How to find out the number on a Chinese SIM card. Mobile operators in China. China Unicom and China Telecom: from the beginning to the present

Wuhan. Subscriber's office on China Unicom website March 29th, 2016

Already for a long time, even during my trips to Sunka or Beijing, I was worried about the issue of controlling conversations and mobile Internet traffic.

On the Internet, nothing worthwhile can not be found. On one resource they write one thing, on another another. Codes are given to obtain this very balance, but in fact something nifiga either does not work, or does not send anything in response.

Since I'm here for a long time, this question has become quite acute for me. I need to control my spending, especially on the internet.

I have China Unique. He's cheaper.

I won’t ask anyone, everyone assured me that they don’t have any subscriber account on the site and that all information must be obtained through these ill-fated codes.

It is not true. There is an office and it is quite informative.

The rest of the points can also be run. Everything is there ... who called, who called, who wrote ... right down to what resources I went to, at what time and through which application

China Unicom is the second provider in the country and should be the preferred choice for data as it is the only provider that uses 3G UMTS up to HSPA+ speed on 2100 MHz like most other countries in Asia, Europe or Australia (see the Basics section).

Their coverage is not as good as China Mobile's, but still reasonable and sufficient. In 2014 they launched FDD-LTE on 1800 MHz in some areas which is commonly used for LTE in other countries. In 2015, the focus was on their 4G expansion rather than increasing 3G coverage. However, they offer the widest compatibility with devices from other areas in Asia, Europe and Australia.

It is recommended that you purchase SIM cards from their stores or small mobile locations with registration (see Basics). Because the Google Maps currently blocked in China, you can find the nearest store in Yahoo or Bing.

For cheap international calls, IDD prefixes must be activated. For IDD calling rates, you need to use 17911, see here.


China Unicom's stores are now mostly co-located with Unicom's subsidiary "WO". If you visit a Unicom store and ask for a SIM card, they will most likely provide a WO card and prices will not match the prices listed above in this review. As of September 2016, an international SIM card in the Unicom/WO official store cost RMB 75, and a 1GB data package (unspecified duration) with 80 minutes of local calls cost RMB 100. Top-ups are done through automatic kiosks in Unicom stores, but it's hard to figure out how to activate another data package rather than pay to use rates (which don't appear to be capped at 60 RMB/GB like regular Unicom). The balance can be checked by texting "tycl" to 10010 (translated from Chinese afterwards).

4G optional package

This is their all-in-one monthly call and data plan, valid nationwide. If your phone supports LTE 1800 MHz (band 3), try purchasing 4G optional package because China Unicom's 4G network already covers most areas in mainland China. The following monthly plans are offered:

Although it has a monthly limit for national data, outgoing calls, and free incoming calls, it has very low over-usage/default rates of 0.15 RMB per minute of call and only 60 RMB per 1 GB of data. Domestic SMS or MMS are available for 0.1 RMB and international SMS for 0.8 RMB.

Their data surcharge is worth checking more closely: for 0-100 MB they charge an extra 30 yuan, for 100-200 MB an extra 60 yuan. Also, there is no charge from 200MB to 1GB. This pattern is repeated for each GB used, further resulting in a usage fee increase of no more than 60 RMB per GB. Additional data is limited to 15 GB and then disabled. Thus, large combo packages make sense if you use a lot of internal calls. To receive large amounts of data, it is better to use the cheap default plan and not to purchase large packages.

This plan is officially a "contract" and the termination rules given in the Basics chapter must be followed. You need to provide a local address, so take a hotel card with the address with you. Please be aware that the add-on package has a recurring billing cycle. Fund your account with China Unicom and the payment will be deducted in advance on the first day of the month. However, please be aware that China Unicom's billing cycle starts on the 1st of each month, regardless of when the Account. This means that if you open your account on May 29th, you will be billed immediately for the entire month for services between May 29th and May 31st, and a new billing cycle will begin on June 1st.

For temporary visitors to China, 4G add-on packages also offer the option to switch your account to idle mode when you leave the country. Once activated, the account must remain inactive for a minimum of 3 billing months. Idle mode allows you to save your +186 number in China while you are away from the country, and immediately activates the SIM card immediately upon return. To change these settings, dial 10010, customer service is processing requests for English language. When the account is inactive, the RMB 5 service fee is deducted on the first day of each month.

4G data only/web surfing

This is a data SIM designed for modems, tablets, routers and MiFi for big data in 3G and 4G/LTE. You can use it on phones, but without support for calls and text messages. This is a one-time, no-obligation, prepaid card with 5 GB national data valid for one year, available for 480 yen (link). These data SIMs also need to be registered with your passport. They work with any phone, tablet or laptop.

Also, there are other offers, depending on the area. Please note that some of these SIM cards differ between national and local data. The local bonus is charged only in the area associated with the SIM card (see the Basics section).


China Unicom claims to have issued a nationwide recharge card. However, many users were unable to top up outside of the SIM card area. Therefore, first try to top up with a small amount (for example, 20 yuan), if it really works. Also, if you purchase a recharge code online from the Hong Kong website, it will not work in China.

If it didn’t work out, you can ask a Chinese friend to top up on their website using Chinese credit card, try to find a place where you can make a direct (electronic) top-up or use one of the online agencies for an additional fee, such as ezetop or worldremit.


Lyvcom is the official distributor of China Unicom for sale to international tourists in China and abroad. They sell China Unicom SIM cards overseas through the US, Canada, UK, Germany, France, Spain, and Italy Amazon websites, with worldwide shipping for an additional fee. Lyvcom resells China Unicom's network up to 4G/LTE and valid for 90 days:

  • 1 GB: $25
  • 2 GB: $40
  • 6 GB: $75

Additional data is available at 0.20 RMB per MB. It contains 50 local minutes of calls or 100 text messages. Possible IDD calls. All incoming calls and text messages are free.

After ordering a SIM card, you need to send by e-mail: Passport information, Amazon order ID, SIM card holder phone number. Detailed description will be sent to you via the Amazon messaging center as soon as you place an order. The activation process will not shorten the SIM validation period, which only starts when the SIM is actually used and will be valid for 90 days from first use. Extensions are also offered. Please be aware that data added through channels other than may not be valid and may even suspend your card.

SIM Easy

SIM Easy has partnered with China Unicom to sell similar SIM cards with preloaded 3G/4G data packages overseas. They are available with free international shipping. At the time of checkout, a copy of the passport page is required for official registration, which they will make. These packages are offered on 4G/LTE up to 300 Mbps in all three sizes:

  • 2 GB for 30 days: $30
  • 3 GB and 50 local minutes for 90 days: $42.50
  • 6 GB and 50 local minutes for 90 days: $77.50

More information

  • APN: 3gnet
  • Customer Service (available in English): 10010

Operator's official website China Unicom China

Website in Mandarin only:

For convenience, enable the built-in translator in your browser.

It is typical for Ukraine and Russia that there are so many telephone operators that it is difficult to make a choice. Therefore, when coming to China, foreigners are sincerely surprised that there is only two major companies providing cellular services.

China Unicom and China Telecom: from the beginning to the present

Both of these companies are successful today, although China Unicom is the undisputed leader.

China Telecom appeared only in 2002. But, despite the fact that the company is young, almost 200 million subscribers use its services. China Telecom gives the Chinese the opportunity to enjoy good internet. They own more than 40% of Internet traffic. BUT a significant HUGE drawback companies - CDMA network used by this company is not compatible with GSM phones sold outside of China. (with the iPhone and other phones familiar to us, there is no chance to use the services of this miracle company)

China Unicom was founded in 1994. Initially, it was a paging operator, but with the development of technology, the company has significantly expanded its sphere of influence. Already in 2008 they had almost 500 million subscribers. Now they have become much more. In addition, China Unicom's 4G network is fully compatible with all phones that support 4G. 5G coverage is currently being tested.

On this moment both companies are owned by the government. By the way, this is main reason such low competition among mobile operators. If there were more of them, some of them would belong to private entrepreneurs.

How to buy a SIM card?

Buying a SIM card in China is not as easy as in other countries. To do this, you must have your passport with you. It can only be purchased with this document. After the purchase, the account must be replenished immediately to activate the number.

Although the choice of operators in China is small, you still need to decide which company to give preference to. Take China Unicom - they provide normal Internet, good coverage. Although the service is terrible, money is taken from subscribers “like the last assholes”, but you need to put up with this - there is not much choice)

As for the prices for services, they are almost the same for both companies. In both cases, you have to pay for calls and the Internet. By the way, despite the fact that there are only two mobile operators, the number of tariffs fluctuates around 6-7. On average, communication (calls and Internet) costs about 50-100 yuan per month.

Arriving in China, every foreigner tries to buy a SIM card so as not to be left without the opportunity to communicate with loved ones and use mobile internet. But do not rush to buy a card right at the airport. Firstly, such a purchase will cost you many times more. Therefore, it is better to wait and buy a card in the city, while saving several tens of yuan. Secondly, in China it is always better to buy a SIM card in the province or city where you plan to stay. The fact is that in some places cards purchased in other provinces are not serviced. They cannot be used or restored if lost. You need to go to the city where the card was issued, and even get into roaming between provinces.

Having bought a card, you need to learn how to use it. If you modern man— a messenger for communication with loved ones to help you. Well, if technology is a problem, first you need to figure out how to call Russia. To do this, before the phone number, you need to dial two combinations of numbers at once. As a result, the phone number will look like this: 17951 + 007 + area code + desired phone number. You can use other code as well. But by typing 007 or +7…. And a phone number, you'll pay twice as much to call home.

Knowledge of other useful numbers will also come in handy. For example, to contact China Mobile operators, you need to dial 10086. And to communicate with representatives of China Unicom, you need to call 10010. For emergency situations, knowing the numbers of rescue services, which are slightly different from what we are used to, is useful. To call the fire department, you need to dial 119, to call an ambulance - 120, to the information desk - 114, to the police - 110. If you witness an accident, dial 122.

To send an SMS message from China to Russia, instead of +7, you need to dial 007 before the mobile number. However, even +7 works in some cases. But it depends on which number you are trying to send a message to.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the check and replenishment of the balance. . In order to check how much money is left in the account, you need to dial a certain combination of numbers. For China Mobile it is "13800138000". After the code is dialed, you need to select the language in which the information will be provided to you. Choose English, and wait until you receive a message with the necessary information. There is another way to check your China Mobile account balance. To do this, send to the number 10086 a message with two Latin letters "YE". In response, you will receive a message with information in Chinese. It will show you how much money you have left in your account.

If you purchased a card from China Unicom, then it is worth checking the balance on the account by dialing the number 10011 . There you will need to select the English voice language by clicking on the number 2 and then 3 to check the score.

If there is not enough money, then you will have to replenish the balance. This can be done in two main ways. The first option is to go to the office of the company and replenish the account there. The second is through Alipay/Wechat.

Another helpful advice- don't throw away your sim. Even if you are leaving China for a long time, it still makes sense to leave the card until the next trip. But in order for it to remain active, at least a few yuan must remain in the account. A more specific amount depends on which tariff you have chosen. You can clarify the information by calling the operator.

As you can see, telephone communication in China is not as difficult as it might seem to those who first visited this country. Choose the appropriate tariff from one of the two operators, save all necessary information about it, and communicate with both locals and those who live outside of China without overpaying for calls. Although these companies will get on your nerves with their bureaucratic procedures ...

Everything that will be described in this article applies to any Chinese SIM card, not only to China Unicom.
If you are in China, then topping up a SIM card is not difficult. Just go to any branch of your mobile operator, for example China Unicom, give money, show your phone number and in a few minutes your account balance will be replenished :)

How to top up the balance of China Unicom while already outside of China? (from Visa, MasterCard)

Since you have a Chinese SIM card, you probably already have a TaoBao account. If suddenly you do not have an account on Tao, then on the network you can find many guides on how to open an account on TaoBao. I'm sure you'll be able to open an account! It's not very difficult and no paperwork is required :)

Step 1. Opening a TaoBao account if you don't have one.
Step 2 Go to the main page of TaoBao, log in and pay attention to the lower left corner with icons. Among the icons in the first row, you notice the image of the phone.

Step 3 Enter your phone number (without code 86, for example: 132 ___ ___ __). Choose the replenishment amount and click on the red button below these fields.
Step 4 Go to Alipay account. I already have a Chinese bank card attached to my account, so the system automatically offers to select this card. Below is a button that is highlighted in red on the print screen. Click on her.

Step 5 Enter your number in the window that opens. bank card Visa or MasterCard.
Step 6 The system may not understand what kind of card it is, in which case the following question will be displayed:

You need to select the bottom answer option (it comes without a logo).
Step 7 A fairly long window opens. where to enter information about the card. (there is no skin. because when paying for the second time, such a window does not open for me anymore)
You must enter the card details: first name, last name. Here, note that the system first asks you to enter the last name, and then the first name. (That is, not like on the map, but vice versa). You also need to enter the expiration date of the card and CVC.
In the lower block, you must specify the place of issue of the card. In the first drop-down field, you must indicate the country where the card was issued - select "俄罗斯" (Russia) (this option is in the first block of answers), then in the next two fields write on English city, for example Moscow. Leave the field with zeros as is.
Step 8 Go further and, lo and behold, you get to the page of your bank to receive an SMS password and confirm the payment :)
Step 9 Your balance has been replenished.

PS At the time of writing this article, Qiwi had the opportunity to select China Unicom top-up, but when you try to top up your account, an error occurs and nothing works as a result. Perhaps in the near future Qiwi will correct the errors and it will be possible to replenish the Chinese SIM card on the Russian-language site.

Going to China, you should Special attention give to the choice of a mobile cellular operator. To select a number, there are two options for solving this problem: set up roaming on an existing Russian SIM card or purchase a new SIM card in China with a different number. Cellular communication here is very popular and widely distributed, therefore its cost is somewhat lower than that of many Russian operators.

Information about the features of communication between the cities of China and Russia, as well as how to buy cheap SIM cards

The entire cellular communication system in China can be conditionally classified as general territorial, local and international. Due to this distinction, the tariffs for making calls can be changed quite flexibly when connecting to another province of the country. So, a tariff plan for calls in one region can be quite cheap and profitable, but when moving to another region, it can increase dramatically. Especially this fact should be taken into account by tourists traveling to the cities of China. In this regard, for persons traveling outside the same province, it is advisable to activate territorial roaming.

In this case, when choosing a mobile operator, it is necessary to indicate where (to Russia, between provinces or within one province) calls will be made. Currently, there are such SIM cards in China, for the activation of which you need to make a call to the operator. By calling the service number and listening to the information, you can set the desired activation mode. Since the operator tells the instructions in Chinese, in order to quickly and correctly set up the phone, you need to contact the SIM card seller in a specialized communications department for help. The ability to connect to cities in Russia can be easily checked by dialing the country code "+7" or "007" and the number of the desired phone. If the call goes, then this card can be used for calls to Russia.

IP-telephony is in great demand. With it, calls will be much cheaper. To use this communication technology, you must dial the so-called digital prefix, which is individual for each province.

When traveling in China, you should be aware that in cities such as Hong Kong and Macau, only special SIM cards and international roaming work. However, in order to get a roaming connection, it is necessary to present a passport of a Chinese citizen and make an “active balance”, which can be quite an impressive amount (several thousand yuan). Due to this best solution will be the purchase of an ordinary Chinese SIM card.

News of telephone and information communication operators in Chinese cities

At present, China's main mobile operators are China Mobile and China Unicom. They carry out operations in the GSM standard. characteristic feature operator of China Unicom is that it can still work in the CDMA standard, and this allows you to be in the access area even in the mountains and areas where there are no means of communication. However, for Russian tourists it is still better to choose China connection Mobile, since it does not require the purchase of a special phone, under which this SIM card will be installed.

Make a call to another country or chinese city can be from almost any hotel and payphone. Payphones use special cards 1C (integrated circuit) with a face value of 100 yuan with a special access number. You can buy them at any bookstore.

The postal service is very developed in China, which is actively used for sending mail and express delivery of various goods. The Internet has gained wide popularity, although access to many sites is blocked by government decision. Tourists and guests of China can get access to Internet resources in Internet cafes, hotels and hotels, as well as in China Telecom. Internet connection in business centers is very expensive and for mobile phones additional connection is required.

Basic Rules for Buying a Telephone Connection in China

Replenishment of a SIM card of any operator using VISA When purchasing a SIM card, it is advisable to study in detail the instructions and description of the tariff plan written in English. Cases of fraud with mobile communications are extremely rare, but choosing the best tariff plan will help save a significant amount of money. To do this, follow the following simple rules.

  1. Do not purchase SIM cards at the airport, especially in Shanghai. Here prices are much higher than in the city, and the choice leaves much to be desired.
  2. With the help of a translator, you should definitely find out if the package includes communication with other countries. In Shanghai, for example, there are still such SIM cards that allow you to make calls only within the city, and outside of it, the connection is cut off. If there is no way to translate information from Chinese into Russian, it is necessary to carefully study what is written in English.
  3. In order to freely travel around the country from one province to another, you should find out everything possible ways replenishment of the SIM card. Sometimes it happens that in order to replenish an account in another province of China, the central office of the operator that services the connection is required. However, there are cards (for example, ShenZhouXing) that can be topped up using express payments, and there are a lot of them in the country.
  4. After the SIM card is purchased, it is imperative to make sure that it is in working order. Therefore, if possible, you should resort to the help of sellers or a translator.

Thus, if tourists plan to visit several cities in China, with a stay in each of them for about a week, it would be best to buy SIM cards in each of these cities. Practice shows that due to the fact that roaming charges are not charged, the cost of calls will be much cheaper. If the calls are of an international nature, then, in addition to the basic tariff fee for minutes of conversation, an additional fee for roaming is charged. In this case, the price will be unambiguously high.

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