What signs and rituals exist for the Presentation of the Lord? Folk signs and superstitions for the Presentation of the Lord


Signs and rituals for February 15

From thoughts for every day, collected by Leo Tolstoy

Then Peter came to Him and said: Lord! How many times should I forgive my brother who sins against me? Up to seven times? Jesus says to him: I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven. (Matt. XVIII, 21-22) Popular name : Presentation of the Lord, Presentation, Sretensky frosts

, Sretensky thaw, Zimobor, Semyon the God-Receiver.

Traditions for February 15

This day is popularly considered the day of the first meeting of spring (the second meeting is at the magpies, the third at the Annunciation). This is one of the biggest spring holidays. The Sretensky frosts are coming - they are considered the last, and after them the peasants no longer dared to set off on a long journey on a sleigh. The thaw that appears on this day foreshadows a bad and rotten spring. The blizzard predicted that spring would be delayed longer than usual and that feed for livestock would run out. On Candlemas in the evening they conjure the sun: “Little bucket sun, look out, red, from behind the mountain, look out, sun until springtime!” If it peeks through the clouds before sunset, it means that the last frosts have passed; if it doesn’t appear at all, expect severe Vlasyev frosts on February 24th. In the northwestern regions, this holiday was called Gromnitsa, since there was a custom here to carry candles, which are called that way, to church for blessing on this day. They were lit during a thunderstorm to avoid fire; given into the hands of the dying, used to defeat and expel Satan, the prince of darkness and other things. In the western regions, on this day, each other's hair was set on fire with blessed candles in a cross shape - this ritual was considered an excellent remedy for headaches. Sretensky water was also brought from the temple, which was used to treat illnesses. On this day, special care was taken for poultry, livestock, seed grain and fruit trees

. On this day, they begin to feed the breeding birds and feed the chickens with oats, saying: “Feed the chickens with oats, and in the spring and summer you will have eggs.” You should not go on a long journey on Candlemas.

Signs for February 15

At Candlemas, winter meets spring.

If snow blows across the road on Meeting Day, the spring will be late and cold, and if it doesn’t blow, then it will be early.

On the Meeting of Drops - wheat harvest; wind - the fertility of fruit trees.

If there is a thaw on Candlemas, the cat will cry for the harvest.

At Candlemas the sky is starry - winter will not soon begin to cry (spring is late).

If there is a thaw on Candlemas, the spring is early and warm; if it is cold, the spring is cold.

If it is calm and red on this day, then flax will be good in summer.

If snow falls in the morning, there will be a harvest of early grain; if at noon, the grains will be medium; and if in the evening, expect a crop failure.

At Candlemas, a caftan and a fur coat met.

At Candlemas, gypsies sell fur coats.

If the cold weather turns cold, spring is cold and late.

On Candlemas Day the sparrow makes the wall wet.

On Candlemas, the sun goes to summer, and winter to frost.

On Candlemas, a blizzard sweeps the road and sweeps up food (towards a crop failure).

Snow is blowing across the road - to a crop failure, late and cold spring; if it carries snow along the road, it will lead to the kneading (the bread will be harvested).

So, half of winter is over. People said that spring had come. Analyzed natural phenomena and tried to predict the weather for the near future.

It is on February 15 that believers celebrate the great feast of the Presentation of the Lord. The Holy Scriptures say that when Jesus was 40 days old, his parents Joseph and Mary took him to the temple to dedicate him to God. Then Elder Simeon lived in Jerusalem, who knew that he would live until he saw the Savior. The elder waited 300 years to meet Jesus and led a pious and modest life. That day Simeon came to the temple and saw that the prophecy was coming true. He took Jesus in his arms and then gave him to his parents and died.

Among the people there are many folk signs, beliefs and traditions dedicated specifically to the Presentation. For Russian people, February 15 is the time of the first feeling of spring - it was felt in the air.

They judged the weather of that day and the harvest of grass, for which they threw a stick across the road and observed: if it is covered with snow, then there may not be enough feed for the livestock before the first pasture, and the grass will be expensive in the spring. It was also customary to feed breeding birds oats at Candlemas so that they would lay eggs well in summer and autumn.

Talking about the customs and signs of the great Christian holiday of the Presentation of the Lord, it would be unfair not to mention the fact that it coincided in time with the ancient Slavic rite veneration of fire, the so-called pagan holiday of Gromnitsa.

Once upon a time on February 15, our distant ancestors lit grandiose bonfires near the roads outside the outskirts. And just a century ago, the ritual of worshiping the “living fire” was replaced by the custom of making a “cleaning” or loud candle for the Meeting. It was spun from wax collected from eight to ten peasant households, and kept in turn until a certain votive holiday: St. Nicholas the Winter, Barbara, Flora and Laurus, etc. On solemn ceremony a priest was always invited, lighting a public candle and serving a prayer service for the entire village.

Every year, it was customary to restore the Sretensky or loud candle, adding new wax, and when its weight reached a pound (16 kg), the candle was transferred to the church for storage, and for personal use, the peasants kept small Sretensky candles, which were kept behind the shrine.

Believing in the miraculous power of loud candles, they certainly took them with them to the fields on the days when plowing, sowing and harvesting began. It was believed that they were able to keep ripening grain intact, prevent creases, and protect the harvest from the evil eye. And the lighted thunderbolt was given into the hands of the deceased, sincerely hoping that the flame of a small candle would help the soul of the deceased find the right path on “the path of afterlife ordeals and torment.”

Folk signs for February 15

  1. If the sun peeks out from behind the clouds, there will be a thaw, the days will become clear and sunny, and you can also expect a rich harvest of grain crops.
  2. If snow falls on February 15, spring will be rainy and cold, and summer will not come soon
  3. Cloudy - expect colder weather. And the wind, on the contrary, suggests a rich harvest of fruits and is good sign
  4. Many stars at Candlemas - a sign that spring will not come soon
  5. Large icicles hang on the edge of the roof - there will be a rich corn harvest
  6. A quiet and sunny day on February 15 foreshadows the flax harvest
  7. They said that the last frosts occur on Candlemas
  8. There is no need to get ready for a long journey on this day - you can get stuck in the first libertine
  9. Thaw is a sign that the spring will be rainy and damp, and the harvest will be poor
  10. Snowstorm on Candlemas - spring will be late, and you need to save food supplies
  11. A clearly visible sunset in a cloudless sky - the frost will end soon
  12. On Candlemas, churches need to light gromnitsy - special candles, the flames of which protect people’s homes from fires and evil spirits. It was also believed that thunderbolts eased the suffering of dying people.
  13. If you bless water in the church on Candlemas, then with its help you can cure many ailments
  14. If, according to the sign, you feed oats to poultry on February 15, it will hatch good offspring
  15. From the roofs of drops - hemp and wheat will grow well

It is believed that the Presentation of the Lord is not just an Orthodox holiday, but the moment of the meeting of winter and spring. That is why many folk signs and customs are dedicated to him.

Every year on February 15, Orthodox believers celebrate the great twelfth holiday - the Presentation of the Lord. On this day we remember the earthly life of Jesus Christ and the Mother of God, the meeting of our Savior with Simeon the God-Receiver. This event is of a religious nature, however, many folk signs and customs are associated with it, with the help of which you can find out what awaits you in the near future.

The Presentation of the Lord: folk signs about the weather

In Rus' it was believed that on this day the struggle between winter and spring begins. If on February 15 the weather is cold and there are many stars in the sky, it means that in the spring there will be cold weather and frequent snowfalls.

The coming of spring is also indicated by a bright sunset. If in the evening on the Presentation of the Lord you notice that the sun is shining clearly, even if the weather has been cold all day, it means that winter will soon give way to warm spring.

If snowfall begins on Candlemas, the spring will be cold and rainy, and the summer will be barren.

If it snowed on February 15th, pay attention to what time of day it started. In the morning it means spring will come soon. During the day, March will be cold, but in April it will warm up sharply. In the evening - winter will last a long time, and summer will be cold.

Our ancestors noticed that a blizzard on this day indicates a meager harvest. At this time, the peasants were worried Hard times, since due to lack of supplies there was nothing to feed the livestock.

Folk signs and customs related to money

On this day it is forbidden to put money on the kitchen table, otherwise the year will be poor for you. It is not recommended to keep money in the kitchen and kitchen drawers, otherwise you will always feel the lack of it. But losing money on Candlemas is a good omen. This means that in the future you will gain wealth and financial success.

You cannot borrow or lend money on Candlemas. In the first case, financial difficulties and conflicts with loved ones await you. By giving away your money, you risk losing your luck.
If you find money on the street on February 15, do not pick it up. On this day, damage is often transferred to coins and banknotes, and whoever picks them up risks taking on the negative.

Lending money on the Presentation of the Lord is strictly prohibited, but if on the holiday you were returned the previously lent money, it means that a good monetary reward will soon await you.

Try not to quarrel with other people, especially in Orthodox holidays. If on February 15 you became involved in a conflict over money, it means that your financial situation will be unstable all year.

Signs about health

At the Presentation of the Lord, every believer should visit the temple and pray to the Lord God for the health of their loved ones. Take home some church candles and light them in the evening. If the candle flame is calm, you and your loved ones will rarely get sick this year. If the flame sways and acquires a blue tint, it means that one of the family members will get sick.

Getting sick on Candlemas - Bad sign. Even a mild illness is a sign that you will get sick often in the future. To avoid unpleasant consequences, visit the church and buy holy water there, and before going to bed, drink it with the words:

“Lord God, I ask you, take sickness and disease away from me. Send me good health so that not a single illness can break me. Amen".

After this, go to bed and wash your face with the remaining water in the morning. With this simple ritual you can protect yourself from illness and disease for the coming year.

At the Presentation of the Lord, it is advisable not to remember out loud about seriously ill people, otherwise you risk taking over their illness. To save your loved one from a serious illness, go to the temple and pray for the healing of the sick person.

How to attract prosperity at Candlemas: folk customs

To attract good luck and financial well-being to your home, bake Sretensky pancakes, but do not eat them until the first star appears in the sky. After this, call the whole family to the table and say prayer of thanksgiving Lord, only after this do you begin your evening meal.

To ensure prosperity and abundance in your home all year, feed homeless animals on February 15th. If the next day you see an animal near your house, it means that you will soon gain wealth.

On the morning of February 15, be sure to thank your loved ones for their love and kindness so that there are fewer family conflicts this year.

Each item has a unique energy. Many of them can even bring good luck and financial well-being into your life. If you have one of these items in your home, your life will soon change for the better.

There is one day in the year when wishes certainly come true - this is February 15, when Candlemas is celebrated. In the paganism of the Slavs, the Meeting serves as the border between winter and spring, which is why the very name of the holiday of the Meeting is explained by the common people as the meeting of winter with spring: “at the Meeting, winter met spring; On Candlemas the sun turned to summer, winter turned to frost.”

The Feast of the Presentation, which is celebrated on February 15 according to the new style, symbolizes the meeting cold winter and hot summer. People also call this day the first meeting of spring - it is believed that after Candlemas, the frosts are already subsiding and spring drops are about to start pounding on the roofs.

It must be said that the Presentation has deep pagan roots, and this day became a church holiday only after the arrival of Christianity in Rus'. In the pre-Christian world, people asked the gods on this day to send a rich harvest and good weather.

After the baptism of Rus', the church “adjusted” all pagan holidays to the new faith. Thus, in Christianity, the Presentation began to symbolize the meeting in the Jerusalem Temple of Jesus Christ with the righteous Simeon, and in his person - with all humanity.

Biblical legend says that Simeon was translating Holy Scripture from Hebrew to Greek language. When he read the words “Behold, the Virgin will be with child and give birth to a Son,” he decided that an error had crept into the text and instead of the word “virgin” it should be written “wife.” However, just as he was about to correct the mistake, an angel appeared to him and assured him that there was no mistake and Simeon himself would be able to personally verify the truth of the prophecy. He waited a long time for the fulfillment of his promise - as much as 300 years. And finally, one day, at the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, he came to the temple, where Mary and Joseph on the same day brought the Baby Jesus, who was forty days old.

According to the Law of Moses, parents were required to bring their first-born male children to the temple for dedication to God on the fortieth day after birth. Thus, a meeting took place, which is still glorified by Christians all over the world.

By church calendar The holiday of the Presentation ends the Christmas holidays, which glorify the birth of Jesus Christ. On February 15, believers bless candles in the church, which they then bring into the house as a symbol of light and purification. Also on this day, water is blessed, and it is believed that it has the ability to heal from various diseases.

Rituals for Candlemas

The water blessed at Candlemas has special power, and here ancient pagan beliefs are clearly mixed into the Christian tradition.

For good luck and prosperity

For example, you can perform a ritual with Sretensky water to attract prosperity and good luck. This must be done before noon, preferably on an empty stomach. You need to act as follows. First, miraculous water is poured into a cut glass glass. Place on a table covered with a light (preferably linen) tablecloth. Two blessed candles are lit on the right and left sides of the glass. They read the “Our Father” three times, then take the glass in their hands and take three small sips. After this, they put the glass in place, bend over the water and whisper the following words three times:

“As the water flows, so the winds blow, misfortune will spread, misfortune will dissipate, the servant of God... (name) will be washed by the morning dew, and will be fanned by the fresh wind. The servant of God... (name) will become successful, understanding, everything will flow together, everything will be connected, all barriers and dams will disperse, as if they were not there! The words are locked, but the key is gone.”

The candles must burn out completely. And you should drink the water 3 days in advance, to do this, mentally dividing it into three approximately equal parts.

Ritual for the fulfillment of wishes

Also on Candlemas in the church they pray for the fulfillment of desires and ask the Lord for help in business. For your wish to come true, at noon you need to turn your face to the east and repeat out loud 8 times:

“The people are standing at the temple gates, welcoming the people of Jesus Christ, the little Child. The Mother of God walks with Christ, Simeon bows to Them. I worship at the temple gates, I, God's servant... (name). I will bow to the Infant Christ, I will bow to the Cross of God, I will bow to the Mother of God to the ground. And I will whisper into Christ’s ear my cherished desire (name the desire). As I met the people at the gates of Christ, so my wish will come true very soon. Amen to my words. Amen".

Modern rituals for Candlemas

Nowadays, new rituals are timed to coincide with the Presentation. By the way, on this day a ritual for correcting karma is carried out. The procedure is as follows: on a piece of paper you should write what worries you most. For example: problems in the family, lack of income, illness, hard work and the desire to change it.
You need to roll the leaf into a tube and cut it into three equal parts. Then two protective circles are made: the outer one from Thursday salt and the inner one from holy water. The approximate distance between the lines of the circles is 30-40 cm. Church candles are placed in the centers of the resulting circles, which are lit at the beginning of the ceremony. In front of the circle of salt they read the “Our Father”, then they step over it, ending up in front of the circle of holy water. Here they read the prayers “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary...” and “Guardian Angel” and step over the circle of water. Now Psalm 90 is read and three parts of the cut sheet with written down problems requiring correction are burned in turn. While they are burning, Hallelujah is said forty times.

The next day after the ritual, you need to go to church and light 12 candles. The ritual ends with a three-day fast.

Signs for Candlemas

Among ordinary people, Candlemas was not considered a very big holiday. Like many centuries ago, February 15 is perceived among people as the day of the first meeting of winter and summer. Therefore, many agricultural signs are associated with it. For example:

What is the weather on Candlemas, such will be the spring.

If a thaw sets in on Candlemas, spring will come early and warm; If the cold turns up, spring is cold.

Snow falling on this day means a long and rainy spring.

On the Meeting of Drops - expect a good wheat harvest.

Quiet and cloudy day - there will be a good harvest of fruits and grains.

At Candlemas, the starry sky means late spring.

People believed that the wind on Candlemas would blow away everything from the trees. evil spirits, and the stronger the wind that day, the better the fruit harvest will be. In many villages and villages, even in our time, the custom of helping nature in this important matter has been preserved - shaking the trees in the gardens with your hands. Also, on February 15, housewives feed the chickens especially diligently so that they have socks. They say: “Feed your chickens oats on Candlemas, and you’ll have eggs in spring and summer.”

For good luck

The ritual takes place on Candlemas. The magical action will help you attract good luck and prosperity to your home and family, and get rid of troubles and failures.

On Meeting Day, collect Holy water from the church. Buy six large wax candles.

When you return home, pour some holy water into a plain glass without a design. Read the Lord's Prayer three times and drink three sips from it. Then place this glass on a table covered with a green tablecloth.

Make a symbolic triangle from candles, in the middle of which place a glass of water.

Read on the water: “Water, sister! Take away grief, wash away failure, wash my brow! I will become a servant of God (my full name) lucky! As you easily flow, leak, wash away the steep banks, so everything will come together for me, all the dams will separate! Let it be so!".

Leave the candles to burn out completely. Take three sips from the glass and wash with the rest.

Repeat the ritual two more times.

After the third day of the ritual, take the candle cinders to the church and throw them into the bucket where church cinders are stored.

Light candles for your health, for the health of your friends and enemies. When leaving the Temple, make a feasible donation for its needs.

For well-being

Before the ceremony, warn everyone at home that you are not allowed to talk until dawn.

On Candlemas, wake up before sunrise. Silently draw water.

When you return with a bucket of water, the eldest of the household, better man, should meet you on the threshold and ask: “What are you talking about?”

You answer: “Water.”
He asks: “Why?”
You answer: “For all good things.”
He: “Can I get some water?”
You answer: “It’s possible.”
He fills a large mug with water.
Pour the water into a jar and store for a year.

They drink it in difficult life circumstances. You can wash your face and spray the product.

To fulfill a wish

This conspiracy is read at noon on the day of the Meeting, at the gates of the Temple, turning to the East, three times.

“The Mother of God walks with Christ, Simeon bows to Them. I will bow at the temple gates!
I, God’s servant (my full name), will worship the baby and pray to the Mother of God!
Mother Holy Mother of God, hear my request (say your deepest desire).
As I met the people at the gates of Christ, so what I ask will come true. Amen!".

To fulfill a wish

Fill a glass with holy water collected in the church for the Presentation of the Lord, drink 3 sips and read the Lord’s Prayer.

Place a glass of holy water on the table, place two candles on the sides, also brought from the church for Candlemas, and read on the water: “As the water flows, so the winds blow, misfortune will spread, misfortune will dissipate, God’s servant (name) will be washed by the morning dew, blown by a fresh wind. The servant of God (name) will become successful, understanding, everything will flow together, everything will be connected, all barriers and dams will disperse, as if they were not there! The words are locked, but the key is gone.”

The candles should burn out completely, and drink the water within 3 days, mentally dividing the contents into three equal parts. By the way, it is better to carry out the ritual on the waxing moon, in the morning on an empty stomach.

How to be reconciled at Candlemas

If you have a quarrel with someone and you are burdened by resentment, try to meet that person at the Presentation of the Lord and greet him first. The resentment will be removed as if by hand.

The Presentation of the Lord is one of the greatest holidays. By folk beliefs On this day winter and spring meet. And the upcoming weather depends on what it will be like. In addition to this belief, there are other signs for the Presentation of the Lord. Let's look at them in detail and find out what they portend to us.


This holiday has existed since pagan times. They began to call it ecclesiastical after the proclamation of Orthodoxy on Russian soil. According to the church canon, all Christmas holidays end on this day. On this day, people who believe in God consecrate church candles and bring them home. They are a symbol of goodness, spirituality and purification. Sretenskaya water has unique powers, so the Orthodox people willingly used it for many rituals.

How to get luck

Water blessed for the holiday is poured into a transparent vessel and placed on a table covered with a white tablecloth. Two lit church candles are placed on both sides of the glass. After reading the words of the “Our Father” prayer three times, you need to drink it three times and put the water back. Next, bending over a container of water, read the words:

“As the water rises and the wind blows, so let failure and every misfortune merge and be carried away by the wind. I will become a servant of God, blown by the wind, washed by holy water, happy, successful and rich. All adversities and misfortunes will bypass me and my family. Amen".

Wait until the candles burn out, extinguish them and do not throw them away.

Holy water should be drunk in equal proportions over the next three days.

To make your wish come true

On religious holiday, February, 15, Orthodox people They pray in churches and ask the Lord God to fulfill their desires. In order for your wish to come true, after the morning service you need to stand on the street, turn your face to the east side and say the words:

“All the Orthodox people have gathered at the gates of God’s temple, greeting Mother of God with her baby - Jesus Christ. They glorify them. I also bow to them low to the ground. I will whisper my wish to the son of God. It will come true just as the worldly people met the Saints. Amen".

Such conspiracies helped people find that most desired and cherished thing that they had long strived for.

Changing Karma

Not only old, but also new rituals for the Presentation of the Lord are very popular in our time. One of these is a ritual to correct karma.

Have to take Blank sheet paper, write on it all the pressing problems that haunt you:

  • problems in the family or at work;
  • discord in personal life;
  • infertility;
  • frequent illnesses;
  • failures, poverty, etc.

The leaf is wrapped in a tube and secured with any object. Next, you need to cut it into three identical parts. Three protective circles will need to be made from them. Thursday salt is placed in one tube, a container with holy water is inserted into the second, and three church candles are inserted into the third.

Above the first circle with Thursday salt you need to read the words of the prayer “Our Father”, over the second with water - the prayer “Rejoice, Most Holy Theotokos”, as well as the prayer “Guardian Angel”. For each reading you need to light one candle. Having reached the edge with the circle with candles, light the last candle and use it to burn all the circles.

While the paper circles are burning, say the word “Hallelujah” forty times.

Whoever conducts such folk rituals every year on February 15th will know neither grief nor sadness.

After the ceremony, you need to go to the temple of God and light twelve candles there. After this, you need to follow the rules of fasting for three days.

Significance will take about the weather

There are a lot of signs associated with February 15 that helped people determine the weather, upcoming events, success, failure, etc. On a church holiday, people watched the weather with special observation. After all, as the folk signs for the Presentation of the Lord say, this particular day is a harbinger of the upcoming heat or cold. Let's consider each interpretation in detail:

  1. On this day you can determine what the spring season will be like. If it’s cold on Candlemas, then spring days will be cold, if it’s warm and sunny, then spring will be warm.
  2. Signs for Candlemas promise an early onset of spring, provided there is a thaw.
  3. Spring will be wet, cold and rainy if there is snowy weather on New Year's Eve.
  4. The signs for the Presentation of the Lord promise us a late spring if you notice the sky strewn with stars on this night.
  5. The year will be fruitful for grains if there is a rainfall on this day.
  6. Quiet and cloudy weather on this day foreshadows a generous harvest of grain.
  7. Folk signs they say if on this day it was played out strong wind- to have a good harvest of fruits and berries. People believed that the wind thus blew away all the evil spirits from the vegetation, which prevented good fruiting.
  8. If you believe in the folk signs for the Presentation of the Lord, then after this day there will be no more frosts and severe cold. This is possible provided there is frosty weather and a sparkling setting sun on February 15th.
  9. If there is a snowstorm outside and the snow is blowing down, you shouldn’t expect a good harvest this year. People believed that in this way the blizzard swept away all feed and food from the fields. Therefore, livestock and poultry will starve this year.
  10. To determine the upcoming weather, on this day people observed the condition of the willow tree. If the buds on the tree have fluffed up, it means spring is just around the corner.

Other beliefs

There are other signs for this Great holiday. Some of them are still popular today:

  1. As mentioned above, the candles blessed on this day had unique properties. Therefore, people brought them home as a talisman. In addition, by the flame of a church candle one could find out about the health status of all family members. If the candle flame is even, then everyone will be healthy all year; the flickering and crackling candle flame warned that someone in the house would soon get sick.
  2. On the Presentation of the Lord: folk signs helped to attract good luck. To do this, many girls and women baked pancakes. It was possible to start baking only after the first star sparkled in the sky.
  3. A good omen for Candlemas was to meet a hungry dog, and an even better omen was to feed him. It was believed that such a tramp would bring a rich man to the house good man, with whom life will be like in paradise.
  4. Other traditions and customs that were carried out in the old days are also dated to our time. Since Sretenskaya water had magical power, it was used to determine the presence of damage. On February 15, after the consecration, water was poured into a glass and placed at the head of the bed where the person being tested sleeps. If the water becomes cloudy, it means there is damage to that person.

Folk traditions

In ancient times, our ancestors honored not only folk signs, but also traditions associated with the Presentation of the Lord. It was believed that only on this cold day could lightning and thunder strike. According to folk traditions, on Candlemas, all the people in the villages lit bonfires near the roads. Today this ritual has transformed into another custom. People began to make such candles for the Candlemas holiday. A huge candle was made of wax. Collected material for making different houses. The finished product was stored in each house in turn until one of the great church holidays arrived.

According to folk traditions and customs, it was customary to keep the made candle behind one of the images of the Saints. When some event (good or bad) happened in the house, the priest was invited. While reading the prayer, he lit a loud candle. Her fire was considered sacred. Therefore, people tried to prevent it from burning out completely by building it up with new wax.

According to folk healers and soothsayers, such a wax amulet helped farmers when sowing fields. Before the start of agricultural work, the land was consecrated with candles. In the house, such a talisman protected the entire family from evil and all evil spirits. The sick were healed with candles and the dead were seen off in peace to the next world.

Modern servants of God believe that today the church candle, consecrated in the church on February 15, has the same power.

What is prohibited

On this day, many things were prohibited, and our ancestors tried to observe these prohibitions:

  1. You can't drink alcohol.
  2. Do house cleaning, handicrafts and work on the land.
  3. Take a bath, with the exception of a shower.
  4. You can't leave home, especially if it's long road. If you believe in folk omens, such a person will face failure on the way or may not return home at all.
  5. Any magical rituals and fortune telling associated with one's own or strangers is considered a great sin, especially on this day.
  6. You cannot go into the forest with your children on this holiday. It is noted that it is on this day that the most people are lost.
  7. Swearing, quarrels and scandals on Candlemas can negatively affect relationships in your family in the future and lead to discord, illness and failure.
  8. Under no circumstances should you take someone else’s thing on this day. It was believed that the thief would be punished instantly and would be rewarded a hundredfold.

Signs for the Presentation of the Lord.

Day of wish fulfillment Candlemas 2017 Magic of life

Presentation of the Lord Signs and customs


As you can see, the Presentation of the Lord is a Great and Bright church holiday. He brought us so many signs, traditions and customs from the old days. Try to attend church on this day, pray, bless candles and water, which then become healing properties. And then there will always be prosperity, prosperity and comfort in your home.

What else to read