Why dream of bright flashes in the sky. Bright light from the dream book. Dream Interpretation: what is the dream of Loneliness

People constantly see dreams, some of which a person clearly remembers, while others can instantly be forgotten. Often in a dream we see incredible and amazing things that we usually do not attach importance to.

In fact, a dream is a subconscious reflection real life. If a person knows correct interpretation his dreams, he can prevent many of life's problems.

What if you dream of a flash?

If in a dream a person saw a bright flash of light, it means that unexpected news awaits him in the near future. However, the dream book does not say what the news will be. This may be good news, for example, about the arrival best friend with whom a person has not met for a long time, and maybe a bad one. If you happened to see a flash in a dream, you need to wait for good events, not forgetting that thoughts materialize.

When a person sees a flash of a shot in a dream, this means that soon he will have business related to in cash. Perhaps a person will receive an extraordinary bonus at the main place of work, or another Additional income. There is a possibility that an unexpected large cash flow will happen, which will help to fulfill a long-awaited dream.

However, it should be borne in mind that the flash of a shot can also be a sign of waste of money. Therefore, all financial issues must be addressed with particular vigilance.

If a woman had a flash dream, most likely it means that she is currently underestimating young man who is trying to build a relationship with her. She doesn't see many in him positive qualities, and focuses on some minor shortcomings. The reason for this attitude may be that people have known each other not so long ago, and do not yet know about their common interests.

What portends?

Why does a man dream of a flash? For the representatives of the stronger sex, a flash of bright light is a sign that he is losing sight of something very important, or it will happen in the near future. These can be completely different things, such as family, professional, financial or others.

But it is clear that this event should play important role In human life. It can be an impetus for rapid professional growth or help you meet your loved one. The main thing in this case is to follow everything that is happening around, and not to refuse any offers, because the sequence of some decisions of a person will determine whether he will notice this opportunity or not.

If a person saw a flash in a dream, then in any case this is a positive sign, because it means news and changes, and, as you know, changes are always for the better. The main thing during these events is to remain calm and attentive so as not to lose sight of the smallest details, which in the future can become very important things. You only need to wait for good news, and then they will definitely appear.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

  • Flashes- lead; shots- money matters.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

  • lead;
  • shots - money matters.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

  • Flashes - lead; enlightenment processes in your mind.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

  • Flashes- lead; enlightenment processes in your mind.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

  • Flash in a dream- portends a variety of news. See the flash of a shot- means in reality to do a business that will bring you a profit sufficient to fulfill your old dream.
  • If a young girl sees a bright flash in a dream- it means that in reality she lacks the foresight to discern in a man who gives her signs of attention, her love. For a married person, the interpretation of sleep is similar- She needs to be more attentive so as not to miss something important.
  • If you dreamed of a flashing and falling star- this is a harbinger of sadness and sadness. If you dream of mysteriously flashing and dying stars- so in the near future you should expect mysterious events and change.

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations, evaluate your emotional condition? We suggest reading selected interpretations of dreams about the Flash in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these interpretations of dreams, there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about Flash

Dream interpretation of O. Smurova

Why does the Flash dream in a dream?

See Flash - If you dream of a flash, it portends you to receive good news or a sudden insight that will help you fulfill your intentions.

See also: what is the dream of the sun, what is the dream of light, what is the dream of an explosion.

Dream interpretation of S. Karatov

If you dream of a flash of light in the night, this means fast news for you.

If you dreamed of flashes from gun shots, then money matters await you.

If you dream of lightning, then you are in trouble due to your unpredictable actions.

Dream interpretation of E. Avadyaeva

If the Flash is dreaming, what is it for:

If you dream of a flash, it portends a variety of news. I dreamed that a flash of a shot - then you will be engaged in a profitable business.

If you dream of a flashed and fallen star, then this is a harbinger of sadness and sadness.

If you dreamed of mysteriously flashing and fading stars, then in the near future you should expect mysterious events and changes in life.

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    FireFire in dream- a great sign if you yourself do not burn out. Warm in dream at fire- a sign that in real life you are very happy man. Are you sure that in Hard time you will always find understanding and support from your family members. in dream fire dreamed that you breed fire Read completely

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    Sudden outbreaks fire in dream warn about being extremely careful with superiors, otherwise you cannot avoid his wrath. fire, a fire in the distance - to dream of something unreal. It is important to remember that not everyone dream is being executed. According to belief, prophetic dreams dreaming Wednesday night and Friday. But if the dream dreamed on another night, it turned out to be very bright and memorable and evoked strong emotions in a person’s soul, it can also warn of any changes. Read more

  • Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    kindle fire in dream- new feelings; new creative endeavor. Mirny (controlled) Fire can symbolize some kind of sudden outbreak in your soul - a new feeling or an unexpected idea. Extinguish fire in dream, dreamed fire and water - getting rid of bad emotions; victory over oneself; achieve inner harmony.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    See in dream fire- to be in a state similar in essence to nature fire: powerful, destructive external manifestations that do not have a form, a specific place of action, purpose and inner strength without justification. dreamed Fire, But the right interpretation sleep dreaming Fire in dream in dream saw this symbol.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    dreamed Fire, but the right interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming Fire in dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if in dream seen this symbol. Try it! Hello! My name is Aleksey. Dream had a dream How flash explosion- fire in front of me and clearly saw this fire as if in reality in bright colors.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "junona"

    Flashing, flickering, fading fire- lack of positive qualities / not wealth, but poverty, not health, but illness, etc. Abundance of smoke - worsened, negative meaning fire especially if the smoke is black. Clear fire see in dream- portends a severe frost. Extinguish in dream fire- a sign that soon you will have a quarrel with a quick-tempered person. Perhaps he will offer you something that you will not agree to. if you dreamed that you breed fire, then you will become the cause of a major conflict.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    dreamed Flash, but the right interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming Flash in dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if in dream saw this symbol. Hello Tatyana! To me dreamed how I sleep near the window and I am awakened by terrible peals of thunder and bright outbreaks lightning. I was very scared in dream. Rumble and bright outbreaks it hurt my eyes. I woke up with fear.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "vedunica"

    For what dreaming flash in dream, dream flash had a dream, interpretation sleep Bath Squirrel Swamp Bull Wine Water War Wolf Hair WOOD Money Children Rain Road Smoke Earth Mirror Gold Blood Hen Lion Horse Moon Honey Bear Lightning Milk Sea Sky Knife Scissors Fire Clothes Lake Spider River Fish Wedding Snow Dog Owl Sun Bread Flowers Clock.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    Observe in dream behind fire fire in dream dream is a good omen. Your faith in God and keeping all the commandments of the Lord will reflect magnificently in your life. You will find peace, tranquility, happiness and love. if you dreamed cities or forests embraced fire...Read completely

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    For what dreaming flash? People see all the time dreams, some of them a person clearly remembers, while others can instantly be forgotten. Often in dream we see incredible and amazing things that we usually do not attach importance to. In fact dream is a subconscious reflection of real life. If dream flash had a dream a woman, most likely - this means that she is currently underestimating a young man who is trying to build a relationship with her. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    If a young girl sees in dream bright outbreak- it means that in reality she lacks the foresight to discern in a man who gives her signs of attention, her love. For what dreaming flash- For a married person, interpretation sleep similar - she needs to be more attentive so as not to miss something important. If dreamed flared and a fallen star is a harbinger of sadness and sadness. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "SleepExpert"

    See fire in dream flash sleep: Fire dream sleep: dreamed Shoes Next interpretation sleep: dreamed Blanket.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "supersonnik"

    Observe in dream behind fire in the oven - means that your house is in great danger from a fire. Be careful when handling fire Otherwise, you will find yourself without a roof over your head. See in dream a small flame from a lit candle - such dream is a good omen. Your faith in God and keeping all the commandments of the Lord will reflect magnificently in your life. You will find peace, tranquility, happiness and love. If you dreamed cities or forests embraced fire...Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-enigma"

    dreaming lights in the sky predict a change of leadership. If lights fly down from the sky, such dream portends sadness. A universal interpreter. If dreaming that you are surrounded fire, which means that in reality it will be possible to feel the support of a certain influential person. get burned in dream- to problems with life and housing. Take measures to protect or insure property and real estate as soon as possible, such a dream often turns out to be prophetic. Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    Extinguish fire in dream may mean emotional experiences due to its emotionality and excessive temper, or it may be an omen big trouble. If you manage to cope with a naughty flame quickly, then you will also be able to cope with your unpredictable character. When you dreamed(sya) put out fire? Today. Yesterday.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magenya"

    see the flame fire in dream - flared argument. To see a bonfire is a showdown deliberately provoked by someone. Fire dreaming in dream- will have to engage in confrontation with enemies. According to the dream book fire in the oven (stove) - dream favorable in the financial sector. Fire in dream broke out himself - have nothing to do with the skirmish. Man in fire had a dream- to be drawn into a showdown, in a confrontation with someone.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "SleepExpert"

    See fire in dream- soon you will fall in love and your feeling will be mutual. You will be amazingly suited to each other, and in sex you will have absolute compatibility and harmony. unexpected flash, fire symbolize quarrels, unpleasantness, troubles. Our visitors consider the best interpretation in this section sleep: Fire. Moon calendar: will your dream Today? Previous interpretation sleep: dreamed Shoes Next interpretation sleep: dreamed Blanket.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-enigma"

    Extinguish the fire according to the dream book. Fire seen in dream, according to the dream book, is the personification of the life force of a person. dreaming fire extinguishing. somehow to me dreamed that I put out the fire in dream in unexpectedly erupted car. Looking into the dream book, it turned out that this dream speaks of the existing internal struggle with his own addictions. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    Flash in dream- portends a variety of news. See outbreak a shot means in reality to do a business that will bring you a profit sufficient to fulfill your old dream. If a young girl sees in dream bright outbreak- it means that in reality she does not have enough foresight to see if dreamed flared and a fallen star is a harbinger of sadness and sadness. if you dreaming mysteriously flashing and fading stars - it means that in the near future you should expect mysterious events and changes. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "starfate"

    For what dreaming Fire according to the dream book: Fire- If you had a dream fire- it's good if you don't burn yourself. Such dream promises lasting prosperity to sailors, travelers, all who work on the land. Why a burning house dreaming, your own or someone else's burning house - If you saw your house burning, then this means loving friends and obedient children. If an entrepreneur had a dream burning your store - this means a rapid pace in the development of profitable financial affairs. To fight with fire in dream and not give...Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "snitsya-son"

    It is obvious that the negative meaning of destructive force prevails, but also dreams about a fire can symbolize a bright outbreak feelings or emotions, updating some well-established things. Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus - why dreaming fire and fire. Interpretation of Nostradamus explains the phenomenon dreaming fire as hidden desires and aspirations that will become apparent in the future. so seen in dream a fire is a coming passion in a relationship, love, an obsession with someone. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Hooded woman Fire Explosion Room Sofa Old woman in black. Dream Interpretation - Death of a girl. It is possible that these dreams dreaming in order to confirm that you did the right thing that you broke up. Post your dream free in the section Interpretation dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can tell you what dreaming Explosion flash wave in dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Maybe dream, had a dream you 19.08, then it explains a lot! In life in Java, you have two people with whom you are frank and tell a lot of information that others do not need, but it becomes their property. Limit these people in access to compromising information, or you will have to wash off the “black mule” for a long time and it will be very difficult to get out from under the “ice”! Nuclear explosion Flash Light Fire. Dream Interpretation - Apocalypse in dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Explosion flash wave dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Explosion flash wave? To choose an interpretation sleep dream dreams Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Fire- has properties flare up, go out; it burns mercilessly. Often fire in dream represents human passions, whims, impulses, quarrels, dangers, sexuality, anger, desires, destruction. However, there is fire of a different quality - the warmth of the hearth; fire, supporting life (they say: “life is still glimmering in it”).Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Extinguish in dream fire- a sign that soon you will have a quarrel with a quick-tempered person. Perhaps he will offer you something that you will not agree to. If you dreamed what you breed fire, then you will become the cause of a major conflict. Most likely, this will happen because you are too receptive, a person who reacts sharply to various troubles. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "esonniki"

    If in dream stir up fire pleasant surprises await you. For example, you can visit friends you haven't seen for a long time. Big fire seen in dream, - good sign for all. He promises sailors a successful and safe voyage, writers - success and honors, business people - unlimited luck in business. If you had a dream fire, then such dream will be a favorable sign, but only if it does not harm you. This one is especially good dream for sailors and travelers.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    dream interpretation Flashes in real time dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Flashes in real time? To choose an interpretation sleep enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on the initial letter characterizing dream image (if you want to get online interpretation dreams letter free alphabetically).

A flash in a dream portends a variety of news. To see the flash of a shot means in reality to do a business that will bring you enough profit to fulfill your old dream.

If a young girl sees a bright flash in a dream, it means that in reality she lacks the foresight to see in a man who shows her signs of attention, her love. For a married person, the interpretation of sleep is similar - she needs to be more attentive so as not to miss something important.

If you dreamed of a flashing and falling star, this is a harbinger of sadness and sadness. If you dream of mysteriously flashing and fading stars, it means that in the near future you should expect mysterious events and changes.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Light

Light - Bright, without a visible source - insight, revelation. Weak, breaking through the darkness, clouds, like a ray - hope. If you strive for this light, your hopes may be fulfilled. If you do not go, or the light goes out - hopes are in vain. Turn on the light in the house, apartment - it will become brighter in your life, everything will turn out well. Turn off the lights in the house - trouble through your fault, quarrels in the family. The light itself goes out or does not light up when turned on - you are in danger of trouble and complications in the house or life.

Interpretation of dreams from

Why dream of a bright light? Dream Interpretation calls this vision a harbinger of positive change, excellent income, successful profitable projects, receiving useful information. But sometimes the plot with him in a dream warns of anxiety for loved ones, unexpected bad luck, the collapse of the work begun.

Income, good change

The dreamed plot promises: you will soon receive a good income. Perhaps it will be an inheritance, a prize, a bonus, or a debt will be returned to you.

Did you see in a dream how a bright light beat right in your face? In reality, positive changes are coming in the business field and on the personal front.

Show your knowledge, abilities, play the lottery

Why dream of such a vision? The dream interpretation suggests: for the successful implementation of his plans, the sleeper must show knowledge, skills, activate abilities and direct them to work in order to show himself well.

Bright light flooded all around? The dreamer is waiting for a good period. You can try to play the lottery - you should be very lucky.

Something will distract you, but you will overcome difficulties

However, if you saw him in a dream outside the window, this means that events will soon occur that can distract you from the necessary things. You have to prioritize correctly.

Turn on the lighting yourself, thanks to which everything around is perfectly visible - you will learn important information, long-awaited news. If you experience difficulties, find a way to overcome them.

Why dream about how bright light hits your eyes? The dream interpretation explains: the sleeper will find out amazing news that will be very useful for his affairs.

In a dream, did he shine directly into the eyes? The dreamer's undertakings will have a huge success, their result will significantly exceed expectations.

What color is the lighting?

Recall its color:

  • white - an indication of something significant;
  • red - anxiety, anxiety for loved ones;
  • blue - failure, it is better to postpone important matters;
  • green - worries about trifles, trifles;
  • yellow, golden - joy awaits.

White bright light portends spiritual maturation, a better understanding of many aspects of life, reconciliation with them.

Trouble Ahead

Had a dream that the glow of a spotlight or headlights literally blinds? The dream interpretation indicates: you will be discouraged by unexpected bad luck.

Seeing a narrow strip of lighting from under the door in a dream, eavesdropping on someone's conversation, means: take on a completely unfamiliar business and fail.

Mutual love, significant event

Seeing the end of the world, accompanied by a bright glow or fire, is a good omen. In reality, great mutual love awaits you, which will soon enter your life.

dreamed sunlight? The dream interpretation claims: some event will happen that will turn out to be very significant.

What was he like?

The interpretation of sleep takes into account what it was like:

  • sunny - favorable prospects;
  • lunar - a pleasant journey ahead;
  • electric - great mood;
  • from an incomprehensible source - you will witness unusual events.

Miller's dream book: success ahead

Why dream of seeing a bright light? A dream portends a great success to the sleeper. His undertakings will be very successful.

You underestimate someone or miss something important

Dreamed of a flash? Learn new information. The vision tells the woman: she underestimates her admirer.

A bright flash in a dream warns a man: he is missing something important in business. You should carefully work out the details of your projects.

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