Women's colony 14 in Mordovia. “The main thing is for the prisoner to get bored, the prisoner should not sit still. — What about tuberculosis?


Dear Mikhail Vasilievich!

Is it possible to influence the situation in women's penal colony 14? After the change of leadership of the FSIN, the life of already humiliated, hungry, downtrodden women and girls turned into HELL. Before this, the situation in IK-14 was more or less adequate. Arriving on a date with my sister, I was shocked! A really starving man came to me (not for diet purposes), with swollen arms and legs. This is how long it takes to starve a person so that he can cram a 4-liter pan of buckwheat porridge and half a loaf of boiled sausage into himself at one time! What they cook in the dining room is "this" normal person

by definition, he cannot eat. A mixture of mixed feed with beets, but it smells like fish - a healthy food recipe from Kulagin (beginning), I advise everyone to try it. Moreover, even for “this” the administration gives 5 minutes along with the toilet, then everyone is kicked out to work. Those who did not make it in time will be punished. Rave? But there is no point in lying to her, the look itself speaks for itself. Recently they poisoned half the colony, now parcels are being stolen under this pretext - they want to blame it on relatives. Everything is covered. When asked by Kulagin (beg.) what was going on with the parcels, where the products were evaporating, he answered succinctly that this could not happen, all his employees were crystal honest and there was no need to ask any more stupid questions. Wow! It turns out that all relatives are fools. Warm clothes from those allowed are taken away so that others do not envy. Great idea. Kulagin believes that boots made from tires are very warm for the winter and socks are not needed, and working 20 hours without days off is normal. My sister says that for one crooked line the entire workshop is driven to the parade ground, naturally in free time , which is not even enough for sleep, they march with songs back and forth for 4 hours, you can’t go to the toilet, you can endure it, you don’t want to, you don’t want to go to the pants. Women from hunger and chronic fatigue

I’m not talking about medicine, it’s not there. You can contact us if the temperature goes beyond 39, at best they will give you an aspirin tablet. It's better not to apply before 39 - he's a simulator. It's colder in the barracks than outside. Even in the meeting rooms it is terribly cold. When I asked an employee why they weren’t heating, I received the answer: “Well, what, there are no severe frosts yet.” I can imagine what it will be like in the cold. If some commission or inspectors arrive, all the “unreliable” people are hidden in the industrial zone so that nothing leaks out, and the majority are so downtrodden and intimidated by the administration that they are afraid to open their mouths. It turns out that everything is fine?: “Yes, it turns out good, but it goes in badly,” said one humorist...

The majority, from 18 to 35, not long periods. They still have everything ahead: starting families, having children, working and living normally. They have long since repented in their souls and in words of what they did, but I know that there are those who did not do anything, but took the blame of others upon themselves, and simply framed some. You know very well how our “Justice” works, slagging cases.

Does the state set the task of making healthy, young women, even if they have stumbled, disabled, feeding them slop like pigs, freezing them to death, mocking them, depriving them of minimal rest, infecting them with tuberculosis? Are these tasks set by the State for Mr. Kulagin? Or, in Mr. Kulagin’s understanding, to fix it means to make him disabled? Let him answer......

When I was leaving, a girl came up and asked for a ride to Ryazan. She just got free. She worked in the canteen in penal colony 14. She told me that everything that is brought to the kitchen, all the products are expired, the vegetables are just rotten, in order to choose something you have to work hard. No one knows from which garbage dump all this stuff is brought (well, someone knows). Only water and salt are normal............Do you think Buchenwald was destroyed in 1945? No - Buchenwald is alive! This is a women's penal colony 14 in Mordovia! . . .

Dear Mikhail Vasilyevich, I have a request to you, if it is possible to publish this letter on the Gulagu-Net Mordovia website. I can't do it anyway. Many relatives will write to you and Vl Osechkin. As I understand it, it’s useless to write to Val.Lukin, he can only wipe his glasses well with a handkerchief, nothing else. Mordovian supervisory prosecutor Doroshenka too, they are all in-laws, brothers, at worst neighbors, by God, some kind of mafia clan connected by death under the roof of the state. I don’t know if there is a POC in Mordovia now? What do you recommend?

A general regime women's colony is located in the village of Partsa, 3ubovo-Polyana district, the distance from Zubovaya-Polyana is 40 km.

431150, Zubovo-Polyansky district, Partsa village, st. Lesnaya, 7

The colony has a waiting room for visitors. There are no rural shops near the colony, it is impossible to buy food, along the road at the turn to the colony there are several cars from which they sell mainly clothes for local residents.. On the road there is a small shop with a meager assortment and prices exceeding retail prices by 30%. The colony has 7 rest rooms for long visits. They go on long dates before lunch.

If you decide to come for a short or long visit to a prisoner in IK-14, you can order a taxi to IK-14 in Partsa on our website. Our driver will meet you from the train upon arrival at the Zubova-Polyana or Potma station and take you to the correctional colony. The driver can also bring you to the train necessary products food and essential goods so as not to carry heavy bags with you from far away. You can place an order in advance in our online store Order Transfer and order the necessary products from the catalog for transfer to the colony, or if you wish, the driver will take you to our retail store at Zubova Polyana station, where you can purchase the necessary products and goods yourself. Please note that when ordering goods, you can also order products that are not included in the catalog and are not allowed to be delivered to the PS (fresh meat, dumplings, chicken, etc.) to take with you on a long date, for this Just contact the online store manager and place an order for these products by phone. Please note that if you order in advance, we offer a 20% discount. For any questions, please contact the contact phone numbers of the online store Order transfer

Attention! This map is for illustrative purposes only, because The Yandex service is not yet able to accurately determine the position on the map in all cases. In more or less large populated areas, as a rule, the location is determined correctly, but in rural areas and in remote areas, errors may occur.

Extended information

431150, Zubovo-Polyansky district, Partsa village, st. Lesnaya, 7

Head: Romanov Sergey Yurievich

reception of citizens on personal matters
management of the federal government institution "Correctional Colony No. 14

Job title


Reception days

Business hours

Head of the colony

Romanov Sergey Yurievich

monday Wednesday


from 1000 to 1100

from 1400 to 1500

Kupriyanov Yuri Vladimirovich


from 1600 to 1700

Deputy head of the colony

Job vacancy



from 1600 to 1700

Deputy head of the colony

Golubyatnikov Vladimir Sergeevich


from 1400 to 1500

Deputy head of the colony

Kazennova Natalya Nikolaevna


from 1600 to 1700

Deputy head of the colony

Maseykin Andrey Zakharovich


from 1400 to 1500


reception rooms, delivery rooms
Management Federal service execution of punishments in the Republic of Mordovia"

Operating mode:
from 08.00 to 18.00
Seven days a week

Lunch break
from 12.00 to 14.00


rooms for long and short visits
Federal State Institution "Correctional Colony No. 14"
Office of the Federal Penitentiary Service for the Republic of Mordovia"

Operating mode:
from 08.00 to 18.00
Closed on Sunday

Lunch break

from 12.00 to 14.00


List of things and items, food products that convicts are prohibited from having with them, receiving in parcels, transfers, parcels, or purchasing

1. Items, products and substances withdrawn from civil circulation.

2. All types of weapons, ammunition.

3. Transport and aircraft.

4. Explosive, poisonous, flammable and radioactive substances, lighters.

5. Money, valuables.

6. Securities, currencies of foreign countries.

7. Optical instruments.

8. Food products that require heat treatment (except tea and coffee, milk powder, food concentrates instant cooking that do not require boiling or cooking), products home canning, yeast.

9. All types of alcoholic beverages, beer.

10. Perfume, cologne and other alcohol-based products.

11. Narcotic drugs, psychotropic toxic and potent substances, their analogues and without medical indications- medicinal substances, objects medical purposes, smoking mixtures.

12. Electronic computers, typewriters, duplicating machines, electronic storage media and other computer and office equipment.

13. Knives, straight razors, safety razor blades.

14. Piercing and sharp-edged objects, including objects and containers made of glass, ceramics and metal (with the exception of aluminum spoons, forks, mugs, plates and canned foods in metal containers).

15. Axes, hammers and other tools.

16. Playing cards.

17. Cameras, photographic materials, chemicals, film cameras, video, audio equipment (except for television receivers, public radio receivers), television receivers with access to the Internet information and telecommunications network and with built-in media players, electronic media and information storage devices, means mobile communications and communications or components for them that ensure their operation.

18. Any documents (except for documents of the established form, identifying the convicted person, copies of sentences and court rulings, responses based on the results of consideration of proposals, applications, petitions and complaints, receipts for money, things, valuables handed over for storage).

19. Topographic maps, compasses, literature and educational videos on topography, service dog breeding, martial arts, fighter training special units, mountain training and parkour, weapons design, production of explosive, poisonous, poisonous, narcotic and potent substances.

20. Literature, documents or information on any media calling for implementation extremist activities or justifying the need to carry out such activities.

21. Military and other uniforms, accessories.

22. Clothing, hats, shoes and bed linen (with the exception of one set of slippers, a tracksuit and dark-colored sports shoes) of unidentified samples.

23. Pornographic materials, objects and videos.

24. Tattoo machines and accessories.

25. Electrical household appliances (except for electric shavers, factory-made household electric boilers with a power of no more than 0.5 kW).

26. Things and objects, food products received or purchased in a manner not established by the Criminal Correctional Code of the Russian Federation and the Rules.


1. This list applies to convicts serving sentences in penal colonies, with the exception of food, money, valuables, clothing, hats and shoes civilian model, bedding and lighters.

2. When transferred to another correctional facility or released, convicts are allowed to take with them only personal belongings, food and items acquired by them in the prescribed manner.

3. The number of things and items, food products that convicts can have with them is determined in the appendix to the order of the correctional institution, which approves the daily routine of the correctional institution, based on local conditions and possibilities. Total weight of things and objects belonging to the convicted person, food products, with the exception of those in the warehouse of the correctional facility, cannot exceed 36 kg.

4. Television receivers and radio receivers are used only for collective use and are installed in places determined by the administration of the correctional institution (convicts held in light conditions of serving their sentences, as well as those serving sentences in penal colonies, are allowed to use audio players without a recording function, technical devices for reading e-books without the function of access to the information and telecommunications network Internet and the function of audio and video recording in the amount of no more than one device of each type per prisoner, DVD and audio players can be installed in places of collective use).

5. Tracksuits and sports shoes are stored in the premises for storing personal belongings of convicts and are issued for wearing during mass sports events, with the exception of morning physical exercises.

6. The list of food products that convicts can carry, store, receive in parcels, transfers, parcels, or purchase may be limited by order of the sanitary-epidemiological service.

(Appendix No. 1 of the Internal Regulations of Correctional Institutions, approved by Order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated December 16, 2016 No. 295)

IK-14, Partsa village, Mordovia - this is now the address of Nadezhda Tolokonnikova. She got a colony in Darkness from Gulag times. Yukos lawyer Svetlana Bakhmina was also imprisoned in this colony. He is now being held in the same colony. The camp and zone are the only places in Russian reality where reality and everyday life completely and without exaggeration froze in the early 1960s. Corner of Nadya’s camp - 3 perimeters of barbed wire and green booths with machine gunners:


Svetlana Bakhmina:
"When you see a representative of the administration, you should quickly stand at attention and politely say hello. If the convicts are in a group, one should command: “Women, attention!” - in chorus “Hello.” It’s good if you hear in response, through your lip: “Hello.” Otherwise, some 20-year-old girl with snot on her shoulder straps, with half your education, is trying to shout: “Are you so impudent - you have a headscarf.” are you tied up? And you should respond: “Oh, sorry, Mary Ivanovna, it won’t happen again.” And here’s another favorite: once a boy lieutenant came from the department, who, with some imagination, could have been my early son (pah-pah). ), and with an intelligent college girl, who is ten years older than me, we plant roses to please their eyes. So, he says to her: “Well, how do you girls like to tinker with flowers here?” Silent stage."


Establishment of PKU IK-14 of the Federal Penitentiary Service for the Republic of Mordovia, (old name ZH-385/14)
431150, Republic of Mordovia, Zubovo-Polyansky district, Partsa village, FKU IK-14 general regime correctional colony for women e-mail:
Kind of activity:
- production sewing products(without tailoring according to public orders),
- a confectionery shop was opened, the products of which are sold to stores for convicts in correctional institutions of the republic, as well as to retail outlets for residents of villages and department employees

List of things and products that were given to Navdezhda Tolokonnikova:

What else to read