Ammunition. Engineering ammunition Anti-personnel mine PMN


Anti-personnel mine POM-2.

The POM-2 anti-personnel mine is designed to mine the terrain against enemy personnel. She

consists of a combat element, a glass, an ejection device and a stabilizer block. Mine body


Mine weight, kg - 1.16

Mine overall dimensions, mm

diameter - 63

height - 180

Number of target sensors, pcs - 4

Target sensor thread length, m - 10

Actuation forces, kgf - 0.3

Radius of solid damage, m - 16

Long-range cocking time, s - 50

Installation method - PKM, VSM-1, UMZ, ASM

Engineering weapons. Russian means of mining and


KPOM-2 cassette with POM-2 anti-personnel fragmentation mines.

KPOM-2 cassette is designed to install POM-2 anti-personnel mines using a mining system

VSM-1, UMZ universal mine layer or PKM portable mining kit. In cassette

a block with four mines, an expelling charge and an EKV-30 electro-capsule bushing are placed. Cassette closed

lid and sealed.

Electrocapsule sleeve, when a current pulse is applied to it, ignites the charge. When the kicker is triggered

the charge block with mines is fired from the cassette. After the opening of the block and the fall of mines on the ground, the fuses

mines are transferred to a combat position.

Main tactical and technical characteristics:

Number of mines in a cassette, pcs - 4

Mine weight, kg - 1.6

Explosive mass, kg - 0.14

Mass of a cassette with mines, kg - 9.6

Package weight with cassettes, kg - 48

Mine overall dimensions, mm - 180x63

The radius of continuous destruction of the mine, m - 16

Self-liquidation time, h - 4-100

Engineering weapons. Russian means of mining and


KSF-1S cassette with PFM-1S high-explosive anti-personnel mines.

The KSF-1S cassette is designed for storage, transportation and installation of minefields in a helicopter

the VSM-1 mining system and the PKM portable mining set. It consists of a glass with

an EKV-30M electro-capsule sleeve screwed into it, inside which an expelling powder charge is placed,

piston, separating charge.

When an electric pulse is applied to the electrocapsule sleeve, an expelling charge is triggered and blocks with

mines are fired from the cassette. After opening blocks and falling mines on the ground, mine fuses

translated into a firing position.

Main tactical and technical characteristics:

Number of mines in a cassette, pcs - 64

Mine weight, kg - 0.08

Explosive mass, kg - 0.04

Mass of a cassette with mines, kg - 9.2

Overall dimensions of the mine, mm - 119x64x20

Overall dimensions of the cassette, mm - 480x140

Overall dimensions of packing, mm - 729х429х400

Self-liquidation time, h - 1-40

Number of cassettes in a package, pcs - 4

Shelf life, years - 10

Engineering weapons. Russian means of mining and


Anti-personnel mine MON-200.

Anti-personnel fragmentation mine MON-200 directed destruction is intended for mining

and the front wall contains 900 ready-made cylindrical fragments in one row. Between the partition

and the back wall is an explosive charge. Anti-personnel fragmentation mine MON-200 using

aiming direction.

Main tactical and technical characteristics:

Mine weight, kg - 25

Explosive mass, kg - 12

Mine overall dimensions, mm

diameter - 434

height - 130

The number of fragments, pieces - 900

The width of the zone of continuous defeat at a distance of 200 meters, m - 10.5-14.5

Blasting agent - EDP-r

Installation method - manual

Engineering weapons. Russian means of mining and


Anti-personnel mine MON-100.

Anti-personnel fragmentation mine MON-100 directed destruction is intended for mining

terrain against enemy manpower. It consists of a body equipped with an explosive charge

substances and ready-made fragments. The mine body is stamped from sheet steel. Front and back walls

have a conical shape and are connected by rolling. There is a threaded igniter in the center of the front wall.

socket for electric detonator. The volume inside the body is divided into two parts by a partition. Between the partition

and the front wall contains 400 ready-made cylindrical fragments in one row. Between the partition

and the back wall is an explosive charge. Anti-personnel fragmentation mine MON-100 using

devices are installed in the right place and aimed at the intended target. When an impulse is applied

current through the wires, an electric detonator explodes and causes a mine explosion, while the fragments fly into

aiming direction.

Main tactical and technical characteristics:

Mine weight, kg - 5

Explosive mass, kg - 2

Mine overall dimensions, mm

diameter - 236

height - 82.5

Number of fragments, pcs - 400

The width of the zone of continuous defeat at a distance of 100 meters, m - 6.5-9.5

Blasting agent - EDP-r

Installation method - manual

explosive and ready-made fragments.

Main tactical and technical characteristics:

Mine weight, kg - 12.1

Explosive weight, kg - 6.2

Mine overall dimensions, mm

length - 345

width - 153

height - 202

The number of fragments, pcs - 2000

The width of the zone of continuous destruction at a distance of 90 meters, m - 60

Blasting agent:

in an autonomous version - fuses MVE-92, MVE-NS

Installation method - manual

Engineering weapons. Russian means of mining and


Anti-personnel mine MON-50.

terrain against enemy manpower. It consists of a plastic body equipped with a charge

explosive and ready-made fragments. The kit includes: mine MON-50 incomplete

equipped, electric detonator EDP-r (EDP) or fuse MD-5M, clamp, box for detonating means, two

sleeves for fixing the EAF in the nest and a bag for carrying.

Main tactical and technical characteristics:

Mine weight, kg - 2

Explosive weight, kg - 0.7

Mine overall dimensions, mm

length - 226

width - 66

height - 155

The number of fragments, pcs - 485

The width of the zone of continuous destruction at a distance of 50 meters, m - 45

Blasting agent:

in a controlled version - electric detonators ЭДП, ЭДП-r

in an autonomous version - fuses MVE-72, MVE-NS, VZD-3M

Installation method - manual

Engineering weapons. Russian means of mining and


OZM-72 anti-personnel fragmentation mine.

Anti-personnel fragmentation jumping mine OZM-72 circular defeat is designed for

mining the terrain against enemy manpower. It consists of a guide glass, steel

body, explosive charge, expelling charge and percussion mechanism. The kit includes:

an incompletely equipped mine, a MUV-3 or MUV-4 fuse, a detonator cap, a cable with a carbine, two

wire guides, a knee mechanism and a nylon tape 0.8 meters long.

Main tactical and technical characteristics:

Mine weight, kg - 5

Explosive weight, kg - 0.66

Expelling charge mass (black powder), kg - 0.007

Mine overall dimensions, mm

diameter - 108

height (without fuse) - 172

Fracture height above the ground surface, m - 0.6-0.9

The number of finished fragments, pcs - 2400

Radius of solid damage, m - 25

Fuse type - contact mechanical (MUV-3, MUV-4) or electromechanical MVE-72, MVE-NS

Installation method - manual

Engineering weapons. Russian means of mining and


Anti-personnel high-explosive mine PMN-4.

The PMN-4 anti-personnel high-explosive mine is intended for mining the terrain against manpower

enemy. It consists of a plastic case, an explosive charge, a pressure sensor and

built-in fuse with a long-range hydromechanical mechanism.

Main tactical and technical characteristics:

Mine weight, kg - 0.3

Explosive mass, kg - 0.05

Package weight with mines, kg - 28

Mine overall dimensions, mm

diameter - 95

height - 42

Actuation force, kgf - 5-15

Long-range cocking time, s - 60-2400

Striking action - interrupts the foot of a person's leg

Installation method - manual

Engineering weapons. Russian means of mining and


Anti-personnel high-explosive mine PMN-2.

The PMN-2 anti-personnel high-explosive mine is designed for mining the terrain against manpower

Educational and educational goals:

3. To form the military professional culture of an officer, commanding qualities, skills and abilities in the student;

4. To form a student's theoretical and practical basis for solving command and staff issues;

5. Foster persistence in the acquisition of military knowledge.

6. To instill in personnel a sense of professional pride in the chosen specialty of an officer, hatred and respect for a potential enemy.

Time 90 minutes

Calculation of study time:

Material support:

1. Methodical development.

2. Computer and multimedia equipment of the audience.

3. Presentation of Microsoft Office PowerPoint on the topic.

4. Notebooks, stationery.

5. Journal of registration of military training classes.


a) the main

1. Combat regulations for the preparation and conduct of combined arms combat. Part III (BUSV) M .: Voenizdat, 2004.

2. Engineering support of the battle. Moscow: Military Publishing, 1988.

3. Fortification: past and present. Moscow: Military Publishing, 1987.

b) additionally

1. Dictionary of military terms comp. A.M. Plekhanov. - Moscow: Military Publishing, 1988.

c) regulatory

1. The Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Approved by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 10, 2007, No. 1495, Moscow, 2008.

2. Military Regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Entered into force by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of 11.03.2006, No. 111, M., 2008.


Microsoft Office PowerPoint Presentation by Topic "Purpose, classification of engineering barriers and their characteristics".

Self-study assignment:

1. Study the material on the specified literature, finalize the lecture notes.

2. Be prepared for the session quiz.

3. Prepare answers to the following questions:

Appointment of engineering barriers.

Classification of engineering barriers.

Characteristics of engineering barriers.

Appointment of engineering ammunition.

Classification of engineering ammunition.

Rules for handling explosives.

Methodical instructions for the preparation and conduct of the lesson:

When starting to work on a lecture, the teacher begins with:

1. Study of the Qualification requirements for a graduate according to VUS-063300, 445000 in the part related to the study of this topic.

2. Study of the training program for specialists in VUS-063300, 445000, thematic plan.

3. Study of the text of the lecture.

4. Selection and study of literature, periodicals and Internet resources.

5. Improvements to the text of the lecture.

6. Selection and preparation of educational material base for the lesson.

7. Drawing up a plan for the lecture.

Structurally, a lecture on the topic of the lesson consists of three interrelated parts: introduction, main part, conclusion.

Purpose of entry- arouse interest in the topic under study, establish contact with trainees, direct their attention to the subject of the upcoming conversation. The introduction should not exceed 5 minutes.

In the introduction, it is recommended to write a) the title of the topic, b) the allocation of time for its study, c) the educational goals of the lecture (educational goals are not announced), d) the educational questions of the lecture, and e) the recommended literature. Then you should justify the importance of studying this topic, its relevance, connection with subsequent topics of the course and the relationship with other subjects of study.

Moving on to the presentation main content lectures, the teacher must re-formulate before the audience the first question of the lecture as an initial thesis, pose a problem, the justification of which will be subordinated to the entire logic of his reasoning in the course of presenting the material.

Having finished the presentation of the first question, the teacher must draw a conclusion on the material presented, invite students to ask the questions that have arisen during the lecture and briefly answer them. Then, in the same sequence, proceed to the presentation of the subsequent questions.

When unfolding educational issues it is necessary to emphasize and highlight the main points of the issue (in the text of the lecture, these provisions are highlighted bold italic ).

During the lesson:

When unfolding first question it is necessary to focus on the purpose, classification of engineering barriers and their characteristics.

Lighting material second the educational question, it is necessary to focus on the classification of engineering ammunition.

When bringing third training question, it is necessary to set up trainees to study safety requirements when handling explosives.

In order to activate the trainees, it is advisable to conduct a lecture on the topic using an active method, using elements of visual illustration (using a slide show or visual aids) and the principle of feedback, using for this purpose pre-prepared questions by the trainees on the topic under study.

In the course of presenting the main content of the lecture, to clarify educational questions, it is recommended to use a SMART board with a prepared set of slides, on which should be presented:

- new concepts disclosed in the course of the presentation of the material;

- illustrative material.

(A set of slides for the presentation of Microsoft Office PowerPoint is attached to the text of the lecture).

In order to control the assimilation of the presented material, it is recommended to ask 1 - 2 questions during the lecture on each of the main questions of the lecture.

On the first main question:

- Give a definition - an engineering fence.

- Classification of engineering barriers.

On the second main question:

What engineering ammunition do you know?

On the third main question:

- Precautions when using explosives.

The instructor should rate each answer and put the marks in the journal. Thus, during the lecture, 20% of the personnel present should be assessed.

V conclusion teacher:

- makes brief conclusions about the lecture as a whole;

- evaluates the participation of trainees during the lesson and the degree of achievement of the set educational goals;

- gives an assignment to students for independent training, brings information about additional literature on the topic of the lesson;

- answers students' questions on the topic of the lecture.

The order of the lecture.

1. Accept the report of the duty officer on the readiness of the training platoon for training.

In the introductory part, it is necessary to conduct a written survey on the previous lesson Topic 7: "Engineering support for combat operations of subunits and units."

Control questions:

1. The main tasks of engineering support for combat operations.

2. Types and purpose of shelters.

Before proceeding to the lecture, the teacher gives the platoon duty officer the opportunity to bring the trainees, within 3 minutes, information about the events in the world.

2. Introductory part:

- announce the topic, the purpose of the lesson, the order of its conduct, the main educational questions and the time allotted for their presentation;

- put learning objectives On the lecture;

- to bring to the trainees the basic educational literature on the topic.

3. Main part:

The presentation of the main issues of the lecture is carried out according to the following scheme:

a) presentation of the first main issue;

b) setting control questions for students on the first question;

c) conclusion on the first question;

d) the answer to the questions that have arisen in the course of the presentation.

e) transition to the next main question of the lecture, etc.

At the same time, the teacher monitors the lesson, over the quality of the students' work.

4. Final part.

- make a general conclusion on the topic of the lecture;

- note the positive in the work of students and indicate the shortcomings;

- remind the date of the independent work on this topic;

- answer students' questions;

- to announce estimates;

Give an assignment for independent work.



Department of General Military and Tactical Training


VUS-063300, 445000


Today's lecture is a continuation of the theoretical course on the study of the academic discipline " General tactics"Theme number 7" Engineering support of combat operations of subunits and units"Lecture number 16" Purpose, classification of engineering barriers and their characteristics».

For a long time, the Russian people, with great skill, created various kinds of barriers to fight the enemy. This is evidenced, for example, by data on the nature of the defensive system of Kievan Rus. This defensive system consisted of a number of fortified towns and defensive lines of considerable length, the so-called "serpent ramparts". These ramparts, being not only barriers, but also fortifications, were usually arranged along rivers or had a moat on the outside. The height of the rampart reached 6-8 m, and the width was 16-17 m.

This system played an important role in the fight against nomads in the X-XI centuries.

Creating defenses and skillfully using the natural properties of the terrain, the Russian troops at the same time made good use of artificial field fortifications: fences, stakes driven into the ground - and knew how, if necessary, to “lay down” the forest, that is, to arrange a spotting.

Zaseki was one of the most common barriers used by the Russians at the beginning of the 12th century.

In the XVI century. the notch (or the so-called notch line) consisted not of only forest blockages, but was a complex system of fortifications, in which forest blockages-notches alternated with natural obstacles on the terrain (rivers, lakes, swamps, ravines, etc.) and artificial (palisades, nadolbami, earthen ramparts and ditches, erected in treeless intervals, that is, where there was nothing to build a notch from in the proper sense of the word).

Obstacles were widely used during the organization of the Sevastopol defense in 1854-1855. Here, in the defense system in front of the main defensive line, various kinds of obstacles were arranged (ditches, wolf pits, land mines, notches).

In the combat operations of the Soviet Army, the barriers created by our troops found the widest application during the Great Patriotic War.

Already at the very beginning of the war, the Soviet Supreme High Command demanded that the troops widely practice the construction of ditches, rubble and other obstacles, making every possible use of local materials and means for this.

Recently, the design of engineering barriers, as well as the methods of their use, have received their further more perfect development, which further ensures the defense capability of the Russian Federation.

Classes on this topic will be conducted so that you (students) can properly apply your knowledge in practice. And they correctly built a scheme for improving their knowledge, skills and abilities in this academic discipline.

The purpose of the lecture.

1. To reveal the essence of engineering support of modern combined arms combat.

2. To acquaint students with the purpose, classification of engineering barriers and their characteristics.

3. Form the student:

Military professional culture of an officer, commanding qualities, skills and abilities;

Theoretical and practical basis for solving command and staff issues;

4. to educate students the ability to navigate in a rapidly changing tactical setting.

5. - to instill in students skills in the search, generalization and presentation of educational material.

In accordance with these goals, as well as taking into account the subjects of classes in the academic discipline " General tactics»The lecture addresses the following issues.

First tutorial question: Purpose, classification of engineering barriers and their characteristics.

Second tutorial question: Purpose, classification of engineering ammunition.

Third tutorial question: Explosives handling regulations.

I pass on to the presentation of the questions of the lecture.


Question number 1:Purpose, classification of engineering barriers and their characteristics.

Engineering barriers are arranged in order to inflict losses on the enemy in manpower and equipment, to delay his advance and to hamper maneuvers.

Engineering barriers are engineering means, structures and destruction installed or arranged on the ground with the aim of inflicting losses on the enemy, delaying his advance, hindering maneuver and thereby contributing to the destruction of manpower and equipment by fire of all types and counterattacks of our troops.

Obstacles are used in all types of combat, but most widely in defense. In an offensive and in a meeting engagement, they are used to cover the initial areas and flanks of the advancing units, repel enemy counterattacks and fortify captured lines; in a defensive battle - to cover strong points, defense areas and gaps between them, as well as artillery firing positions, command posts and other important objects. In modern combat, a number of engineering and tactical requirements are imposed on the obstacle system.

It must be highly effective in terms of the degree of defeat of the enemy, reduce the pace of his offensive, hinder his actions; to be resistant to all types of enemy fire and difficult to overcome; to be closely linked with the fire system and not to hamper the maneuver of their troops; arrange according to local conditions, seasons and climatic conditions.

The system of obstacles is created during preparation and during the battle. To increase the effectiveness of obstacles, a greater number of them are installed on the revealed directions of enemy actions during the battle.

In addition to engineering units, units of the combat arms are involved in the construction of obstacles; for their device, a remote method of mining is used.

Classification of engineering barriers (option).

By the nature of the impact on the enemy, engineering barriers are divided into:

1. Non-explosive - anti-tank ditches, escarps, counter-escarps, snow ramparts, nadolby, forest heaps, barriers, as well as wire, electrified and water barriers

2. Mine-explosive barriers (MVZ), consisting of minefields, groups of mines, single mines, as well as land mines and explosive charges, used for the production of destruction. By the method of actuation, they are subdivided into controlled and uncontrolled.

3. Combined - representing a combination of cost centers and non-explosive barriers.

The purpose of engineering barriers:

Ensure high combat effectiveness and surprise impact on the enemy;

Allow quick installation on the ground and the use of mechanization means;

Be resistant to the shock wave of a nuclear explosion and the means of overcoming obstacles;

Do not hinder the maneuver of your troops;

Difficult to find;

Easy to disguise.

Sub-question number 1 : Non-explosive barriers.

Non-explosive barriers, according to their purpose, are subdivided into anti-tank and anti-personnel ones.

Anti-tank ones include:

Anti-tank ditches;



Nadolby (wooden, metal, reinforced concrete, stone);

Barriers in the forest made of logs and on the banks of reservoirs made of ice;

Fences made of metal hedgehogs;

Barricades in settlements;

Snow shafts;

Icing lines on mountain slopes;

Holes in rivers and reservoirs;

Flooding of the area;

Forest and stone blockages in settlements.

Anti-personnel barriers are portable and permanent.

Portable Wire fences are used mainly for quick closure of passages, destroyed sections of obstacles, as well as in cases where the construction of other obstacles is difficult. They are usually made in advance and delivered ready-made to the installation site (inconspicuous wire nets, quickly installed barbed wire and smooth wire fences, spirals, slingshots and hedgehogs).

TO permanent fences include wire fences on high and low stakes, wire fences, wire in a throw, snares and loops, notches in the forest, braiding stumps with barbed wire, etc.

Non-explosive barriers can be used alone or in combination with mine barriers. In the latter case, the greatest efficiency of their application is achieved.

To ensure the passage of its troops in non-explosive obstacles, passages must be left, and for their quick closure, the necessary amount of means is provided (wire spirals, slingshots, hedgehogs, etc.)

Sub-question number 2:Mine-explosive obstacles.

(name and text of the educational sub-question of the lecture)

The main characteristics of a cost center are:



Min consumption;

The probability of hitting the enemy.

The consumption of mines is understood as the number of anti-tank mines (ATM), anti-personnel mines (APM) per one linear or square kilometer of the minefield.

Minefield is called a section of terrain on which mines are installed in a given order and for a specific purpose.

The main characteristics of a minefield (MP) are:



Length along the front.

The depth and density depend on the purpose of the minefield, the tactical situation, the characteristics of the terrain, the conditions for fixing, viewing and firing, as well as on the number of rows of mines, the distance between the rows and the distance between the mines in the rows.

The minimum distance of the rear row of the MP from the positions occupied by its own troops should exclude the defeat of personnel by the shock wave or fragments generated during the explosion of mines. As a rule, it should be at least 50 m, and for fragmentation mines at least the radius of continuous destruction. The density of the ATMP is from 550-1000 minutes per 1 km of the front. To provide a good overview and bombardment of minefields, they should be located no more than 100-150 m from the positions of our troops.

Minefields must provide:

The greatest combat effectiveness (the maximum probability of hitting enemy targets).

Resistance to the impact of the explosion of nuclear and conventional ammunition, demining charges and neighboring mines is ensured by the use of explosive mines, the installation of mines in the ground, the dispersed arrangement of mines in rows and rows of mines in a minefield).

The difficulty of detecting and making passes by the enemy (provided by careful camouflage; a variety of mine layouts, the installation of false mines, surprise mines, etc.)

The ability to quickly detect and clear minefields by their own troops is ensured by carefully fixing the minefields)

MPs by their purpose are subdivided into:





MPs of any type can be:



PTMP from anti-track mines are installed as a rule:

3-4 rows;

The distance between the rows is from 10 to 40 m;

Mining step 4-5.5 m;

MP depth from 60-100 m and more;

The density of the MP is from 550 to 1000 min per 1 km.

PPMP from high-explosive mines are installed:

In 2 rows or 4 rows;

The distance between the rows is from 2 to 4 m;

The distance between mines in a row is at least 1 m;

The density of the MP is 2000 min per kilometer.

PPMP from fragmentation mines is installed:

In 2 rows;

The distance between the rows is 10-20 meters;

The distance between mines in a row is 1-2 radius of continuous destruction;

The density of the MP is 100-300 minutes per kilometer.

Mixed MP are installed from PT and PP min. PPMs are installed with PTMs in groups of up to 2-3 pieces or in independent rows. The depth of a mixed minefield should not exceed 120-150 m.

PPMP, covering the access to the PPMP from the enemy's side, are installed from them at a distance of 10-15 m.

False minefields are set up according to combat patterns.

The imitation of mines is carried out by burying cans, metal objects, arranging bumps, raising the sod, pulling pieces of wire over the surface of the ground.

Each minefield, depending on the location in the battle formation, must have a certain degree of combat readiness.

The first stage of readiness - the barriers are in full readiness: mines are installed, safety devices are removed, there are no signs and fences of the MP; detonators are inserted into explosive charges.

The second stage of readiness - the barriers are prepared for a quick introduction into full readiness (MFs are indicated, if necessary, they have passages, EHP-r are not inserted into the explosive charges)

Anti-tank minefields are established:


Helicopters equipped with mine laying kits;

By means of remote mining;

With the use of vehicles equipped with trays;

Manually (by drill or mine line).

Question number 2:Purpose, classification of engineering ammunition.

(name and text of the educational question of the lecture)

Engineering support is organized and carried out in order to create the necessary conditions by units and subunits for the timely and covert advance, deployment, increase the protection of personnel and military equipment from all modern means of destruction, as well as for inflicting losses on the enemy and complicating his actions.

To accomplish their goals, subunits must skillfully use standard engineering equipment and engineering ammunition.

The army of the Russian Federation is armed with various engineering ammunition.

Engineering mines are engineering ammunition intended for setting up mine-explosive obstacles in order to destroy enemy manpower, combat and transport equipment, and destroy roads and various structures. Engineering mines include anti-tank, anti-personnel, anti-amphibious, anti-vehicle, object, signal and booby mines.

Mine - is a charge of an explosive (explosive), structurally combined with an explosive device (drive device, fuse).

Mines are divided into:

Anti-tank (TM-62, TM-57, TMK-2),

Anti-personnel (PMN, POMZ-2M, OZM-72, MON-50, MQH-90, MON-100, MON-200),

Anti-landing (PDM-1, PDM-2, YRM),

Special (magnetic, signal, under-ice, surprise mines, booby-traps, objective, etc.)

The main elements of PTM, PPM, PDM are:

Explosive charge;


Drive device.

Anti-tank mines (PTM) of the Russian Federation.

Anti-personnel mines (PPM) of the Russian army.

Signal mine of tension action. Designed to provide sound and light signals. The mine is installed manually.

More than once or not twice over the past twenty to thirty years, our mass propaganda, especially television, hysterically informed the broad masses about the "criminally negligent attitude of the military to ammunition", about the "next fatal find" found in the forest (at a shooting range town, at the site of the exercise), etc. etc. shells, rockets, mines. Very willingly and in detail, television shows these "terrible findings", interviews excited inhabitants, stigmatizes "criminals in uniform", demands to investigate "blatant bungling" and severely punish those responsible. By the way, for some reason, former students (mostly from Moscow) who have received a minimum of military training at military departments, but who imagine themselves to be major specialists in military affairs, are especially excited.

And every time my eye habitually fixes with boredom white stripes on the bodies of mines, distinct inscriptions “inert”, black coloring of “unexploded” shells. All these finds are no more dangerous than an old harrow, or, say, a laptop (out of order).

From the author... Actually, having looked at the lands belonging to the Armed Forces for their own purposes in the nineties, Russian businessmen and ordinary citizens launched an active campaign to seize from the Ministry of Defense "huge territories of incredibly large military ranges unjustifiably occupied by the military department." Have achieved. We have achieved a lot. Especially during the reign of Marshal Taburetkin. But people just do not understand or do not want to understand that the lands on which for many decades the military fired, dropped bombs, exploded, littered with an indefinite amount of unexploded ordnance and will never (NEVER) become safe.
And this is inevitable. This is just as inevitable as what a person always leaves behind him in any kind of his activity.
Year after year, grenades, shells, bombs will crawl out of the ground in gardening associations, in the places of construction of cottages, like from the underworld. And kids will find them in polygon forests and berry meadows. With how many lives people will pay for their feeble mind, God alone knows.

In this article, the author wants to try to teach non-military people to distinguish between training, completely harmless engineering ammunition from really dangerous war mines, charges, fuses. Maybe then someone will not have to, having abandoned the fascinating mushroom picking or throwing a rake, grabbing his children in an armful, rush to the phone to notify the authorities about the find. Or, on the contrary, you will not have to expose your life to mortal danger, carrying home a small graceful gray shell with black letters (to be honest, the shell sometimes happens to fly to the wrong place, and the valiant army sometimes loses whole missiles).

End of the preface.

Dyeing engineering ammunition.

Engineering mines and other engineering ammunition may be of any color deemed appropriate for the item. Engineer ammunition, unlike artillery, aviation and navy ammunition, does not have a specially established identification color.

Usually anti-tank mines are colored green, which ranges from dark green to olive green. However, there are mines painted in various shades of gray-yellow, beige. Usually these are mines intended for export to Africa, the Middle East.

Anti-personnel mines differ in a variety of colors and it is impossible to say anything definite here.
TNT sticks are usually wrapped in waxed paper of red, gray, gray-blue, green, and other similar colors.

Commercial explosive charges are usually olive green or light gray (ball).

Fuses, detonators usually have the color of bare metal (copper, brass, aluminum, steel), since they are usually not painted at all.

The most important thing is that it is impossible to distinguish between combat engineering ammunition, training ammunition and practical (imitation) ammunition by color. Therefore, it is impossible to distinguish a dangerous find from a completely harmless one by color.

It is possible to distinguish between combat and training (inert), training and simulation engineering ammunition only by marking.

Engineering ammunition marking.

Detonator caps, electric detonators, fuses.
* Fighting (ie, explosion hazardous) markings, as a rule, do not have.
* Educational (inert) - white stripe;
* Practical (imitation) - red stripe.

Explosive training devices are filled with inert materials similar to military ones in color, density and consistency and are completely safe to handle.

Practical fuses are designed to initiate practical simulated explosive charges, min. When triggered, they give out a flash of flame from which the pyrotechnic composition of practical engineering ammunition ignites. That, in turn, simulates an explosion with a flash of flame or smoking colored smoke.
It is impossible to suffer greatly from them, but it is possible to get injured.

From the author... In general, according to safety rules, all types of engineering ammunition should be treated like combat. And this is not only in order to accustom trainees to absolutely correct actions. In the author's practice, there was a case when in the OZM-3 training mine (there was a white stripe on the body, as it should be), the expelling powder charge turned out to be real. In the classroom, he worked and threw a mine. Fortunately, no one was hurt. But this mine came from the factory. Someone's negligence could lead to serious consequences.

And further. You just want to twirl these beautiful shiny silver or golden tubes in your hands, touch them, play with them, children often take them in their mouths. The result of the explosion of such a product in the hands is three severed fingers and a knocked out eye, sometimes both (standard!).

Small fuses.
These include fuses such as MUV (MUV, MUV-2, MUV-3, MUV-4), VPF, PV-42, VZD-3M, VZD-1M and the like. They do not contain any explosive materials. Therefore, they may not have any designations, letters, numbers or colored stripes. Or the code (designation) of the product can be embossed or embossed on the case.
The product bodies may also bear the markings defined in Appendix 5 of the publication “Engineering ammunition. Book one ”. The marking can be embossed (embossed) or applied in black paint.

The marking contains:
* top line - code (product designation) *
* bottom line is a group of three characters separated by a dash. The first group of characters (number, letter combination, conventional symbol) means a code indicating the manufacturer. The second group of numbers is the number of the batch of products. the third group of numbers is the year of manufacture.

From the author... The manufacturer's code is most often a group of two or three digits. But this is not a factory number. Sometimes there is a combination of letters or, in general, a conventional sign (usually two or three intertwined rings). The manufacturer's code is changed periodically.
So trying to find out by the code where the fuse was made is completely pointless. This can only be done by people working in GRAU who have the corresponding tables in their safes.

No colored stripes or rings are applied to these fuses.

Fuses and explosive mechanisms.
These are fairly large items, which, as a rule, have initiating and often blasting explosives inside.
They are marked with the markings specified in Appendix 5 of the publication “Engineering ammunition. Book one ”. The marking is applied in black paint. Less often knocked out (squeezed out in the metal).

The marking contains:
* top line - code (product designation)
* the second line is a group of three characters separated by a dash. The first group of characters (number, letter combination, conventional symbol) means a code indicating the manufacturer. The second group of numbers is the number of the batch of products. the third group of numbers is the year of manufacture.
* the third line is the code of the explosive in the detonator. If structurally (!) The fuse does not contain initiating and / or blasting explosives, then the third line in the marking is absent.
This does not apply to training fuses, on which either a white stripe or the inscription "inert" is required in the third line.

In the photo on the right: Training (inert) fuse for the TM-62 mine.
* U-MVCh-62 - means the product code (training fuse type MVCh-62)
* 42-M - means the manufacturer's code
* 30 - indicates that the fuse from the batch number 30
* 90 - indicates that the fuse was released in 1990
* A white stripe in place of the BB code indicates that this fuse is inert and does not contain any explosive materials.

In some cases, if the fuse has an individual number, then its number is given above the line indicating the product code.

On the left: VZMU-S fuse. The number 199 is visible above the product code. This is the individual number of the fuse.

In a number of cases, most often in relation to educational and practical fuses, additional explanatory inscriptions can be applied in the marking (“inert”, “inert”, “” practical ”,“ practical ”, etc.).

The picture on the left is Examples of the manufacturer's code.

From the author... Such hieroglyphic ciphers of the manufacturer began to appear in the seventies and I must say that not from a great mind. Indeed, for the most part in practical work, the sapper needs to know only the code (designation) of the product itself and what kind of explosive it is equipped with. All other data are only needed by investigators in the event of incidents involving the theft of engineering ammunition or accidents (explosions). Well, what is it like for the investigator to ask the GIU or GRAU as to who manufactured this or that product? If numbers and letters, then everything is easy and simple to transfer by any means and through any communication channels, to record on paper. But how to display this hieroglyph, say, in the protocol of the inspection of the scene?

Engineering mines.
Marking is defined by Appendix 5 of the edition “Engineering ammunition. Book one ”.
Marking is applied to light surfaces with black, and on dark surfaces with white permanent paint. The place of marking is not strictly regulated. This is usually the side or top surface. Rarely, but there are markings applied to the bottom surface.

Marking includes:

1 line - individual product number (if assigned).
2nd line - code (designation) of the product.
3 line - three groups of characters separated by a dash:

- the third group of signs - the year of manufacture of the given batch of ammunition
4 line - the code of the explosive of the main charge.

In the photo on the right: an example of an anti-tank mine marking:
* TM-62P - product code, i.e. this is a TM-62P anti-tank mine.
* ЗП - manufacturer's code.
* 53 - batch number min.
* 68 - year of manufacture of the batch min.
* a white strip in place of the BB code - the mine is filled with inert material instead of explosives.

The most widely used ciphers for explosives are:

Hexogen G or A-IX-I
A mixture of TNT with RDX 50% each TG-50
A mixture of 30% TNT and 70% RDX TG-30
A mixture of TNT, RDX and aluminum TGA
Sea mix MC
Plastic explosives (plastite-4) PVV-4
Tetril Tetr
Pentrite (ten) TN
Ammonite with 50% TNT A-50
Ammonite with a TNT content of 20% A-80
Inert substance T Thickness of the strip is 7-10 mm.
Inert substance INERT
Simulant (flash, smoke) T Thickness of the strip is 7-10 mm.

The photo on the right: an example of the marking of the POM-2R anti-personnel mine.

On the bodies of inert mines, the white stripe in place of the explosive code may be supplemented or replaced with the inscription “INERT”, “INERT,”. The same inscription can be duplicated on other surfaces of the mine.

In addition to the prescribed markings, various letters, numbers, signs may be present in different places of the mine hull. These are the technological marks of the manufacturer (OTK stamp, shop number, shift number, braker stamp, foreman's mark, warehouse marks, packer's marks, etc.). Their number, location is not regulated in any way and these marks are needed only by the plant during manufacture.

Industrial explosive charges.
The marking is completely similar to the marking of engineering mines and is subject to the same rules.

In the photo on the right: an example of marking a concentrated charge of industrial production SZ-3A.

It should be noted that the above rules for marking engineering ammunition are not strictly followed by the industry. Readers who know them firsthand have probably encountered numerous deviations from the prescribed rules. For example, the markings can be embossed on the body, can be scattered in different places (cipher on one side, cipher BB on the other, and the line of batch, plant and year generally on the bottom. Also, the markings can be duplicated on two surfaces of the ammunition.


No strict labeling rules have been established for cardboard boxes containing small-sized items (detonator caps, electric detonators, fuses, fuses). Typically, typographic markings are printed on paper labels attached to the box.
The label usually contains:
* Code (designation) of the products in the box.
* The number of products in the box.
* Batch number.
* Year or date of manufacture.
* Last name or stamp of the packer,
* Name or stamp of the controller (technical control department.

In the photo on the right: Examples of labeling of cardboard closures for small items.

Larger engineering ammunition is usually placed in wooden boxes, usually painted dark green, less often unpainted. The side end wall is marked with black paint, the marking is applied in black or white paint, depending on which color is more distinguishable against the paint background.

Mandatory marking for ammunition boxes:
* top row - product code and their number in the box,
* 2 row - three groups of characters separated by a dash:
- the first group of characters is the manufacturer's code,
- the second group of signs - the number of the batch of ammunition,
- the third group of signs - the year of manufacture of the given batch.
* 3rd row - code of explosives used in ammunition,
* 4th row - gross weight of the box.

On boxes with training (inert) ammunition, a white stripe 15 mm wide and 100 mm long is applied.
On boxes with practical (imitation ammunition), a red stripe 15 mm wide and 100 mm long is applied.

If the box contains products of various names, then the marking is applied for each name, and the marking for each name is made in the bottom of the line.

In addition to mandatory military markings, boxes may have markings determined by departmental norms and rules. for example, signs of the category of explosion and fire hazard, transport capacity, special marks such as "When transporting by plane, pierce with an awl here", "Afraid of dampness", "Do not turn over", "Flammable cargo".


1. A guide to demolition work. Approved early. Ing. Troops of the USSR Ministry of Defense 07/27/1967. Military publishing house. Moscow. 1969
2. Manual on military engineering for the Soviet Army. Military publishing house. Moscow. 1984
3. Engineering ammunition. Book one. Military publishing house. Moscow. 1976
4. B.V. Varenyshev et al. Textbook. Military engineering training. Military publishing house. Moscow. 1982
5. BS Kolibernov et al. Handbook of the officer of the engineering troops. Military publishing house. Moscow. 1989

About explosives (BB)

Explosion- This is a process of very rapid transformation of an explosive into a large amount of highly compressed and heated gases, which expanding, produce mechanical work (destruction, movement, crushing, ejection).

Explosive- chemical compounds or mixtures of such compounds that, under the influence of certain external influences, are capable of rapid, self-developing chemical transformation into a large number of gases.

Simply put, an explosion is akin to the combustion of ordinary combustible substances (coal, wood), but differs from simple combustion in that this process occurs very quickly, in thousandths and ten-thousandths of a second. Hence, according to the rate of transformation, the explosion is divided into two types - combustion and detonation.

In an explosive transformation of the type of combustion, the transfer of energy from one layer of matter to another occurs by means of heat conduction. A combustion type explosion is characteristic of gunpowder. The process of gas formation is rather slow. Due to this, when the powder explodes in a confined space (cartridge case, projectile), a bullet or projectile is ejected from the barrel, but the cartridge case, the chamber of the weapon is not destroyed.

In an explosion of the detonation type, the process of energy transfer is caused by the passage of a shock wave through the explosive at a supersonic speed (6-7 thousand meters per second). In this case, gases are formed very quickly, the pressure rises instantly to very high values. Simply put, gases do not have time to go along the path of least resistance, and in an effort to expand, they destroy everything in their path. This type of explosion is characteristic of TNT, RDX, ammonite, and other substances.

In order for the explosion process to begin (then it develops spontaneously), an external effect is necessary, it is required to supply a certain amount of energy to the explosive. External influences are subdivided into the following types:
1.Mechanical (impact, prick, friction).
2.Thermal (spark, flame, heating)
3. Chemical (chemical reaction of interaction of any substance with explosives)
4. Detonation (explosion next to the explosive of another explosive).

Different explosives react differently to external influences. Some of them explode with any impact, others have selective sensitivity. For example black black powder reacts well to heat, very bad to mechanical and practically does not react to chemical. TNT, on the other hand, basically reacts only to the detonation effect. Capsule formulations (explosive mercury) react to almost any external influence. There are explosives that explode without any visible external influence at all, but the practical use of such explosives is generally impossible.

Depending on the type of explosion and sensitivity to external influences, all explosives are divided into three main groups:
1. Initiating BB.
2. Blasting explosives.
3. Throwing explosives.

Initiating BB. They are highly sensitive to external influences. The rest of the characteristics (see below) are usually low. But they have a valuable property - their explosion (detonation) has a detonation effect on blasting and propelling explosives, which are usually not sensitive to other types of external influences at all or have an unsatisfactory sensitivity. Therefore, initiating substances are used only to excite the explosion of blasting or propelling explosives. To ensure the safety of the use of initiating explosives, they are packed in protective devices (capsule, capsule sleeve, capsule - detonator, electric detonator, fuse). Typical representatives of initiating explosives: mercury fulminate, lead azide, tenres (TNPC).

Blasting explosives. This, in fact, is what they say and write about. They equip shells, mines, bombs, rockets, land mines; they blow up bridges, cars, businessmen….
Blasting explosives are divided into three groups according to their explosive characteristics:
*** increased power (representatives - RDX, PETN, tetryl);
** normal power (representatives - TNT, melinite, plastic);
* reduced power (representatives - ammonium nitrate and its mixtures).

Explosives of increased power are somewhat more sensitive to external influences and therefore they are more often used in a mixture with phlegmatizers (substances that reduce the sensitivity of explosives) or in a mixture with explosives of normal power to increase the power of the latter. Sometimes high-power explosives are used as intermediate detonators.

Throwing explosives. These are various gunpowders - black smoky, smokeless pyroxylin and nitroglycerin. They also include various pyrotechnic mixtures for fireworks, signal and lighting flares, lighting shells, mines, aerial bombs.

All explosives are characterized by a number of data, depending on the values ​​of which the question of the use of a given substance for solving certain problems is decided. The most significant of them are:
1. Sensitivity to external influences.
2. Energy (heat) of explosive transformation.
3. The speed of detonation.
4. Brisance.
5. High explosiveness.
6. Chemical resistance.
7. Duration and conditions of working condition.
8. Normal state of aggregation.
9. Density.

The properties of explosives can be adequately described using all nine characteristics. However, in order to understand in general what is usually called power or strength, one can confine oneself to two characteristics: "Brisance" and "High-explosiveness".

Brisance is the ability of an explosive to crush, destroy objects in contact with it (metal, rocks, etc.). The brisance value indicates how quickly gases are formed during an explosion. The higher the blasting rate of this or that explosive, the more it is suitable for equipping shells, mines, and aerial bombs. During an explosion, such an explosive will better crush the shell of the projectile, give the fragments the highest speed, and create a stronger shock wave. The characteristic is directly related to the brisance - the detonation speed, that is, how quickly the explosion process spreads through the explosive substance. Brisance is measured in millimeters (mm). This is a conventional unit. There is no need to describe the method for measuring blistering.

High explosiveness- in other words, the efficiency of explosives, the ability to destroy and throw out of the explosion area surrounding materials (soil, concrete, brick, etc.). This characteristic is determined by the amount of gases formed during the explosion. The more gases are formed, the more work a given explosive can perform. The explosiveness is measured in cubic centimeters (cc). This is also a fairly conventional value.

From this it becomes clear enough that different explosives are suitable for different purposes. For example, for blasting operations in the ground (in a mine, when making pits, breaking ice jams, etc.), an explosive with the highest explosiveness is more suitable, and any blasting is suitable. On the contrary, for equipping projectiles, first of all, high blasting is valuable and high explosiveness is not so important.

Below are these two characteristics of several types of explosives:

It can be seen from this table that ammonite is better suited for the construction of a pit in the ground, and plastic is better for equipping shells.

However, this is a greatly simplified and not entirely correct approach to understanding the power of explosives. I made this simplification in order to very simply tell about the properties of explosives. In fact, all nine characteristics are closely related to each other, depend on each other, and a change in one of them entails a change in all the others.

There is a simpler, and most importantly, a real way to compare the power of different explosives. It is called "TNT equivalent". Its essence lies in the fact that the power of TNT is conventionally taken as a unit (in about the same way as the power of one horse was taken as a unit of machine power in its time). And all other explosives (including nuclear explosives) are compared with TNT. Simply put, how much TNT would have to be taken in order to produce the same explosive work as a given amount of this explosive. In order not to tire the reader with long calculations and boring formulas, I will say more simply: 100gr. RDX give the same result as 125 gr. TNT, and 75 gr. TNT will be replaced by 100g. ammonite. It will be even easier to say that high-power explosives are 25 percent stronger than TNT, and low-power explosives are 20-30% weaker than TNT.


Ammonium nitrate explosives

Ammonium nitrate explosives include a large group of explosives based on ammonium nitrate. All of them are classified as blasting explosives of reduced power. That is, when compared with TNT, it is considered. that they are all 25 percent weaker than TNT. However, this is not entirely true. In terms of brisance, ammonium nitrate explosives, as a rule, are not much inferior to TNT, and in terms of high explosiveness they exceed TNT, and some of them are quite significant. Ammonium nitrate explosives are more preferable for blasting soils, since, due to their good high-explosiveness, they are able to throw more soil out of the explosion area. However, when working in rocky soils, TNT is still preferable, because due to its greater blasting rate, it crushes rocks better.

Ammonium nitrate explosives are used to a greater extent in the national economy and, to a lesser extent, in military affairs. The reasons for this use are the significantly lower cost of ammonium nitrate explosives, their significantly lower reliability in use. First of all, it is the significant hygroscopicity of ammonia. Explosives, due to which, when moistened more than 3%, such explosives completely lose their ability to explode. These explosives are subject to the phenomenon of caking, due to which they also completely or partially lose their explosive capacity. Recrystallization processes continuously occurring in these explosives lead to an increase in the volume occupied by them, which can lead to the destruction of the packaging or casings of ammunition.

The term "mine" in military terminology has existed for a very long time. Professor V.V. Yakovlev in his book "The History of Fortresses" indicates that originally this term was used 300-400 years before our era to denote digging under the walls and towers of fortresses with the aim of collapse, collapse of the latter into an empty space (forge), arranged at the end of the underground gallery.
Later, the term "mine" denoted a powder charge, laid in a tunnel under the fortress wall or tower. So, with several mines during the assault on the Kazan fortress in 1552, the Russian troops managed to make breaches in the fortress wall, which predetermined the success of the assault.

So gradually this term was finally fixed to denote an explosive charge that is not thrown like a projectile, structurally combined with means of detonation and intended to inflict damage on personnel, structures, and equipment of the enemy.
With the emergence of sea mines designed to disable enemy ships, and especially with the invention of a self-propelled mine (torpedo), a condition was added to the definition of the concept of "mine" - "delivered to the target not with the help of an artillery gun."

In modern conditions, with the development of remote mining systems, when a mine or several mines are delivered to the installation site, including in the body of artillery shells, the wording "... delivered to the target not with the help of an artillery gun" is outdated.

Under the concept of "mine" (more and more often now the term "engineering mine" has begun to be used) should be understood as

"... an explosive charge, structurally combined with detonating means, designed to inflict damage on personnel, structures, and equipment of the enemy and is activated by the victim himself (man, tank, machine) on the detonation means (target sensor), or action with the help of a certain type of command (radio signal, electrical impulse, hourly retarder, etc.) ".

However, this definition of the term "mine" is rather vague, incomplete and to some extent contradictory

In the first third of the 20th century, the term "mine" acquired another meaning. So they began to call, in general, an ordinary artillery shell fired from a specific type of artillery gun - a mortar. All the difference between a mortar and a conventional artillery piece such as a cannon or a howitzer is that it is smooth-bore and throws its shells (mines) along a very steep trajectory. A mortar mine differs from a cannon or howitzer projectile only in its appearance and in the method of placing the powder charge. In all other respects, the action of a mortar mine on a target is similar to the action of other types of shells (we will not go into subtleties).
Where this meaning of the term "mine" came from is not known for certain. The author offers his version, but emphasizes that this is only a version and does not believe that this is the ultimate truth.
During the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05, during the defense of the fortress of Port Arthur, the Russians began to use sea mines rolling down the trenches to repulse Japanese attacks on mountain positions. After that, they began to use ship torpedo tubes on land to fire the warheads of self-propelled sea mines (torpedoes) from mountain positions down the Japanese. Then Captain Gobyato created an explosive charge, which was housed in a tin cone-shaped case. These charges were mounted on a wooden rod, which in turn was inserted into the 47 mm barrel. guns. The shot was fired with a cannon blank powder charge at maximum barrel rotation upwards. This projectile, by analogy with the sea mines already used for the same purposes, received the name "pole mine".
During the First Worlds The second war, the Gobyato experience was remembered and widely used the modified Gobyato mines. True, at that time these guns were called bomb throwers, and their shells were called bombs.

With the revival of this type of weapon in the thirties, the terms "bomb" and "bomb thrower" were considered not very suitable, because these two words are already firmly entrenched in aviation (aerial bomb) and the navy (depth charge, bomb launcher). We remembered the name of the mortar and mine. So this term was fixed in its second meaning.

From the author. However, in English, German and most other languages, what we call a mortar is called differently - "mortar" (Moertel, the mortar, mortier, malta, mortero, ...). In my opinion, the term "mortar" is more suitable for this type of artillery system

So, the term "mine" is used today in two meanings - a mine, as an artillery shell, and a mine, as an engineering ammunition. Often, to distinguish what exactly is being discussed in this context, the qualifying terms "engineering mine", "mortar mine" are used. Below in the text we will talk about the classification of only engineering mines.

End of the preface.

There is no single legally approved or standardized classification of engineering mines. In any case, in the Soviet (Russian) Army. There are several generally accepted types of classification, depending on the criterion (principle) by which groups of mines are divided in this type of classification:

1. By designation.

2. By the method of causing harm by this type of mine.

3. By the degree of mine control.

4.By the principle of the used target sensor.

5. By the shape, direction and size of the affected area.

6.According to the method of delivery to the place of application (method of installation).

7. By the type of explosive used in the mine.

8. By neutralization and retrievability.

9. By the presence of self-liquidation or self-neutralization systems.

10. By the time of deployment to a combat platoon.

The first is considered the main type of classification.

By design, mines are divided into three main groups:

I. Anti-tank.
II. Anti-personnel.
III. Special:
a) anti-train (railway);
b) anti-car (road);
c) anti-aircraft (airfield);
5. Traps (surprises);

In some Manuals, Instruction mines are divided according to their intended purpose not into three main groups, but into eight (anti-tank, anti-personnel, anti-vehicle, anti-amphibious, object, signal, traps, special). The author believes that the division into three groups is still more correct. The fact is that anti-tank and anti-personnel mines are required to be used by servicemen of all branches of the armed forces (motorized riflemen, tankmen, artillerymen, paratroopers, etc.), and only sappers work with all other mines.

Basically, all types of mines can be produced in three main modifications - combat, training, training and simulation (practical).
In order not to confuse the reader, let us consider the main groups of mines in their other types of classification.

I. Anti-tank mines intended for destruction or removal damage to tanks and other armored vehicles of the enemy. They can also hit unarmored vehicles, and in some cases people, although the latter is not included in the range of tasks of this type of mines, but is a side, accidental result.

By the type of target sensor, anti-tank mines are:

-magnetic action (triggered by the impact of the machine's magnetic field on the target sensor);
-thermal action (triggered when the target sensor is exposed to the heat generated by the tank);
- oblique action (triggered when the antenna (rod) deviates from the vertical position by the body of the machine);
-seismic action (triggered by shock, ground vibration when the machine is moving);
-infrared action (triggered when the body of the machine shades a beam of light in the infrared range, illuminating the sensitive sensor-fuse).

Various combinations of target sensors are possible, and it is not necessary that the triggering of the target sensor causes a mine to explode. The triggering of one target sensor may aim to activate the second stage sensor. For example, in a mine of the TM-83 type, a seismic target sensor when a tank enters its area of ​​activity only turns on a heat sensor, which, when the tank is exposed to it, already causes a mine explosion.

Usually, the stepwise use of sensors is aimed at saving the resource of the main target sensor or power supply.

There are target sensors with multiplicity elements. Such a sensor initiates a mine only upon the second or subsequent impact of the target on the mine. For example, the MVD-62 fuse of the TM-62 Soviet mine, which is triggered only upon the second run over it. Moreover, no more than 1 second should pass between clicks. Or the No.5 Mk 4 detonator of the British Mk7 mine, which is triggered only on the second run over it.

According to the method of causing harm, anti-tank mines are divided:
-Anti-track (destroy the tracks of the caterpillar, the wheel and thereby deprive the tank of mobility);
- anti-bottom (pierce the bottom of the tank and cause a fire in it, detonation of ammunition, failure of the transmission or engine, death or injury of crew members);
- anti-side (pierce the side of the tank and cause a fire in it, detonation of ammunition, failure of the transmission or engine, death or injury of crew members).
- anti-roof (hit the tank from above).

According to the degree of controllability, anti-tank mines are divided into unguided and guided. As a rule, in anti-tank mines, controllability consists in switching the operator from the control panel of the target sensor to a combat or safe position. Control can be carried out via a command radio link or a wire line. The meaning of such controllability lies in the fact that when moving through a minefield of their tanks, they are not undermined, and the enemy's tanks, on the contrary. Controllability of AT mines in the sense of detonating mines by the operator when the tank is in the affected area is currently not used.

According to the method of installing AT, mines are divided into:

As a rule, most of the types of AT mines installed by means of mechanization can be installed manually and vice versa. Remote mining mines are usually used only by this method of delivery and installation.

According to the recoverability and neutralization of AT mines, they are divided:

Both of these terms are quite similar to each other, but they do not mean the same thing.
Neutralization consists in the ability to transfer the mine fuse to one of two positions - safe or combat (it doesn't matter - by removing the fuse from the mine or using a switch, safety check, etc.).
Recoverability is the ability to remove the mine from the installation site. If the mine is unrecoverable, then when you try to remove it, it will explode.

By the type of explosive used, all AT mines are classified as mines with a chemical explosive. AT mines with nuclear (atomic) explosives are not available in any of the armies of the world.

AT mines may or may not have a self-destruction system (self-neutralization). Self-destruction provides for a mine explosion after a specified period of time or upon the occurrence of certain conditions (certain temperature, humidity, radio signal, wire signal), and the self-neutralization system provides for the transfer of the fuse to a safe position after a specified period of time or upon the occurrence of certain conditions (certain temperatures , humidity, RF signal, wired signal).

AT mines are divided into two main groups according to the time of bringing them into a combat position -

II. Anti-personnel mines designed to destroy or incapacitate enemy personnel. How as a rule, these mines are incapable of causing significant damage to enemy tanks, armored vehicles and vehicles. The maximum is to damage the car wheel, trim, glass, radiator.

By the type of target sensor, anti-personnel mines are:
-pressure action (the mine is triggered when you press the sensor of a person's leg);

- break-off action (a mine is triggered when the integrity of a thin low-strength wire is violated when it is touched by a foot or body);
-seismic action (mine is triggered by shaking the soil when a person is moving);
-thermal action (mine is triggered when the sensor is exposed to heat emanating from the human body);
-infrared action (a mine is triggered when the human body shades a beam of infrared light, illuminating a sensitive fuse sensor);
-magnetic action (mine reacts to the metal that a person has).

Various combinations of target sensors are possible, i.e. a mine may have not one, but two or three target sensors, and each of them can trigger the mine independently of the others. Either the mine is triggered only when the sensors are triggered simultaneously, or the triggering of one sensor causes the activation of the other. The options can be very different.

According to the method of causing harm, PP mines are divided:

- fragmentation (inflicted damage with fragments of their body or ready-made lethal elements (balls, rollers, arrows). Moreover, depending on the shape of the affected area, such mines are divided into mines of circular destruction and mines of directed destruction;
- cumulative (inflicted damage with a cumulative jet that pierces the foot of the leg).

According to the degree of controllability, AP mines, like AT mines, are divided into guided and uncontrolled. But if in anti-tank mines the controllability consists in switching the operator from the distance of the target sensor to a combat or safe position, then some types of PP mines can simply be undermined by the operator from the control panel when enemy soldiers find themselves in the mine affected area. The meaning of such controllability lies in the fact that when moving through a minefield of their soldiers, they are not undermined, and the enemy's soldiers, on the contrary.

According to the method of installing PP, mines are divided into:
-set manually (by sappers);
-installed by means of mechanization (tracked and trailed mine spreaders);
-installed by means of remote mining (missile, aviation, artillery systems).
As a rule, most of the types of PP mines installed by means of mechanization can be installed manually and vice versa. Remote mining mines are usually used only by this method of delivery and installation.

According to the recoverability and neutralization of PP mines, they are divided:

-recoverable non-neutralizing,
- non-recoverable non-neutralizing.

By the type of explosive used, all PP mines are mines with a chemical explosive. AP mines with nuclear (atomic) explosives are not available in any of the armies of the world.

PP mines may or may not have a self-destruction system (self-neutralization). Self-destruction provides for a mine explosion after a specified period of time or upon the occurrence of certain conditions (certain temperature, humidity, radio signal, wire signal), and the self-neutralization system provides for the transfer of the fuse to a safe position after a specified period of time or upon the occurrence of certain conditions (certain temperature , humidity, RF signal, wired signal).

PP mines are divided into two main groups according to the time of bringing them into a combat position -
1. They are brought into a combat position immediately after the removal of the safety blocking devices.
2. They are brought into a firing position after the removal of the safety blocking devices after a certain period of time required to remove the miners from the mine to a safe distance (usually from 2 minutes to 72 hours).

III-1. Anti-vehicle mines designed to destroy or disable vehicles enemy moving along transport routes (roads, railways, parking lots, runways and platforms, airport taxiways). AT mines are put out of action as unarmored and armored vehicles. These mines are not intended for the destruction or injury of personnel, although very often damage to vehicles leads to the simultaneous destruction of personnel.

By the type of target sensor, anti-vehicle mines are:
-pressure action (triggered by pressing the target sensor with the caterpillar, the wheel of the machine);
-magnetic action (triggered by the impact of the machine's magnetic field on the target sensor);
-thermal action (triggered when the target sensor is exposed to the heat generated by the vehicle;
- tilting action (triggered when the antenna (rod) deviates from the vertical position by the body of the machine);
-seismic action (triggered by shock, ground vibration when the machine is moving);
-infrared action (triggered when the body of the machine shades the light beam of the infrared range, illuminating the sensitive sensor-fuse);
-acoustic action (triggered when the threshold value of the noise level of the vehicle engine is exceeded).

According to the method of causing harm, ATR mines are divided:
- high-explosive (inflicted damage by the force of the explosion - complete or partial destruction of the machine, the propeller of the machine (wheels, tracks), etc.);
- fragmentation (inflicting damage on a vehicle with fragments of its body or ready-made lethal elements (balls, rollers, arrows);
-cumulative (inflicted damage with a cumulative jet or shock core).

According to the degree of controllability, AT mines, like AT mines, are divided into guided and uncontrolled. But if in anti-tank mines the controllability consists in switching the operator from the distance of the target sensor to a combat or safe position, then some types of anti-tank mines can simply be undermined by the operator from the control panel when the enemy vehicle is in the mine affected area.

According to the method of installing anti-tank devices, mines are divided into:
-set manually (by sappers);
-installed by means of remote mining (missile, aviation, artillery systems).

According to the recoverability and neutralization of ATR mines are divided:
-recoverable neutralized;
-recoverable non-harmless;
- non-recoverable non-neutralizing.

By the type of explosive used, all anti-tank mines are classified as mines with a chemical explosive. There are no anti-vehicle mines with nuclear (atomic) explosives in any of the armies in the world.

AT mines may or may not have a self-destruction system (self-neutralization). Self-destruction provides for a mine explosion after a specified period of time or upon the occurrence of certain conditions (certain temperature, humidity, radio signal, wire signal), and the self-neutralization system provides for the transfer of the fuse to a safe position after a specified period of time or upon the occurrence of certain conditions (certain temperature , humidity, RF signal, wired signal).

ATM mines are divided into two main groups according to the time of bringing them into a combat position -
1. They are brought into a combat position immediately after the removal of the safety blocking devices.
2. They are brought into a firing position after the removal of the safety blocking devices after a certain period of time required to remove the miners from the mine to a safe distance (usually from 2 minutes to 72 hours).

The features of the device of anti-vehicle mines allow many of them to be used as multipurpose mines.... Typically as object mines, i.e. mines, exploding after a certain predetermined period of time. Or blown up by an operator from a control panel via a command wire or radio link.

III-2. Anti-landing mines designed to disable or destroy enemy watercraft (boats, boats, pontoons, floating machines) when these floating facilities move on the water. The destruction or wounding of personnel for this type of mines is a side, secondary result of the mine being triggered.

By the type of target sensor PD mines are:
-magnetic action (mine reacts to the metal of the vessel's hull);
-acoustic action (triggered when the threshold value of the noise level of the propeller of the floating craft is exceeded);
-contact action (the mine is triggered when the body of the floating craft contacts the sensitive elements of the target sensor (antenna, rod, crushed horn, etc.).

By the method of causing harm to PD, mines, as a rule, are of one type:
- high-explosive (inflicted damage by a water hammer arising from the explosion of a mine charge - there is a violation of the hermeticity of the case, a breakdown from the engine mount and machine equipment).

According to the degree of controllability, AP mines, like AT mines, are divided into guided and uncontrolled. But if in anti-tank mines the controllability consists in switching the operator from the distance of the target sensor to a combat or safe position, then some types of PD mines can simply be undermined by the operator from the control panel when the enemy vehicle is in the mine affected area. However, the author is not aware of any type of PD-guided mine in service anywhere at the present time.

According to the method of installing PD, mines are divided into:
-set manually (by sappers);
-installed with the use of means of mechanization.
-installed by means of remote mining (missile, aviation, artillery systems).
As of 2013, the author is aware of one brand of anti-amphibious remotely-set mines. This is the Russian PDM-4.

According to the recoverability and neutralization of PD, mines are divided:
-recoverable neutralized;
-recoverable non-harmless;
- non-recoverable non-neutralizing.

By the type of explosive used, all AP mines are classified as mines with a chemical explosive. Antiamphibious mines with nuclear (atomic) explosives are not available in any of the armies in the world.

PD mines may or may not have a self-destruction (self-neutralization) system. Self-destruction provides for a mine explosion after a specified period of time or upon the occurrence of certain conditions (certain temperature, humidity, radio signal, wire signal), and the self-neutralization system provides for the transfer of the fuse to a safe position after a specified period of time or upon the occurrence of certain conditions (certain temperatures , humidity, RF signal, wired signal).

PD mines are divided into two main groups according to the time of bringing them into a combat position -
1. They are brought into a combat position immediately after the removal of the safety blocking devices.
2. They are brought into a firing position after the removal of the safety blocking devices after a certain period of time required to remove the miners from the mine to a safe distance (usually from 2 minutes to 72 hours).

III-3. Object mines designed to be destroyed or removed from building, damage to various fixed or mobile enemy objects (buildings, bridges, dams, sluices, factory workshops, docks, slipways, road sections, berths, oil and gas pipelines, water pumping stations, treatment facilities, large tanks with fuel and gas, fortifications , rolling stock, cars, armored vehicles, airfield facilities, power plant turbines, oil rigs, oil pumps, etc., etc.).

The destruction or incapacitation of personnel is usually an incidental, but not accidental objective of object mines. And in a number of cases, destruction or damage to an object is carried out with the aim of inflicting maximum losses on both personnel and combat and other equipment of the enemy. For example, the destruction of a dam as an object may have the goal of causing a wave of release and flooding of vast territories in order to destroy enemy personnel and disable his weapons.

Object mines usually do not have target sensors. The explosion is carried out after a specified period of time or by giving a control signal via wires or radio lines.

According to the method of causing harm, OM are divided:
- high-explosive (inflict defeat by the force of the explosion of a certain (often significant) amount of explosives);

According to the degree of controllability, OM are divided into:
-controlled (The first type - the explosion is made by giving a signal via wires or radio. The second type - a timer (time counter) is activated by a control signal, which, after a predetermined time interval or entered by a control signal, will cause a mine explosion);
-uncontrolled (explosion occurs after a specified period of time).

All OMs are installed manually only. By means of mechanization, only auxiliary work is carried out (a fragment of pits, dressing of charging niches in the thickness of the undermined object, etc.). Remotely installed OM is not yet available, but it is possible to develop and put them into service.

By recoverability and deactivation, OM are divided into:
-recoverable neutralized;
-recoverable non-harmless;
- non-recoverable non-neutralizing.

By the type of explosive used, OM are divided:
-mines with a chemical explosive;
-mines with a nuclear explosive (at present, such mines are probably in service with the armies of the US and Great Britain. There are no such mines in other countries.)

OM can have a system of self-destruction (self-neutralization) or not. Moreover, a self-neutralization system is more often used, which does not detonate a mine, but transfers it to a safe state.

OM according to the time of bringing them into a combat position are not divided into groups, but are brought into a combat position after the removal of the safety blocking devices after the expiration of a set period of time required to remove the miners from the mine to a safe distance or the withdrawal of our troops from a given area (usually from 2 minutes up to 72 hours).

III-4. Signal mines are not intended to destroy or damage anyone or anything. The task of the SM is to give out the presence of the enemy in a given place, to designate it, to draw attention to this place of its units.
In terms of size, characteristics, and installation methods, SMs are close to antipersonnel mines.

According to the type of the CM target sensor, there are:
-pressure action (mine is triggered by pressing the sensor of a person's leg, car wheel, tank track);
- pulling action (the mine is triggered when the wire sensor is pulled by the foot or the human body);
- break-off action (a mine is triggered when the integrity of a thin low-strength wire is violated when it is touched by a foot or body, the body of a machine);
-seismic action (the mine is triggered by shaking the soil when a person or equipment moves);
-thermal action (the mine is triggered when the sensor is exposed to heat emanating from the human body or from the engine of the car);
-infrared action (a mine is triggered when a human body or a machine body shades a beam of infrared light illuminating a sensitive fuse sensor);
-magnetic action (mine reacts to the metal that a person has or the metal of the car body).
A combination of two, three or more target sensors is possible.

According to the method of causing harm (so to speak), signal mines are divided:
-sound (when triggered, they make loud sounds that can be heard at a considerable distance);
-luminous (when triggered, they give bright flashes of light, or a bright light burns for a certain time, or a mine throws up lighting flares (stars);
-smoke (when triggered, a cloud of colored smoke is formed);
-combined (sound and light, sometimes smoke);
- radio signal (transmit the detection signal to the control panel.

By the method of installation, signal mines are divided into:
-set manually (by sappers);
-installed by means of mechanization (tracked and trailed mine spreaders);
-installed by means of remote mining (missile, aviation, artillery systems).

As a rule, most of the types of SM installed by means of mechanization can be installed manually and vice versa. Remote mining mines are usually used only by this method of delivery and installation.

According to the recoverability and neutralization of the CM, they are divided:
-recoverable neutralized;
- non-recoverable non-neutralizing.
Signal mines do not have explosives; as a rule, they do not have self-destruction (self-neutralization) systems.
All signal mines, as a rule, are transferred to a firing position immediately after removing the safety blocking devices.

III-5. Booby traps (surprise mines) are intended to be withdrawn from building or destroying enemy personnel, equipment, weapons, and facilities; creating an atmosphere of nervousness and fear in the enemy ("minofear"); deprivation of his desire to use local or abandoned (trophy) household items, premises, communication facilities, cars, devices, forts, trophy weapons and ammunition and other objects; suppression of the enemy's work to neutralize mines of other types, demining terrain or objects. As a rule, booby-traps are triggered as a result of the enemy's attempt to use household items, premises, communications, vehicles, devices, fort structures, captured weapons and ammunition and other objects; demining the terrain, objects, neutralizing mines of other types.

MLs are divided into two main types:
-non-provocative (triggered when trying to use an object, defuse a mine of another type, etc.);
- provocative (by its behavior, ML encourages the enemy to perform actions that will entail a mine explosion.

For example, when an enemy soldier enters a room, a provocative ML, designed in the form of a telephone set, begins to make phone calls, causing a person to pick up the phone, which in turn will cause a mine explosion). An example of an ML of a non-provoking type is the MC-3 mine, which is installed under an anti-tank mine and is triggered when trying to remove an ATM from the installation site

The types of ML target sensors are diverse and are determined by the design features of each specific booby-trap sample. Basically, they can be divided into the following types:
-reacting to switching on (they are triggered when trying to activate a given sample of an instrument, device. For example, turn on the radio, start the car engine, cock the bolt or lower the hook of the weapon, pick up the telephone receiver, ignite the gas stove);
-unloading action (triggered when trying to lift an object, open a box, box, open a package, etc.);
-reacting to a change in the position of an object with a mine enclosed in it in space (tilt, move, turn, lift, push, etc.);
- inertial action (triggered when the speed of movement of an object with a mine enclosed in it changes, i.e. at the initial moment of movement, acceleration, deceleration);
-photo action (triggered when light is applied to a photosensitive element. For example, when turning on or off electric lighting in a room; when opening a box, a package; when a camera flash lamp is triggered, etc.);
-seismic action (triggered by vibration that occurs when a target approaches (man, machine, etc.));
-acoustic action (triggered when the sensor is exposed to sounds (human voice, engine noise, sounds of shots, etc.));
-thermal action (triggered when the sensor is exposed to heat (heat of the human body, car engine, heater, etc.));
-magnetic action (triggered when exposed to magnetic fields of a machine, metal available to a person, a mine detector, etc.));
- choric action (triggered when a certain value of the volume of a given room is reached. For example, a mine will explode only when at least a certain number of people are gathered in the room.);
-baric action (triggered when reaching a certain pressure of the environment - air, water. For example, a mine will explode when the aircraft reaches a certain height.

Various combinations of target sensors are possible, i.e. in a mine there may be not one, but two to five target sensors, and each of them can trigger the mine independently of the others. Either the mine is triggered only when the sensors are triggered simultaneously, or the triggering of one sensor causes the activation of the other. The options can be very different.

According to the method of causing harm, ML are divided:
- high-explosive (inflicted defeat by the force of an explosion - separation of limbs, destruction of the human body, etc.);
-shatter (inflicted damage with fragments of their hull or ready-made lethal elements (balls, rollers, arrows). Moreover, depending on the shape of the affected area, such mines are divided into mines of circular destruction and mines of directed destruction;
- cumulative (inflicted damage with a cumulative jet).

By the method of installation, booby-traps are divided into:
-set manually (by sappers);
-installed by means of remote mining (missile, aviation, artillery systems).
The main installation method is manual.

According to the recoverability and neutralization of ML, they are divided:
-recoverable neutralized,
-recoverable non-neutralized,
- non-recoverable non-neutralizing.

By the type of explosive used, all MLs belong to mines with a chemical explosive. Mines with nuclear (atomic) explosives are not available in any of the armies in the world.
Booby-traps may or may not have a self-destruct system (self-neutralization).

ML according to the time of bringing them into a combat position are divided into two main groups -
1. They are brought into a combat position immediately after the removal of the safety blocking devices.
2. They are brought into a combat position after the removal of the safety blocking devices after a certain period of time required to remove the miners from the mine to a safe distance (usually from 2 minutes to 72 hours) or leave the area by our troops.

The use of booby traps (surprise mines) is of a special, specific nature. These mines have been and are being used by all belligerent armies and armed groups, albeit in a rather limited way. At the same time, as a rule, the use of ML by their own troops is carefully camouflaged (very often, including from their own servicemen of other military branches), and their use by the enemy is advertised and exaggerated in every possible way. This is due, firstly, to great difficulties in determining the moment when this mining can begin (otherwise, losses may be incurred by their own troops); secondly, it is usually impossible to determine subsequently the effectiveness of mining and the degree of harm to the enemy; thirdly, a significant part of such mines inflict defeat not on enemy soldiers, but on local residents, which in a number of cases is impractical; fourthly, most of the ML is adapted for use in settlements, premises, facilities, and the bulk of combat operations are conducted in the field.

III-6. Special mines. This group includes mines that cannot be more or less unambiguously attributed to any of the above. They are designed to harm the enemy in specific ways.

The following types of special mines are currently known:
- under-ice (designed to destroy the ice cover of water bodies in order to exclude the crossing of enemy troops on the ice);
- anti-minefields (perform the protective task of ordinary minefields, groups of mines, single mines. They are triggered when the mine detector is exposed to the fields of mine detectors (magnetic, radio frequency, laser);
- anti-probe (perform the protective task of ordinary minefields, groups of mines, single mines. They are triggered when the mine probe sensor is touched);
- chemical landmines and mines (created when the zone of contamination with chemical warfare agents is triggered);
-bacteriological (biological) (designed to infect the area with pathogens and create foci of epidemics of dangerous diseases of humans and animals);
-fire landmines (when triggered, they inflict defeat with burning oil products (gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, fuel oil), incendiary mixtures (napalm, pyrogel), solid incendiary substances or mixtures (thermite, phosphorus);
-stone-throwing landmines (when triggered, they inflict damage with stones thrown out by the force of the explosion of a conventional explosive);
- floating (discharged into the river upstream and in contact with a bridge, dam, sluice, floating craft explode).
-Self-propelled mines.

In other respects, special mines are close to anti-tank or anti-personnel mines.
Chemical mines and land mines are currently nowhere in service in connection with the Treaty on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and their appearance in service in the future is highly doubtful. XM were in service with the armies of the USA and Great Britain, they were widely used by them in the Korean War in 1951-53, limitedly in the Vietnam War in 1966-75.

The existence of biological mines is theoretically possible, but the author is not aware of the samples of such mines. Attempts to use bacteriological weapons (including mines) were made by the Japanese during the Second World War in the Pacific theater of operations, by the Americans in the 1951-53 war in Korea, but no encouraging results were achieved. Also attempts were made by France during the war in Algeria in the fifties.

Fire, stone-throwing land mines are often home-made. In service nowhere as standard samples of mines are not included.
The inclusion of anti-mine detection and anti-probe mines in the group of special mines is controversial. The author agrees with the opinion that these mines are more likely to be booby-trapped mines.

Self-propelled mines today are represented only by German self-propelled mines of the "Goliath" type during the Second World War.

There is also quite a lot of ammunition that is difficult to unambiguously attribute to mines. For example, the combined grenade-mine ZMG

Sources of

1. Engineering ammunition. Material and Application Guide. Book one. Military publishing house of the USSR Ministry of Defense. Moscow. 1976
2. Engineering ammunition. Material and Application Guide. Book two. Military publishing house of the USSR Ministry of Defense. Moscow. 1976
3. Engineering ammunition. Material and Application Guide. Book three. Military publishing house of the USSR Ministry of Defense. Moscow. 1977
4. Engineering ammunition. Material and Application Guide. Book four. Military publishing house of the USSR Ministry of Defense. Moscow. 1977
5. BV Varenyshev et al. Textbook. Military engineering training. Military publishing house of the USSR Ministry of Defense. Moscow. 1982
6. ES Kolibernov et al. Handbook of the officer of the engineering troops. Military publishing house of the USSR Ministry of Defense. Moscow. 1989
7. ES Kolibernov and others. Engineering support of the battle. Military publishing house of the USSR Ministry of Defense. Moscow. 1984
8. Guidance on blasting operations. Military publishing house. Moscow. 1969
9. Manual on military engineering for the Soviet Army. Military publishing house. Moscow. 1984
10.V.V. Yakovlev. Fortress history. AST. Moscow. Polygon. St. Petersburg. 2000
11.K. von Tippelskirch. Geshichte des zweiten Weltkrieges. Bonn. 1954.
12. Manual for remote mining in an operation (battle). Military publishing house. Moscow. 1986
13. Collection of engineering ammunition kits. Military publishing house. Moscow. 1988

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