographers for many years, are married, and Stefania is already the fourth time. The daughters gave the prince seven grandchildren and granddaughters.

Crown Prince Albert II was previously considered one of the most enviable suitors in Europe. On March 31, 2005, due to his father's illness, he was entrusted with the functions of regent, and on April 6, after the death of Rainier III, he became the ruling prince. On July 1, 2011, Albert married Charlene Lynette Wittstock.

Contribution to philately

Prince Rainier III was a world famous philatelist. During the years of his reign, he was personally involved in various aspects related to the preparation of drawings and the release of the final philatelic products of Monaco. Since 1948, when he assumed the Monegasque throne, the importance of the philatelic issues of this microstate has increased significantly. The prince is considered the author of the statement that postage stamps are " best ambassador countries". The philatelic collection of Rainier III formed the basis of the Museum of Postage Stamps and Coins of Monaco ( Musee des Timbres et des Monnaies de Monaco). The portrait of Rainier III has repeatedly appeared on the postage stamps of Monaco.

In 1996, the Prince was awarded the "Grand Prix 1996" by the World Association of Publishers of Philatelic Catalogues, Albums and Magazines (ASCAT). Since November 1997 he has been an honorary member of the European Academy of Philately; he received this title during the International Philatelic Exhibition held in Monaco.

In February 1999, under the auspices of the prince, the Monte Carlo Club was formed ( Club de Monte-Carlo; full title - Club de Monte-Carlo de l'Elite de la Philatelie) is a worldwide philatelic elite club with more than a hundred members.

Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier receive congratulations shortly before their wedding, April 18, 1956.

The story of their love seemed to be copied from the most beautiful fairy tales about princes and princesses. He is the hereditary ruler of the Principality of Monaco, an officer, a graduate of the prestigious Institute political research(forges political elite France) - and a rich man. She is an Oscar-winning Hollywood star, a real beauty and an enviable bride. This union had all the "components" of a brilliant love scenario: handsome heroes, a fateful first meeting, Love letters, obstacles to happiness, a magnificent wedding. But was there the main "component" here - love? After more than 60 years from the date of their wedding, there is no doubt: there was love. Fleeting, spontaneous, yet strong enough for Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier to live together for the rest of their lives.


Royal couple at a reception in Royal Palace, 1956.

It only took them a second to fall in love with each other. And only a year to tie their destinies by marriage. The acquaintance of Prince Rainier and Grace Kelly took place in 1955 in Cannes. Then the star of the films "Mogambo" and "Country Girl" (for the game in which the actress was awarded the "Oscar") led the American delegation at the Cannes Film Festival. Grace's agenda as a whole contained the usual, "routine" affairs of any movie star: choosing a toilet, meeting with journalists, attending a gala dinner in her honor. Oh yes, and a joint photo shoot with the Prince of Monaco for Paris Match - an item that, according to close actresses, Grace really wanted to cross out of her busy schedule.

Aristotle Onassis, even before the monarch met the heroine, once mentioned that the best way to draw attention to the principality could be the wedding of Rainier with someone like Marilyn Monroe or Grace Kelly ...

The famous portrait of Grace Kelly, believed to be 1953.

A still from the movie High Society (1956), where Grace played with Frank Sinatra.

A still from the film To Catch a Thief (1954).

One of the most famous images Grace Kelly.

Grace Kelly and Edmond O'Brien with their Oscars, March 30, 1955.

However, the Prince of Monaco himself was not so eager to get to the photo shoot. Moreover, on that day, everyone and everything seemed to be against their meeting. Grace got into a traffic jam for many hours, then a small accident and, as contemporaries testify, she was in a terrible mood - including because she was not happy with either her outfit or her hair. Prince Rainier also got stuck in an endless stream of cars, as a result of which he showed up for a photo shoot half an hour late and without the slightest desire to pose with some actress (albeit the highest grossing one of his time).

Prince Rainier with his wife Grace Kelly aboard the Constitution after a trip to the United States of America, November 17, 1956.

However, everything was resolved by a small but very sweet episode. Prince Rainier later admitted that, entering the hall where the meeting was to be held, he was fascinated at first sight by how Grace was rehearsing her curtsey in front of a mirror. Finally, they met and, as legend has it, they fell in love at first sight. This look, by the way, fell into the lens of photographer Pierre Galante, who took one of the most famous photographs of the prince and future princess. Grace was also captivated by the 32-year-old monarch, who impressed her with his courtesy and gallantry. After the photo shoot, he invited her to his residence. There, among the flowering gardens, she was especially touched by a small zoo, as well as how calmly and paternally Renier played with a small tiger cub.

Prince Rainier and Grace Kelly at a social event, believed to be 1957.

Grace Kelly and Rainier.

After this meeting, a stormy romantic correspondence began between the young people. And even here there were literary reminiscences (we refer to Romeo and Juliet): his spiritual mentor, Father Tucker, helped send letters to Grace Rainier. In just six months, the prince in love will cross the Atlantic, ask for blessings from Grace's parents, and on Christmas Eve propose to the actress in the center of New York, handing her an engagement ring, which, however, will be replaced in a month by the famous jewelry with a 10-carat diamond from Cartier.

Grace and Rainier at the future princess's home in Philadelphia with her parents, the day after the engagement was announced, January 5, 1956.

Bets are made

Like any marriage of this level, the wedding of Grace and Rainier became the subject of general interest and hopes for strategic benefits. It must be understood that in the middle of the 20th century, the Principality of Monaco was by no means such a paradise for billionaires as it is today. Then it was a poor and not too popular small state, for which every casual tourist was worth its weight in gold. It is not surprising that the people had high hopes for the new prince, who ascended the throne in 1949. One of the best friends of the prince, billionaire Aristotle Onassis, even somehow (even before the monarch met our heroine) mentioned that one of better ways to draw attention to the principality could be the wedding of Rainier with someone like Marilyn Monroe or Grace Kelly ... And here Onassis was more insightful than ever: the wedding of the ruler of a small principality with Grace really made advertising for this state for decades to come. Tourists poured into Monaco in droves, and billionaires from all over the world began to consider it their duty to buy their own villa in the principality.

Before the wedding, his spiritual mentor, Father Tucker, helped send letters to Grace Rainier.

Grace and Rainier at the future princess's home in Philadelphia the day after their engagement was announced, January 5, 1956.

Grace's parents also had certain hopes, who, by the way, having met the prince, decided that he was the ruler not of Monaco, but of Morocco. But be that as it may, such an alliance was in the hands of the descendants of Irish immigrants, for whom the path to high society in New York was closed for a long time (despite their solid state).

Last performance at the Oscars before the actress became the wife of Prince Rainier and finally refused to be part of the film world, March 22, 1956.

An actress aboard the liner "Constitution", preparing to leave for Monaco to Rainier, April 1956.

However, they had to pay for their interests. Parents - about $ 2 million as a dowry, and Grace herself, in turn, had to pass a fertility test (requirement of the protocol), and, along with it, an informal virginity test. Of course, the Hollywood star, who had many lovers before Rainier, was worried about the results. However, since Grace was all right with the ability to give the monarch heirs, no one paid attention to the “side” conclusions.

Still from To Catch a Thief (1954) with Grace Kelly and Cary Grant.

But perhaps the most serious sacrifice for Grace was the condition under which she had to give up her career as an actress. From now on, she had to play only one role - the wife of the ruler of Monaco.

Before the wedding, Grace had to undergo a fertility test (a protocol requirement) and an informal virginity test.

Grace on the official poster for The Swan with co-stars, 1956.

Still from High Society (1956) with Grace Kelly and Frank Sinatra.

Still from Bridges at Toko-Ri (1954) with Grace Kelly and William Holden.

And she made that sacrifice. Later, only once did Grace try to break this condition, when Alfred Hitchcock offered her a role in one of his new paintings. The prince was inclined to show understanding and let his wife go to the shooting. However, the people of the Principality of Monaco turned out to be sharply against this idea: “Our princess cannot and should not act in films like some kind of actress!” As a result, Grace stayed at home. According to the testimonies of relatives, she hardly left her room for a week, for her this last missed chance to plunge into her beloved world of cinema again turned out to be a real tragedy.

"Wedding of the Century"

Wedding portrait, archive photo.

A wedding portrait taken at the end of an official religious ceremony, April 19, 1956.

This is how the triumph of Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier was loudly called, which, according to some estimates, even surpassed the wedding of Queen Elizabeth and Duke Philip in terms of expenses. It is not surprising: the entire festivities lasted about a week and ended with official ceremonies - civil (April 18) and religious (April 19).

Grace herself arrived at the shores of the Principality on the ocean liner "Constitution" on April 12. As soon as the bride stepped on the pier and greeted her lover, the legendary “rain” of red and white carnations rained down on the young from heaven (actually just from the plane) - a gift from that very friend Rainier Aristotle. About a thousand guests attended the celebration itself, including Hollywood stars, prominent politicians and even representatives of the Pope.

Wedding ceremony, April 19, 1956.

Princess at her wedding, April 19, 1956.

royal wedding, April 19, 1956.

The wedding celebration cost, according to various estimates, 45-55 million dollars, most which the MGM film studio, which collaborated with Grace, undertook to cover. By the way, in exchange for breaking the contract with the newly-made princess, the company received the exclusive right to broadcast the ceremony on television and in the cinema.

Kelly and Rainier at their wedding dinner, April 21, 1956.

The famous Grace Kelly dress, which many still consider the standard of wedding attire, was made by about 30 dressmakers over a six-week period. The outfit, designed by costume designer Helen Rose, was embroidered with pearls and vintage Brussels lace and is now valued at around $300,000.

The celebration of Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier, according to some estimates, surpassed the wedding of Queen Elizabeth and Duke Philip in terms of spending.

Royal wedding, April 19, 1956.

In the evening after the ceremony, the newlyweds went on a honeymoon trip on a snow-white yacht - it was a gift from Aristotle Onassis to his friend and his dear wife.

And they lived a long time...

Grace Kelly and Renier with their children Albert and Caroline, circa 1963.

Portrait of Kelly with newborn Prince Albert in her arms, March 1958.

But is it happy? Today, it becomes clear to many that the strong marriage of Grace and Rainier rested not so much on all-consuming love, but on friendship, respect and loyalty to one's own status. Grace seemed to be an exemplary princess: always elegant, she attended all protocol events, did charity work and behaved like an ideal wife. However, it soon became clear that the principality, which once seemed to her a paradise, became a golden cage for her.

One of the very first photographs of the newborn Princess Stephanie, February 4, 1965.
Grace Kelly and Rainier III.

Every girl dreams of meeting a prince. The beautiful actress Grace Kelly not only met and fell in love with the 33-year-old Prince of Monaco, but also built a strong family with him. Their union was considered ideal. Grace, who was the most happy woman at the beginning of marriage, turned out to be a bird imprisoned in a golden cage, at the end of life.

Grace Kelly

Clever, beautiful and beloved daughter.

Grace Kelly was born in 1929 in Philadelphia in the family of millionaire Jack Kelly, who earned his first big money as the owner of the Kelly firm. Brick work. There were four children in the family. All children grew up in strict rules and were not spoiled by their parents. main role in the formation future personality Grace was played by the girl's uncle, actor George Kelly, it was he who noticed her talent at a young age.

Journalists said that there was a quarrel in the car, and Grace Kelly had a stroke. Never having recovered from the accident, the princess died, it happened on September 14, 1982. At that time, she was only 52 years old. The youngest daughter Stefania, who was with her mother in the car, survived. There were hardly any scratches on it. great love ended tragically, and it was a huge loss for Monaco and the whole world.

Rainier's life after Grace's death

The prince with his daughter at his wife's funeral.

Celebrities and monarchs from America and Europe came to the funeral of the princess, locals they sobbed right on the streets, and Renier walked arm in arm with his daughter and did not hide his tears. By his decree, he banned the screening of films in which his wife starred in Monaco. He increasingly remained alone with himself, and less and less appeared at secular receptions.

Rainier III shortly before his death.

He outlived his wife by 24 years, living to the age of 82. Rainier III was buried next to his wife. For a whole generation love story Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier was a fairy tale with a sad ending.

Monument to Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier III of Monaco in Yoshkar-Ola.

What girl does not dream of meeting her prince one day! The beautiful actress Grace Kelly managed to meet her love in the face of the 33-year-old Prince of Monaco and build a strong family with him. The union was considered ideal, but Grace in marriage was both the happiest woman at the beginning and unhappy, like a bird imprisoned in a golden cage, at the end of her life.

On the anniversary of the wedding, which took place on April 19, 1956, HELLO.RU recalls the love story of one of the most beautiful couples of the last century - Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier.

Click on the photo to view the gallery She is like a volcano under the snow. Behind her coldness lies an unimaginable heat of passion. Grace Kelly was born in 1929 to a wealthy American family. Her father was engaged in construction, and her mother, from whom she inherited a beautiful appearance, was a fashion model. The future princess, living in a luxurious mansion in one of the most prestigious areas of Philadelphia, was eager to be free. She wanted creativity, fame and a little bit of madness.

Little Grace Kelly

Grace Kelly first appeared on stage while studying at a religious college, where she received a strict, even for those times, education. After graduation, Grace moved to New York. It seemed to her that one day the whole world would lie at her feet. And so it happened, but not immediately. At first there were hundreds of trials, failures and falls. Grace did not lose heart, worked as a fashion model and at the same time learned the basics of theater at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts.

Grace had a truly amazing appearance: porcelain skin, high cheekbones, big eyes, a chiseled nose, sensual lips and a slender figure. She skillfully emphasized her appearance with the help of exquisite outfits. Later, Tommy Hilfiger will say about her:

Grace Kelly is the only Hollywood actress to wear white gloves so naturally and gracefully. Even at home, alone with herself, she remained invariably glamorous and elegant. She dressed elegantly and feminine, and loved pastel-colored clothes and wide-brimmed hats.

At 20, Grace got her first role on Broadway. And two years later - the coveted role on television. Two more years have passed, and she has already become an Oscar nominee for her work in the film "Mogambo". She did not receive the award then. But still, in her small but bright acting career, one Oscar appeared - for the painting "Country Girl" in 1954.

Even the father of the actress Jack Kelly could not believe in such a quick and unexpected success:

I just can't believe Grace won an Oscar. Of all my four children, she is the one from whom I least expected help in my old age.

Grace Kelly, 1952

The most striking, and subsequently used in many films, was the image of an adventurer girl. First" gold mine"And Grace's talent for working in a similar genre was felt by Alfred Hitchcock.

Grace Kelly and Alfred Hitchcock with wife Alma Reville, 1954 Grace's accelerating career could have brought her many golden statuettes and prestigious awards, but it could have ended with the fading of youth and beauty, which are so important in the acting world.

Grace herself was afraid of age, repeating:
Forty years is torture and the end for a woman. Be that as it may, she met Rainier in the prime of her life and at the peak of her career - at 27 years old. Brilliantly educated, intelligent and gallant - his manners betrayed in him the aristocrat that he was. Already at the age of 26, he ascended the throne of Monaco. After the death of Louis II, Rainier's mother, who was formally the heiress, abdicated in favor of her young son.

Grace Kelly and Rainier III

Rainier and Grace met at the Cannes Film Festival in 1955 during a visit by a delegation of actors to the Prince of Monaco.

As the spouses themselves later recalled, that day both had Bad mood. Grace seemed to get up on the wrong foot, and on the way to the meeting she even got into a small car accident. Renier also had minor problems since the morning. But meeting Grace "lighted up his day," in the words of Renier himself.

Grace Kelly, 1955

Their romance did not start immediately, it was preceded by a long and interesting correspondence. Grace was very pleasant courtship and romantic letters, she noted that Renier writes letters alive and easy language. He told her about the life of the monarch, told her about his castle and garden, describing everything, down to the scent of flowers.

But it was probably not only the romance of the young prince. Of course, he was fascinated by Grace, but as the sole ruler, he understood the importance and necessity of marriage. And the beautiful and fragile Grace seemed to him the best candidate.

A few months later, Rainier packed up and came to Philadelphia, where Grace's parents lived, to make an official proposal to his beloved.

I found my princess
Rainier said that day.

Grace and Rainier's engagement at the Kelly family home in Philadelphia

Grace agreed without hesitation, and soon stepped aboard the inter-Atlantic liner, which delivered her, along with her beloved poodle, close friends and personal hairdresser, straight to the dwarf state.

The actress's parents did not immediately accept her decision, believing that marriage to the prince of such a small state is a step back in her career. And her potential suitors were richer, for example, a few years before that, an Arab sheikh with a huge fortune asked for her hand.

Be that as it may, a week after Grace's arrival in Monaco - on April 19, 1956 - a magnificent wedding took place, after which new life in which there was no longer a place for Hollywood. Grace Kelly became the Princess of Monaco.

Grace and Rainier's wedding, 1956

Rainier and Grace managed to achieve the often unattainable dream of other monarchs - to become truly loving. married couple. Although there were those who doubted the sincerity of their feelings, saying that Grace does not love Rainier, but only tries and learns to love him. There were also those who believed that the heart of the beauty belongs former lover- fashion designer Oleg Cassini.

Be that as it may, Grace did everything to make their family look perfect. The subjects of Monaco immediately accepted the new princess, who was so perfectly able to smooth sharp corners in the negotiations of her husband, and also had the ability to win over anyone.

The birth of children, in 1957, the daughter of Carolina, and in 1958, the son of Albert, increased the camp of her fans. The citizens of Monaco idolized their princess: she was young, beautiful, and during her outings to the people, any person from the crowd could shake her hand.

Grace Kelly and Renier with Albert and Caroline, 1958 After the birth of her youngest daughter - Stephanie - Grace was again offered to act, and her favorite director Alfred Hitchcock did it. But the princess could not decide on such a serious step without consulting her new family- residents of Monaco. The public did not support the idea, calling it a terrible frivolity. Of course, Grace had to give up the role, because her image, so carefully built over the years, could collapse at once.

Kelly justified all the hopes placed on her by her subjects, becoming an ideal wife for Rainier. Grace was actively involved in charity, patronized the arts and gave birth to heirs, and her world fame and American spontaneity led to a manifold increase in the popularity of Monaco. Grace Kelly was very fond of, she was considered the standard of style and feminine charm.

Grace Kelly, Rainier III, Albert and CarolineGrace Kelly with Caroline and Albert

Life went on as usual, but it was no longer possible to call the relationship between Grace and Renier impeccable over time. Over the years, the prince became withdrawn, practically refused social outings and spent most of his time in the castle with his beloved pets.

Grace, being a sociable person, really wanted to share her thoughts and ideas with people, she constantly held meetings, communicated with others. And Renier was jealous, believing that the inhabitants of Monaco love his wife more than himself.

At the age of 40, Grace had a depression - as she once assumed, the crisis associated with the fading of beauty did not pass her. By this time, the children had already grown up, and the spouses increasingly began to experience public scandals, which greatly upset Grace, who loves the ideal in everything.

Grace Kelly with her husband and daughters - Stephanie and Carolina Carolina had a high-profile and scandalous marriage behind her, Albert, who was the future heir, was not interested in anything but sports and girls, and youngest daughter Stefania grew up as a "tomboy" - she rode a motorcycle and despised feminine clothes. The image of an impeccable family that Grace had built so diligently was crumbling. She no longer considered her life fabulous, but her family ideal, although she tried not to show her disappointment to the public.

Grace Kelly, Rainier III and Stephanie

Shortly before the disaster that claimed her life, Grace, according to contemporaries, took a lover in Paris and practically moved to live with him. In the end life path she dreamed of only one thing - to resume acting career. Her violent and restless nature, which for so long hid behind the facade of an impregnable " snow queen' burst out.

On a clear autumn day on September 13, 1980, Grace and her daughter Stephanie had an accident. The princess, who had used the services of a driver all her life, decided to drive the car herself that day - under the pretext of a serious conversation with her daughter. On the way, Grace had a stroke and lost control.

Prince Rainier III with his daughter Caroline Celebrities and monarchs from America and Europe came to the funeral of the princess, local residents sobbed right on the streets, and Rainier walked arm in arm with his daughter and did not hide his tears.
Lord, I don't ask you why you took her from me, but I thank you for giving her to us. - these words were uttered at Grace's grave by her husband, Prince Rainier III of Monaco.

Rainier outlived his wife by a quarter of a century, having died in April 2005.

Grace would have turned 85 this year and Rainier would have turned 91. And their fabulous, but not perfect marriage would be 58 years old.

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