The state as the main institution of the political system is a plan. The state as the main institution of the political system. The state in the political life of society


5.1. Concept and structure of the political system. 5.2. Operation.

political system

5.3. Typologies of political systems.

5.4. Political stability and political risk.

      Objectives of studying the topic

      characteristics of a systemic approach to politics;

      analysis of D. Easton's model of political system;

      determining the structure and functions of the political system;

identification of features and types of political stability and political risk.

Basic concepts: political system, “input” and “output”, requirements and support, institutional subsystem, normative subsystem, communicative subsystem, functional subsystem, ideological subsystem, political stability, political risk.

5.1. Concept and structure of the political system

The term “political system” was introduced into political science in the 50s and 60s. XX century Its use reflected a growing understanding of politics as a system. The founders of the classical theory of the political system are American political scientists D. Easton and G. Almond.

This concept allows us to interpret politics as a certain integrity, and therefore analyze the methods and forms of its interaction with the environment, various spheres of society, and identify ways to maintain balance and stability in society. It shows how the regulation of political processes, the formation and functioning of political power occurs. It is used to characterize the relationship between state and society, between various social actors at the non-state level.

    “Political system” as a concept shows:

    how power is organized in a given society;

    what are the main institutions of power;

    how the relationship between society and the state develops;

    how the political process is organized and proceeds; what is the condition;

    political activity

what is the level of political participation, etc. Politic system , is a set of state and public organizations, associations, political and legal norms

principles of organization and exercise of political power in society. The political system acts as a subsystem of a broader. It is a “system” because it involves the interaction of parts within a single whole, “political” - because this interaction occurs regarding the distribution of power, wealth, and resources in society. The core of the political system is political power, which determines the essence, nature, structure and boundaries of the political system. Through the political system, the main interests of society are identified and accumulated, and social priorities are built.

The political system consists of the following components (subsystems):

1. Institutional subsystem, which includes the main political institutions (state, political parties), social movements, organizations, lobby groups, funds mass media, church. The main place in this subsystem is occupied by the state.

Among the institutions of the political system, political institutions themselves are distinguished: the state and political parties, the main purpose of which is the exercise of political power.

Public associations, organizations, trade unions are not strictly political institutions. Their influence on the processes of managing society and the exercise of power is indirect. All these institutions are created to solve certain non-political problems. But achieving goals one way or another requires them to participate in the political process. Thus, political lobbying consists of putting pressure on various government bodies in order to ensure the interests of specific layers and social groups. Lobbying involves a certain amount of pressure (including bribery, intimidation, blackmail) on individual deputies, ministers, members of municipalities, etc.

2. Functional, i.e. methods of political activity, ways of exercising power. It forms the basis of the political regime.

3. Normative, including legal, political, moral norms and values, traditions and customs. Through them, the political system has a regulatory impact on the activities of institutions and the behavior of citizens.

4. Communicative, including all forms of political interaction both within the system and with the political systems of other countries.

5. Ideological, which includes a set of political ideas, theories, concepts (political consciousness, political culture, political socialization). This subsystem provides:

    stability of the political system;

    unity of different segments of the population;

    the strength of the social base of political power;

    the ability to anticipate reactions to decisions made;

    continuity and reproduction of political traditions.

Purpose: To reveal the main content of the term “state”, its functions and typology.

1. Features of the state as a political organization.

2. Forms government system and boards.

3. Legal and welfare state.

Basic concepts: state, forms of government, forms of government, confederation, federation, unitary state, legal, social state. Bodies of legislative, executive, judicial power: parliament, president, national assembly, Council of the Republic, Council of Ministers, Constitutional Court.



1. Bozhanov V.A. Political Science: World modern politics. – M, 2008. – p. 154-190.

2. Melnik V.A. Political science. Textbook. - Mn.: Higher school, 2002. – pp. 171-213.

3. Political Science: Textbook / Ed. S.B. Reshetnikova. – Mn.: TetraSystems, 2001. – p. 106-128.


2. Political science. Textbook / Ed. V.A. Achkasova. – M.: 2005. – p. 127-307.

3. Appendix 5

1. State (stato, estato, etat, staat).

The term state is used in a narrow and broad sense:

In a narrow sense - as an institution of domination, as a carrier state power;

In broad terms – as a state-formed universality, as a union of citizens.

The state is the main institution of the political system.

The British “Encyclopedia of Management and Politics” (1992) identifies several approaches to understanding the essence of the state:

Legal - reduces the state to a system of law, the sovereignty of public authority;

Historical - explores the state as the evolution of its organs and forms;

Social-anthropological - involves understanding the state as a type of social organization;


Political science - breaks down into the concepts of pluralism, corporatism, Marxism

Basic concepts of the origin of the state:



- “social contract”;

The theory of "violence";

Socio-economic (Marxist);

Organic (Spencer);

Psychological (Burdo, Freud);

Political anthropology.

Signs of the state:



Public power.

2. Basic typologies of the state.

By form of government:

Monarchy (constitutional, absolute, dualistic);

Republic (ancient, parliamentary, presidential, semi-presidential).

By priority function:

Military (police);



By administrative-territorial organization:




By mode:


By class nature:





In terms of stability (political stability):



The form of government is the national-territorial organization of the state and the relationships between the central, regional bodies(unitary, federation, confederation).

The main feature of a unitary state is the concentration of all domestic and international powers in the hands of a national government.

An essential feature of a federation is the presence of two official state levels, strict distribution of competencies between federal and regional bodies.

A confederation is a union of independent states.

Form of government - a way of organizing the supreme state power, the principles of relationships between its bodies, the degree of participation of the population in their formation (monarchy, republic).

Aristotle also divided forms of government into correct and incorrect. He considered monarchy, aristocracy, and polity to be correct. To the wrong ones - tyranny, oligarchy, democracy. IN modern world: monarchy (absolute, constitutional, dualistic).

Republic – parliamentary, presidential, semi-presidential (mixed).

The republic has the following common features:

Periodic elections of all government bodies with the participation of political parties;

The government is accountable to parliament, parliament appoints and dissolves it;

The head of government is a member of the lower house and has the power to dissolve it;

Separate executive power, representative functions are performed by the president (head of state), real power belongs to the prime minister;

The government has the right of legislative initiative;

Independence of government relative to the head of state.

A presidential republic is characterized by a strict separation of centers of power (presidential, parliamentary, judicial), as well as:

Constitutional division of powers;

Completeness executive power president; separate elections for president and parliament;

The responsibility of the president to the people, and the government to the president;

Parliament does not have the right to recall the government;

The presence of the right of veto, but the absence of the right of legislative initiative for the president;

The inability to combine government and parliamentary positions.

The semi-presidential (mixed) form of government combines individual characteristics of the two main ones. It is characterized by:

The head of state - the president - is elected in direct general elections;

The President appoints the government, taking into account the opinion of the parliamentary majority;

The government not only depends on the president, but is also responsible to parliament;

The party affiliation of the president, prime minister and parliamentary majority is not required;

The President has the right to dissolve parliament and call new elections;

The presence of the right of veto and legislative initiative;

Different terms of activity of the president and parliament.

In the modern world, there are more specific types of presidential republics:

With a collegial head of state;

With the institute of captain-regency;

Super-presidential, etc.

Functions of the state:

There are different approaches to defining functions.

1 approach







Cultural and educational;

Defense function;


Protection of interests.

2nd approach


Law enforcement;





Maintaining relations with other states;

Foreign economic;


So the state is special shape organizations of political power in society that have sovereignty, a monopoly on the use of legal coercion and manage society through a special mechanism.

3. Constitutional state has specific characteristics:

The rule of law and law.

Constitutional guarantee of rights and freedoms.

Equality of all before the law.

Mutual responsibility of the state and the individual.

Judicial protection of the individual.

It is justified:

Separation and balance of powers.

Setting limits and measures of power.

Political pluralism.

Legitimacy of power and management.

Constitutional oversight.

Local government

Politic system - A complex, branched set of various political institutions. Socio-political communities, forms of interactions and relationships between them. Implemented through political power.

2. Structural Components

a) Institutional (state, political parties, socio-political movements.)

b) Normative.

c) Functional.

d) Communicative.

e) Cultural and ideological.

3.Interaction of the political system with the environment.

a) The impact of society on the political system and, as a result, impulses prompting the political system to respond to them.
b) The interaction of the political system on society and, as a result, political and administrative decisions.

4.Functions of the political system.

a) determining the goals and ways of development of society.

b) organization of the company’s activities to implement adopted programs.

c) distribution of material and spiritual values.

d) formation of political consciousness.

d) control over compliance with laws.

f) ensuring internal and external security.

Political regime- This is a set of methods and means of exercising state power and governance in the country.

2.The political regime is determined by:

    Level of development and intensity of political and social processes.

    The state of the relationship.


    A variety of socio-political traditions.

dominant type of legitimacy.
3.The political regime provides:

    stability of political power.

    controllability of citizens.

C) achieving the goals of state policy.
4. Types of political regimes:


Democratic regime.

Democracy- methods of political organization of society, in which the people or their majority serve as the source and bearer of political and state power.

2. Condition for the existence of democracy:

    high level of socio-economic development.

    Variety of forms of ownership.

    High degree of development of general and political culture.

3.Signs of democracy:

A) The people are the source of power.

B) Free elections.

B) Independent media.

D) Ideological diversity and pluralism.

D) Multi-party system.

E) Guaranteed rights and freedoms of citizens.

G) Takes into account the opinion of the minority.

H) High moral principles society.

4.The virtue of democracy:

A) Delivering society from despotism.

B) Creating conditions for personal development.

C) Ensuring the freedom of citizens and conditions for their prosperous and peaceful life.

5.Types of democracy:

A) Direct democracy.

B) Plebiscite democracy.

B) representative democracy.

In the section on the question Hello! Please help me draw up a DETAILED plan on the topic: “the state as an institution of the political system” given by the author Nastya Chirina the best answer is Work plan: The state as the main institution of the political system
1. Essence, main features and functions of the state. Causes and conditions of its occurrence.
2. Forms of government and forms of government. The concept of the rule of law.
3. One of the medieval philosophers noted that the state is a body called upon to suppress all injustice, except that “which it itself creates.” In modern states, many means have been invented to prevent injustice perpetrated by the state itself. List these means and describe them briefly.

Answer from AndreyMoskovsky[newbie]
The state is an instrument of coercion and control of the people. The state, as an instrument of the political system, conducts foreign and domestic policies. Politics is a form of expression of economics. The stronger you are economically, the stronger policies you can pursue.
The state has two main functions6
1) Create conditions for people to work well
2) Protect the people from external and internal aggression.
The question itself is not posed correctly: The state is not an institution of the political system, but vice versa. The state has political institutions to carry out its internal and foreign policy. If states are part of some political organization or bloc, then this state becomes part of it political institution(organization) It delegates a number of its powers there.

Answer from Dry[guru]
Open a philosophical dictionary and write down

PLAN: 1. Introduction; 2. The state is the main institution of society of the political system; 3. The concept of the term “state” 4. Basic theories of the origin of the state; 5. Signs of the state; 6. State sovereignty; 7. Main functions of the state: 8. Characteristic signs and properties of the republic; 9. Types of republics and their characteristics; 10. Modern republics 11. Modern monarchies; 12. Glossary; 13. List of used literature.

The modern state is a complex social formation. On the one hand, it is a union of people in a certain territory who are subject to public authority. On the other hand, it appears as a set of bodies, each of which has power. The state is also characterized by a set of political relations, built on commands and submission. Public political power organizes and controls the joint activities of people, regulates relations between social groups, layers of society and strives to maintain stability and order. The protection of society and its management are the main goals and, at the same time, the purpose of the state.

The concept of the term “state” State – central institute political system, on which other political forces of society depend, uniting its citizens through public power relations and structures and possessing power, law-making and law-enforcement features unique to it. State - political organization of a given country, including a certain type of government regime, bodies and structure of government.

THE STATE IS THE BASIC INSTITUTION OF SOCIETY POLITICAL SYSTEM Basic institutions of society Political parties Religion State Main political institutions Education Public associations Religious organizations State Production Family Religious organizations Mass media State is the main social institution society, ensuring the safety of the functioning and development of society.

To regulate people's behavior, the state develops certain rules (legal norms). This is the third element of the state, which characterizes the form of activity of public political power. Adopted within the framework and on the basis of special procedures, these rules take the form of laws and by-laws (decrees, resolutions, orders, etc.). The most important regulator of social relations in a modern state is the law. This is the main normative legal act, adopted by the legislative (representative) body or by referendum (popular vote) to regulate the most important social relations (state building, rights, freedoms and responsibilities of man and citizen, civil, labor, family and many others). The law has the greatest legal force among other normative legal acts. It contains models of behavior of participants in social relations and is designed for an indefinite number of cases of application. The law is characterized by stability and duration of action. Exist different kinds laws: constitutional, ordinary, fundamentals

THE STATE IS THE BASIC INSTITUTION OF SOCIETY AND THE POLITICAL SYSTEM 1. Only the state legitimizes (legitimizes) political power in society. 2. Only government bodies have a monopoly on the development and application of legal norms. 3. Only the mechanism of the state regulates the functioning of other political institutions within the framework of existing laws.

BASIC THEORIES OF THE ORIGIN OF THE STATE Aristotle Confucius Patriarchal theory (paternal) “The state is like a family, therefore the power of the sovereign over his subjects is as unconditional as the power of a father over his children”

Thomas Aquinas Aurelius Augustine Theocratic (theological) theory “Any power and any state are of divine origin and must comply with eternal Christian norms.”

Spinoza Hobbes Locke Voltaire Rousseau Contractual (natural law) theory “The state arises as a result of the conclusion of a social contract between rulers and subjects, according to which citizens agree to limit part of their freedom, receiving in return from the authorities guarantees of ensuring fundamental and natural rights.”

K. Marx F. Engels V. Lenin G. Plekhanov Materialist (class) theory “The state is formed as a product of social inequality and a mechanism of political domination of one class, possessing property and power. over other classes deprived of them."

K. Kautsky Theory of Violence “The state always arises by force and is invariably built on coercion, first by the majority of the minority, and then vice versa.” E. Fromm Psychological theory"The state comes from difference psychological types personalities of rulers, leaders and subjects-followers, encouraged and limited by power.”

G. Spencer P. Sorokin Organic theory “The state arises as a natural mechanism for ensuring the life of society like human body, in which every part provides vital functions."

SIGNS OF A STATE Any state is characterized by: 1. The presence of a special administrative apparatus ( public authority) and coercion (power structures) 2. Sovereignty - the supreme power within a given territory 3. The presence of its own territory and population (citizens) TAXES

SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATE Internal sovereignty: 1. Unlimited right External sovereignty: determination of one’s own form of government and form of government. 1. The right to exchange with other states official representatives: ambassadors and consuls. 2. The absolute right to create and use public authorities. 2. The right to have representation in interstate, international and regional organizations. 3. Monopoly right to publish and apply laws. 3. The right to conclude treaties with other sovereign states in all areas joint activities. 4. Economic prerogatives (exclusive rights): drawing up and executing the state budget, collecting taxes, using the national currency and the currencies of other countries.

BASIC FUNCTIONS OF THE STATE Functions of the state Internal functions External functions Organizational Protective Law-making Ensuring state security Economic Representative Social Development of cooperation Educational

TYPES OF REPUBLICS AND THEIR SIGNS Criteria Presidential Mixed Parliamentary The procedure for electing the president Elected by popular vote Elected at a meeting of parliament The procedure for forming the government The president forms the government under certain parliamentary control The government is formed by the president from representatives of the party that won the parliamentary elections and must receive a vote of confidence from parliament The government is formed by parliament from representatives of the party that won the parliamentary elections. Responsibility to the President. Parliament cannot express a vote of no confidence in the government. Double responsibility: before parliament and the president. A vote of no confidence in the government by parliament is impossible. Before the government. Parliament can express a vote of no confidence in the government as a whole or in one of its members. What does the resignation of the government entail?

CHARACTERISTIC FEATURES AND PROPERTIES OF A REPUBLIC 1. As a rule, limitation of the power of the head of state and various government agencies a certain specific period, after which they resign their powers (the principle of turnover). 2. The predominance of the principle of election of the head of state and other supreme bodies of state power. 3. Collective government, built on the real or formal division of power among its branches (depending on the political regime). 4. Responsibility of the head of state and others officials for their actions in cases specified by law. Republic - (from Latin respublica - public matter) a form of government, which should be distinguished by the elective nature of its formation higher authorities state power.

MODERN REPUBLICS Presidential republics Mixed republics China USA France Finland Brazil Kazakhstan Bulgaria Ukraine Parliamentary republics Germany Italy Israel India

MODERN MONARCHIES Absolute monarchies Saudi Arabia Qatar Oman Parliamentary monarchies Belgium Spain Sweden Dual monarchies Jordan Morocco Kuwait

GLOSSARY: Feudal lords (from Latin feudum flax) (bek dәuірі, feudalism) - an economic and social model in which the main social classes of people are feudal lords (landowners) and the peasantry economically dependent on them; feudal lords are bound to each other by a specific type of legal obligation known as the feudal ladder. Republic (lat. res publica, “public matter”) (Republic, republic) is a form of government in which supreme power is exercised by elected bodies elected by the population (but not always) for a certain period. Currently, out of 190 countries in the world, more than 140 are republics. Positivism is a philosophical direction based on the fact that all genuine (positive) knowledge is the cumulative result of special sciences. Ideocracy, ideocratism (Ideocracy, Ideokration) - the power of ideas Dictatorship (from the Latin dictatura - unlimited power) (Dictatorship, dictatorship) - the exercise of power in the state by non-democratic methods; authoritarian political regime(eg personal dictatorship)

LIST OF REFERENCES USED: 1. Kerimov A.D. Modern state: theoretical issues. – M.: Norma, 2007. – 351 p. 2. Political science: textbook / Ed. I. G. Dudko. – M.: Delo, 2007. – 424 p. 3. Political science: Dictionary reference book / M. A. Vasilik, M. S. Vershinin, L. D. Kozyreva. – M.: Gardariki, 2008. – 566 p. 4. http: //www. coolreferat. com/ 5. http: //referat. resources. kz/ref/gosudarstvo v politicheskoy sisteme obschestva

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