The Russian Navy does not need tactical coastal missile systems? To wage a local war, the army needs tactical reconnaissance systems. Tactical ones are needed.

home After the completion of R&D and the start of serial production of the new coastal anti-ship missile systems (SCMC) “Bastion” and “Bal”, Russia became the leader in the world market of these systems. For its own needs, the Russian Navy purchases only the Bastion anti-ship missile system for operational-tactical purposes, designed to destroy large surface targets, and neglects the purchase of less powerful tactical ball anti-ship missile systems. Considering that in today's conditions the prospect of a local conflict in coastal waters is more likely than the outbreak of a large-scale war, such a policy Russian Navy

looks short-sighted. Modern coastal anti-ship missile systems are quite powerful systems capable of not only solving coastal defense problems, but also hitting sea targets at a distance of up to hundreds of kilometers from it. Possessing usually their own target designation means, high autonomy and mobility, modern coastal anti-ship missile systems have a high combat stability and are difficult to vulnerable to even the most serious enemy. These circumstances have become one of the reasons for the current surge of attention in the global arms market to the new generation of coastal anti-ship missile systems. Additional prospects are provided by the currently created possibility of using coastal anti-ship missile systems as means of using high-precision missile weapons

against ground targets.

Main foreign developmentsforeign developments Today on the world market there is a wide range of coastal anti-ship missile systems, armed with almost all modern types

RCC. Harpoon (Boeing, USA) - despite its widespread use in the world, this anti-ship missile system is used in coastal complexes only in small quantities in several countries: Denmark, Spain, Egypt and South Korea

Exocet (MBDA, France) - coastal complexes using the first generation of Exocet MM38 anti-ship missiles were previously in service in the UK (Excalibur complex in Gibraltar, sold to Chile in 1994) and Argentina (improvised, used during the Falklands conflict in 1982 .), and today are used in Chile and Greece. Coastal SCRC with more modern missiles Exocet MM40 are in service in Greece, Cyprus, Qatar, Thailand, Saudi Arabia(deliveries were made in the second half of the 80s and in the 90s) and in Chile (in the latter case, they were manufactured independently).

Otomat (MBDA, Italy) - used as part of coastal anti-ship missile systems delivered in the 80s. Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

RBS-15 (Saab, Sweden) - this complex in the coastal version of the RBS-15K is in service in Sweden and Finland (it was delivered in the 80s), and in Croatia the RBS-15 anti-ship missiles are used as part of the one created in the 90s gg. coastal SCRC MOL of its own production. Saab continues to market the coastal anti-ship missile system based on the new version of the RBS-15 Mk 3 missile.

RBS-17 (Saab, Sweden) is a modified version of the American Hellfire anti-tank missile. Used from light coastal launchers (PU), which are in service in Sweden and Norway.

Penguin (Kongsberg, Norway) - since the 70s. this anti-ship missile is used in stationary launchers in the Norwegian coastal defense. Now the complex is outdated and is being removed from service.

NSM (Kongsberg, Norway) is a new Norwegian anti-ship missile system, also offered as a mobile coastal anti-ship missile system. At the end of 2008, Poland entered into a contract worth $145 million for the acquisition of one division of coastal NSM with delivery in 2012. This is the first known contract for the supply of Western European-made anti-ship missile systems in the last decade. In the future, it is possible to purchase the coastal version of NSM in Norway itself.

SSM-1A (Mitsubishi, Japan) - Japanese-made anti-ship missiles, used in Type 88 mobile coastal anti-ship missiles in service with Japan. Not exported.

Hsiung Feng (Taiwan) - family of anti-ship missiles, used since the 70s. in the coastal defense of Taiwan as part of the same-named stationary and mobile SCRCs. The first version of the anti-ship missile system (Hsiung Feng I) was created on the basis of a modified analogue of the Israeli anti-ship missile system Gabriel Mk 2. Since 2002, it has been in service with Taiwan in mobile version The Hsiung Feng II SCRC arrives, using a longer-range missile entirely of Taiwanese design. In the future, it is possible to create a coastal complex based on the latest Taiwanese supersonic anti-ship missile system Hsiung Feng III. These systems were not exported.

HY-2 (PRC) - Chinese anti-ship missile (also known as S-201), which is a modified analogue Soviet rocket P-15 developed in the 60s. Coastal SCRC based on HY-2 since the 60s. formed the basis of the coastal defense of the PRC, and were also supplied to Iraq, Iran, North Korea and Albania.

HY-4 (PRC) - a modified version of the HY-2 with a turbojet engine, used in the coastal defense of the PRC since the 80s. After 1991, coastal systems with this missile were supplied to the UAE. Their own analogues of this missile for coastal defense were developed in Iran (Raad) and the DPRK (American designations AG-1 and KN-01). Today the rocket is hopelessly outdated.

YJ-62 (PRC) is an anti-ship variant (also designated as C-602) of the family of modern Chinese CJ-10 cruise missiles, similar to the American Tomahawk. The S-602 coastal mobile anti-ship missile system has entered service in recent years, becoming the main coastal defense system for anti-ship missiles. No export data available.

YJ-7 (PRC) - a family of light modern anti-ship missiles, which includes missiles from S-701 to S-705. In Iran, a licensed production of the C-701 is underway under the name Kosar, including in a coastal version, and the C-704 is under the name Nasr.

YJ-8 (PRC) - a series of modern Chinese anti-ship missiles, which includes the S-801, S-802 and S-803 missiles. Coastal mobile systems with S-802 missiles are in service in the PRC, and in 1990–2000. were supplied to Iran and, according to some information, to the DPRK. It is reported that Thailand is now planning to purchase these coastal SCRCs. In Iran, a licensed production of S-802 missiles was organized under the designation Noor; coastal systems with them were delivered to Syria and the Lebanese organization Hezbollah and were used by the latter in the Lebanese conflict of 2006.

Domestic context

Soviet period

In the USSR, significant attention was traditionally paid to the creation of coastal SCRCs, because they were considered as an important means of coastal defense in conditions of the naval superiority of the West. Moreover, in the Soviet Union such complexes were created on the basis of anti-ship missiles not only for tactical purposes, but also for operational-tactical purposes with a firing range exceeding 200 km.

In 1958, the first Soviet coastal mobile anti-ship missile system 4K87 “Sopka” with S-2 missiles with a firing range of up to 100 km was put into service (developed by a branch of OKB-155, now MKB “Raduga” as part of the OJSC Tactical Missile Weapons Corporation "). The same missiles were also used in coastal stationary protected anti-ship missile systems "Strela" ("Utes"), built in the Black Sea and Northern fleets. The Sopka complex formed the basis of the coastal missile and artillery forces of the USSR in the 60s. and was widely supplied to friendly countries, but in the 80s. was finally withdrawn from service.

To replace the Sopka complex, the Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau (Kolomna) developed and in 1978 adopted for service with the USSR Navy the mobile coastal anti-ship missile system 4K40 Rubezh, using the widespread naval anti-ship missile system P-15M with a firing range of up to 80 km developed by the Raduga IKB. . The Rubezh complex was completely autonomous and had a launcher and a Harpoon target designation radar integrated on one vehicle (MAZ-543M chassis), implementing the concept of a “missile boat on wheels.” “Frontier”, which took place in the 80s. modernization, still remains the main coastal SCRC of the Russian Navy. In the 80s in the Rubezh-E export version, the complex was supplied to the GDR, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Algeria, Libya, Syria, Yemen, India, Vietnam and Cuba. After the collapse of the USSR, Ukraine received a number of systems, and after the collapse of Yugoslavia, its Rubezh-E complexes went to Montenegro, which sold them to Egypt in 2007. Now “Rubezh” is considered morally and physically obsolete.

As a coastal complex for operational-tactical purposes for the USSR Navy, the mobile 4K44B Redut anti-ship missile system with supersonic P-35B missiles with a firing range of up to 270 km developed by OKB-52 (now JSC NPO Mashinostroeniya) was developed and put into service in 1966. . The BAZ-135MB is used as the base chassis. Subsequently, the Redut was modernized with the replacement of the P-35B missiles with the more modern 3M44 of the Progress complex, adopted for service in 1982. The P-35B and then 3M44 missiles were also re-equipped with the Utes coastal stationary complexes. In the 80s Redut-E complexes were supplied to Bulgaria, Syria and Vietnam. In the Russian Navy, in Syria and in Vietnam, these systems, despite their obsolescence, are still in service, and the Vietnamese complexes were modernized after 2000 by NPO Mashinostroyenia under the Modern program.

Present tense

In the 80s To replace the Redut and Rubezh complexes, the development of a new generation of coastal anti-ship missile systems began based on the then promising anti-ship missile systems (the Bastion and Ball complexes, respectively), but due to the collapse of the USSR, they were only completed in recent years. After the start of serial production of these systems, Russia became a leader in the market for the production of coastal anti-ship missile systems and, apparently, will retain this advantage for the next decade, especially taking into account the possibility of promoting even newer Club-M and Ball-U systems to the market in the future.

The operational-tactical coastal anti-ship missile system "Bastion" was developed by NPO Mashinostroyenia based on the new supersonic anti-ship missile system of the 3M55 "Oniks/Yakhont" series with a firing range of up to 300 km. The system is offered in mobile (K300P Bastion-P) and stationary (Bastion-S) versions, while for export it is equipped with K310 Yakhont missiles with a firing range of up to 290 km. The Bastion-P complex (division) includes four mobile launchers on the MZKT-7930 chassis (two missiles on each), a control vehicle, and target designation vehicles from the Monolit-B radar system and transport-loading vehicles can also be introduced .

In 2006, contracts were signed for the supply of one Bastion-P division to Vietnam (estimated value of $150 million) and two divisions to Syria (about $300 million), while the Vietnamese contract actually paid for the final part of the R&D . The complex was delivered to both customers along with Yakhont missiles by NPO Mashinostroyenia in 2010.

In 2008, the Russian Ministry of Defense issued a contract to NPO Mashinostroyenia for the supply of three 3K55 Bastion-P complexes with Onyx/Yakhont missiles to equip the 11th separate coastal missile and artillery brigade Black Sea Fleet, stationed in the Anapa region. At the end of 2009 - beginning of 2010, two Bastion-P complexes were transferred to the brigade (according to the “new look” of the Russian Armed Forces, they are called batteries and consolidated within the brigade into one division), and in 2011 there should be the third complex (battery) was transferred.

It was planned to replace the tactical complex "Rubezh" in the coastal missile and artillery forces of the Russian Navy with the mobile coastal anti-ship missile system 3K60 "Bal", created by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering" (the main contractor) and the enterprises of the corporation "Tactical Missile Weapons" (KTRV), using small-sized subsonic anti-ship missiles 3M24 "Uran" with a firing range of up to 120 km. The “Bal” complex includes four self-propelled launchers 3S60 on the MZKT-7930 chassis (eight missiles each), two self-propelled command and control and communication posts (SKPUS) made on the same chassis with the “Garpun-Bal” target designation radar, and also four transport-charging vehicles. The total ammunition load of the complex thus consists of 64 anti-ship missiles.

For testing, one Bal complex was manufactured in a minimal configuration (one SKPUS, two launchers and one transport-loading vehicle), which successfully completed state tests in the fall of 2004. This complex was transferred to trial operation of the Russian Navy and is now part of the 11th th separate coastal missile and artillery brigade of the Black Sea Fleet, although it does not have ammunition for 3M24 missiles. But despite the formal adoption in 2008, orders for mass production the “Ball” complex was never followed up by the Russian Ministry of Defense. The complex is offered for export in the “Bal-E” version with 3M24E export missiles, but so far there have been no orders for it, despite the interest shown by a number of countries.

Another proposal for coastal anti-ship missile systems in Russia is the Club-M mobile complex promoted by OKB Novator (part of OJSC Almaz-Antey Air Defense Concern) based on cruise missiles of the Club family (Caliber) of types 3M14E, 3M54E and 3M54E1 with a firing range of up to 290 km. The complex is offered for export in a mobile version on different chassis with 3–6 missiles on a launcher (including container version), there are no orders for it yet.

Another project was the proposal of KTRV (MKB "Raduga"), presented for the first time in 2006, for a mobile coastal version of the export version of the famous ship-based anti-ship missile system "Moskit-E" with supersonic missiles 3M80E with a firing range of up to 130 km. The disadvantages of this complex are the bulkiness of the missiles, which are no longer new, as well as the insufficient firing range. The coastal Moskit-E has not yet found demand.

Prospects for equipping the Russian Navy

The main promising coastal anti-ship missile system for the Russian Navy today is considered to be the universal complex “Bal-U”, being developed with the leading role of NPO Mashinostroyenia, which is supposed to use missiles of the “Onyx/Yakhont” and “Caliber” series (on the basis of interchangeability) in interaction with new target designation means. Apparently, due to the expectation of the readiness of this complex, the Russian Ministry of Defense is refusing additional orders for the Bastion anti-ship missile system and the purchase of Bal complexes with 3M24 missiles.

It should be noted that if the Bal-U complex is adopted as a unified system coastal missile and artillery units of the Russian Navy, it turns out that all the missile weapons of these units will be represented only by systems for operational-tactical purposes. In all cases, extremely expensive powerful (with a heavy warhead) supersonic (in the case of the Kalibr complex - with a supersonic stage) anti-ship missiles designed to destroy large warships will be used. The Russian Navy will have no modern coastal systems for tactical purposes in principle. Such a choice should hardly be considered optimal from both a military and economic point of view.

In the event of a real large-scale conflict, it is unlikely that large enemy ships (for example, American cruisers and destroyers equipped with the AEGIS weapon system, not to mention aircraft-carrying ships) would appear in coastal Russian waters, thereby exposing themselves to missile strikes. The days of close-in naval blockades are long gone, and striking Russian territory The US Navy will be able to launch sea-launched cruise missiles from significant distances from the coast, obviously exceeding the range of existing coastal systems. It is obvious that the invasion of the enemy’s aircraft carrier strike group and large ships into the Russian near sea zone will be carried out only after the complete conquest of sea and air superiority and only after the destruction of coastal defense forces during an air-sea operation with the help of aviation precision weapons and cruise missiles.

It is also worth saying that a significant firing range, declared one of the main advantages of operational-tactical systems, will be difficult to achieve in a fight against a stronger enemy due to the difficulties of ensuring target designation at a considerable distance. The enemy will, if not disrupt, then make it as difficult as possible for coastal SCRCs to target at a significant range, provided by external means. In the worst case scenario, coastal SCRCs will be forced to rely only on their own radar systems, the range of which is limited by the radio horizon, which will negate the expected benefits of using expensive long-range missiles.

Thus, coastal SCRCs with powerful operational-tactical missiles, oriented primarily for use in large-scale conflicts against large and “high-tech” sea targets, in fact, in such a conflict, will face significant limitations in effectiveness and, quite possibly, will not be able to fully realize their combat potential. Firing “Onyxes” at small naval targets in limited conflicts is clearly irrational.

Meanwhile modern development naval forces our neighbors, as well as the general trends in the evolution of littoral naval combat assets give reason to assume an increasing role of small combat units (including small combat boats, and in the future - unmanned military means) in a war in the near sea zone. Even the US Navy is paying increasing attention to the development of such capabilities. Thus, in the coastal waters of Russia, the most likely conceptual scenario for the Russian Navy is not the presence of a “small number of large targets,” but the presence of a “large number of small targets.” It is obvious that the Russian Navy is in dire need of modern systems weapons for combating small and medium-sized surface targets in the near sea zone, especially in inland seas.

Low-cost subsonic small-sized anti-ship missiles should be considered one of the main weapons systems for solving problems of this kind. Russia has a very successful and proven modern example of such an anti-ship missile system in the form of “Uran” with 3M24 series missiles, as well as its coastal version in the form of “Bala”.

Neglecting the procurement of these systems, both ship-based and shore-based, seems completely short-sighted.

Reorientation of Russian naval forces to fight not only large, but also light and boat forces (according to at least on the Black, Baltic and Japanese seas) should affect the construction of all branches and forces of the Navy - both naval personnel and naval aviation and coastal missile and artillery units. With regard to the latter, the most optimal prospects are seen in the combination of purchases of operational-tactical coastal anti-ship missile systems "Bastion-P" and "Bal-U" with powerful and high-speed anti-ship missiles "Onyx" and tactical complexes "Bal" with Uran class missiles. It should be noted that the cost of one Onyx/Yakhont 3M55 missile is approximately 3-4 times higher than the Uran 3M24 series missile. The cost of a Bastion-P anti-ship missile system battery with a standard ammunition load of 16 missiles is approximately comparable (and most likely higher) with the cost of a Bal anti-ship missile system battery with a standard ammunition load of 64 missiles. Moreover, from the point of view of “clogging” the target channels of modern naval air defense systems, a salvo of 32 subsonic missiles is preferable to a salvo of eight supersonic missiles.

In practice, the high cost of the Bastion and Ball-U complexes will most likely lead to a limitation in their purchases or to a stretching of the period of their supply for a long time. As a result, if the fleet does not resort to purchasing tactical anti-ship missile systems, the Russian coastal missile and artillery units of the Navy in a decade will be equipped mainly with the Redut and Rubezh complexes, which by that time will finally turn into “museum exhibits” with negligible combat significance . It should also be pointed out that the 3M24 missiles, as their improvement in Lately, have great modernization potential, the implementation of which will allow, at relatively low costs, to significantly increase the flexibility and efficiency of using missile weapon systems based on them.

Tactical equipment is used very widely today. Such equipment is no longer used only by officers and soldiers of various military forces, but also by tourists, as well as people who engage in certain sports. This could be equipment such as, for example, pouches, various protective equipment, special jackets, weapons, a telescopic butt with a pipe and adapter included.

Tactical shooting equipment: main types

The equipment that is used is minor and basic. The main additions include ammunition. Minor additions include equipment for the weapon itself. It is very important that such an addition is not cumbersome. All tactical equipment can be found here.

All auxiliary additions must fully correspond to the type of weapon. To securely attach attachments to weapons, it is best to use straps. An addition such as a muzzle brake-compensator can reduce the recoil of a shot by almost fifteen percent. And for comfortable transportation of weapons on the butt, you should use a swivel, which can be quickly removed and allows you to install a belt.

Tactical equipment: how to choose it correctly?

When choosing tactical equipment, follow these tips:

Determine what specific purposes you will use the equipment for. Fishing, paintball or airsoft, mountaineering and hiking require one type of equipment, while hunting and the military require completely different equipment.
Clothes should be selected from thick fabric of a soft color.
Be sure to read the recommendations and reviews of the product you like.
Listen to the recommendations that experienced people give on thematic forums.
To upgrade weapons, it is worth buying special add-ons. Such add-ons can be found here. All auxiliary elements must fully correspond to the weapon.
Determine the volume of parts you intend to use with the weapon.
If you want to purchase tactical equipment, then know that preference should be given to the store that has already gained a positive reputation among customers. Only in this case will you have the opportunity to purchase high-quality products that will not let you down at the right time. Please note that it is important not only to choose the right tactical equipment, but also to learn how to use it. To do this, it is best to take a survival course in difficult conditions, shooting training and first aid training.

Use quality tactical equipment!

Vlad Tepes and the scorched earth tactics.

In 1453, the Turkish Sultan Mehmed II obliged Wallachia to pay tribute. Wallachia - one of the three principalities that form modern Romania - has always been a kind of “buffer zone” between Ottoman Empire(in the south) and the Kingdom of Hungary (in the north) and was forced to pay tribute to one or the other neighbor. But in 1461, Vlad the Impaler decided to stop this practice and refused to pay tribute to the Turkish Sultan.

Mehmed could not tolerate this and, in order to overthrow the rebellious Tepes, assembled a huge army, exceeding the forces of Tepes by several, or even tens of times. Vlad Tepes decided to retreat deeper into the country, using the “scorched earth” tactic, i.e., leaving nothing to his enemy. Turkish troops walked through devastated lands, having difficulty finding food for themselves. Tepes' subjects not only destroyed all the villages, hiding with their cattle in the mountains, but also poisoned the water in the wells. Mehmed's exhausted troops approached Targovishte, the capital of Wallachia. But near the city that they planned to take, they saw Turkish prisoners impaled (yes, we are talking about Dracula). This sight stopped Mehmed: he ordered a camp to be set up near the city walls. Then Vlad the Impaler, who knew both the language and customs of the enemy perfectly, disguised himself and entered the camp. Having reconnoitered the situation, his troops broke into the enemy camp. Tepes failed to kill the Sultan, but the losses of the Ottoman army were so great that they were forced to retreat.

The impudent lies of Fritz Klingenberg and the capture of Belgrade.

Sometimes the success of operations depends not so much on well-thought-out tactics as on the stubbornness and ambition of one person. So, the Balkan campaign of the Nazi army, April 1941, 28-year-old Fritz Klingenberg commands a company of a reconnaissance motorcycle battalion. His task is to explore the territory leading to Belgrade. But having reached the Danube, instead of returning back, Commander Klingenberg, together with several soldiers, crossed the Danube and entered the city unhindered. He hijacked a bus full of Serbian soldiers, dressed in local uniforms, walked through a checkpoint and hung a Nazi flag instead of a Yugoslav one on the main street of Belgrade. Rumors immediately spread throughout Belgrade that the city had been taken by the Nazis. Literally at the same hour, Klingenberg met with the mayor of Belgrade and, desperately bluffing, forced him to sign an act of surrender: he threatened the mayor with brutal bombing, artillery shelling and a merciless assault tank divisions which supposedly surrounded the city. Yugoslav soldiers laid down their arms.

True, Klingenberg later had difficulties with the Nazi command: the story of such an “assault” sounded too fantastic, and he was suspected of treason and disinformation. To the accusations of the regimental commander, Fritz Klingenberg boldly responded: “I took the city. Should I give it back?"

Royal feast of Tefari in Ethiopia.

Haile Selassie, the last Emperor Ethiopia, who bore the name Tefari Makonnin before his coronation, was appointed regent in 1916 and actively took up reforms. Tefari became the leader of the so-called Young Ethiopian movement. Like any reformer, he immediately had conservative enemies in power. One of them was Balcha Safo, governor of the province of Sidamo, a representative of old Ethiopian circles. Balcha Safo not only organized a conspiracy against the progressive regent, but also tried to raise an armed uprising.

To get rid of the dangerous governor, Regent Tefari threw grand celebration in the palace in honor of Balchi Safo. The cautious Balcha did not arrive in the capital alone, but took with him several thousand soldiers who accompanied his city and were waiting for the end of the event. While Balcha was enjoying his grandeur in the palace, the cunning regent made two secret moves. First, he sent his man outside the city, to the camp where Balchi’s soldiers were staying, to bribe them against their commander. Secondly, behind Balchi’s back, Safo replaced him as governor with another politician. Such changes tied the old Ethiopian hand and foot, and he was forced to “voluntarily” go to the monastery, where he stayed until the start of the Italo-Ethiopian war.

The wounded Zopyrus and the conquest of Babylon.

This page in history Ancient world remains debatable: some consider it a legend, while others completely trust Herodotus. According to the ancient historian, around 500 BC. Babylon rebelled against Darius I. To bring the city back under his influence, Darius gathered a large army and approached the gates of Babylon, but was repulsed. The emperor spent a year and a half besieging the city until the military leader Zopyrus came to his aid. He self-mutilated himself to look like a man who had been abused, and then entered the territory of Babylon. He told the residents of the city that Darius had so cruelly mutilated him for military failures, and that he was seeking refuge in Babylon and years to join the rebels. They immediately believed him. Having won not only trust, but also respect, Zopyrus was soon appointed chief military leader of Babylon. In his post, he weakened the city's defenses and helped Darius' troops capture Babylon. True, during the next uprising, already under Xerxes, the Babylonians killed Zopyrus: perhaps so as not to tempt fate, having the famous “double agent” at hand.

Sun Bin and the destructive inscription on the tree.

The fate of the Chinese strategist Sun Bin is similar to a film script, with sharp turns and the laws of the genre. According to legend, while still studying with the legendary philosopher, Sun Lin developed a passionate envious man, Pan Juan, who, in a fit of ignoble feelings, slandered the talented Sun Bin. Due to accusations of treason, Sun Bin was subjected to terrible torture: he got cut out kneecaps and got a tattoo on his face. Sun Bin fled from the Principality of Wei, where life had treated him so unfairly, to the Principality of Qi.

After years of successful service in the kingdom of Qi, our hero had the opportunity to take revenge. The troops of the Wei kingdom, led by the offender Pan Juan, attacked their neighbors, the Han kingdom. The Han rulers turned to the Qi kingdom for help, and they agreed and appointed Sun Bin as assistant commander of the army. By order of Sun Bin, his advancing troops, approaching enemy territory, lit 100 thousand fires on the first night, 50 thousand on the second, and only 30 on the third. All this looked like a retreat. Pan Juan rashly decided that the Qi wars had chickened out and decided to “pursue” them. Sun Bin predicted the enemy's route and organized an ambush. Having placed his forces along the road, the strategist ordered to cut down a large tree, clear it of bark, lay it across the road and make an inscription on it: “Pan Juan will die under this tree.” According to the order, the troops were to begin shelling as soon as they saw fire. Pan Juan got to this tree, wanted to read the inscription in the dark, lit a torch and... read it. At the same moment, thousands of archers fired at him and his soldiers. Pan Juan's army was defeated and Sun Bin was avenged.

Operation Berezino was proposed by I. Stalin himself in the summer of 1944. Alexander Demyanov, Soviet intelligence officer under the pseudonym "Heine", infiltrated into the Abwehr (organ military intelligence Third Reich), transmitted false information to Berlin. In particular, in August 1944, he reported that a German unit was hiding near the Berezina River in Belarus, which had lost contact with the command and was in dire need of weapons and food. The non-existent part was represented by German prisoners of war who collaborated with Soviet Union, including German Army Lieutenant Colonel Heinrich Scherhorn. Berlin decided not to abandon its soldiers behind enemy lines and sent them necessary help. Moreover, he directed until the end of the war - weapons, money, food and people were constantly at the disposal of the mythical part of Sherhorn. People were immediately arrested, some of them began to collaborate with the Soviet Union, thereby continuing the game. Scherhorn regularly reported on his partisan successes so convincingly that he became known among the Nazis as a national hero, leading courageous activities behind enemy lines.

William Washington's cannon. Another story from the American Revolution. In December 1780, Colonel William Washington and about 80 cavalrymen under his leadership surrounded an enemy outnumbering them. The loyalists, along with their colonel, took refuge in the "fortress", which in reality was just a barn fortified with a moat. Washington's cavalry fired at the barn-fortress to no avail, and the loyalists were already feeling their superiority when William Washington himself appeared in front of them: he appeared with a huge cannon, and, threatening to destroy all of their fortifications, offered to surrender. Seeing no other option, the loyalists surrendered. And only after complete disarmament they discovered an offensive deception: instead of a cannon (which Washington did not have), they saw only a painted log on wheels, which from a distance seemed to them a formidable weapon. This wooden dummy was called the “Quaker cannon.”

Superstitious Egyptians and Cambyses II.

As always, when talking about events that took place more than 500 years BC, it is worth making allowances for the possible mythologization of what happened. However, this is not a reason not to tell all the versions that exist. Thus, according to one of the stories, the Persian king Cambyses II captured the ancient Egyptian fortress city of Pelusium using “forbidden techniques.” Knowing about the piety and superstitions of the Egyptians, he placed in front of his army animals sacred to the Egyptians: cats, ibises, dogs. The Egyptians, fearing to injure them, were forced to surrender.

Tet Offensive in Vietnam significant in that it turned not so much the course of military events as the public’s attitude towards the war in Vietnam. 1968 Guerrilla warfare in South Vietnam has been going on for almost 10 years, full-scale US intervention is in its third year. In the United States, anti-war sentiment begins to prevail, which is why the government is forced to make statements that the enemy is almost broken and the end of the war is near. And then the Tet Offensive occurs.

Tet is the main holiday of the year in Vietnam, during which both sides usually concluded a truce. But this time it was disrupted by the advance of the North Vietnamese army. The large-scale offensive lasted several months, and thousands of civilians were killed during the fighting. The sudden, indiscriminate massacre and violent clashes amid government pronouncements of “everything is under control” created a furore in society. US citizens decisively lost their former faith in the need for military action in Vietnam, and over time the Americans withdrew their troops. In military terminology, the Tet Offensive was a major defeat for North Vietnamese forces. However, the public outcry that changed attitudes towards the war ultimately led North Vietnam to victory and America to military failure.

Nowadays, there is a huge variety of gloves that can be used as a means of protection. In order to figure out which gloves to buy, you should first consider their types and imagine how to use them. After all, only in this way can you choose the ideal equipment that will last for many years and will bring joy in use and pleasure in wearing.


Tactical gloves

This is a universal means of protecting the hand and fingers. As a rule, they are made of durable materials and are designed for a variety of tactical operations.

Protective assault gloves

This category of gloves includes models that provide maximum protection from strong physical impacts. They are equipped with additional protective elements, leather pads, elastic pads and hard inserts made of pressed durable plastic. These gloves are used by special forces and assault groups.

Sniper gloves and tactical gloves demolitionist

The unique design of the gloves allows you to maintain maximum sensitivity without losing finger dexterity. For real professionals: snipers, sappers or combat engineers, such functionality is simply necessary in their work. Thanks to cutouts on the fingers, gloves do not have to be removed in cases where full tactile perception is important.

Examination gloves

The main feature of inspection gloves is primarily resistance to punctures and cuts. This is necessary to prevent hand injuries during a search.


Winter patrol gloves

Thick leather gloves with Nomex and Kevlar will protect you not only from the cold, but also from any other danger. Protective gloves for the winter season are made of lightweight, but very warm and durable material. These gloves are best suited at the shooting range or when patrolling the area.

Gloves for hunting and tourism

One of the most important attributes of a professional shooter is hunting gloves. In warmer months, you should choose gloves with cutouts on the fingers for a smooth trigger pull. In winter, it is better to use warm gloves, since staying outdoors may be prolonged.

Let's take a closer look tactical gloves, because this is an indispensable thing not only for professionals who shoot, but also for amateurs and even hunters.

Our store has a wide range of accessories that can protect your hands from burns, abrasions, cuts and can be used in different temperatures and weather conditions. Yes, we are talking about tactical gloves. After all, their main task is to reduce damage to the hands during active combat operations and increase the convenience of working with weapons

You should also pay attention to fingerless glove models, as this makes them more comfortable. In general, tactical fingerless gloves are immutable attribute special forces of almost all states. Wears like this American special forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, and Russian special forces GRU and VV in the North Caucasus. They are durable, close-fitting and provide a secure grip.

In our store, the models presented by the company are very popular. It should be noted that BlackHawk is one of the leading manufacturers of tactical equipment and clothing.

It was founded in 1983 by former Navy SEAL Mike Noell. He used all his experience to create the best examples of equipment and equipment. Highest quality and the originality of the products allowed the Blackhawk company not only to enter the civilian market, but also to become a supplier for special forces of the US police and army.

Pay attention to the model, which is represented by both fingerless and full-fingered gloves. These are lightweight tactical assault gloves. Ideal for fast-paced tactical operations. Made from a mixture of polyurethane and polyester (65\35) using nylon inserts. Two Velcro fasteners are used to secure the glove. These gloves are perfect for use in wet conditions or water operations.

In our store you will also find gloves produced by the company. This is a well-known company that produces hydration packs, backpacks, water bottles and related accessories, and also has a very good line of tactical gloves.

In addition, we sell gloves from companies and others. You can get acquainted with the assortment in more detail.

Thus, tactical gloves, which you can buy at affordable prices, will serve you for many years and will become a truly worthwhile purchase, because they are the embodiment of quality and practicality.

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