Famous people of South America. Famous places in South America. Singers and musicians


First place in the Top 10 attractions of South America is rightfully occupied by the foggy city of Machu Picchu, or Old Mountain in the language of the Quechua Indians, covered in legends and myths. Mysterious ruins that everyone dreams of seeing, whose heart in their youth skipped a beat from breathtaking stories about the mysterious civilizations of the past. Machu Picchu consists of two sectors - urban and agricultural. In the city you can see the main attractions of this place: the Temple of the Three Windows, the Stone of the Sun and the House of Nobles made of polished granite. This city is a living symbol ancient history

Peru.Machu Picchu - city15th century,located on a mountain ridge at an altitude of 2,430 metersabove sea level V Urubamba province, 80 kilometers northwest of another South American landmark, the city


2. Galapagos Islands (Ecuador)

Each of us knows Charles Darwin and his Theory of Evolution; it was the Galapagos Islands that prompted Charles Darwin to think about the Theory of Evolution.Although the islands of the Galapagos archipelago are located 1000 kilometers from mainland Ecuador, they are a real attraction of South America. The archipelago consists of 127 islands, islets and rocks, of which 19 are large.97% of the total surface of the Galapagos is declared a national park and only the remaining 3% of the territory can be inhabited by humans and only these 3 percent of the territory is open to tourists.

About 30,000 people live on the islands and about 170 thousand tourists visit the islands every year.

It is home to amazing animals such as giant tortoises, marine iguanas and Darwin's finches.

3. Amazon Rainforest This landmark of South America is located in several countries, but mainly in Brazil. Amazon forests make up more than half of those remaining on the planet tropical forests and are considered real lungs

planets also contain the largest and most biodiverse ecosystem in the world. More than 16,000 species of animals live in the forests.

4. Angel Falls (Venezuela)

Unfortunately, this truly majestic waterfall is located in the impenetrable jungle in not the most welcoming country in the world; it can only be reached by river or by air.

5. Atacama Desert (Chile)

The Atacama Desert is the oldest desert on Earth, and it is also the driest place in the world, which is especially noticeable in the vicinity of the abandoned city of Yungay. The average rainfall is about 15 mm per year, and some places have never had any moisture. Such unique characteristics were formed due to two factors, their high location and occurrence between two mountain ranges, which impedes the flow of water masses.

6. Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)

In 6th place in our Top 10 attractions of South America is the most famous and famous city in South America, namely the magnificent Rio de Janeiro or simply Rio. If you want to feel the spirit of this continent, feel its atmosphere, Rio will give you this opportunity, thanks to its enchanting carnivals and cosmopolitan Copacabana beach.

7. Colca Canyon (Peru)

Colca Canyon is one of the deepest canyons in the world, its depth is more than 3000 meters and it is twice as deep as the most famous canyon in the world, the Grand Canyon in the USA.

8. Los National ParkGlaciares (Argentina)

Biggest national park in Argentina, takes an honorable 8th place in the Top 10 attractions in South America. This amazingly beautiful place amazes with its majesty; here you understand the insignificance of man and the power of nature.

Los Glaciares is home to the largest ice cap in the world, feeding 47 large glaciers.The most famous of them is the Perito Moreno glacier,unique among glaciers in that it advances while others retreat.The park is also home to Lake Argentino, the largest in the country.

9. Pantanal (Brazil)

Brazil contains the largest wetlands - the Pantanal, or simply put, swamps, but these swamps are home to one of the richest ecosystems in the world. Among the rarest animals inhabiting the wetlands of the Pantanal are the swamp deer, the giant river otter, crested hermit eagle, giant anteater and Paraguayan caiman. The Pantanal is home to one of the most large predators on the ground, jaguar.

10. Quito (Ecuador)

In 10th place in our Top 10 attractions of South America is the capital of Ecuador, Quito; it is truly unique among all the capitals of the world.This is the highest capital in the world and was founded by the Spaniards in the distant1534, but the city is unique not because of its location above sea level, but because of the well-preserved, colorful old colonial city of Quito. It is here that you can feel the spirit of the colonialists of South America.

Located in the northern highlands of Ecuador, the city is surrounded by volcanoes that can be seen on a clear day.Quito is the only capital in the world that is threatened by active volcanoes.

The South American continent is rich in unique natural monuments. Selecting the 10 most famous geographical sites in South America is not an easy task, since there are many more outstanding landscape complexes there. Many of them, preserving their centuries-old pristine nature, are under the protection of UNESCO.
And yet, let’s try to highlight the most popular and world famous South American geographical features.

Andes (Andean Cordillera)

South America is the only continent that is penetrated from north to south by a single mountain range, rich in volcanoes and largest glaciers. Her name is Andes. Stretching over more than 7.3 thousand km, it gives rise to most of the continent’s rivers. Continuing in North America, The Andes pass into the United States in a ridge called the Cordillera. The peaks of the Andes amaze with their beauty. Their highest point is the 6960-meter peak of Aconcagua (Argentina), although in this mountain range there are dozens of peaks over 6000 meters.


This region, known to us from the novels of Jules Verne, stretches 1,600 km between the Andes and the Atlantic Ocean at the southern tip of the continent, south of the Rio Negro River. Harsh rocks interspersed with majestic deep gorges, arid but no less attractive plateaus, glaciers sparkling in the sun do not leave anyone indifferent.

Guiana Highlands

A real Conan Doyle “lost world” with its amazing exotic plants and unique fauna. The plateau stretches for almost 1,600 km between the south of Venezuela and the north of Brazil. The highlight of this tropical area is the cascade the most beautiful rivers and waterfalls. The highest point is Roraima Peak (2810 m).

Amazon lowland

The main feature of the Amazon is the largest in the world a tropical forest, covering the Amazon River basin. It is located between the Andes in the west and the Atlantic in the east, the Guiana Highlands in the north and the Brazilian Plateau in the south. Is different a huge amount tributaries of the deep river in the world and extreme humidity.


This picturesque fertile plain in the north of the continent, with an area of ​​more than 580 thousand km², is divided almost in half by Colombia and Venezuela. Its fertility is ensured by the high-water Orinoco River and its numerous tributaries. The Llanos are characterized by vast, gently sloping flat areas, cut by river beds, along which gallery forests grow.


Among all the geographical objects of South America, the pampa (an area of ​​almost 762 thousand km²) is famous primarily for its agricultural, mainly pastoral, capabilities. There are many large ranches where elite cattle are bred (world-famous Argentine beef). But crop production is also honored here. This is facilitated by fertile reddish-black soils, the basis for the formation of which were volcanic rocks. There are also large wild steppes and pastures, which, however, often lack moisture. And the farther from Atlantic Ocean and closer to the Andes, the pampa completely turns into arid semi-deserts.

Tierra del Fuego and Cape Horn

It is the southernmost archipelago of South America and therefore has a harsh, cold climate and frequent severe storms. The reason is the proximity of Antarctica. The archipelago was named Tierra del Fuego in 1520 by the legendary Ferdinand Magellan, who, sailing by, mistook the distant fires of the Indians for the lights of active volcanoes. Well, the southernmost point of South America is the thundering Cape Horn, which is part of the archipelago. Traveling past it along the Drake Passage is still the lot of the bravest and most desperate.


This is the name given to the world's largest swamp, which is located in the southwest of Brazil, as well as partially in Paraguay and Bolivia. Its size is staggering: about 195 thousand km² of area in the Paraguay River basin! Despite its not very attractive status, the Pantanal with its unique flora and fauna is a real find for scientists and tourists.

Atacama Plateau

In fact, it is one of the most famous deserts in South America. Stretching high in the Chilean Andes, 1000 km long and 160 km wide, it is one of the rare deserts on our planet where there is never any rainfall. If we add here the extremely harsh mountain climate, we get the image of a completely inconvenient environment for human life territories. Meanwhile, numerous mines are actively working here, where local residents copper, saltpeter, iodine are mined, table salt. For particularly adventurous tourists who will have to overcome a difficult path, there are still several “highlights”: small picturesque lakes and beautiful salt deposits in the mountains.

The largest waterfalls on the continent

Here two waterfalls attract attention: the highest in the world, Angel (height - 1054 m) and one of the most beautiful on the planet, Iguazu. The waters of Angel, named after the pilot James Angel who discovered it in 1933, fall from the completely steep slopes of the Auyan Tepui plateau. The outstanding characteristics of the waterfall were highly appreciated in 1994, when it, together with the Canaima National Park, where this wonder of the world is located, was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The South American continent is rich in unique natural monuments. Selecting the 10 most famous geographical sites in South America is not an easy task, since there are many more outstanding landscape complexes there. Many of them, preserving their centuries-old pristine nature, are under the protection of UNESCO.

And yet, let’s try to highlight the most popular and world-famous South American geographical objects.

Mountains and highlands of South America

The longest mountain ranges in the world are located here.

Andes (Andean Cordillera)

South America is the only continent that is pierced from north to south by a single mountain range, rich in volcanoes and largest glaciers. Her name is Andes. Stretching over more than 7.3 thousand km, it gives rise to most of the continent’s rivers. Continuing in North America, the Andes pass into the United States in a ridge called the Cordillera. The peaks of the Andes amaze with their beauty. Their highest point is the 6960-meter peak of Aconcagua (Argentina), although in this mountain range there are dozens of peaks over 6000 meters.


This region, known to us from the novels of Jules Verne, stretches 1,600 km between the Andes and the Atlantic Ocean at the southern tip of the continent, south of the Rio Negro River. Harsh rocks interspersed with majestic deep gorges, arid but no less attractive plateaus, glaciers sparkling in the sun do not leave anyone indifferent.

Guiana Highlands

A real Conan Doyle “lost world” with its amazing exotic plants and unique fauna. The plateau stretches for almost 1,600 km between the south of Venezuela and the north of Brazil. The highlight of this tropical area is a cascade of beautiful rivers and waterfalls. The highest point is Roraima Peak (2810 m).

South American lowlands and plains

The geography of the continent would be incomplete without mentioning these vast territories.

Amazon lowland

The main feature of the Amazon is the world's largest tropical forest, covering the Amazon River basin. It is located between the Andes in the west and the Atlantic in the east, the Guiana Highlands in the north and the Brazilian Plateau in the south. It is distinguished by a huge number of tributaries of the deepest river in the world and extreme humidity.


This picturesque fertile plain in the north of the continent, with an area of ​​more than 580 thousand km², is divided almost in half by Colombia and Venezuela. Its fertility is ensured by the high-water Orinoco River and its numerous tributaries. The Llanos are characterized by vast, gently sloping flat areas, cut by river beds, along which gallery forests grow.


Among all the geographical objects of South America, the pampa (an area of ​​almost 762 thousand km²) is famous primarily for its agricultural, mainly pastoral, capabilities. There are many large ranches where elite cattle are bred (world-famous Argentine beef). But crop production is also honored here. This is facilitated by fertile reddish-black soils, the basis for the formation of which were volcanic rocks. There are also large wild steppes and pastures, which, however, often lack moisture. And the further from the Atlantic Ocean and closer to the Andes, the pampa completely turns into arid semi-deserts.

Selected Geographical Features of Particular Interest

The South American continent, in addition to integral geographical complexes, is also known for the most interesting natural objects. Many of them are under the protection of UNESCO.

Tierra del Fuego and Cape Horn

It is the southernmost archipelago of South America and therefore has a harsh, cold climate and frequent severe storms. The reason is the proximity of Antarctica. The archipelago was named Tierra del Fuego in 1520 by the legendary Ferdinand Magellan, who, sailing by, mistook the distant fires of the Indians for the lights of active volcanoes. Well, the southernmost point of South America is the thundering Cape Horn, which is part of the archipelago. Traveling past it along the Drake Passage is still the lot of the bravest and most desperate.


This is the name given to the world's largest swamp, which is located in the southwest of Brazil, as well as partially in Paraguay and Bolivia. Its size is staggering: about 195 thousand km² of area in the Paraguay River basin! Despite its not very attractive status, the Pantanal with its unique flora and fauna is a real find for scientists and tourists.

Atacama Plateau

In fact, it is one of the most famous deserts in South America. Stretching high in the Chilean Andes, 1000 km long and 160 km wide, it is one of the rare deserts on our planet where there is never any rainfall. If we add here the extremely harsh mountain climate, we get the image of a territory that is completely inconvenient for human life. Meanwhile, numerous mines are actively working here, where local residents extract copper, saltpeter, iodine, and table salt. For particularly adventurous tourists who will have to overcome a difficult path, there are still several “highlights”: small picturesque lakes and beautiful salt deposits in the mountains.

The largest waterfalls on the continent

Here two waterfalls attract attention: the highest in the world, Angel (height - 1054 m) and one of the most beautiful on the planet, Iguazu. The waters of Angel, named after the pilot James Angel who discovered it in 1933, fall from the completely steep slopes of the Auyan Tepui plateau. The outstanding characteristics of the waterfall were highly appreciated in 1994, when it, together with the Canaima National Park, where this wonder of the world is located, was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

It is South America that is home to many animals and plants that are now distributed throughout the world. These lands were once inhabited by numerous Indian tribes, but European colonialists destroyed the culture of many of them, trying to reshape the new lands in their own way. Some corners of the South American continent are still practically unexplored due to their inaccessibility, and, quite possibly, they still hide many secrets.

Facts about South America

  • Part of the South American continent is located in the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth.
  • South America is often called Latin America, which is completely wrong. South America is geographical definition, and Latin - ethnographic.
  • In all South American countries except Brazil, Suriname and Guyana, Spanish has state status.
  • The largest city in South America is the Brazilian metropolis of Sao Paulo ().
  • Most South American countries are unsafe to some extent, especially big cities. The most crime-free country on the continent is the Republic of Chile.
  • South America is home to the world's wettest locality- Colombian town of Buenaventura.
  • An interesting fact: the driest of the hot deserts in the world, the Chilean Atacama ().
  • South America is home to the highest capital in the world, La Paz. Strictly speaking, the city of Sucre is officially considered the capital of Bolivia, but de facto it is La Paz that performs this function.
  • The total area of ​​South America is only slightly larger than the area of ​​Russia.
  • Four times live in China more people than on the entire South American continent ().
  • Among all South American countries, the population of Peru is the least educated. Every tenth Peruvian is not literate.
  • The Amazon flows through South America greatest river peace. And beneath it, at a depth of many kilometers, flows the largest underground river in the world.
  • The first European to visit South America was Christopher Columbus ().
  • Only on this continent do anacondas live, largest snakes in the world.
  • The most popular sport in all South American countries without exception is football. Thus, the Brazilian national team holds the record for the number of victories at the World Championships.
  • Guiana is located in South America, de jure part of France. Even the euro is in use here.
  • There are a total of 12 independent countries on this continent, the largest of which are Brazil and Argentina.
  • Venezuela's Lake Maracaibo is the largest among the Earth's lakes, as well as the second oldest - it is many millions of years old.
  • South America is home to the world's tallest waterfall, Angel Falls. Its waters cascade from a height of more than a kilometer.
  • In South American Bolivia, Uyuni is located, the world's largest salt flat, which is a dry salt lake.
  • Another remarkable lake in South America is Titicaca. It is surprising for two facts: it is the highest navigable lake in the world (almost 4 kilometers above sea level!), and there are ocean fish that are unknown how they got here.
  • Volcano Ojos Del Salado is the highest active volcano not only in South America, but throughout the world. It is located on the border of Chile and Argentina ().
  • South America's Colca Canyon is the deepest in the world. Its depth is twice the size of the Grand Canyon in the United States.
  • In South America there is the Licancabur volcano, in the crater of which, at an altitude of almost 6 kilometers, is the highest mountain lake in the world. Most year it is covered with ice.
  • The most lightning in the world strikes one place in the world, located precisely in South America, at the confluence of the Catatumbo River into Lake Maracaibo. On average, there are from 70 to 200 thunderstorm days annually, and about 250 lightning strikes per square kilometer of space per year ().
  • The South American Iguazu Falls complex is one of the seven natural wonders Sveta.
  • Located in South America, the Republic of Chile is the narrowest and most southern country peace. Her southern border It is separated from Antarctica by a distance of only 900 kilometers.
  • South American forests are home to the world's largest beetles, the world's most poisonous frogs, big snakes, the most big butterflies, the most dangerous fish and the smallest monkeys.
  • Even though only one country in South America speaks Portuguese, there are more Portuguese speakers on the continent than Spanish speakers. The languages ​​spoken here are also Quechua, Guarani, Aymara and Araucanian.
  • Pool area three largest rivers South America - the Amazon, Parana and Orinoco - covers more than half the area of ​​the entire continent.
  • Among all the earth's continents, South America is the wettest.
  • In the Chilean city of Calama there has been no rain for about 400 years ().
  • A third of the total population of South America is under 15 years of age.
  • Millions of years ago, this continent was one with Australia, Antarctica and Africa.
  • A fair proportion of the population of South America are descendants of Europeans. Mostly Spanish. Italians, French, Germans, Greeks and Croats. In addition, about 1 million Ukrainians and their direct descendants live in Brazil alone.

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