Cold pickling of tomatoes for the winter. Cold tomatoes for the winter are a useful preparation. Old and new recipes for cold tomato cooking for the winter

In an effort to diversify the preparations for the winter, housewives resort to numerous tricks, sometimes adding the most unthinkable ingredients to the jars. One of these mysterious supplements is regular aspirin, which is found in any home medicine cabinet. The use of a medicinal product in canning - controversial issue, who divided the hostesses into two hotly arguing camps. Some people are happy to add aspirin to jars of marinades, confidently claiming that such an ingredient gives the blanks a new unusual taste and aroma. Others are categorically against the use of drugs in canning, since they have a completely different purpose and such a composition is unhealthy. Be that as it may, in winter an open jar of tomatoes with aspirin will cause only pleasure and admiration for homemade ones, and interesting recipes will help you get used to the preparation of such marinades.

Canned tomatoes with aspirin: simple and tasteful!

The simplest recipe that is very popular in the kitchens of many housewives. A delicate light aroma will certainly remind you of summer days, and elastic red tomatoes will perfectly complement festive table.


  • 9 liters of water (do not boil);
  • 500 ml vinegar;
  • 320 g sugar;
  • 290 g salt;
  • greens (dill umbrellas, horseradish or currant leaves);
  • aspirin;
  • tomatoes (ripe, hard).


  1. After thorough washing, dry the tomatoes a little with a paper towel.
  2. Send greens and aspirin to a glass container (1 tablet for a 1 liter container).
  3. Fill the containers tightly with tomatoes, not being too zealous, so as not to damage the fruit. It is better to take out the burst tomato so that it does not turn into porridge during the shelf life.
  4. Dissolve salt, vinegar, sugar in water. Pour the container with vegetables immediately.
  5. Seal immediately, put lids down.

The conservation is stored until spring, but it cannot be turned over.


Canned tomatoes this recipe will be appreciated by all lovers of tasty preparations. Having prepared several jars for testing, you should definitely write down the proportions in a notebook, because next year you will certainly have to cook again.


  • 2 liters of 500 ml of water;
  • 95 ml vinegar (can be replaced with citric acid);
  • 195 g sugar;
  • 105 g rock salt;
  • 2 kg 700 g tomatoes;
  • greens (celery, dill, parsley);
  • 6 aspirin tablets.


  1. Fill clean glass containers with your favorite herbs and tomatoes.
  2. Boil the marinade, adding spices and vinegar to the water.
  3. Pour a container with tomatoes with boiling marinade, after putting aspirin (on a container of 3 liters - 1 tab.).
  4. Close with metal lids and leave to cool completely.

"Summer heat"

The combination of tomatoes with peppers and grapes is often found in many recipes, preservation is popular due to the cheapness of ingredients, ease of preparation and amazing taste. You can add new unusual notes by adding aspirin.


  • 900 g ripe tomatoes;
  • 300 g of grapes;
  • 400 g of pepper (multi-colored is more suitable);
  • 1 liter 450 ml water;
  • 25 g of salt (iodized not recommended);
  • 5 g allspice;
  • 40 g garlic;
  • 50 g of dill leaves;
  • 2 tab. aspirin.


  1. Bring water to a boil.
  2. While the water is boiling, tightly fill the glass containers with half-cut peppers (no seed pods), grapes (with twigs), garlic and tomatoes. Do not forget to send dill leaves and aspirin to the bottom.
  3. Pour salt and allspice into a container with vegetables.
  4. Carefully pour in boiling water, seal immediately and send to the basement.

Emerald Placer: Canning Green Tomatoes with Aspirin

It is recommended to make such canning from unripe green tomatoes. In cans, they look just great, and the taste is spicy, sweet and sour. In winter, using such a blank, you can cook delicious sauce for meat, or can be served as a side dish. At worst, you can just sit down at the table with a large slice of fresh bread and eat straight from the can - it will turn out equally delicious. It is worth noting that the marinade will also not disappear: some housewives manage to cook lush pastries on it.


  • 50 g of bitter and sweet pepper;
  • 200 g carrots;
  • 20 g garlic;
  • coriander, raspberry and cherry leaves, dill;
  • 50 g sugar;
  • 1 kg 600 g green tomatoes;
  • 85 g vinegar;
  • 45 g salt;
  • aspirin.


  1. Prepare vegetables by rinsing thoroughly cold water.
  2. Cut the tomatoes into large slices, cut the peppers into large pieces after removing the seed pods.
  3. Fill a glass container with herbs, garlic, tomato slices, chunks of pepper, be sure to put aspirin (based on 1 liter of volume 1 pc.).
  4. Boil the marinade by adding salt and sugar to the water, pouring in vinegar. Cool slightly.
  5. Pour the contents of glass containers. Seal with tin lids.

You should not turn it over, it is better to immediately take the container to the basement or put it in the refrigerator in the kitchen.

"Assorted": recipe with zucchini, cucumbers and tomatoes

Rich taste, beautiful view the contents of the cans, the delicate aroma - all this can be said about the preservation, in which different vegetables are perfectly combined. Of course, tomatoes will remain the main ingredient, but adding cucumbers, zucchini will not spoil the workpiece in any way. Such a wonderful combination is stored for a long time, in which aspirin is actively involved.

You will have to put 3 tablets on a can of a three-liter blank. It is not worth increasing the rate; this will not affect the taste and duration of storage.


  • 870 g of cucumbers;
  • 700 g zucchini;
  • 920 g tomatoes;
  • 200 g onions (you can take red);
  • aspirin;
  • 65 g of salt;
  • seasonings (bay leaf, peas, horseradish leaves, garlic, allspice);
  • cherry and currant leaves;
  • 980 ml of water.


  1. Pre-inspect vegetables. There should not be the slightest damage or damaged areas. Otherwise, the preservation will quickly deteriorate.
  2. Green leaves can be placed in a bowl of cold water for an hour. clean water.
  3. Send spices and aspirin to the bottom of the glass container.
  4. Peel the zucchini and cut into large thick pieces. If they are young, there is no need to clean.
  5. Place the vegetables beautifully, do not forget to put garlic between them. It is better to cut the onion into rings, also send it to the jar.
  6. You don't need to cook the marinade, just boil the liquid, add salt, sugar right away, pour the contents of glass containers.
  7. After capping, put the container with the lids down, leaving it in this position until it cools completely.

Dry salting method

This type of canning does not require liquid, spices or a lot of spices. However, the result is a marvelous treat. If the tomato crop has turned out to be great, you can even use a large wooden barrel for harvesting. Tomatoes are stored in such a container for a very long time, gradually acquiring a completely different taste. It is not for nothing that wooden containers have been popular for storing vegetables and fruits since ancient times. Of course, if you want to prepare several cans for testing, then it is better to take large ones (3 or 5 liters).


  • a bucket of tomatoes;
  • aspirin;
  • 980 g of salt.


  1. Take tomatoes hard, with dense skin. Pre-arm with a fork and chop each fruit.
  2. Spread the tomatoes in layers in a container, sprinkle each layer generously with salt.
  3. Be sure to put in aspirin. How much do you need? For a bucket of fruits - packing (10 pcs.).
  4. Glass containers, filled to the top with tomatoes, should be closed with capron lids; it is better to install heavy oppression on the barrel and cover with a lid on top.

Why and how much aspirin is added to conservation

Many housewives often use aspirin to preserve vegetables for the winter. Such popularity of the drug is due to its ability to create an acidic environment in which it becomes impossible for pathogenic bacteria to multiply, and vegetables are able to maintain their freshness for a long time.

Also, aspirin in conservation has the following advantages:

  • gives firmness to vegetables;
  • at moderate doses, does not affect the taste of the swirl;
  • when aspirin is added in moderation, harm to the body is reduced to a minimum;
  • allows you to store snacks without a refrigerator.

Do not add more than one aspirin tablet to a 1 liter jar, and no more than 3 to a three liter container.

In order to avoid the negative effects of aspirin on human body, you can not drink pickle from vegetables (especially on an empty stomach), as well as regularly consume such snacks. Also, do not exceed the dosage of aspirin permitted for use for preservation. It is imperative to observe the shelf life of such blanks, because over time, aspirin turns into a phenolic compound that is dangerous to human health.

Tomatoes with aspirin (video)

The main thing in preparing canning with the addition of aspirin is not to invent your own proportions. Just use proven recipes, delight your loved ones with delicious marinades and enjoy the amazing aroma of homemade preparations.

Cold-canned tomatoes retain much more vitamins than processed tomatoes hot water.

Tomatoes are harvested in this way in jars, enameled dishes or wooden barrels.

It is best to take cream tomatoes or other meaty varieties for this preparation. The fruits should be small, ripe, without visible damage. Green tomatoes are also harvested using the cold method.

The tomatoes are washed and punctured several times around the stalk. Greens, garlic, cherry or currant leaves are placed at the bottom of the pan or jar. Then tomatoes are placed tightly, spices, granulated sugar and salt are poured, pour cool water and pour in vinegar. Closed with plastic lids and placed in a basement or refrigerator.

Pre-cooked and cooled brine is also used. To do this, pour sugar and salt into the water, add black pepper and other spices and bring to a boil. Then they cool and fill them with tomatoes.

Cold-harvested tomatoes are delicious. Depending on the brine, they can be made spicy or lightly salted. The only drawback of harvesting tomatoes in a cold way for the winter, they cannot be stored for a long time at room temperature, only in the refrigerator or cellar.

Recipe 1. A simple recipe for cold tomatoes for the winter


dense, ripe tomatoes;

under Art. a spoonful of 70% acetic acid and granulated sugar;

garlic - head;

dill umbrella and horseradish leaf;

3 cherry and currant leaves.

Cooking method

1. We sort out the tomatoes, wash them and make several punctures with a fork near the stalk.

2. We wash the jars with soda and let them dry. Put horseradish greens and a dill umbrella on the bottom of the glass container. Next, lay out the tomatoes, layering them with currant leaves, cherries and garlic cloves.

3. Pour sugar and salt into the jar, fill it with cool settled water, add vinegar and close with plastic lids.

4. Store jars of tomatoes in the refrigerator or cellar. You can use them in a month.

Recipe 2. Cold tomatoes for the winter with mustard


a kilogram of dense tomatoes;

30 g fresh dill;

two leaves of cherry and currant;

3 pcs. bay leaf.


litere of water;

15 g mustard powder;

70 g granulated sugar;

7 peas of black pepper;

Art. a spoonful of coarse rock salt.

Cooking method

1. For pickling, take dense, unripe tomatoes. Rinse them, put them in a colander so that the glass will have excess moisture.

2. Wash the jars with baking soda, rinse and dry. Place the tomatoes in a dry glass container, shifting them with bay leaves, dill and cherry and currant leaves.

3. Pour water into a saucepan, dissolve salt and sugar in it, season with peppercorns, boil and add mustard. Cool the resulting brine completely and pour the tomatoes in the jars cold already. Cover with plastic lids and place in a cool, dark place.

Recipe 3. Cold tomatoes for the winter "Real jam"


6 kg of dense tomatoes;

0.5 tbsp. rock salt and sugar;

3.5 liters of settled water;

Art. vinegar;

two heads of garlic;

dried dill with umbrellas;

6 bay leaves;

9 aspirin tablets;

30 pcs. black allspice peas;

a couple of sprigs of celery.

Cooking method

1. Wash the tomatoes well. Rinse the celery and shake off lightly. Peel the garlic cloves.

2. Place two bay leaves, a pinch of allspice peas, two cloves of garlic, cut into quarters, dill and celery in the bottom of a clean glass container.

3. Place the tomatoes tightly in the jars. Add 2 more cloves of garlic, celery and dill.

4. Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar and salt, add vinegar and stir until completely dissolved. Let the brine brew and pour over the tomatoes in the jar. Add three aspirin tablets to each jar. Close them with plastic lids and put them in the basement or refrigerator.

Recipe 4. An old recipe for cold tomatoes for the winter


ripe tomatoes of fleshy varieties;

a kilogram of sugar;

half a kilogram of salt;

5 g ground red pepper;

leaves of currant and horseradish;

mustard seeds;

Dill seeds;

50 g of vinegar essence;

10 liters of water.

Cooking method

1. Cook the brine. Pour salt and granulated sugar into the water, add currant leaves, red pepper, boil and cook for 10 minutes. Remove from heat, cool completely and add vinegar essence.

2. Put horseradish leaves, mustard seeds and dill seeds in a clean glass container. Then stack the tomatoes tightly. Fill them with cooled brine and roll them up with metal lids.

3. Put the jars in the cold. Tomatoes preserved in this way can be stored for a couple of years.

Recipe 5. Green tomatoes in a cold way for the winter


four kilograms of green tomatoes;

2 tbsp. l. table salt and 25 g of granulated sugar for each liter of water;

hot pepper pods - 6 pcs.;

greens and dill umbrellas;

garlic - head;

black peppercorns;

bay leaf - 5 pcs.

Cooking method

1. Wash the tomatoes, cut large fruits in half. Make punctures with a wooden skewer or toothpick near the stem. Disassemble the head of garlic into cloves, free them from the skin and cut into small pieces. Sort out the greens, rinse and dry. Rinse hot peppers and cut into thin rings.

2. Put a layer of tomatoes on the bottom of an enamel saucepan, stirring with garlic, and put herbs and spices on top. Thus, lay all the tomatoes, while the last layer should be made of herbs and spices.

3. In cold water dissolve salt and sugar. Pour the resulting brine over the tomatoes so that it completely covers them. Cover and place in basement or refrigerator.

Recipe 6. Cold salted tomatoes for the winter


ten kilograms of tomatoes;

a large bunch of dill greens;

a small piece of horseradish root;

100 g of currant leaves and horseradish;

head of garlic;

0.7 kg of rock salt.

Cooking method

1. Sort out the herbs, rinse them under running water and place them on a paper towel to dry a little. Take small, strong, ripe tomatoes and rinse well. Cut the peeled horseradish root into plates.

2. Send the cans washed with soda to the oven for sterilization. Put herbs and horseradish root in a dry glass container. Fill the jars tightly with the tomatoes and top with the herbs.

3. Dissolve the salt in water and pour the resulting solution over the tomatoes so that they are completely immersed in the brine. Cover the jars with boiled nylon lids and leave them for three days for the tomatoes to acquire the desired flavor. Store jars in your basement or refrigerator.

Recipe 7. Cold tomatoes for the winter


ten kilograms of tomatoes;

10 liters of filtered water;

rock salt - one and a half glasses;

mustard - 50 g;

head of garlic;

two large bunches of fresh dill;

25 g of tarragon and horseradish leaves;

100 g cherry leaves;

20 g black peppercorns.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the tomatoes well and prick in several places with a wooden skewer near the stalk. Disassemble the garlic into slices, peel them and cut them into thin slices. Sort out the greens and rinse well under running water. Cut the horseradish leaves into 10 cm pieces. Transfer the greens to a bowl and sprinkle with mustard powder.

2. Put greens on the bottom of a clean, dry enamel saucepan, lay the tomatoes tightly on it, interlayering with leaves of horseradish and cherries. At the end, lay out the herbs and cover with cheesecloth.

3. In cold, filtered water, dissolve the salt, and pour this brine over the tomatoes. Place a flat dish on top and place a weight on it. Leave the tomatoes at room temperature for a week. Then place the pot in the basement.

The tomatoes will be ready in a month and a half.

Recipe 8. Cold tomatoes for the winter with honey


one and a half kilograms of tomatoes;

5 tbsp. spoons of honey;

100 ml lemon juice;

sea ​​salt - 5 g;

4 cloves of garlic;

cilantro and basil

half a chili pepper pod;

60 g olive oil.

Cooking method

1. We wash the tomatoes well and make shallow cross-shaped cuts. Dip the tomatoes in boiling water for a few seconds, then drain the water and remove the skin with a sharp knife. Sprinkle the peeled tomatoes with coarse salt and leave for a while until the salt melts.

2. Peel the garlic and chop it with a knife. Chop the cilantro in the same way as the garlic. Cut the chili into thin rings. At the basil, we cut off the leaves and finely chop them. Mix lemon juice with honey.

3. Put the tomatoes in a prepared jar, sprinkle with garlic, chili and herbs.

4. Add tomato juice to lemon-honey sauce and stir, add olive oil and marinade over tomatoes. Soak the tomatoes at room temperature for a couple of hours, then put them in the refrigerator or basement. Make sure the marinade completely covers the tomatoes.

Recipe 9. Cold tomatoes for the winter with bell peppers


ripe, dense tomatoes;

6 sweet peppers;

3 pcs. hot pepper;

200 g of peeled garlic;

a bunch of dill, celery, parsley and cilantro.


a glass of salt, vinegar and granulated sugar;

a pinch of black peppercorns;

three bay leaves.

Cooking method

1. Pour granulated sugar and salt into the water, season with black pepper and bay leaves, send to the fire and boil. Boil for a couple of minutes, then pour in the vinegar and cool.

2. Sort out greens and tomatoes and wash. Rinse sweet and hot peppers, remove seeds and cut into large cubes. Peel the garlic cloves. Place vegetables and herbs in a blender and grind until smooth. Spread the green mixture evenly over clean, dry jars.

3. Fill jars tightly with ripe, sturdy tomatoes and top with chilled marinade. We close with boiled plastic lids and put the jars in a dark, cool place. Tomatoes can be eaten after a month.

Recipe 10. Cold tomatoes for the winter with carrots


ten kilograms of ripe, dense tomatoes;

kg of carrots;

fresh dill;

two heads of garlic;

bay leaf and ground red pepper;

half a kilogram of salt.

Cooking method

1. Wash small, hard tomatoes, do not remove the stalks. Peel the carrots, rinse and grate on a coarse grater. We sort out the dill and rinse. Peel the garlic and cut into thin slices.

2. Place the dill, bay leaf, garlic on the bottom of a clean enamel bucket and sprinkle with red pepper. Lay out the tomatoes, layering them with grated carrots and garlic. Spread the herbs on top.

3. In cold, settled water, dissolve the salt and pour the resulting brine over the tomatoes so that it completely covers them. Place oppression on top. Store tomatoes dark cool place.

  • For cold harvesting, take only tomatoes of the same ripeness and shape.
  • You can harvest tomatoes in a cold way in a glass container, an enamel bucket or saucepan, as well as in wooden tubs.
  • Do not mix different varieties of tomatoes when preserving.
  • To prevent the tomatoes from bursting, the fruits are pierced with a wooden skewer or toothpick near the stalk.
  • When canning tomatoes in a cold way, it is very important to thoroughly wash the herbs and vegetables so that the harvest does not deteriorate ahead of time.
  • The brine can be made cold, or you can boil it, cool it, and only then pour tomatoes into it.

Tomatoes in winter are the best addition to any meal. However, if the recipe contains vinegar, then the juicy and delicate tomato taste is interrupted by the acid, which not everyone likes. I will tell you my version of how I make tomatoes for the winter. This recipe is without aspirin sterilization and, as you can imagine, without vinegar. The tomato flavor remains as sweet and pleasant as possible. And the seaming itself lies long enough. Try to prepare it as well, it is also very tasty.

- tomatoes - 2 kg;
- carnation - 5-6 buds;
- allspice - 5-6 peas;
- bell pepper- 1 PC.;
- garlic - 3-4 cloves
- tarragon - 2 branches;
- dill - 1 small bunch;
- black currant leaf - 3-4 pcs.;
- cherry leaf - 1-2 pcs.;
- chili pepper - 0.3 pcs;
- sugar - 4 tablespoons;
- salt - 1 tablespoon;
- aspirin - 3 tab.

Wash the vegetables and herbs thoroughly and prepare them for rolling. Tomatoes should be chosen not too large, so that they fit comfortably in the neck of the jar. Peel and cut the pepper into small cubes. Peel the garlic.

We'll wash the jar first. Next, lay out the herbs, a couple of cloves of chopped garlic and allspice peas. After that, we begin to very tightly fill the jar with tomatoes, alternating with pepper and garlic. Put a small amount of greenery on top again.

Boil water first. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes and cover. The lid must first be boiled. Leave the workpiece in this state until it cools. Next, pour this water and fill it with boiling water again. Leave it to cool again.

The second time, pour the water into a small saucepan. Let's cook the marinade. We'll need salt, sugar, cloves, allspice and some chili for a spicy and slightly pungent taste. The amount of ingredients is calculated for 1 liter. liquids. Bring the marinade to a boil and immediately send it back to the jar. If necessary, you can add more boiling water on top. The liquid should reach the brim.

Sugar can be put either directly into the marinade or directly into the jar. Grind aspirin tablets into powder and send to a jar.

Roll the can, lower it on the edge and roll it a little so that the aspirin tablets are evenly distributed over the can. After that, the preparation for the winter can be considered complete. Leave it, preferably in a cool and dark place until winter. Bon Appetit! If this method of preparation seems to you the most successful, try to make

There is a very wide variety of cucumber and tomato preparations for the winter. Housewives choose recipes based on their own preferences. Many of them cover vegetables with the addition of aspirin, acetylsalicylic acid. Such blanks are guaranteed not to deteriorate, according to at least, such cases are very rare. Do you want to know the recipe for tomatoes for the winter and cucumbers with aspirin? "Popularly about health" will tell you all the intricacies of canning vegetables in this way.

Recipe for the winter of pickled cucumbers with aspirin

Cucumbers according to this recipe will turn out to be unusually tasty, crispy and spicy. For canning, you need to prepare everything according to the list (the amount of ingredients is indicated for 1 bottle with a volume of 3 liters). So, take 2 kilograms of elastic small cucumbers, 4 currant leaves, horseradish leaves, an umbrella or two dill, 2 laurel leaves, 5 cloves of aromatic garlic, black peppercorns - 8 pieces, you need 3 tablespoons of salt, the same amount of sugar, citric acid- 2 teaspoons, aspirin - 3 tablets.


We put the cucumbers in water overnight, then they will become crisper, and the dirt from them is easier to wash off after soaking. The ends do not need to be cut off. Wash fruits and jars. Containers and lids must be sterilized immediately by any in a known way.

Put spices, salt, sugar, chopped aspirin in each bottle, then tamp the cucumbers. All ingredients should be in the jar. Boil water (you need about 1.7 liters per jar). Pour boiling water over the cucumbers and swirl immediately. After making sure that the seal is secure, shake the jars, trying to dissolve the sugar, tablets and salt. Turn the blanks over and wrap them in warm clothes. You can taste cucumbers with aspirin no earlier than 50 days later.

Tomato aspirin recipe

Any preparation with aspirin is very simple to make, because you do not need to boil the marinade several times and pour vegetables into it. Now we will look at how to preserve tomatoes with acetylsalicylic acid. We will prepare everything you need (for one can of 3 liters) - one and a half to two kilograms of small elastic tomatoes, a couple of dill inflorescences, 2 bay leaves, horseradish leaf, hot pepper (2-3 centimeters), if you want, add a few peas of black pepper, 3 aspirin tablets. We will prepare the marinade from two liters of water, two hundred grams of sugar and one hundred grams of salt, add 100 ml of table vinegar at a concentration of 9% to it.


Sterilize the right amount cans. Wash the tomatoes by removing the stalks. Gently prick each fruit in the area where the stalks are attached with a toothpick or fork. We send all the spices and chopped aspirin to the container. Now you need to cook the marinade. Put sugar and salt in a saucepan. Pour in vinegar after boiling. Fill the jars with boiling fill, roll up. The workpieces need to be turned over and wrapped. Leave the tomatoes to cool in this position. After complete cooling, the conservation is taken for storage.

Cucumbers with aspirin and tomatoes

And now we present to your attention an assorted recipe for those who love both cucumbers and tomatoes in one jar. Prepare the ingredients for a 3 liter jar according to the list - 850 grams of cucumbers and tomatoes, 2-3 dill inflorescences, 10 peppercorns, 6 garlic cloves, 2-3 laurel leaves, 1 horseradish leaf, half a hot pepper pod, 3 acetylsalicylic acid tablets ... For the marinade, you will need about two liters of water, 6 tbsp. l. salt, 10 tablespoons of sugar, 50 milliliters of vinegar 9%.


The first stage of work is the preparation of containers for storing blanks. Wash it with baking soda, sterilize. Boil the lids. Wash the vegetables. In the area where the stalks are attached, make punctures on the tomatoes, cut off the ends of the cucumbers. We begin to fill the cans. We send all the spices and leaves to the bottom, which also need to be thoroughly rinsed from dust. Cloves of garlic can be chopped, chopped aspirin. After that, lay the cucumbers as tightly as possible. When the jar is half full, add the tomatoes, being careful not to squeeze them.

Let's prepare the marinade. Boil water, adding salt, sugar, vinegar. Pour boiling water over vegetable mix and tighten the caps immediately with a wrench. Shake the container lightly to dissolve the acid. After making sure that the covers are tightened securely, turn the blanks over, wrap them up. Let them cool slowly over the course of a day. Then transfer them to the cellar. Preservation with acetylsalicylic acid should stand for at least 40-50 days, it is not recommended to eat it earlier.

Did you like the recipes for cucumbers and tomatoes with acetylsalicylic acid for the winter? They are very popular with many housewives, because they do not take a lot of time. The second reason why women use aspirin is that preservation is reliably protected from the development of bad microflora inside the cans. If you have not yet tried to make blanks with the addition of acetylsalicylic acid, you can experiment. Perhaps these recipes will become some of your favorites.

Not on last place in a row of twists for the winter, there are pickled tomatoes with aspirin. This method of rolling is useful for those who are looking for a recipe proven by many years of experience and who are not embarrassed by the presence of aspirin in the ingredients.

Tomatoes are aromatic, spicy, medium salty and not very spicy. It is also important that it is not necessary to store such preservation in a cool place.


  • tomatoes - 3 kg
  • sweet pepper - 200 g
  • garlic - 100 g
  • bitter pepper - 30 g
  • dill - 100 g
  • parsley - 100 g
  • table salt (not iodized) - 80 g
  • sugar - 80 g
  • vinegar 9% - 80 ml
  • aspirin - for a 3-liter can of 3 pcs.
  • black peppercorns - 4 pcs.
  • allspice - 4 pcs.
  • cloves - 3 pcs.
  • water - 2.5 liters.


1. Get a container for future spins. Wash the jars well, removing all traces of contamination. Throw away jars with damaged necks, as their further use for conservation is not possible. Keep the cans over steam for 10 minutes.

Tomatoes should be selected with firm skin, fully ripe and not spoiled. Wash, sort and dry the tomatoes. Place a place near the stalk of tomatoes with a skewer - 2-3 punctures so that they do not burst when they are poured with boiling water.

Wash sweet pepper, remove the stalk and seeds. Cut into 4 pieces. Peel the garlic, remove the film, rinse with cold water. Wash dill, parsley, dry well. Rinse the bitter pepper under running cold water, do not remove the seeds.

2. Put spices on the bottom of clean cans - dill, cloves, black peppercorns, allspice and hot pepper, cut into rings. Put tomatoes of the same size tightly in a jar.

3. Put chopped garlic, parsley and bell pepper between the tomatoes.

4. Put the pot on gas, add 2.5 liters of water to it, bring to a boil. Pour over the jars of tomatoes with this boiling water, cover with boiled tin lids and let stand for 3 hours so that the tomatoes are well steamed.

5. After three hours, pour the water from the cans into a saucepan and add salt, sugar to it, bring to a boil, add vinegar before turning off the heat, stir and turn off the heat.

Pour crushed aspirin tablets into a jar of tomatoes. Pour the boiled marinade over the tomatoes and roll up.

Put the jars to cool, turning them upside down, cover with a blanket. Pickled tomatoes with aspirin are ready.

Note to the hostess

1. The expiration date on any product is indicated for a reason. These data should be taken as an important warning, especially with regard to drugs. Expired aspirin is not sent to the can with conservation, but to the trash bin! For any purpose - both medicinal and culinary - it is prohibited to use it.

2. The desire to oversaturate the brine or marinade with medicinal acetylsalicylic acid, in order to surely prevent spoilage of the workpieces, can hardly be called justified and correct. The dose of tablets mentioned in the prescription, taking into account the capacity of the container, is absolutely correct, there is no need to increase it. The expected effect, subject to the specified amount, will certainly be achieved, and the increased content of the preservative will worsen the taste of the tomatoes themselves and the liquid with which they are poured. In addition, excessive concentration of aspirin in food is unsafe.

3. The skin of tomatoes rolled up for the winter using this technology can become covered with the finest whitish bloom. Most often, it settles on vegetables in contact with the bottom, and also accumulates in the folds of leaves and between branches of greenery, if they are in the container. It's okay: this is what an aspirin precipitate looks like. It just needs to be washed off before serving the snack.

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