How to bewitch your loved one if he is walking. How to bewitch your loved one - we create a strong love union. Love spell on water


Often in a woman’s personal life situations arise when she asks the question “how to bewitch a man?” The reason for this is either unrequited love or Family status

beloved. Wanting to gain favor young man

, some ladies even resort to using magic from a distance. They use various spells, conspiracies, and even make menstruation love spells to take a married lover away from the family. But is it worth spending your energy and touching the unknown sides of life, if there are quite harmless methods with which you can bewitch even.

married man

The essence of these methods is to harmonize your brain signals with the external manifestation of feelings. Simply put, to attract a man, you must accept yourself and listen to your heart.

After all, when your behavior contradicts what you think and what you want, you look unnatural. Which is immediately rejected by male psychology.

It often happens that even a woman’s sexy appearance does not attract a man, because she herself does not feel desired and sexy.

How to attract your loved one?

In order for your sexual energy to attract a man not only when meeting, but also at a distance, you must strengthen it. This will help to bewitch the member of the opposite sex you like much faster.

  • To do this, you need to do psychological exercises every morning. The effects of these techniques can be seen within a couple of weeks.
  • Stand in front of a mirror at a distance of a meter.
  • Close your eyes and mentally count to fifty.

Then look at your reflection for a long time and compliment yourself.

In this case, you should address yourself in the second person: “you are very beautiful”, “you have a gorgeous figure”, etc. Such an appeal helps the subconscious mind accept praise not from itself, but from the outside world.

The more compliments you give yourself, the easier it will be for you to bewitch your loved one.

The main condition for performing a love spell in this way is that you must believe what is said! If you believe in your attractiveness, the whole world will believe you!

After this, you can proceed to the next stage. To bewitch a man, all you need to do is know his name. When addressing him, talk about your strengths as seen in the mirror.

For example, “Andrey, I’m very attractive,” or “Oleg, look at my beautiful lips" By sending such energy signals at a distance, you can bewitch and make even a married man think about you.

You are truly wonderful!

In order to bewitch your loved one and soon see the consequences of what you have done, you can try to change your image.

Not only your behavior, but also your appearance should correspond to your thoughts and brain signals.

Every man feels on a subconscious level internal contradictions women. But when her energy is in harmony with her external data, it will greatly attract both single and married young men.

Finding a suitable image for yourself can be quite simple. To do this, throw away public opinion about modern fashion and create your own image.

To bewitch a man, you need to understand that the beauty and inner energy of a woman do not depend on any ideal standards, but from her individuality. Accepting and loving yourself is the first and most main step to attract your loved one!

Her attitude towards herself also plays a huge role. If a woman is comfortable in her image, then her powerful energy can bewitch her beloved man at any distance.

Are such actions dangerous?

In this case, to bewitch a man means to attract him with your powerful energy without affecting the psyche. Moreover, in addition to the attention of the desired young man, you will gain the sympathy of many other representatives of the stronger sex.

Also, thanks to working on yourself, you can not only bewitch the man you love, but also gain self-confidence and fulfill many of your dreams.

A man who is bewitched by the methods described will sincerely admire you, and not do it under the influence magical powers. Thanks to this, you can bewitch him and not be afraid that negative consequences will overtake you, even if you let a married man into your life.

After all, it often happens that the bewitched person has long wanted to start new life, but did not dare to make changes without external support. And only after meeting a reliable, loving life partner, he understands that he can start a new, happy life.

How will the man behave?

Many women are interested in the question of how a bewitched man behaves and how he feels. The changes occurring in the behavior of a bewitched married man towards his fan are quite noticeable. Here are the main consequences of a love spell:

  1. Manifestation of sexual desire.
  2. The desire to be around more often.
  3. Calls and SMS with gentle words.

Be prepared for the fact that the man who is bewitched by you will try to take all of your free time with your presence.

Don’t be surprised if, when you go out shopping, you “completely by chance” meet him in the store. Or after a working day you will see him near your house with a gorgeous bouquet of flowers.

The behavior of the bewitched can only be compared with the actions of a young man deeply in love, who rarely thinks through the consequences of his actions.

At home, the behavior of a bewitched married man will be alarming. His isolation and unsociability will make his legal wife think.

If she is a wise woman, then she will be able to figure out what is happening with her husband. And with your care and affection, prevent the consequences of a love spell.

But a quarrelsome, harsh woman can lose the man bewitched by her rival forever. Even if she subsequently tries to bewitch her ex-husband, she won't be able to do this.

If you are wondering how to bewitch a married man without attracting negative consequences, engage in self-improvement. Only harmony in your soul and powerful sexual energy will allow you to achieve what you want.

If you believe in your uniqueness and attractiveness, you can easily understand how to bewitch a man. He will want to spend every next day of his life with such a woman!
Author: Vera Drobnaya

Strong mutual passionate love Probably every person wants to experience it in their life. But, unfortunately, the object of our love does not always reciprocate. Some people take this normally, try to stop loving and switch to something else in life. And some are ready to fight for mutual feelings to the end. And then magical love spells come into play. How to bewitch a man, this is the question asked by those who still want to achieve reciprocity from the object of love.

How does a love spell work?

If a girl is interested in the question of how to bewitch a man without consequences, then she needs to understand what a love spell is.

Love spell- this is the influence on the will of a person on energy level. As a result of the love spell, the man’s will is partially dulled, and he becomes partially dependent on the customer.

If you are thinking about how to bewitch a man, then you need to clearly understand what feelings you want to evoke in him. The fact is that during a love spell it is these feelings that need to be felt and strengthened. If you want to bewitch a man so that he feels mostly passion for you, then you also need to increase your passion during the love spell. If you want a romantic relationship, then create tenderness and love in your feelings, then the man will enter into a relationship with you with these feelings.

In what situations is a love spell used?

You can bewitch your beloved man even if you are not a professional; any woman can do this. There are situations in life when a love spell really helps turn the situation around, here’s what those situations might be:

  1. A woman can bewitch a man if she simply likes him, but the man himself does not take the initiative to get acquainted or courtship. And the woman is also embarrassed to take the first step.
  2. The customer can also be a woman who already has a relationship with a man. But the passion in this relationship faded. Or maybe the woman wants the man to marry her already.
  3. You can also bewitch your beloved man if a woman knows that a rival has appeared on her horizon. You can make a lapel on your rival, or you can bewitch your loved one on yourself.
  4. You can bewitch your beloved man if you need to maintain the relationship even if your beloved is at a distance. It is not so easy to maintain a high degree of relationship at a distance. In this case, the plot for a loved one needs to be read and a lot of passion invested. Then, even very far from you, the passion of your loved one will warm you.
  5. Of course, a woman can bewitch a married man she loves; no one can stop her from doing so. But it is important to understand that this is rather a black love spell. Such a love spell can greatly change the life of the person who ordered the love spell. Here it is important to look at the relationship between husband and wife. If a man no longer feels anything for his wife, then sometimes such a love spell will simply help give him the determination to leave her.
  6. By the way, a man can also easily bewitch his beloved. A man who bewitches a woman usually values ​​the relationship very much. A love spell gives you many opportunities and is completely free.

Love spell on a loved one using blood

How to bewitch your man at home? If a person is so interesting to you that you still decided to bewitch him, then you can do this in the most different ways. Here is an example of a blood love spell.

The impact of this ritual will work very well if, with the help of the ritual, you want to remove your rival by magical means. The fact is that blood is biological material, and it turns out to perform some of the most powerful magical rituals. They say that even if you just mentally drop blood into a glass for your loved one and mentally say a short spell, this will also have the effect of a love spell. This conspiracy can be further strengthened if it is menstruation, and not just blood. Menstruation will help arouse unprecedented passion in your loved one. In this ritual, you can also use not just blood from your finger, but menstruation, so you can bewitch your beloved man even more reliably.

How does this happen? You need to prepare a romantic dinner for your loved one. Only prayer should not be said before such a dinner. The drink for dinner should be red wine, and this most often happens. The first part of the ritual is that you just have to have a great evening. Enjoy what is happening. Next, you need to wait for the moment when your loved one leaves the table, before this moment the wine should already be poured into glasses. It is important that there is no too much alcohol that evening either. You need to drop pre-prepared blood into your loved one’s glass and read the following plot:

“I’ll take everything for myself. I won’t give you to anyone else, but I’ll just leave you next to me. You will never feel love for another woman, but you will only love me alone. Our love is bright, it looks bright to you, like me. You, the strong one, are favorable to me, you are subdued by me, you have loved and will love only me alone. Enchanted by me, bewitched by me, seduced by me. I’ll take you to my place. I’ll leave you all to myself.”

To make everything go even more efficiently, it is advisable that the next night ends with passionate sex, think about how to behave for this. Then the signs that your loved one has been successfully bewitched will appear even earlier than you might expect. His behavior towards you will tell you this. This ritual should be done on the waxing moon. The more fresh blood is included in such rituals, the more effective they will be. Conveniently, these rituals can be easily performed at home.

Love spell on the waxing moon

How to bewitch a man, love spell on the moon. The main ingredient in this ritual is the waxing moon. The moon is the ruler of feminine energies, which means that if a woman asks her for help, the heavenly night body will definitely respond.

Rituals are performed on the waxing moon. The newer the month is during the ceremony, the better. The new month will further enhance your loved one’s feelings. The only drawback of this ritual is that to perform it you need to wait for a truly moonlit and clear night. Therefore, be prepared to perform the ritual, but wait until a clear night comes.

By the way, waiting for such a night is a great way to prepare mentally for the ritual. Apart from you and the moon, nothing else is needed to carry out the ritual. These rituals are very suitable if you want to bewitch a man and arouse in him romantic feelings towards you. And to carry out the ritual you need to buy a new nightie.

On the night when the moon is young, the night itself is clear, you need to go out into the open. This could be a balcony or a street. The main thing is that there is nothing above your head. Go out under the moonlight in a new nightie.

Just look at the waxing moon for a few minutes. Many people worry that moonlight may somehow affect the psyche, but this is not the case; it will not cause any harm. After your mind has relaxed from contemplating the moonlight, you need to read the following love plot:

“Dear Luna, my friend Luna, you know who I love, you know who I want. I want him to love me very much, I ask this of you. I’m not asking for yours, I’m asking for mine. I address you with kind words, let him then address me with the same words. Give me a gift, give it to me, inspire him to love me with your radiance. Words to you full of love I say, let him address me with the same words, words of love. The old month has gone, a new one has come, and so does love. I want him in a specific, intentional way that takes me as his mistress. Bewitched by me, condemned by me. The day will pass and you will come, the day will pass and you will fall in love. And if I want it, he will make me his wife.”

If everything was done correctly, then after a few you will see that the bewitched man is calling you. He will feel bad without you, he suffers, he will want to see you. This is the effect of the ritual. By the way, this love spell is even stronger if performed on your birthday. You also need to sleep in the nightie in which the ceremony was performed until you make a couple with your loved one. Now you know how to bewitch your beloved man to the moon.

Love spell on the ring

You know how to bewitch your man for love, but for marriage? Many girls who have been dating a young man for a long time dream of him proposing to them. But men are in no hurry to do this. To give them determination in this matter, you can cast a special love spell on the ring. After it, the man will at least have thoughts about marriage, and if the love spell is done very well, then he may decide to propose.

How to bewitch a man to marry? To perform the ritual you will need: a silver ring, a sweet in the form of a piece of chocolate and chicken eggs. These rituals, like the previous ones, are best done during the waxing moon.

Organize everything right at home so that no one can interfere with you in carrying out the ritual. It is dangerous to have even pets in the room where this is taking place. Don't try to understand why this is so, just clear the room of pets as well. Also turn off all electrical appliances. Light a candle. To calm your mind a little, look at a candle for a few minutes.

Then take the ring, blow into it and you need to read the following plot:

“Ten people are asking me to get married, but I’m waiting for you alone, you’re not the only one asking me to get married, you’re the only one. My most beloved, most desired, I want you to become my beloved and only husband. I will become married next to you, myself best wife call me. There is no one better for you than me, either in bed, or in life, or anywhere else. Love will find you while you are sleeping, and will be eager to marry me. You’ll look at me all day long, but you still won’t be able to get enough of it. I will give all my love to you so that I can become your wife. Bewitched, fascinated, only mine.”

After this, put the ring on the table, maybe on a saucer, break the egg directly into the ring and at the same time say the following spell:

“The child of the chicken egg will take away all the evil from our love.”

Then take a piece of chocolate, bite it properly, feel its taste, then say:

“We will not be bitter with you, we will be very sweet with you.”

They say that it is even more effective to do this ritual on Christmas night, on Christmas Eve, then the chances of marrying your loved one increase significantly. You can also help with this with a paper note. On a piece of paper, write your name and the name of your beloved man, and place the note right at the crossroads on Christmas after this ritual.

Those who have done this love spell say that symptoms that it is working begin to appear after just one week. You will notice that the man has become even more active in showing love towards you. Maybe you'll find loving man on your doorstep. In ancient times like this traditional methods the girls were just trying to get a proposal. And after some time he will propose to you. This is surprising, but now we know how to bewitch your beloved man to marry you.

Love spell with lavender

How to bewitch a man at home if he left you?

This effective love spell works very well if you want to get your ex-boyfriend. To carry it out you will need dried lavender, just a couple of sprigs.

It is best to perform this ritual at sunset. Take lavender with you and go somewhere in nature where you can see the sunset very clearly.

Sit down so that you can see the sunset, inhale the aroma of lavender, then press it to your heart and you need to read the following plot:

“Whoever I was close to in the heart before, let his heart ache, just as it ache for me from the smell of this flower. Let him dream of me in a lavender dream, let him feel me as his beloved, let him see me as the most beautiful, let him come to my very threshold. I'm asking for mine back. All his strength is leading him to me. I'll beckon with a flower, I'll beckon with myself, he won't want to leave anymore. Let whoever was mine return to me, let his love come to me, enter his soul. And the consequences of you being near, the consequences of you loving me, the consequences of that - we are together. You can’t live without me, just like I can’t live without you, we can’t live without each other.”

Very strong conspiracy, with which you can return a man

HOW TO CHARM A GUY. My experience

If a guy dumped you and you want to get him back, then be sure to use this method. For an unmarried guy, it's suitable. The less time passes from the moment of separation, the better, otherwise others can use magic to make him fall in love with them.

At home, you need to understand that magic is fraught with some dangers. Not all rituals can be done independently, without special protection. For home “magicians,” it is recommended to use light love spells that will make the guy show interest, but will not enslave him. That is, the impact will be effective, but will not harm his and her energy. So

In this way you will force the object of your desires to look at you with interested eyes, and leave the rest to nature.

at home, if you practically do not communicate with him

It happens that you like a guy, but there are no points of contact. No problem! You can perform a ritual easy love spell so that he himself wants to communicate with you. To do this you will need an apple and a candle. But these items must be special. It’s best if you pick the apple yourself from the branch or buy it from old women selling goods from their garden. When buying, you can’t take change, otherwise it won’t work! It is better to take a red candle. The whole evening before the ritual you need to think about it. Before midnight, left alone, light a candle and, dripping wax onto the apple, say: “The apple is ruddy, pouring spicy! Just as she cannot live without water, so the servant of God (name) cannot live without the maiden (her name) “Amen!” Repeat as many times as there are letters in

chosen one's name. The apple should be completely covered with wax. Place it where no one can touch it. When your relationship begins, you need to finely chop the apple and feed it to the birds, saying: “Birds are sisters! Fly to heaven, may my beauty not fade in the eyes of the servant of God (name)! Fly to the pond - take away the trouble! Fly on a tree, let your sweet heart languish! Amen!"

Still at home

This ritual is for those who communicate with the object of desire. During the feast, you need to talk about the drink that your loved one will drink. The plot is as follows: “Just as a rainbow cannot exist without the sky, the earth cannot exist without snow, the sun cannot exist without the moon, so the servant of God (name) cannot live without me (name). It will happen, it will come true, in my opinion it will turn out like water pouring down your throat! Amen!" You can whisper it, or you can say it mentally.

Warning: when choosing a way to bewitch a guy at home, do not pursue the complexity of the ritual. Very “sophisticated” love spells require large amounts of energy and special conditions. Some are done only for others you need to “pay”. From such actions, an unprepared performer can get sick or suffer in other ways!

An easy way to bewitch a guy

It is considered to be one of the most effective and effective ways is to establish an energy connection. There is no need to use special ritual objects or words here. When deciding how to bewitch a guy at home, proceed from the circumstances in which you live. Maybe easy way just for you! Take a photo of your loved one and, having tuned in well, begin to look at it. At the same time, focus on his personality. You have to imagine how he thinks, what he is passionate about, what interests him. When you decide that you have established a connection, imagine your relationship (vividly and in detail) and “convey” it to his eyes in the photo. The next day you will see the result!

Love is wonderful feeling sung by poets. It moves people like an invisible sail, forcing them to do sometimes meaningless and a little stupid, but such sweet things. However, reciprocity is not always found in the object. Sometimes it happens that a girl falls madly in love with a man who doesn’t even look in her direction. At the same time, she is not stupid, good-looking, knows how to behave with dignity and dress beautifully. But the object of her desire, as if on purpose, does not notice her point-blank. What to do in this case?

Not everyone, of course, trusts this the original way, your dreams. But in comparison with the fragile hope of being close to your chosen one? So girls go to fortune tellers and all sorts of magicians, shedding tears into their pillows at night. Many swindlers profit from gullible ladies, whose hearts already hurt with irresponsibility. But it’s quite possible to do a love spell yourself. In this case, you will not need the help of any sorcerers who will try in every possible way to extract money. So, let's answer the question of how to bewitch a man at home.

First, decide whether you really fully understand that the results can exceed all expectations. Human life- This is not a toy. Therefore, start acting only when you are absolutely sure that you want to live with this person for the rest of your life.

Conspiracies, decoctions, potions... In fact, there are a lot of methods on how to bewitch a man yourself. But it was the action of certain plants that many witches assigned the main role in their rituals. Sometimes just one tiny flower or leaf is enough for the object of unrequited feelings to flare up with unbridled passion for you. The effect of a plant such as erect trefoil is considered especially powerful. It is this component, added to taste in any dish prepared by a woman, that will make the lover’s heart beat faster in her presence.

Another powerful tool is the appropriation of a lover’s personal belongings. Don't know how to bewitch a man? Carefully steal his shoe and put it under your bed. Beliefs say that very soon the object of your adoration will show you favor and will spend the night in this very bed. It is believed that the energy of personal belongings, and especially shoes worn for a long time, invariably attracts its owner.

Another proven way to bewitch a man is a ritual with amber. It must be performed on Friday early in the morning, as soon as the girl gets out of bed. It is best if the insect is immured in a yellow translucent stone. It is believed that this factor enhances the effect of divination. Take amber in the palm of your left hand. Place the right one on your heart. Close your eyes and relax, mentally imagine your lover. This should be done in as much detail as possible, including the smallest elements of appearance. Remember his look, gait, smile, gestures, facial expressions. Don't ignore your character and habits. After this, with all your love, kiss the stone and carefully wrap it in a piece of silk fabric of a red or pink shade. The resulting package should be kept under your pillow for a week. Every morning for the next seven days, start with this ritual. It is believed that already on the eighth day your lover should meet you and pay his attention.

Before you rush to surf the Internet looking for advice on how to bewitch a man, think carefully. Perhaps your chosen one is simply unworthy of you, since he does not notice a loving glance or certain gestures in his direction. And if so, is it worth disturbing higher power and spend your own on someone who does not see his own happiness?

If the man or woman you like does not reciprocate even the most sincere and pure feelings, they will come to the rescue love spells, which will allow you to achieve the location of your other half. However, it should be remembered that any impact on another person has serious consequences. To avoid harming yourself, you can only use white magic. You need to make a balanced decision, because it may not be possible to remove the love spell.

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      Rules for conducting rituals

      Even the most powerful love spell must be read according to certain rules. In order for the ritual to be carried out to work and bring the appropriate result, it is necessary:

    1. 1. Sincerely love the person you want to bewitch. If there is any negativity in your feelings for your lover, for example, resentment for the lack of reciprocity or anger, then even the most powerful conspiracy will not be able to bring the desired result.
    2. 2. Concentrate and concentrate. In any magical rite The attitude is very important; a skeptical attitude in this case is inappropriate. One must unconditionally believe in the power of the spoken words, only then will they definitely have an impact on the object of passion.
    3. 3. Consider the state of the moon. Any love spell ritual should be done for the growing month, unless otherwise specified in the rules for its implementation. Magical actions performed during this period are aimed at growth, that is, at increasing love affection. This is especially true for love spells performed by women, since the moon rules feminine energy, protects and supports.
    4. 4. Choose the right time. Even an ordinary love spell becomes very strong if you do it in the days before church holidays- for Easter, Trinity, Christmas. The effectiveness of rituals increases during Christmas time, on the night of Ivan Kupala, and on New Year's evening.
    5. 5. Choose a suitable ritual. The ritual must be energetically suitable for the person performing it. You need to put maximum feelings and sincere emotions into it for it to work.
    6. 6. Remember the magic words by heart. Reading them from a sheet of paper or, especially, from a monitor is not recommended.
    7. 7. Conduct the ritual completely alone. You should turn off the TV, radio, household appliances, remove animals from the room, since nothing should distract while reading the plot.
    • All strong love spells are aimed at igniting the flame of passion and love even in the most indifferent heart. Their magical influence it is very difficult to cancel, and the consequences can be severe both for the person being bewitched and for the one who performed the ritual.

      Powerful love spells on a man

      There are a lot strong love spells, which can instill warm feelings in a man’s heart. They can help return a beloved husband to the family, provoke a man to make a long-awaited proposal to marry him, or simply normalize a relationship where feelings have long cooled down.

      Most love spells belong to white magic; you can do them yourself at home. But this does not mean at all that they will not have consequences.

      Some of these love spells cannot be removed, which leads to a change not only in one’s destiny, but also in serious changes in the life of the other half.

      Ritual with two mirrors and candles

      • This love spell is very powerful and quite difficult to remove. For it you need to prepare two small mirrors and three illuminated church candles. You need to cast a love spell after midnight on a waxing or waning moon at least three times every four days. You should:
      • place two mirrors opposite each other;
      • place a candle between them;
      • light it;
      • cover all other mirrors in the room with dark fabric;
      • sit in front of the mirrors and constantly repeat the magic words: “(Name) black and white”;
      • read the plot until the candle burns out completely, while strange knocks and steps may be heard in the room;

      After completing the ritual, turn the mirrors face down and hide them away from prying eyes.

      By photo A love spell from a photo is considered one of the most powerful. It can be carried out even when the object of passion lives at a great distance, for example, in another city or country. You will need a photograph of your lover, where he is shown alone.

      It is not recommended to perform this love spell on a married man to avoid negative consequences.

      • You should:
      • read a magic spell while looking at a photograph of your lover;
      • burn the photograph;

      scatter the ashes to the wind.

      • There is another way to bewitch your beloved man using his photo. The ritual is performed at night in complete solitude. This love spell cannot be removed, i.e. it is done forever. Necessary: Take a photo of your favorite guy, this must be recent photo
      • which no one has ever seen and will never see.
      • Take a photo of yourself.
      • Get a dressing table consisting of three mirrors.
      • Place both photos in front of the mirror so that they merge together.
      • Then light a candle in front of the mirror. It should be reflected repeatedly in the dressing table.
      • Say the magic phrase: “Let every fragment of the soul unite with my soul, and not be separated forever and ever.”
      • At these words, press your own tightly to his photograph.
      • Say: “I cry with my blood for my unity with the servant of God (name).”
      • Glue the photos together with tape without removing them from the mirror.
      • Read the spell: “May we forever be one. Amen".
      • Poke the needle through your index finger.
      • Write your name in blood on the back of the pictures.
      • Hide them in a box where no one can see them.

      Using hair

      Hair rituals are considered one of the most powerful. In order to make a man fall in love with you, you will need a strand of his hair and yours, two church candles purchased in the temple after sunset during the evening service. Need to:

    1. 1. Warm up the candles using your palms.
    2. 2. Connect strands with candles: one with your own, the other with the hair of your chosen one.
    3. 3. Make two figures out of them - male and female.
    4. 4. Tie them with red thread.
    5. 5. Read the plot several times: “Just as I can’t imagine life without you, so you, (name), cannot live without me.”
    6. 6. Store the figurines in a secret place.
    7. 7. Periodically take them out and read the spell during the waxing moon in order to renew the effect of the ritual.

    On the thing

    For this ritual you will need some thing, a new towel will do. The chosen one must come to visit, wash his hands and dry them with a towel prepared in advance. After this, you need to remove it away from prying eyes. As soon as he leaves, you need to tie the fabric in a knot while reading the hex.

    This ritual can also be performed with a handkerchief, with which the beloved must wipe both his hands and face. At this moment, it is necessary to look at him and imagine a further future together. Only then will this ritual definitely work.

    To the apple

    The ritual with the apple is very powerful, and its effect is almost impossible to cancel. For this you should:

    1. 1. Before sunrise, pick a ripe apple.
    2. 2. Cut it into two halves.
    3. 3. Remove the core.
    4. 4. Remove seeds.
    5. 5. Write your lover’s name in blood on a small piece of paper.
    6. 6. Tie it with hair - three of your own and three cut from your loved one.
    7. 7. Place this scroll in the center of the apple.
    8. 8. Secure the halves of the fruit together using sharp matches or sticks.
    9. 9. Let it dry.
    10. 10. Wrap in leaves and place under your loved one's mattress.

    Until the lining is discovered, the love spell will be active. The second method of this ritual suggests that the dried fruit should be buried in front of the beloved’s house, having previously packed it in cellophane or plastic wrap so that rain or melted snow cannot wet it.

    Strong love spells on a woman

    It is believed that mainly women are interested in love spells. But men also quite often resort to the power of magic when they find themselves in difficult situations. As a rule, a love spell on a girl is performed if:

    • a woman wants to divorce her husband, but he is unable to change the situation for the better;
    • the beloved rejects any attempts to get closer to her and does not make contact;
    • the chosen one is tied by marriage and does not want or cannot leave her husband;
    • the girl’s feelings have cooled down, and she wants to end the relationship.

    Rituals for a woman should be performed on Friday, the so-called “Venus day”. It is at this time that the effectiveness of even the simplest ritual increases many times over.

    With candles and mirror

    This ritual is quite powerful, but it does not carry too many negative consequences for the person performing it. If it is not possible to gain the affection of your sweetheart with his help, he will help you meet a girl destined for fate. A prerequisite for its implementation is that the man reading the plot must at least be sympathetic to his chosen one. If she dislikes him or others negative emotions, then this method of love spell will be ineffective.

    The ritual will require 12 candles lit in the church, a medium-sized mirror, a sheet of paper and a pencil. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

    1. 1. Prepare the surface for the ceremony. This could be a clean table or floor.
    2. 2. Candles must be placed in a circle, the diameter of which will be from 60 to 70 cm.
    3. 3. Light them.
    4. 4. Place a mirror in the center of the resulting circle.
    5. 5. Sit opposite him.
    6. 6. Put it in front of you Blank sheet paper.
    7. 7. Write on it with a pencil the names of yours and your chosen one.
    8. 8. Read the plot.
    9. 9. Close your eyes.
    10. 10. Focus on thoughts about your beloved, about spending time together. To better visualize her image, you can use a photograph where she is depicted alone.
    11. 11. Then blow out the candles and wrap them in a sheet with names, which must subsequently be hidden.
    12. 12. After 3-4 months, this bundle should be buried or burned.

    With photo

    For this powerful and simple ritual of white magic, you will need nine church candles and a photograph of your beloved. Necessary:

    • before dawn, place nine candles in a circle;
    • light them, moving clockwise;
    • put a photo of a girl in the middle;
    • step on it with the heel of your right foot;
    • read the magic words three times.

    This ritual must be performed three nights in a row. With its help you can short time improve relations with your chosen one.

    For curls

    This ritual is only suitable when a man sees a girl quite often, but cannot achieve reciprocity. For it you will need your own hair, the hair of your chosen one and a wax candle. Need to:

    1. 1. Light a candle at midnight.
    2. 2. Braid your hair together.
    3. 3. Fill them with wax.
    4. 4. Roll the frozen wax together with the hairs into a ball.
    5. 5. Continue dripping wax onto it until the hair underneath is completely gone.
    6. 8. Read the plot.
    7. 7. Carry the ball with you for a day.
    8. 8. Then throw it into the fire and burn it, while you need to imagine how, along with the flame, a feeling of love and affection is transmitted to the object of passion.

    There is another way to bewitch your beloved woman using her hair. In addition, this love spell, unlike the first option, cannot be removed. For the ritual you will need a strand of the chosen one's hair, eight wax candles, a piece of white cloth, a photograph of the girl and a round mirror. You should:

    1. 1. Stay completely alone, wash your hands, close the curtains.
    2. 2. Spread the cloth on an empty table.
    3. 3. Arrange the candles in a circle.
    4. 3. Light them.
    5. 5. Place a mirror in the middle of the fire circle so that the nearest candles are reflected in it.
    6. 6. Run your hands over the candle flame three times clockwise, lightly touching it.
    7. 7. Burn a strand of woman’s hair over the flame of the nearest candle.
    8. 8. At this moment, say the magic words: “This girl should be mine. I will take care of her, love her, not a single hair will fall from her head through my fault. I will always be a support, a protection for her.”
    9. 9. Place the photo of the girl in front of the mirror so that it is reflected correctly.
    10. 10. Look at the picture and say a spell.
    11. 11. Then press the photo to the mirror.
      1. 1. Depression and loss of appetite and sleep occur in the person who performed the ritual and in the person on whom the love spell was performed. Sometimes more serious health problems appear.
      2. 2. Reading magical spells affects children, parents or other close relatives of the bewitcher.
      3. 3. Any ritual will affect the character and behavior of the person being bewitched. He becomes nervous, irritable, angry.
      4. 4. In most cases, the bewitched person develops a tendency towards drug and alcohol addiction and a desire to commit suicide.

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