Preparing sorrel in jars with and without salt for the winter. Canned sorrel. Best Recipes


Sometimes in winter you also really want to try green borscht. But how can you preserve sorrel until winter? I don’t like frozen, it loses all its juiciness and individuality. Canned sorrel for the winter without salt is the best recipe for preparing sorrel for the winter.


  • For a 0.5 liter jar:
  • A large bunch of sorrel;

cold water.Step-by-step recipe for

  1. canned sorrel for the winter without salt Rinse the sorrel and let the water drain. Sort it, removing thick stems. Cut the sorrel, place it tightly in a jar and pour cold water
  2. . Roll it up. And that's it.

Sorrel stores well at room temperature.

Canned sorrel for the winter without salt, turns out like fresh, retains all its properties and acidity.

Have the most delicious preparations, and bon appetit!

I enjoy life with my son Nikitka, he is 5 years old. He is my inspiration, helper and friend. I cook every day (I started cooking and cooking for the whole family when I was 9 years old). More than anything else, I love family dinners at home. I always bake sweets on the weekends, I love it when the house smells of baking! It's so cozy! I love traveling and bringing recipes from all over the world! The culinary project “I Love to Cook” has long been a part of my family. This is not only my work, but the place where I share the most secret things, what my family adore - our family’s recipes. Do you want to cook green borscht in winter time

? I suggest you work hard now and close the sorrel for the winter. Preservation is a way to keep a product fresh for a long time. Canned, it can be used for even pies. There are many ways to preserve sorrel; each has its own pros and cons. This article will cover different ways canning sorrel. From their list it is quite possible to choose the appropriate one. First there will be short description

the main methods of preserving this product.

  • Preparing sorrel for the winter: several methods, culinary secrets
  • dry;
  • to freeze;

preserve in a jar.

The features of each type of processing will be discussed below.

Dry When dried, the product will retain most

  • The leaves are dried like this: the prepared leaves are spread on a clean surface. The preparation process includes washing, drying and sorting. The leaves dry quickly - within 2 days. Dry leaves are simply placed in glass jars.

To freeze

When frozen, sorrel will retain all its beneficial features. But you can defrost it only before cooking; re-freezing is unacceptable! If, after defrosting, you cannot cook anything from the sorrel, you can and should throw it away.

Canning in a jar

This option is suitable for creative people. There are a lot of ways to do this, choose any one!

Sorrel for the winter: preservation, recipes

Below are 8 ways to preserve sorrel in jars for the winter. The product prepared in this way can be used for cooking.

Canning sorrel without salt, cold water

  • The water needs to be boiled, pour in the sorrel, and no additives are used. Sorrel is prepared in the usual way; if desired, the leaves can be chopped. The greens are compacted tightly into a sterilized jar, filled to the top with water and closed with a nylon lid. Store in the refrigerator or cellar.

The second option for canning without salt

The recipe differs from the previous one only in the temperature of the water. By pouring boiling water over the sorrel leaves, they can be stored at room temperature.

The product is prepared as usual, but is poured with boiling water. It's better to roll up the cans. If the greens were chopped finely, before rolling you should wait until the air bubbles come out, add water and then roll.

Canning sorrel with salt

Prepare the jars and chop the sorrel leaves. Place the greens in jars and compact tightly. When cutting the product, it is better not to throw away the stems - if cut into small pieces, they can also be preserved.

Add 10 g to a 0.5 liter jar table salt(exactly 1 teaspoon) and add water - boiling water or boiled chilled water. The quality of preservation will not deteriorate. Roll up the cans.

Ask the chef!

Didn't manage to cook the dish? Don't be shy, ask me personally.

Canning sorrel without sterilization

All of the above recipes did not require sterilization of the product. We offer another option without sterilization - with dill. A jar of such preservation contains even more vitamins and benefits.

The ratio of sorrel and dill should not exceed 1:4. Prepare dill in the same way as sorrel leaves. The jars need to be sterilized, add a portion of sorrel, compact them, and place dill on top. Pour in cold water (boiled) and close. This preserve must be stored refrigerated.

Canning sorrel with herbs

You can close sorrel leaves for the winter with more big amount greenery The more diverse the list of products, the more useful the composition of the jar will ultimately be. This recipe requires sterilization.

List of products for 1 jar of 1 liter:

  • sorrel leaves and stems - 750 g;
  • water - 300 g;
  • green onions- 150 g;
  • table salt - 10 g;
  • dill greens - 10 g;
  • parsley - 10 g.

Sequence of the conservation process:

  1. Wash the greens, sort and chop.
  2. Boil water.
  3. Place the prepared products in a pan (not aluminum - only enamel), add 1 teaspoon of salt.
  4. Cook for 10 minutes.
  5. After the specified period, put the hot product into the jar. There is no need to sterilize it in advance - just wash it with kitchen detergent. detergent, and rinse under running water.
  6. Cover the jar with a lid and sterilize for 20 minutes.
  7. Upon completion of the sterilization process, remove the jar from the water and roll it up. Since it needs to cool as slowly as possible, it is better to return it back to the water in which it was sterilized.

Preserving sorrel with vinegar

The advantage of this option is the preservation of the color and taste of sorrel shoots. This happens due to the lack of heat treatment.

List of ingredients for a recipe using vinegar:

  • sorrel - desired amount;
  • cold boiled water - 1 l;
  • vinegar 9% - 100 g (6.5 tablespoons);
  • salt - 30 g.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Wash the sorrel leaves and stems and cut them as desired.
  2. Sterilize the jars, then compact the greens into them.
  3. Add a dose of vinegar and salt to boiled water and stir until all crystals are completely dissolved.
  4. Fill the product with water to the top and roll up.

Sorrel closed for the winter in this way is perfectly stored and retains all its taste properties.

Canning sorrel without water

You can preserve sorrel leaves without water and with additional herbs. Banks are used in a reduced volume - 300 g, but can also be used with a capacity of 500 g.

It is not necessary to observe the proportions of the products; their quantity will depend on the availability of a certain type of greenery and personal preferences. In addition to sorrel, you can use green onions, parsley or dill.

  • All products must be properly prepared and then chopped with a knife. In a container convenient for mixing, add salt to all the greens. The amount of salt is calculated as follows: for every 150 g of sorrel shoots, 30 g (tablespoon) of salt is used. After stirring the greens and salt, leave them for half an hour to obtain juice. Pre-sterilize the jars, transfer the workpiece into them, compact and roll up.

Preparing sorrel for the winter with salt without water

Another recipe without water is described below. It is different from the previous one.

  1. Wash and sort the greens. After chopping, put it in a bowl, sprinkle with salt and mix with your hands. Preservation of the product will occur due to the natural acid content in sorrel.
  2. Place the prepared product in jars and close the lids. It is preferable to store in a cool place - a cellar or refrigerator.

How to freeze sorrel for the winter

There are also several freezing options. The most common one will be described here.

How to freeze sorrel shoots:

  1. Fresh sorrel is moving. This process involves removing other grass, limp or damaged leaves, and anything that is caught in the sorrel bunch but is not sorrel.
  2. The sorted product is washed. Since sorrel shoots often come into contact with the ground when washing, it is first better to lower the sorrel into a bowl of water (it should completely cover the product), and after settling to the bottom of the ground, wash the stems one by one under running water. This may be a more labor-intensive process than it seemed at first, but if you don’t do this, then the finished borscht will end up with soil and sand.
  3. Chop the leaves. It is enough to cut across the sheet into strips 3-4 cm thick.
  4. Boil water in a saucepan. Place the crushed product into it.
  5. After 1 minute, remove the product from the boiling water and place in a colander to drain excess liquid.
  6. Leave the greens in this form until they cool completely and dry as much as possible.
  7. When placing cooled sorrel leaves into portioned bags, you need to calculate the amount of product in the bag at a time.
  8. Before freezing, release the air from the bag. Place in the freezer and leave there until the need for sorrel arises.

How to seal sorrel in jars for the winter

Recipes for seaming sorrel in jars were described above. The jars themselves (if the product will not be sterilized) need to be prepared in advance. Since all the recipes do not take much time, the jars should already be ready when you start processing the sorrel shoots.

It is better to preserve it in the cellar. If you don't have one, a refrigerator will do. If all canning rules are followed, jars should not “explode”.

This article described many ways to prepare sorrel for the winter. Conservation depends only on your needs and preferences, you can choose the fastest or the most delicious recipe blanks.

Canning sorrel. Sorrel recipe - winter preparations May 12th, 2011

I've already started doing it winter preparations u. First on the list on canning it always works for me sorrel. It so happens that I always close it in May - early June, while it is young, beautiful and green.

Canning sorrel. Sorrel recipe - preparations for the winter

I have several ways canning sorrel for the winter: very simple. The most labor-intensive part of this process is sorting out and cutting the sorrel. I once came across a recipe on the Internet that suggested sterilizing sorrel. Honestly, it made me laugh. After sterilization, you will just get malasha porridge. You need to know that sorrel contains enough acid, which perfectly preserves it without any additional heat treatment.

As I already wrote in one of the articles "Foods are werewolves, or what harm food causes to health" a lot of viruses and bacteria are stored in greens, which can get into food along with the soil contained on the greens. That is why preliminary and thorough processing before use is important.

First of all, fill the sorrel with cold water and leave for half an hour. This is necessary so that all the dirt is washed off from the leaves and stems.

Sterilize the jars in advance and leave them on a clean towel with the neck down.

We carefully sort out the sorrel to remove all the weeds.

Then we cut the sorrel arbitrarily, i.e. How do you like. I cut the leaves themselves and grab half the length of the stems, since it seems to me that they contain greatest number acids.

Some of my friends even cover sorrel with whole leaves. But it seems to me that this is not very convenient, it is better to tinker first, and then use the finished product: when you open the jar and immediately pour the contents into the borscht.

Pour boiling water over the canning lids for 5 minutes.

Place the chopped sorrel in a jar, compacting it as desired.

All that remains is to fill them with water and roll up the lids.

Here are several ways to preserve sorrel for the winter:

1. Canning sorrel hot water : pour boiling water into a jar with sorrel, wait a little for the bubbles to come out, add water to the neck and simply roll up the lid. You can add half a teaspoon of salt to each jar. In this case, the sorrel immediately changes color.

2. Preserving sorrel with salt. This is the easiest way. Place the sorrel in jars and sprinkle the layers with salt and fill with cold water. You can simply pour cold water mixed with salt. We roll up the jars with lids. But I don’t like this method, because the sorrel turns out salty and you need to remember this when you cook.

3. Canning sorrel with chilled boiled water. My favorite method, the one I always use most often. For this method, boil water in advance and cool it to room temperature.

We prepare the jars, lids and sorrel as described above. Place sorrel in jars. Add a couple of pinches of salt to the jar and fill it with boiled chilled water. We roll up the jars with lids.

I keep canned sorrel for several years without exploding.

Bon appetit and easy and tasty canning!

Recommend to your friends:

Canning sorrel for the winter - one of the very first preparations. In May-June, while it is not yet hot, sorrel is juicy, green and beautiful. So I try to closesorrel for winterexactly these days.

Canned sorrel. Recipe. Preparations - Sorrel for the winter

I have several very simple and proven recipes on how to closecanned sorrel for the winter . The most labor-intensive part of the canning process is processing the sorrel.I once came across a recipe on the Internet that suggested sterilizing sorrel. Honestly, I have never sterilized sorrel. After all, sorrel contains enough acid, which perfectly preserves it without any additional heat treatment.Fresh greens retain a lot of viruses and bacteria, which, if the food is not properly processed, can get into the food along with the soil contained on the greens. This is why it is important to wash your greens very thoroughly before eating them.Let's start canning sorrel : First of all, fill the sorrel with cold water and leave for half an hour. This is necessary so that all the dirt is washed off from the leaves and stems.

We sterilize the jars in advance and leave them on a clean towel with the neck down.Pour boiling water over the canning lids for 5 minutes.

We carefully sort out the sorrel to remove all the weeds.

Then randomly chop the sorrel as you like. I cut the leaves and grab half the length of the stems, since it seems to me that they contain the greatest amount of acid.

My friend actually does it even simpler: she covers the sorrel entirely.Place the chopped sorrel in jars and compact as desired.All that remains is to fill the greens with water and roll up the lids on the jars. That’s the whole principle of canning sorrel.

And now a few recipes:

Preparing sorrel for the winter - how to preserve sorrel. Recipes with photos:

1. Canning sorrel hot water: put chopped sorrel in a jar, pour boiling water over it. To prevent the jar from cracking, place a regular tablespoon in it. We wait for some time, let the air bubbles come out. Next, add water to the neck of the jar and roll up the iron lid.

Note: you can add 0.5-1 teaspoon of salt to each jar. With this canning, sorrel changes color immediately.

2. Canning sorrel salt: This recipe is one of the simplest. Place the chopped sorrel in layers in jars and sprinkle with salt. Let's pour cold water. Or mix it warm water with salt, let it cool, and then pour the sorrel into the jars. Roll up the lids on the jars.I don’t really like this method of canning because the sorrel turns out salty.3. Canning sorrel chilled boiled water: my favorite recipe.Boil water, cool it until warm. Place the chopped sorrel in prepared jars. Pour salt - better a couple teaspoons, such an amount per jar will not be felt at all. Fill with water and roll up the lids of the jar.

- This is delicious. This is summer delight! What to do in winter? Of course you can freeze it. Well, what if there is no separate freezer or the freezer in the refrigerator is always busy? Everything is very simple - you need it.

And here there are some subtleties. After all, this is a very delicate plant, and if it is not preserved properly, you can end up with jelly. And it will be completely inedible. We do everything right and you can pamper your family with this yummy all winter.

This method is good because it does not contain salt, because not everyone likes highly salty foods, and even washing does not help. You need to sort through and wash the sorrel as carefully as possible, because this is precisely why jars are most often bombed. Washed and sterilized jars - guarantee long-term storage conservation,
one half-liter jar is serving per 3 liter saucepan.

Sometimes in winter you also really want to try green borscht. But how can you preserve sorrel until winter? I don’t like frozen, it loses all its juiciness and individuality. Canned sorrel for the winter without salt is the best recipe for preparing sorrel for the winter.

  • sorrel in required quantity
  • bottled still water

How to preserve sorrel without salt for the winter

  1. It’s good if you can pick sorrel from your garden bed. If not, then you can buy it. Fortunately, they often sell it at the grandmother's market. Choose a broad-leaved plant that is not damaged.
  2. Place the leaves in a large bowl and rinse well under running water. Repeat the procedure several times.
  3. We collect the leaves with a wide part in one direction. This will make the cutting process much easier in the future.
  4. Lay them out on a clean, dry towel. They should dry slightly.
  5. We wash the jars thoroughly. Place them on a baking sheet and place them in the oven for 10 minutes at maximum temperature. So, everything that was not washed is destroyed. You can do this for a couple. Not important. The main thing is the result.
  6. We take the leaves in small bunches. We cut off their legs. And chop it finely. Place in a dry bowl.
  7. Place the sorrel in the cooled prepared jars. You need to apply a little force when tamping it down. Without fanaticism, but at the same time tight.
  8. Carefully pour in cold bottled water. This must be done gradually so that it penetrates all layers of the sorrel.
  9. Cover with a lid and roll up.
  10. Turn the lid down and leave for a day. Canned sorrel is ready!

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