What does a passing exam score mean? What is a passing score?


It is very difficult for parents of applicants to understand the issues of admission to universities. What are the minimum and passing USE scores? What is the difference? When are passing grades at the university known? We will answer these questions in this article.

What is a passing grade at a university? Passing score

- this is the minimum sufficient total score that the last enrolled applicant scored based on the results of entrance examinations. For example, a university has 10 budget places and 20 applicants are applying for them, who have promptly submitted all the documents for admission to this university. The passing score will be the total score of the 10th applicant who was admitted to a budget place. Thus, the passing score for the selected university is not known in advance.

When is the passing grade at the university known? Passing score

becomes known only after the end of acceptance of documents for this specialty and enrollment documents. In most universities, passing scores are known in mid-August. Is it possible to find out in advance about passing score

When is the passing grade at the university known? for admission to a university for a certain specialty? is not established by the university administration or admissions committee. It is determined based on the results of competitive selection and depends on Unified State Exam results

the applicants themselves applying for admission.

Moreover, the passing score may vary from year to year depending on the number of applicants and the quality of their knowledge. Moreover, the passing score may increase or decrease.

What is the minimum score for admission to a university? Minimum score for admission to a university is the cut-off limit, having overcome which, the applicant has the right to submit documents to admissions committee

the university of his choice. The minimum score is always less than the passing score. In accordance with part 3 of article 70 Federal Law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in», Russian Federation minimal amount Unified State Examination points in general education subjects corresponding to the specialty or field of study for which admission to study is carried out, including targeted admission, is established by the university if the minimum number of points of a single state exam

The minimum number of Unified State Exam points established by the university cannot be lower than the number of Unified State Exam points established Federal service on supervision in the field of education science.

What is the difference between the passing score for admission to a university with a budgetary and paid form of education?

Schoolchildren who have completed 11th grade and decided to go to college are faced with many incomprehensible terms. One of these is the “passing score”. What does this phrase mean? How are passing grades calculated at the institute for the specialties of interest? Let's understand all these issues.

What is a passing score?

Every state institute invites applicants to apply not only to paid, but also to budget places. Free education is funded by the state. Every year, universities determine the number of places in which students will study on a budget basis.

All applicants can apply for free training. However, it is impossible to enroll absolutely everyone, because the number of budget places is limited. To select applicants, the concept of “passing scores for institute” was created. This term refers to the number of points that allows you to study for free.

Calculation of passing scores

The indicator is always calculated after completion admissions campaign. This is done very simply:

  • a list of applicants is compiled and the total score for each person on the Unified State Exam or entrance examination is calculated;
  • the list is ranked in descending order of results;
  • The number of positions that corresponds to the number of free places is counted from the beginning of the list;
  • the last position contains the passing score.

From all of the above, we can conclude what the passing scores for college are. This is the result entrance exams the person who closes the list of applicants with the best performance.

Passing scores in institutes

Every year, higher education institutions receive questions from applicants about passing scores. The increased interest in these indicators is caused by a misunderstanding of the term. Many applicants think that the passing grade is a value that the institute independently sets. In fact, educational institutions do not influence the indicator in any way. It is calculated by members of the admissions committee after completing the receipt of documents and passing the entrance examinations.

That is why applicants, when asking what the passing score for the institute is, receive in response the values ​​​​of previous years. University staff clarify that these indicators should not be taken seriously, because the situation changes every year. A high passing score in a specific specialty last year could be caused by admission large quantity statements. In the current year, fewer documents may be submitted for the chosen field of study.

The passing scores for the institute are provided to applicants simply for information. They are often quite high. Some applicants find this information useful. When they see high scores, they want to achieve these values, show good results, and ultimately enter the budget. That is, in such cases, passing scores become an incentive for quality preparation. As a result, sometimes applicants with poor grades at school manage to enter the budget department.

The admissions committee often hears questions about what the passing score will be. The very formulation of this question suggests that applicants do not understand the essence of this concept. We can talk about a passing grade only when all applicants applying for admission, i.e., who applied for any specialty, have passed all entrance exams. Let's try to explain this with a specific example.

Suppose that admission is being made for a certain specialty, where applicants pass 3 entrance competitive tests: mathematics, physics, Russian language. The admission plan for this specialty is 20 people. Of all the applicants who applied for the specialty, only 29 passed all tests with positive marks. All applicants for admission to the university admissions committee have submitted the original document of education. Admission is carried out in accordance with the Admission Rules; applicants who have passed all entrance tests with positive grades and having the original document of education. Next, we look at the distribution in the table.

Distribution of applicants by points scored upon admission

Last name, I.O.

Exam results

Sum of points


Russian language

Enroll without entrance exams

Litvinova N. N.

Member of the Russian national team in physics (enrolled without entrance tests in accordance with clause 1.8 of the Admission Rules)

Enroll out of competition

Bessonova E. V.

Enroll according to the general competition

Buzaev A.V.

Lebedev D.V.

Slesarenko S. N.

Tikhomirov A.V.


Smirnov V.V.

Mishina E. N.


Polozova Yu. V.

Semenets Yu. N.

Sedov G.I.

Suslova N. E.

Yurkin A. G

Didn't pass the competition

Alfimov Yu. Yu.

Popov V. A.

Gardeev E.V.


score less than 219

Milyukov V. N.

Enrollment sequence:

    First, those who are eligible for admission without entrance exams are enrolled.

    We see that the listed applicants took 2 places out of 20.

    All other applicants are ranked according to their scores. Positions 3-15 in the table are occupied by those who have scored a total of 220 points or more, positions 16-21 are occupied by those who have scored 219 points. It turns out that there are three places left, for which 6 applicants who scored 219 points are applying. This means that 220 is a passing score and 219 is a semi-passing score. To resolve the issue of which of the 6 applicants will be admitted and who will be unlucky, a clause on the preferential right to admission in the event of equality of points scored has been added to the Admission Rules. Different universities solve this issue differently. Typically, applicants with experience receive an advantage practical work(especially by profile); medalists; winners of various Olympiads and competitions, etc. All these points are reflected in the Admission Rules. In any case, the situation with a semi-passing score is not very pleasant for both the university and applicants. Therefore, out of 6 applicants with a semi-passing score, you need to select 3. The choice is determined in accordance with clause 9.2 of the Admission Rules, which explains admission in the event of equality of competitive points.

    Applicants with a passing score below 219 will no longer be considered for admission, since all budget places have already been filled. So, now you know: the passing score is determined only after all applicants have passed all entrance tests with positive marks. Last year's passing grade is a good guide, but nothing more! Due to significant changes in the Admission Rules, everything may change this year. If you do not get a passing score, do not rush to pick up your documents. Wait until orders for enrollment are posted educational institution, suddenly your forecast turns out to be wrong. If you are one of the lucky ones, please accept our congratulations. But let’s assume the worst: the lists are posted, but for some reason your name is not there... First of all, calm down, life doesn’t end there. Then clearly find out whether there is a simple mistake here? And keep in mind that with the same grades you can sometimes enroll in another specialty or another department of our university. In addition, at our university there is the opportunity to study on a contractual basis in all specialties of faculties and institutes - try to get a job there with your grades.

If you still don’t get in, don’t despair, you still have everything ahead! It seems that now the knowledge you have after reading this material is quite enough to feel confident.

Often during consultations before exams, teachers have to hear the question of what the passing score will be. The very formulation of this question suggests that applicants do not understand the very essence of this concept. You can talk about a passing grade only when all the exams have already ended. Let's try to explain this with a specific example.

Suppose that admission is being made for a certain specialty, for which applicants take competitive exams (mathematics and physics) and one non-competitive one (essay). This means that the final exam is graded according to the system<зачёт> / <незачёт>and therefore does not affect the score. Reception plan - 20 people.

First, those who have the right to admission without entrance exams are enrolled, then applicants who have the right to admission without competition are enrolled (they just need to pass all the exams without failing). After this, medalists who received<5>in the first exam and therefore exempt from the rest (medalists who received grades<4>or<3>,continue the exam marathon). We see that the listed applicants took 4 places out of 20. All other applicants are ranked according to their scores. Positions 5 and 6 in the table are occupied by those who scored a total of 10 points, positions 7-17 are occupied by those who scored 9 points. It turns out that there are three places left, for which 5 applicants who scored 8 points are applying. This means that 9 is a passing grade and 8 is a semi-passing grade.

To resolve the issue of which of the five applicants will be admitted and who will not be lucky, the Admission Rules (remember that now each university has its own Admission Rules) introduce a clause on the preferential right to admission in the event of equality of points scored. Different universities solve this issue differently. Usually, preference is given to applicants with practical work experience (especially in their field); medalists; have completed preparatory courses or schools at a given university; winners of various Olympiads and competitions, etc.

In any case, the situation with a semi-passing score is not very pleasant for both the university and applicants. Therefore, in practice, in a case similar to ours, usually either 17 people are enrolled, or 22 people are enrolled (deviation from the admission plan by 2-3 people is quite acceptable). Or they enroll 20 people, and applicants Alfimov and Popov are offered to switch to some other specialty.

So, now you know: the passing score is determined only after all applicants have passed all exams. Last year's passing grade is a good guide, but nothing more! This year everything could change.

If you are one of the lucky ones, please accept our congratulations. But let’s assume the worst: the lists are posted, but for some reason your name is not there... First of all, calm down, life doesn’t end there. Then clearly find out whether there is a simple mistake here? And keep in mind that with the same grades you can sometimes enter another specialty or another department of the same university, or even another university. In addition, now almost all universities have commercial departments - try to get a job there with your grades.

There is also such a form of education as a preparatory department. Previously, two years of work experience was required for admission. Now there are no such restrictions. Moreover, applicants who did not get into a given university through a competition often have benefits when entering the preparatory department. At the end of the preparatory department, final exams are taken, which usually also serve as entrance exams to the university. Let's say straight away that passing them, as a rule, is much easier than entrance exams - after all, these exams are administered by the teachers who have been preparing you for them for a year...

It seems that now the knowledge you have after reading this material is quite enough to feel confident.

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