Emotional statements. Aphorisms about emotions - emotional statuses. Sincerity - is it needed now?

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This person smells of emotions and ambitions. H

a person devoid of emotions is like a jug with a hole in the side through which all the life-giving moisture has leaked... T

Just don’t confuse an explosion of emotions with a burst of dope. WITH lova - the most powerful tool

. Simple and so often underestimated. They can heal. They can destroy... I

a person devoid of emotions is like a jug with a hole in the side through which all the life-giving moisture has leaked... The girl is emotional and that’s why I always apply shoe polish to my eyelashes: it doesn’t flow when you cry….

a person devoid of emotions is like a jug with a hole in the side through which all the life-giving moisture has leaked... antsy - perpendicular expression of horizontal emotions

oh, like a beast she will howl, she will cry like a child... B

Without emotions we would be just robots. Therefore, do not be shy about your emotions and feelings. U

I beat, killed my emotions... I killed... Now everything is fine... But it’s just kind of boring... AND

We live with emotions - we die from emotions. G

Rusty is the emotion of the strong, for the weak there is depression L

The best things in life are free: hugs, smiles, friends, kisses, family, sleep, love, laughter and good memories! E

emotions interfere with thinking and make you make mistakes. And mistakes can be irreparable...-D
But where do you get these positive emotions?

I beat, killed my emotions... I killed... Now everything is fine... But it’s just kind of boring...-Trust me
Women, unlike men, love more, hate more, and miss more.

Just don’t confuse an explosion of emotions with a burst of dope. Their whole life is almost continuous emotions...


Usha is a cloud of emotions wrapped in the body. IN
All my emotions on the Internet are deleted with just one click.

The best things in life are free: hugs, smiles, friends, kisses, family, sleep, love, laughter and good memories! That would be the case in real life.

We live with emotions - we die from emotions. Motions are a great force, they send you further than necessary!

The best things in life are free: hugs, smiles, friends, kisses, family, sleep, love, laughter and good memories! nev is an attempt to change others in order to feel more secure.

The best things in life are free: hugs, smiles, friends, kisses, family, sleep, love, laughter and good memories! Motions can help win a battle, but not a war. emotions better face

. Simple and so often underestimated. They can heal. They can destroy... and not to express using the keyboard!

Usha is a cloud of emotions wrapped in the body. I only swear when I'm overwhelmed with emotion. that is, almost always

a person devoid of emotions is like a jug with a hole in the side through which all the life-giving moisture has leaked... If a problem arises, turn off your emotions.
Is it silence, or is it the calm before the storm...

Try it, figure it out... E

The best things in life are free: hugs, smiles, friends, kisses, family, sleep, love, laughter and good memories! If there is something to shout about, they will shout so much that there will be nothing but shouting. x... would be keyhole

- but there will always be emotions! ... N

Rusty is the emotion of the strong, for the weak there is depression and how much easier it would be to live if we had an “Emotions and Feelings” ON/OFF lever somewhere on our back...

Usha is a cloud of emotions wrapped in the body. love is chronic emotional trauma

the softened soul has too much water, and the excess comes out in the form of tears from the eyes P

Usha is a cloud of emotions wrapped in the body. Sometimes dark glasses are needed even in winter, so that the mirror of the soul can be hidden and NOT reflected...

Try it, figure it out... If emotions forced us to act rationally, they would not be emotions.

R Fish cannot live without water. We don't live without emotions.

The best things in life are free: hugs, smiles, friends, kisses, family, sleep, love, laughter and good memories! emotions are a curtain for the mind.

Just don’t confuse an explosion of emotions with a burst of dope. These days I have the emotional range of a toothpick.

The best things in life are free: hugs, smiles, friends, kisses, family, sleep, love, laughter and good memories! Motion is a spiritual surge from a wave of news.

. Simple and so often underestimated. They can heal. They can destroy... a very emotional, impressionable and vulnerable girl... The main thing is to direct my feelings and emotions in the right direction in time, otherwise I can end up with a fury that sweeps away everything in its path. Then it’s really embarrassing... well, then later, when I’ve already messed things up...

The best things in life are free: hugs, smiles, friends, kisses, family, sleep, love, laughter and good memories! emotions can talk too. It’s a pity that the mind doesn’t always understand them: either they stun it, or it shuts them up. But this is nothing more than intuition.

M at is a universal means for expressing all types of emotions!

TO So often we hate those who simply prevent us from doing stupid things...

Try it, figure it out... If you are able to manage your emotions, chances are you don't have many.

Rusty is the emotion of the strong, for the weak there is depression People like to make mountains out of molehills, but some people manage to make a whole zoo out of a molehill.

M world of feelings - we live by it, we are alive by it.

the softened soul has too much water, and the excess comes out in the form of tears from the eyes Positive emotions are emotions that arise when you put everything into perspective.

Rusty is the emotion of the strong, for the weak there is depression I LOVE driving my husband around in the car... Yelling, swearing, waving his arms... Emotions overflowing! But then she sits at home quietly, THANKING that she left her alive!

the softened soul has too much water, and the excess comes out in the form of tears from the eyes By suppressing the child within you, you put emotions on a chain and thereby become like a shepherd dog.

X Emotions come out. Strong. Deep. So that the soul unfolds. But all that comes out is antics and jumping...

Try it, figure it out... If you don't control your emotions, then they control you.

M My main problem is that literally everyone knows about my emotions except the recipient.

We cannot imagine life without emotions. Good or bad, inspiring or depressing - they are part of us, although we still don’t know much about them. We have selected 50 quotes from new books and bestsellers. Let them help you paint your emotional background with bright colors or just learn something new.

1. For better or worse, intelligence can be useless if emotions take over.

2. Although emotions have always served us as wise advisers, the new realities offered by the current civilization have formed with such speed that evolution, with its sedate gait, clearly cannot keep up with them.

3. The root of the word “emotion” is the Latin verb moveo, meaning “to move, set in motion,” with the prefix e- (“e-”), giving additional meaning outward orientation: “to move away, to remove.” This means that each emotion awakens the desire to act. The easiest way to see that emotions lead to actions is by observing animals or children.

4. Feelings are necessary for thinking, and thinking is necessary for feelings. But if passions rage, the balance is disrupted. This means that the emotional mind has taken over and suppressed the rational one.

5. Our emotions have a mind that holds its own views completely independently of our diet.

6. The main “switch” for painful emotions is the left prefrontal lobe. The right prefrontal lobes contain negative feelings like fear and aggression, while the left lobe controls these raw emotions, likely inhibiting the right lobe.

7. Empathy, another ability that relies on emotional self-awareness, is a fundamental “human gift.” People really pick up on the feelings behind the words.

8. If no changes have happened to you for some time, you have a false feeling that everything is stable and you are in control. But control can only be in one area: yourself, your emotions, confidence and development.

9. Life is time. This is what you do, how you feel, with whom you spend your hours and days, what interesting things you do. And it is within your power to start doing this now. Without delay.

10. If the movement has not started, the person freezes in the “emotional trampling” mode and spends his battery on throwing. And in this mode she quickly “sits down”

11. Learn not to get driven, not to freak out and not to fall into emotional collapse, even in uncertainty or under the pressure of circumstances. “No money, no work, what tomorrow? A-a-a-a!”

12. When wondering whether to meet with friends in the evening and have fun from the heart or stay at home and sort out the accumulated mail, choose the first! The positive emotions from the meeting will make you much more creative and productive in the days that follow.

13. Happiness arises through the gradual “cultivation” of positive emotions. Likewise, negative experiences create a downward emotional spiral. For example, to a frustrated person, the workday seems endless and the traffic seems terrible.

15. Listening to your body and making choices in its favor every time, you receive a powerful emotional charge.

16. Sometimes excessive consumption of a particular food is caused not by physical, but by emotional hunger. Your brain remembers: "When I'm sad, I eat chocolate with peanut butter" The trick is to separate food from satisfying a specific emotion.

17. Dreams are also closely related to our emotional state. When we experience negativity in our dreams, we often wake up with a more positive attitude and clearer thoughts. Have you ever wondered where the expression “sleeping with your problem” comes from?

18. A person who does not get enough sleep is like a living wire through which negative emotions pass instead of current. The part of the brain that controls anger becomes overactive.

19. By mastering your senses, you will form healthy habits. Once you understand that every emotion does not arise out of nowhere, it will become easier for you to control your reactions and mood.

20. Cheerful, sad, melancholic, gloomy, inspired, joyful... A person is a real whirlwind of emotions. Even when you feel bad, you are not helpless. No one can take away your right to choose, and only you can decide how to approach the situation.

21. The time-honored history of emotions goes something like this: Everyone has emotions built into them from birth. This is a separate, easily recognizable phenomenon within us. When something happens in the world - a shot or a flirtatious glance - our emotions manifest themselves quickly and automatically, as if someone turned a switch. We express emotions on our faces through smiles, frowns, or distinctive expressions that other people can easily recognize. Our voices express emotions through laughter and screaming. Our body reveals our sensations in every gesture and posture.

22. Your emotions are not built-in, but made up of basic parts. They are not universal, but different for different cultures. They don't start themselves; you create them. They arise as a combination physical properties your body and a plastic brain that makes connections with the environment in which it develops and the culture and upbringing that provides that environment.

23. The law considers emotional harm to be less serious than physical harm and less deserving of punishment. Think how ironic this sounds. The law protects the integrity of your anatomical body, but not the integrity of your psyche, given that the body is just a container for the organ that makes you who you are - your brain.

24. Your genes can make you sensitive to your environment and every little problem. And if you're a woman in your reproductive years, the connectivity in your interoceptive network changes every month, making you more vulnerable at certain points in your cycle.

25. Pain is an experience that occurs not only from physical damage, but also when your brain predicts that damage is imminent. Let's say you're getting a tetanus shot at your doctor's office. Your brain constructs an instance of “pain” because you have previous experience with injections. You may feel pain even before the needle touches your arm.

26. When you feel sick, assume you have a virus rather than thinking that your discomfort means something personal. Your sensations may be mere noise. Maybe you just need some sleep.

27. When teaching your children about emotions, try to look beyond essentialist stereotypes: smiling when happy, frowning when angry, and so on. Help them understand the diversity of the real world - that depending on the context, a smile can mean happiness, embarrassment, anger or even sadness.

28. And now I advocate using anger as one of the additional incentives on the way to your goal. It's a beautiful emotion. And, as it turned out, it is very creative if directed in the right direction. The emotion should not be “This bastard is now going to burst into tears because he lost such a beauty like me. Let him suffer for the rest of his life!”, but rather like this: “I’ll blow the nose of everyone who doesn’t believe in me!”

29. Often excess weight is a subconscious desire to hide, run away and close off from the world. This fear arises from dissatisfaction with life in general or from the fact that a person lacks emotions.

30. Our emotions are like food in the refrigerator. If you don’t survive (“eat”) them on time, they begin to rot and poison our lives.

31. Almost all pregnant women are characterized by increased emotionality. Often this is one of the first signs of pregnancy, which is very puzzling if the woman does not yet know that she is pregnant.

33. Very often a tired baby, who has had too many emotions and impressions, cannot fall asleep. This is one of the reasons why children who don't get enough sleep during the day don't sleep well at night.

34. More and more scientific research shows that emotional inflexibility - being stuck on thoughts, feelings and behaviors that do not benefit us - leads to the emergence of a number of psychological problems including depression and anxiety.

35. Negative experiences are normal. This is human nature. And excessive emphasis on positive thinking- this is another radical means with which our culture tries to combat normal fluctuations in emotions, just as society sometimes rushes to treat childhood hyperactivity or mood swings in women with pills.

36. Firstly, everything is decided by your emotions. Secondly, suppressed emotions inevitably take their toll, and find a way out in a completely different place than you expect.

37. When we are too joyful and cheerful, we often do not pay attention to serious threats and risks. It would not be much of an exaggeration to say that excessive joy can be life-threatening: in this state, you are more likely to take adventures and underestimate the risks of alcohol.

38. Courageously and with interest, accept yourself entirely - with a peeling nose and frayed ears, with “good” and “bad” emotions, without missing anything and without bypassing anything with sympathy. Accept your inner experiences, try to get used to them and explore them without trying to get rid of them as quickly as possible.

39. Don't try to get rid of fear. Try to go towards what is valuable to you, straight through your fears, lighting the path with your values. To be brave does not mean not to be afraid of anything; to be brave is to move forward, no matter how scary it may be.

40. There is a huge difference between stress and anger, stress and frustration, stress and anxiety. If we cannot clearly express how we feel, those around us are unlikely to be able to understand us and provide the support we need.

41. Neuroscientists have proven that stress, as well as negative emotions: anger, sadness, uncertainty, anxiety - put the brain in reward-seeking mode. You end up wanting what your brain thinks promises a reward, and you are convinced that this “reward” is the only source of joy.

42. Attempts to repress thoughts, emotions and drives backfire and force you to think, feel and do what you most want to avoid.

43. Feel what you feel, but don’t believe everything you think. When an unpleasant thought comes to your mind, notice how it feels in your body. Then bring your attention to your breath and imagine how the thought dissolves or goes away.

44. Journaling allows us to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our emotions, even difficult or painful ones. The more aware we are of our feelings and thoughts, the more prepared we are to accumulate life experience and self-development.

46. ​​Smiling brings positive results. But laughter is a much stronger manifestation of emotion. It helps cope with worries and fear, improves mood and appearance and makes it easier to cope with difficult situations and disappointments.

47. About your feelings during stressful or difficult situations you know best. Therefore, it is very important in such cases to listen carefully to your thoughts and reactions in order to take appropriate action if necessary.

48. Morning work-out has critical important to maximize your potential because it puts you at the peak of your mental, physical and emotional state, giving you the chance to be a winner on the day

49. By visualizing what you want to get from life, you stir up your emotions, which, in turn, lifts your spirit and mood and simply pulls you towards the realization of these images.

50. The average person allows his emotions to dictate his actions, and the actions of people who have achieved great success in life, dictate their views and beliefs.

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Today we present our new section– photo tips for parents who love to photograph their children for a blog or just as a souvenir. Our expert, Marina Cherkasova, will share with you tips on how to diversify your shooting and improve the quality of your photos. You can leave your feedback and questions in the comments to the article or write personally to Marina on her page at instagram.

How to capture a child's emotions?

What separates a simple photo from a memorable one? The photographer's ability to capture real, sincere emotions. We all want our photographs to be alive, without forced smiles and blank expressions.

The more emotional the photo, the more it appeals to our feelings, the better we feel connected to the characters in the frame. Successful can be considered not only a photograph that shows the joy of the hero, but also photographs with a sincere expression of surprise, sadness and even anger.

But how to capture children's emotions in the frame? In fact, it's much easier than it seems. Children are spontaneous, sincere, open in expressing feelings - you just need to quietly observe them and seize the moments.

This is often easier for parents than for a photographer during a photo shoot in the allotted time. With an unfamiliar photographer, a child may feel shy and tense. If the photo shoot takes place in a studio, the child is also influenced by the unfamiliar place, which must first get used to. And within the limited time, parents try to squeeze the maximum out of the baby, persuade them to smile at the camera and look at “aunt” or “uncle.”

When mom or dad independently photograph the child during his daily activities or on a walk, the child is much more relaxed - and this makes the task easier. The main thing is not to put pressure on him and follow some recommendations:

  1. Don't ask your child to smile!

Emotions live on their own; they do not obey rules and orders. For children, emotions are simply a reflection of how they feel right now. If we ask them to smile, then we can either get photographs with fake smiles, or even a reluctance to be photographed, a refusal to pose.

  1. Play with children

It’s easiest with kids, especially if you’re filming your child yourself, it can even be a game of “cuckoo”! At the moment when the child jumps out of his hiding place, press the shooting button.

If a photographer is taking pictures, help him - show the child how big ears or horns the uncle or aunt with the camera has grown. This usually makes the kids very happy, even if they see the photographer for the first time and are a little shy.

  1. Take more shots - press the shutter button as often as possible.

In the age of digital photography, you don’t have to pay money for additional photos. It is impossible to predict at what moment the child will express this or that emotion, and which shot will turn out more successful.

If you shoot with a camera, you can use the multi-shot mode. Then the camera itself will quickly snap the entire photo session, and you will be able to choose the most successful shot. This function is especially relevant if the child is active and has rich facial expressions.

  1. Capture the mood

If your child is in a thoughtful mood, shoot calm shots. The photo doesn't have to be of a smiling face.

  1. Wait a moment

Unplanned shots are the best. A great moment when the child is relaxed and does not notice that he is being filmed. At such moments, children are as sincere as possible.

It is also not necessary to force the child to look at the camera. Sometimes “spied” moments when a baby kisses his mother or enthusiastically teaches his sister to play are valued in the family archive more than staged portraits.

  1. Eyes are the mirror of the soul

And the eyes will show the viewer what is going on in the child’s soul during the shooting. Particularly interesting shots are obtained at a time when children do not yet know how to speak. If you can adjust the focus, put it on your eyes!

  1. Film after they say “stop, it’s filmed”

Sometimes the most successful photographs are taken after you have told your child: “That’s it, I’m not taking photographs anymore.” The subject of the shooting relaxes, takes a more natural pose, or begins to dance for joy or eat a cake from the props - in general, this is a signal that you can try to catch a successful shot.

Every photographer - a professional with a DSLR or a mother who takes pictures of a child on a smartphone - should set a goal to capture the child’s feelings at one time or another in life. Then years later it will be especially interesting for you to look at family archives together with the grown-up hero of the filming, remember how the photographs were taken. Years later, children can rarely remember how they felt during the shoot, but they love to guess “what I was thinking when I was that little.”

How to capture a child's sincere emotions? Advice from children's photographer Marina Cherkasova was last modified: June 9th, 2017 by Polina Rtishcheva

Incredible facts

Life consists of feelings and emotions. Sincere emotions are priceless.

Doing something first, we experience special feelings that cannot be expressed in words, hidden or faked.

Observe the real emotions of a person trying something for the first time, especially.

And it’s not even that important what exactly it is: first time touch the snow or see a miracle of technical progress that you had never even heard of before.

Looking at these live touching emotions, it’s impossible not to be touched.

Sincere emotions

1.Granny and new gadget

Grandma in the photo 84 years old, she never had an iPad, but she wanted to draw so much. This is the first gadget given by the family.

After the required application was installed on the iPad, the grandmother was explained how to use it and left alone with the long-awaited gift.

After some time, the relatives saw first drawing which I drew elderly woman.

Isn't it touching?..

2. Blind guy and cat

And this blind guy holds a cat in his hands for the first time in his life. He does not see the animal, but this does not make his joy less.

3. Cyclists and snow

A team of cyclists from Rwanda sees real snow for the first time in their lives.

You can't play such emotions. Accustomed to the hot sun and eternal summer, African athletes, like children, enjoy the snow.

Photos of children's emotions

4. The Girl and the Sounds of the World

This deaf girl heard sounds for the first time. Thanks to special apparatus, the baby was given the opportunity to hear.

Her reaction is simply indescribable.

5. Toddlers and the red-haired boy

Until this moment, these Chinese kids had never seen a man with red hair.

The way the kids reacted makes me smile: each of them wanted to pat the guy’s hair.

6. Baby and fireworks

And this child saw fireworks for the first time. His reaction is amazing.

7. Boy and TV

This photo was taken back in 1948. The boy saw TV in a store window for the first time in my life.

8. Huge baby eyes

And this African baby saw for the first time white man.

9. Children and tablet

Children of one of the African tribes are holding a present in their hands miracle of progress-tablet. Based on their reaction, we can conclude that they are seeing this for the first time.

10. Baby and the rain

And this little girl saw rain for the first time in her life.

11. Old lady and motorcycle

Many years ago, this elderly woman promised that if she lived to see of its century, ride a motorcycle for the first time.

The moment came when she had to fulfill promised. He is the one captured in the photo.

12. Soldier and his child

American Army Soldier saw my daughter for the first time. The reaction is shocking to the core.

13. Girl and ballerina

What does sincerity mean?

Sincere feelings are a genuine, natural manifestation of emotions born in a person. The concept of sincerity is based on the word “spark”. A feeling arises as a spark and immediately manifests itself in outside world, consistent with behavior, facial expressions and internal state a person at the moment of demonstrating sincere feelings. Sincerity implies:

  • manifestation of feelings in a “pure”, unveiled form: joy, sadness, anger, anger, envy;

  • human openness;

  • honesty;

  • clarity of thoughts;

  • sincere attitude not only towards other people, but also towards yourself.

Psychology of sincerity

The phenomenon of sincerity in psychology is studied by social psychologists. Sincerity is formed in childhood. Small child does not yet fully understand what his parents require or want from him, but he unmistakably distinguishes emotional condition mother and father. Expression clearly manifests itself through facial expressions, gestures, and voice intonation. The mother scolds the child, speaks in an angry voice, but he sees that the face is not angry, which means she is swearing “insincerely”, in make-believe. A person’s sincerity can be read through non-verbal manifestations:

  • symmetrical display of emotions on the right and left sides of the face;

  • during a conversation, an interested glance towards the interlocutor;

  • free coordinated gestures.

Sincerity and honesty - the difference

The concepts of “sincerity” and “honesty” are often considered synonymous; they are similar, but not the same. What is the difference between sincerity and honesty?

  1. Sincerity- an emotional phenomenon expressed in a direct manifestation of feelings that is not analyzed by a person: the emotion originated inside and immediately manifested itself in the outside world.

  2. Honesty– a moral and social phenomenon, comes from “honor”, ​​“respect”, “honor”. Honest people are generally respected in society. Honesty is related to a person's actions.

  3. Sincerity– consistency of speech with external manifestations (congruence).

  4. Honesty– includes sincerity and truthfulness based on moral values.

Sincerity - is it needed now?

Sincerity is a character trait, and for people who grew up in a family where any manifestation of feelings was encouraged, it is difficult to restrain themselves emotionally. Such people have a difficult time in society, because sincerity implies the broadcast of both positive and negative emotions. Sincerity is considered a quality of a mature personality, ready to resist ridicule, slander and remain oneself. Sincere feelings will always be in demand because:

  1. A sincere attitude is important for any person, even those who are insincere themselves.

  2. In the family, sincerity is an indicator of trust and mature relationships between spouses;

  3. In the development of a child, sincere emotions and feelings are a necessary element in raising a harmonious personality.

How to test a man for the sincerity of his feelings?

What girl or woman does not dream of mutual feelings with her partner? The degree of sincerity on the part of a man is not always clear, since the stronger sex shows any feelings in measured doses, because by nature a man is “supposed” to be restrained. The sincerity of a partner’s feelings can be recognized by the following criteria:

  • a man’s words do not disagree with his actions and actions;

  • he likes to take care of the woman he loves;

  • in difficult times, he sincerely empathizes and tries to reduce the discomfort of his partner;

  • spending time together is important to him;

  • gives gifts;

  • ready to do anything for the sake of his beloved;

  • jealousy within reasonable limits can also be an indicator of sincere feelings.

How to test a woman for the sincerity of her feelings?

Honesty and sincerity are the key to a trusting and successful relationship between a man and a woman. What is sincerity in a relationship, it can be more difficult for the stronger sex to understand whether the beloved is sincere with him or is pretending because of his own selfish goals. Some men, trying to figure this out, go to extremes and begin to watch their girlfriend’s every move. Sincere feelings on the part of the weaker sex are manifested as follows:

  • the warmth with which a woman communicates with her lover;

  • she gives her feelings without demanding anything in return;

  • is sensitive to a man’s flirting with other women;

  • sees more positive qualities in a man, and accepts shortcomings as they are;

  • devotes a lot of time to appearance in order to be attractive to him;

  • is interested with genuine interest in the life of a loved one;

  • shares both joy and sadness with his partner.

How to recognize the sincerity of a friend?

Friendship is, first of all, sincerity, as women believe. The very concept of female friendship is very energy-intensive. Women are vulnerable and emotional creatures and in many aspects they are rather rivals to each other: who is more beautiful, more successful, or who is more popular with men. True, sincere friendship between women is of great value and is a gift that should be cherished. Manifestations of a friend's sincerity:

  • keeps all secrets and secrets discussed;

  • she can “cry into her vest”;

  • respects the interests and moral values ​​of a friend;

  • sincerely rejoices at successes and is sad when failures follow;

  • doesn't flirt with her friends' boyfriends;

  • always appropriately expresses a critical opinion if a positive outcome of the situation depends on it;

  • understands without words;

  • knows how to forgive.

How to develop sincerity?

How to learn sincerity and is it really possible to develop this quality in yourself? Psychologists say that, like any skill, sincerity can be developed through practical actions:

  1. Communication with sincere people. If you pay attention, such people seem to be surrounded by special energy and charisma; others are drawn to them. An insincere person does not attract such attention.

  2. Reading relevant psychological literature. It is useful because tasks are given step by step to improve the skill of sincerity.

  3. Getting rid of complexes. Often, indecision, timidity and shyness prevent you from being sincere with others; any step towards sincerity causes painful thoughts about your imperfection and the fear of “what will they think of me?”

  4. Openness. If the environment inspires trust, why not try to open up, show your kindness, warmth and concern even to strangers. This is the only way a person can gain the experience of sincere self-expression.

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