Life of a Sagittarius in a year. Health in the year of the Rooster Sagittarius. Horoscope for a Sagittarius man


Work and work - this is the motto of Sagittarius for the year of the Rooster, which does not tolerate discouragement. Every seed sown will sprout, but no one will sow it for you. Having looked at all areas of his life, which are sanctified by the horoscope for 2017, Sagittarius will see many interesting turns of events, and, having decided to ride luck, he will achieve his goal.

The rooster will look at you as if he were a negligent stepdaughter, but when he sees your pressure and patience, he will thank you. The year will begin easily and naturally, as if after a difficult rehearsal, you will play the first act perfectly. Spring will become a litmus test that will highlight hard workers, autumn will be a moment of recognition. Only you decide what to get in the end: huge bouquets of flowers or disappointment of the viewer.

This year will become a sieve through which all artificial relationships, connections and attachments will be sifted out. You will become morally mature and completely honest with yourself and others. It will be in your best interest.

Health and strength

From the very beginning of the year, be careful in choosing products. The rooster is not picky about food. Production dates, product brand - check and double-check everything. Be attentive to the exotic table, new dishes and chefs. By looking at the horoscope for Sagittarius for 2017, you can avoid troubles with the digestive tract and even poisoning. Canned food, and especially mushrooms, are not your product in the first half of the year.

It's sad, but alcohol is also contraindicated for you. Here, damage can be caused both by the alcohol itself and by drunken situations. Be attentive to yourself and evaluate every step.

Get diagnosed with bone diseases, take a course of essential vitamins, take calcium, drink dairy products, eat cheeses. Everything related to calcium and strengthening bones is your direct responsibility in the year of the Rooster. A chicken, one grain at a time, and you, a little at a time, will get everything your body needs.

In this area, the sign can be completely sure - he is happy, mutually loved and kind. His every word in the family is perceived by others as truth. You inspire confidence in the opposite sex and can use it. You are attracted to your strength and erudition. Love horoscope for 2017, Sagittarius feels internally and does everything right. The flow of energy from your ego binds you and forces you to give up. Family signs will achieve dominance and look at the other half from a different angle. They will find completely new qualities in her, and this will significantly strengthen the marriage. You may want to go on a new honeymoon and confess your love once again to your to a loved one. Don’t be confused, if this thought comes to you, implement it.

Free from relationships, burdened by existing relationships, take a closer look at the people who love you and are patiently waiting for you to mature. These are the most faithful and true friends who will be your support and foundation in the family. These people will be your crutch in your most difficult hour. Beware of easy relationships - they are not for you, you will definitely lose something by going through them.

Career and success in business

You have long wanted to open your own business, do what you love. Your time has come - all the cards are in your hands. Take on exactly what you wanted to do, what you dreamed about for a long time.

Do not change the direction of your activities - you will not achieve anything in a new place. No matter how wonderful it is, you will be disappointed. A high salary will no longer please you after they ask you for any reason or without it. You will be checked and rechecked. A new profession will only bring sad memories and depression. Sagittarius, your career in 2017 will be on the rise only in the area of ​​your understanding and experience, your knowledge and achievements.

But in the old place you can easily go uphill. A promotion is inevitable for you. You will be recommended by a colleague to take his place when moving to a higher position or upon retirement. Most of your colleagues will be in your favor when choosing a department head or even a deputy director.

Don't be afraid that you won't make it. You understand this matter more than many others, and you will be helped by employees who value and trust you very much. The only thing is that a situation awaits you where you will have to support everyone and speak out in defense of your subordinates - this will only strengthen your relationship.

Finance and savings

The financial horoscope for 2017 foretells that Sagittarius will ride the waves of stability. There will be no salary increase, but there will be no delays or waste. Everything is normal and this cannot but rejoice. The Rooster has prepared another surprise for you - receiving a large sum or real estate as a gift or inheritance. Take a closer look, do you have a relative who is quite loyal to you?

Sagittarius are interesting natures who spend actively, and sometimes even wastefully for their loved ones, and at some point they are simply misers, and you cannot beg snow from them. This is their gut feeling, not a claim to luxury. They know when to buy and when to hold back and stock up on savings.

Existing loans will become smaller due to the large investment of money towards payment. This needs to be done before the fall, and by winter be ready for a new purchase.

Don't keep all your eggs in one basket. Try not to leave deposits, even successfully invested, on one site. Look for possible options with more high percentage- they will. Do not hesitate to express your intention to the bank - perhaps they will offer to increase the percentage in order not to lose you as an active client with an excellent history and a large amount of money.

Horoscope for Sagittarius woman

The Sagittarius woman is fire and sobering water at the same time. During the day, the impossible happens in her head - she is offended and at the same time wants to communicate. She chooses a new dress and buzzes to her husband about the most severe savings. The Sagittarius woman accepts the horoscope for 2017 with a hint of mistrust; she knows the value of joy from good luck, and is inclined to analyze what is happening. Nothing will pass her by - she is attentive to all the little things, focused and persistent in her actions. Read more >>>

Horoscope for a Sagittarius man

This is one of the most interesting signs - it combines the incongruous and conceals the unconcealed. This year, tactics and decision-making are on men's minds. Decisions that will change their lives radically. The Sagittarius man views the horoscope for 2017 as an instruction for action, because he internally feels this need. All his steps will be aimed at creation. This is the time to make plans that you have been putting off for some reason. Read more >>>

Horoscope by birth numbers

Sagittarius whose birth falls on the date from November 28 to December 2, you should be more attentive to your health. Your achievements are visible and tangible, but you cannot stop in pursuit of more. large piece. Everyone is yours new project or the idea is successful, and this takes a lot of emotional balance. You are determined and do not look for yellow brick roads - you build them and walk along them, looking around for opportunities for new achievements. Stop for a moment, take a deep breath and compare performance with banal greed. Work is not a table in a casino where you are lucky right now, which means you need to bet and bet. You need a vacation. It doesn’t matter - summer or winter - go somewhere, be it a village, a Mediterranean beach, mountains or a boarding house in the region. This will benefit you and will affect your relationships with your loved ones. They want to see you around at least occasionally.

Born from 5 to 10 December They will unexpectedly see prospects in a completely new business, in a new relationship or in a career. They are not as cloudless as you think! Take a close look at the subject of your unexpected luck. Have you calculated and checked everything correctly? Have you double-checked? Have you consulted with competent people? Then take it. Be prepared step by step - read, delve into it, trust not your emotions, but only the facts.

Don't forget about your parents - they want your attention and are ready to give you care, they need you. If you do not take a step towards them, they will offend you. Take gifts from them, give them yourself, devote time to them. Be careful - this is better than medicine will support them.

Sagittarius born from 10 to 13 December, will decide to change their status. Those who have lovers will take a closer look at them and will be surprised at how attached people are to them. Family signs will decide to leave easy connections - they will find a lot of advantages and new charm in their other half. Singles will be ready to take a serious step and tie themselves with long-awaited ties. Closer to autumn, you will already appreciate the correctness of your action, since everything will be better for you: health, financial situation, internal state peace. And all this thanks the right choice your passion. Try to avoid courts and disagreements, be careful when drawing up documents and with affixing a seal and signature.

For signs that do not fall within these time frames, the year gives stability and confidence. They will go with the flow, but their rivers are full and will supply abundantly according to their requests. The main thing is to make a thoughtful and verified choice. In the summer, do not deny yourself relaxation and meetings with elderly relatives - you will switch to completely new level understanding of life, learn to accept advice, appreciate care and give it yourself. Trust your family and close, trusted friends - this is your foundation on which you can build ideal relationship with those around you and be in harmony with yourself.

As the horoscope for September 2017 recommends, Sagittarius can safely take on the fulfillment of their desires and plans. Particular success awaits representatives of the sign in self-realization and career. The stressful times are over and you can look to the future with optimism. Changes also occur in your worldview. Your talents and abilities are revealed, new opportunities open […]

As the horoscope for August 2017 recommends, Sagittarius should not put off until later things that can be done today. Now you are the architect of your own happiness. You will be attracted by changes, distant countries, and the desire to realize yourself creatively and professionally. Are you ready to start studying again to improve your skills? The stars recommend Sagittarius to look for new friends, attend courses and […]

As the horoscope for July 2017 predicts, Sagittarius will spend the month very actively. Throughout July, representatives of the sign will be in a hurry somewhere, striving to achieve their goals. No matter how great the desire to relax, you cannot relax now. We will have to work hard for the good of the future. Don't back down when large amounts of work need to be done [...]

As the horoscope for June 2017 predicts, Sagittarius must actively engage in social affairs. Try not to avoid communication and always be visible. Make new acquaintances and maintain old contacts, this will open up new opportunities for you. This tactic will make you incredibly popular and authoritative in the eyes of others. But avoid giving in to vanity, pride and [...]

As the horoscope for May 2017 promises, Sagittarius will be able to easily find a way out of a difficult situation. The astrological situation favors Sagittarius in moving towards success. Now representatives of the sign can take a sober look at the situation and find a compromise on any issue. Now you are more proactive and ambitious than ever. In May, your life will be active and [...]

April 2017 will be an unpredictable month for Sagittarius. As the horoscope for April 2017 says, Sagittarius may encounter unexpected turns in the field of health and finance. Difficulties in work will be resolved in the second half of the month, be patient and save money. Those signs who will have to undergo various examinations in April may […]

While representatives of all other zodiac signs are busy building a career, you can relax. for Sagittarius, predicts 12 months filled with tenderness, romance and home comfort. More than ever before, you will feel the desire to spend more time with your family, which will become a real support and support in everything.

The Tour Bus

Horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarius man

For Sagittarius men already from the first weeks of 2017 Fire Rooster You should focus on communication. There will be no end to fans, colleagues at work will constantly ask for advice, and friends will constantly invite you to parties. However, try not to get involved in other people's squabbles: people will make peace, and you will remain guilty.

Family and relationships


Sagittarius will spend most of their free time in 2017 with family and friends. But don’t try to solve their problems: it’s much more important to just listen and support them. Hard time. Besides, love horoscope for 2017, Sagittarius advises you to watch what you say: an awkward word or an incorrectly formulated thought can offend a loved one and leave an unpleasant aftertaste for a long time.

New acquaintances will be made even easier than usual. The openness and simplicity of Sagittarius attracts almost all women. However, you should not abuse this. By breaking the heart of a girl who dreamed of a strong and friendly family, you will attract great amount negative energy.

There is a high chance of meeting your soul mate in the spring. But you shouldn’t rush headlong into the pool if you want to build a truly strong relationship. In addition, in the fall the Sagittarius man will need the help of his parents, who will need to devote enough time.

But the stars do not advise reviving relationships with former partners. At some point, it will seem to you that the person has completely changed, but over time, the shortcomings and contradictions that once led to the break will come to the surface.


Sagittarians are clearly to their liking, and therefore you definitely won’t be left idle. Moreover, in the spring the authorities will carefully look at candidates for new position. What is not a reason to show your best qualities- determination, responsibility and communication skills?

In addition, the 2017 horoscope for Sagittarius promises representatives of this zodiac sign a chance to work abroad. Do not under any circumstances refuse such an experience, because it will help you change your life. better side almost all areas of life.



As a rule, Sagittarians do not save money, but are happy to spend it on loved ones. 2017 will be no exception in this regard. However, try not just to give your family some expensive things, but to create opportunities for a bright time together. Family trip, Flight to hot-air balloon or horseback riding will be an excellent opportunity to relax and bond even more.

But to various investments and financial projects should be treated with caution. Especially in the last quarter of the year - then the risk of losing all the money invested is very high.

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The Sagittarius man often suffers from pulmonary diseases. The horoscope for 2017 warns: in the spring they may worsen. By the way, if you have been wanting to quit smoking for a long time, it will be easiest to do so in the first months of 2017.

Sagittarius athletes should be more careful during training in June-July - the stars indicate a high probability of severe injuries.

Horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarius woman

The previous year was not very successful for you. Time to take revenge! The 2017 horoscope for Sagittarius women is especially favorable, because you will be able to achieve universal love and recognition without much effort. The main thing is to clearly understand what you want from life.

Family and relationships

The main problem of both married and single Sagittarius women remains inflated demands on others. Despite the fact that your husband and children are trying their best to please you, you find reasons for dissatisfaction. Look at yourself from the outside and often ask yourself the question: is this really that important? Only patience and understanding will help turn your home into a real cozy nest.

Pickiness can also hinder those Sagittarians who are looking for their soul mate. Without noticing it yourself, you are screening many wonderful candidates for your hand and heart. The 2017 love horoscope for Sagittarius advises you to take a closer look not only at potential lovers, but also at yourself, reconsider your values ​​and change your attitude towards others. If this succeeds, the right person will appear on the horizon.


Unlike other signs, Sagittarians have never been known as workaholics. And this is understandable, because there are so many exciting activities Besides work! Communication with your loved one and friends, fun parties, interests and hobbies. However, in 2017 you will feel an unusual zeal for work. It will really interest you, which will entail rapid career growth.

If every morning continues to seem like a nightmare to you, it’s worth thinking about: are you really in the right place? Don't be afraid to master it new profession and start doing what you love. In a new place, you will be able to quickly get used to it and gain authority in the eyes of your colleagues and superiors.


Female Advisor

Your efforts at work will not be in vain - your income will begin to increase rapidly. But don't spend all your money on entertainment and trinkets: remember what you dreamed of buying last year and be sure to save up for it.

Beware of competitors. Some of them will want to take credit for your achievements. This will require help from friends and colleagues with whom you support a good relationship- they are the ones who will help restore justice and receive a well-deserved reward.

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Sagittarius women have good health and are very energetic. You manage to be everywhere and often rush around like the proverbial squirrel in a wheel. But even if you feel comfortable being in the thick of things, your body needs good vacation. To avoid overwork and stress, the 2017 horoscope recommends getting good sleep and including more vitamin-rich foods in your diet.

Horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarius-Rooster

In order to attract the attention of the owner of the year, try to surprise him from the very beginning. This could be a radical change in image or a new project. The main thing is to show that you are really ready for changes in your life.

Sagittarius-Roosters are able to conquer anyone with their charm. But don’t overdo it, otherwise there is a risk that among your fans there will be a person who is completely unpleasant to you, and getting rid of whom will be quite problematic.

Even though money will literally flow into your pockets, look for good deals you'll have to do it yourself. However, the Fire Rooster will make sure to leave you some clues and indicate in which direction you should move.

2017 for each of the representatives of the Sagittarius sign will be the ideal period to establish family ties and strengthen family ties. The love sphere this year will be much higher than other obligations, so you should not resist this trend in any way. The period will bring you many pleasant and romantic surprises that will remain in your memory for many years.

Already at the beginning of the year you will feel an incredible surge of love energy. Probably throughout this year, as promised horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarius, you will meet only good and interesting people.

Each meeting will add pleasant moments to your life, and the acquaintances you make will bring a lot of benefit and mutual benefit. Sagittarius who already have a soul mate should try to show her more attention, support and show their love in every possible way. Your relationship will bring pleasure to both, and it will intensify if you go together to some distant but warm country.

In general, travel in 2017 promises to be successful, interesting and full of exciting adventures. Even long road will not seem so tedious to you, but everything possible problems, that arise along the way will be of a funny nature and will quickly be forgotten by you. Luck will always be around you, so there is no need to hesitate before an important event - everything will turn out even better than you expected.

There is a possibility that after prolonged good luck there will come a time when failure occurs in some area. But, unfortunately, you will not be able to change your future, because failures will depend on external factors. All that remains for Sagittarius is to calmly accept such troubles. This behavior, according to at least, will keep you from doing stupid things and bad deeds.

Don’t chase success too much - at the right moment it will catch up with you. By ignoring the astrologers' forecast, you risk not only scaring away your luck, but also causing yourself serious health problems, and also wasting your energy.

As soon as you let go of the situation, relax and forget about all your problems for a moment, joyful moments will not take long to arrive. Sagittarius should not forget about regular rest, which they will desperately need during certain periods of 2017. Otherwise, you may lose track of time, get caught up in work and be unable to adequately assess the state of your body. The stars recommend that representatives of this sign change their occupation more often so that all your affairs turn out to be successful.

The support and love of your relatives will help you cope with all the difficulties that arise along your way. Reciprocate them, then in every area, both professional and financial, you will experience the long-awaited calm. Special attention You will need to devote yourself to self-development: read useful literature, scientific journals, attend developmental courses and lectures, go to the theater or museum.

All the knowledge you acquire will definitely come in handy very soon. Short trips will bring pleasure to Sagittarius - they will not irritate you with their duration and will bring some variety to your life, allowing you to see Beautiful places and meet the right people.

As stated earlier, family will come first for Sagittarius in 2017. So that your loved ones are not deprived of your attention, call them more often, ask about their health, pressing matters and other little things that allow you to get closer. If you are asked for help, do not refuse, and then one day they will quickly help you too.


In the professional field, Sagittarius must prepare for constant intrigue and gossip that their colleagues “in the shop” will weave. In general, the work environment will be nervous and tense, so you will need to make an effort not to react to various attacks in your direction. This behavior will help avoid open conflicts that will affect your career as a whole. If you control yourself, you can hope that vile rumors spread by employees will not affect you at all.

It may happen that one of your colleagues begins to envy your success - treat this with understanding and condescension. In 2017, the affairs of Sagittarius, to which they have been devoting their time for quite a long time, can go up and bring significant benefits. Besides monetary reward, you may be offered a long-awaited promotion at work.

With the advent of the Year of the Fire Rooster, people born under this star will feel a surge of strength and energy, so they will take up work with triple zeal. Moreover, the pace you have gained will not slow down until the end of 2017. However, do not forget about rest, otherwise you may get a nervous breakdown or some kind of illness. Astrologers recommend carefully considering your work schedule - it should alternate between intense workload and rest.

Sagittarius strikers will definitely be noticed by their superiors. This will allow you to hope for a significant increase in salary, receiving an additional bonus or a higher position. Although the latter may “go away” from you if your colleague turns out to be a more proactive person than you.


This period is ideal for making several large expenses. Expenses will literally jump into your hands, and you will not waste money, but will actually acquire the things you need for your household. The stars say that you shouldn’t be too sad about expensive purchases - buy everything your soul asks for. Even if after a couple of weeks you feel that you have wasted your own savings, we advise you to mentally go back in time and remember what pleasant emotions you were experiencing at that moment.

Believe me, you shouldn’t forget about yourself, you need to periodically pamper yourself for hard work and perseverance - by adhering to such tactics, you can hope for an improvement in your ability to work in the very near future. And an accelerated work process will naturally bring even greater profits. In the second half of the year, Sagittarius can hope for additional income.

It may not be a lot of money, but it will still make you a little happy and enticed. You shouldn’t delay spending these funds, because perhaps at this very moment you will make a profitable investment that will change your life.

If you decide to save, there is no complete guarantee that you will ever have one again. good opportunity make an investment in your future.

At the end of 2017, minor risks are possible in financially. The stars warn Sagittarius against various financial investments or starting their own business based on personal capital. Even if the business is profitable, it is better to wait a little, at least until October. Starting this month, Sagittarius will regain their luck and good fortune.

In 2017, your loved ones may begin to need financial support. We advise you not to ignore the needs of the family and provide all possible assistance. Pay attention to your home. If you need to make repairs or buy some equipment for the kitchen, do not put off the purchase for too long. The comfortable existence of you and your household depends on this.

Sagittarius love horoscope for 2017

Try to be attentive to your loved one and watch what you say. Any wrong remark or inappropriate joke can result in a huge scandal or lead to a scene of jealousy.

Exercise maximum caution and caution, both with your significant other and with your children. Be prepared to listen for hours about teenagers' problems - there are probably too many of them and the child needs to talk out. In any case, delicacy and goodwill have never harmed anyone; on the contrary, they have even borne fruit.

Plan your weekend so that you can get out into nature with the whole family. It will be especially pleasant to relax on warm spring and summer days. If you have elderly relatives, be sure to visit them with small gifts. This hike will only take a few hours of free time, but they will be very pleased and benefit from your company.

People born under this sign will be able to easily meet the opposite sex throughout 2017. However, do not forget about precautions - if for some reason the acquaintance seems unpleasant to you, break it off immediately.

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2017 does not promise Sagittarius significant health problems, although you should not forget about precautions. At the first symptoms of the disease, she recommends immediately contacting a therapist to prescribe treatment.

If you contact us in a timely manner medical care, the problems can be stopped almost immediately. Do not regret spending a certain amount of money on your health - after all, good health is the key to a happy future.

For those Sagittarians who are addicted to smoking, astrologers recommend getting rid of this habit, otherwise there will be problems with respiratory system you can't escape. If possible, exclude alcoholic drinks and junk food.

Play sports and switch to healthy vegetables, fruits, meat and other products. In the autumn-spring periods, it is advisable to take a course of vitamins to supply the body with useful minerals, trace elements and other beneficial substances.

Spend more time on fresh air, arrange morning and evening jogging. This rhythm will help keep your body in good shape and not be afraid of any diseases.

Video horoscope

This is the ideal time to improve relationships with relatives. The love sphere of life will crowd out other spheres and this should not be resisted. Astrological forecast 2017 Sagittariuspromises many romantic moments and pleasant meetings.

Along the way you will meet interesting people who will leave their mark on your life, and some will become loyal friends. Those who are already in a relationship should pay more attention to their loved one: make surprises, show care. Such a relationship will bring joy and pleasure to both. To further strengthen the connection, you should go on a joint trip or vacation in warm countries. All trips during this period will be successful and will bring a lot of positive emotions, and minor difficulties that may arise on the road will not make you worry.

At some point, problems may arise that will cause a lot of difficulties, but you will not be able to influence them or somehow change the course of events. Therefore, the stars advise not to panic and leave everything as it is, so as not to aggravate the situation and not make more more problems. Besides, astrological forecast 2017 advises Sagittarius not to chase success and not to grab onto everything, it’s better to calm down and take a break, then luck will come to you.

Despite the fairly heavy workload, it is important to monitor your health and get proper rest. Listen to your family, it is their care and support that will help you survive difficult times. At the same time, do not refuse to help them.


The first half of the year will not be particularly successful in the career field, and therefore the man will take care of his personal life and family. Everyone will be married free time spend with your family, warmth and mutual understanding will reign in the relationship. Singles will have a chance to meet a soul mate, it is quite possible that this will be a long-standing love, and you will be able to create a strong family. The second half of the year will be more successful in terms of work, there will be an opportunity to move up career ladder, which will also affect finances.


The astro forecast for the Rooster in Sagittarius in 2017 advises a woman to rest more, drink soothing teas, because there will be quite a lot of tense and stressful situations. It’s better to push work into the background and devote yourself entirely to your family and loved one. Single women will have to compete for the heart of their chosen one, as there will be many competitors.

Sagittarius horoscope 2017: love, career, finances, health

Optimism will help you cope with any problems with ease. Fate will present many prospects that cannot be missed, and therefore be ready to act at any moment and show all your talents. The Sagittarius 2017 horoscope predicts that love, as well as the family sphere, will come to the fore. Now best time to improve and arrange your personal life.


You need to be prepared for the fact that in the professional field, colleagues can weave intrigues and gossip around you. The most important thing in such an environment is not to lose composure. Restraint will help avoid conflicts. Things to which a lot of time and effort have been devoted will begin to bring long-awaited results, this may be an increase wages or promotion. Those who are used to devoting themselves 100% to work must especially carefully monitor their health, otherwise there is a risk of working to the point of a nervous breakdown or some kind of illness. Therefore, it is important to fully rest and get enough sleep. Of course, hard work and initiative will certainly be appreciated by your superiors through bonuses or the offer of a more promising and senior position, but you need to be careful, because a more active colleague can get ahead of you.


2017 will bring a large number of expenses, but they will be pleasant and useful. There will be an opportunity to make an investment in your future, and therefore do not miss this chance, because such an opportunity will not come up soon. In the second half of the year, income will increase, but even if you have to spend all your earnings, do not be discouraged, the investment will be profitable. The only thing is that at the end of the year you should be careful and not take risks with starting your own business or making large investments. Don't refuse financial assistance relatives.


The love horoscope 2017 advises all Sagittarius to monitor their words and emotions. One thoughtless word can turn into big scandal with a loved man. Restraint and patience are very important; be prepared to have long conversations with your family and children, listen to their problems, give advice, and help. Try to spend weekends with your family, plan a joint vacation. For lonely Sagittarius, the love horoscope in 2017 promises interesting acquaintances and romantic dates.

Date of birth: from 11/23 to 12/21

Female zodiac horoscope for Sagittarius for 2017

Horoscope 2017 Sagittarius, woman

Horoscope 2017 Sagittarius woman

If the previous year was not very successful for Sagittarius ladies, then 2017 will provide them with bright prospects. The path to wealth, universal recognition and love will be open. The main thing is to choose the right path!


Astrologers tend to believe that Sagittarians do not know how to devote themselves completely to work. Of course, because besides them professional activity, there are so many interesting things! This is a loved one, friends, and an exciting hobby. But in the year of the Rooster everything will change. Work will become your second hobby. This will greatly increase your chances of success. Your authority in the team will increase, and your superiors will notice your zeal and focus on results.


The family idyll in the year of the Rooster can only be disrupted by you going to extremes. Your spouse and children will try to please you in everything. However, you will still sometimes be unhappy with their behavior. Understand that no one is perfect, including you. Don't find fault with your family over trifles. Understanding and patience are the key to a favorable atmosphere in your family nest.


Sagittarius women who cannot find a worthy candidate for the role of a spouse will continue their search in 2017. Astrologers explain this by saying that you place excessive demands on men. You need to change something in yourself and your attitude towards others. Reconsider your moral values, listen to the advice of people you trust. Perhaps after this everything will resolve itself, you will be able to find the ideal man for you and establish a strong relationship with him.


Thanks to the fact that in 2017 you will be active at work, your financial situation will begin to improve and your business successes will multiply. However, some unpleasant surprises may still occur. This is due to competitors who will want to appropriate your work for themselves. The stars do not recommend losing heart. We need to move forward! As for enemies, they can be easily neutralized by making their nefarious intentions public.


Women of this sign are energetic and passionate natures. Nature has endowed them with good health and creative thinking. However, these ladies, carried away by creativity or work, may not notice that their body has malfunctioned. Especially it concerns nervous system. Stress and any worries are taboo for Sagittarius. If you feel unwell, you should consult a doctor.

Zodiac horoscope for women for 2017

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