Human well-being. Spiritual dimension. Material wealth and well-being as a stage on the path to yourself

Health is well-being! It must be borne in mind that well-being concerns all aspects of a person’s life, and not just his physical form. A harmonious combination of social, physical, intellectual, career, emotional and spiritual elements in life is necessary. Each of these elements is important in itself and affects all the others. None of them should be neglected if you strive for health and well-being.
To realize health, it is necessary to include such forms of behavior that will make life more prosperous and achieve a high degree of self-realization. Where to begin? Scientists recommend: start with a mindset of well-being! Attitude is a person’s readiness to specific action or to a certain perception of the surrounding reality. Attitude is a higher psychological authority than motivation. The attitude is formed on the basis of motivation under the direct correction of the value system, therefore the same motives different people

can give rise to various attitudes depending on the individual’s value system. Below is advice on how to develop a mindset for well-being, i.e. to your health.
Wellbeing mindset
Our attitude towards life significantly influences our health and well-being. Those who adopt a well-being mindset can expect improved physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. How to create an installation?
1. Make yourself believe that you are the master of your life and destiny. The feeling of helplessness destroys any good motivation and removes responsibility for one’s own health from a person. The belief that you have no control over your life can be a major stressor.
3. Have the courage to face the difficulties of life. Remember that our world is constantly changing and only those people who thrive in it are those who treat these changes as a source of new opportunities. In addition, many situations in life, for example, establishing close relationships (without which, as you understand, full health and well-being are impossible), require us to be able to take risks.
Installation Contents
- Take responsibility for your health. Realize that it is you and your lifestyle that determine the level of your well-being.
- Maintain an optimistic outlook on life. Love life and strive to enjoy it. Optimism is much less stressful than pessimism.
- Be tolerant of own shortcomings and the shortcomings of others. Increased demands on oneself doom a person to inevitable failures. Demanding perfection from others creates difficulties in relationships with people.
- Think more about others than yourself. Self-centered people tend to focus their attention on even the most insignificant problems. They risk being helpless in the face of such insignificant difficulties that other people simply do not pay attention to.
- Always count on health, not illness. Positive expectations tend to come true.

Wellbeing - a holistic approach
Many people are well aware that a person’s well-being depends on his mental and physical health. We cannot analyze the functions of our body without taking into account the influence of the psyche on it, and we cannot consider mental functions without taking into account their biological basis.
Human diseases, the origin of which is believed to be primarily related to consciousness, are sometimes called psychosomatic. The identification of such a group of diseases does not mean that, in contrast to them, there are diseases that are purely physical or purely psychological. Such a division of the human being is impossible; no disease is limited only to the body or only to the psyche.
The holistic approach emphasizes the individual's personal responsibility for their health and well-being. Each of us can and should control our emotions, eat rationally, exercise, deal with stress, participate in public life. Everyone has the power not to drink alcohol or drugs, not to smoke. It is also important that a person's life has a spiritual basis, which gives life meaning.
Personal responsibility for your own health and well-being
The most vigorous efforts of doctors and medical workers cannot guarantee our health. No one can do exercises for us, relax on time, refuse an extra glass of wine and a cigarette. Our health and well-being are the work of our hands. Is it possible to achieve a high level of well-being? Scientists answer this question in the affirmative. Below is the definition of a high level of well-being according to K. Bayer and L. Sheinberg.
High level of well-being
What does it mean to be prosperous? Here are some of the feelings of a person in good health physical fitness. This person could be you too.
- You wake up in the morning fresh, cheerful and confident that you can cope with all the difficulties of the coming day.
- Looking at yourself in the mirror, you notice that you look much better than before, when you didn’t take care of your health. Where did the bags that were always under your eyes go?
- You enjoy your breakfast, consisting of unsweetened milk porridge, fresh fruit or fruit juice. This will easily last you until second breakfast.
- You come to work early to give yourself time to collect your thoughts.
- Your colleagues show up late. Some of them complain about headache, others have a cold and cough. Some don't come at all. Meanwhile, you haven’t been sick for several months now.
- The day is going well. There are enough difficulties, but you can easily cope with them.
- Although you are busy, you still have time for have a good second breakfast at work and a pleasant walk.
- After work, you enjoy vigorous exercise and then have a light lunch.
In the past, you would have spent the whole evening drinking, but you like how you feel now more than before.
- Using the money you saved by quitting smoking, you and your friend go to the cinema to watch a new film that has been reviewed so well in the press. The film captivates you, and you remember that in the past you used to fall asleep during evening screenings.
- When you return home, you lie down and immediately fall into a restful sleep.

Well-being is the pleasure of long, eventful days. It creates for us physical strength and mental energy, allows you to cope with all problems. At the same time, there is still a sufficient supply of energy for evening entertainment. Does this appeal to you? This is an achievable goal. In recent years, millions of people of all ages have given up bad habits and are enjoying life more than ever.

Factors influencing well-being
Human well-being depends on many factors, including social, physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual.

Social factors
People are social creatures, and social structure any society significantly affects our well-being. The level of well-being can be high only when a person has opportunities for self-realization, when he is guaranteed good living conditions, education and medical care.
An important factor influencing well-being is undoubtedly the ability to build relationships with other people. You need to learn to create a friendly, warm atmosphere around yourself. We must also be confident enough in ourselves if we expect to receive respect in return.

Physical factors
Physical factors underlie our well-being. The most important among them are heredity, condition environment, food quality and physical activity.
Data recent years indicate the significant influence of heredity on almost all aspects of our physical and mental health. But this does not give us the right to abdicate responsibility for our own health. On the contrary, having a predisposition to certain diseases, such as alcoholism or diabetes, should encourage us to lead a lifestyle that will reduce the likelihood of developing the disease.
The state of the environment directly affects people's well-being. Even the healthiest living habits cannot completely compensate for the effects of polluted air or water. But each of us is responsible for the environment in which we live. Convince your friends, encourage politicians and industrial corporations take care to maintain a healthy living environment.

Intellectual factor
Can't lead healthy image life without knowing what it is. And although knowledge in itself does not encourage correct behavior, familiarity with the principles of a healthy lifestyle helps us do right choice. One of the purposes of this manual is to provide you with relevant knowledge.

Professional success
A person's career can have a huge impact on their well-being. Satisfying work allows a person to achieve self-realization, strengthens self-esteem, increases cash income, provides social guarantees. Working in an unsuitable environment this person sphere serves as a source of stress, depression, decline and, therefore, can have a destructive effect on his body.

Emotional factor
Despite a certain genetic determination of personal qualities, each of us decides for ourselves how to cope with life's difficulties. Whether we learn to overcome them courageously or take alcohol as our assistant is, ultimately, on our conscience.
Certain attitudes contribute to achieving well-being. The main thing among them is awareness of the need to manage your life (without expecting complete control of all life circumstances), maintaining a positive outlook on life and improving health.

Spiritual factor
Spirituality is an important component well-being. Without perceiving yourself as part of the universe, without thinking about your purpose, without feeling responsible for the well-being of other people, you are unlikely to be able to be prosperous yourself.

Your great-grandmother probably gave your grandmother a lot good advice regarding health. Seven rules that have long been part of folk wisdom, have been repeatedly confirmed by modern researchers. People for whom following these rules have become a habit are, on average, healthier than those who neglect them.
1. Eat a variety of foods, eat regularly and be sure to have breakfast. (Your great-grandmothers did not know about the need to limit their intake of salt, sugar and fat, but of course you know that this is good advice)
2. Don't snack between meals.
3. Hold ideal weight- Don't be too thin or too fat.
4. Sleep seven or eight hours a night.
5. Don't smoke.
6. Drink alcohol very moderately or not at all.
7. Exercise intensely.
We all know that such behavior really helps to maintain health. Why do so few people follow these rules, because they seem so simple? How to force yourself to lead a healthy lifestyle? To do this, you need to create a mindset for a healthy lifestyle.

Creating a mindset for a healthy lifestyle
Encouraging people to lead a healthy lifestyle is a difficult, if not impossible, task. You can explain to a person the need for some action, but it is very difficult to force him to act. Doctors, narcologists, and teachers constantly encounter this in their professional activities. Knowing what a healthy lifestyle is is one thing, but living it is another.
According to the laws of psychology, we tend to repeat those behaviors that bring pleasure and avoid actions that lead to trouble. Unfortunately, the consequences of healthy or unhealthy behavior often seem unrelated. Moreover, actions that are harmful to health can lead to a short time quite a pleasant feeling. Choosing a healthy lifestyle requires a high level of understanding and commitment. How can you create this interest?
IN in general terms To motivate any form of behavior, two things are necessary: ​​the goal must be perceived as worth the effort and achievable. It can be distinguished by at least, four factors essential for motivating a healthy lifestyle:
1) knowledge of what behaviors contribute to our well-being and why;
2) the desire to be the master of your life - the belief that healthy behavior will actually produce positive results;
I) positive attitude to life - a view of life as a holiday to be enjoyed;
4) a developed sense of self-respect, the awareness that you are worthy of enjoying all the best that life has to offer you.

How can you force yourself to adjust your behavior so as to achieve a high level of well-being?

Behavior change
One of your life goals is to encourage you to lead a healthy lifestyle. This can be challenging because bad habits become deeply rooted and can be difficult to give up. We will try to teach you how to cope with such difficulties.

Set specific, realistic goals First, determine what exactly you would like to achieve regarding your health. Set a realistic goal for yourself; achieving it will give you the confidence you need in the future. Don't try to solve any serious problem right away. If, for example, you need to lose weight, try to lose 1 kg first, which is not too difficult to achieve. When you succeed, put next goal- lose another 3 kg, and so on. In all human endeavors, success breeds success.

Achieving a goal takes time
You must understand that achieving a worthwhile goal is always associated with certain difficulties. If you take two steps forward and one step back along the way, you are still moving in the right direction, but if you dramatize this forced step back, you are unlikely to achieve your goal. Only very few people manage to solve any problem in life. important task without stepping back. Be optimistic, remember that perfection is, in principle, an unattainable goal.

Reward yourself
One of the most important laws of psychology states that only the type of behavior that is followed by reinforcement is reinforced. Of course, good health is the best reward for a person for giving up bad habits, but, as we have already mentioned, this reward, as a rule, is too far removed in time from a good deed to serve as reinforcement for it. Being cancer-free ten years after quitting smoking is certainly great, but it's not the kind of reward that can strengthen your commitment to not smoking.

Do something nice for yourself, reward yourself for the most modest successes: for getting rid of 2 kg of excess weight, for a week of regular exercise, for a month without alcohol. Your reward should be something that gives you pleasure. This could be a new CD, a book, a jumper or something completely different that you really like. For larger achievements on the path to a healthy lifestyle, you can come up with a more significant reward.

How to maintain a mindset of well-being? We all know people who, in an effort to improve their health, changed their behavior briefly and then returned to their old habits. To maintain the mindset of achieving well-being for a long time, you should first concentrate on the feeling Have a good mood and secondly, use positive examples(reinforcement). Regarding the first: think more often about how much healthier you are now that you exercise, eat right, don't smoke, etc. Be proud of what you have achieved. And regarding the second: it is known that many of our bad habits are the result of the influence of others. Rarely does anyone drink their first drink, smoke their first cigarette, or try a drug for the first time alone. Almost always these behaviors are provoked by the behavior of others. Today, society’s attitude towards people’s health should be different; it should help overcome unhealthy habits. Encouragement and support from friends and family can provide effective reinforcement of the desired outcome. It would be nice to find among your friends or colleagues who also want to, for example, quit smoking, lose weight or exercise. It is easier to do this together, because in a group you support each other.

Active people who create opportunities for themselves push passive people in the back, depending on the circumstances.

The first ones roll this world. The second complain: “God, where is the world coming to!”

The absolute majority are bearers of the rules of “thinking” and behavior. Everyone knows their life scenario.

The answers to all the questions are already known: whether to go to university, when it’s time to get married, how many children to have, what one aspires to, and even when it’s time to die. All this is a stone that a person rolls without thinking.

The point is not to live without a stone - it's about which stone you like so much that you voluntarily roll it.

The majority do not live well because they are pushed by the “unfortunate stone”


The life scenario limits their development and becomes a barrier to a happy, balanced and driven life. Get a diploma, find a job, get married early, take care of your pension - the “lucky stone” under the Soviet Union - now this is voluntary slavery. By imposing such a life, the Soviet generation is ruining more than one happy person. In order not to sag under a vile stone, but to choose your own and roll it into joy, you need to find and replace false ideas about yourself and the world - to regain your freedom of choice..

Well-being formula We can always live better, there is always room to grow - 100% today, in a month it will be 90%. Evaluate yourself fairly - without exceeding your expectations. For ease of assessment, build your own Kovalev Well-Being Star. Average score will determine your place in

conditional rating 60% If you scored 100%, then you are from a rare cohort of lucky people who are satisfied with all aspects of life. You are an absolutely prosperous “prince”, for whom it is enough to maintain the existing environmental comfort on a personal and social level. Ready princes “with a quality mark” – units. We dialed ? The person can be conditionally congratulated; he is among the tribe of “extreme mercenaries” - the absolute majority..

They exist according to the principle: 20% “It’s not all that great, but at least I’m not starving.” “For now, I am a classic frog, inclined to blame life, the world and those around me on all mortals, running away from responsibility to myself, like from the arrow of Ivan the Fool. I live by the motto: “You need and can live in such a way that you don’t want to anymore.” The frogs have a tough job ahead of them. But with a sincere desire for change, knowledge weak points

and the availability of tools for change - they have every opportunity not to lie like a “cake” under the stone of life.

True well-being The Kovalev Star method is one of the possibilities to find a way out of the impasse. This is not a self-assembled tablecloth, not a path leading to religious dogmas, and not a sacred

esoteric practice

with elements of magic. There is work to be done here. You already have all the necessary tools to achieve your goal. As Kovalev states: “Our ideas about ourselves, others and the world are self-justifying prophecies and self-fulfilling predictions.” If you sincerely believe that everything is a mess, everyone is an asshole, and you are a loser, quickly change your ideas.

What you see every day is what is in your life. Start paying attention to the new, and look at the old in a new way.

If there is order in the world somewhere, then there is chaos, but not everywhere..

If your

close friend

  • If he’s not an asshole, then there will probably be a couple more “non-assholes” like him.
  • 2. The next reason for healthy well-being is the ability to adapt to changing conditions. This is one of the laws of biology, which states that every living organism, encountering a constantly changing environment, must adapt to it for its survival. To be sufficiently protected, a person needs to instill confidence in his ability to assimilate any changing living conditions. In this case, a person can look into the future not with fear, but with confidence and interest. This is evidence of a high level of emotional well-being.
  • 3. The formation of emotional well-being actively involves a person’s ability to effectively satisfy his needs and the ability to compensate for those that cannot be satisfied at home. this moment or even. A person masters ways to satisfy various needs in the course of life. Each person must determine what exactly he needs and the degree of this need. Misunderstanding or denial of one's needs makes a person unhappy. You can achieve high material well-being and position in society, but still not feel happy, since the basic needs for love and warmth from others remain unsatisfied. Some people withdraw from awareness of these issues or even deny them out of fear of rejection.
  • 4. Emotional well-being implies a person’s confidence that he himself is largely in control of his life. Happy man realizes the limitations of his freedom, since he understands that there are certain aspects that do not depend on him, and therefore does not strive to subordinate everything to his will, so as not to experience disappointment.
  • 5. Psychologically well-off people are independent, able to make their own decisions, plan their lives and follow their own plans. On the contrary, emotionally immature people find it difficult to make decisions. It is important to understand that complete independence does not exist; moreover, everyone also needs a certain degree of dependence. For example, love relationships involve mutual dependence, and without it one of the most basic human needs will not be satisfied.
  • 6. Regardless of whether a person’s life is successful or unsuccessful, there inevitably comes a moment when some of the desires are unsatisfied. An emotionally healthy person can always find suitable way cope with disappointment. Thus, emotional well-being depends on a person’s ability to actively overcome life’s disappointments, troubles associated with stress, and through action, and not through alcoholism or drug addiction.
  • 7. A sign of a person's emotional well-being is the ability to care for other people. Through caring for oneself, a person fulfills the genetic program of caring for others. A selfish person, as a rule, is unhappy, because he has more unsatisfied and insatiable needs than others.
  • 8. Important characteristic emotional well-being is the quality of relationships people have with each other. Emotionally healthy people love other people, believe, trust them and expect and receive the same attitude towards themselves. They feel that they belong to the entire community of people. Of course, before a person learns to love others, he must learn to respect and love himself.
  • 9. Emotional well-being is inextricably linked to the ability to create, work effectively and receive satisfaction from the work done.

The listed series of indicators of emotional well-being cannot be completed completely. In general, psychological optimal well-being has no limit, therefore, there is always room for improvement in the inextricably linked quality of a person’s life. Judging by the core indicators of emotional well-being, we can say that mental health largely determines our overall well-being. Thus, health depends on many factors, but each of them has its own psychological implications. A multifactorial approach is needed in the study of health.

What does human well-being mean, and how to achieve it?

Many dictionaries write that human well-being is a life filled with smooth and joyful events. For a prosperous person, all things go smoothly, without any straining effort. Luck, prosperity, wealth, success, prosperity; - these are the components that shape human well-being.

Personal well-being is compared to such a big concept as happiness. A happy person has material wealth, a healthy physical body, friendly social connections and mutual love. Such an example of the sweet life. Are you like this?

Perhaps you are missing something to be completely happy?

Usually people think: “For complete happiness, I would like now...”, and everyone has their own list. Some people lack money, some lack health, and others love relationship. At such a moment, a person feels flawed, inferior, deprived, and from here various psychological complexes grow; “What if I don’t have enough...”, “I won’t have time...”, “I’m not worthy of this...”.

Let's stop and think, what charge does our body and the surrounding space receive from such thoughts? It can hardly be called positive. And here lies the line that separates a prosperous person from one who considers himself disadvantaged.

A prosperous person initially has a psychology of well-being. This psychology allows him to see in “non-existent” circumstances a positive growth in his development. He mentally develops a plan for achieving his goal, thinking through it step by step. His actions towards implementation become motivated because he sees in this a certain life game. Internal state, a prosperous person, is filled with an invisible force that gives him the determination to act. It is through action that a person achieves well-being.

Actions are divided into physical and mental (mental). Yes, thoughts influence the result no less than physical activity, scientists all over the world talk about this.

Now many countries have psychologists on sports teams and clubs for psychological training for victory. Here video training of trainers. Many training programs are offered on the Internet for the development positive thinking. And all this in order to form a fertile inner mood of the psyche, which gives rise to human well-being.

To achieve prosperity in life, it is enough to tune your thoughts to gracious thinking. You need to detect negative thoughts in time, learn to neutralize them, and replace them with good and good thoughts.

It seems that everything is simple, but in reality, to become prosperous and successful, you need to make a lot of effort. At first, everything does not work out the way you want, but later, with a certain persistence, the desired subjective well-being of a person is built! Verified.

They say that only a person can create a feeling of complete peace and immense happiness in his soul. Since the time of their appearance on Earth, people have been looking for an answer to the question: “What is the meaning of life? How to become happy? And this is natural. The concept of happiness is closely related to satisfaction with one’s destiny, necessary conditions which are factors of well-being. It refers to various areas human life and involves a harmonious combination of its individual elements: emotional, social, intellectual, physical, spiritual and career.

Family is a reliable support

No one will argue with this. Happiness necessarily includes social well-being. Close people play a big role here, giving us psychological support. These are marital and intrafamily relationships, friendships.

The family serves as support and support. Here a person is charged with strength and positive energy. Friends help him achieve his goals and enjoy pleasant moments amid the daily routine. The one who has no quarrels and discord in the house, who is surrounded loving people, encouraging his growth and development, is the true master of his destiny. His life is filled with communication, love, success and mutual support. Social well-being is the strong foundation of relationships and love that everyone wants to build.

The sun colors the earth, and man's labor

One of the main factors of moral satisfaction is the availability of work. This concept often becomes a dilemma: what should come first - professional activity or family? Not only the fact of paid and decent work is important, but also its psychological side in terms of diversity, meaningfulness and independence of work, its social value and emotional climate. Professional activity in conditions of unhealthy relationships with colleagues or management has never brought pleasure to anyone.

He who does not work does not rest

Speaking about work, we should not forget about leisure. Handicrafts, conducting leisure, visiting cafes, restaurants, clubs, museums, concerts, theaters, exhibitions, cinema... This list can be continued endlessly. Hobbies are opportunities for self-expression, space for activity, communication with like-minded people and a kind of outlet. Sometimes it is more important than work. In theory, wealthy people have more opportunities to do what they love, but in reality this is not always the case. Some people don’t have enough free time, others simply don’t need it. The ability to choose, as well as the state of well-being, is the determining factor.

Money - freedom or fetters?

IN modern world A full life is unthinkable without a good income. Comfortable housing, necessary household items, household appliances, varied and healthy diet, quality education and even medical care, not to mention recreation - all this, whatever one may say, comes down to money! Financial condition determines most of the opportunities to realize your desires. Material well-being cannot be called successful if there are not enough funds to satisfy basic basic needs.

It would seem that what else is needed for happiness when there is financial security? How many people work all day long with one goal - to increase deposits in bank accounts and improve their material well-being! Sometimes there is no time left for family and communication with friends. However, no matter how money is connected with satisfying needs and social status, they influence human well-being up to certain limits. With a busy schedule and stress, nervous breakdowns and depression are inevitable. And what then is happiness?

How to attract prosperity?

It so happens that money plays an important role in life. It's not easy to be poor and happy. In order to receive all benefits, including material ones, people from time immemorial have honored and passed on to new generations various traditions and rituals to attract positive energies into the family and home. They believed in certain signs and chose their symbol of well-being.

To a new family

The home represents the harmony and well-being of the family. In this regard, a very beautiful and touching ceremony is held at weddings. Mothers of newlyweds pass a piece of fire to the newly-made keeper of the hearth, lighting her candle, symbolizing family warmth. At this moment, sincere words and good wishes sound, giving farewell to the young husband and wife for a long and happy life. Music plays, the lights are dimmed, and small round candles are distributed to all guests in advance. Standing with lit lights around the young woman, everyone says kind words. The presenter ends her speech with a wish for the newlyweds to carry warmth, love, unity and warmth through all the years of their happy marriage. According to custom, the bride takes the candles as a keepsake, as a sign of a warm home and saving the family from adversity.

By the way, an orange promises a successful marriage and abundance. According to Feng Shui, four fresh fruits or dummies should be placed in the family area. This will help attract a future husband, and a rich one at that. Eating oranges helps attract love.

To a new home

Upon check-in new house superstitious people first let a cat into the apartment. This is done to ensure that none of the residents becomes a victim of the new building. It is common for a cat to take on negative energy. In the old days, noble people walled up commoners in castles to save their loved ones from misfortune. So, intuitively, some older people are reluctant to change their home to a new home.

Any housewife knows that the smell of pies in a new home guarantees well-being, homeliness, comfort, peace and quiet.

It is believed that a stray dog ​​that strays brings wealth and well-being to the homeowners, and if you drive it away, you cannot avoid trouble. Figurines and figurines of a person's faithful friend attract good luck. Some install them in apartments and even offices to protect against unkind people.

To protect the house from material problems, they grow Money Tree. Goldfish figurines also activate the energy of wealth. Another popular attribute of happiness, wealth, fun and prosperity is the laughing Buddha or Hottei. There is a belief that if you rub his belly 300 times, your deepest wish will certainly come true. Other prosperity and good luck in the home include a horseshoe, an elephant, a butterfly, a deer, a horse, a ficus, a pair of doves, and a pair of mandarin ducks.

How to activate the symbol of well-being?

In order for attributes to “work”, they must be used correctly. For example, a three-legged toad should not be placed in the kitchen (it’s hot there) or in the bedroom (it’s a sleepy atmosphere). The elephant is placed so that with its trunk it draws positive energy and all good things into the house from the street. When a horseshoe is hung on a door, its “horns” are directed upward so that it resembles a bowl, which in turn also symbolizes well-being. In Russia, for some reason, this is done the other way around and leads to the opposite - losses and ruin. Moreover, true happiness comes from accidentally finding a horseshoe on the road.

If you believe the legend, then the Devil in the form of a horse took out one blacksmith and imposed dark thoughts and deeds on him. But he ran into the wrong thing... The peasant did not fall for the tricks, managed to “shoe” the demon, and then nailed a horseshoe to his door so that the “horned” one would remember the lesson he had learned. It was customary to hang horseshoes at the entrance to scare away evil spirits.

Chinese lanterns

The spectacle invented by the Chinese - the launching of multi-colored lanterns into the sky - fascinates and puts you in a good mood. People make wishes. It seems to them that even the world is becoming cleaner and kinder. Watching twinkling lights float away into the abyss starry sky or towards the sun and taking away negativity, brings prosperity and success.

Children - the meaning or flowers of life?

Adults are in a hurry somewhere, striving for something and constantly achieving something. With all this, for many of them the main reason for existence is children. This controversial issue. Someone constantly talks about the desire to give the child the best, everything that the parent himself did not have in childhood. And there are those who take the position of “giving the best to children as much as possible,” or even not spoiling them at all, so as not to raise an egoist.

To ensure the well-being of children, parents should first create a happy family life as an example to your children. When they grow up, they will repeat the family model in their personal lives. There is no need to exist as a sacrifice to yourself. Do not forget that a parent must have personal space, interests and the opportunity for self-improvement. It is necessary to create conditions for choice and development for children. It is best to find some balance in order to remain an authority and role model for your descendants in the future.

Wise parable

One cheerful sage met on his way a man who could hardly drag his feet, carrying a huge, unbearable burden. When asked by a passerby what he was doing, the poor man replied that he was dooming himself to torture for the sake of the happiness of his children and grandchildren, following the example of his ancestors. Then the sage asked if at least one of them had ever been happy in the family. The exhausted father replied that there was no, but his grandchildren and children would definitely live decent life! From the elder he received the following answer: “A person who does not know how to read will never teach him to read, and no mole can raise an eagle. First you need to learn to accept the gift of well-being yourself, and when you know the happiness of life, then you will understand how to give it to your future descendants!” Agree, many of us have never thought about this. People do not live, but exist, driving themselves crazy

Physical well-being

Successful and intellectual developed person knows how to maintain his health. Useful habits, healthy lifestyle, work, rest and nutrition. Such people are happy with their lives and are full of plans; they always have enough energy to realize their plans.


At first glance, it seems impossible to have all the factors and conditions for achieving well-being. This is quite realistic, because all components can complement or compensate for each other. Having a favorite profession, a person earns money, finds his calling, specific goals in life, and some even inspire their friends to do great things in life.

Moreover, sometimes two lonely hearts find each other in the same organization or collide while performing official duties. Some people in happy marriage don't need comrades.

Religious beliefs can help cope with a serious illness, giving a positive attitude and acceptance of the situation. This only proves that you need to believe and hope for prosperity, without postponing happiness for later. It has been noticed that a person receives real satisfaction from material things when he can be happy without them.

What else to read